/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 Silicon Graphics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Portions Copyright (C) 2007-2010 David Anderson. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it would be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Further, this software is distributed without any warranty that it is free of the rightful claim of any third person regarding infringement or the like. Any license provided herein, whether implied or otherwise, applies only to this software file. Patent licenses, if any, provided herein do not apply to combinations of this program with other software, or any other product whatsoever. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; if not, write the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston MA 02110-1301, USA. Contact information: Silicon Graphics, Inc., 1500 Crittenden Lane, Mountain View, CA 94043, or: http://www.sgi.com For further information regarding this notice, see: http://oss.sgi.com/projects/GenInfo/NoticeExplan */ /* The address of the Free Software Foundation is Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. SGI has moved from the Crittenden Lane address. */ #undef DEBUG #include "config.h" #include "dwarf_incl.h" #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "malloc_check.h" /* These files are included to get the sizes of structs to set the ah_bytes_one_struct field of the Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr_s structs for each allocation type. */ #include "dwarf_line.h" #include "dwarf_global.h" #include "dwarf_arange.h" #include "dwarf_abbrev.h" #include "dwarf_die_deliv.h" #include "dwarf_frame.h" #include "dwarf_loc.h" #include "dwarf_funcs.h" #include "dwarf_types.h" #include "dwarf_vars.h" #include "dwarf_weaks.h" static void _dwarf_free_special_error(Dwarf_Ptr space); #ifdef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC static void _dwarf_simple_malloc_add_to_list(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Ptr addr, unsigned long size, short alloc_type); static void _dwarf_simple_malloc_delete_from_list(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Ptr space, short alloc_type); void _dwarf_simple_malloc_botch(int err); #endif /* DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC */ /* This macro adds the size of a pointer to the size of a struct that is given to it. It rounds up the size to be a multiple of the size of a pointer. This is done so that every struct returned by _dwarf_get_alloc() can be preceded by a pointer to the chunk it came from. Before allocating, it checks if the size of struct is less than the size of a pointer. If yes, it returns the size of 2 pointers. The returned size should be at least the size of 2 pointers, since the first points to the chunk the struct was allocated from, and the second is used to link the free list. We want DW_RESERVE to be at least the size of a long long and at least the size of a pointer because our struct has a long long and we want that aligned right. Now Standard C defines long long as 8 bytes, so lets make that standard. It will become unworkable when long long or pointer grows beyound 8 bytes. Unclear what to do with wierd requirements, like 36 bit pointers. */ #define DW_RESERVE 8 /* Round size up to the next multiple of DW_RESERVE bytes */ #define ROUND_SIZE(inputsize) \ (((inputsize) % (DW_RESERVE)) == 0 ? \ (inputsize): \ ((inputsize) + \ (DW_RESERVE) - ((inputsize) % (DW_RESERVE)) )) #define ROUND_SIZE_WITH_POINTER(i_size) (ROUND_SIZE(i_size) + DW_RESERVE) /* SMALL_ALLOC is for trivia where allocation is a waste. Things that should be removed, really. */ #define SMALL_ALLOC 2 /* BASE_ALLOC is where a basic allocation makes sense, but 'not too large'. No thorough evaluation of this value has been done, though it was found wasteful of memory to have BASE_ALLOC be as large as BIG_ALLOC. */ #define BASE_ALLOC 64 /* BIG_ALLOC is where a larger-than-BASE_ALLOC allocation makes sense, but still 'not too large'. No thorough evaluation of this value has been done. */ #define BIG_ALLOC 128 /* This translates into de_alloc_hdr index ** the 0,1,1 entries are special: they don't use the ** table values at all. ** Rearranging the DW_DLA values would break binary compatibility ** so that is not an option. */ struct ial_s { int ia_al_num; /* Index into de_alloc_hdr table. */ /* In bytes, one struct instance. This does not account for extra space needed per block, but that (DW_RESERVE) will be added in later where it is needed (DW_RESERVE space never added in here). */ int ia_struct_size; /* Number of instances per alloc block. MUST be > 0. */ int ia_base_count; int (*specialconstructor) (Dwarf_Debug, void *); void (*specialdestructor) (void *); }; static const struct ial_s index_into_allocated[ALLOC_AREA_INDEX_TABLE_MAX] = { {0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, /* none */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, /* 1 DW_DLA_STRING */ {1, sizeof(Dwarf_Loc), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0} , /* 2 DW_DLA_LOC */ {2, sizeof(Dwarf_Locdesc), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0} , /* 3 DW_DLA_LOCDESC */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0} , /* not used *//* 4 DW_DLA_ELLIST */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0} , /* not used *//* 5 DW_DLA_BOUNDS */ {3, sizeof(Dwarf_Block), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0} , /* 6 DW_DLA_BLOCK */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0} , /* the actual dwarf_debug structure *//* 7 DW_DLA_DEBUG */ {4, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Die_s), BIG_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 8 DW_DLA_DIE */ {5, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Line_s), BIG_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 9 DW_DLA_LINE */ {6, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Attribute_s), BIG_ALLOC * 2, 0, 0}, /* 10 DW_DLA_ATTR */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, /* not used *//* 11 DW_DLA_TYPE */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, /* not used *//* 12 DW_DLA_SUBSCR */ {7, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 13 DW_DLA_GLOBAL */ {8, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Error_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 14 DW_DLA_ERROR */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, /* 15 DW_DLA_LIST */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, /* not used *//* 16 DW_DLA_LINEBUF */ {9, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Arange_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 17 DW_DLA_ARANGE */ {10, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Abbrev_s), BIG_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 18 DW_DLA_ABBREV */ {11, sizeof(Dwarf_Frame_Op), BIG_ALLOC, 0, 0} , /* 19 DW_DLA_FRAME_OP */ {12, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Cie_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 20 DW_DLA_CIE */ {13, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Fde_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 21 DW_DLA_FDE */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, /* 22 DW_DLA_LOC_BLOCK */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, /* 23 DW_DLA_FRAME_BLOCK */ {14, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 24 DW_DLA_FUNC UNUSED */ {15, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 25 DW_DLA_TYPENAME UNUSED */ {16, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 26 DW_DLA_VAR UNUSED */ {17, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 27 DW_DLA_WEAK UNUSED */ {0, 1, 1, 0, 0}, /* 28 DW_DLA_ADDR */ {0, 1,1,0,0 }, /* 29 DW_DLA_RANGES */ /* The following DW_DLA data types are known only inside libdwarf. */ {18, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Abbrev_List_s), BIG_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 30 DW_DLA_ABBREV_LIST */ {19, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Chain_s), BIG_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 31 DW_DLA_CHAIN */ {20, sizeof(struct Dwarf_CU_Context_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 32 DW_DLA_CU_CONTEXT */ {21, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Frame_s), BASE_ALLOC, _dwarf_frame_constructor, _dwarf_frame_destructor}, /* 33 DW_DLA_FRAME */ {22, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_Context_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 34 DW_DLA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT */ {23, sizeof(struct Dwarf_File_Entry_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 34 */ /* 35 DW_DLA_FILE_ENTRY */ {24, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Line_Context_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 36 DW_DLA_LINE_CONTEXT */ {25, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Loc_Chain_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 36 */ /* 37 DW_DLA_LOC_CHAIN */ {26, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Hash_Table_s),BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 37 */ /* 38 DW_DLA_HASH_TABLE */ /* The following really use Global struct: used to be unique struct per type, but now merged (11/99). The opaque types are visible in the interface. The types for DW_DLA_FUNC, DW_DLA_TYPENAME, DW_DLA_VAR, DW_DLA_WEAK also use the global types. */ {27, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_Context_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 