<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<!DOCTYPE specification SYSTEM "audit.dtd">

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 See the License for the specific language governing permissions
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 When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
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  ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"


<!-- comments are displayed to stderr if debug is on -->
<debug set="off"/>

    <!-- The order of events is arbitrary EXCEPT generic events must
	 precede their instances -->
       <!-- The order of entries within an event determine the order
            data is defined in the external API -->
	    <!-- The order of internal / external is arbitrary -->

			The following top level tags are defined:
			<event> <token> <msg_list> <debug>

	event		defines an audit record
			- id is the record id from audit_uevents.h
			- reorder="yes" or "no".  (default is "no").
			  if "yes" then the order of the tokens to be
			  output does not match the order of the data
			  input.  (see order attribute of <entry>)
			- header defines the header file to contain the external
			  definitions for this event type.  The header file
			  name is adt_event_N.h, where N is the value supplied
			  header="0" is for "stable" events, > 0 for new ones.
			  with this attribute. (header="1").
			- idNo is the number associated with the external
			  name of this event. (For AUE_login, ADT_login is
			  the external name and idNo is the value for
			- omit is by default 'no' (i.e., don't omit) and can be
			  'always' or 'JNI'.  In the latter case, C interface
			  code is generated but neither Java nor JNI code is.
			- included text is just a comment
			Within an event block, the following tags are defined:
			<entry>, <debug>, <altname>

	altname		defines the internal name of an audit record; if
			omitted, the internal name is the same as the
			external name.

	entry		defines the correspondence between the data
			supplied by the caller and the token to be
			- id is the data name that shows up in the structures
			  of adt_event.h  If it is a comma separated list,
			  it is the list of names of data to be associated
			  with one output token.  (See <external>, below)
			Within an entry block, the following tags are defined:
			<internal>, <external>, <debug>

	internal	defines the token to be generated.
			- token is a name that must also be defined with
			  a <token> tag elsewhere in this file.  (order is
			  not important).
			- order="some number" determines the order of the
			  tokens to be output, starting with 1.  The subject
			  token is normally order="1".  The use is to insure
			  that the order of fields listed in adt_event.h does
			  not change when we arbitrarily change the order of
			  tokens.  If the <event reorder="yes"> is not set,
			  order is ignored.
			- format is a printf-like string that will be used
			  in to format the data supplied by the user.

	external	defines the data to be supplied for creating the
			token defined via <internal>
			- opt is one of four values:  "required", "optional",
			  "obsolete", or "none".  The first two values
			  indicate that this token's data must or may
			  be supplied by the user; the third value is
			  equivalent to "optional" but shows in the
			  comment that this field is no longer used;
			  the forth value indicates that this token
			  does not require any user-supplied data.  If
			  data is required, then a token is always
			  output, while optional data is output only
			  if data is supplied.
			- type describes the C data type to be associated
			  with the <entry id="dataName">.  The following
			  data types are representative:

				au_asid_t (uint32_t)
				char * (blank is optional)
				char ** (blank is optional)
				uint_t, int, int32_t, uid_t, gid_t
				uid_t *, gid_t *
				long, ulong_t
				m_label_t *
				priv_set_t *
				uint16_t, unit32_t, uint64_t
				uint32_t *, uint32_t[], uint64_t *
				msg  (not a C type, see below)

			Below is what Tony said.  Above seems to be
			what is implemented
				char * (blank is optional)
				char ** (blank is optional)
				int, uid_t, gid_t
				int *, uid_t *, gid_t *
				msg  (not a C type, see below)
				uint, uint *

			  The msg type refers to an enumerated type
			  that must be defined via a <msg> description
			  else where in this file. The syntax is
			  special.  Example: <external opt="optional"
			  type="msg login_text"/> "login_text" is the
			  id of a <msg_list> descriptor given
			  elsewhere in this file.

