/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright (c) 2001, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. */ /* * ldapaddent.c * * Utility to add /etc files into LDAP. * Can also be used to dump entries from a ldap container in /etc format. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <libintl.h> #include <strings.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <locale.h> #include <syslog.h> #undef opaque #include <nss_dbdefs.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <rpc/rpcent.h> #include <grp.h> #include <pwd.h> #include <project.h> #include <shadow.h> #include <sys/systeminfo.h> #include "ns_internal.h" #include "ldapaddent.h" #include "standalone.h" #define OP_ADD 0 #define OP_DUMP 3 static struct ttypelist_t { char *ttype; /* type tag */ int (*genent)(char *, int(*)()); /* routine to turn line into ldap entries */ void (*dump)(ns_ldap_result_t *); /* routine to print ldap containers */ int (*filedbmline)(); /* routine to turn file line into dbm line */ char *objclass; /* Objectclass for the servicetype */ char *sortattr; /* Sort attr for enumeration */ } *tt; char parse_err_msg [PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN]; int continue_onerror = 0; /* do not exit on error */ static int get_basedn(char *service, char **basedn); static int check_ipaddr(char *addr, char **newaddr); static int check_projname(char *addr); extern int optind; extern char *optarg; extern char *__nis_quote_key(const char *, char *, int); static char *inputbasedn = NULL; static char *databasetype = NULL; static int exit_val = 0; static unsigned nent_add = 0; static FILE *etcf = 0; static ns_cred_t authority; unsigned flags = 0; static void perr(ns_ldap_error_t *e) { if (e) (void) fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s\n", e->status, e->message); } static int ascii_to_int(char *str) { int i; char *c = str; if (c == NULL || *c == '\0') return (-1); while (c != '\0' && *c == ' ') c++; if (*c == '\0') return (-1); for (i = 0; i < strlen(c); i++) if (!isdigit(c[i])) return (-1); return (atoi(c)); } /* * Internet network address interpretation routine. * The library routines call this routine to interpret * network numbers. */ static in_addr_t encode_network(const char *cp) { in_addr_t val; int base; ptrdiff_t n; char c; in_addr_t parts[4], *pp = parts; int i; again: val = 0; base = 10; if (*cp == '0') { if (*++cp == 'x' || *cp == 'X') base = 16, cp++; else base = 8; } while ((c = *cp) != NULL) { if (isdigit(c)) { if ((c - '0') >= base) break; val = (val * base) + (c - '0'); cp++; continue; } if (base == 16 && isxdigit(c)) { val = (val << 4) + (c + 10 - (islower(c) ? 'a' : 'A')); cp++; continue; } break; } if (*cp == '.') { if (pp >= parts + 4) return ((in_addr_t)-1); *pp++ = val, cp++; goto again; } if (*cp && !isspace(*cp)) return ((in_addr_t)-1); *pp++ = val; n = pp - parts; if (n > 4) return ((in_addr_t)-1); for (val = 0, i = 0; i < n; i++) { val <<= 8; val |= parts[i] & 0xff; } for (/* no init */; i < 4; i++) val <<= 8; return (val); } static void replace_tab2space(char *str) { int i = 0; while ((str) && (str[i])) { if (str[i] == '\t') str[i] = ' '; i++; } } static int blankline(char *line) { char *p; for (p = line; *p; p++) if (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t') return (0); return (1); } /* * check whether the token <tok> is a triplet, * i. e. <tok> := (<hostname>,<username>,<domainname>) * where <hostname>, <username>, <domainname> are IA5String * <tok> supposes to contain NO spaces and start with '(' */ static int is_triplet(char *tok) { char *s; return (strchr(++tok, '(') == NULL && /* no more '(' */ (s = strchr(tok, ')')) != NULL && /* find ')' */ !*++s && /* ')' ends token */ (tok = strchr(tok, ',')) != NULL && /* host up to ',' */ (tok = strchr(++tok, ',')) != NULL && /* user up to ',' */ strchr(++tok, ',') == NULL); /* no more ',' */ } static void line_buf_expand(struct line_buf *line) { line->alloc += BUFSIZ; line->str = (char *)realloc(line->str, line->alloc); if (line->str == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("line_buf_expand: out of memory\n")); exit(1); } } static void line_buf_init(struct line_buf *line) { (void) memset((char *)line, 0, sizeof (*line)); line_buf_expand(line); } static int __s_add_attr(ns_ldap_entry_t *e, char *attrname, char *value) { ns_ldap_attr_t *a; char *v; a = (ns_ldap_attr_t *)calloc(1, sizeof (ns_ldap_attr_t)); if (a == NULL) return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); a->attrname = strdup(attrname); if (a->attrname == NULL) { free(a); return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); } a->attrvalue = (char **)calloc(1, sizeof (char **)); if (a->attrvalue == NULL) { free(a->attrname); free(a); return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); } a->value_count = 1; a->attrvalue[0] = NULL; v = strdup(value); if (v == NULL) { free(a->attrname); free(a->attrvalue); free(a); return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); } a->attrvalue[0] = v; e->attr_pair[e->attr_count] = a; e->attr_count++; return (NS_LDAP_SUCCESS); } static int __s_add_attrlist(ns_ldap_entry_t *e, char *attrname, char **argv) { ns_ldap_attr_t *a; char *v; char **av; int i, j; a = (ns_ldap_attr_t *)calloc(1, sizeof (ns_ldap_attr_t)); if (a == NULL) return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); a->attrname = strdup(attrname); if (a->attrname == NULL) { free(a); return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); } for (i = 0, av = argv; *av != NULL; av++, i++) ; a->attrvalue = (char **)calloc(i, sizeof (char **)); if (a->attrvalue == NULL) { free(a->attrname); free(a); return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); } a->value_count = i; for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { v = strdup(argv[j]); if (v == NULL) { free(a->attrname); free(a->attrvalue); free(a); return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); } a->attrvalue[j] = v; } e->attr_pair[e->attr_count] = a; e->attr_count++; return (NS_LDAP_SUCCESS); } static ns_ldap_entry_t * __s_mk_entry(char **objclass, int max_attr) { ns_ldap_entry_t *e; e = (ns_ldap_entry_t *)calloc(1, sizeof (ns_ldap_entry_t)); if (e == NULL) return (NULL); e->attr_pair = (ns_ldap_attr_t **)calloc(max_attr+1, sizeof (ns_ldap_attr_t *)); if (e->attr_pair == NULL) { free(e); return (NULL); } e->attr_count = 0; if (__s_add_attrlist(e, "objectClass", objclass) != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { free(e->attr_pair); free(e); return (NULL); } return (e); } static void ldap_freeEntry(ns_ldap_entry_t *ep) { int j, k = 0; if (ep == NULL) return; if (ep->attr_pair == NULL) { free(ep); return; } for (j = 0; j < ep->attr_count; j++) { if (ep->attr_pair[j] == NULL) continue; if (ep->attr_pair[j]->attrname) free(ep->attr_pair[j]->attrname); if (ep->attr_pair[j]->attrvalue) { for (k = 0; (k < ep->attr_pair[j]->value_count) && (ep->attr_pair[j]->attrvalue[k]); k++) { free(ep->attr_pair[j]->attrvalue[k]); } free(ep->attr_pair[j]->attrvalue); } free(ep->attr_pair[j]); } free(ep->attr_pair); free(ep); } static int addentry(void *entry, int mod) { int result = 0; ns_ldap_error_t *eres = NULL; int rc = 1; /* adds entry into the LDAP tree */ if (mod) result = __ns_ldap_addTypedEntry(databasetype, inputbasedn, entry, 0, &authority, NS_LDAP_FOLLOWREF | NS_LDAP_KEEP_CONN, &eres); else result = __ns_ldap_addTypedEntry(databasetype, inputbasedn, entry, 1, &authority, NS_LDAP_FOLLOWREF | NS_LDAP_KEEP_CONN, &eres); /* * Return 0 on success * LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS if entry exists already * 1 for all other non-fatal errors. * Exit on fatal errors. */ switch (result) { case NS_LDAP_SUCCESS: nent_add++; rc = 0; break; case NS_LDAP_OP_FAILED: (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("operation failed.\n")); rc = 1; break; case NS_LDAP_INVALID_PARAM: (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("invalid parameter(s) passed.\n")); rc = 1; break; case NS_LDAP_NOTFOUND: (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("entry not found.\n")); rc = 1; break; case NS_LDAP_MEMORY: (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("internal memory allocation error.\n")); exit(1); break; case NS_LDAP_CONFIG: (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("LDAP Configuration problem.\n")); perr(eres); exit(1); break; case NS_LDAP_PARTIAL: (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("partial result returned\n")); perr(eres); rc = 1; break; case NS_LDAP_INTERNAL: if (eres->status == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS || eres->status == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) rc = eres->status; else if (eres->status == LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("The user does not have permission" " to add/modify entries\n")); perr(eres); exit(1); } else { rc = 1; perr(eres); } break; } if (eres) (void) __ns_ldap_freeError(&eres); return (rc); } /* * usage(char *msg) * Display usage message to STDERR. */ static void usage(char *msg) { if (msg) (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", msg); (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "usage: ldapaddent [-cpv] [-a authenticationMethod] [-b baseDN]\n" "-D bindDN [-w bindPassword] [-j passwdFile] [-f filename]\n" "database\n" "\n" "usage: ldapaddent [-cpv] -asasl/GSSAPI [-b baseDN] [-f filename]\n" "database\n" "\n" "usage: ldapaddent -d [-v] [-a authenticationMethod] [-D bindDN]\n" "[-w bindPassword] [-j passwdFile] database\n" "\n" "usage: ldapaddent [-cpv] -h LDAP_server[:serverPort] [-M domainName]\n" "[-N profileName] [-P certifPath] [-a authenticationMethod]\n" "[-b baseDN] -D bindDN [-w bindPassword] [-f filename]\n" "[-j passwdFile] database\n" "\n" "usage: ldapaddent [-cpv] -h LDAP_server[:serverPort] [-M domainName]\n" "[-N profileName] [-P certifPath] -asasl/GSSAPI [-b baseDN]\n" "[-f filename] database\n" "\n" "usage: ldapaddent -d [-v] -h LDAP_server[:serverPort]" " [-M domainName]\n" "[-N