*    ns83820.c: Etherboot device driver for the National Semiconductor 83820
*    Written 2004 by Timothy Legge <tlegge@rogers.com>
*    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*    (at your option) any later version.
*    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*    GNU General Public License for more details.
*    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
*    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
*    Portions of this code based on:
*	ns83820.c by Benjamin LaHaise with contributions
* 		for Linux kernel 2.4.x.
*    Linux Driver Version 0.20, 20020610
*    This development of this Etherboot driver was funded by:
*    NXTV: http://www.nxtv.com/
*    ================
*    v1.0	02-16-2004	timlegge	Initial port of Linux driver
*    v1.1	02-19-2004	timlegge	More rohbust transmit and poll
*    Indent Options: indent -kr -i8

/* to get some global routines like printf */
#include "etherboot.h"
/* to get the interface to the body of the program */
#include "nic.h"
/* to get the PCI support functions, if this is a PCI NIC */
#include "pci.h"

#if ARCH == ia64		/* Support 64-bit addressing */
#define USE_64BIT_ADDR

//#define DDEBUG
#ifdef DDEBUG
#define dprintf(x) printf x
#define dprintf(x)

typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef signed char s8;
typedef unsigned short u16;
typedef signed short s16;
typedef unsigned int u32;
typedef signed int s32;

#define HZ 100

/* Condensed operations for readability. */
#define virt_to_le32desc(addr)  cpu_to_le32(virt_to_bus(addr))
#define le32desc_to_virt(addr)  bus_to_virt(le32_to_cpu(addr))

/* NIC specific static variables go here */

/* Global parameters.  See MODULE_PARM near the bottom. */
// static int ihr = 2;
static int reset_phy = 0;
static int lnksts = 0;		/* CFG_LNKSTS bit polarity */

#if defined(CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G) || defined(__ia64__)
#define USE_64BIT_ADDR	"+"

#if defined(USE_64BIT_ADDR)
#define TRY_DAC	1
#define TRY_DAC	0

/* tunables */
#define RX_BUF_SIZE	1500	/* 8192 */

/* Must not exceed ~65000. */
#define NR_RX_DESC	64
#define NR_TX_DESC	1

		   /* not tunable *//* Extra 6 bytes for 64 bit alignment (divisable by 8) */
#define REAL_RX_BUF_SIZE (RX_BUF_SIZE + 14 + 6)	/* rx/tx mac addr + type */

#define MIN_TX_DESC_FREE	8

/* register defines */
#define CFGCS		0x04

#define CR_TXE		0x00000001
#define CR_TXD		0x00000002
/* Ramit : Here's a tip, don't do a RXD immediately followed by an RXE
 * The Receive engine skips one descriptor and moves
 * onto the next one!! */
#define CR_RXE		0x00000004
#define CR_RXD		0x00000008
#define CR_TXR		0x00000010
#define CR_RXR		0x00000020
#define CR_SWI		0x00000080
#define CR_RST		0x00000100

#define PTSCR_EEBIST_FAIL       0x00000001
#define PTSCR_EEBIST_EN         0x00000002
#define PTSCR_EELOAD_EN         0x00000004
#define PTSCR_RBIST_FAIL        0x000001b8
#define PTSCR_RBIST_DONE        0x00000200
#define PTSCR_RBIST_EN          0x00000400
#define PTSCR_RBIST_RST         0x00002000

#define MEAR_EEDI		0x00000001
#define MEAR_EEDO		0x00000002
#define MEAR_EECLK		0x00000004
#define MEAR_EESEL		0x00000008
#define MEAR_MDIO		0x00000010
#define MEAR_MDDIR		0x00000020
#define MEAR_MDC		0x00000040