			If the <entry> id is a list, the type must also
			be a comma-separated list, where the types are
			in the same order as the id's.
			If the type is an array, its length must be given

	token		Define allowed token names.
			- id is the name of token; this name is used
			as an <internal> id.
			- usage is an optional value.  At present, only
			  "TSOL" is defined; it means that this data is
			  to be used only in Trusted Solaris implementations.

	msg_list	Define a set of text strings.
			- id is the name to be used for this group of text
			  strings in adt_event.h
			- header is as defined for <event>
			Within a msg_list block, <msg> and <debug> are defined.
			The order of <msg> tags in a msg_list is reflected
			directly in adt_event.h

	msg		Define one string.
			- id is the name to be used in the enum describing
			  this set of strings.  Convention:  use upper case.
			The content (text between <msg> and </msg>) is the
			actual string.  Extra white space, including line
			feeds, is ignored.  If empty, no output token
			is generated unless the <external> opt attribute is
			set to "required", in which case a blank text token
			is generated.
			Within a msg block, <debug> is defined, but has not been
			tested and may have no effect.

	debug		This turns on/off debug messages during the processing
			of the xml data.  It affects the block within which it
			is defined.
			- set may have one of two values:  "on" or "off".  If
			  set is omitted, the debug state for the current block
			  is toggled.
			The use of the <debug> tag does not affect the output
			of data to the various files created, but does generate
			potentially large amounts of output to stderr.

<!--        template for an event record definition

    <event id="" header="0" idNo="">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="">
	    <internal token=""/>
	    <external opt="" type="" />
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    Generic events must precede Instance events; within each
    group, please group the AUE_* by area and event idNo-s in order,
    gaps in idNo-s are OK.
    N.B. Renumbering idNo-s requires recompilation of consumers.  See
    the contracts for whom to notify if/when this happens.

<!-- generic events  -->

	'omit="always"' means that this record type is not reflected
	in the generated header and table files.

    <event id="AUE_generic_basic" type="generic" omit="always">

	This is a template for the event types that have no tokens
	other than the header and return. There is no allowed_type
	list because the template is not externally visible due to the

	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_generic_login" type="generic" omit="always">

	This is a template for the various login event types
	AUE_login, AUE_ftp, etc which match this template.  There is
	no allowed_type list because the template is not externally
	visible due to the omit="always".

	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

	<!--	This field is still in use for SMC until it is cleaned up,
		it must remain, see login_text msg list at the end of the
	<entry id="message">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="msg login_text"/>
	    <comment>error message</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

<!-- generic SMC events  -->

    <event id="AUE_generic_SMC_add" type="generic" omit="always">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="object_name">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>object name</comment>
	<entry id="domain">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="name_service">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	  This should really be its own token type, not "text"
	<entry id="initial_values">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>initial values</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_generic_SMC_delete" type="generic" omit="always">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="object_name">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>object name</comment>
	<entry id="domain">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="name_service">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	<entry id="delete_values">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>deleted values</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_generic_SMC_modify" type="generic" omit="always">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="object_name">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>object name</comment>
	<entry id="domain">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="name_service">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	<entry id="changed_values">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>changed values</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

<!-- instances -->

	Java needed for SMC events.  Since the SMC events grow less
	often than the C related events.  They come first.  It
	would be nice to reorder the idNo-s, but that's an ABI
	change and should rev libbsm version no.  If reordered
	start with 1 and eliminate the comment at the end about
	the highest idNo.
    <event id="AUE_admin_authenticate" instance_of="AUE_generic_login"
	header="0" idNo="3">
	<title>Admin Server Authentication</title>
	<program>admin (various)</program>
	<see>SMC, WBEM, or AdminSuite</see>

    <event id="AUE_filesystem_add" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_add"
	header="0" idNo="4">
	<title>SMC: filesystem add</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_filesystem_delete" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_delete"
	header="0" idNo="5">
	<title>SMC: filesystem delete</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_filesystem_modify" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_modify"
	header="0" idNo="6">
	<title>SMC: filesystem modify</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>

    <event id="AUE_network_add" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_add"
	header="0" idNo="7">
	<title>SMC: network add</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_network_delete" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_delete"
	header="0" idNo="8">
	<title>SMC: network delete</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_network_modify" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_modify"
	header="0" idNo="9">
	<title>SMC: network modify</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>

    <event id="AUE_printer_add" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_add"
	header="0" idNo="10">
	<title>SMC: printer add</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_printer_delete" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_delete"
	header="0" idNo="11">
	<title>SMC: printer delete</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_printer_modify" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_modify"
	header="0" idNo="12">
	<title>SMC: printer modify</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>

	This is SMC; it's also used in su and should probably be used in
	desktop role login.  If we fix the SMC to not record NO_MSG here,
	we can fix to record failed user.  See su.c and AUE_su.
    <event id="AUE_role_login" instance_of="AUE_generic_login"
	header="0" idNo="13">
	<title>RBAC: role login</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>

