/* * Copyright 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" /* CRAM-MD5 SASL plugin * Rob Siemborski * Tim Martin * $Id: cram.c,v 1.79 2003/02/18 18:27:37 rjs3 Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1998-2003 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * 3. The name "Carnegie Mellon University" must not be used to * endorse or promote products derived from this software without * prior written permission. For permission or any other legal * details, please contact * Office of Technology Transfer * Carnegie Mellon University * 5000 Forbes Avenue * Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890 * (412) 268-4387, fax: (412) 268-7395 * tech-transfer@andrew.cmu.edu * * 4. Redistributions of any form whatsoever must retain the following * acknowledgment: * "This product includes software developed by Computing Services * at Carnegie Mellon University (http://www.cmu.edu/computing/)." * * CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO * THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS, IN NO EVENT SHALL CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY BE LIABLE * FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN * AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include <config.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #ifndef macintosh #include <sys/stat.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> #include <sasl.h> #include <saslplug.h> #include <saslutil.h> #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ #include <unistd.h> #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ #include "plugin_common.h" #ifdef macintosh #include <sasl_cram_plugin_decl.h> #endif /***************************** Common Section *****************************/ #ifndef _SUN_SDK_ static const char plugin_id[] = "$Id: cram.c,v 1.79 2003/02/18 18:27:37 rjs3 Exp $"; #endif /* !_SUN_SDK_ */ /* convert a string of 8bit chars to it's representation in hex * using lowercase letters */ static char *convert16(unsigned char *in, int inlen, const sasl_utils_t *utils) { static char hex[]="0123456789abcdef"; int lup; char *out; out = utils->malloc(inlen*2+1); if (out == NULL) return NULL; for (lup=0; lup < inlen; lup++) { out[lup*2] = hex[in[lup] >> 4]; out[lup*2+1] = hex[in[lup] & 15]; } out[lup*2] = 0; return out; } /***************************** Server Section *****************************/ typedef struct server_context { int state; char *challenge; } server_context_t; static int crammd5_server_mech_new(void *glob_context __attribute__((unused)), sasl_server_params_t *sparams, const char *challenge __attribute__((unused)), unsigned challen __attribute__((unused)), void **conn_context) { server_context_t *text; /* holds state are in */ text = sparams->utils->malloc(sizeof(server_context_t)); if (text == NULL) { MEMERROR( sparams->utils ); return SASL_NOMEM; } memset(text, 0, sizeof(server_context_t)); text->state = 1; *conn_context = text; return SASL_OK; } /* * Returns the current time (or part of it) in string form * maximum length=15 */ static char *gettime(sasl_server_params_t *sparams) { char *ret; time_t t; t=time(NULL); ret= sparams->utils->malloc(15); if (ret==NULL) return NULL; /* the bottom bits are really the only random ones so if we overflow we don't want to loose them */ snprintf(ret,15,"%lu",t%(0xFFFFFF)); return ret; } static char *randomdigits(sasl_server_params_t *sparams) { unsigned int num; char *ret; unsigned char temp[5]; /* random 32-bit number */ #if defined _DEV_URANDOM && defined _SUN_SDK_ { int fd = open(_DEV_URANDOM, O_RDONLY); int nread = 0; if (fd != -1) { nread = read(fd, temp, 4); close(fd); } if (nread != 4) sparams->utils->rand(sparams->utils->rpool, (char *) temp, 4); } #else sparams->utils->rand(sparams->utils->rpool,(char *) temp,4); #endif /* _DEV_URANDOM && _SUN_SDK_ */ num=(temp[0] * 256 * 256 * 256) + (temp[1] * 256 * 256) + (temp[2] * 256) + (temp[3] ); ret = sparams->utils->malloc(15); /* there's no way an unsigned can be longer