#define ISR_TXDESC3	0x40000000
#define ISR_TXDESC2	0x20000000
#define ISR_TXDESC1	0x10000000
#define ISR_TXDESC0	0x08000000
#define ISR_RXDESC3	0x04000000
#define ISR_RXDESC2	0x02000000
#define ISR_RXDESC1	0x01000000
#define ISR_RXDESC0	0x00800000
#define ISR_TXRCMP	0x00400000
#define ISR_RXRCMP	0x00200000
#define ISR_DPERR	0x00100000
#define ISR_SSERR	0x00080000
#define ISR_RMABT	0x00040000
#define ISR_RTABT	0x00020000
#define ISR_RXSOVR	0x00010000
#define ISR_HIBINT	0x00008000
#define ISR_PHY		0x00004000
#define ISR_PME		0x00002000
#define ISR_SWI		0x00001000
#define ISR_MIB		0x00000800
#define ISR_TXURN	0x00000400
#define ISR_TXIDLE	0x00000200
#define ISR_TXERR	0x00000100
#define ISR_TXDESC	0x00000080
#define ISR_TXOK	0x00000040
#define ISR_RXORN	0x00000020
#define ISR_RXIDLE	0x00000010
#define ISR_RXEARLY	0x00000008
#define ISR_RXERR	0x00000004
#define ISR_RXDESC	0x00000002
#define ISR_RXOK	0x00000001

#define TXCFG_CSI	0x80000000
#define TXCFG_HBI	0x40000000
#define TXCFG_MLB	0x20000000
#define TXCFG_ATP	0x10000000
#define TXCFG_ECRETRY	0x00800000
#define TXCFG_BRST_DIS	0x00080000
#define TXCFG_MXDMA1024	0x00000000
#define TXCFG_MXDMA512	0x00700000
#define TXCFG_MXDMA256	0x00600000
#define TXCFG_MXDMA128	0x00500000
#define TXCFG_MXDMA64	0x00400000
#define TXCFG_MXDMA32	0x00300000
#define TXCFG_MXDMA16	0x00200000
#define TXCFG_MXDMA8	0x00100000

#define CFG_LNKSTS	0x80000000
#define CFG_SPDSTS	0x60000000
#define CFG_SPDSTS1	0x40000000
#define CFG_SPDSTS0	0x20000000
#define CFG_DUPSTS	0x10000000
#define CFG_TBI_EN	0x01000000
#define CFG_MODE_1000	0x00400000
/* Ramit : Dont' ever use AUTO_1000, it never works and is buggy.
 * Read the Phy response and then configure the MAC accordingly */
#define CFG_AUTO_1000	0x00200000
#define CFG_PINT_CTL	0x001c0000
#define CFG_PINT_DUPSTS	0x00100000
#define CFG_PINT_LNKSTS	0x00080000
#define CFG_PINT_SPDSTS	0x00040000
#define CFG_TMRTEST	0x00020000
#define CFG_MRM_DIS	0x00010000
#define CFG_MWI_DIS	0x00008000
#define CFG_T64ADDR	0x00004000
#define CFG_PCI64_DET	0x00002000
#define CFG_DATA64_EN	0x00001000
#define CFG_M64ADDR	0x00000800
#define CFG_PHY_RST	0x00000400
#define CFG_PHY_DIS	0x00000200
#define CFG_EXTSTS_EN	0x00000100
#define CFG_REQALG	0x00000080
#define CFG_SB		0x00000040
#define CFG_POW		0x00000020
#define CFG_EXD		0x00000010
#define CFG_PESEL	0x00000008
#define CFG_BROM_DIS	0x00000004
#define CFG_EXT_125	0x00000002
#define CFG_BEM		0x00000001

#define EXTSTS_UDPPKT	0x00200000
#define EXTSTS_TCPPKT	0x00080000
#define EXTSTS_IPPKT	0x00020000


#define MIBC_MIBS	0x00000008
#define MIBC_ACLR	0x00000004
#define MIBC_FRZ	0x00000002
#define MIBC_WRN	0x00000001

#define PCR_PSEN	(1 << 31)
#define PCR_PS_MCAST	(1 << 30)
#define PCR_PS_DA	(1 << 29)
#define PCR_STHI_8	(3 << 23)
#define PCR_STLO_4	(1 << 23)
#define PCR_FFHI_8K	(3 << 21)
#define PCR_FFLO_4K	(1 << 21)

#define RXCFG_AEP	0x80000000
#define RXCFG_ARP	0x40000000
#define RXCFG_STRIPCRC	0x20000000
#define RXCFG_RX_FD	0x10000000
#define RXCFG_ALP	0x08000000
#define RXCFG_AIRL	0x04000000
#define RXCFG_MXDMA512	0x00700000
#define RXCFG_DRTH	0x0000003e
#define RXCFG_DRTH0	0x00000002

