 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only
 * (the "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
 * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
 * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
 * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]

 * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Use is subject to license terms.

/*	Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T	*/
/*	  All Rights Reserved  	*/

#pragma ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"

%Start A str sc reg comment


#include	<sys/types.h>
#include	"awk.h"
#include	"y.tab.h"

#undef	input	/* defeat lex */
#undef	unput

static void unput(int);
static void unputstr(char *);

extern YYSTYPE	yylval;
extern int	infunc;

off_t	lineno	= 1;
int	bracecnt = 0;
int	brackcnt  = 0;
int	parencnt = 0;
#define DEBUG
#ifdef	DEBUG
#	define	RET(x)	{if(dbg)printf("lex %s [%s]\n", tokname(x), yytext); return(x); }
#	define	RET(x)	return(x)

 * The standards (SUSV2) requires that Record size be atleast LINE_MAX.
 * LINE_MAX is a standard variable defined in limits.h.
 * Though nawk is not standards compliant, we let RECSIZE
 * grow with LINE_MAX instead of the magic number 1024.
#define	CBUFLEN	(3 * LINE_MAX)

#define	CADD	cbuf[clen++] = yytext[0]; \
		if (clen >= CBUFLEN-1) { \
			ERROR "string/reg expr %.10s... too long", cbuf SYNTAX; \
			BEGIN A; \

static uchar	cbuf[CBUFLEN];
static uchar	*s;
static int	clen, cflag;

A	[a-zA-Z_]
B	[a-zA-Z0-9_]
D	[0-9]
O	[0-7]
H	[0-9a-fA-F]
WS	[ \t]

	switch (yybgin-yysvec-1) {	/* witchcraft */
	case 0:
	case sc:

<A>\n		{ lineno++; RET(NL); }
<A>#.*		{ ; }	/* strip comments */
<A>{WS}+	{ ; }
<A>;		{ RET(';'); }

<A>"\\"\n	{ lineno++; }
<A>END		{ RET(XEND); }
<A>func(tion)?	{ if (infunc) ERROR "illegal nested function" SYNTAX; RET(FUNC); }
<A>return	{ if (!infunc) ERROR "return not in function" SYNTAX; RET(RETURN); }
<A>"&&"		{ RET(AND); }
<A>"||"		{ RET(BOR); }
<A>"!"		{ RET(NOT); }
<A>"!="		{ yylval.i = NE; RET(NE); }
<A>"~"		{ yylval.i = MATCH; RET(MATCHOP); }
<A>"!~"		{ yylval.i = NOTMATCH; RET(MATCHOP); }
<A>"<"		{ yylval.i = LT; RET(LT); }
<A>"<="		{ yylval.i = LE; RET(LE); }
<A>"=="		{ yylval.i = EQ; RET(EQ); }
<A>">="		{ yylval.i = GE; RET(GE); }
<A>">"		{ yylval.i = GT; RET(GT); }
<A>">>"		{ yylval.i = APPEND; RET(APPEND); }
<A>"++"		{ yylval.i = INCR; RET(INCR); }
<A>"--"		{ yylval.i = DECR; RET(DECR); }
<A>"+="		{ yylval.i = ADDEQ; RET(ASGNOP); }
<A>"-="		{ yylval.i = SUBEQ; RET(ASGNOP); }
<A>"*="		{ yylval.i = MULTEQ; RET(ASGNOP); }
<A>"/="		{ yylval.i = DIVEQ; RET(ASGNOP); }
<A>"%="		{ yylval.i = MODEQ; RET(ASGNOP); }
<A>"^="		{ yylval.i = POWEQ; RET(ASGNOP); }
<A>"**="	{ yylval.i = POWEQ; RET(ASGNOP); }
<A>"="		{ yylval.i = ASSIGN; RET(ASGNOP); }
<A>"**"		{ RET(POWER); }
<A>"^"		{ RET(POWER); }

<A>"$"{D}+	{ yylval.cp = fieldadr(atoi(yytext+1)); RET(FIELD); }
<A>"$NF"	{ unputstr("(NF)"); return(INDIRECT); }
<A>"$"{A}{B}*	{ int c, n;
		  c = input(); unput(c);
		  if (c == '(' || c == '[' || infunc && (n=isarg(yytext+1)) >= 0) {
		  } else {
			yylval.cp = setsymtab((uchar *)yytext+1,
				(uchar *)"",0.0,STR|NUM,symtab);
<A>"$"		{ RET(INDIRECT); }
<A>NF		{ yylval.cp = setsymtab((uchar *)yytext, (uchar *)"", 0.0, NUM, symtab); RET(VARNF); }

<A>({D}+("."?){D}*|"."{D}+)((e|E)("+"|-)?{D}+)?	{
		  yylval.cp = setsymtab((uchar *)yytext, tostring((uchar *)yytext), atof(yytext), CON|NUM, symtab);
		  RET(NUMBER); }