than this right? */ if (ret == NULL) return NULL; sprintf(ret, "%u", num); return ret; } static int crammd5_server_mech_step1(server_context_t *text, sasl_server_params_t *sparams, const char *clientin __attribute__((unused)), unsigned clientinlen, const char **serverout, unsigned *serveroutlen, sasl_out_params_t *oparams __attribute__((unused))) { char *time, *randdigits; /* we shouldn't have received anything */ if (clientinlen != 0) { #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ sparams->utils->log(sparams->utils->conn, SASL_LOG_ERR, "CRAM-MD5 does not accept inital data"); #else SETERROR(sparams->utils, "CRAM-MD5 does not accpet inital data"); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ return SASL_BADPROT; } /* get time and a random number for the nonce */ time = gettime(sparams); randdigits = randomdigits(sparams); if ((time == NULL) || (randdigits == NULL)) { MEMERROR( sparams->utils ); return SASL_NOMEM; } /* allocate some space for the challenge */ text->challenge = sparams->utils->malloc(200 + 1); if (text->challenge == NULL) { MEMERROR(sparams->utils); return SASL_NOMEM; } /* create the challenge */ snprintf(text->challenge, 200, "<%s.%s@%s>", randdigits, time, sparams->serverFQDN); *serverout = text->challenge; *serveroutlen = strlen(text->challenge); /* free stuff */ sparams->utils->free(time); sparams->utils->free(randdigits); text->state = 2; return SASL_CONTINUE; } static int crammd5_server_mech_step2(server_context_t *text, sasl_server_params_t *sparams, const char *clientin, unsigned clientinlen, const char **serverout __attribute__((unused)), unsigned *serveroutlen __attribute__((unused)), sasl_out_params_t *oparams) { char *userid = NULL; sasl_secret_t *sec = NULL; int pos, len; int result = SASL_FAIL; const char *password_request[] = { SASL_AUX_PASSWORD, "*cmusaslsecretCRAM-MD5", NULL }; struct propval auxprop_values[3]; HMAC_MD5_CTX tmphmac; HMAC_MD5_STATE md5state; int clear_md5state = 0; char *digest_str = NULL; UINT4 digest[4]; /* extract userid; everything before last space */ pos = clientinlen-1; while ((pos > 0) && (clientin[pos] != ' ')) pos--; if (pos <= 0) { #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ sparams->utils->log(sparams->utils->conn, SASL_LOG_ERR, "need authentication name"); #else SETERROR( sparams->utils,"need authentication name"); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ return SASL_BADPROT; } userid = (char *) sparams->utils->malloc(pos+1); if (userid == NULL) { MEMERROR( sparams->utils); return SASL_NOMEM; } /* copy authstr out */ memcpy(userid, clientin, pos); userid[pos] = '\0'; result = sparams->utils->prop_request(sparams->propctx, password_request); if (result != SASL_OK) goto done; /* this will trigger the getting of the aux properties */ result = sparams->canon_user(sparams->utils->conn, userid, 0, SASL_CU_AUTHID | SASL_CU_AUTHZID, oparams); if (result != SASL_OK) goto done; result = sparams->utils->prop_getnames(sparams->propctx, password_request, auxprop_values); if (result < 0 || ((!auxprop_values[0].name || !auxprop_values[0].values) && (!auxprop_values[1].name || !auxprop_values[1].values))) { /* We didn't find this username */ #ifdef _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ sparams->utils->seterror(sparams->utils->conn,0, gettext("no secret in database")); #else sparams->utils->seterror(sparams->utils->conn,0, "no secret in database"); #endif /* _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ */ result = SASL_NOUSER; goto done; } if (auxprop_values[0].name && auxprop_values[0].values) { len = strlen(auxprop_values[0].values[0]); if (len == 0) { #ifdef _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ sparams->utils->seterror(sparams->utils->conn,0, gettext("empty secret")); #else sparams->utils->seterror(sparams->utils->conn,0, "empty secret"); #endif /* _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ */ result = SASL_FAIL; goto done; } sec = sparams->utils->malloc(sizeof(sasl_secret_t) + len); if (!sec) goto done; sec->len = len; #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ strncpy((char *)sec->data, auxprop_values[0].values[0], len + 1); #else strncpy(sec->data, auxprop_values[0].values[0], len + 1); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ clear_md5state = 1; /* Do precalculation on plaintext secret */ sparams->utils->hmac_md5_precalc(&md5state, /* OUT */ sec->data, sec->len); } else if (auxprop_values[1].name && auxprop_values[1].values) { /* We have a precomputed secret */ memcpy(&md5state, auxprop_values[1].values[0], sizeof(HMAC_MD5_STATE)); } else { #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ sparams->utils->log(sparams->utils->conn, SASL_LOG_ERR, "Have neither type of secret"); #else sparams->utils->seterror(sparams->utils->conn, 0, "Have neither type of secret"); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ return SASL_FAIL; } /* ok this is annoying: so we have this half-way hmac transform instead of the plaintext that means we half to: -import it back into a md5 context -do an md5update with the nonce -finalize it */ sparams->utils->hmac_md5_import(&tmphmac, (HMAC_MD5_STATE *) &md5state); sparams->utils->MD5Update(&(tmphmac.ictx), (const unsigned char *) text->challenge, strlen(text->challenge)); sparams->utils->hmac_md5_final((unsigned char *) &digest, &tmphmac); /* convert to base 16 with lower case letters */ digest_str = convert16((unsigned char *) digest, 16, sparams->utils); /* if same then verified * - we know digest_str is null terminated but clientin might not be */ if (strncmp(digest_str, clientin+pos+1, strlen(digest_str)) != 0) { #ifdef _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ sparams->utils->seterror(sparams->utils->conn, 0, gettext("incorrect digest response")); #else sparams->utils->seterror(sparams->utils->conn, 0, "incorrect digest response"); #endif /* _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ */ result = SASL_BADAUTH; goto done; } /* set oparams */ oparams->doneflag = 1; oparams->mech_ssf = 0; oparams->maxoutbuf = 0; oparams->encode_context = NULL; oparams->encode = NULL; oparams->decode_context = NULL; oparams->decode = NULL; oparams->param_version = 0; result = SASL_OK; done: if (userid) sparams->utils->free(userid); if (sec) _plug_free_secret(sparams->utils, &sec); if (digest_str) sparams->utils->free(digest_str); if (clear_md5state) memset(&md5state, 0, sizeof(md5state)); return result; } static int crammd5_server_mech_step(void *conn_context, sasl_server_params_t *sparams, const char *clientin, unsigned clientinlen, const char **serverout, unsigned *serveroutlen, sasl_out_params_t *oparams) { server_context_t *text = (server_context_t *) conn_context; *serverout = NULL; *serveroutlen = 0; /* this should be well more than is ever needed */ if (clientinlen > 1024) { #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ sparams->utils->log(sparams->utils->conn, SASL_LOG_ERR, "CRAM-MD5 input longer than 1024 bytes"); #else SETERROR(sparams->utils, "CRAM-MD5 input longer than 1024 bytes"); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ return SASL_BADPROT; } switch (text->state) { case 1: return crammd5_server_mech_step1(text, sparams, clientin, clientinlen, serverout, serveroutlen, oparams); case 2: return crammd5_server_mech_step2(text, sparams, clientin, clientinlen, serverout, serveroutlen, oparams); default: /* should never get here */ #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ sparams->utils->log(sparams->utils->conn, SASL_LOG_ERR, "Invalid CRAM-MD5 server step %d", text->state); #else sparams->utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_ERR, "Invalid CRAM-MD5 server step %d\n", text->state); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ return SASL_FAIL; } #ifndef _SUN_SDK_ return SASL_FAIL; /* should never get here */ #endif /* !