#define RFCR_RFEN	0x80000000
#define RFCR_AAB	0x40000000
#define RFCR_AAM	0x20000000
#define RFCR_AAU	0x10000000
#define RFCR_APM	0x08000000
#define RFCR_APAT	0x07800000
#define RFCR_APAT3	0x04000000
#define RFCR_APAT2	0x02000000
#define RFCR_APAT1	0x01000000
#define RFCR_APAT0	0x00800000
#define RFCR_AARP	0x00400000
#define RFCR_MHEN	0x00200000
#define RFCR_UHEN	0x00100000
#define RFCR_ULM	0x00080000

#define VRCR_RUDPE	0x00000080
#define VRCR_RTCPE	0x00000040
#define VRCR_RIPE	0x00000020
#define VRCR_IPEN	0x00000010
#define VRCR_DUTF	0x00000008
#define VRCR_DVTF	0x00000004
#define VRCR_VTREN	0x00000002
#define VRCR_VTDEN	0x00000001

#define VTCR_PPCHK	0x00000008
#define VTCR_GCHK	0x00000004
#define VTCR_VPPTI	0x00000002
#define VTCR_VGTI	0x00000001

#define CR		0x00
#define CFG		0x04
#define MEAR		0x08
#define PTSCR		0x0c
#define	ISR		0x10
#define	IMR		0x14
#define	IER		0x18
#define	IHR		0x1c
#define TXDP		0x20
#define TXDP_HI		0x24
#define TXCFG		0x28
#define GPIOR		0x2c
#define RXDP		0x30
#define RXDP_HI		0x34
#define RXCFG		0x38
#define PQCR		0x3c
#define WCSR		0x40
#define PCR		0x44
#define RFCR		0x48
#define RFDR		0x4c

#define SRR		0x58

#define VRCR		0xbc
#define VTCR		0xc0
#define VDR		0xc4
#define CCSR		0xcc

#define TBICR		0xe0
#define TBISR		0xe4
#define TANAR		0xe8
#define TANLPAR		0xec
#define TANER		0xf0
#define TESR		0xf4

#define TBICR_MR_AN_ENABLE	0x00001000
#define TBICR_MR_RESTART_AN	0x00000200

#define TBISR_MR_LINK_STATUS	0x00000020
#define TBISR_MR_AN_COMPLETE	0x00000004

#define TANAR_PS2 		0x00000100
#define TANAR_PS1 		0x00000080
#define TANAR_HALF_DUP 		0x00000040
#define TANAR_FULL_DUP 		0x00000020

#define GPIOR_GP5_OE		0x00000200
#define GPIOR_GP4_OE		0x00000100
#define GPIOR_GP3_OE		0x00000080
#define GPIOR_GP2_OE		0x00000040
#define GPIOR_GP1_OE		0x00000020
#define GPIOR_GP3_OUT		0x00000004
#define GPIOR_GP1_OUT		0x00000001

#define LINK_DOWN		0x02
#define LINK_UP			0x04

#define __kick_rx()	writel(CR_RXE, ns->base + CR)

#define kick_rx() do { \
	dprintf(("kick_rx: maybe kicking\n")); \
		writel(virt_to_le32desc(&rx_ring[ns->cur_rx]), ns->base + RXDP); \
		if (ns->next_rx == ns->next_empty) \
			printf("uh-oh: next_rx == next_empty???\n"); \
		__kick_rx(); \
} while(0)

#ifdef USE_64BIT_ADDR
#define HW_ADDR_LEN	8
#define HW_ADDR_LEN	4

#define CMDSTS_OWN	0x80000000
#define CMDSTS_MORE	0x40000000
#define CMDSTS_INTR	0x20000000
#define CMDSTS_ERR	0x10000000
#define CMDSTS_OK	0x08000000
#define CMDSTS_LEN_MASK	0x0000ffff

#define CMDSTS_DEST_MASK	0x01800000
#define CMDSTS_DEST_SELF	0x00800000
#define CMDSTS_DEST_MULTI	0x01000000

#define DESC_SIZE	8	/* Should be cache line sized */

#ifdef USE_64BIT_ADDR
struct ring_desc {
	uint64_t link;
	uint64_t bufptr;
	u32 cmdsts;
	u32 extsts;		/* Extended status field */
struct ring_desc {
	u32 link;
	u32 bufptr;
	u32 cmdsts;
	u32 extsts;		/* Extended status field */

