/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include <FCHBAPort.h> #include <Exceptions.h> #include <Trace.h> #include <sun_fc.h> #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/mkdev.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stropts.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/fibre-channel/fc.h> #include <sys/fibre-channel/fcio.h> #include <sys/fibre-channel/ulp/fcp_util.h> #include <sys/fibre-channel/ulp/fcsm.h> #include <sys/fibre-channel/impl/fc_error.h> #include <sys/fibre-channel/fc_appif.h> #include <sys/scsi/generic/commands.h> #include <sys/scsi/impl/commands.h> #include <sys/scsi/impl/sense.h> #include <sys/scsi/generic/inquiry.h> #include <sys/scsi/generic/status.h> #include <errno.h> #include <FCHBANPIVPort.h> using namespace std; const int FCHBAPort::MAX_FCIO_MSG_LEN = 256; const string FCHBAPort::FCSM_DRIVER_PATH = "/devices/pseudo/fcsm@0:fcsm"; const string FCHBAPort::FCP_DRIVER_PATH = "/devices/pseudo/fcp@0:fcp"; /* * Interpret the error code in the fcio_t structure * * message must be at least MAX_FCIO_MSG_LEN in length. */ void FCHBAPort::transportError(uint32_t fcio_errno, char *message) { Trace log("transportError"); string fcioErrorString; if (message == NULL) { log.internalError("NULL routine argument"); return; } switch (fcio_errno) { case (uint32_t)FC_FAILURE: fcioErrorString = "general failure"; break; case (uint32_t)FC_FAILURE_SILENT: fcioErrorString = "general failure but fail silently"; break; case FC_SUCCESS: fcioErrorString = "successful completion"; break; case FC_CAP_ERROR: fcioErrorString = "FCA capability error"; break; case FC_CAP_FOUND: fcioErrorString = "FCA capability unsettable"; break; case FC_CAP_SETTABLE: fcioErrorString = "FCA capability settable"; break; case FC_UNBOUND: fcioErrorString = "unbound stuff"; break; case FC_NOMEM: fcioErrorString = "allocation error"; break; case FC_BADPACKET: fcioErrorString = "invalid packet specified/supplied"; break; case FC_OFFLINE: fcioErrorString = "I/O resource unavailable"; break; case FC_OLDPORT: fcioErrorString = "operation on non-loop port"; break; case FC_NO_MAP: fcioErrorString = "requested map unavailable"; break; case FC_TRANSPORT_ERROR: fcioErrorString = "unable to transport I/O"; break; case FC_ELS_FREJECT: fcioErrorString = "ELS rejected by a Fabric"; break; case FC_ELS_PREJECT: fcioErrorString = "ELS rejected by an N_port"; break; case FC_ELS_BAD: fcioErrorString = "ELS rejected by FCA/fctl"; break; case FC_ELS_MALFORMED: fcioErrorString = "poorly formed ELS request"; break; case FC_TOOMANY: fcioErrorString = "resource request too large"; break; case FC_UB_BADTOKEN: fcioErrorString = "invalid unsolicited buffer token"; break; case FC_UB_ERROR: fcioErrorString = "invalid unsol buf request"; break; case FC_UB_BUSY: fcioErrorString = "buffer already in use"; break; case FC_BADULP: fcioErrorString = "Unknown ulp"; break; case FC_BADTYPE: fcioErrorString = "ULP not registered to handle this FC4 type"; break; case FC_UNCLAIMED: fcioErrorString = "request or data not claimed"; break; case FC_ULP_SAMEMODULE: fcioErrorString = "module already in use"; break; case FC_ULP_SAMETYPE: fcioErrorString = "FC4 module already in use"; break; case FC_ABORTED: fcioErrorString = "request aborted"; break; case FC_ABORT_FAILED: fcioErrorString = "abort request failed"; break; case FC_BADEXCHANGE: fcioErrorString = "exchange doesn�t exist"; break; case FC_BADWWN: fcioErrorString = "WWN not recognized"; break; case FC_BADDEV: fcioErrorString = "device unrecognized"; break; case FC_BADCMD: fcioErrorString = "invalid command issued"; break; case FC_BADOBJECT: fcioErrorString = "invalid object requested"; break; case FC_BADPORT: fcioErrorString = "invalid port specified"; break; case FC_NOTTHISPORT: fcioErrorString = "resource not at this port"; break; case FC_PREJECT: fcioErrorString = "reject at remote N_Port"; break; case FC_FREJECT: fcioErrorString = "reject at remote Fabric"; break; case FC_PBUSY: fcioErrorString = "remote N_Port busy"; break; case FC_FBUSY: fcioErrorString = "remote Fabric busy"; break; case FC_ALREADY: fcioErrorString = "already logged in"; break; case FC_LOGINREQ: fcioErrorString = "login required"; break; case FC_RESETFAIL: fcioErrorString = "reset failed"; break; case FC_INVALID_REQUEST: fcioErrorString = "request is invalid"; break; case FC_OUTOFBOUNDS: fcioErrorString = "port number is out of