_SUN_SDK_ */ } static void crammd5_server_mech_dispose(void *conn_context, const sasl_utils_t *utils) { server_context_t *text = (server_context_t *) conn_context; if (!text) return; if (text->challenge) _plug_free_string(utils,&(text->challenge)); utils->free(text); } static sasl_server_plug_t crammd5_server_plugins[] = { { "CRAM-MD5", /* mech_name */ 0, /* max_ssf */ SASL_SEC_NOPLAINTEXT | SASL_SEC_NOANONYMOUS, /* security_flags */ SASL_FEAT_SERVER_FIRST, /* features */ NULL, /* glob_context */ &crammd5_server_mech_new, /* mech_new */ &crammd5_server_mech_step, /* mech_step */ &crammd5_server_mech_dispose, /* mech_dispose */ NULL, /* mech_free */ NULL, /* setpass */ NULL, /* user_query */ NULL, /* idle */ NULL, /* mech avail */ NULL /* spare */ } }; int crammd5_server_plug_init(const sasl_utils_t *utils, int maxversion, int *out_version, sasl_server_plug_t **pluglist, int *plugcount) { if (maxversion < SASL_SERVER_PLUG_VERSION) { #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_ERR, "CRAM version mismatch"); #else SETERROR( utils, "CRAM version mismatch"); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ return SASL_BADVERS; } *out_version = SASL_SERVER_PLUG_VERSION; *pluglist = crammd5_server_plugins; *plugcount = 1; return SASL_OK; } /***************************** Client Section *****************************/ typedef struct client_context { char *out_buf; unsigned out_buf_len; #ifdef _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ void *h; #endif /* _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ */ } client_context_t; static int crammd5_client_mech_new(void *glob_context __attribute__((unused)), sasl_client_params_t *params, void **conn_context) { client_context_t *text; /* holds state are in */ text = params->utils->malloc(sizeof(client_context_t)); if (text == NULL) { MEMERROR(params->utils); return SASL_NOMEM; } memset(text, 0, sizeof(client_context_t)); *conn_context = text; return SASL_OK; } static char *make_hashed(sasl_secret_t *sec, char *nonce, int noncelen, const sasl_utils_t *utils) { char secret[65]; unsigned char digest[24]; int lup; char *in16; if (sec == NULL) return NULL; if (sec->len < 64) { memcpy(secret, sec->data, sec->len); /* fill in rest with 0's */ for (lup= sec->len; lup < 64; lup++) secret[lup]='\0'; } else { memcpy(secret, sec->data, 64); } /* do the hmac md5 hash output 128 bits */ utils->hmac_md5((unsigned char *) nonce, noncelen, (unsigned char *) secret, 64, digest); /* convert that to hex form */ in16 = convert16(digest, 16, utils); if (in16 == NULL) return NULL; return in16; } static int crammd5_client_mech_step(void *conn_context, sasl_client_params_t *params, const char *serverin, unsigned serverinlen, sasl_interact_t **prompt_need, const char **clientout, unsigned *clientoutlen, sasl_out_params_t *oparams) { client_context_t *text = (client_context_t *) conn_context; const char *authid; sasl_secret_t *password = NULL; unsigned int free_password = 0; /* set if we need to free password */ int auth_result = SASL_OK; int pass_result = SASL_OK; int result; int maxsize; char *in16 = NULL; *clientout = NULL; *clientoutlen = 0; /* First check for absurd lengths */ if (serverinlen > 1024) { #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ params->utils->log(params->utils->conn, SASL_LOG_ERR, "CRAM-MD5 input longer than 1024 bytes"); #else params->utils->seterror(params->utils->conn, 0, "CRAM-MD5 input longer than 1024 bytes"); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ return SASL_BADPROT; } /* check if sec layer strong enough */ if (params->props.min_ssf > params->external_ssf) { #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ params->utils->log(params->utils->conn, SASL_LOG_ERR, "SSF requested of CRAM-MD5 plugin"); #else SETERROR( params->utils, "SSF requested of CRAM-MD5 plugin"); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ return SASL_TOOWEAK; } /* try to get the userid */ if (oparams->authid == NULL) { auth_result=_plug_get_authid(params->utils, &authid, prompt_need); if ((auth_result != SASL_OK) && (auth_result != SASL_INTERACT)) return auth_result; } /* try to get the password */ if (password == NULL) { pass_result=_plug_get_password(params->utils, &password, &free_password, prompt_need); if ((pass_result != SASL_OK) && (pass_result != SASL_INTERACT)) return pass_result; } /* free prompts we got */ if (prompt_need && *prompt_need) { params->utils->free(*prompt_need); *prompt_need = NULL; } /* if there are prompts not filled in */ if ((auth_result == SASL_INTERACT) || (pass_result == SASL_INTERACT)) { /* make the prompt list */ result = #ifdef _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ _plug_make_prompts(params->utils, &text->h, prompt_need, NULL, NULL, auth_result == SASL_INTERACT ? convert_prompt(params->utils, &text->h, gettext("Please enter your authentication name")) : NULL, NULL, pass_result == SASL_INTERACT ? convert_prompt(params->utils, &text->h, gettext("Please enter your password")) : NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); #else _plug_make_prompts(params->utils, prompt_need, NULL, NULL, auth_result == SASL_INTERACT ? "Please enter your authentication name" : NULL, NULL, pass_result == SASL_INTERACT ? "Please enter your password" : NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); #endif /* _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ */ if (result != SASL_OK) goto cleanup; return SASL_INTERACT; } if (!password) { PARAMERROR(params->utils); return SASL_BADPARAM; } result = params->canon_user(params->utils->conn, authid, 0, SASL_CU_AUTHID | SASL_CU_AUTHZID, oparams); if (result != SASL_OK) goto cleanup; /* * username SP digest (keyed md5 where key is passwd) */ in16 = make_hashed(password, (char *) serverin, serverinlen, params->utils); if (in16 == NULL) { #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ params->utils->log(params->utils->conn, SASL_LOG_ERR, "make_hashed failed"); #else SETERROR(params->utils, "whoops, make_hashed failed us this time"); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ result = SASL_FAIL; goto cleanup; } maxsize = 32+1+strlen(oparams->authid)+30; result = _plug_buf_alloc(params->utils, &(text->out_buf), &(text->out_buf_len), maxsize); if (result != SASL_OK) goto cleanup; snprintf(text->out_buf, maxsize, "%s %s", oparams->authid, in16); *clientout = text->out_buf; *clientoutlen = strlen(*clientout); /* set oparams */ oparams->doneflag = 1; oparams->mech_ssf = 0; oparams->maxoutbuf = 0; oparams->encode_context = NULL; oparams->encode = NULL; oparams->decode_context = NULL; oparams->decode = NULL; oparams->param_version = 0; result = SASL_OK; cleanup: /* get rid of private information */ if (in16) _plug_free_string(params->utils, &in16); /* get rid of all sensitive info */ if (free_password) _plug_free_secret(params-> utils, &password); return result; } static void crammd5_client_mech_dispose(void *conn_context, const sasl_utils_t *utils) { client_context_t *text = (client_context_t *) conn_context; if (!text) return; #ifdef _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ convert_prompt(utils, &text->h, NULL); #endif /* _INTEGRATED_SOLARIS_ */ if (text->out_buf) utils->free(text->out_buf); utils->free(text); } static sasl_client_plug_t crammd5_client_plugins[] = { { "CRAM-MD5", /* mech_name */ 0, /* max_ssf */ SASL_SEC_NOPLAINTEXT | SASL_SEC_NOANONYMOUS, /* security_flags */ SASL_FEAT_SERVER_FIRST, /* features */ NULL, /* required_prompts */ NULL, /* glob_context */ &crammd5_client_mech_new, /* mech_new */ &crammd5_client_mech_step, /* mech_step */ &crammd5_client_mech_dispose, /* mech_dispose */ NULL, /* mech_free */ NULL, /* idle */ NULL, /* spare */ NULL /* spare */ } }; int crammd5_client_plug_init(const sasl_utils_t *utils, int maxversion, int *out_version, sasl_client_plug_t **pluglist, int *plugcount) { if (maxversion < SASL_CLIENT_PLUG_VERSION) { #ifdef _SUN_SDK_ utils->log(NULL, SASL_LOG_ERR, "CRAM version mismatch"); #else SETERROR( utils, "CRAM version mismatch"); #endif /* _SUN_SDK_ */ return SASL_BADVERS; } *out_version = SASL_CLIENT_PLUG_VERSION; *pluglist = crammd5_client_plugins; *plugcount = 1; return SASL_OK; }