    <event id="AUE_scheduledjob_add" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_add"
	header="0" idNo="14">
	<title>SMC: scheduled job add</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_scheduledjob_delete" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_delete"
	header="0" idNo="15">
	<title>SMC: scheduled job delete</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_scheduledjob_modify" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_modify"
	header="0" idNo="16">
	<title>SMC: scheduled job modify</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>

    <event id="AUE_serialport_add" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_add"
	header="0" idNo="17">
	<title>SMC: serial port add</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_serialport_delete" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_delete"
	header="0" idNo="18">
	<title>SMC: serial port delete</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_serialport_modify" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_modify"
	header="0" idNo="19">
	<title>SMC: serial port modify</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>

<!-- This is SMC; should this also be used elsewhere? -->
    <event id="AUE_uauth" header="0" idNo="20">
    	<title>SMC: Use of Authorization</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	<entry id="objectname">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>object name</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_usermgr_add" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_add"
	header="0" idNo="21">
	<title>SMC: User Manager add</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_usermgr_delete" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_delete"
	header="0" idNo="22">
	<title>SMC: User Manager delete</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
    <event id="AUE_usermgr_modify" instance_of="AUE_generic_SMC_modify"
	header="0" idNo="23">
	<title>SMC: User Manager modify</title>
	<program>SMC server</program>
<!-- end of Java needed for SMC events -->
    while not used by SMC logout is used by Lockhart
    <event id="AUE_logout" header="0" idNo="1"> 
    	<title>login: logout</title>
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
    not used by C code, used by Lockhart,
    get them to change and remove
    event.user_name("logout " + session.getUserName());
    from /ws/lockhart-nv-gate/src/bundled/app/webmgt/lib/services/
	<entry id="user_name">
	    <internal token="text" format="logout %s"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>"logout" username</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

<!-- C Only events -->
    <event id="AUE_init_solaris" header="0" idNo="32" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="info">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>init level or zone name</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_login" instance_of="AUE_generic_login" header="0"
	idNo="25" omit="JNI">
	<title>terminal login</title>
    <event id="AUE_rlogin" instance_of="AUE_generic_login" header="0"
	idNo="28" omit="JNI">
	<see>login(1) - rlogin</see>
    <event id="AUE_telnet" instance_of="AUE_generic_login" header="0"
	idNo="29" omit="JNI">
	<title>telnet login</title>
	<see>login(1) - telnet</see>
    <event id="AUE_ssh" instance_of="AUE_generic_login" header="0"
	idNo="2" omit="JNI">

    <event id="AUE_zlogin" header="0" idNo="38" omit="JNI">
    	<title>zone login</title>
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="message">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>error message</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_su" header="0" idNo="30" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	should be changed to "fail_user" and su.c updated
	However, the jni stuff is broken, so for now it's "message"
	<entry id="message">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>"user name" of failed new user/role</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_passwd" header="0" idNo="27" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="username">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>success/fail message</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_screenlock" instance_of="AUE_generic_basic" header="0"
	idNo="26" omit="JNI">
	<program>desktop screen lock</program>
    <event id="AUE_screenunlock" instance_of="AUE_generic_basic" header="0"
	idNo="31" omit="JNI">
	<program>desktop screen unlock</program>

	AUE_prof_cmd is not supportable for Java due to the structure of
	the priv token.  When and if a Java program needs to generate
	a priv token, we'll need to look at the data format in the
	Java code and provide an appropriate java and jni implementation.