bounds"; break; case FC_TRAN_BUSY: fcioErrorString = "command transport busy"; break; case FC_STATEC_BUSY: fcioErrorString = "port driver currently busy"; break; case FC_DEVICE_BUSY: fcioErrorString = "transport working on this device"; break; case FC_DEVICE_NOT_TGT: fcioErrorString = "device is not a SCSI target"; break; default: snprintf(message, MAX_FCIO_MSG_LEN, "Unknown error code 0x%x", fcio_errno); return; } snprintf(message, MAX_FCIO_MSG_LEN, "%s", fcioErrorString.c_str()); } static void reportSense(struct scsi_extended_sense *sense, const char *routine) { Trace log("reportSense"); string msg; if (!sense) { log.internalError("NULL sense argument passed."); return; } if (!routine) { log.internalError("NULL routine argument passed."); return; } log.genericIOError("SCSI FAILURE"); switch (sense->es_key) { case KEY_NO_SENSE: msg = "No sense"; break; case KEY_RECOVERABLE_ERROR: msg = "Recoverable error"; break; case KEY_NOT_READY: msg = "Not ready"; break; case KEY_MEDIUM_ERROR: msg = "Medium error"; break; case KEY_HARDWARE_ERROR: msg = "Hardware error"; break; case KEY_ILLEGAL_REQUEST: msg = "Illegal request"; break; case KEY_UNIT_ATTENTION: msg = "Unit attention"; break; case KEY_DATA_PROTECT: msg = "Data protect"; break; case KEY_BLANK_CHECK: msg = "Blank check"; break; case KEY_VENDOR_UNIQUE: msg = "Vendor Unique"; break; case KEY_COPY_ABORTED: msg = "Copy aborted"; break; case KEY_ABORTED_COMMAND: msg = "Aborted command"; break; case KEY_EQUAL: msg = "Equal"; break; case KEY_VOLUME_OVERFLOW: msg = "Volume overflow"; break; case KEY_MISCOMPARE: msg = "Miscompare"; break; case KEY_RESERVED: msg = "Reserved"; break; default: msg = "unknown sense key"; } log.genericIOError("\tSense key: %s", msg.c_str()); log.genericIOError("\tASC = 0x%x", sense->es_add_code); log.genericIOError("\tASCQ = 0x%x", sense->es_qual_code); } /* * Issue a SCSI pass thru command. * Returns a scsi status value. */ void FCHBAPort::sendSCSIPassThru(struct fcp_scsi_cmd *fscsi, HBA_UINT32 *responseSize, HBA_UINT32 *senseSize, HBA_UINT8 *scsiStatus) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::sendSCSIPassThru"); int fd; HBA_STATUS ret; int count; char fcioErrorString[MAX_FCIO_MSG_LEN] = ""; hrtime_t start; hrtime_t end; int ioctl_errno; double duration; la_wwn_t wwn; if (fscsi == NULL || responseSize == NULL || senseSize == NULL || scsiStatus == NULL) { throw BadArgumentException(); } memcpy(&wwn, fscsi->scsi_fc_pwwn.raw_wwn, sizeof (la_wwn_t)); start = gethrtime(); fscsi->scsi_fc_port_num = instanceNumber; fd = HBA::_open(FCP_DRIVER_PATH, O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY); count = 0; ioctl_errno = 0; if (ioctl(fd, FCP_TGT_SEND_SCSI, fscsi) != 0) { /* save off errno */ ioctl_errno = errno; close(fd); /* * collect SCSI status first regrardless of the value. * 0 is a good status so this should be okay */ *scsiStatus = fscsi->scsi_bufstatus & STATUS_MASK; transportError(fscsi->scsi_fc_status, fcioErrorString); /* Did we get a check condition? */ if ((fscsi->scsi_bufstatus & STATUS_MASK) == STATUS_CHECK) { *senseSize = fscsi->scsi_rqlen; throw CheckConditionException(); } else if (fscsi->scsi_fc_status == FC_DEVICE_NOT_TGT) { /* * fcp driver returns FC_DEVICE_NOT_TGT when the node is not * scsi-capable like remote hba nodes. */ throw NotATargetException(); } else if (fscsi->scsi_fc_status == FC_INVALID_LUN) { throw InvalidLUNException(); } else if (ioctl_errno == EBUSY) { throw BusyException(); } else if (ioctl_errno == EAGAIN) { throw TryAgainException(); } else if (ioctl_errno == ENOTSUP) { throw NotSupportedException(); } else if (ioctl_errno == ENOENT) { throw UnavailableException(); } else { throw IOError(this, wwnConversion(wwn.raw_wwn), fscsi->scsi_lun); } } else { close(fd); /* Just in case, check for a check-condition state */ if ((fscsi->scsi_bufstatus & STATUS_MASK) == STATUS_CHECK) { *scsiStatus = fscsi->scsi_bufstatus & STATUS_MASK; *senseSize = fscsi->scsi_rqlen; throw CheckConditionException(); } } /* Record the response data */ *scsiStatus = fscsi->scsi_bufstatus & STATUS_MASK; *responseSize = fscsi->scsi_buflen; *senseSize = fscsi->scsi_rqlen; /* Do some quick duration calcuations */ end = gethrtime(); duration = end - start; duration /= HR_SECOND; log.debug("Total SCSI IO time for HBA %s " "target %016llx was %.4f seconds", getPath().c_str(), wwnConversion(wwn.raw_wwn), duration); #ifdef DEBUG /* Did we have any