profileName] [-P certifPath] [-a authenticationMethod]\n" "[-b baseDN] -D bindDN [-w bindPassword] [-j passwdFile]\n" "database\n")); exit(1); } /* * Determine if the given string is an IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). * If so, it's converted to the preferred form (rfc2373) and * *newaddr will point to the new address. * * Returns -2 : inet_ntop error * -1 : not an IP address * 0 : unsupported IP address (future use) * AF_INET : IPv4 * AF_INET6 : IPv6 */ static int check_ipaddr(char *addr, char **newaddr) { ipaddr_t addr_ipv4 = 0; in6_addr_t addr_ipv6; /* IPv6 */ if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, addr, &addr_ipv6) == 1) { if (newaddr == NULL) return (AF_INET6); /* Convert IPv4-mapped IPv6 address to IPv4 */ if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&addr_ipv6) || IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT(&addr_ipv6)) { IN6_V4MAPPED_TO_IPADDR(&addr_ipv6, addr_ipv4); if ((*newaddr = calloc(1, INET_ADDRSTRLEN)) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr_ipv4, *newaddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN)) return (AF_INET6); free(*newaddr); return (-2); } /* Processing general IPv6 addresses */ if ((*newaddr = calloc(1, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &addr_ipv6, *newaddr, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN)) return (AF_INET6); free(*newaddr); return (-2); } /* Processing IPv4 addresses of the type d.d.d.d. */ if (inet_pton(AF_INET, addr, &addr_ipv4) == 1) { if (newaddr == NULL) return (AF_INET); if ((*newaddr = calloc(1, INET_ADDRSTRLEN)) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &addr_ipv4, *newaddr, INET_ADDRSTRLEN)) return (AF_INET); free(*newaddr); return (-2); } /* Processing IPv4 addresses d.d.d , d.d and d */ if (inet_addr(addr) != (in_addr_t)-1) { if (newaddr == NULL) return (AF_INET); if ((*newaddr = strdup(addr)) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } return (AF_INET); } return (-1); } /* * Verifies that project name meets the restrictions defined by project(4). */ static int check_projname(char *addr) { int i; if (addr == NULL || *addr == '\0') return (-1); for (i = 0; i < strlen(addr); i++) { if (!isalpha(addr[i]) && !isdigit(addr[i]) && addr[i] != '_' && addr[i] != '-' && addr[i] != '.') return (-1); } return (0); } static int genent_hosts(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t, *comment; entry_col ecol[4]; char *cname, *pref_addr; int ctr = 0, retval = 1; int rc = GENENT_OK, af; struct hostent data; char *alias; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * comment (col 3) * All leading spaces will be deleted from the comment */ ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = ""; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; comment = t = strchr(buf, '#'); if (comment) { do { ++comment; } while (*comment != '\0' && isspace(*comment)); if (*comment != '\0') { *--comment = '#'; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = strdup(comment); ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(comment)+1; } *t = '\0'; } /* * addr(col 2) */ if ((t = strtok(buf, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no host"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } af = check_ipaddr(t, &pref_addr); if (af == -2) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("Internal error"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); } else if (af == -1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("Invalid IP address: %s"), t); } else if (flags & F_VERBOSE) { if ((strncasecmp(t, pref_addr, strlen(t))) != 0) { (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("IP address %s converted to %s\n"), t, pref_addr); } } if (af < 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", parse_err_msg); if (continue_onerror == 0) return (GENENT_CBERR); else return (rc); } ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = pref_addr; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(pref_addr)+1; /* * cname (col 0) */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no cname"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; cname = t; /* build entry */ if ((data.h_addr_list = (char **)calloc(2, sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.h_addr_list[0] = strdup(ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.h_addr_list[1] = NULL; free(pref_addr); data.h_name = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); /* * name (col 1) */ data.h_aliases = NULL; do { /* * don't clobber comment in canonical entry */ /* This call to AddEntry may move out of the loop */ /* This is because we have to call the function just once */ if (t != cname && strcasecmp(t, cname) == 0) continue; if (strcasecmp(t, ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val) == 0) continue; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; ctr++; alias = strdup(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); if ((data.h_aliases = (char **)realloc(data.h_aliases, ctr * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.h_aliases[ctr-1] = alias; } while (t = strtok(NULL, " \t")); /* * End the list of all the aliases by NULL * If there is some comment, it will be stored as the last entry * in the list of the host aliases */ if ((data.h_aliases = (char **)realloc(data.h_aliases, (ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len != 0 ? ctr + 2 : ctr + 1) * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } if (ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len != 0) { data.h_aliases[ctr++] = ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val; } data.h_aliases[ctr] = NULL; if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : cn=%s+ipHostNumber=%s\n"), data.h_name, data.h_addr_list[0]); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len != 0) { free(ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val); } if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: cn=%s+ipHostNumber=%s " "already Exists -skipping it\n"), data.h_name, data.h_addr_list[0]); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: cn=%s+ipHostNumber=%s" " already Exists\n"), data.h_name, data.h_addr_list[0]); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.h_name); free(data.h_aliases); free(data.h_addr_list); return (rc); } static void dump_hosts(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { ns_ldap_attr_t *attrptr = NULL, *cn = NULL, *iphostnumber = NULL, *desc = NULL; int i, j; char *name; /* host name */ if (res == NULL || res->entry == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < res->entry->attr_count; i++) { attrptr = res->entry->attr_pair[i]; if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "cn") == 0) cn = attrptr; else if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "iphostnumber") == 0) iphostnumber = attrptr; else if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "description") == 0) { desc = attrptr; } } /* sanity check */ if (cn == NULL || cn->attrvalue == NULL || cn->attrvalue[0] == NULL || iphostnumber == NULL || iphostnumber->attrvalue == NULL || iphostnumber->attrvalue[0] == NULL) return; if ((name = __s_api_get_canonical_name(res->entry, cn, 1)) == NULL) return; /* ip host/ipnode number */ if (strlen(iphostnumber->attrvalue[0]) <= INET_ADDRSTRLEN) /* IPV4 or IPV6 but <= NET_ADDRSTRLEN */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "%-18s", iphostnumber->attrvalue[0]); else /* IPV6 */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "%-48s", iphostnumber->attrvalue[0]); /* host/ipnode name */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s ", name); /* aliases */ for (j = 0; j < cn->value_count; j++) { if (cn->attrvalue[j]) { if (strcasecmp(name, cn->attrvalue[j]) == 0) /* skip host name */ continue; (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s ", cn->attrvalue[j]); } } /* description */ if (desc != NULL && desc->attrvalue != NULL && desc->attrvalue[0] != NULL) { (void) fprintf(stdout, "#%s", desc->attrvalue[0]); } /* end of line */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } /* * /etc/rpc */ static int genent_rpc(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t; entry_col ecol[4]; char *cname; struct rpcent data; char *alias; int ctr = 0; int retval = 1; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * comment (col 3) */ t = strchr(buf, '#'); if (t) { *t++ = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; } else { ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } /* * cname(col 0) */ if ((t = strtok(buf, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no number"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; cname = t; /* * number (col 2) */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no number"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* * build entry */ data.r_name = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.r_number = ascii_to_int(ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.r_number == -1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid program number: %s"), ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.r_number = -1; /* * name (col 1) */ t = cname; data.r_aliases = NULL; do { /* * don't clobber comment in canonical entry */ if (t != cname && strcasecmp(t, cname) == 0) continue; if (strcasecmp(t, ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val) == 0) continue; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; ctr++; alias = strdup(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); if ((data.r_aliases = (char **)realloc(data.r_aliases, ctr * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.r_aliases[ctr-1] = alias; /* * only put comment in canonical entry */ ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } while (t = strtok(NULL, " \t")); /* End the list of all the aliases by NULL */ if ((data.r_aliases = (char **)realloc(data.r_aliases, (ctr + 1) * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.r_aliases[ctr] = NULL; if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.r_name); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.r_name); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.r_name); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.r_name); free(data.r_aliases); return (rc); } static void dump_rpc(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { ns_ldap_attr_t *attrptr = NULL, *cn = NULL, *rpcnumber = NULL; int i, j; char *name; /* rpc name */ if (res == NULL || res->entry == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < res->entry->attr_count; i++) { attrptr = res->entry->attr_pair[i]; if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "cn") == 0) cn = attrptr; else if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "oncRpcNumber") == 0) rpcnumber = attrptr; } /* sanity check */ if (cn == NULL || cn->attrvalue == NULL || cn->attrvalue[0] == NULL || rpcnumber == NULL || rpcnumber->attrvalue == NULL || rpcnumber->attrvalue[0] == NULL) return; if ((name = __s_api_get_canonical_name(res->entry, cn, 1)) == NULL) return; /* rpc name */ if (strlen(name) < 8) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s\t\t", name); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s\t", name); /* rpc number */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "%-8s", rpcnumber->attrvalue[0]); /* aliases */ for (j = 0; j < cn->value_count; j++) { if (cn->attrvalue[j]) { if (strcasecmp(name, cn->attrvalue[j]) == 0) /* skip rpc name */ continue; (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s ", cn->attrvalue[j]); } } /* end of line */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } /* * /etc/protocols * */ static int genent_protocols(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t; entry_col ecol[4]; char *cname; struct protoent data; char *alias; int ctr = 0; int retval = 1; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * comment (col 3) */ t = strchr(buf, '#'); if (t) { *t++ = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; } else { ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } /* * cname(col 0) */ if ((t = strtok(buf, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no number"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; cname = t; /* * number (col 2) */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no number"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* * build entry */ data.p_name = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.p_proto = ascii_to_int(ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.p_proto == -1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid protocol number: %s"), ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.p_proto = -1; /* * name (col 1) */ t = cname; ctr = 0; data.p_aliases = NULL; do { /* * don't clobber comment in canonical entry */ if (t != cname && strcasecmp(t, cname) == 0) continue; if (strcasecmp(t, ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val) == 0) continue; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; ctr++; alias = strdup(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); if ((data.p_aliases = (char **)realloc(data.p_aliases, ctr * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.p_aliases[ctr-1] = alias; /* * only put comment in canonical entry */ ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } while (t = strtok(NULL, " \t")); /* End the list of all the aliases by NULL */ if ((data.p_aliases = (char **)realloc(data.p_aliases, (ctr + 1) * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.p_aliases[ctr] = NULL; if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.p_name); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.p_name); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.p_name); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.p_name); free(data.p_aliases); return (rc); } static void dump_protocols(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { ns_ldap_attr_t *attrptr = NULL, *cn = NULL, *protocolnumber = NULL; int i, j; char *name, *cp; if (res == NULL || res->entry == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < res->entry->attr_count; i++) { attrptr = res->entry->attr_pair[i]; if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "cn") == 0) cn = attrptr; else if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "ipProtocolNumber") == 0) protocolnumber = attrptr; } /* sanity check */ if (cn == NULL || cn->attrvalue == NULL || cn->attrvalue[0] == NULL || protocolnumber == NULL || protocolnumber->attrvalue == NULL || protocolnumber->attrvalue[0] == NULL) return; if ((name = __s_api_get_canonical_name(res->entry, cn, 1)) == NULL) return; /* protocol name */ if (strlen(name) < 8) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s\t\t", name); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s\t", name); /* protocol number */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "%-16s", protocolnumber->attrvalue[0]); /* aliases */ for (j = 0; j < cn->value_count; j++) { if (cn->attrvalue[j]) { if (strcasecmp(name, cn->attrvalue[j]) == 0) { if (cn->value_count > 1) /* Do not replicate */ continue; /* * Replicate name in uppercase as an aliase */ for (cp = cn->attrvalue[j]; *cp; cp++) *cp = toupper(*cp); } (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s ", cn->attrvalue[j]); } } /* end of line */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } /* * /etc/networks * */ static int genent_networks(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t; entry_col ecol[4]; char *cname; struct netent data; char *alias; int ctr = 0; int retval = 1; int enet; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * comment (col 3) */ t = strchr(buf, '#'); if (t) { *t++ = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; } else { ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } /* * cname(col 0) */ if ((t = strtok(buf, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no number"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; cname = t; /* * number (col 2) */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no number"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* * build entry */ data.n_name = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); /* * data.n_net is an unsigned field, * assign -1 to it, make no sense. * Use enet here to avoid lint warning. */ enet = encode_network(ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (enet == -1 && continue_onerror == 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Invalid network number\n")); if (continue_onerror == 0) return (GENENT_CBERR); } else data.n_net = enet; /* * name (col 1) */ t = cname; data.n_aliases = NULL; do { /* * don't clobber comment in canonical entry */ if (t != cname && strcasecmp(t, cname) == 0) continue; if (strcasecmp(t, ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val) == 0) continue; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; ctr++; alias = strdup(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); if ((data.n_aliases = (char **)realloc(data.n_aliases, ctr * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.n_aliases[ctr-1] = alias; /* * only put comment in canonical entry */ ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } while (t = strtok(NULL, " \t")); /* End the list of all the aliases by NULL */ if ((data.n_aliases = (char **)realloc(data.n_aliases, (ctr + 1) * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.n_aliases[ctr] = NULL; if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.n_name); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.n_name); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.n_name); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.n_name); free(data.n_aliases); return (rc); } static void dump_networks(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { ns_ldap_attr_t *attrptr = NULL, *cn = NULL, *networknumber = NULL; int i, j; char *name; if (res == NULL || res->entry == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < res->entry->attr_count; i++) { attrptr = res->entry->attr_pair[i]; if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "cn") == 0) cn = attrptr; else if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "ipNetworkNumber") == 0) networknumber = attrptr; } /* sanity check */ if (cn == NULL || cn->attrvalue == NULL || cn->attrvalue[0] == NULL || networknumber == NULL || networknumber->attrvalue == NULL || networknumber->attrvalue[0] == NULL) return; /* * cn can be a MUST attribute(RFC 2307) or MAY attribute(2307bis). * If the canonical name can not be found (2307bis), use the 1st * value as the official name. */ /* network name */ if ((name = __s_api_get_canonical_name(res->entry, cn, 1)) == NULL) name = cn->attrvalue[0]; if (strlen(name) < 8) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s\t\t", name); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s\t", name); /* network number */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "%-16s", networknumber->attrvalue[0]); /* aliases */ for (j = 0; j < cn->value_count; j++) { if (cn->attrvalue[j]) { if (strcasecmp(name, cn->attrvalue[j]) == 0) /* skip name */ continue; (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s ", cn->attrvalue[j]); } } /* end of line */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } /* * /etc/services * */ static int genent_services(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t, *p; entry_col ecol[5]; char *cname; struct servent data; char *alias; int ctr = 0; int retval = 1; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * comment (col 4) */ t = strchr(buf, '#'); if (t) { *t++ = 0; ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; } else { ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_val = 0; ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } /* * cname(col 0) */ if ((t = strtok(buf, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no port"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; cname = t; /* * port (col 3) */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no