39 DW_DLA_FUNC_CONTEXT */ {28, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_Context_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 40 DW_DLA_TYPENAME_CONTEXT */ {29, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_Context_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 41 DW_DLA_VAR_CONTEXT */ {30, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_Context_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 42 DW_DLA_WEAK_CONTEXT */ {31, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Global_Context_s), BASE_ALLOC, 0, 0}, /* 43 DW_DLA_PUBTYPES_CONTEXT DWARF3 */ {0,1,1,0,0 }, /* 44 DW_DLA_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY */ }; #ifndef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC /* This function is given a pointer to the header structure that is used to allocate 1 struct of the type given by alloc_type. It first checks if a struct is available in its free list. If not, it checks if 1 is available in its blob, which is a chunk of memory that is reserved for its use. If not, it malloc's a chunk. The initial part of it is used to store the end address of the chunk, and also to keep track of the number of free structs in that chunk. This information is used for freeing the chunk when all the structs in it are free. Assume all input arguments have been validated. This function can be used only to allocate 1 struct of the given type. It returns a pointer to the struct that the user can use. It returns NULL only when it is out of free structs, and cannot malloc any more. The struct returned is zero-ed. A pointer to the chunk that the struct belongs to is stored in the bytes preceding the returned address. Since this pointer it never overwritten, when a struct is allocated from the free_list this pointer does not have to be written. In the 2 other cases, where the struct is allocated from a new chunk, or the blob, a pointer to the chunk is written. */ static Dwarf_Ptr _dwarf_find_memory(Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr alloc_hdr) { /* Pointer to the struct allocated. */ Dwarf_Small *ret_mem = 0; /* Pointer to info about chunks allocated. */ Dwarf_Alloc_Area alloc_area; /* Size of chunk malloc'ed when no free structs left. */ Dwarf_Signed mem_block_size; /* Pointer to block malloc'ed. */ Dwarf_Small *mem_block; /* Check the alloc_area from which the last allocation was made (most recent new block). If that is not successful, then search the list of alloc_area's from alloc_header. */ alloc_area = alloc_hdr->ah_last_alloc_area; if (alloc_area == NULL || alloc_area->aa_free_structs_in_chunk == 0) for (alloc_area = alloc_hdr->ah_alloc_area_head; alloc_area != NULL; alloc_area = alloc_area->aa_next) { if (alloc_area->aa_free_structs_in_chunk > 0) { break; /* found a free entry! */ } } if (alloc_area != NULL) { alloc_area->aa_free_structs_in_chunk--; if (alloc_area->aa_free_list != NULL) { ret_mem = alloc_area->aa_free_list; /* Update the free list. The initial part of the struct is used to hold a pointer to the next struct on the free list. In this way, the free list chain is maintained at 0 memory cost. */ alloc_area->aa_free_list = ((Dwarf_Free_List) ret_mem)->fl_next; } else if (alloc_area->aa_blob_start < alloc_area->aa_blob_end) { ret_mem = alloc_area->aa_blob_start; /* Store pointer to chunk this struct belongs to in the first few bytes. Return pointer to bytes after this pointer storage. */ *(Dwarf_Alloc_Area *) ret_mem = alloc_area; ret_mem += DW_RESERVE; alloc_area->aa_blob_start += alloc_hdr->ah_bytes_one_struct; } else { /* else fall thru , though it should be impossible to fall thru. And represents a disastrous programming error if we get here. */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "libdwarf Internal error start %x end %x\n", (int) alloc_area->aa_blob_start, (int) alloc_area->aa_blob_end); #endif } } /* New memory has to malloc'ed since there are no free structs. */ if (ret_mem == 0) { Dwarf_Word rounded_area_hdr_size; alloc_hdr->ah_chunks_allocated++; { /* this nonsense avoids a warning */ /* CONSTCOND would be better */ unsigned long v = sizeof(struct Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s); rounded_area_hdr_size = ROUND_SIZE(v); } /* Allocate memory to contain the required number of structs and the Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s to control it. */ mem_block_size = alloc_hdr->ah_bytes_malloc_per_chunk + rounded_area_hdr_size; mem_block = malloc(mem_block_size); if (mem_block == NULL) { return (NULL); } /* Attach the Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s struct to the list of chunks malloc'ed for this struct type. Also initialize the fields of the Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s. */ alloc_area = (Dwarf_Alloc_Area) mem_block; alloc_area->aa_prev = 0; if (alloc_hdr->ah_alloc_area_head != NULL) { alloc_hdr->ah_alloc_area_head->aa_prev = alloc_area; } alloc_area->aa_free_list = 0; alloc_area->aa_next = alloc_hdr->ah_alloc_area_head; alloc_hdr->ah_alloc_area_head = alloc_area; alloc_area->aa_alloc_hdr = alloc_hdr; alloc_area->aa_free_structs_in_chunk = (Dwarf_Sword) alloc_hdr->ah_structs_per_chunk - 1; if (alloc_area->aa_free_structs_in_chunk < 1) { /* If we get here, there is a disastrous programming error somewhere. */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "libdwarf Internal error: free structs in chunk %d\n", (int) alloc_area->aa_free_structs_in_chunk); #endif return NULL; } /* The struct returned begins immediately after the Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s struct. */ ret_mem = mem_block + rounded_area_hdr_size; alloc_area->aa_blob_start = ret_mem + alloc_hdr->ah_bytes_one_struct; alloc_area->aa_blob_end = mem_block + mem_block_size; /* Store pointer to chunk this struct belongs to in the first few bytes. Return pointer to bytes after this pointer storage. */ *(Dwarf_Alloc_Area *) ret_mem = alloc_area; ret_mem += DW_RESERVE; } alloc_hdr->ah_last_alloc_area = alloc_area; alloc_hdr->ah_struct_user_holds++; memset(ret_mem, 0, alloc_hdr->ah_bytes_one_struct - DW_RESERVE); return (ret_mem); } #endif /* ndef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC */ /* This function returns a pointer to a region of memory. For alloc_types that are not strings or lists of pointers, only 1 struct can be requested at a time. This is indicated by an input count of 1. For strings, count equals the length of the string it will contain, i.e it the length of the string plus 1 for the terminating null. For lists of pointers, count is equal to the number of pointers. For DW_DLA_FRAME_BLOCK, DW_DLA_RANGES, and DW_DLA_LOC_BLOCK allocation types also, count is the count of the number of structs needed. This function cannot be used to allocate a Dwarf_Debug_s struct. */ Dwarf_Ptr _dwarf_get_alloc(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Small alloc_type, Dwarf_Unsigned count) { Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr alloc_hdr; Dwarf_Ptr ret_mem; Dwarf_Signed size = 0; unsigned int index; unsigned int type = alloc_type; if (dbg == NULL) { return (NULL); } if (type >= ALLOC_AREA_INDEX_TABLE_MAX) { /* internal error */ return NULL; } index = index_into_allocated[type].ia_al_num; /* zero also illegal but not tested for */ /* If the Dwarf_Debug is not fully set up, we will get index 0 for any type and must do something. 'Not fully set up' can only happen for DW_DLA_ERROR, I (davea) believe, and for that we call special code here.. */ if (index == 0) { if (alloc_type == DW_DLA_STRING) { size = count; } else if (alloc_type == DW_DLA_LIST) { size = count * sizeof(Dwarf_Ptr); } else if (alloc_type == DW_DLA_FRAME_BLOCK) { size = count * sizeof(Dwarf_Frame_Op); } else if (alloc_type == DW_DLA_LOC_BLOCK) { size = count * sizeof(Dwarf_Loc); } else if (alloc_type == DW_DLA_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY) { size = count * sizeof(struct Dwarf_Hash_Table_Entry_s); } else if (alloc_type == DW_DLA_ADDR) { size = count * (sizeof(Dwarf_Addr) > sizeof(Dwarf_Off) ? sizeof(Dwarf_Addr) : sizeof(Dwarf_Off)); } else if (alloc_type == DW_DLA_RANGES) { size = count * sizeof(Dwarf_Ranges); } else if (alloc_type == DW_DLA_ERROR) { void *m = _dwarf_special_no_dbg_error_malloc(); dwarf_malloc_check_alloc_data(m, DW_DLA_ERROR); return m; } else { /* If we get here, there is a disastrous programming error somewhere. */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "libdwarf Internal error: type %d unexpected\n", (int) type); #endif } } else { alloc_hdr = &dbg->de_alloc_hdr[index]; if (alloc_hdr->ah_bytes_one_struct > 0) { #ifdef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC size = alloc_hdr->ah_bytes_one_struct; #else { void *m = _dwarf_find_memory(alloc_hdr); dwarf_malloc_check_alloc_data(m, type); if (index_into_allocated[type].specialconstructor) { int res = index_into_allocated[type]. specialconstructor(dbg, m); if (res != DW_DLV_OK) { /* We leak what we allocated in _dwarf_find_memory when constructor fails. */ return NULL; } } return m; } #endif } else { /* Special case: should not really happen at all. */ if (type == DW_DLA_ERROR) { /* dwarf_init failure. Because dbg is incomplete we won't use it to record the malloc. */ void *m = _dwarf_special_no_dbg_error_malloc(); dwarf_malloc_check_alloc_data(m, DW_DLA_ERROR); return m; } else { /* If we get here, there is a disastrous programming error somewhere. */ #ifdef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC _dwarf_simple_malloc_botch(3); #endif #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "libdwarf Internal error: Type %d unexpected\n", (int) type); #endif } } } ret_mem = malloc(size); #ifdef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC _dwarf_simple_malloc_add_to_list(dbg, ret_mem, (unsigned long) size, type); #endif if (ret_mem != NULL) memset(ret_mem, 0, size); dwarf_malloc_check_alloc_data(ret_mem, type); if (index_into_allocated[type].specialconstructor) { int res = index_into_allocated[type].specialconstructor(dbg, ret_mem); if (res != DW_DLV_OK) { /* We leak what we allocated in _dwarf_find_memory when constructor fails. */ return NULL; } } return (ret_mem); } /* This function is used to deallocate a region of memory that was obtained by a call to _dwarf_get_alloc. Note that though dwarf_dealloc() is a public function, _dwarf_get_alloc() isn't. For lists, typically arrays of pointers, it is assumed that the space was allocated by a direct call to malloc, and so a straight free() is done. This is also the case for variable length blocks such as DW_DLA_FRAME_BLOCK and DW_DLA_LOC_BLOCK and DW_DLA_RANGES. For strings, the pointer might point to a string in .debug_info or .debug_string. After this is checked, and if found not to be the case, a free() is done, again on the assumption that a malloc was used to obtain the space. For other types of structs, a pointer to the chunk that the struct was allocated out of, is present in the bytes preceding the pointer passed in. For this chunk it is checked whether all the structs in that chunk are now free. If so, the entire chunk is free_ed. Otherwise, the space is added to the free list for that chunk, and the free count incremented. This function does not return anything. */ void dwarf_dealloc(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Ptr space, Dwarf_Unsigned alloc_type) { Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr alloc_hdr; Dwarf_Alloc_Area alloc_area; unsigned int type = alloc_type; unsigned int index; if (space == NULL) { return; } if (type == DW_DLA_ERROR) { /* Get pointer to Dwarf_Alloc_Area this struct came from. See dwarf_alloc.h ROUND_SIZE_WITH_POINTER stuff */ alloc_area = *(Dwarf_Alloc_Area *) ((char *) space - DW_RESERVE); if (alloc_area == 0) { /* This is the special case of a failed dwarf_init(). Also (and more signficantly) there are a variety of other situations where libdwarf does not *know* what dbg is involved (because of a libdwarf-caller-error) so libdwarf uses NULL as the dbg. Those too wind up here. */ _dwarf_free_special_error(space); dwarf_malloc_check_dealloc_data(space, type); return; } } if (dbg == NULL) { /* App error, or an app that failed to succeed in a dwarf_init() call. */ return; } if (type >= ALLOC_AREA_INDEX_TABLE_MAX) { /* internal or user app error */ return; } index = index_into_allocated[type].ia_al_num; /* A string pointer may point into .debug_info or .debug_string. Otherwise, they are directly malloc'ed. */ dwarf_malloc_check_dealloc_data(space, type); if (index == 0) { if (type == DW_DLA_STRING) { if ((Dwarf_Small *) space >= dbg->de_debug_info.dss_data && (Dwarf_Small *) space < dbg->de_debug_info.dss_data + dbg->de_debug_info.dss_size) return; if (dbg->de_debug_line.dss_data != NULL && (Dwarf_Small *) space >= dbg->de_debug_line.dss_data && (Dwarf_Small *) space < dbg->de_debug_line.dss_data + dbg->de_debug_line.dss_size) return; if (dbg->de_debug_pubnames.dss_data != NULL && (Dwarf_Small *) space >= dbg->de_debug_pubnames.dss_data && (Dwarf_Small *) space < dbg->de_debug_pubnames.dss_data + dbg->de_debug_pubnames.dss_size) return; if (dbg->de_debug_frame.dss_data != NULL && (Dwarf_Small *) space >= dbg->de_debug_frame.dss_data && (Dwarf_Small *) space < dbg->de_debug_frame.dss_data + dbg->de_debug_frame.dss_size) return; if (dbg->de_debug_str.dss_data != NULL && (Dwarf_Small *) space >= dbg->de_debug_str.dss_data && (Dwarf_Small *) space < dbg->de_debug_str.dss_data + dbg->de_debug_str.dss_size) return; if (dbg->de_debug_funcnames.dss_data != NULL && (Dwarf_Small *) space >= dbg->de_debug_funcnames.dss_data && (Dwarf_Small *) space < dbg->de_debug_funcnames.dss_data + dbg->de_debug_funcnames.dss_size) return; if (dbg->de_debug_typenames.dss_data != NULL && (Dwarf_Small *) space >= dbg->de_debug_typenames.dss_data && (Dwarf_Small *) space < dbg->de_debug_typenames.dss_data + dbg->de_debug_typenames.dss_size) return; if (dbg->de_debug_pubtypes.dss_data != NULL && (Dwarf_Small *) space >= dbg->de_debug_pubtypes.dss_data && (Dwarf_Small *) space < dbg->de_debug_pubtypes.dss_data + dbg->de_debug_pubtypes.dss_size) return; if (dbg->de_debug_varnames.dss_data != NULL && (Dwarf_Small *) space >= dbg->de_debug_varnames.dss_data && (Dwarf_Small *) space < dbg->de_debug_varnames.dss_data + dbg->de_debug_varnames.dss_size) return; if (dbg->de_debug_weaknames.dss_data != NULL && (Dwarf_Small *) space >= dbg->de_debug_weaknames.dss_data && (Dwarf_Small *) space < dbg->de_debug_weaknames.dss_data + dbg->de_debug_weaknames.dss_size) return; #ifdef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC _dwarf_simple_malloc_delete_from_list(dbg, space, type); #endif free(space); return; } if (type == DW_DLA_LIST || type == DW_DLA_FRAME_BLOCK || type == DW_DLA_LOC_BLOCK || type == DW_DLA_ADDR || type == DW_DLA_RANGES || type == DW_DLA_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY) { #ifdef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC _dwarf_simple_malloc_delete_from_list(dbg, space, type); #endif free(space); return; } /* else is an alloc type that is not used */ /* app or internal error */ #ifdef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC _dwarf_simple_malloc_botch(4); #endif return; } if (index_into_allocated[type].specialdestructor) { index_into_allocated[type].specialdestructor(space); } #ifdef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC _dwarf_simple_malloc_delete_from_list(dbg, space, type); free(space); #else /* !DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC */ alloc_hdr = &dbg->de_alloc_hdr[index]; /* Get pointer to Dwarf_Alloc_Area this struct came from. See dwarf_alloc.h ROUND_SIZE_WITH_POINTER stuff */ alloc_area = *(Dwarf_Alloc_Area *) ((char *) space - DW_RESERVE); /* ASSERT: alloc_area != NULL If NULL we could abort, let it coredump below, or return, pretending all is well. We go on, letting program crash. Is caller error. */ /* Check that the alloc_hdr field of the alloc_area we have is pointing to the right alloc_hdr. This is used to catch use of incorrect deallocation code by the user. */ if (alloc_area->aa_alloc_hdr != alloc_hdr) { /* If we get here, the user has called dwarf_dealloc wrongly or there is some other disastrous error. By leaking mem here we try to be safe... */ #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "libdwarf Internal error: type %d hdr mismatch %lx %lx " "area ptr %lx\n", (int) type, (long) alloc_area->aa_alloc_hdr, (long) alloc_hdr, (long) alloc_area); #endif return; } alloc_hdr->ah_struct_user_holds--; alloc_area->aa_free_structs_in_chunk++; /* Give chunk back to malloc only when every struct is freed */ if (alloc_area->aa_free_structs_in_chunk == alloc_hdr->ah_structs_per_chunk) { if (alloc_area->aa_prev != NULL) { alloc_area->aa_prev->aa_next = alloc_area->aa_next; } else { alloc_hdr->ah_alloc_area_head = alloc_area->aa_next; } if (alloc_area->aa_next != NULL) { alloc_area->aa_next->aa_prev = alloc_area->aa_prev; } alloc_hdr->ah_chunks_allocated--; if (alloc_area == alloc_hdr->ah_last_alloc_area) { alloc_hdr->ah_last_alloc_area = NULL; } memset(alloc_area, 0, sizeof(*alloc_area)); free(alloc_area); } else { ((Dwarf_Free_List) space)->fl_next = alloc_area->aa_free_list; alloc_area->aa_free_list = space; } #endif /* !DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC */ } /* Allocates space for a Dwarf_Debug_s struct, since one does not exist. */ Dwarf_Debug _dwarf_get_debug(void ) { Dwarf_Debug dbg; dbg = (Dwarf_Debug) malloc(sizeof(struct Dwarf_Debug_s)); if (dbg == NULL) return (NULL); else memset(dbg, 0, sizeof(struct Dwarf_Debug_s)); return (dbg); } /* Sets up the Dwarf_Debug_s struct for all the allocation types currently defined. Allocation types DW_DLA_STRING, DW_DLA_LIST, DW_DLA_FRAME_BLOCK, DW_DLA_LOC_BLOCK, DW_DLA_RANGES are malloc'ed directly. This routine should be called after _dwarf_setup(), so that information about the sizes of the Dwarf sections can be used to decide the number of structs of each type malloc'ed. Also DW_DLA_ELLIST, DW_DLA_BOUNDS, DW_DLA_TYPE, DW_DLA_SUBSCR, DW_DLA_LINEBUF allocation types are currently not used. The ah_bytes_one_struct and ah_structs_per_chunk fields for these types have been set to 1 for efficiency in dwarf_get_alloc(). Ah_alloc_num should be greater than 1 for all types that are currently being used. Therefore, for these allocation types the ah_bytes_one_struct, and ah_structs_per_chunk fields do not need to be initialized. Being an internal routine, assume proper dbg. */ Dwarf_Debug _dwarf_setup_debug(Dwarf_Debug dbg) { int i; for (i = 1; i <= MAX_DW_DLA; i++) { const struct ial_s *ialp = &index_into_allocated[i]; unsigned int hdr_index = ialp->ia_al_num; Dwarf_Word str_size = ialp->ia_struct_size; Dwarf_Word str_count = ialp->ia_base_count; Dwarf_Word rnded_size = ROUND_SIZE_WITH_POINTER(str_size); Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr alloc_hdr = &dbg->de_alloc_hdr[hdr_index]; alloc_hdr->ah_bytes_one_struct = (Dwarf_Half) rnded_size; /* ah_structs_per_chunk must be >0 else we are in trouble */ alloc_hdr->ah_structs_per_chunk = str_count; alloc_hdr->ah_bytes_malloc_per_chunk = rnded_size * str_count; } return (dbg); } /* This function prints out the statistics collected on allocation of memory chunks. */ void dwarf_print_memory_stats(Dwarf_Debug dbg) { Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr alloc_hdr; Dwarf_Shalf i; /* Alloc types start at 1, not 0. Hence, the first NULL string, and also a size of MAX_DW_DLA + 1. */ char *alloc_type_name[MAX_DW_DLA + 1] = { "", "DW_DLA_STRING", "DW_DLA_LOC", "DW_DLA_LOCDESC", "DW_DLA_ELLIST", "DW_DLA_BOUNDS", "DW_DLA_BLOCK", "DW_DLA_DEBUG", "DW_DLA_DIE", "DW_DLA_LINE", "DW_DLA_ATTR", "DW_DLA_TYPE", "DW_DLA_SUBSCR", "DW_DLA_GLOBAL", "DW_DLA_ERROR", "DW_DLA_LIST", "DW_DLA_LINEBUF", "DW_DLA_ARANGE", "DW_DLA_ABBREV", "DW_DLA_FRAME_OP", "DW_DLA_CIE", "DW_DLA_FDE", "DW_DLA_LOC_BLOCK", "DW_DLA_FRAME_BLOCK", "DW_DLA_FUNC", "DW_DLA_TYPENAME", "DW_DLA_VAR", "DW_DLA_WEAK", "DW_DLA_ADDR", "DW_DLA_RANGES", "DW_DLA_ABBREV_LIST", "DW_DLA_CHAIN", "DW_DLA_CU_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_FRAME", "DW_DLA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_FILE_ENTRY", "DW_DLA_LINE_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_LOC_CHAIN", "DW_DLA_HASH_TABLE", "DW_DLA_FUNC_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_TYPENAME_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_VAR_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_WEAK_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_PUBTYPES_CONTEXT", "DW_DLA_HASH_TABLE_ENTRY", }; if (dbg == NULL) return; printf("Size of Dwarf_Debug %4ld bytes\n", (long) sizeof(*dbg)); printf("Size of Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr_s %4ld bytes\n", (long) sizeof(struct Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr_s)); printf("size of Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s %4ld bytes\n", (long) sizeof(struct Dwarf_Alloc_Area_s)); printf(" Alloc Type Curr Structs byt str\n"); printf(" ---------- ---- ------- per per\n"); for (i = 1; i <= MAX_DW_DLA; i++) { int indx = index_into_allocated[i].ia_al_num; alloc_hdr = &dbg->de_alloc_hdr[indx]; if (alloc_hdr->ah_bytes_one_struct != 1) { printf("%2d %-25s %6d %8d %6d %6d\n", (int) i, alloc_type_name[i], (int) alloc_hdr->ah_chunks_allocated, (int) alloc_hdr->ah_struct_user_holds, (int) alloc_hdr->ah_bytes_malloc_per_chunk, (int) alloc_hdr->ah_structs_per_chunk); } } } #ifndef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC /* This recursively frees the chunks still allocated, and forward chained through the aa_next pointer. */ static void _dwarf_recursive_free(Dwarf_Alloc_Area alloc_area) { if (alloc_area->aa_next != NULL) { _dwarf_recursive_free(alloc_area->aa_next); } alloc_area->aa_next = 0; alloc_area->aa_prev = 0; free(alloc_area); } #endif /* In the 'rela' relocation case we might have malloc'd space to ensure it is read-write. In that case, free the space. */ static void rela_free(struct Dwarf_Section_s * sec) { if (sec->dss_data_was_malloc) { free(sec->dss_data); } sec->dss_data = 0; sec->dss_data_was_malloc = 0; } /* Used to free all space allocated for this Dwarf_Debug. The caller should assume that the Dwarf_Debug pointer itself is no longer valid upon return from this function. In case of difficulty, this function simply returns quietly. */ int _dwarf_free_all_of_one_debug(Dwarf_Debug dbg) { Dwarf_Alloc_Hdr alloc_hdr; Dwarf_Shalf i; Dwarf_CU_Context context = 0; Dwarf_CU_Context nextcontext = 0; if (dbg == NULL) return (DW_DLV_ERROR); /* To do complete validation that we have no surprising missing or erroneous deallocs it is advisable to do the dwarf_deallocs here that are not things the user can otherwise request. Housecleaning. */ for (context = dbg->de_cu_context_list; context; context = nextcontext) { Dwarf_Hash_Table hash_table = context->cc_abbrev_hash_table; _dwarf_free_abbrev_hash_table_contents(dbg,hash_table); nextcontext = context->cc_next; dwarf_dealloc(dbg, hash_table, DW_DLA_HASH_TABLE); dwarf_dealloc(dbg, context, DW_DLA_CU_CONTEXT); } /* Housecleaning done. Now really free all the space. */ #ifdef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC if (dbg->de_simple_malloc_base) { struct simple_malloc_record_s *smp = dbg->de_simple_malloc_base; while (smp) { int i; struct simple_malloc_record_s *prev_smp = 0; for (i = 0; i < smp->sr_used; ++i) { struct simple_malloc_entry_s *cur; cur = &smp->sr_entry[i]; if (cur->se_addr != 0) { free(cur->se_addr); cur->se_addr = 0; } } prev_smp = smp; smp = smp->sr_next; free(prev_smp); } dbg->de_simple_malloc_base = 0; } #else for (i = 1; i < ALLOC_AREA_REAL_TABLE_MAX; i++) { int indx = i; alloc_hdr = &dbg->de_alloc_hdr[indx]; if (alloc_hdr->ah_alloc_area_head != NULL) { _dwarf_recursive_free(alloc_hdr->ah_alloc_area_head); } } #endif rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_info); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_abbrev); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_line); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_loc); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_aranges); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_macinfo); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_pubnames); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_str); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_frame); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_frame_eh_gnu); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_pubtypes); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_funcnames); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_typenames); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_varnames); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_weaknames); rela_free(&dbg->de_debug_ranges); dwarf_harmless_cleanout(&dbg->de_harmless_errors); memset(dbg, 0, sizeof(*dbg)); /* Prevent accidental use later. */ free(dbg); return (DW_DLV_OK); } /* A special case: we have no dbg, no alloc header etc. So create something out of thin air that we can recognize in dwarf_dealloc. Something with the prefix (prefix space hidden from caller). Only applies to DW_DLA_ERROR, making up an error record. */ struct Dwarf_Error_s * _dwarf_special_no_dbg_error_malloc(void) { /* the union unused things are to guarantee proper alignment */ union u { Dwarf_Alloc_Area ptr_not_used; struct Dwarf_Error_s base_not_used; char data_space[sizeof(struct Dwarf_Error_s) + (DW_RESERVE * 2)]; }; char *mem; mem = malloc(sizeof(union u)); if (mem == 0) { return 0; } memset(mem, 0, sizeof(union u)); mem += DW_RESERVE; return (struct Dwarf_Error_s *) mem; } /* The free side of _dwarf_special_no_dbg_error_malloc() */ static void _dwarf_free_special_error(Dwarf_Ptr space) { char *mem = (char *) space; mem -= DW_RESERVE; free(mem); } #ifdef DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC /* here solely for planting a breakpoint. */ /* ARGSUSED */ void _dwarf_simple_malloc_botch(int err) { fprintf(stderr,"simple malloc botch %d\n",err); } static void _dwarf_simple_malloc_add_to_list(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Ptr addr, unsigned long size, short alloc_type) { struct simple_malloc_record_s *cur; struct simple_malloc_entry_s *newentry; if (!dbg->de_simple_malloc_base) { /* First entry to this routine. */ dbg->de_simple_malloc_base = malloc(sizeof(struct simple_malloc_record_s)); if (!dbg->de_simple_malloc_base) { _dwarf_simple_malloc_botch(7); return; /* no memory, give up */ } memset(dbg->de_simple_malloc_base, 0, sizeof(struct simple_malloc_record_s)); } cur = dbg->de_simple_malloc_base; if (cur->sr_used >= DSM_BLOCK_COUNT) { /* Better not be > than as that means chaos */ /* Create a new block to link at the head. */ struct simple_malloc_record_s *newblock = malloc(sizeof(struct simple_malloc_record_s)); if (!newblock) { _dwarf_simple_malloc_botch(8); return; /* Can do nothing, out of memory */ } memset(newblock, 0, sizeof(struct simple_malloc_record_s)); /* Link the new block at the head of the chain, and make it 'current' */ dbg->de_simple_malloc_base = newblock; newblock->sr_next = cur; cur = newblock; } newentry = &cur->sr_entry[cur->sr_used]; newentry->se_addr = addr; newentry->se_size = size; newentry->se_type = alloc_type; ++cur->sr_used; } /* DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC: testing the hypothesis that the existing malloc scheme here (see _dwarf_get_alloc()) is pointless complexity. DWARF_SIMPLE_MALLOC also makes it easy for a malloc-tracing tool to verify libdwarf malloc has no botches (though of course such does not test the complicated standard-libdwarf-alloc code). To properly answer the question, the simple-malloc allocate and delete should be something other than a simple list. Perhaps a heap, or perhaps a red-black tree. */ static void _dwarf_simple_malloc_delete_from_list(Dwarf_Debug dbg, Dwarf_Ptr space, short alloc_type) { if (space == 0) { _dwarf_simple_malloc_botch(6); } if (dbg->de_simple_malloc_base) { struct simple_malloc_record_s *smp = dbg->de_simple_malloc_base; while (smp) { int i; for (i = 0; i < smp->sr_used; ++i) { struct simple_malloc_entry_s *cur; cur = &smp->sr_entry[i]; if (cur->se_addr == space) { if (cur->se_type != alloc_type) { _dwarf_simple_malloc_botch(0); } cur->se_addr = 0; return; } } smp = smp->sr_next; } } /* Never found the space. */ _dwarf_simple_malloc_botch(1); return; } #endif