failure */ if (ret != HBA_STATUS_OK) { log.genericIOError( "Ioctl failed for device \"%s\" target %016llx." " Errno: \"%s\"(%d), " "Transport: \"%s\", SCSI Status: 0x%x" "responseSize = %d, senseSize = %d", getPath().c_str(), wwnConversion(fscsi->scsi_fc_pwwn.raw_wwn), strerror(ioctl_errno), ioctl_errno, fcioErrorString, *scsiStatus, *responseSize, *senseSize); /* We may or may not have sense data */ reportSense((struct scsi_extended_sense *)fscsi->scsi_rqbufaddr, ROUTINE); } #endif } /* * constructs the fcp_scsi_cmd struct for SCSI_Inquiry, SendReadCapacity, or * SendReportLUNs */ /*#include <fcio.h> #include <fcp_util.h>*/ inline void scsi_cmd_init(struct fcp_scsi_cmd *fscsi, const char *portname, void *reqbuf, size_t req_len, void *responseBuffer, size_t resp_len, void *senseBuffer, size_t sense_len) { Trace log("scsi_cmd_init"); fscsi->scsi_fc_rspcode = 0; fscsi->scsi_flags = FCP_SCSI_READ; fscsi->scsi_timeout = 10 /* sec */; fscsi->scsi_cdbbufaddr = (char *)reqbuf; fscsi->scsi_cdblen = (uint32_t) req_len; fscsi->scsi_bufaddr = (char *)responseBuffer; fscsi->scsi_buflen = (uint32_t) resp_len; fscsi->scsi_bufresid = 0; fscsi->scsi_bufstatus = 0; fscsi->scsi_rqbufaddr = (char *)senseBuffer; fscsi->scsi_rqlen = (uint32_t) sense_len; fscsi->scsi_rqresid = 0; } FCHBAPort::FCHBAPort(string thePath) : HBAPort() { Trace log("FCHBAPort::FCHBAPort"); log.debug("Initializing HBA port %s", thePath.c_str()); fcio_t fcio; int size = 200; fc_hba_npiv_port_list_t *pathList; bool retry = false; int bufSize; try { path = lookupControllerPath(thePath); sscanf(path.c_str(), "/dev/cfg/c%d", &controllerNumber); } catch (...) { log.debug("Unable to lookup controller path and number for %s", thePath.c_str()); path = "/devices"; path += thePath; path += ":fc"; controllerNumber = -1; } // Fetch the minor number for later use struct stat sbuf; if (stat(path.c_str(), &sbuf) == -1) { throw IOError("Unable to stat device path: " + path); } instanceNumber = minor(sbuf.st_rdev); // This routine is not index based, so we can discard stateChange uint64_t tmp; HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES attrs = getPortAttributes(tmp); memcpy(&tmp, &attrs.PortWWN, 8); portWWN = ntohll(tmp); memcpy(&tmp, &attrs.NodeWWN, 8); nodeWWN = ntohll(tmp); // For reference, here's how to dump WWN's through C++ streams. // cout << "\tPort WWN: " << hex << setfill('0') << setw(16) << portWWN // << endl; // cout << "\tNode WWN: " << hex << setfill('0') << setw(16) << nodeWWN // << endl; // we should add code here to build NPIVPORT instance // Get Port's NPIV port list ( include nwwn and pwwn and path) memset((caddr_t)&fcio, 0, sizeof (fcio)); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_GET_NPIV_PORT_LIST; fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_READ; do { retry = false; bufSize = MAXPATHLEN * size + (int) sizeof (fc_hba_npiv_port_list_t) - 1; pathList = (fc_hba_npiv_port_list_t *) new uchar_t[bufSize]; pathList->numAdapters = size; fcio.fcio_olen = bufSize; fcio.fcio_obuf = (char *)pathList; fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio); if (pathList->numAdapters > size) { log.debug("Buffer too small for number of NPIV Port.Retry."); size = pathList->numAdapters; retry = true; delete (pathList); } } while (retry); log.debug("Get %d npiv ports", pathList->numAdapters); // Make instance for each NPIV Port for ( int i = 0; i < pathList->numAdapters; i++) { try { addPort(new FCHBANPIVPort(pathList->hbaPaths[i])); } catch (...) { log.debug("Ignoring partial failure"); } } delete (pathList); } uint32_t FCHBAPort::deleteNPIVPort(uint64_t vportwwn) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::deleteNPIVPort"); fcio_t fcio; la_wwn_t lawwn[1]; int ret = 0; memset(&fcio, 0, sizeof(fcio)); uint64_t en_wwn = htonll(vportwwn); memcpy(&lawwn[0], &en_wwn, sizeof (en_wwn)); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_DELETE_NPIV_PORT; fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_WRITE; fcio.fcio_ilen = sizeof (la_wwn_t) * 2; fcio.fcio_ibuf = (caddr_t)&lawwn; fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio); return (ret); } uint32_t FCHBAPort::createNPIVPort(uint64_t vnodewwn, uint64_t vportwwn, uint32_t vindex) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::createNPIVPort"); fcio_t fcio; la_wwn_t lawwn[2]; uint32_t vportindex = 0; HBA_NPIVCREATEENTRY entrybuf; memset(&fcio, 0, sizeof(fcio)); uint64_t