/* * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Simon Wilkinson. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR `AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, * INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT * NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include "includes.h" #ifdef GSSAPI #include "ssh.h" #include "ssh2.h" #include "xmalloc.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "bufaux.h" #include "packet.h" #include "compat.h" #include <openssl/evp.h> #include "cipher.h" #include "kex.h" #include "log.h" #include "compat.h" #include "xlist.h" #include <netdb.h> #include "ssh-gss.h" #ifdef HAVE_GSS_OID_TO_MECH #include <gssapi/gssapi_ext.h> #endif /* HAVE_GSS_OID_TO_MECH */ typedef struct { char *encoded; gss_OID oid; } ssh_gss_kex_mapping; static ssh_gss_kex_mapping **gss_enc2oid = NULL; static void ssh_gssapi_encode_oid_for_kex(const gss_OID oid, char **enc_name); static char *ssh_gssapi_make_kexalgs_list(gss_OID_set mechs, const char *old_kexalgs); /* * Populate gss_enc2oid table and return list of kexnames. * * If called with both mechs == GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET and kexname_list == NULL * then cached gss_enc2oid table is cleaned up. */ void ssh_gssapi_mech_oids_to_kexnames(const gss_OID_set mechs, char **kexname_list) { ssh_gss_kex_mapping **new_gss_enc2oid, **p; Buffer buf; char *enc_name; int i; if (kexname_list != NULL) *kexname_list = NULL; /* default to failed */ if (mechs != GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET || kexname_list == NULL) { /* Cleanup gss_enc2oid table */ for (p = gss_enc2oid; p != NULL && *p != NULL; p++) { if ((*p)->encoded) xfree((*p)->encoded); ssh_gssapi_release_oid(&(*p)->oid); xfree(*p); } if (gss_enc2oid) xfree(gss_enc2oid); } if (mechs == GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET && kexname_list == NULL) return; /* nothing left to do */ if (mechs) { gss_OID mech; /* Populate gss_enc2oid table */ new_gss_enc2oid = xmalloc(sizeof (ssh_gss_kex_mapping *) * (mechs->count + 1)); memset(new_gss_enc2oid, 0, sizeof (ssh_gss_kex_mapping *) * (mechs->count + 1)); for (i = 0; i < mechs->count; i++) { mech = &mechs->elements[i]; ssh_gssapi_encode_oid_for_kex((const gss_OID)mech, &enc_name); if (!enc_name) continue; new_gss_enc2oid[i] = xmalloc(sizeof (ssh_gss_kex_mapping)); (new_gss_enc2oid[i])->encoded = enc_name; (new_gss_enc2oid[i])->oid = ssh_gssapi_dup_oid(&mechs->elements[i]); } /* Do this last to avoid run-ins with fatal_cleanups */ gss_enc2oid = new_gss_enc2oid; } if (!kexname_list) return; /* nothing left to do */ /* Make kex name list */ buffer_init(&buf); for (p = gss_enc2oid; p && *p; p++) { buffer_put_char(&buf, ','); buffer_append(&buf, (*p)->encoded, strlen((*p)->encoded)); } if (buffer_len(&buf) == 0) { buffer_free(&buf); return; } buffer_consume(&buf, 1); /* consume leading ',' */ buffer_put_char(&buf, '\0'); *kexname_list = xstrdup(buffer_ptr(&buf)); buffer_free(&buf); } void ssh_gssapi_mech_oid_to_kexname(const gss_OID mech, char **kexname) { ssh_gss_kex_mapping **p; if (mech == GSS_C_NULL_OID || !kexname) return; *kexname = NULL; /* default to not found */ if (gss_enc2oid) { for (p = gss_enc2oid; p && *p; p++) { if (mech->length == (*p)->oid->length && memcmp(mech->elements, (*p)->oid->elements, mech->length) == 0) *kexname = xstrdup((*p)->encoded); } } if (*kexname) return; /* found */ ssh_gssapi_encode_oid_for_kex(mech, kexname); } void ssh_gssapi_oid_of_kexname(const char *kexname, gss_OID *mech) { ssh_gss_kex_mapping **p; if (!mech || !kexname || !