/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. * */ /* $Id: common.c 162 2006-05-08 14:17:44Z njacobs $ */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <alloca.h> #include <string.h> #include <libintl.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <papi.h> #include "common.h" #ifndef HAVE_GETPASSPHRASE /* some systems don't have getpassphrase() */ #define getpassphrase getpass #endif /* give the most verbose error message to the caller */ char * verbose_papi_message(papi_service_t svc, papi_status_t status) { char *mesg; mesg = papiServiceGetStatusMessage(svc); if (mesg == NULL) mesg = papiStatusString(status); return (mesg); } static int match_job(int id, char *user, int ac, char *av[]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ac; i++) if (strcmp("-", av[i]) == 0) return (0); /* "current" user match */ else if ((isdigit(av[i][0]) != 0) && (id == atoi(av[i]))) return (0); /* job-id match */ else if (strcmp(user, av[i]) == 0) return (0); /* user match */ return (-1); } static struct { char *mime_type; char *lp_type; } type_map[] = { { "text/plain", "simple" }, { "application/octet-stream", "raw" }, { "application/octet-stream", "any" }, { "application/postscript", "postscript" }, { "application/postscript", "ps" }, { "application/x-cif", "cif" }, { "application/x-dvi", "dvi" }, { "application/x-plot", "plot" }, { "application/x-ditroff", "troff" }, { "application/x-troff", "otroff" }, { "application/x-pr", "pr" }, { "application/x-fortran", "fortran" }, { "application/x-raster", "raster" }, { NULL, NULL} }; char * lp_type_to_mime_type(char *lp_type) { int i; if (lp_type == NULL) return ("application/octet-stream"); for (i = 0; type_map[i].lp_type != NULL; i++) if (strcasecmp(type_map[i].lp_type, lp_type) == 0) return (type_map[i].mime_type); return (lp_type); } /* * to support job/printer status */ static char * state_string(int state) { switch (state) { case 3: return (gettext("idle")); case 4: return (gettext("processing")); case 5: return (gettext("stopped")); default: return (gettext("unknown")); } } static char *_rank_suffixes[] = { "th", "st", "nd", "rd", "th", "th", "th", "th", "th", "th" }; static char * rank_string(const int rank) { static char buf[12]; if (rank < 0) snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), gettext("invalid")); else if (rank == 0) snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), gettext("active")); else if ((rank > 10) && (rank < 14)) sprintf(buf, "%dth", rank); else sprintf(buf, "%d%s", rank, _rank_suffixes[rank % 10]); return (buf); } static void printer_state_line(FILE *fp, papi_printer_t p, int num_jobs, char *name) { papi_attribute_t **list = papiPrinterGetAttributeList(p); int state = 0; char *reason = ""; (void) papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "printer-state", &state); (void) papiAttributeListGetString(list, NULL, "printer-state-reasons", &reason); (void) papiAttributeListGetString(list, NULL, "printer-name", &name); if ((state != 0x03) || (num_jobs != 0)) { fprintf(fp, "%s: %s", name, state_string(state)); if (state == 0x05) /* stopped */ fprintf(fp, ": %s\n", reason); else fprintf(fp, "\n"); } else fprintf(fp, "no entries\n"); } static void print_header(FILE *fp) { fprintf(fp, gettext("Rank\tOwner\t Job\tFile(s)\t\t\t\tTotal Size\n")); } static void print_job_line(FILE *fp, int count, papi_job_t job, int fmt, int ac, char *av[]) { papi_attribute_t **list = papiJobGetAttributeList(job); int copies = 1, id = 0, rank = count, size = 0; char *name = "print job"; char *user = "nobody"; char *host = "localhost"; char *suffix = "k"; (void) papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "job-id", &id); (void) papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "job-id-requested", &id); (void) papiAttributeListGetString(list, NULL, "job-originating-user-name", &user); (void) papiAttributeListGetString(list, NULL, "job-originating-host-name", &host); /* if we are looking and it doesn't match, return early */ if ((ac > 0) && (match_job(id, user, ac, av) < 0)) return; (void) papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "copies", &copies); (void) papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "number-of-intervening-jobs", &rank); if (papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "job-octets", &size) == PAPI_OK) suffix = "bytes"; else (void) papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "job-k-octets", &size); (void) papiAttributeListGetString(list, NULL, "job-name", &name); size *= copies; if (fmt == 3) { fprintf(fp, gettext("%s\t%-8.8s %d\t%-32.32s%d %s\n"), rank_string(++rank), user, id, name, size, suffix); } else fprintf(fp, gettext( "\n%s: %s\t\t\t\t[job %d %s]\n\t%-32.32s\t%d %s\n"), user, rank_string(++rank), id, host, name, size, suffix); } /* * to support job cancelation */ static void cancel_job(papi_service_t svc, FILE *fp, char *printer, papi_job_t job, int ac, char *av[]) { papi_status_t status; papi_attribute_t **list = papiJobGetAttributeList(job); int id = 0; int rid = -1; char *user = ""; char *mesg = gettext("cancelled"); papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "job-id", &id); papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "job-id-requested", &rid); papiAttributeListGetString(list, NULL, "job-originating-user-name", &user); /* if we are looking and it doesn't match, return early */ if ((ac > 0) && (match_job(id, user, ac, av) < 0) && (match_job(rid, user, ac, av) < 0)) return; status = papiJobCancel(svc, printer, id); if (status != PAPI_OK) mesg = papiStatusString(status); if (rid != -1) fprintf(fp, "%s-%d: %s\n", printer, rid, mesg); else fprintf(fp, "%s-%d: %s\n", printer, id, mesg); } int berkeley_queue_report(papi_service_t svc, FILE *fp, char *dest, int fmt, int ac, char *av[]) { papi_status_t status; papi_printer_t p = NULL; papi_job_t *jobs = NULL; char *pattrs[] = { "printer-name", "printer-state", "printer-state-reasons", NULL }; char *jattrs[] = { "job-name", "job-octets", "job-k-octets", "job-id", "job-originating-user-name", "job-id-requested", "job-originating-host-name", "number-of-intervening-jobs", NULL }; int num_jobs = 0; status = papiPrinterQuery(svc, dest, pattrs, NULL, &p); if (status != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(fp, gettext( "Failed to query service for state of %s: %s\n"), dest, verbose_papi_message(svc, status)); return (-1); } status = papiPrinterListJobs(svc, dest, jattrs, PAPI_LIST_JOBS_ALL, 0, &jobs); if (status != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(fp, gettext( "Failed to query service for jobs on %s: %s\n"), dest, verbose_papi_message(svc, status)); return (-1); } if (jobs != NULL) { while (jobs[num_jobs] != NULL) num_jobs++; } printer_state_line(fp, p, num_jobs, dest); if (num_jobs > 0) { int i; if (fmt == 3) print_header(fp); for (i = 0; jobs[i] != NULL; i++) print_job_line(fp, i, jobs[i], fmt, ac, av); } papiPrinterFree(p); papiJobListFree(jobs); return (num_jobs); } int berkeley_cancel_request(papi_service_t svc, FILE *fp, char *dest, int ac, char *av[]) { papi_status_t status; papi_job_t *jobs = NULL; char *jattrs[] = { "job-originating-user-name", "job-id", "job-id-requested", NULL }; status = papiPrinterListJobs(svc, dest, jattrs, PAPI_LIST_JOBS_ALL, 0, &jobs); if (status != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(fp, gettext("Failed to query service for %s: %s\n"), dest, verbose_papi_message(svc, status)); return (-1); } /* cancel the job(s) */ if (jobs != NULL) { int i; for (i = 0; jobs[i] != NULL; i++) cancel_job(svc, fp, dest, jobs[i], ac, av); } papiJobListFree(jobs); return (0); } int get_printer_id(char *name, char **printer, int *id) { int result = -1; if (name != NULL) { char *p = strrchr(name, '-'); *printer = name; if (p != NULL) { char *s = NULL; *id = strtol(p + 1, &s, 10); if (s[0] != '\0') *id = -1; else *p = '\0'; result = 0; } else *id = -1; } return (result); } /* * strsplit() splits a string into a NULL terminated array of substrings * determined by a seperator. The original string is modified, and newly * allocated space is only returned for the array itself. If more than * 1024 substrings exist, they will be ignored. */ char ** strsplit(char *string, const char *seperators) { char *list[BUFSIZ], **result; int length = 0; if ((string == NULL) || (seperators == NULL)) return (NULL); (void) memset(list, 0, sizeof (list)); for (list[length] = strtok(string, seperators); (list[length] != NULL) && (length < (BUFSIZ - 2)); list[length] = strtok(NULL, seperators)) length++; if ((result = (char **)calloc(length+1, sizeof (char *))) != NULL) (void) memcpy(result, list, length * sizeof (char *)); return (result); } papi_status_t jobSubmitSTDIN(papi_service_t svc, char *printer, char *prefetch, int len, papi_attribute_t **list, papi_job_t *job) { papi_status_t status; papi_stream_t