en_wwn = htonll(vnodewwn); memcpy(&entrybuf.VNodeWWN, &en_wwn, sizeof (en_wwn)); en_wwn = htonll(vportwwn); memcpy(&entrybuf.VPortWWN, &en_wwn, sizeof (en_wwn)); entrybuf.vindex = vindex; fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_CREATE_NPIV_PORT; fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_READ; fcio.fcio_olen = sizeof (uint32_t); fcio.fcio_obuf = (caddr_t)&vportindex; fcio.fcio_ilen = sizeof (HBA_NPIVCREATEENTRY); fcio.fcio_ibuf = (caddr_t)&entrybuf; fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio); return (vportindex); } HBA_PORTNPIVATTRIBUTES FCHBAPort::getPortNPIVAttributes(uint64_t &stateChange) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::getPortNPIVAttributes"); HBA_PORTNPIVATTRIBUTES attributes; fc_hba_port_npiv_attributes_t attrs; fcio_t fcio; memset(&fcio, 0, sizeof(fcio)); memset(&attributes, 0, sizeof(attributes)); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_GET_ADAPTER_PORT_NPIV_ATTRIBUTES; fcio.fcio_olen = sizeof(attrs); fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_READ; fcio.fcio_obuf = (caddr_t)&attrs; fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio); stateChange = attrs.lastChange; attributes.npivflag = attrs.npivflag; memcpy(&attributes.NodeWWN, &attrs.NodeWWN, 8); memcpy(&attributes.PortWWN, &attrs.PortWWN, 8); attributes.MaxNumberOfNPIVPorts = attrs.MaxNumberOfNPIVPorts; attributes.NumberOfNPIVPorts = attrs.NumberOfNPIVPorts; return (attributes); } HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES FCHBAPort::getPortAttributes(uint64_t &stateChange) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::getPortAttributes"); HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES attributes; fcio_t fcio; fc_hba_port_attributes_t attrs; memset(&fcio, 0, sizeof (fcio)); memset(&attributes, 0, sizeof (attributes)); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_GET_ADAPTER_PORT_ATTRIBUTES; fcio.fcio_olen = sizeof (attrs); fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_READ; fcio.fcio_obuf = (caddr_t)&attrs; fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio); stateChange = attrs.lastChange; attributes.PortFcId = attrs.PortFcId; attributes.PortType = attrs.PortType; attributes.PortState = attrs.PortState; attributes.PortSupportedClassofService = attrs.PortSupportedClassofService; attributes.PortSupportedSpeed = attrs.PortSupportedSpeed; attributes.PortSpeed = attrs.PortSpeed; attributes.PortMaxFrameSize = attrs.PortMaxFrameSize; attributes.NumberofDiscoveredPorts = attrs.NumberofDiscoveredPorts; memcpy(&attributes.NodeWWN, &attrs.NodeWWN, 8); memcpy(&attributes.PortWWN, &attrs.PortWWN, 8); memcpy(&attributes.FabricName, &attrs.FabricName, 8); memcpy(&attributes.PortSupportedFc4Types, &attrs.PortSupportedFc4Types, 32); memcpy(&attributes.PortActiveFc4Types, &attrs.PortActiveFc4Types, 32); memcpy(&attributes.PortSymbolicName, &attrs.PortSymbolicName, 256); strncpy((char *)attributes.OSDeviceName, getPath().c_str(), 256); return (attributes); } HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES FCHBAPort::getDiscoveredAttributes( HBA_UINT32 discoveredport, uint64_t &stateChange) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::getDiscoverdAttributes(i)"); HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES attributes; fcio_t fcio; fc_hba_port_attributes_t attrs; memset(&fcio, 0, sizeof (fcio)); memset(&attributes, 0, sizeof (attributes)); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_GET_DISCOVERED_PORT_ATTRIBUTES; fcio.fcio_olen = sizeof (attrs); fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_READ; fcio.fcio_obuf = (caddr_t)&attrs; fcio.fcio_ilen = sizeof (discoveredport); fcio.fcio_ibuf = (caddr_t)&discoveredport; fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio); stateChange = attrs.lastChange; attributes.PortFcId = attrs.PortFcId; attributes.PortType = attrs.PortType; attributes.PortState = attrs.PortState; attributes.PortSupportedClassofService = attrs.PortSupportedClassofService; attributes.PortSupportedSpeed = attrs.PortSupportedSpeed; attributes.PortSpeed = attrs.PortSpeed; attributes.PortMaxFrameSize = attrs.PortMaxFrameSize; attributes.NumberofDiscoveredPorts = attrs.NumberofDiscoveredPorts; memcpy(&attributes.NodeWWN, &attrs.NodeWWN, 8); memcpy(&attributes.PortWWN, &attrs.PortWWN, 8); memcpy(&attributes.FabricName, &attrs.FabricName, 