/* * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* * BSD 3 Clause License * * Copyright (c) 2007, The Storage Networking Industry Association. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * - Neither the name of The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) * nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* Copyright (c) 2007, The Storage Networking Industry Association. */ /* Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 PDC, Network Appliance. All Rights Reserved */ #include <sys/param.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/mtio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "ndmpd_common.h" #include "ndmpd.h" static void tape_open_send_reply(ndmp_connection_t *connection, int err); static void unbuffered_read(ndmpd_session_t *session, char *buf, long wanted, ndmp_tape_read_reply *reply); static boolean_t validmode(int mode); static void common_tape_open(ndmp_connection_t *connection, char *devname, int ndmpmode); static void common_tape_close(ndmp_connection_t *connection); /* * Configurable delay & time when the tape is * busy during opening the tape. */ int ndmp_tape_open_retries = 5; int ndmp_tape_open_delay = 1000; /* * ************************************************************************ * NDMP V2 HANDLERS * ************************************************************************ */ /* * ndmpd_tape_open_v2 * * This handler opens the specified tape device. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ void ndmpd_tape_open_v2(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_open_request_v2 *request = (ndmp_tape_open_request_v2 *) body; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); char adptnm[SCSI_MAX_NAME]; int mode; int sid, lun; int err; scsi_adapter_t *sa; int devid; err = NDMP_NO_ERR; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd != -1 || session->ns_scsi.sd_is_open != -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Connection already has a tape or scsi device open"); err = NDMP_DEVICE_OPENED_ERR; } else if (request->mode != NDMP_TAPE_READ_MODE && request->mode != NDMP_TAPE_WRITE_MODE && request->mode != NDMP_TAPE_RAW1_MODE) { err = NDMP_ILLEGAL_ARGS_ERR; } if ((sa = scsi_get_adapter(0)) != NULL) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Adapter device opened: %s", request->device.name); (void) strlcpy(adptnm, request->device.name, SCSI_MAX_NAME-2); adptnm[SCSI_MAX_NAME-1] = '\0'; sid = lun = -1; } /* try to get the scsi id etc.... */ if (sa) { scsi_find_sid_lun(sa, request->device.name, &sid, &lun); if (ndmp_open_list_find(request->device.name, sid, lun) == 0 && (devid = tape_open(request->device.name, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY)) < 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open device %s: %m.", request->device.name); err = NDMP_NO_DEVICE_ERR; } else (void) close(devid); } else { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "%s: No such tape device.", request->device.name); err = NDMP_NO_DEVICE_ERR; } if (err != NDMP_NO_ERR) { tape_open_send_reply(connection, err); return; } switch (ndmp_open_list_add(connection, adptnm, sid, lun, devid)) { case 0: err = NDMP_NO_ERR; break; case EBUSY: err = NDMP_DEVICE_BUSY_ERR; break; case ENOMEM: err = NDMP_NO_MEM_ERR; break; default: err = NDMP_IO_ERR; } if (err != NDMP_NO_ERR) { tape_open_send_reply(connection, err); return; } /* * According to Connectathon 2001, the 0x7fffffff is a secret * code between "Workstartion Solutions" and * net_app. * If mode is set to this value, tape_open() won't fail if * the tape device is not ready. */ if (request->mode != NDMP_TAPE_RAW1_MODE && !is_tape_unit_ready(adptnm, 0)) { (void) ndmp_open_list_del(adptnm, sid, lun); tape_open_send_reply(connection, NDMP_NO_TAPE_LOADED_ERR); return; } mode = (request->mode == NDMP_TAPE_READ_MODE) ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR; mode |= O_NDELAY; if ((session->ns_tape.td_fd = open(request->device.name, mode)) < 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open tape device %s: %m.", request->device.name); switch (errno) { case EACCES: err = NDMP_WRITE_PROTECT_ERR; break; case ENXIO: case ENOENT: err = NDMP_NO_DEVICE_ERR; break; case EBUSY: err = NDMP_DEVICE_BUSY_ERR; break; default: err = NDMP_IO_ERR; } (void) ndmp_open_list_del(adptnm, sid, lun); tape_open_send_reply(connection, err); return; } session->ns_tape.td_mode = request->mode; session->ns_tape.td_sid = sid; session->ns_tape.td_lun = lun; (void) strlcpy(session->ns_tape.td_adapter_name, adptnm, SCSI_MAX_NAME); session->ns_tape.td_record_count = 0; session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Tape is opened fd: %d", session->ns_tape.td_fd); tape_open_send_reply(connection, NDMP_NO_ERR); } /* * ndmpd_tape_close_v2 * * This handler closes the currently open tape device. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void ndmpd_tape_close_v2(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_close_reply reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_close reply"); return; } common_tape_close(connection); } /* * ndmpd_tape_get_state_v2 * * This handler handles the tape_get_state request. * Status information for the currently open tape device is returned. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void ndmpd_tape_get_state_v2(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_get_state_reply_v2 reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); struct mtget mtstatus; struct mtdrivetype_request dtpr; struct mtdrivetype dtp; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); return; } if (ioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTIOCGET, &mtstatus) < 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get status from tape: %m."); NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl(MTIOCGET) error: %m."); reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); return; } dtpr.size = sizeof (struct mtdrivetype); dtpr.mtdtp = &dtp; if (ioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTIOCGETDRIVETYPE, &dtpr) == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get drive type information from tape: %m."); NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl(MTIOCGETDRIVETYPE) error: %m."); reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); return; } reply.flags = 0; reply.file_num = mtstatus.mt_fileno; reply.soft_errors = 0; reply.block_size = dtp.bsize; if (dtp.bsize == 0) reply.blockno = mtstatus.mt_blkno; else reply.blockno = mtstatus.mt_blkno * (session->ns_mover.md_record_size / dtp.bsize); reply.soft_errors = 0; reply.total_space = long_long_to_quad(0); /* not supported */ reply.space_remain = long_long_to_quad(0); /* not supported */ NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "flags: 0x%x, file_num: %d, block_size: %d, blockno: %d", reply.flags, reply.file_num, reply.block_size, reply.blockno); reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); } /* * ndmpd_tape_mtio_v2 * * This handler handles tape_mtio requests. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ void ndmpd_tape_mtio_v2(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_mtio_request *request = (ndmp_tape_mtio_request *) body; ndmp_tape_mtio_reply reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); struct mtop tapeop; struct mtget mtstatus; int retry = 0; int rc; reply.resid_count = 0; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_mtio reply"); return; } reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; switch (request->tape_op) { case NDMP_MTIO_FSF: tapeop.mt_op = MTFSF; break; case NDMP_MTIO_BSF: tapeop.mt_op = MTBSF; break; case NDMP_MTIO_FSR: tapeop.mt_op = MTFSR; break; case NDMP_MTIO_BSR: tapeop.mt_op = MTBSR; break; case NDMP_MTIO_REW: tapeop.mt_op = MTREW; break; case NDMP_MTIO_EOF: if (session->ns_tape.td_mode == NDMP_TAPE_READ_MODE) reply.error = NDMP_PERMISSION_ERR; tapeop.mt_op = MTWEOF; break; case NDMP_MTIO_OFF: tapeop.mt_op = MTOFFL; break; case NDMP_MTIO_TUR: /* test unit ready */ if (is_tape_unit_ready(session->ns_tape.td_adapter_name, session->ns_tape.td_fd) == 0) /* tape not ready ? */ reply.error = NDMP_NO_TAPE_LOADED_ERR; break; default: reply.error = NDMP_ILLEGAL_ARGS_ERR; } if (reply.error == NDMP_NO_ERR && request->tape_op != NDMP_MTIO_TUR) { tapeop.mt_count = request->count; do { NS_UPD(twait, trun); rc = ioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTIOCTOP, &tapeop); NS_UPD(trun, twait); NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl MTIO rc:%d, cmd:%d, retry:%d, error: %d", rc, tapeop.mt_op, retry, errno); } while (rc < 0 && errno == EIO && retry++ < 5); /* * Ignore I/O errors since these usually are the result of * attempting to position past the beginning or end of the tape. * The residual count will be returned and can be used to * determine that the call was not completely successful. */ if (rc < 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send command to tape: %m."); NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl(MTIOCTOP) error: %m."); /* MTWEOF doesnt have residual count */ if (tapeop.mt_op == MTWEOF) reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; else reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; reply.resid_count = tapeop.mt_count; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_mtio reply"); return; } if (request->tape_op != NDMP_MTIO_REW && request->tape_op != NDMP_MTIO_OFF) { if (ioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTIOCGET, &mtstatus) < 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send command to tape: %m."); NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl(MTIOCGET) error: %m."); reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_mtio reply"); return; } reply.resid_count = labs(mtstatus.mt_resid); } } NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "resid_count: %d", reply.resid_count); ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_mtio reply"); } /* * ndmpd_tape_write_v2 * * This handler handles tape_write requests. * This interface is a non-buffered interface. Each write request * maps directly to a write to the tape device. It is the responsibility * of the NDMP client to pad the data to the desired record size. * It is the responsibility of the NDMP client to ensure that the * length is a multiple of the tape block size if the tape device * is in fixed block mode. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ void ndmpd_tape_write_v2(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_write_request *request = (ndmp_tape_write_request *) body; ndmp_tape_write_reply reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); ssize_t n; reply.count = 0; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); return; } if (session->ns_tape.td_mode == NDMP_TAPE_READ_MODE) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Tape device opened in read-only mode"); reply.error = NDMP_PERMISSION_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); return; } if (request->data_out.data_out_len == 0) { reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); return; } if (session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen) { /* * Refer to the comment at the top of this file for * Mammoth2 tape drives. */ NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "eom_seen"); ndmpd_write_eom(session->ns_tape.td_fd); session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; reply.error = NDMP_EOM_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); return; } n = write(session->ns_tape.td_fd, request->data_out.data_out_val, request->data_out.data_out_len); if (n >= 0) { session->ns_tape.td_write = 1; NS_ADD(wtape, n); } if (n == 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "n == 0"); reply.error = NDMP_EOM_ERR; session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; } else if (n < 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape write error: %m."); reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; } else { reply.count = n; reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; /* * a logical end of tape will return number of bytes written * less than rquested, and one more request to write will * give 0, and then no-space */ if (n < request->data_out.data_out_len) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "LEOT: n: %d", n); session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = TRUE; } else { session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; } } ndmp_send_reply(connection, &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); } /* * ndmpd_tape_read_v2 * * This handler handles tape_read requests. * This interface is a non-buffered interface. Each read request * maps directly to a read to the tape device. It is the responsibility * of the NDMP client to issue read requests with a length that is at * least as large as the record size used write the tape. The tape driver * always reads a full record. Data is discarded if the read request is * smaller than the record size. * It is the responsibility of the NDMP client to ensure that the * length is a multiple of the tape block size if the tape device * is in fixed block mode. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ void ndmpd_tape_read_v2(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_read_request *request = (ndmp_tape_read_request *) body; ndmp_tape_read_reply reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); char *buf; reply.data_in.data_in_len = 0; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_read reply"); return; } if (request->count == 0) { reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_read reply"); return; } if ((buf = ndmp_malloc(request->count)) == 0) { reply.error = NDMP_NO_MEM_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_read reply"); return; } session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; unbuffered_read(session, buf, request->count, &reply); ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_read reply"); (void) free(buf); } /* * ndmpd_tape_execute_cdb_v2 * * This handler handles tape_execute_cdb requests. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ void ndmpd_tape_execute_cdb_v2(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_execute_cdb_request *request; ndmp_tape_execute_cdb_reply reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); request = (ndmp_tape_execute_cdb_request *) body; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { (void) memset((void *) &reply, 0, sizeof (reply)); NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_execute_cdb reply"); } else { session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; ndmp_execute_cdb(session, session->ns_tape.td_adapter_name, session->ns_tape.td_sid, session->ns_tape.td_lun, (ndmp_execute_cdb_request *)request); } } /* * ************************************************************************ * NDMP V3 HANDLERS * ************************************************************************ */ /* * ndmpd_tape_open_v3 * * This handler opens the specified tape device. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ void ndmpd_tape_open_v3(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_open_request_v3 *request = (ndmp_tape_open_request_v3 *)body; common_tape_open(connection, request->device, request->mode); } /* * ndmpd_tape_get_state_v3 * * This handler handles the ndmp_tape_get_state_request. * Status information for the currently open tape device is returned. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void ndmpd_tape_get_state_v3(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_get_state_reply_v3 reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); struct mtdrivetype_request dtpr; struct mtdrivetype dtp; struct mtget mtstatus; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); return; } if (ioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTIOCGET, &mtstatus) == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get status from tape: %m."); NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl(MTIOCGET) error: %m."); reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); return; } dtpr.size = sizeof (struct mtdrivetype); dtpr.mtdtp = &dtp; if (ioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTIOCGETDRIVETYPE, &dtpr) == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get drive type information from tape: %m."); NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl(MTIOCGETDRIVETYPE) error: %m."); reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); return; } reply.flags = 0; reply.file_num = mtstatus.mt_fileno; reply.soft_errors = 0; reply.block_size = dtp.bsize; if (dtp.bsize == 0) reply.blockno = mtstatus.mt_blkno; else reply.blockno = mtstatus.mt_blkno * (session->ns_mover.md_record_size / dtp.bsize); reply.total_space = long_long_to_quad(0); /* not supported */ reply.space_remain = long_long_to_quad(0); /* not supported */ reply.partition = 0; /* not supported */ reply.soft_errors = 0; reply.total_space = long_long_to_quad(0LL); reply.space_remain = long_long_to_quad(0LL); reply.invalid = NDMP_TAPE_STATE_SOFT_ERRORS_INVALID | NDMP_TAPE_STATE_TOTAL_SPACE_INVALID | NDMP_TAPE_STATE_SPACE_REMAIN_INVALID | NDMP_TAPE_STATE_PARTITION_INVALID; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "f 0x%x, fnum %d, bsize %d, bno: %d", reply.flags, reply.file_num, reply.block_size, reply.blockno); reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); } /* * ndmpd_tape_write_v3 * * This handler handles tape_write requests. * This interface is a non-buffered interface. Each write request * maps directly to a write to the tape device. It is the responsibility * of the NDMP client to pad the data to the desired record size. * It is the responsibility of the NDMP client to ensure that the * length is a multiple of the tape block size if the tape device * is in fixed block mode. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ void ndmpd_tape_write_v3(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_write_request *request = (ndmp_tape_write_request *) body; ndmp_tape_write_reply reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); ssize_t n; reply.count = 0; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); return; } if (session->ns_tape.td_mode == NDMP_TAPE_READ_MODE) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Tape device opened in read-only mode"); reply.error = NDMP_PERMISSION_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); return; } if (request->data_out.data_out_len == 0) { reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); return; } /* * V4 suggests that this should not be accepted * when mover is in listen or active state */ if (session->ns_protocol_version == NDMPV4 && (session->ns_mover.md_state == NDMP_MOVER_STATE_LISTEN || session->ns_mover.md_state == NDMP_MOVER_STATE_ACTIVE)) { reply.error = NDMP_DEVICE_BUSY_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); return; } /* * Refer to the comment at the top of this file for * Mammoth2 tape drives. */ if (session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "eom_seen"); ndmpd_write_eom(session->ns_tape.td_fd); session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; reply.error = NDMP_EOM_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); return; } n = write(session->ns_tape.td_fd, request->data_out.data_out_val, request->data_out.data_out_len); session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; if (n >= 0) { session->ns_tape.td_write = 1; NS_ADD(wtape, n); } if (n == 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_INFO, "EOM detected"); reply.error = NDMP_EOM_ERR; session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = TRUE; } else if (n < 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape write error: %m."); reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; } else { reply.count = n; reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; } ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_write reply"); } /* * ndmpd_tape_read_v3 * * This handler handles tape_read requests. * This interface is a non-buffered interface. Each read request * maps directly to a read to the tape device. It is the responsibility * of the NDMP client to issue read requests with a length that is at * least as large as the record size used write the tape. The tape driver * always reads a full record. Data is discarded if the read request is * smaller than the record size. * It is the responsibility of the NDMP client to ensure that the * length is a multiple of the tape block size if the tape device * is in fixed block mode. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ void ndmpd_tape_read_v3(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_read_request *request = (ndmp_tape_read_request *) body; ndmp_tape_read_reply reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); char *buf; int n, len; reply.data_in.data_in_len = 0; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_read reply"); return; } if (request->count == 0) { reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_read reply"); return; } /* * V4 suggests that this should not be accepted * when mover is in listen or active state */ if (session->ns_protocol_version == NDMPV4 && (session->ns_mover.md_state == NDMP_MOVER_STATE_LISTEN || session->ns_mover.md_state == NDMP_MOVER_STATE_ACTIVE)) { reply.error = NDMP_DEVICE_BUSY_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_read reply"); return; } if ((buf = ndmp_malloc(request->count)) == NULL) { reply.error = NDMP_NO_MEM_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_read reply"); return; } session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; n = read(session->ns_tape.td_fd, buf, request->count); if (n < 0) { /* * This fix is for Symantec during importing * of spanned data between the tapes. */ if (errno == ENOSPC) { reply.error = NDMP_EOF_ERR; } else { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape read error: %m."); reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; } } else if (n == 0) { (void) ndmp_mtioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTFSF, 1); len = strlen(NDMP_EOM_MAGIC); (void) memset(buf, 0, len); n = read(session->ns_tape.td_fd, buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Checking EOM: nread %d [%s]", n, buf); if (strncmp(buf, NDMP_EOM_MAGIC, len) == 0) { reply.error = NDMP_EOM_ERR; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "NDMP_EOM_ERR"); } else { reply.error = NDMP_EOF_ERR; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "NDMP_EOF_ERR"); } if (n > 0) (void) ndmp_mtioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTBSR, 1); } else { /* * Symantec fix for import phase * * As import process from symantec skips filemarks * they can come across to NDMP_EOM_MAGIC and treat * it as data. This fix prevents the magic to be * sent to the client and the read will return zero bytes * and set the NDMP_EOM_ERR error. The tape should * be positioned at the EOT side of the file mark. */ len = strlen(NDMP_EOM_MAGIC); if (n == len && strncmp(buf, NDMP_EOM_MAGIC, len) == 0) { reply.error = NDMP_EOM_ERR; (void) ndmp_mtioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTFSF, 1); NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "NDMP_EOM_ERR"); } else { session->ns_tape.td_pos += n; reply.data_in.data_in_len = n; reply.data_in.data_in_val = buf; reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; } NS_ADD(rtape, n); } ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_read reply"); free(buf); } /* * ************************************************************************ * NDMP V4 HANDLERS * ************************************************************************ */ /* * ndmpd_tape_get_state_v4 * * This handler handles the ndmp_tape_get_state_request. * Status information for the currently open tape device is returned. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void ndmpd_tape_get_state_v4(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_get_state_reply_v4 reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); struct mtget mtstatus; struct mtdrivetype_request dtpr; struct mtdrivetype dtp; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); return; } /* * Need code to detect NDMP_TAPE_STATE_NOREWIND */ if (ioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTIOCGET, &mtstatus) == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get status information from tape: %m."); NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl(MTIOCGET) error: %m."); reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); return; } dtpr.size = sizeof (struct mtdrivetype); dtpr.mtdtp = &dtp; if (ioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTIOCGETDRIVETYPE, &dtpr) == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get drive type information from tape: %m."); NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "ioctl(MTIOCGETDRIVETYPE) error: %m."); reply.error = NDMP_IO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *)&reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); return; } reply.flags = NDMP_TAPE_NOREWIND; reply.file_num = mtstatus.mt_fileno; reply.soft_errors = 0; reply.block_size = dtp.bsize; if (dtp.bsize == 0) reply.blockno = mtstatus.mt_blkno; else reply.blockno = mtstatus.mt_blkno * (session->ns_mover.md_record_size / dtp.bsize); reply.total_space = long_long_to_quad(0); /* not supported */ reply.space_remain = long_long_to_quad(0); /* not supported */ reply.soft_errors = 0; reply.total_space = long_long_to_quad(0LL); reply.space_remain = long_long_to_quad(0LL); reply.unsupported = NDMP_TAPE_STATE_SOFT_ERRORS_INVALID | NDMP_TAPE_STATE_TOTAL_SPACE_INVALID | NDMP_TAPE_STATE_SPACE_REMAIN_INVALID | NDMP_TAPE_STATE_PARTITION_INVALID; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "f 0x%x, fnum %d, bsize %d, bno: %d", reply.flags, reply.file_num, reply.block_size, reply.blockno); reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_get_state reply"); } /* * ndmpd_tape_close_v4 * * This handler (v4) closes the currently open tape device. * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * body (input) - request message body. * * Returns: * void */ /*ARGSUSED*/ void ndmpd_tape_close_v4(ndmp_connection_t *connection, void *body) { ndmp_tape_close_reply reply; ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); if (session->ns_tape.td_fd == -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape device is not open."); reply.error = NDMP_DEV_NOT_OPEN_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_close reply"); return; } /* * V4 suggests that this should not be accepted * when mover is in listen or active state */ if (session->ns_mover.md_state == NDMP_MOVER_STATE_LISTEN || session->ns_mover.md_state == NDMP_MOVER_STATE_ACTIVE) { reply.error = NDMP_DEVICE_BUSY_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_close reply"); return; } common_tape_close(connection); } /* * ************************************************************************ * LOCALS * ************************************************************************ */ /* * tape_open_send_reply * * Send a reply to the tape open message * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * err (input) - NDMP error * * Returns: * void */ static void tape_open_send_reply(ndmp_connection_t *connection, int err) { ndmp_tape_open_reply reply; reply.error = err; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_open reply"); } /* * unbuffered_read * * Perform tape read without read-ahead * * Parameters: * session (input) - session handle * bp (output) - read buffer * wanted (input) - number of bytes wanted * reply (output) - tape read reply message * * Returns: * void */ static void unbuffered_read(ndmpd_session_t *session, char *buf, long wanted, ndmp_tape_read_reply *reply) { int n, len; n = read(session->ns_tape.td_fd, buf, wanted); if (n < 0) { /* * This fix is for Symantec during importing * of spanned data between the tapes. */ if (errno == ENOSPC) { reply->error = NDMP_EOF_ERR; } else { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Tape read error: %m."); reply->error = NDMP_IO_ERR; } } else if (n == 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "NDMP_EOF_ERR"); reply->error = NDMP_EOF_ERR; (void) ndmp_mtioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTFSF, 1); len = strlen(NDMP_EOM_MAGIC); (void) memset(buf, 0, len); n = read(session->ns_tape.td_fd, buf, len); buf[len] = '\0'; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Checking EOM: nread %d [%s]", n, buf); (void) ndmp_mtioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTBSF, 1); if (strncmp(buf, NDMP_EOM_MAGIC, len) != 0) (void) ndmp_mtioctl(session->ns_tape.td_fd, MTFSF, 1); } else { session->ns_tape.td_pos += n; reply->data_in.data_in_len = n; reply->data_in.data_in_val = buf; reply->error = NDMP_NO_ERR; NS_ADD(rtape, n); } } /* * validmode * * Check the tape read mode is valid */ static boolean_t validmode(int mode) { boolean_t rv; switch (mode) { case NDMP_TAPE_READ_MODE: case NDMP_TAPE_WRITE_MODE: case NDMP_TAPE_RAW1_MODE: case NDMP_TAPE_RAW2_MODE: rv = TRUE; break; default: rv = FALSE; } return (rv); } /* * common_tape_open * * Generic function for opening the tape for all versions * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * devname (input) - tape device name to open. * ndmpmode (input) - mode of opening (read, write, raw) * * Returns: * void */ static void common_tape_open(ndmp_connection_t *connection, char *devname, int ndmpmode) { ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); char adptnm[SCSI_MAX_NAME]; int err; int mode; int sid, lun; scsi_adapter_t *sa; int devid; err = NDMP_NO_ERR; if (session->ns_tape.td_fd != -1 || session->ns_scsi.sd_is_open != -1) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Connection already has a tape or scsi device open"); err = NDMP_DEVICE_OPENED_ERR; } else if (!validmode(ndmpmode)) err = NDMP_ILLEGAL_ARGS_ERR; if ((sa = scsi_get_adapter(0)) != NULL) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Adapter device opened: %s", devname); (void) strlcpy(adptnm, devname, SCSI_MAX_NAME-2); adptnm[SCSI_MAX_NAME-1] = '\0'; sid = lun = -1; } if (sa) { scsi_find_sid_lun(sa, devname, &sid, &lun); if (ndmp_open_list_find(devname, sid, lun) == 0 && (devid = open(devname, O_RDWR | O_NDELAY)) < 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open device %s: %m.", devname); err = NDMP_NO_DEVICE_ERR; } else { (void) close(devid); } } else { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "%s: No such tape device.", devname); err = NDMP_NO_DEVICE_ERR; } if (err != NDMP_NO_ERR) { tape_open_send_reply(connection, err); return; } /* * If tape is not opened in raw mode and tape is not loaded * return error. */ if (ndmpmode != NDMP_TAPE_RAW1_MODE && ndmpmode != NDMP_TAPE_RAW2_MODE && !is_tape_unit_ready(adptnm, 0)) { tape_open_send_reply(connection, NDMP_NO_TAPE_LOADED_ERR); return; } mode = (ndmpmode == NDMP_TAPE_READ_MODE) ? O_RDONLY : O_RDWR; mode |= O_NDELAY; session->ns_tape.td_fd = open(devname, mode); if (session->ns_protocol_version == NDMPV4 && session->ns_tape.td_fd < 0 && ndmpmode == NDMP_TAPE_RAW_MODE && errno == EACCES) { /* * V4 suggests that if the tape is open in raw mode * and could not be opened with write access, it should * be opened read only instead. */ ndmpmode = NDMP_TAPE_READ_MODE; session->ns_tape.td_fd = open(devname, O_RDONLY); } if (session->ns_tape.td_fd < 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open tape device %s: %m.", devname); switch (errno) { case EACCES: err = NDMP_WRITE_PROTECT_ERR; break; case ENOENT: err = NDMP_NO_DEVICE_ERR; break; case EBUSY: err = NDMP_DEVICE_BUSY_ERR; break; case EPERM: err = NDMP_PERMISSION_ERR; break; default: err = NDMP_IO_ERR; } tape_open_send_reply(connection, err); return; } switch (ndmp_open_list_add(connection, adptnm, sid, lun, session->ns_tape.td_fd)) { case 0: err = NDMP_NO_ERR; break; case EBUSY: err = NDMP_DEVICE_BUSY_ERR; break; case ENOMEM: err = NDMP_NO_MEM_ERR; break; default: err = NDMP_IO_ERR; } if (err != NDMP_NO_ERR) { tape_open_send_reply(connection, err); return; } session->ns_tape.td_mode = ndmpmode; session->ns_tape.td_sid = sid; session->ns_tape.td_lun = lun; (void) strlcpy(session->ns_tape.td_adapter_name, adptnm, SCSI_MAX_NAME); session->ns_tape.td_record_count = 0; session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Tape is opened fd: %d", session->ns_tape.td_fd); tape_open_send_reply(connection, NDMP_NO_ERR); } /* * common_tape_close * * Generic function for closing the tape * * Parameters: * connection (input) - connection handle. * * Returns: * void */ static void common_tape_close(ndmp_connection_t *connection) { ndmpd_session_t *session = ndmp_get_client_data(connection); ndmp_tape_close_reply reply; (void) ndmp_open_list_del(session->ns_tape.td_adapter_name, session->ns_tape.td_sid, session->ns_tape.td_lun); (void) close(session->ns_tape.td_fd); session->ns_tape.td_fd = -1; session->ns_tape.td_sid = 0; session->ns_tape.td_lun = 0; session->ns_tape.td_write = 0; (void) memset(session->ns_tape.td_adapter_name, 0, sizeof (session->ns_tape.td_adapter_name)); session->ns_tape.td_record_count = 0; session->ns_tape.td_eom_seen = FALSE; reply.error = NDMP_NO_ERR; ndmp_send_reply(connection, (void *) &reply, "sending tape_close reply"); } /* * tape_open * * Will try to open the tape with the given flags and * path using the given retries and delay intervals */ int tape_open(char *path, int flags) { int fd; int i = 0; while ((fd = open(path, flags)) == -1 && i++ < ndmp_tape_open_retries) { if (errno != EBUSY) break; (void) usleep(ndmp_tape_open_delay); } return (fd); }