/* Define the TX Descriptor */
static struct ring_desc tx_ring[NR_TX_DESC]
    __attribute__ ((aligned(8)));

/* Create a static buffer of size REAL_RX_BUF_SIZE for each
TX Descriptor.  All descriptors point to a
part of this buffer */
static unsigned char txb[NR_TX_DESC * REAL_RX_BUF_SIZE];

/* Define the TX Descriptor */
static struct ring_desc rx_ring[NR_RX_DESC]
    __attribute__ ((aligned(8)));

/* Create a static buffer of size REAL_RX_BUF_SIZE for each
RX Descriptor   All descriptors point to a
part of this buffer */
static unsigned char rxb[NR_RX_DESC * REAL_RX_BUF_SIZE]
    __attribute__ ((aligned(8)));

/* Private Storage for the NIC */
struct ns83820_private {
	u8 *base;
	int up;
	long idle;
	u32 *next_rx_desc;
	u16 next_rx, next_empty;
	u32 cur_rx;
	u32 *descs;
	unsigned ihr;
	u32 CFG_cache;
	u32 MEAR_cache;
	u32 IMR_cache;
	int linkstate;
	u16 tx_done_idx;
	u16 tx_idx;
	u16 tx_intr_idx;
	u32 phy_descs;
	u32 *tx_descs;

} nsx;
static struct ns83820_private *ns;

static void phy_intr(struct nic *nic __unused)
	static char *speeds[] =
	    { "10", "100", "1000", "1000(?)", "1000F" };
	u32 cfg, new_cfg;
	u32 tbisr, tanar, tanlpar;
	int speed, fullduplex, newlinkstate;

	cfg = readl(ns->base + CFG) ^ SPDSTS_POLARITY;
	if (ns->CFG_cache & CFG_TBI_EN) {
		/* we have an optical transceiver */
		tbisr = readl(ns->base + TBISR);
		tanar = readl(ns->base + TANAR);
		tanlpar = readl(ns->base + TANLPAR);
		dprintf(("phy_intr: tbisr=%hX, tanar=%hX, tanlpar=%hX\n",
			 tbisr, tanar, tanlpar));

		if ((fullduplex = (tanlpar & TANAR_FULL_DUP)
		     && (tanar & TANAR_FULL_DUP))) {

			/* both of us are full duplex */
			writel(readl(ns->base + TXCFG)
			       ns->base + TXCFG);
			writel(readl(ns->base + RXCFG) | RXCFG_RX_FD,
			       ns->base + RXCFG);
			/* Light up full duplex LED */
			writel(readl(ns->base + GPIOR) | GPIOR_GP1_OUT,
			       ns->base + GPIOR);

		} else if (((tanlpar & TANAR_HALF_DUP)
			    && (tanar & TANAR_HALF_DUP))
			   || ((tanlpar & TANAR_FULL_DUP)
			       && (tanar & TANAR_HALF_DUP))
			   || ((tanlpar & TANAR_HALF_DUP)
			       && (tanar & TANAR_FULL_DUP))) {

			/* one or both of us are half duplex */
			writel((readl(ns->base + TXCFG)
			       ns->base + TXCFG);
			writel(readl(ns->base + RXCFG) & ~RXCFG_RX_FD,
			       ns->base + RXCFG);
			/* Turn off full duplex LED */
			writel(readl(ns->base + GPIOR) & ~GPIOR_GP1_OUT,
			       ns->base + GPIOR);

		speed = 4;	/* 1000F */

	} else {
		/* we have a copper transceiver */
		new_cfg =
		    ns->CFG_cache & ~(CFG_SB | CFG_MODE_1000 | CFG_SPDSTS);

		if (cfg & CFG_SPDSTS1)
			new_cfg |= CFG_MODE_1000;
			new_cfg &= ~CFG_MODE_1000;

		speed = ((cfg / CFG_SPDSTS0) & 3);
		fullduplex = (cfg & CFG_DUPSTS);

		if (fullduplex)
			new_cfg |= CFG_SB;

		if ((cfg & CFG_LNKSTS) &&
		    ((new_cfg ^ ns->CFG_cache) & CFG_MODE_1000)) {
			writel(new_cfg, ns->base + CFG);
			ns->CFG_cache = new_cfg;