*kexname) return; *mech = GSS_C_NULL_OID; /* default to not found */ if (!gss_enc2oid) return; for (p = gss_enc2oid; p && *p; p++) { if (strcmp(kexname, (*p)->encoded) == 0) { *mech = (*p)->oid; return; } } } static void ssh_gssapi_encode_oid_for_kex(const gss_OID oid, char **enc_name) { Buffer buf; OM_uint32 oidlen; uint_t enclen; const EVP_MD *evp_md = EVP_md5(); EVP_MD_CTX md; uchar_t digest[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; char *encoded; if (oid == GSS_C_NULL_OID || !enc_name) return; *enc_name = NULL; oidlen = oid->length; /* No GSS mechs have OIDs as long as 128 -- simplify DER encoding */ if (oidlen > 128) return; /* fail gracefully */ /* * NOTE: If we need to support SSH_BUG_GSSAPI_BER this is where * we'd do it. * * That means using "Se3H81ismmOC3OE+FwYCiQ==" for the Kerberos * V mech and "N3+k7/4wGxHyuP8Yxi4RhA==" for the GSI mech. Ick. */ buffer_init(&buf); /* UNIVERSAL class tag for OBJECT IDENTIFIER */ buffer_put_char(&buf, 0x06); buffer_put_char(&buf, oidlen); /* one octet DER length -- see above */ /* OID elements */ buffer_append(&buf, oid->elements, oidlen); /* Make digest */ EVP_DigestInit(&md, evp_md); EVP_DigestUpdate(&md, buffer_ptr(&buf), buffer_len(&buf)); EVP_DigestFinal(&md, digest, NULL); buffer_free(&buf); /* Base 64 encoding */ encoded = xmalloc(EVP_MD_size(evp_md)*2); enclen = __b64_ntop(digest, EVP_MD_size(evp_md), encoded, EVP_MD_size(evp_md) * 2); buffer_init(&buf); buffer_append(&buf, KEX_GSS_SHA1, sizeof (KEX_GSS_SHA1) - 1); buffer_append(&buf, encoded, enclen); buffer_put_char(&buf, '\0'); debug2("GSS-API Mechanism encoded as %s", encoded); xfree(encoded); *enc_name = xstrdup(buffer_ptr(&buf)); buffer_free(&buf); } static char * ssh_gssapi_make_kexalgs_list(gss_OID_set mechs, const char *old_kexalgs) { char *gss_kexalgs, *new_kexalgs; int len; if (mechs == GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET) return (xstrdup(old_kexalgs)); /* never null */ ssh_gssapi_mech_oids_to_kexnames(mechs, &gss_kexalgs); if (gss_kexalgs == NULL || *gss_kexalgs == '\0') return (xstrdup(old_kexalgs)); /* never null */ if (old_kexalgs == NULL || *old_kexalgs == '\0') return (gss_kexalgs); len = strlen(old_kexalgs) + strlen(gss_kexalgs) + 2; new_kexalgs = xmalloc(len); (void) snprintf(new_kexalgs, len, "%s,%s", gss_kexalgs, old_kexalgs); xfree(gss_kexalgs); return (new_kexalgs); } void ssh_gssapi_modify_kex(Kex *kex, gss_OID_set mechs, char **proposal) { char *kexalgs, *orig_kexalgs, *p; char **hostalg, *orig_hostalgs, *new_hostalgs; char **hostalgs; gss_OID_set dup_mechs; OM_uint32 maj, min; int i; if (kex == NULL || proposal == NULL || proposal[PROPOSAL_KEX_ALGS] == NULL) { fatal("INTERNAL ERROR (%s)", __func__); } orig_hostalgs = proposal[PROPOSAL_SERVER_HOST_KEY_ALGS]; if (kex->mechs == GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET && mechs == GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET) return; /* didn't offer GSS last time, not offering now */ if (kex->mechs == GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET || mechs == GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET) goto mod_offer; /* didn't offer last time or not offering now */ /* Check if mechs is congruent to kex->mechs (last offered) */ if (kex->mechs->count == mechs->count) { int present, matches = 0; for (i = 0; i < mechs->count; i++) { maj = gss_test_oid_set_member(&min, &kex->mechs->elements[i], mechs, &present); if (GSS_ERROR(maj)) { mechs = GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET; break; } matches += (present) ? 