    <event id="AUE_prof_cmd" header="0" idNo="24" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="cwdpath">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char*"/>
	    <comment>working directory</comment>
	<entry id="cmdpath">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char*"/>
	    <comment>command pathname</comment>
	<entry id="argc,argv,envp">
	    <internal token="command"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="int,char**,char**"/>
	<entry id="proc_auid,proc_euid,proc_egid,proc_ruid,proc_rgid,proc_pid,proc_sid,proc_termid">
	    <internal token="process"/>
	    <external opt="required"
	<entry id="limit_set">
	    <internal token="priv_limit"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="priv_set_t*"/>
	<entry id="inherit_set">
	    <internal token="priv_inherit"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="priv_set_t*"/>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_inetd_connect" header="0" idNo="34" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="service_name">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>service name</comment>
	<entry id="ip_type,ip_remote_port,ip_local_port,ip_adr">
	    <internal token="tid"/>
	    <external opt="required"
	    <comment>client address</comment>
	<entry id="cmd">
	    <internal token="command_1"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>inetd command</comment>
	<entry id="privileges">
	    <internal token="priv_effective"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="priv_set_t *"/>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_inetd_ratelimit" header="0" idNo="35" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="service_name">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>service name</comment>
	<entry id="limit">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>limit value</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_inetd_copylimit" header="0" idNo="36" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="service_name">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>service name</comment>
	<entry id="limit">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>limit value</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_inetd_failrate" header="0" idNo="37" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="service_name">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>service name</comment>
	<entry id="values">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>limit value, interval</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_zone_state" header="0" idNo="33" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="new_state">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>New zone state</comment>
	<entry id="zonename">
	    <internal token="zonename"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>zone name</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_su_logout" instance_of="AUE_generic_basic"
	header="0" idNo="39" omit="JNI">

    <event id="AUE_role_logout" instance_of="AUE_generic_basic"
	header="0" idNo="40" omit="JNI">

    <event id="AUE_newgrp_login" header="0" idNo="41" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="groupname">
	    <internal  token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required"  type="char *"/>
	    <comment>group name</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_generic_mountable" type="generic" omit="always">

	User device mounting related functions

	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	<entry id="mount_point">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>mount point</comment>
	<entry id="device">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="options">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_attach" instance_of="AUE_generic_mountable"
	header="0" idNo="42" omit="JNI">
    <event id="AUE_detach" instance_of="AUE_generic_mountable"
	header="0" idNo="43" omit="JNI">
    <event id="AUE_remove" header="0" idNo="44" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	<entry id="mount_point">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="optional" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>mount point</comment>
	<entry id="device">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_pool_import" header="0" idNo="45" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	<entry id="pool">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="device">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
    <event id="AUE_pool_export" header="0" idNo="46" omit="JNI">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	<entry id="pool">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="device">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

<!-- dladm security objected events -->
    <event id="AUE_dladm_generic" type="generic" omit="always">
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	<entry id="obj_class">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>object class name</comment>
	<entry id="obj_name">
	    <internal token="text"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>object name</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_dladm_create_secobj" instance_of="AUE_dladm_generic"
	header="0" idNo="47" omit="JNI">
	<title>create wifi security object</title>
    <event id="AUE_dladm_delete_secobj" instance_of="AUE_dladm_generic"
	header="0" idNo="48" omit="JNI">
	<title>delete wifi security object</title>

<!-- Trusted eXtensions (TX) events -->

    <!-- labeld events -->
    <event id="AUE_file_relabel" header="0" idNo="49" omit="JNI">
    	<title>relabel file from one zone to another</title>
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	<entry id="file">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>file relabeled</comment>
	<entry id="src_label">
	    <internal token="label"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="m_label_t *"/>
	    <comment>original label</comment>
	<entry id="dst_label">
	    <internal token="label"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="m_label_t *"/>
	    <comment>new label</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

    <event id="AUE_file_copy" header="0" idNo="50" omit="JNI">
    	<title>copy file to another zone</title>
	<entry id="subject">
	    <internal token="subject"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>
	<entry id="auth_used">
	    <internal token="uauth"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>authorization used</comment>
	<entry id="src_file">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>source file</comment>
	<entry id="src_label">
	    <internal token="label"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="m_label_t *"/>
	    <comment>source label</comment>
	<entry id="dst_file">
	    <internal token="path"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="char *"/>
	    <comment>destination directory</comment>
	<entry id="dst_label">
	    <internal token="label"/>
	    <external opt="required" type="m_label_t *"/>
	    <comment>destination label</comment>
	<entry id="return">
	    <internal token="return"/>
	    <external opt="none"/>

<!-- add new events here with the next higher idNo -->
<!-- Highest idNo is 50, so next is 51, then fix this comment -->
<!-- end of C Only events -->

     token definitions are partially implemented.  All they do for now
     is create a list of defined token names.  In the future they may
     become a way of describing token structure.