stream = NULL; int rc; char buf[BUFSIZ]; status = papiJobStreamOpen(svc, printer, list, NULL, &stream); if (len > 0) status = papiJobStreamWrite(svc, stream, prefetch, len); while ((status == PAPI_OK) && ((rc = read(0, buf, sizeof (buf))) > 0)) status = papiJobStreamWrite(svc, stream, buf, rc); if (status == PAPI_OK) status = papiJobStreamClose(svc, stream, job); return (status); } /* * is_postscript() will detect if the file passed in contains postscript * data. A one is returned if the file contains postscript, zero is returned * if the file is not postscript, and -1 is returned if an error occurs */ #define PS_MAGIC "%!" #define PC_PS_MAGIC "^D%!" int is_postscript_stream(int fd, char *buf, int *len) { if ((*len = read(fd, buf, *len)) < 0) { close(fd); return (-1); } if ((strncmp(buf, PS_MAGIC, sizeof (PS_MAGIC) - 1) == 0) || (strncmp(buf, PC_PS_MAGIC, sizeof (PC_PS_MAGIC) - 1) == 0)) return (1); else return (0); } int is_postscript(const char *file) { int rc = -1; int fd; if ((fd = open(file, O_RDONLY)) >= 0) { char buf[3]; int len = sizeof (buf); rc = is_postscript_stream(fd, buf, &len); close(fd); } return (rc); } static char ** all_list(papi_service_t svc) { papi_status_t status; papi_printer_t printer = NULL; char *list[] = { "member-names", NULL }; char **result = NULL; status = papiPrinterQuery(svc, "_all", list, NULL, &printer); if ((status == PAPI_OK) && (printer != NULL)) { papi_attribute_t **attributes = papiPrinterGetAttributeList(printer); if (attributes != NULL) { void *iter = NULL; char *value = NULL; for (status = papiAttributeListGetString(attributes, &iter, "member-names", &value); status == PAPI_OK; status = papiAttributeListGetString(attributes, &iter, NULL, &value)) list_append(&result, strdup(value)); } papiPrinterFree(printer); } return (result); } static char ** printers_list(papi_service_t svc) { papi_status_t status; papi_printer_t *printers = NULL; char *keys[] = { "printer-name", NULL }; char **result = NULL; status = papiPrintersList(svc, keys, NULL, &printers); if ((status == PAPI_OK) && (printers != NULL)) { int i; for (i = 0; printers[i] != NULL; i++) { papi_attribute_t **attributes = papiPrinterGetAttributeList(printers[i]); char *name = NULL; (void) papiAttributeListGetString(attributes, NULL, "printer-name", &name); if ((name != NULL) && (strcmp(name, "_default") != 0)) list_append(&result, strdup(name)); } papiPrinterListFree(printers); } return (result); } char ** interest_list(papi_service_t svc) { static char been_here; static char **result; if (been_here == 0) { /* only do this once */ been_here = 1; if ((result = all_list(svc)) == NULL) result = printers_list(svc); } return (result); } char * localhostname() { static char *result; if (result == NULL) { static char buf[256]; if (gethostname(buf, sizeof (buf)) == 0) result = buf; } return (result); } int cli_auth_callback(papi_service_t svc, void *app_data) { char prompt[BUFSIZ]; char *user, *svc_name, *passphrase; /* get the name of the service we are contacting */ if ((svc_name = papiServiceGetServiceName(svc)) == NULL) return (-1); /* find our who we are supposed to be */ if ((user = papiServiceGetUserName(svc)) == NULL) { struct passwd *pw; if ((pw = getpwuid(getuid())) != NULL) user = pw->pw_name; else user = "nobody"; } /* build the prompt string */ snprintf(prompt, sizeof (prompt), gettext("passphrase for %s to access %s: "), user, svc_name); /* ask for the passphrase */ if ((passphrase = getpassphrase(prompt)) != NULL) papiServiceSetPassword(svc, passphrase); return (0); } int32_t job_to_be_queried(papi_service_t svc, char *printer, int32_t id) { papi_job_t *jobs = NULL; papi_status_t status; char *jattrs[] = { "job-id", "job-id-requested", NULL }; status = papiPrinterListJobs(svc, printer, jattrs, PAPI_LIST_JOBS_ALL, 0, &jobs); if (status != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr, gettext("Failed to query service for %s: %s\n"), printer, verbose_papi_message(svc, status)); return (-1); } if (jobs != NULL) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; jobs[i] != NULL; i++) { int32_t rid = -1; papi_attribute_t **list = papiJobGetAttributeList(jobs[i]); papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "job-id-requested", &rid); /* check if this matches with id */ if (rid == id) { /* get the actual id and return it */ papiAttributeListGetInteger(list, NULL, "job-id", &id); return (id); } } } return (id); }