1 : 0; } if (matches == kex->mechs->count) return; /* no change in offer from last time */ } mod_offer: /* * Remove previously offered mechs from PROPOSAL_KEX_ALGS proposal * * ASSUMPTION: GSS-API kex algs always go in front, so removing * them is a matter of skipping them. */ p = kexalgs = orig_kexalgs = proposal[PROPOSAL_KEX_ALGS]; while (p != NULL && *p != '\0' && strncmp(p, KEX_GSS_SHA1, strlen(KEX_GSS_SHA1)) == 0) { if ((p = strchr(p, ',')) == NULL) break; p++; kexalgs = p; } kexalgs = proposal[PROPOSAL_KEX_ALGS] = xstrdup(kexalgs); xfree(orig_kexalgs); (void) gss_release_oid_set(&min, &kex->mechs); /* ok if !kex->mechs */ /* Not offering GSS kex algorithms now -> all done */ if (mechs == GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET) return; /* Remember mechs we're offering */ maj = gss_create_empty_oid_set(&min, &dup_mechs); if (GSS_ERROR(maj)) return; for (i = 0; i < mechs->count; i++) { maj = gss_add_oid_set_member(&min, &mechs->elements[i], &dup_mechs); if (GSS_ERROR(maj)) { (void) gss_release_oid_set(&min, &dup_mechs); return; } } /* Add mechs to kex algorithms ... */ proposal[PROPOSAL_KEX_ALGS] = ssh_gssapi_make_kexalgs_list(mechs, kexalgs); xfree(kexalgs); kex->mechs = dup_mechs; /* remember what we offer now */ /* * ... and add null host key alg, if it wasn't there before, but * not if we're the server and we have other host key algs to * offer. * * NOTE: Never remove "null" host key alg once added. */ if (orig_hostalgs == NULL || *orig_hostalgs == '\0') { proposal[PROPOSAL_SERVER_HOST_KEY_ALGS] = xstrdup("null"); } else if (!kex->server) { hostalgs = xsplit(orig_hostalgs, ','); for (hostalg = hostalgs; *hostalg != NULL; hostalg++) { if (strcmp(*hostalg, "null") == 0) { xfree_split_list(hostalgs); return; } } xfree_split_list(hostalgs); if (kex->mechs != GSS_C_NULL_OID_SET) { int len; len = strlen(orig_hostalgs) + sizeof (",null"); new_hostalgs = xmalloc(len); (void) snprintf(new_hostalgs, len, "%s,null", orig_hostalgs); proposal[PROPOSAL_SERVER_HOST_KEY_ALGS] = new_hostalgs; } xfree(orig_hostalgs); } } /* * Yes, we harcode OIDs for some things, for now it's all we can do. * * We have to reference particular mechanisms due to lack of generality * in the GSS-API in several areas: authorization, mapping principal * names to usernames, "storing" delegated credentials, and discovering * whether a mechanism is a pseudo-mechanism that negotiates mechanisms. * * Even if they were in some header file or if __gss_mech_to_oid() * and/or __gss_oid_to_mech() were standard we'd still have to hardcode * the mechanism names, and since the mechanisms have no standard names * other than their OIDs it's actually worse [less portable] to hardcode * names than OIDs, so we hardcode OIDs. * * SPNEGO is a difficult problem though -- it MUST NOT be used in SSHv2, * but that's true of all possible pseudo-mechanisms that can perform * mechanism negotiation, and SPNEGO could have new OIDs in the future. * Ideally we could query each mechanism for its feature set and then * ignore any mechanisms that negotiate mechanisms, but, alas, there's * no interface to do that. * * In the future, if the necessary generic GSS interfaces for the issues * listed above are made available (even if they differ by platform, as * we can expect authorization interfaces will), then we can stop * referencing specific mechanism OIDs here. */ int ssh_gssapi_is_spnego(gss_OID oid) { return (oid->length == 6 && memcmp("\053\006\001\005\005\002", oid->elements, 6) == 0); } int ssh_gssapi_is_krb5(gss_OID oid) { return (oid->length == 9 && memcmp("\x2A\x86\x48\x86\xF7\x12\x01\x02\x02", oid->elements, 9) == 0); } int ssh_gssapi_is_dh(gss_OID oid) { return (oid->length == 9 && memcmp("\053\006\004\001\052\002\032\002\005", oid->elements, 9) == 0); } int ssh_gssapi_is_gsi(gss_OID oid) { return (oid->length == 9 && memcmp("\x2B\x06\x01\x04\x01\x9B\x50\x01\x01", oid->elements, 9) == 0); } const char * ssh_gssapi_oid_to_name(gss_OID oid) { #ifdef HAVE_GSS_OID_TO_MECH return (__gss_oid_to_mech(oid)); #else if (ssh_gssapi_is_krb5(oid)) return ("Kerberos"); if (ssh_gssapi_is_gsi(oid)) return ("GSI"); return ("(unknown)"); #endif /* HAVE_GSS_OID_TO_MECH */ } char * ssh_gssapi_oid_to_str(gss_OID oid) { #ifdef HAVE_GSS_OID_TO_STR gss_buffer_desc str_buf; char *str; OM_uint32 maj, min; maj = gss_oid_to_str(&min, oid, &str_buf); if (GSS_ERROR(maj)) return (xstrdup("<gss_oid_to_str() failed>")); str = xmalloc(str_buf.length + 1); memset(str, 0, str_buf.length + 1); strlcpy(str, str_buf.value, str_buf.length + 1); (void) gss_release_buffer(&min, &str_buf); return (str); #else return (xstrdup("<gss_oid_to_str() unsupported>")); #endif /* HAVE_GSS_OID_TO_STR */ } /* Check that the OID in a data stream matches that in the context */ int ssh_gssapi_check_mech_oid(Gssctxt *ctx, void *data, size_t len) { return (ctx != NULL && ctx->desired_mech != GSS_C_NULL_OID && ctx->desired_mech->length == len && memcmp(ctx->desired_mech->elements, data, len) == 0); } /* Set the contexts OID from a data stream */ void ssh_gssapi_set_oid_data(Gssctxt *ctx, void *data, size_t len) { if (ctx->actual_mech != GSS_C_NULL_OID) { xfree(ctx->actual_mech->elements); xfree(ctx->actual_mech); } ctx->actual_mech = xmalloc(sizeof (gss_OID_desc)); ctx->actual_mech->length = len; ctx->actual_mech->elements = xmalloc(len); memcpy(ctx->actual_mech->elements, data, len); } /* Set the contexts OID */ void ssh_gssapi_set_oid(Gssctxt *ctx, gss_OID oid) { ssh_gssapi_set_oid_data(ctx, oid->elements, oid->length); } /* All this effort to report an error ... */ void ssh_gssapi_error(Gssctxt *ctxt, const char *where) { char *errmsg = ssh_gssapi_last_error(ctxt, NULL, NULL); if (where != NULL) debug("GSS-API error while %s: %s", where, errmsg); else debug("GSS-API error: %s", errmsg); /* ssh_gssapi_last_error() can't return NULL */ xfree(errmsg); } char * ssh_gssapi_last_error(Gssctxt *ctxt, OM_uint32 *major_status, OM_uint32 *minor_status) { OM_uint32 lmin, more; OM_uint32 maj, min; gss_OID mech = GSS_C_NULL_OID; gss_buffer_desc msg; Buffer b; char *ret; buffer_init(&b); if (ctxt) { /* Get status codes from the Gssctxt */ maj = ctxt->major; min = ctxt->minor; /* Output them if desired */ if (major_status) *major_status = maj; if (minor_status) *minor_status = min; /* Get mechanism for minor status display */ mech = (ctxt->actual_mech != GSS_C_NULL_OID) ? ctxt->actual_mech : ctxt->desired_mech; } else if (major_status && minor_status) { maj = *major_status; min = *major_status; } else { maj = GSS_S_COMPLETE; min = 0; } more = 0; /* The GSSAPI error */ do { gss_display_status(&lmin, maj, GSS_C_GSS_CODE, GSS_C_NULL_OID, &more, &msg); buffer_append(&b, msg.value, msg.length); buffer_put_char(&b, '\n'); gss_release_buffer(&lmin, &msg); } while (more != 0); /* The mechanism specific error */ do { /* * If mech == GSS_C_NULL_OID we may get the default * mechanism, whatever that is, and that may not be * useful. */ gss_display_status(&lmin, min, GSS_C_MECH_CODE, mech, &more, &msg); buffer_append(&b, msg.value, msg.length); buffer_put_char(&b, '\n'); gss_release_buffer(&lmin, &msg); } while (more != 0); buffer_put_char(&b, '\0'); ret = xstrdup(buffer_ptr(&b)); buffer_free(&b); return (ret); } /* * Initialise our GSSAPI context. We use this opaque structure to contain all * of the data which both the client and server need to persist across * {accept,init}_sec_context calls, so that when we do it from the userauth * stuff life is a little easier */ void ssh_gssapi_build_ctx(Gssctxt **ctx, int client, gss_OID mech) { Gssctxt *newctx; newctx = (Gssctxt*)xmalloc(sizeof (Gssctxt)); memset(newctx, 0, sizeof (Gssctxt)); newctx->local = client; newctx->desired_mech = ssh_gssapi_dup_oid(mech); /* This