8); memcpy(&attributes.PortSupportedFc4Types, &attrs.PortSupportedFc4Types, 32); memcpy(&attributes.PortActiveFc4Types, &attrs.PortActiveFc4Types, 32); memcpy(&attributes.PortSymbolicName, &attrs.PortSymbolicName, 256); return (attributes); } HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES FCHBAPort::getDiscoveredAttributes( uint64_t wwn, uint64_t &stateChange) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::getDiscoverdAttributes(p)"); HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES attributes; fcio_t fcio; fc_hba_port_attributes_t attrs; la_wwn_t lawwn; memset(&fcio, 0, sizeof (fcio)); memset(&attributes, 0, sizeof (attributes)); uint64_t en_wwn = htonll(wwn); memcpy(&lawwn, &en_wwn, sizeof (en_wwn)); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_GET_PORT_ATTRIBUTES; fcio.fcio_olen = sizeof (attrs); fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_READ; fcio.fcio_obuf = (caddr_t)&attrs; fcio.fcio_ilen = sizeof (wwn); fcio.fcio_ibuf = (caddr_t)&lawwn; fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio); stateChange = attrs.lastChange; attributes.PortFcId = attrs.PortFcId; attributes.PortType = attrs.PortType; attributes.PortState = attrs.PortState; attributes.PortSupportedClassofService = attrs.PortSupportedClassofService; attributes.PortSupportedSpeed = attrs.PortSupportedSpeed; attributes.PortSpeed = attrs.PortSpeed; attributes.PortMaxFrameSize = attrs.PortMaxFrameSize; attributes.NumberofDiscoveredPorts = attrs.NumberofDiscoveredPorts; memcpy(&attributes.NodeWWN, &attrs.NodeWWN, 8); memcpy(&attributes.PortWWN, &attrs.PortWWN, 8); memcpy(&attributes.FabricName, &attrs.FabricName, 8); memcpy(&attributes.PortSupportedFc4Types, &attrs.PortSupportedFc4Types, 32); memcpy(&attributes.PortActiveFc4Types, &attrs.PortActiveFc4Types, 32); memcpy(&attributes.PortSymbolicName, &attrs.PortSymbolicName, 256); return (attributes); } void FCHBAPort::getTargetMappings(PHBA_FCPTARGETMAPPINGV2 userMappings) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::getTargetMappings"); int i, index; uint_t total_entries = 0; struct fcp_ioctl fioctl; fc_hba_target_mappings_t *mappings; int fd; bool zeroLength = false; if (userMappings == NULL) { log.userError("Null mapping argument "); throw BadArgumentException(); } /* It's possible they didn't give any space */ if (userMappings->NumberOfEntries == 0) { zeroLength = true; userMappings->NumberOfEntries = 1; /* We have to give the driver at least one space */ } mappings = (fc_hba_target_mappings_t *)new uchar_t[ (sizeof (fc_hba_mapping_entry_t)) * (userMappings->NumberOfEntries - 1) + sizeof (fc_hba_target_mappings_t)]; if (mappings == NULL) { log.noMemory(); throw InternalError(); } fioctl.fp_minor = instanceNumber; fioctl.listlen = ((uint32_t) (sizeof (fc_hba_mapping_entry_t))) * (userMappings->NumberOfEntries - 1) + (uint32_t) sizeof (fc_hba_target_mappings_t); fioctl.list = (caddr_t)mappings; fd = HBA::_open(FCP_DRIVER_PATH, O_RDONLY | O_NDELAY); log.debug("Performing IOCTL to fetch mappings"); if (ioctl(fd, FCP_GET_TARGET_MAPPINGS, &fioctl) != 0) { delete (mappings); close(fd); if (errno == EBUSY) { throw BusyException(); } else if (errno == EAGAIN) { throw TryAgainException(); } else if (errno == ENOTSUP) { throw NotSupportedException(); } else if (errno == ENOENT) { throw UnavailableException(); } else { throw IOError("Unable to fetch target mappings"); } } close(fd); // Quickly iterate through and copy the data over to the client for (i = 0; i < userMappings->NumberOfEntries && !zeroLength && i < mappings->numLuns; i++) { string raw = mappings->entries[i].targetDriver; if (raw.length() <= 0) { log.internalError("Bad target mapping without path, truncating."); break; } /* * Ideally, we'd like to ask some standard Solaris interface * "What is the prefered minor node for this target?" * but no such interface exists today. So, for now, * we just hard-code ":n" for tapes, ":c,raw" for disks, * and ":0" for enclosures. * Devices with other generic names will be presented through * first matching /dev path. */ if ((raw.find("/st@") != raw.npos) || (raw.find("/tape@") != raw.npos)) { raw += ":n"; } else if ((raw.find("/ssd@") != raw.npos) || (raw.find("/sd@") != raw.npos) || (raw.find("/disk@") != raw.npos)) { raw += ":c,raw"; } else if ((raw.find("/ses@") != raw.npos) || (raw.find("/enclosure@") != raw.npos)) { raw += ":0"; } else { log.debug( "Unrecognized target driver (%s), using first