		ns->CFG_cache &= ~CFG_SPDSTS;
		ns->CFG_cache |= cfg & CFG_SPDSTS;

	newlinkstate = (cfg & CFG_LNKSTS) ? LINK_UP : LINK_DOWN;

	if (newlinkstate & LINK_UP && ns->linkstate != newlinkstate) {
		printf("link now %s mbps, %s duplex and up.\n",
		       speeds[speed], fullduplex ? "full" : "half");
	} else if (newlinkstate & LINK_DOWN
		   && ns->linkstate != newlinkstate) {
		printf("link now down.\n");
	ns->linkstate = newlinkstate;
static void ns83820_set_multicast(struct nic *nic __unused);
static void ns83820_setup_rx(struct nic *nic)
	unsigned i;
	ns->idle = 1;
	ns->next_rx = 0;
	ns->next_rx_desc = ns->descs;
	ns->next_empty = 0;
	ns->cur_rx = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < NR_RX_DESC; i++) {
		rx_ring[i].link = virt_to_le32desc(&rx_ring[i + 1]);
		rx_ring[i].bufptr =
		    virt_to_le32desc(&rxb[i * REAL_RX_BUF_SIZE]);
		rx_ring[i].cmdsts = cpu_to_le32(REAL_RX_BUF_SIZE);
		rx_ring[i].extsts = cpu_to_le32(0);
//      No need to wrap the ring 
//      rx_ring[i].link = virt_to_le32desc(&rx_ring[0]);
	writel(0, ns->base + RXDP_HI);
	writel(virt_to_le32desc(&rx_ring[0]), ns->base + RXDP);

	dprintf(("starting receiver\n"));

	writel(0x0001, ns->base + CCSR);
	writel(0, ns->base + RFCR);
	writel(0x7fc00000, ns->base + RFCR);
	writel(0xffc00000, ns->base + RFCR);

	ns->up = 1;


	/* Okay, let it rip */
	ns->IMR_cache |= ISR_PHY;
	ns->IMR_cache |= ISR_RXRCMP;
	//dev->IMR_cache |= ISR_RXERR;
	//dev->IMR_cache |= ISR_RXOK;
	ns->IMR_cache |= ISR_RXORN;
	ns->IMR_cache |= ISR_RXSOVR;
	ns->IMR_cache |= ISR_RXDESC;
	ns->IMR_cache |= ISR_RXIDLE;
	ns->IMR_cache |= ISR_TXDESC;
	ns->IMR_cache |= ISR_TXIDLE;

	// No reason to enable interupts...
	// writel(ns->IMR_cache, ns->base + IMR);
	// writel(1, ns->base + IER);

static void ns83820_do_reset(struct nic *nic __unused, u32 which)
	dprintf(("resetting chip...\n"));
	writel(which, ns->base + CR);
	do {

	} while (readl(ns->base + CR) & which);

static void ns83820_reset(struct nic *nic)
	unsigned i;

	writel(0, ns->base + PQCR);


	for (i = 0; i < NR_TX_DESC; i++) {
		tx_ring[i].link = 0;
		tx_ring[i].bufptr = 0;
		tx_ring[i].cmdsts = cpu_to_le32(0);
		tx_ring[i].extsts = cpu_to_le32(0);

	ns->tx_idx = 0;
	ns->tx_done_idx = 0;
	writel(0, ns->base + TXDP_HI);
static void ns83820_getmac(struct nic *nic __unused, u8 * mac)
	unsigned i;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		u32 data;
		/* Read from the perfect match memory: this is loaded by
		 * the chip from the EEPROM via the EELOAD self test.
		writel(i * 2, ns->base + RFCR);
		data = readl(ns->base + RFDR);
		*mac++ = data;
		*mac++ = data >> 8;

static void ns83820_set_multicast(struct nic *nic __unused)
	u8 *rfcr = ns->base + RFCR;
	u32 and_mask = 0xffffffff;
	u32 or_mask = 0;
	u32 val;