happens to be redundant given the memset() above */ newctx->major = GSS_S_COMPLETE; newctx->context = GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT; newctx->actual_mech = GSS_C_NULL_OID; newctx->desired_name = GSS_C_NO_NAME; newctx->src_name = GSS_C_NO_NAME; newctx->dst_name = GSS_C_NO_NAME; newctx->creds = GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL; newctx->deleg_creds = GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL; newctx->default_creds = (*ctx != NULL) ? (*ctx)->default_creds : 0; ssh_gssapi_delete_ctx(ctx); *ctx = newctx; } gss_OID ssh_gssapi_dup_oid(gss_OID oid) { gss_OID new_oid; new_oid = xmalloc(sizeof (gss_OID_desc)); new_oid->elements = xmalloc(oid->length); new_oid->length = oid->length; memcpy(new_oid->elements, oid->elements, oid->length); return (new_oid); } gss_OID ssh_gssapi_make_oid(size_t length, void *elements) { gss_OID_desc oid; oid.length = length; oid.elements = elements; return (ssh_gssapi_dup_oid(&oid)); } void ssh_gssapi_release_oid(gss_OID *oid) { OM_uint32 min; if (oid && *oid == GSS_C_NULL_OID) return; (void) gss_release_oid(&min, oid); if (*oid == GSS_C_NULL_OID) return; /* libgss did own this gss_OID and released it */ xfree((*oid)->elements); xfree(*oid); *oid = GSS_C_NULL_OID; } struct gss_name { gss_OID name_type; gss_buffer_t external_name; gss_OID mech_type; void *mech_name; }; /* Delete our context, providing it has been built correctly */ void ssh_gssapi_delete_ctx(Gssctxt **ctx) { OM_uint32 ms; if ((*ctx) == NULL) return; if ((*ctx)->context != GSS_C_NO_CONTEXT) gss_delete_sec_context(&ms, &(*ctx)->context, GSS_C_NO_BUFFER); #if 0 /* XXX */ if ((*ctx)->desired_mech != GSS_C_NULL_OID) ssh_gssapi_release_oid(&(*ctx)->desired_mech); #endif if ((*ctx)->actual_mech != GSS_C_NULL_OID) (void) ssh_gssapi_release_oid(&(*ctx)->actual_mech); if ((*ctx)->desired_name != GSS_C_NO_NAME) gss_release_name(&ms, &(*ctx)->desired_name); #if 0 if ((*ctx)->src_name != GSS_C_NO_NAME) gss_release_name(&ms, &(*ctx)->src_name); #endif if ((*ctx)->dst_name != GSS_C_NO_NAME) gss_release_name(&ms, &(*ctx)->dst_name); if ((*ctx)->creds != GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL) gss_release_cred(&ms, &(*ctx)->creds); if ((*ctx)->deleg_creds != GSS_C_NO_CREDENTIAL) gss_release_cred(&ms, &(*ctx)->deleg_creds); xfree(*ctx); *ctx = NULL; } /* Create a GSS hostbased service principal name for a given server hostname */ int ssh_gssapi_import_name(Gssctxt *ctx, const char *server_host) { gss_buffer_desc name_buf; int ret; /* Build target principal */ name_buf.length = strlen(SSH_GSS_HOSTBASED_SERVICE) + strlen(server_host) + 1; /* +1 for '@' */ name_buf.value = xmalloc(name_buf.length + 1); /* +1 for NUL */ ret = snprintf(name_buf.value, name_buf.length + 1, "%s@%s", SSH_GSS_HOSTBASED_SERVICE, server_host); debug3("%s: snprintf() returned %d, expected %d", __func__, ret, name_buf.length); ctx->major = gss_import_name(&ctx->minor, &name_buf, GSS_C_NT_HOSTBASED_SERVICE, &ctx->desired_name); if (GSS_ERROR(ctx->major)) { ssh_gssapi_error(ctx, "calling GSS_Import_name()"); return (0); } xfree(name_buf.value); return (1); } OM_uint32 ssh_gssapi_get_mic(Gssctxt *ctx, gss_buffer_desc *buffer, gss_buffer_desc *hash) { ctx->major = gss_get_mic(&ctx->minor, ctx->context, GSS_C_QOP_DEFAULT, buffer, hash); if (GSS_ERROR(ctx->major)) ssh_gssapi_error(ctx, "while getting MIC"); return (ctx->major); } OM_uint32 ssh_gssapi_verify_mic(Gssctxt *ctx, gss_buffer_desc *buffer, gss_buffer_desc *hash) { gss_qop_t qop; ctx->major = gss_verify_mic(&ctx->minor, ctx->context, buffer, hash, &qop); if (GSS_ERROR(ctx->major)) ssh_gssapi_error(ctx, "while verifying MIC"); return (ctx->major); } #endif /* GSSAPI */