protocol"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } if ((p = strchr(t, '/')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("bad port/proto"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *(p++) = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* * proto (col 2) */ ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = p; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(p)+1; /* * build entry */ data.s_name = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.s_proto = strdup(ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.s_port = ascii_to_int(ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.s_port == -1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid port number: %s"), ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.s_port = -1; /* * name (col 1) */ t = cname; data.s_aliases = NULL; do { /* * don't clobber comment in canonical entry */ if (t != cname && strcasecmp(t, cname) == 0) continue; if (strcasecmp(t, ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val) == 0) continue; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; ctr++; alias = strdup(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); if ((data.s_aliases = (char **)realloc(data.s_aliases, ctr * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.s_aliases[ctr-1] = alias; /* * only put comment in canonical entry */ ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_val = 0; ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } while (t = strtok(NULL, " \t")); /* End the list of all the aliases by NULL */ if ((data.s_aliases = (char **)realloc(data.s_aliases, (ctr + 1) * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.s_aliases[ctr] = NULL; if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), line); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "Entry: cn=%s+ipServiceProtocol=%s" " already Exists, skipping it.\n"), data.s_name, data.s_proto); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: cn=%s+ipServiceProtocol=%s" " - already Exists\n"), data.s_name, data.s_proto); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.s_name); free(data.s_proto); free(data.s_aliases); return (rc); } static void dump_services(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { ns_ldap_attr_t *attrptr = NULL, *cn = NULL, *port = NULL; ns_ldap_attr_t *protocol = NULL; int i, j, len; char *name; /* service name */ /* * cn can have multiple values.(service name and its aliases) * In order to support RFC 2307, section 5.5, ipserviceprotocol can * have multiple values too. * The output format should look like * * test 2345/udp mytest * test 2345/tcp mytest */ if (res == NULL || res->entry == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < res->entry->attr_count; i++) { attrptr = res->entry->attr_pair[i]; if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "cn") == 0) cn = attrptr; else if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "ipServicePort") == 0) port = attrptr; else if (strcasecmp(attrptr->attrname, "ipServiceProtocol") == 0) protocol = attrptr; } /* sanity check */ if (cn == NULL || cn->attrvalue == NULL || cn->attrvalue[0] == NULL || port == NULL || port->attrvalue == NULL || port->attrvalue[0] == NULL || protocol == NULL || protocol->attrvalue == NULL || protocol->attrvalue[0] == NULL) return; if ((name = __s_api_get_canonical_name(res->entry, cn, 1)) == NULL) return; for (i = 0; i < protocol->value_count; i++) { if (protocol->attrvalue[i] == NULL) return; /* service name */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "%-16s", name); /* port & protocol */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s/%s%n", port->attrvalue[0], protocol->attrvalue[i], &len); if (len < 8) (void) fprintf(stdout, "\t\t"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "\t"); /* aliases */ for (j = 0; j < cn->value_count; j++) { if (cn->attrvalue[j]) { if (strcasecmp(name, cn->attrvalue[j]) == 0) /* skip service name */ continue; (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s ", cn->attrvalue[j]); } } /* end of line */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } /* * /etc/group */ static int genent_group(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BIGBUF+1]; char *s, *t; entry_col ecol[5]; struct group data; int ctr = 0; int retval = 1; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); t = buf; /* ignore empty entries */ if (*t == '\0') return (GENENT_OK); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * name (col 0) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no passwd"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * passwd (col 1) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no gid"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * gid (col 2) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0 || s == t) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no members"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * members (col 3) */ ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* * build entry */ data.gr_name = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.gr_passwd = strdup(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.gr_gid = ascii_to_int(ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.gr_gid == (uid_t)-1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid group id: %s"), ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.gr_gid = (uid_t)-1; data.gr_mem = NULL; /* Compute maximum amount of members */ s = t; while (s = strchr(s, ',')) { s++; ctr++; } /* Allocate memory for all members */ data.gr_mem = calloc(ctr + 2, sizeof (char **)); if (data.gr_mem == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } ctr = 0; while (s = strchr(t, ',')) { *s++ = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; t = s; /* Send to server only non empty member names */ if (strlen(ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val) != 0) data.gr_mem[ctr++] = ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val; } /* Send to server only non empty member names */ if (strlen(t) != 0) data.gr_mem[ctr++] = t; /* Array of members completed, finished by NULL, see calloc() */ if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.gr_name); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.gr_name); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.gr_name); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.gr_name); free(data.gr_passwd); free(data.gr_mem); return (rc); } static void dump_group(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { char **value = NULL; char pnam[256]; int attr_count = 0; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "cn"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "userPassword"); if (value == NULL || value[0] == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, "*:"); else { (void) strcpy(pnam, value[0]); if (strncasecmp(value[0], "{crypt}", 7) == 0) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", (pnam+7)); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "*:"); } value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "gidNumber"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "memberUid"); if (value != NULL && value[0] != NULL) { while (value[attr_count] != NULL) { if (value[attr_count+1] == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s", value[attr_count]); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s,", value[attr_count]); attr_count++; } (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } else (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } /* * /etc/ethers */ static int genent_ethers(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t; entry_col ecol[3]; int retval = 1; struct _ns_ethers data; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * comment (col 2) */ t = strchr(buf, '#'); if (t) { *t++ = 0; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; } else { ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = 0; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } /* * addr(col 0) */ if ((t = strtok(buf, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no name"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* * name(col 1) */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no white space allowed in name"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* * build entry */ data.ether = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.name = strdup(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.name); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.name); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.name); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.ether); free(data.name); return (rc); } static void dump_ethers(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { char **value = NULL; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "macAddress"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s", value[0]); else return; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "cn"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, " %s\n", value[0]); } static int genent_aliases(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t, *aliases; char *cname; int ctr = 0; int retval = 1; int i; struct _ns_alias data; char *alias; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); if ((t = strchr(buf, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no alias name"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } t[0] = '\0'; if (++t == '\0') { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no alias value"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } cname = buf; aliases = t; /* build entry */ data.alias = strdup(cname); if (!data.alias) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.member = NULL; t = strtok(aliases, ","); do { ctr++; while (t[0] == ' ') t++; alias = strdup(t); if ((alias == NULL) || ((data.member = (char **)realloc(data.member, (ctr + 1) * sizeof (char **))) == NULL)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.member[ctr-1] = alias; } while (t = strtok(NULL, ",")); data.member[ctr] = NULL; if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.alias); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.alias); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.alias); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.alias); i = 0; while (data.member[i]) free(data.member[i++]); free(data.member); return (rc); } static void dump_aliases(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { char **value = NULL; int attr_count = 0; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "mail"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "mgrpRFC822MailMember"); if (value != NULL) while (value[attr_count] != NULL) { (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s,", value[attr_count]); attr_count++; } (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } /* * /etc/publickey */ static char *h_errno2str(int h_errno); static int genent_publickey(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1], tmpbuf[BUFSIZ+1], cname[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t, *p, *tmppubkey, *tmpprivkey; entry_col ecol[3]; int buflen, uid, retval = 1, errnum = 0; struct passwd *pwd; char auth_type[BUFSIZ+1], *dot; keylen_t keylen; algtype_t algtype; struct _ns_pubkey data; struct hostent *hp; struct in_addr in; struct in6_addr in6; char abuf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); if ((t = strtok(buf, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no cname"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } /* * Special case: /etc/publickey usually has an entry * for principal "nobody". We skip it. */ if (strcmp(t, "nobody") == 0) return (GENENT_OK); /* * cname (col 0) */ if (strncmp(t, "unix.", 5)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("bad cname"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(tmpbuf, &(t[5])); if ((p = strchr(tmpbuf, '@')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("bad cname"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *(p++) = 0; if (isdigit(*tmpbuf)) { uid = atoi(tmpbuf); /* * don't generate entries for uids without passwd entries */ if ((pwd = getpwuid(uid)) == 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("can't map uid %d to username, skipping\n"), uid); return (GENENT_OK); } (void) strcpy(cname, pwd->pw_name); data.hostcred = NS_HOSTCRED_FALSE; } else { if ((hp = getipnodebyname(tmpbuf, AF_INET6, AI_ALL | AI_V4MAPPED, &errnum)) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("can't map hostname %s to hostaddress, " "errnum %d %s skipping\n"), tmpbuf, errnum, h_errno2str(errnum)); return (GENENT_OK); } (void) memcpy((char *)&in6.s6_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length); if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED(&in6) || IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT(&in6)) { IN6_V4MAPPED_TO_INADDR(&in6, &in); if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, (const void *)&in, abuf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("can't convert IPV4 address of" " hostname %s to string, " "skipping\n"), tmpbuf); return (GENENT_OK); } } else { if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, (const void *)&in6, abuf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("can't convert IPV6 address of" " hostname %s to string, " "skipping\n"), tmpbuf); return (GENENT_OK); } } data.hostcred = NS_HOSTCRED_TRUE; /* * tmpbuf could be an alias, use hp->h_name instead. * hp->h_name is in FQDN format, so extract 1st field. */ if ((dot = strchr(hp->h_name, '.')) != NULL) *dot = '\0'; (void) snprintf(cname, sizeof (cname), "%s+ipHostNumber=%s", hp->h_name, abuf); if (dot) *dot = '.'; } ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = cname; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(cname)+1; /* * public_data (col 1) */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no private_data"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } if ((p = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("bad public_data"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *(p++) = 0; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; keylen = (strlen(t) / 2) * 8; /* * private_data (col 2) and algtype extraction */ if (*p == ':') p++; t = p; if (!(t = strchr(t, ':'))) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("WARNING: No algorithm type data found " "in publickey file, assuming 0\n")); algtype = 0; } else { *t = '\0'; t++; algtype = atoi(t); } ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = p; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(p)+1; /* * auth_type (col 1) */ if (AUTH_DES_KEY(keylen, algtype)) /* * {DES} and {DH192-0} means same thing. * However, nisplus uses "DES" and ldap uses "DH192-0" * internally. * See newkey(1M), __nis_mechalias2authtype() which is * called by __nis_keyalg2authtype() and getkey_ldap_g() */ (void) strlcpy(auth_type, "DH192-0", BUFSIZ+1); else if (!(__nis_keyalg2authtype(keylen, algtype, auth_type, MECH_MAXATNAME))) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Could not convert algorithm type to " "corresponding auth type string\n")); return (GENENT_ERR); } /* * build entry */ data.name = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.name == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } buflen = sizeof (auth_type) + strlen(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val) + 3; if ((tmppubkey = (char *)malloc(buflen)) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } (void) snprintf(tmppubkey, buflen, "{%s}%s", auth_type, ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.pubkey = tmppubkey; buflen = sizeof (auth_type) + strlen(ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val) + 3; if ((tmpprivkey = (char *)malloc(buflen)) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } (void) snprintf(tmpprivkey, buflen, "{%s}%s", auth_type, ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.privkey = tmpprivkey; retval = (*cback)(&data, 1); if (retval != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (retval == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { if (data.hostcred == NS_HOSTCRED_TRUE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Cannot add publickey entry"" (%s)," " add host entry first\n"), tmpbuf); else (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Cannot add publickey entry (%s), " "add passwd entry first\n"), data.name); } if (continue_onerror == 0) return (GENENT_CBERR); } free(data.name); free(data.pubkey); free(data.privkey); return (GENENT_OK); } static void dump_publickey(ns_ldap_result_t *res, char *container) { char **value = NULL; char buf[BUFSIZ]; char domainname[BUFSIZ]; char *pubptr, *prvptr; if (res == NULL) return; if (sysinfo(SI_SRPC_DOMAIN, domainname, BUFSIZ) < 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("could not obtain domainname\n")); exit(1); } /* * Retrieve all the attributes, but don't print * until we have all the required ones. */ if (strcmp(container, "passwd") == 0) value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "uidNumber"); else value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "cn"); if (value && value[0]) (void) snprintf(buf, sizeof (buf), "unix.%s@%s", value[0], domainname); else return; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "nisPublickey"); if (value != NULL && value[0] != NULL) { if ((pubptr = strchr(value[0], '}')) == NULL) return; } value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "nisSecretkey"); if (value != NULL && value[0] != NULL) if ((prvptr = strchr(value[0], '}')) == NULL) return; /* print the attributes, algorithm type is always 0 */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s %s:%s:0\n", buf, ++pubptr, ++prvptr); } /* * /etc/netmasks */ static int genent_netmasks(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t; entry_col ecol[3]; int retval; struct _ns_netmasks data; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * comment (col 2) */ t = strchr(buf, '#'); if (t) { *t++ = 0; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; } else { ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = 0; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } /* * addr(col 0) */ if ((t = strtok(buf, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no mask"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* * mask (col 1) */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no mask"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* build entry */ data.netnumber = ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val; data.netmask = ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val; if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.netnumber); retval = (*cback)(&data, 1); if (retval != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (retval == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Cannot add netmask entry (%s), " "add network entry first\n"), data.netnumber); if (continue_onerror == 0) return (GENENT_CBERR); } return (GENENT_OK); } static void dump_netmasks(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { char **value = NULL; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "ipNetworkNumber"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "ipNetmaskNumber"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, " %s\n", value[0]); } /* * /etc/netgroup * column data format is: * col 0: netgroup name (or cname) * col 1: netgroup member, if this is a triplet * col 2: netgroup member, if not a triplet * col 3: comment */ static int genent_netgroup(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BIGBUF+1]; /* netgroup entries tend to be big */ char *t; char *cname = NULL; entry_col ecol[4]; char *netg_tmp = NULL, *triplet_tmp = NULL; int netgcount = 0, tripletcount = 0, retval = 1, i; struct _ns_netgroups data; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * process 1st minimal entry, to validate that there is no * parsing error. * start with comment(col 3) */ t = strchr(buf, '#'); if (t) { *t++ = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; } else { ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = ""; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = 0; } ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = NULL; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = NULL; /* cname (col 0) */ if ((t = strtok(buf, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no cname"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; cname = t; /* addr(col 1 and 2) */ if ((t = strtok(NULL, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no members for netgroup"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } if (*t == '(') { /* if token starts with '(' it must be a valid triplet */ if (is_triplet(t)) { ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; } else { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("invalid triplet"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else { ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; } /* * now build entry. * start by clearing entry data */ (void) memset((struct _ns_netgroups *)&data, 0, sizeof (data)); data.name = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL) { if ((data.triplet = calloc(1, sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.triplet[tripletcount++] = strdup(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); } else if (ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL) { if ((data.netgroup = calloc(1, sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.netgroup[netgcount++] = strdup(ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); } /* * we now have a valid entry (at least 1 netgroup name and * 1 netgroup member), proceed with the rest of the line */ while (rc == GENENT_OK && (t = strtok(NULL, " \t"))) { /* if next token is equal to netgroup name, ignore */ if (t != cname && strcasecmp(t, cname) == 0) continue; if (strcasecmp(t, ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val) == 0) continue; if (*t == '(') { if (is_triplet(t)) { /* skip a triplet if it is added already */ for (i = 0; i < tripletcount && strcmp(t, data.triplet[i]); i++) ; if (i < tripletcount) continue; tripletcount++; triplet_tmp = strdup(t); if ((data.triplet = (char **)realloc( data.triplet, tripletcount * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.triplet[tripletcount-1] = triplet_tmp; } else { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("invalid triplet"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); rc = GENENT_PARSEERR; } } else { /* skip a netgroup if it is added already */ for (i = 0; i < netgcount && strcmp(t, data.netgroup[i]); i++) ; if (i < netgcount) continue; netgcount++; netg_tmp = strdup(t); if ((data.netgroup = (char **)realloc(data.netgroup, netgcount * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.netgroup[netgcount-1] = netg_tmp; } } /* End the list with NULL */ if ((data.triplet = (char **)realloc(data.triplet, (tripletcount + 1) * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.triplet[tripletcount] = NULL; if ((data.netgroup = (char **)realloc(data.netgroup, (netgcount + 1) * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.netgroup[netgcount] = NULL; if (rc == GENENT_OK) { if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.name); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.name); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.name); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; } /* release memory allocated by strdup() */ for (i = 0; i < tripletcount; i++) { free(data.triplet[i]); } for (i = 0; i < netgcount; i++) { free(data.netgroup[i]); } free(data.name); free(data.triplet); free(data.netgroup); return (rc); } static void dump_netgroup(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { char **value = NULL; int attr_count = 0; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "cn"); if ((value != NULL) && (value[0] != NULL)) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s", value[0]); else return; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "nisNetgroupTriple"); if (value != NULL) while (value[attr_count] != NULL) { (void) fprintf(stdout, " %s", value[attr_count]); attr_count++; } attr_count = 0; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "memberNisNetgroup"); if (value != NULL) while (value[attr_count] != NULL) { (void) fprintf(stdout, " %s", value[attr_count]); attr_count++; } (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } static int genent_automount(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t, *s; entry_col ecol[2]; struct _ns_automount data; int retval = 1; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } /* replace every tabspace with single space */ replace_tab2space(line); (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * key (col 0) */ t = buf; while (t[0] == ' ') t++; if ((s = strchr(t, ' ')) == 0) { return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; while (t[0] == ' ') t++; /* * mapentry (col 1) */ ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; data.mapname = strdup(databasetype); data.key = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.value = strdup(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.key); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.key); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.key); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.mapname); free(data.key); free(data.value); return (rc); } static void dump_automount(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { char **value = NULL; if (res == NULL) return; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "automountKey"); if (value != NULL) { (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "automountInformation"); if (value != NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, " %s\n", value[0]); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } } /* * /etc/passwd * */ static int genent_passwd(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *s, *t; entry_col ecol[8]; int retval = 1; char pname[BUFSIZ]; struct passwd data; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); t = buf; /* ignore empty entries */ if (*t == '\0') return (GENENT_OK); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * name (col 0) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no password"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * passwd (col 1) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no uid"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * uid (col 2) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0 || s == t) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no gid"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * gid (col 3) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0 || s == t) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no gcos"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * gcos (col 4) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no home"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * home (col 5) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no shell"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[5].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[5].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * shell (col 6) */ ecol[6].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[6].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* * build entry */ data.pw_name = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (flags & F_PASSWD) { /* Add {crypt} before passwd entry */ (void) snprintf(pname, sizeof (pname), "{crypt}%s", ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.pw_passwd = strdup(pname); } else data.pw_passwd = NULL; if (ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.pw_uid = ascii_to_int(ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.pw_uid == (uid_t)-1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid uid : %s"), ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.pw_uid = (uid_t)-1; if (ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.pw_gid = ascii_to_int(ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.pw_gid == (uid_t)-1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid gid : %s"), ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.pw_gid = (uid_t)-1; data.pw_age = NULL; data.pw_comment = NULL; data.pw_gecos = strdup(ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.pw_dir = strdup(ecol[5].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.pw_shell = strdup(ecol[6].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.pw_name); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.pw_name); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.pw_name); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.pw_name); free(data.pw_gecos); free(data.pw_dir); free(data.pw_shell); return (rc); } static void dump_passwd(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { char **value = NULL; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "uid"); if (value == NULL) return; else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "userPassword"); /* * Don't print the encrypted password, Use x to * indicate it is in the shadow database. */ (void) fprintf(stdout, "x:"); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "uidNumber"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "gidNumber"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "gecos"); if (value == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "homeDirectory"); if (value == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "loginShell"); if (value == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", value[0]); } /* * /etc/shadow */ static int genent_shadow(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *s, *t; entry_col ecol[9]; char pname[BUFSIZ]; struct spwd data; int spflag; int retval; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); t = buf; /* ignore empty entries */ if (*t == '\0') return (GENENT_OK); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * name (col 0) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no uid"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * passwd (col 1) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("Improper format"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * shadow last change (col 2) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("Improper format"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * shadow min (col 3) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("Improper format"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * shadow max (col 4) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("Improper format"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * shadow warn (col 5) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("Improper format"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } *s++ = 0; ecol[5].