    <token id="acl">	
    <token id="arbitrary">
    <token id="arg">
    <token id="attr">
    <token id="command">
    <token id="command_1">
    <token id="date">
    <token id="exec_args">
    <token id="exec_env">
    <token id="exit">
    <token id="file">
    <token id="fmri">
    <token id="groups">
    <token id="in_addr">
    <token id="ipc">
    <token id="ipc_perm">
    <token id="label">
    <token id="newgroups">
    <token id="opaque">
    <token id="path">
    <!-- pseudo token; path list generates 0 or more path tokens -->
    <token id="path_list">
    <token id="tid">

	privilege token is implemented as one of the pseudo tokens
	priv_limit, priv_effective, or priv_inherit

    <token id="privilege">
    <token id="priv_effective">
    <token id="priv_inherit">
    <token id="priv_limit">
    <token id="process">
    <token id="return">
    <token id="seq">
    <token id="socket">
    <token id="socket-inet">
    <token id="subject">
    <token id="text">
    <token id="uauth">
    <token id="zonename">

    error value list for return values with success/fail code of fail.
    These values start at 1000 so praudit can tell the difference
    between the libbsm/common/audit_*.c broken error values and
    the new adt_ error value list.  It is public so that praudit
    can find it.

    praudit outputs "failure" %s" for these strings, so there is
    no need to use words such as "failed" in the message.

    ** Add to the end only to maintain validity across versions of
    the audit log. **

    <msg_list id="fail_value" header="0" start="1000" public="true">
	<msg id="PW_ATTR">Attribute update</msg>
	<msg id="PW">Password update</msg>
	<msg id="USERNAME">bad username</msg>
	<msg id="AUTH">authorization failed</msg>
	<msg id="UID">bad uid</msg>
	<msg id="UNKNOWN">unknown failure</msg>
	<msg id="EXPIRED">password expired</msg>
	<msg id="ACCOUNT_LOCKED">Account is locked</msg>
	<msg id="BAD_DIALUP">Bad dial up</msg>
	<msg id="BAD_ID">Invalid ID</msg>
	<msg id="BAD_PW">Invalid password</msg>
	<msg id="CONSOLE">Not on console</msg>
	<msg id="MAX_TRIES">Too many failed attempts</msg>
	<msg id="PROTOCOL_FAILURE">Protocol failure</msg>
	<msg id="EXCLUDED_USER">Excluded user</msg>
	<msg id="ANON_USER">No anonymous</msg>
	<msg id="BAD_CMD">Invalid command</msg>
	<msg id="BAD_TTY">Standard input not a tty line</msg>
	<msg id="PROGRAM">Program failure</msg>
	<msg id="CHDIR_FAILED">chdir to home directory</msg>
	<msg id="INPUT_OVERFLOW">Input line too long.</msg>
	<msg id="DEVICE_PERM">login device override</msg>
	<msg id="AUTH_BYPASS">authorization bypass</msg>
	<msg id="LOGIN_DISABLED">login disabled</msg>

	The following empty list is used for PAM errors; the "start"
	value is used by praudit to know to use the PAM infrastructure
	for generating error strings
    <msg_list id="fail_pam" header="0" start="2000" public="true">

     This is still in use by SMC.  See AUE_generic_login.  When
     either SMC is fixed to stop using this, or SMC goes away.
     REMOVE this stuff and the corresponding AUE_generic_login
     message field.

     Message list for the various authentication events, such
     as AUE_login and AUE_admin_authenticate.  Add new entries
     at the end.  The order of msg_list entries and the order
     of msg entries both affect the names in adt.h and the value
     of the associated enumerated types.

     Each of these messages except NO_MSG is also in the failure_attribute
     list; the difference is that the messages below use a text token
     in the audit record, while the failure_attribute messages are
     associated with the return value of the return token.

     This list is deprecated; please don't use text tokens for error

    <msg_list id="login_text" header="0" deprecated="true">
	<msg id="NO_MSG"></msg>
	<msg id="ACCOUNT_LOCKED">Account is locked</msg>
	<msg id="BAD_DIALUP">Bad dial up</msg>
	<msg id="BAD_ID">Invalid ID</msg>
	<msg id="BAD_PW">Invalid password</msg>
	<msg id="CONSOLE">Not on console</msg>
	<msg id="MAX_TRIES">Too many failed attempts</msg>
	<msg id="PROTOCOL_FAILURE">Protocol failure</msg>
	<msg id="EXCLUDED_USER">Excluded user</msg>
	<msg id="ANON_USER">No anonymous</msg>