<A>while	{ RET(WHILE); }
<A>for		{ RET(FOR); }
<A>do		{ RET(DO); }
<A>if		{ RET(IF); }
<A>else		{ RET(ELSE); }
<A>next		{ RET(NEXT); }
<A>exit		{ RET(EXIT); }
<A>break	{ RET(BREAK); }
<A>continue	{ RET(CONTINUE); }
<A>print	{ yylval.i = PRINT; RET(PRINT); }
<A>printf	{ yylval.i = PRINTF; RET(PRINTF); }
<A>sprintf	{ yylval.i = SPRINTF; RET(SPRINTF); }
<A>split	{ yylval.i = SPLIT; RET(SPLIT); }
<A>substr	{ RET(SUBSTR); }
<A>sub		{ yylval.i = SUB; RET(SUB); }
<A>gsub		{ yylval.i = GSUB; RET(GSUB); }
<A>index	{ RET(INDEX); }
<A>match	{ RET(MATCHFCN); }
<A>in		{ RET(IN); }
<A>getline	{ RET(GETLINE); }
<A>close	{ RET(CLOSE); }
<A>delete	{ RET(DELETE); }
<A>length	{ yylval.i = FLENGTH; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>log		{ yylval.i = FLOG; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>int		{ yylval.i = FINT; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>exp		{ yylval.i = FEXP; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>sqrt		{ yylval.i = FSQRT; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>sin		{ yylval.i = FSIN; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>cos		{ yylval.i = FCOS; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>atan2	{ yylval.i = FATAN; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>system	{ yylval.i = FSYSTEM; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>rand		{ yylval.i = FRAND; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>srand	{ yylval.i = FSRAND; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>toupper	{ yylval.i = FTOUPPER; RET(BLTIN); }
<A>tolower	{ yylval.i = FTOLOWER; RET(BLTIN); }

<A>{A}{B}*	{ int n, c;
		  c = input(); unput(c);	/* look for '(' */
		  if (c != '(' && infunc && (n=isarg(yytext)) >= 0) {
			yylval.i = n;
		  } else {
			yylval.cp = setsymtab((uchar *)yytext,
				(uchar *)"",0.0,STR|NUM,symtab);
			if (c == '(') {
			} else {
<A>\"		{ BEGIN str; clen = 0; }

<A>"}"		{ if (--bracecnt < 0) ERROR "extra }" SYNTAX; BEGIN sc; RET(';'); }
<A>"]"		{ if (--brackcnt < 0) ERROR "extra ]" SYNTAX; RET(']'); }
<A>")"		{ if (--parencnt < 0) ERROR "extra )" SYNTAX; RET(')'); }

<A>.		{ if (yytext[0] == '{') bracecnt++;
		  else if (yytext[0] == '[') brackcnt++;
		  else if (yytext[0] == '(') parencnt++;
		  RET(yylval.i = yytext[0]); /* everything else */ }

<reg>\\.	{ cbuf[clen++] = '\\'; cbuf[clen++] = yytext[1]; }
<reg>\n		{ ERROR "newline in regular expression %.10s...", cbuf SYNTAX; lineno++; BEGIN A; }
<reg>"/"	{ BEGIN A;
		  cbuf[clen] = 0;
		  yylval.s = tostring(cbuf);
<reg>.		{ CADD; }

<str>\"		{ BEGIN A;
		  cbuf[clen] = 0; s = tostring(cbuf);
		  cbuf[clen] = ' '; cbuf[++clen] = 0;
		  yylval.cp = setsymtab(cbuf, s, 0.0, CON|STR, symtab);
		  RET(STRING); }
<str>\n		{ ERROR "newline in string %.10s...", cbuf SYNTAX; lineno++; BEGIN A; }
<str>"\\\""	{ cbuf[clen++] = '"'; }
<str>"\\"n	{ cbuf[clen++] = '\n'; }
<str>"\\"t	{ cbuf[clen++] = '\t'; }
<str>"\\"f	{ cbuf[clen++] = '\f'; }
<str>"\\"r	{ cbuf[clen++] = '\r'; }
<str>"\\"b	{ cbuf[clen++] = '\b'; }
<str>"\\"v	{ cbuf[clen++] = '\v'; }	/* these ANSIisms may not be known by */
<str>"\\"a	{ cbuf[clen++] = '\007'; }	/* your compiler. hence 007 for bell */
<str>"\\\\"	{ cbuf[clen++] = '\\'; }
<str>"\\"({O}{O}{O}|{O}{O}|{O}) { int n;
		  sscanf(yytext+1, "%o", &n); cbuf[clen++] = n; }
<str>"\\"x({H}+) { int n;	/* ANSI permits any number! */
		  sscanf(yytext+2, "%x", &n); cbuf[clen++] = n; }
<str>"\\".	{ cbuf[clen++] = yytext[1]; }
<str>.		{ CADD; }


	BEGIN reg;
	clen = 0;

/* input() and unput() are transcriptions of the standard lex
   macros for input and output with additions for error message
   printing.  God help us all if someone changes how lex works.

uchar	ebuf[300];
uchar	*ep = ebuf;

	register int c;
	extern uchar *lexprog;

	if (yysptr > yysbuf)
		c = U(*--yysptr);
	else if (lexprog != NULL)	/* awk '...' */
		c = *lexprog++;
	else				/* awk -f ... */
		c = pgetc();
	if (c == '\n')
	else if (c == EOF)
		c = 0;
	if (ep >= ebuf + sizeof ebuf)
		ep = ebuf;
	return *ep++ = c;

static void
unput(int c)
	yytchar = c;
	if (yytchar == '\n')
	*yysptr++ = yytchar;
	if (--ep < ebuf)
		ep = ebuf + sizeof(ebuf) - 1;

static void
unputstr(char *s)
	int i;

	for (i = strlen(s)-1; i >= 0; i--)