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[5].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * shadow inactive (col 6) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) != 0) { *s++ = 0; ecol[6].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[6].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; } /* * shadow expire (col 7) */ if ((s = strchr(t, ':')) != 0) { *s++ = 0; ecol[7].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[7].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; t = s; /* * flag (col 8) */ ecol[8].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[8].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; } /* * build entry */ data.sp_namp = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { /* Add {crypt} before passwd entry */ (void) snprintf(pname, sizeof (pname), "{crypt}%s", ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); data.sp_pwdp = strdup(pname); } else { /* * no password (e.g., deleted by "passwd -d"): * use the special value NS_LDAP_NO_UNIX_PASSWORD * instead. */ (void) snprintf(pname, sizeof (pname), "{crypt}%s", NS_LDAP_NO_UNIX_PASSWORD); data.sp_pwdp = strdup(pname); } if (ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.sp_lstchg = ascii_to_int(ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.sp_lstchg < -1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid last changed date: %s"), ecol[2].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.sp_lstchg = -1; if (ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.sp_min = ascii_to_int(ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.sp_min < -1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid sp_min : %s"), ecol[3].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.sp_min = -1; if (ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.sp_max = ascii_to_int(ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.sp_max < -1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid sp_max : %s"), ecol[4].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.sp_max = -1; if (ecol[5].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[5].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.sp_warn = ascii_to_int(ecol[5].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.sp_warn < -1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid sp_warn : %s"), ecol[5].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.sp_warn = -1; if (ecol[6].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[6].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.sp_inact = ascii_to_int(ecol[6].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.sp_inact < -1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid sp_inact : %s"), ecol[6].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.sp_inact = -1; if (ecol[7].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[7].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { data.sp_expire = ascii_to_int(ecol[7].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (data.sp_expire < -1) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid login expiry date : %s"), ecol[7].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } } else data.sp_expire = -1; if (ecol[8].ec_value.ec_value_val != NULL && ecol[8].ec_value.ec_value_val[0] != '\0') { /* * data.sp_flag is an unsigned int, * assign -1 to it, make no sense. * Use spflag here to avoid lint warning. */ spflag = ascii_to_int(ecol[8].ec_value.ec_value_val); if (spflag < 0) { (void) snprintf(parse_err_msg, sizeof (parse_err_msg), gettext("invalid flag value: %s"), ecol[8].ec_value.ec_value_val); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } else data.sp_flag = spflag; } else data.sp_flag = 0; if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.sp_namp); retval = (*cback)(&data, 1); if (retval != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (retval == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Cannot add shadow entry (%s), " "add passwd entry first\n"), data.sp_namp); if (continue_onerror == 0) return (GENENT_CBERR); } free(data.sp_namp); free(data.sp_pwdp); return (GENENT_OK); } static void dump_shadow(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { char **value = NULL; char pnam[256]; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "uid"); if (value == NULL) return; else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "userPassword"); if (value == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, "*:"); else { (void) strcpy(pnam, value[0]); if (strncasecmp(value[0], "{crypt}", 7) == 0) { if (strcmp(pnam + 7, NS_LDAP_NO_UNIX_PASSWORD) == 0) (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", (pnam+7)); } else (void) fprintf(stdout, "*:"); } value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "shadowLastChange"); if (value == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "shadowMin"); if (value == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "shadowMax"); if (value == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "shadowWarning"); if (value == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "shadowInactive"); if (value == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "shadowExpire"); if (value == NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "shadowFlag"); if (value == NULL || value[0] == NULL || strcmp(value[0], "0") == 0) (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", value[0]); } static int genent_bootparams(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *t; entry_col ecol[2]; int ctr = 0, retval = 1; struct _ns_bootp data; char *parameter; int rc = GENENT_OK; /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); /* * clear column data */ (void) memset((char *)ecol, 0, sizeof (ecol)); /* * cname (col 0) */ if ((t = strtok(buf, " \t")) == 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("no cname"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; /* build entry */ data.name = strdup(ecol[0].ec_value.ec_value_val); /* * name (col 1) */ data.param = NULL; while (t = strtok(NULL, " \t")) { /* * don't clobber comment in canonical entry */ ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val = t; ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_len = strlen(t)+1; ctr++; parameter = strdup(ecol[1].ec_value.ec_value_val); if ((data.param = (char **)realloc(data.param, (ctr + 1) * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.param[ctr-1] = parameter; } /* End the list of all the aliases by NULL */ if ((data.param = (char **)realloc(data.param, (ctr + 1) * sizeof (char **))) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("out of memory\n")); exit(1); } data.param[ctr] = NULL; if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.name); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.name); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.name); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; free(data.name); free(data.param); return (rc); } /* * Count number of tokens in string which has tokens separated by colons. * * NULL or "" - 0 tokens * "foo" - 1 token * "foo:bar" - 2 tokens * ":bar" - 2 tokens, first empty * "::" - 3 tokens, all empty */ static int count_tokens(char *string, char delim) { int i = 0; char *s = string; if (string == NULL || *string == '\0') return (0); /* Count delimiters */ while ((s = strchr(s, delim)) != NULL && *s != '\0') { i++; s++; } return (i + 1); } static int genent_project(char *line, int (*cback)()) { char buf[BUFSIZ+1]; char *b = buf; char *s; int rc = GENENT_OK, retval; int index = 0; struct project data; (void) memset(&data, 0, sizeof (struct project)); /* * don't clobber our argument */ if (strlen(line) >= sizeof (buf)) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("line too long"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } if (count_tokens(line, ':') != 6) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("Improper format"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } (void) strcpy(buf, line); s = strsep(&b, ":"); while (s != NULL) { switch (index) { /* Project name */ case 0: if (check_projname(s) != 0) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("invalid project name"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } else { data.pj_name = strdup(s); } break; /* Project ID */ case 1: { char *endptr = NULL; int projid = strtoul(s, &endptr, 10); if (*s == '\0' || strlen(endptr) != 0 || projid < 0 || projid > MAXPROJID) { (void) strlcpy(parse_err_msg, gettext("invalid project id"), PARSE_ERR_MSG_LEN); return (GENENT_PARSEERR); } else { data.pj_projid = projid; } break; } /* Project description */ case 2: if (*s != '\0') data.pj_comment = strdup(s); break; /* Project users */ case 3: { if (*s == '\0') break; char *usrlist = strdup(s); int i = 0; int usr_count = count_tokens(usrlist, ','); char *u = strsep(&usrlist, ","); if (usr_count == 0) { free(usrlist); break; } /* +1 to NULL-terminate the array */ data.pj_users = (char **)calloc(usr_count + 1, sizeof (char *)); while (u != NULL) { data.pj_users[i++] = strdup(u); u = strsep(&usrlist, ","); } free(usrlist); break; } /* Project groups */ case 4: { if (*s == '\0') break; char *grouplist = strdup(s); int i = 0; int grp_count = count_tokens(grouplist, ','); char *g = strsep(&grouplist, ","); if (grp_count == 0) { free(grouplist); break; } /* +1 to NULL-terminate the array */ data.pj_groups = (char **)calloc(grp_count + 1, sizeof (char *)); while (g != NULL) { data.pj_groups[i++] = strdup(g); g = strsep(&grouplist, ","); } free(grouplist); break; } /* Attributes */ case 5: if (*s != '\0') data.pj_attr = strdup(s); break; } /* Next token */ s = strsep(&b, ":"); index++; } if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("Adding entry : %s\n"), data.pj_name); retval = (*cback)(&data, 0); if (retval == LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS) { if (continue_onerror) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists," " skipping it.