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.TH LARGEFILE 5 "Sep 8, 2015"
largefile \- large file status of utilities
A \fIlarge file\fR is a regular file whose size is greater than or equal to 2
Gbyte ( 2^31 bytes). A \fIsmall file\fR is a regular file whose size is less
than 2 Gbyte.
.SS "Large file aware utilities"
A utility is called \fIlarge file aware\fR if it can process large files in the
same manner as it does small files. A utility that is large file aware is able
to handle large files as input and generate as output large files that are
being processed. The exception is where additional files  are used as system
configuration files or support files that can augment the processing. For
example, the \fBfile\fR utility supports the \fB-m\fR option for an alternative
"magic" file and the \fB-f\fR option for a support file that can contain a list
of file names. It is unspecified whether a utility that is large file aware
will accept configuration or support files that are large files. If a large
file aware utility does not accept configuration or support files that are
large files, it will cause no data loss or corruption upon encountering such
files and will return an appropriate error.
The following \fB/usr/bin\fR utilities are large file aware:

l l l l l
l l l l l .
\fBadb\fR	\fBaliasadm\fR	\fBawk\fR	\fBbdiff\fR	\fBcat\fR
\fBchgrp\fR	\fBchmod\fR	\fBchown\fR	\fBcksum\fR	\fBcmp\fR
\fBcompress\fR	\fBcp\fR	\fBcsh\fR	\fBcsplit\fR	\fBcut\fR
\fBdd\fR	\fBdircmp\fR	\fBdu\fR	\fBegrep\fR	\fBfgrep\fR
\fBfile\fR	\fBfind\fR	\fBftp\fR	\fBgetconf\fR	\fBgrep\fR
\fBgzip\fR	\fBhead\fR	\fBjoin\fR	\fBjsh\fR	\fBksh\fR
\fBksh93\fR	\fBln\fR	\fBls\fR	\fBmailcompat\fR	\fBmailstats\fR
\fBmdb\fR	\fBmkdir\fR	\fBmkfifo\fR	\fBmore\fR	\fBmv\fR
\fBnawk\fR	\fBpage\fR	\fBpaste\fR	\fBpathchck\fR	\fBpg\fR
\fBpraliases\fR	\fBrcp\fR	\fBremsh\fR	\fBrksh\fR	\fBrksh93\fR
\fBrm\fR	\fBrmdir\fR	\fBrsh\fR	\fBsed\fR	\fBsh\fR
\fBsort\fR	\fBsplit\fR	\fBsum\fR	\fBtail\fR	\fBtar\fR
\fBtee\fR	\fBtest\fR	\fBtouch\fR	\fBtr\fR	\fBuncompress\fR
\fBuudcode\fR	\fBuuencode\fR	\fBvacation\fR	\fBwc\fR	\fBzcat\fR

The following \fB/usr/xpg4/bin\fR utilities are large file aware:

l l l l l
l l l l l .
\fBawk\fR	\fBcp\fR	\fBchgrp\fR	\fBchown\fR	\fBdu\fR
\fBegrep\fR	\fBfgrep\fR	\fBfile\fR	\fBgrep\fR	\fBln\fR
\fBls\fR	\fBmore\fR	\fBmv\fR	\fBrm\fR	\fBsed\fR
\fBsh\fR	sort	tail	tr	

The following \fB/usr/xpg6/bin\fR utilities are large file aware:

l l l l l .
\fBgetconf\fR	\fBls\fR	\fBtr\fR		

The following \fB/usr/sbin\fR utilities are large file aware:

l l l l l
l l l l l .
\fBeditmap\fR	\fBinstall\fR	\fBmakemap\fR	\fBmkfile\fR	\fBmknod\fR
\fBmvdir\fR	\fBswap\fR			

The following \fB/usr/lib\fR utilities are large file aware:

l l l l l .
\fBmail.local\fR	\fBsendmail\fR	\fBsmrsh\fR		

See the USAGE section of the \fBswap\fR(1M) manual page for limitations of
\fBswap\fR on block devices greater than 2 Gbyte on a 32-bit operating system.
The following \fB/usr/ucb\fR utilities are large file aware:

l l l l l
l l l l l .
\fBchown\fR	\fBfrom\fR	\fBln\fR	\fBls\fR	\fBsed\fR
\fBsum\fR	\fBtouch\fR			

The \fB/usr/bin/cpio\fR and \fB/usr/bin/pax\fR utilities are large file aware,
but cannot archive a file whose size exceeds 8 Gbyte - 1 byte.
The \fB/usr/bin/truss\fR utilities has been modified to read a dump file and
display information relevant to large files, such as offsets.
.SS "nfs file systems"
The following utilities are large file aware for \fBnfs\fR file systems:

l l
l l .
\fB/usr/lib/autofs/automountd\fR	\fB/usr/sbin/mount\fR

.SS "ufs file systems"
The following \fB/usr/bin\fR utility is large file aware for \fBufs\fR file
The following \fB/usr/lib/nfs\fR utility is large file aware for \fBufs\fR file
The following \fB/usr/xpg4/bin\fR utility is large file aware for \fBufs\fR
file systems:
The following \fB/usr/sbin\fR utilities are large file aware for \fBufs\fR file

l l l l l
l l l l l .
\fBclri\fR	\fBdcopy\fR	\fBedquota\fR	\fBff\fR	\fBfsck\fR
\fBfsdb\fR	\fBfsirand\fR	\fBfstyp\fR	\fBlabelit\fR	\fBlockfs\fR
\fBmkfs\fR	\fBmount\fR	\fBncheck\fR	\fBnewfs\fR	\fBquot\fR
\fBquota\fR	\fBquotacheck\fR	\fBquotaoff\fR	\fBquotaon\fR	\fBrepquota\fR
\fBtunefs\fR	\fBufsdump\fR	\fBufsrestore\fR	\fBumount\fR	

.SS "Large file safe utilities"
A utility is called \fBlarge file safe\fR if it causes no data loss or
corruption when it encounters a large file. A utility that is large file safe
is unable to process properly a large file, but returns an appropriate error.
The following \fB/usr/bin\fR utilities are large file safe:

l l l l l
l l l l l .
\fBaudioconvert\fR	\fBaudioplay\fR	\fBaudiorecord\fR	\fBcomm\fR	\fBdiff\fR
\fBdiff3\fR	\fBdiffmk\fR	\fBed\fR	\fBlp\fR	\fBmail\fR
\fBmailcompat\fR	\fBmailstats\fR	\fBmailx\fR	\fBpack\fR	\fBpcat\fR
\fBred\fR	\fBrmail\fR	\fBsdiff\fR	\fBunpack\fR	\fBvi\fR

The following \fB/usr/xpg4/bin\fR utilities are large file safe:

l l l l l .
\fBed\fR	\fBvi\fR	\fBview\fR		

The following \fB/usr/xpg6/bin\fR utility is large file safe:

l l l l l .

The following \fB/usr/sbin\fR utilities are large file safe:

l l l l l .
lpfilter		lpforms			

The following \fB/usr/ucb\fR utilities are large file safe:

l l l l l .
\fBMail\fR	\fBlpr\fR			

\fBlf64\fR(5), \fBlfcompile\fR(5), \fBlfcompile64\fR(5)