matching /dev path", raw.c_str()); } snprintf(userMappings->entry[i].ScsiId.OSDeviceName, sizeof (userMappings->entry[i].ScsiId.OSDeviceName), "/devices%s", raw.c_str()); userMappings->entry[i].ScsiId.ScsiBusNumber = controllerNumber; userMappings->entry[i].ScsiId.ScsiTargetNumber = mappings->entries[i].targetNumber; userMappings->entry[i].ScsiId.ScsiOSLun = mappings->entries[i].osLUN; userMappings->entry[i].FcpId.FcId = mappings->entries[i].d_id; memcpy(userMappings->entry[i].FcpId.NodeWWN.wwn, mappings->entries[i].NodeWWN.raw_wwn, sizeof (la_wwn_t)); memcpy(userMappings->entry[i].FcpId.PortWWN.wwn, mappings->entries[i].PortWWN.raw_wwn, sizeof (la_wwn_t)); userMappings->entry[i].FcpId.FcpLun = mappings->entries[i].samLUN; memcpy(userMappings->entry[i].LUID.buffer, mappings->entries[i].guid, sizeof (userMappings->entry[i].LUID.buffer)); } log.debug("Total mappings: %d %08x %08x", mappings->numLuns, mappings->entries[i].osLUN, mappings->entries[i].samLUN); // If everything is good, convert paths to sym-links if (mappings->numLuns > 0 && !zeroLength) { if (userMappings->NumberOfEntries >= mappings->numLuns) { // User buffer is larger than needed. (All is good) userMappings->NumberOfEntries = mappings->numLuns; convertToShortNames(userMappings); } else { // User buffer is non zero, but too small. Don't bother with links userMappings->NumberOfEntries = mappings->numLuns; delete (mappings); throw MoreDataException(); } } else if (mappings->numLuns > 0) { // Zero length buffer, but we've got mappings userMappings->NumberOfEntries = mappings->numLuns; delete (mappings); throw MoreDataException(); } else { // No mappings, no worries userMappings->NumberOfEntries = 0; delete (mappings); return; } delete (mappings); } void FCHBAPort::getRNIDMgmtInfo(PHBA_MGMTINFO info) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::getRNIDMgmtInfo"); HBA_STATUS status = HBA_STATUS_OK; fc_rnid_t rnid; fcio_t fcio; if (info == NULL) { log.userError("NULL port management info"); throw BadArgumentException(); } // Get the RNID information from the first port memset(&rnid, 0, sizeof (fc_rnid_t)); memset((caddr_t)&fcio, 0, sizeof (fcio)); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_GET_NODE_ID; fcio.fcio_olen = sizeof (fc_rnid_t); fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_READ; fcio.fcio_obuf = (caddr_t)&rnid; fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio); // Copy out the struct members of rnid into PHBA_MGMTINFO struct memcpy(&info->wwn, &(rnid.global_id), sizeof (info->wwn)); memcpy(&info->unittype, &(rnid.unit_type), sizeof (info->unittype)); memcpy(&info->PortId, &(rnid.port_id), sizeof (info->PortId)); memcpy(&info->NumberOfAttachedNodes, &(rnid.num_attached), sizeof (info->NumberOfAttachedNodes)); memcpy(&info->IPVersion, &(rnid.ip_version), sizeof (info->IPVersion)); memcpy(&info->UDPPort, &(rnid.udp_port), sizeof (info->UDPPort)); memcpy(&info->IPAddress, &(rnid.ip_addr), sizeof (info->IPAddress)); memcpy(&info->TopologyDiscoveryFlags, &(rnid.topo_flags), sizeof (info->TopologyDiscoveryFlags)); } void FCHBAPort::sendCTPassThru(void *requestBuffer, HBA_UINT32 requestSize, void *responseBuffer, HBA_UINT32 *responseSize) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::sendCTPassThru"); fcio_t fcio; struct stat sbuf; minor_t minor_node; hrtime_t start, end; double duration; // Validate the arguments if (requestBuffer == NULL) { log.userError("NULL request buffer"); throw BadArgumentException(); } if (responseBuffer == NULL) { log.userError("NULL response buffer"); throw BadArgumentException(); } minor_node = instanceNumber; // construct fcio struct memset(&fcio, 0, sizeof (fcio_t)); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCSMIO_CT_CMD; fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_RW; fcio.fcio_ilen = requestSize; fcio.fcio_ibuf = (char *)requestBuffer; fcio.fcio_olen = *responseSize; fcio.fcio_obuf = (char *)responseBuffer; fcio.fcio_alen = sizeof (minor_t); fcio.fcio_abuf = (char *)&minor_node; start = gethrtime(); fcsm_ioctl(FCSMIO_CMD, &fcio); // Do some calculations on the duration of the ioctl. end = gethrtime(); duration = end - start; duration /= HR_SECOND; log.debug( "Total CTPASS ioctl call for HBA %s was %.4f seconds", getPath().c_str(), duration); } void FCHBAPort::sendRLS(uint64_t destWWN, void *pRspBuffer, HBA_UINT32 *pRspBufferSize) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::sendRLS"); fcio_t