	/* Support Multicast */
	and_mask &= ~(RFCR_AAU | RFCR_AAM);
	or_mask |= RFCR_AAM;
	val = (readl(rfcr) & and_mask) | or_mask;
	/* Ramit : RFCR Write Fix doc says RFEN must be 0 modify other bits */
	writel(val & ~RFCR_RFEN, rfcr);
	writel(val, rfcr);

static void ns83820_run_bist(struct nic *nic __unused, const char *name,
			     u32 enable, u32 done, u32 fail)
	int timed_out = 0;
	long start;
	u32 status;
	int loops = 0;

	dprintf(("start %s\n", name))

	    start = currticks();

	writel(enable, ns->base + PTSCR);
	for (;;) {
		status = readl(ns->base + PTSCR);
		if (!(status & enable))
		if (status & done)
		if (status & fail)
		if ((currticks() - start) >= HZ) {
			timed_out = 1;

	if (status & fail)
		printf("%s failed! (0x%hX & 0x%hX)\n", name, status, fail);
	else if (timed_out)
		printf("run_bist %s timed out! (%hX)\n", name, status);
	dprintf(("done %s in %d loops\n", name, loops));

Check Link
static void ns83820_check_intr(struct nic *nic) {
	int i;
	u32 isr = readl(ns->base + ISR);
	if(ISR_PHY & isr)
	for (i = 0; i < NR_RX_DESC; i++) {
		if (rx_ring[i].cmdsts == CMDSTS_OWN) {
//			rx_ring[i].link = virt_to_le32desc(&rx_ring[i + 1]);
			rx_ring[i].cmdsts = cpu_to_le32(REAL_RX_BUF_SIZE);
POLL - Wait for a frame
static int ns83820_poll(struct nic *nic, int retrieve)
	/* return true if there's an ethernet packet ready to read */
	/* nic->packet should contain data on return */
	/* nic->packetlen should contain length of data */
	u32 cmdsts;
	int entry = ns->cur_rx;


	cmdsts = le32_to_cpu(rx_ring[entry].cmdsts);

	if ( ! ( (CMDSTS_OWN & (cmdsts)) && (cmdsts != (CMDSTS_OWN)) ) )
	  return 0;

	if ( ! retrieve ) return 1;

	if (! (CMDSTS_OK & cmdsts) )
	  return 0;

	nic->packetlen = cmdsts & 0xffff;
	       rxb + (entry * REAL_RX_BUF_SIZE),
	//			rx_ring[entry].link = 0;
	rx_ring[entry].cmdsts = cpu_to_le32(CMDSTS_OWN);

	ns->cur_rx = ++ns->cur_rx % NR_RX_DESC;

	if (ns->cur_rx == 0)	/* We have wrapped the ring */

	return 1;

static inline void kick_tx(struct nic *nic __unused)
	writel(CR_TXE, ns->base + CR);

TRANSMIT - Transmit a frame
static void ns83820_transmit(struct nic *nic, const char *d,	/* Destination */
			     unsigned int t,	/* Type */
			     unsigned int s,	/* size */
			     const char *p)
{				/* Packet */
	/* send the packet to destination */

	u16 nstype;
	u32 cmdsts, extsts;
	int cur_tx = 0;
	u32 isr = readl(ns->base + ISR);
	if (ISR_TXIDLE & isr)
	/* point to the current txb incase multiple tx_rings are used */
	memcpy(txb, d, ETH_ALEN);
	memcpy(txb + ETH_ALEN, nic->node_addr, ETH_ALEN);
	nstype = htons((u16) t);
	memcpy(txb + 2 * ETH_ALEN, (u8 *) & nstype, 2);
	memcpy(txb + ETH_HLEN, p, s);
	s += ETH_HLEN;
	s &= 0x0FFF;
	while (s < ETH_ZLEN)
		txb[s++] = '\0';

	/* Setup the transmit descriptor */
	extsts = 0;
	extsts |= EXTSTS_UDPPKT;

	tx_ring[cur_tx].bufptr = virt_to_le32desc(&txb);
	tx_ring[cur_tx].extsts = cpu_to_le32(extsts);

	cmdsts = cpu_to_le32(0);
	cmdsts |= cpu_to_le32(CMDSTS_OWN | s);
	tx_ring[cur_tx].cmdsts = cpu_to_le32(cmdsts);

	writel(virt_to_le32desc(&tx_ring[0]), ns->base + TXDP);

