/* * Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ /* * BSD 3 Clause License * * Copyright (c) 2007, The Storage Networking Industry Association. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * - Neither the name of The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) * nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* Copyright (c) 2007, The Storage Networking Industry Association. */ /* Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 PDC, Network Appliance. All Rights Reserved */ #ifndef _NDMP_COMMON_H #define _NDMP_COMMON_H #include <thread.h> #include <synch.h> #include "ndmpd_log.h" #include "ndmp.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <rpc/rpc.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <bsm/adt.h> #include <bsm/adt_event.h> #define XDR_AND_SIZE(func) (bool_t(*)(XDR*, ...))xdr_##func, sizeof (func) #define AUTH_REQUIRED TRUE #define AUTH_NOT_REQUIRED FALSE #define NDMP_EOM_MAGIC "PRCMEOM" #define KILOBYTE 1024 #define INT_MAXCMD 12 extern mutex_t log_lock; extern mutex_t ndmpd_zfs_fd_lock; /* Connection data structure. */ typedef struct msg_info { ndmp_header mi_hdr; struct ndmp_msg_handler *mi_handler; void *mi_body; } msg_info_t; typedef struct ndmp_connection { int conn_sock; XDR conn_xdrs; ulong_t conn_my_sequence; boolean_t conn_authorized; boolean_t conn_eof; msg_info_t conn_msginfo; /* received request or reply message */ ushort_t conn_version; void *conn_client_data; mutex_t conn_lock; adt_session_data_t *conn_ah; } ndmp_connection_t; typedef void (*ndmp_con_handler_func_t) (struct ndmp_connection *); typedef void ndmp_msg_handler_func_t(struct ndmp_connection *, void *); typedef struct ndmp_msg_handler { ndmp_msg_handler_func_t *mh_func; bool_t(*mh_xdr_request) (XDR *xdrs, ...); int mh_sizeof_request; bool_t(*mh_xdr_reply) (XDR *xdrs, ...); int mh_sizeof_reply; } ndmp_msg_handler_t; typedef struct ndmp_handler { int hd_cnt; struct hd_messages { ndmp_message hm_message; boolean_t hm_auth_required; ndmp_msg_handler_t hm_msg_v[3]; } hd_msgs[INT_MAXCMD]; } ndmp_handler_t; /* * Function prototypes. */ extern ndmp_connection_t *ndmp_create_connection(void); extern void ndmp_destroy_connection(ndmp_connection_t *); extern void ndmp_close(ndmp_connection_t *); extern int ndmp_connect(ndmp_connection_t *, char *, ulong_t); extern int ndmp_run(ulong_t, ndmp_con_handler_func_t); extern int ndmp_process_requests(ndmp_connection_t *); extern int ndmp_send_response(ndmp_connection_t *, ndmp_error, void *); extern int ndmp_send_request(ndmp_connection_t *, ndmp_message, ndmp_error, void *, void **); extern int ndmp_send_request_lock(ndmp_connection_t *, ndmp_message, ndmp_error, void *, void **); extern void ndmp_free_message(ndmp_connection_t *); extern int ndmp_get_fd(ndmp_connection_t *); extern void ndmp_set_client_data(ndmp_connection_t *, void *); extern void *ndmp_get_client_data(ndmp_connection_t *); extern void ndmp_set_version(ndmp_connection_t *, ushort_t); extern ushort_t ndmp_get_version(ndmp_connection_t *); extern void ndmp_set_authorized(ndmp_connection_t *, boolean_t); /* * NDMP daemon callback functions. * Called by backup/recover modules. */ typedef char *ndmpd_get_env_func_t(void *, char *); typedef int ndmpd_add_env_func_t(void *, char *, char *); typedef void *ndmpd_get_name_func_t(void *, ulong_t); typedef int ndmpd_dispatch_func_t(void *, boolean_t); typedef void ndmpd_done_func_t(void *, int); typedef int ndmpd_log_func_t(void *, char *, ...); typedef int ndmpd_log_func_v3_t(void *, ndmp_log_type, ulong_t, char *, ...); #define NDMPD_SELECT_MODE_READ 1 #define NDMPD_SELECT_MODE_WRITE 2 #define NDMPD_SELECT_MODE_EXCEPTION 4 typedef void ndmpd_file_handler_func_t(void *, int, ulong_t); typedef int ndmpd_add_file_handler_func_t(void *, void *, int, ulong_t, ndmpd_file_handler_func_t *); typedef int ndmpd_remove_file_handler_func_t(void *, int); typedef int ndmpd_write_func_t(void *, char *, ulong_t); typedef int ndmpd_file_history_path_func_t(void *, char *, struct stat64 *, u_longlong_t); typedef int ndmpd_file_history_dir_func_t(void *, char *, ulong_t, ulong_t); typedef int ndmpd_file_history_node_func_t(void *, ulong_t, struct stat64 *, u_longlong_t); typedef int ndmpd_seek_func_t(void *, u_longlong_t, u_longlong_t); typedef int ndmpd_read_func_t(void *, char *, ulong_t); typedef int ndmpd_file_recovered_func_t(void *, char *, int); typedef struct ndmpd_module_stats { u_longlong_t ms_bytes_processed; u_longlong_t ms_est_bytes_remaining; ulong_t ms_est_time_remaining; } ndmpd_module_stats; /* * Parameter structure passed to module start function. */ typedef struct ndmpd_module_params { void *mp_daemon_cookie; void **mp_module_cookie; ushort_t mp_protocol_version; ndmp_data_operation mp_operation; ndmpd_module_stats *mp_stats; ndmpd_get_env_func_t *mp_get_env_func; ndmpd_add_env_func_t *mp_add_env_func; ndmpd_add_env_func_t *mp_set_env_func; ndmpd_get_name_func_t *mp_get_name_func; ndmpd_dispatch_func_t *mp_dispatch_func; ndmpd_done_func_t *mp_done_func; ndmpd_log_func_t *mp_log_func; ndmpd_add_file_handler_func_t *mp_add_file_handler_func; ndmpd_remove_file_handler_func_t *mp_remove_file_handler_func; ndmpd_write_func_t *mp_write_func; ndmpd_file_history_path_func_t *mp_file_history_path_func; ndmpd_file_history_dir_func_t *mp_file_history_dir_func; ndmpd_file_history_node_func_t *mp_file_history_node_func; ndmpd_read_func_t *mp_read_func; ndmpd_seek_func_t *mp_seek_func; ndmpd_file_recovered_func_t *mp_file_recovered_func; /* * NDMP V3 params. */ ndmpd_log_func_v3_t *mp_log_func_v3; } ndmpd_module_params_t; #define MOD_SETENV(m, n, v) \ (*(m)->mp_set_env_func)((m)->mp_daemon_cookie, n, v) #define MOD_GETENV(m, e) \ (*(m)->mp_get_env_func)((m)->mp_daemon_cookie, e) #define MOD_GETNAME(m, i) \ (*(m)->mp_get_name_func)((m)->mp_daemon_cookie, i) #define MOD_LOG(m, ...) \ (*(m)->mp_log_func)((m)->mp_daemon_cookie, __VA_ARGS__) #define MOD_READ(m, b, s) \ (*(m)->mp_read_func)((m)->mp_daemon_cookie, b, s) #define MOD_WRITE(m, b, s) \ (*(m)->mp_write_func)((m)->mp_daemon_cookie, b, s) #define MOD_DONE(m, e) \ (*(m)->mp_done_func)((m)->mp_daemon_cookie, e) #define MOD_FILERECOVERD(m, n, e) \ (*(m)->mp_file_recovered_func)((m)->mp_daemon_cookie, n, e) extern int ndmp_log_msg_id; #define MOD_LOGV3(m, t, ...) \ (*(m)->mp_log_func_v3)((m)->mp_daemon_cookie, (t), \ ++ndmp_log_msg_id, __VA_ARGS__) #define MOD_LOGCONTV3(m, t, ...) \ (*(m)->mp_log_func_v3)((m)->mp_daemon_cookie, \ (t), ndmp_log_msg_id, __VA_ARGS__) /* * Module function prototypes. */ typedef int module_start_func_t(void *); typedef int module_abort_func_t(void *); #endif /* _NDMP_COMMON_H */