fcio; fc_portid_t rls_req; // Validate the arguments if (pRspBuffer == NULL || pRspBufferSize == NULL) { log.userError("NULL hba"); throw BadArgumentException(); } // check to see if we are sending RLS to the HBA HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES attrs; uint64_t tmp; if (getPortWWN() == destWWN) { attrs = getPortAttributes(tmp); } else { attrs = getDiscoveredAttributes(destWWN, tmp); } memcpy(&rls_req, &attrs.PortFcId, sizeof (attrs.PortFcId)); memset((caddr_t)&fcio, 0, sizeof (fcio)); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_LINK_STATUS; fcio.fcio_ibuf = (caddr_t)&rls_req; fcio.fcio_ilen = sizeof (rls_req); fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_RW; fcio.fcio_flags = 0; fcio.fcio_cmd_flags = FCIO_CFLAGS_RLS_DEST_NPORT; fcio.fcio_obuf = (char *)new uchar_t[*pRspBufferSize]; fcio.fcio_olen = *pRspBufferSize; if (fcio.fcio_obuf == NULL) { log.noMemory(); throw InternalError(); } fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio); memcpy(pRspBuffer, fcio.fcio_obuf, *pRspBufferSize); if (fcio.fcio_obuf != NULL) { delete(fcio.fcio_obuf); } } void FCHBAPort::sendReportLUNs(uint64_t wwn, void *responseBuffer, HBA_UINT32 *responseSize, HBA_UINT8 *scsiStatus, void *senseBuffer, HBA_UINT32 *senseSize) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::sendReportLUNs"); struct fcp_scsi_cmd fscsi; union scsi_cdb scsi_rl_req; uint64_t targetWwn = htonll(wwn); // Validate the arguments if (responseBuffer == NULL || senseBuffer == NULL || responseSize == NULL || senseSize == NULL) { throw BadArgumentException(); } memset(&fscsi, 0, sizeof (fscsi)); memset(&scsi_rl_req, 0, sizeof (scsi_rl_req)); memcpy(fscsi.scsi_fc_pwwn.raw_wwn, &targetWwn, sizeof (la_wwn_t)); scsi_cmd_init(&fscsi, getPath().c_str(), &scsi_rl_req, sizeof (scsi_rl_req), responseBuffer, *responseSize, senseBuffer, *senseSize); fscsi.scsi_lun = 0; scsi_rl_req.scc_cmd = SCMD_REPORT_LUNS; FORMG5COUNT(&scsi_rl_req, *responseSize); sendSCSIPassThru(&fscsi, responseSize, senseSize, scsiStatus); } /* * arguments: * wwn - remote target WWN where the SCSI Inquiry shall be sent * fcLun - the SCSI LUN to which the SCSI Inquiry shall be sent * cdb1 - the second byte of the CDB for the SCSI Inquiry * cdb2 - the third byte of teh CDB for the SCSI Inquiry * responseBuffer - shall be a pointer to a buffer to receive the SCSI * Inquiry command response * responseSize - a pointer to the size of the buffer to receive * the SCSI Inquiry. * scsiStatus - a pointer to a buffer to receive SCSI status * senseBuffer - pointer to a buffer to receive SCSI sense data * seneseSize - pointer to the size of the buffer to receive SCSI sense * data */ void FCHBAPort::sendScsiInquiry(uint64_t wwn, HBA_UINT64 fcLun, HBA_UINT8 cdb1, HBA_UINT8 cdb2, void *responseBuffer, HBA_UINT32 *responseSize, HBA_UINT8 *scsiStatus, void *senseBuffer, HBA_UINT32 *senseSize) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::sendScsiInquiry"); struct fcp_scsi_cmd fscsi; union scsi_cdb scsi_inq_req; uint64_t targetWwn = htonll(wwn); // Validate the arguments if (responseBuffer == NULL || senseBuffer == NULL || responseSize == NULL || senseSize == NULL) { throw BadArgumentException(); } memset(&fscsi, 0, sizeof (fscsi)); memset(&scsi_inq_req, 0, sizeof (scsi_inq_req)); memcpy(fscsi.scsi_fc_pwwn.raw_wwn, &targetWwn, sizeof (la_wwn_t)); scsi_cmd_init(&fscsi, getPath().c_str(), &scsi_inq_req, sizeof (scsi_inq_req), responseBuffer, *responseSize, senseBuffer, *senseSize); fscsi.scsi_lun = fcLun; scsi_inq_req.scc_cmd = SCMD_INQUIRY; scsi_inq_req.g0_addr1 = cdb2; scsi_inq_req.g0_addr2 = cdb1; scsi_inq_req.g0_count0 = *responseSize; sendSCSIPassThru(&fscsi, responseSize, senseSize, scsiStatus); } void FCHBAPort::sendReadCapacity(uint64_t pwwn, HBA_UINT64 fcLun, void *responseBuffer, HBA_UINT32 *responseSize, HBA_UINT8 *scsiStatus, void *senseBuffer, HBA_UINT32 *senseSize) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::sendReadCapacity"); struct fcp_scsi_cmd fscsi; union scsi_cdb scsi_rc_req; uint64_t targetWwn = htonll(pwwn); // Validate the arguments if (responseBuffer == NULL || senseBuffer == NULL || responseSize == NULL || senseSize == NULL || scsiStatus == NULL) { throw BadArgumentException(); } memset(&fscsi, 0, sizeof (fscsi)); memset(&scsi_rc_req, 0, sizeof (scsi_rc_req)); scsi_cmd_init(&fscsi, getPath().c_str(), &scsi_rc_req, sizeof (scsi_rc_req), responseBuffer, *responseSize, senseBuffer, *senseSize); memcpy(fscsi.scsi_fc_pwwn.raw_wwn, &targetWwn, sizeof (la_wwn_t)); fscsi.scsi_lun = fcLun; scsi_rc_req.scc_cmd = SCMD_READ_CAPACITY; scsi_rc_req.g1_reladdr = 0; scsi_rc_req.g1_addr3 = 0; scsi_rc_req.g1_count0 = 0; sendSCSIPassThru(&fscsi, responseSize, senseSize, scsiStatus); } void FCHBAPort::sendRNID(uint64_t destwwn, HBA_UINT32 destfcid, HBA_UINT32 nodeIdDataFormat, void *pRspBuffer, HBA_UINT32 *RspBufferSize) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::sendRNID"); int localportfound, remoteportfound, send; fcio_t fcio; // Validate the arguments if (pRspBuffer == NULL || RspBufferSize == NULL) { throw BadArgumentException(); } // NodeIdDataFormat must be within the range of 0x00 and 0xff if (nodeIdDataFormat > 0xff) { log.userError( "NodeIdDataFormat must be within the range of 0x00 " "and 0xFF"); throw BadArgumentException(); } remoteportfound = 0; if (destfcid != 0) { try { uint64_t tmp; HBA_PORTATTRIBUTES attrs = getDiscoveredAttributes(destwwn, tmp); if (attrs.PortFcId == destfcid) { send = 1; remoteportfound = 1; } else { send = 0; remoteportfound = 1; } } catch (HBAException &e) { /* * Send RNID if destination port not * present in the discovered ports table */ } if (remoteportfound == 0) { send = 1; } } else { send = 1; } if (!send) { // Can we log something so we can figure out why? throw BadArgumentException(); } memset((caddr_t)&fcio, 0, sizeof (fcio)); uint64_t netdestwwn = htonll(destwwn); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_SEND_NODE_ID; fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_READ; fcio.fcio_cmd_flags = nodeIdDataFormat; fcio.fcio_ilen = sizeof (la_wwn_t); fcio.fcio_ibuf = (caddr_t)&netdestwwn; fcio.fcio_olen = *RspBufferSize; fcio.fcio_obuf = (char *)new uchar_t[*RspBufferSize]; if (fcio.fcio_obuf == NULL) { log.noMemory(); throw InternalError(); } fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio); memcpy(pRspBuffer, fcio.fcio_obuf, *RspBufferSize); if (fcio.fcio_obuf != NULL) { delete(fcio.fcio_obuf); } } void FCHBAPort::setRNID(HBA_MGMTINFO info) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::setRNID"); fc_rnid_t rnid; fcio_t fcio; memset(&rnid, 0, sizeof (fc_rnid_t)); memset((caddr_t)&fcio, 0, sizeof (fcio)); fcio.fcio_cmd = FCIO_SET_NODE_ID; fcio.fcio_ilen = sizeof (fc_rnid_t); fcio.fcio_xfer = FCIO_XFER_WRITE; fcio.fcio_ibuf = (caddr_t)&rnid; // Copy the HBA_MGMTINFO into fc_rnid_t struct memcpy(&(rnid.unit_type), &(info.unittype), sizeof (rnid.unit_type)); memcpy(&(rnid.port_id), &(info.PortId), sizeof (rnid.port_id)); memcpy(&(rnid.global_id), &(info.wwn), sizeof (info.wwn)); memcpy(&(rnid.num_attached), &(info.NumberOfAttachedNodes), sizeof (rnid.num_attached)); memcpy(&(rnid.ip_version), &(info.IPVersion), sizeof (rnid.ip_version)); memcpy(&(rnid.udp_port), &(info.UDPPort), sizeof (rnid.udp_port)); memcpy(&(rnid.ip_addr), &info.IPAddress, sizeof (rnid.ip_addr)); memcpy(&(rnid.topo_flags), &(info.TopologyDiscoveryFlags), sizeof (rnid.topo_flags)); fp_ioctl(getPath(), FCIO_CMD, &fcio, O_NDELAY | O_RDONLY | O_EXCL); } void FCHBAPort::fp_ioctl(string path, int cmd, fcio_t *fcio, int openflag) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::fp_ioctl with openflag"); char fcioErrorString[MAX_FCIO_MSG_LEN] = ""; int fd = HBA::_open(path, openflag); try { int times = 0; HBA::_ioctl(fd, cmd, (uchar_t *)fcio); while (fcio->fcio_errno == FC_STATEC_BUSY) { sleep(1); HBA::_ioctl(fd, cmd, (uchar_t *)fcio); if (times++ > 10) { break; } } close(fd); if (fcio->fcio_errno) { throw IOError("IOCTL transport failure"); } } catch (...) { close(fd); transportError(fcio->fcio_errno, fcioErrorString); log.genericIOError("ioctl (0x%x) failed. Transport: \"%s\"", cmd, fcioErrorString); switch (fcio->fcio_errno) { case FC_BADWWN: throw IllegalWWNException(); case FC_BADPORT: throw IllegalWWNException(); case FC_OUTOFBOUNDS: throw IllegalIndexException(); case FC_PBUSY: case FC_FBUSY: case FC_TRAN_BUSY: case FC_STATEC_BUSY: case FC_DEVICE_BUSY: throw BusyException(); case FC_SUCCESS: default: throw; } } } void FCHBAPort::fp_ioctl(string path, int cmd, fcio_t *fcio) { Trace log("FCHBAPort::fp_ioctl"); fp_ioctl(path, cmd, fcio, O_NDELAY | O_RDONLY); } void FCHBAPort::fcsm_ioctl(int cmd, fcio_t *fcio) { // We use the same error handling as fp, so just re-use fp_ioctl(FCSM_DRIVER_PATH, cmd, fcio); }