DISABLE - Turn off ethernet interface
static void ns83820_disable(struct dev *dev)
	/* put the card in its initial state */
	/* This function serves 3 purposes.
	 * This disables DMA and interrupts so we don't receive
	 *  unexpected packets or interrupts from the card after
	 *  etherboot has finished. 
	 * This frees resources so etherboot may use
	 *  this driver on another interface
	 * This allows etherboot to reinitialize the interface
	 *  if something is something goes wrong.
	/* disable interrupts */
	writel(0, ns->base + IMR);
	writel(0, ns->base + IER);
	readl(ns->base + IER);

	ns->up = 0;

	ns83820_do_reset((struct nic *) dev, CR_RST);

	ns->IMR_cache &=
	writel(ns->IMR_cache, ns->base + IMR);

	/* touch the pci bus... */
	readl(ns->base + IMR);

	/* assumes the transmitter is already disabled and reset */
	writel(0, ns->base + RXDP_HI);
	writel(0, ns->base + RXDP);

IRQ - Enable, Disable, or Force interrupts
static void ns83820_irq(struct nic *nic __unused, irq_action_t action __unused)
  switch ( action ) {
  case DISABLE :
  case ENABLE :
  case FORCE :

PROBE - Look for an adapter, this routine's visible to the outside

#define board_found 1
#define valid_link 0
static int ns83820_probe(struct dev *dev, struct pci_device *pci)
	struct nic *nic = (struct nic *) dev;
	int sz;
	long addr;
	int using_dac = 0;

	if (pci->ioaddr == 0)
		return 0;

	printf("ns83820.c: Found %s, vendor=0x%hX, device=0x%hX\n",
	       pci->name, pci->vendor, pci->dev_id);

	/* point to private storage */
	ns = &nsx;


	addr = pci_bar_start(pci, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1);
	sz = pci_bar_size(pci, PCI_BASE_ADDRESS_1);

	ns->base = ioremap(addr, (1UL << 12));
//      ns->base = ioremap(addr, sz);

	if (!ns->base)
		return 0;

	nic->irqno  = 0;
	nic->ioaddr = pci->ioaddr & ~3;

	/* disable interrupts */
	writel(0, ns->base + IMR);
	writel(0, ns->base + IER);
	readl(ns->base + IER);

	ns->IMR_cache = 0;

	ns83820_do_reset(nic, CR_RST);

	/* Must reset the ram bist before running it */
	writel(PTSCR_RBIST_RST, ns->base + PTSCR);
	ns83820_run_bist(nic, "sram bist", PTSCR_RBIST_EN,
	ns83820_run_bist(nic, "eeprom bist", PTSCR_EEBIST_EN, 0,
	ns83820_run_bist(nic, "eeprom load", PTSCR_EELOAD_EN, 0, 0);

	/* I love config registers */
	ns->CFG_cache = readl(ns->base + CFG);

	if ((ns->CFG_cache & CFG_PCI64_DET)) {
		printf("%s: detected 64 bit PCI data bus.\n", pci->name);
		/*dev->CFG_cache |= CFG_DATA64_EN; */
		if (!(ns->CFG_cache & CFG_DATA64_EN))
			    ("%s: EEPROM did not enable 64 bit bus.  Disabled.\n",
	} else
		ns->CFG_cache &= ~(CFG_DATA64_EN);

	ns->CFG_cache &= (CFG_TBI_EN | CFG_MRM_DIS | CFG_MWI_DIS |
			  CFG_T64ADDR | CFG_DATA64_EN | CFG_EXT_125 |
	ns->CFG_cache |=
	ns->CFG_cache |= CFG_REQALG;
	ns->CFG_cache |= CFG_POW;
	ns->CFG_cache |= CFG_TMRTEST;

	/* When compiled with 64 bit addressing, we must always enable
	 * the 64 bit descriptor format.
#ifdef USE_64BIT_ADDR
	ns->CFG_cache |= CFG_M64ADDR;

//FIXME: Enable section on dac or remove this
	if (using_dac)
		ns->CFG_cache |= CFG_T64ADDR;

	/* Big endian mode does not seem to do what the docs suggest */
	ns->CFG_cache &= ~CFG_BEM;

	/* setup optical transceiver if we have one */
	if (ns->CFG_cache & CFG_TBI_EN) {
		dprintf(("%s: enabling optical transceiver\n", pci->name));
		writel(readl(ns->base + GPIOR) | 0x3e8, ns->base + GPIOR);

		/* setup auto negotiation feature advertisement */
		writel(readl(ns->base + TANAR)
		       ns->base + TANAR);

		/* start auto negotiation */
		       ns->base + TBICR);
		writel(TBICR_MR_AN_ENABLE, ns->base + TBICR);
		ns->linkstate = LINK_AUTONEGOTIATE;

		ns->CFG_cache |= CFG_MODE_1000;
	writel(ns->CFG_cache, ns->base + CFG);
	dprintf(("CFG: %hX\n", ns->CFG_cache));

	/* FIXME: reset_phy is defaulted to 0, should we reset anyway? */
	if (reset_phy) {
		dprintf(("%s: resetting phy\n", pci->name));
		writel(ns->CFG_cache | CFG_PHY_RST, ns->base + CFG);
		writel(ns->CFG_cache, ns->base + CFG);
#if 0				/* Huh?  This sets the PCI latency register.  Should be done via 
				 * the PCI layer.  FIXME.
	if (readl(dev->base + SRR))
		writel(readl(dev->base + 0x20c) | 0xfe00,
		       dev->base + 0x20c);

	/* Note!  The DMA burst size interacts with packet
	 * transmission, such that the largest packet that
	 * can be transmitted is 8192 - FLTH - burst size.
	 * If only the transmit fifo was larger...
	/* Ramit : 1024 DMA is not a good idea, it ends up banging 
	 * some DELL and COMPAQ SMP systems */
	       | ((1600 / 32) * 0x100), ns->base + TXCFG);

	/* Set Rx to full duplex, don't accept runt, errored, long or length
	 * range errored packets.  Use 512 byte DMA.
	/* Ramit : 1024 DMA is not a good idea, it ends up banging 
	 * some DELL and COMPAQ SMP systems 
	 * Turn on ALP, only we are accpeting Jumbo Packets */
	       //| RXCFG_ALP
	       | (RXCFG_MXDMA512) | 0, ns->base + RXCFG);

	/* Disable priority queueing */
	writel(0, ns->base + PQCR);

	/* Enable IP checksum validation and detetion of VLAN headers.
	 * Note: do not set the reject options as at least the 0x102
	 * revision of the chip does not properly accept IP fragments
	 * at least for UDP.
	/* Ramit : Be sure to turn on RXCFG_ARP if VLAN's are enabled, since
	 * the MAC it calculates the packetsize AFTER stripping the VLAN
	 * header, and if a VLAN Tagged packet of 64 bytes is received (like
	 * a ping with a VLAN header) then the card, strips the 4 byte VLAN
	 * tag and then checks the packet size, so if RXCFG_ARP is not enabled,
	 * it discrards it!.  These guys......
	writel(VRCR_IPEN | VRCR_VTDEN, ns->base + VRCR);

	/* Enable per-packet TCP/UDP/IP checksumming */
	writel(VTCR_PPCHK, ns->base + VTCR);

	/* Ramit : Enable async and sync pause frames */
//      writel(0, ns->base + PCR); 
	       ns->base + PCR);

	/* Disable Wake On Lan */
	writel(0, ns->base + WCSR);

	ns83820_getmac(nic, nic->node_addr);
	printf("%! at ioaddr 0x%hX, ", nic->node_addr, ns->base);

	if (using_dac) {
		dprintf(("%s: using 64 bit addressing.\n", pci->name));

	dprintf(("%s: DP83820 %d.%d: %! io=0x%hX\n",
		 (unsigned) readl(ns->base + SRR) >> 8,
		 (unsigned) readl(ns->base + SRR) & 0xff,
		 nic->node_addr, pci->ioaddr));


	/* point to NIC specific routines */
	dev->disable  = ns83820_disable;
	nic->poll     = ns83820_poll;
	nic->transmit = ns83820_transmit;
	nic->irq      = ns83820_irq;
	return 1;

static struct pci_id ns83820_nics[] = {
	PCI_ROM(0x100b, 0x0022, "ns83820", "National Semiconductor 83820"),

struct pci_driver ns83820_driver = {
	.type = NIC_DRIVER,
	.name = "NS83820/PCI",
	.probe = ns83820_probe,
	.ids = ns83820_nics,
	.id_count = sizeof(ns83820_nics) / sizeof(ns83820_nics[0]),
	.class = 0,