\n"), data.pj_name); else { rc = GENENT_CBERR; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Entry: %s - already Exists\n"), data.pj_name); } } else if (retval) rc = GENENT_CBERR; /* Clean up */ free(data.pj_name); free(data.pj_attr); if (data.pj_users != NULL) { for (index = 0; data.pj_users[index] != NULL; index++) free(data.pj_users[index]); free(data.pj_users); } if (data.pj_groups != NULL) { for (index = 0; data.pj_groups[index] != NULL; index++) free(data.pj_groups[index]); free(data.pj_groups); } return (rc); } static void dump_project(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { char **value = NULL; char *endptr = NULL; int projid; if (res == NULL || res->entry == NULL) return; /* Sanity checking */ value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "SolarisProjectID"); if (value[0] == NULL) return; projid = strtoul(value[0], &endptr, 10); if (*value[0] == '\0' || strlen(endptr) != 0 || projid < 0 || projid > MAXPROJID) return; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "SolarisProjectName"); if (value && value[0] && check_projname(value[0]) == 0) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); else return; (void) fprintf(stdout, "%d:", projid); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "description"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[0]); else (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "memberUid"); if (value) { int i; for (i = 0; value[i] != NULL; i++) if (value[i+1] != NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s,", value[i]); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[i]); } else { (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); } value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "memberGid"); if (value) { int i; for (i = 0; value[i] != NULL; i++) if (value[i+1] != NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s,", value[i]); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s:", value[i]); } else { (void) fprintf(stdout, ":"); } value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "SolarisProjectAttr"); if (value && value[0]) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", value[0]); else (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } static void dump_bootparams(ns_ldap_result_t *res) { char **value = NULL; int attr_count = 0; value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "cn"); if (value[0] != NULL) (void) fprintf(stdout, "%s", value[0]); value = __ns_ldap_getAttr(res->entry, "bootParameter"); if (value != NULL) while (value[attr_count] != NULL) { (void) fprintf(stdout, "\t%s", value[attr_count]); attr_count++; } (void) fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } static char * fget_line_at(struct line_buf *line, int n, FILE *fp) { int c; line->len = n; for (;;) { c = fgetc(fp); if (c == -1) break; if (line->len >= line->alloc) line_buf_expand(line); line->str[line->len++] = c; if (c == '\n') break; } /* Null Terminate */ if (line->len >= line->alloc) line_buf_expand(line); line->str[line->len++] = 0; /* if no characters are read, return NULL to indicate EOF */ if (line->str[0] == '\0') return (0); return (line->str); } /* * return a line from the file, discarding comments and blank lines */ static int filedbmline_comment(struct line_buf *line, FILE *etcf, int *lineno, struct file_loc *loc) { int i, len = 0; loc->offset = ftell(etcf); for (;;) { if (fget_line_at(line, len, etcf) == 0) return (0); if (lineno) (*lineno)++; len = strlen(line->str); if (len >= 2 && line->str[0] != '#' && line->str[len-2] == '\\' && line->str[len-1] == '\n') { line->str[len-2] = 0; len -= 2; continue; /* append next line at end */ } if (line->str[len-1] == '\n') { line->str[len-1] = 0; len -= 1; } /* * Skip lines where '#' is the first non-blank character. */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (line->str[i] == '#') { line->str[i] = '\0'; len = i; break; } if (line->str[i] != ' ' && line->str[i] != '\t') break; } /* * A line with one or more white space characters followed * by a comment will now be blank. The special case of a * line with '#' in the first byte will have len == 0. */ if (len > 0 && !blankline(line->str)) break; len = 0; loc->offset = ftell(etcf); } loc->size = len; return (1); } /* * return a line from the file, discarding comments, blanks, and '+' lines */ static int filedbmline_plus(struct line_buf *line, FILE *etcf, int *lineno, struct file_loc *loc) { int len = 0; loc->offset = ftell(etcf); for (;;) { if (fget_line_at(line, len, etcf) == 0) return (0); if (lineno) (*lineno)++; len = strlen(line->str); if (line->str[len-1] == '\n') { line->str[len-1] = 0; len -= 1; } if (!blankline(line->str) && line->str[0] != '+' && line->str[0] != '-' && line->str[0] != '#') break; len = 0; loc->offset = ftell(etcf); } loc->size = len; return (1); } /* Populating the ttypelist structure */ static struct ttypelist_t ttypelist[] = { { NS_LDAP_TYPE_HOSTS, genent_hosts, dump_hosts, filedbmline_comment, "iphost", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_IPNODES, genent_hosts, dump_hosts, filedbmline_comment, "iphost", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_RPC, genent_rpc, dump_rpc, filedbmline_comment, "oncrpc", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_PROTOCOLS, genent_protocols, dump_protocols, filedbmline_comment, "ipprotocol", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_NETWORKS, genent_networks, dump_networks, filedbmline_comment, "ipnetwork", "ipnetworknumber" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_SERVICES, genent_services, dump_services, filedbmline_comment, "ipservice", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_GROUP, genent_group, dump_group, filedbmline_plus, "posixgroup", "gidnumber" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_NETMASKS, genent_netmasks, dump_netmasks, filedbmline_comment, "ipnetwork", "ipnetworknumber"}, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_ETHERS, genent_ethers, dump_ethers, filedbmline_comment, "ieee802Device", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_NETGROUP, genent_netgroup, dump_netgroup, filedbmline_comment, "nisnetgroup", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_BOOTPARAMS, genent_bootparams, dump_bootparams, filedbmline_comment, "bootableDevice", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_PUBLICKEY, genent_publickey, NULL /* dump_publickey */, filedbmline_comment, "niskeyobject", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_PASSWD, genent_passwd, dump_passwd, filedbmline_plus, "posixaccount", "uid" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_SHADOW, genent_shadow, dump_shadow, filedbmline_plus, "shadowaccount", "uid" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_ALIASES, genent_aliases, dump_aliases, filedbmline_plus, "mailGroup", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_AUTOMOUNT, genent_automount, dump_automount, filedbmline_comment, "automount", "automountKey" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_USERATTR, genent_user_attr, dump_user_attr, filedbmline_comment, "SolarisUserAttr", "uid" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_PROFILE, genent_prof_attr, dump_prof_attr, filedbmline_comment, "SolarisProfAttr", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_EXECATTR, genent_exec_attr, dump_exec_attr, filedbmline_comment, "SolarisExecAttr", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_AUTHATTR, genent_auth_attr, dump_auth_attr, filedbmline_comment, "SolarisAuthAttr", "cn" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_TNRHDB, genent_tnrhdb, dump_tnrhdb, filedbmline_comment, "ipTnetHost", "ipTnetNumber" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_TNRHTP, genent_tnrhtp, dump_tnrhtp, filedbmline_comment, "ipTnetTemplate", "ipTnetTemplateName" }, { NS_LDAP_TYPE_PROJECT, genent_project, dump_project, filedbmline_comment, "SolarisProject", "SolarisProjectName" }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; static int lineno = 0; static void addfile() { struct line_buf line; struct file_loc loc; /* Initializing the Line Buffer */ line_buf_init(&line); /* Loop through all the lines in the file */ while (tt->filedbmline(&line, etcf, &lineno, &loc)) { switch ((*(tt->genent))(line.str, addentry)) { case GENENT_OK: break; case GENENT_PARSEERR: (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("parse error: %s (line %d)\n"), parse_err_msg, lineno); exit_val = 1; break; case GENENT_CBERR: (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Error while adding line: %s\n"), line.str); exit_val = 2; free(line.str); return; break; case GENENT_ERR: (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Internal Error while adding line: %s\n"), line.str); exit_val = 3; free(line.str); return; break; } } free(line.str); } static void dumptable(char *service) { ns_ldap_result_t *eres = NULL; ns_ldap_error_t *err = NULL; int rc = 0, success = 0; char filter[BUFSIZ]; int done = 0; void *cookie = NULL; /* set the appropriate filter */ if (strcmp(tt->ttype, NS_LDAP_TYPE_PROFILE) == 0) { /* * prof_attr entries are SolarisProfAttr * without AUXILIARY SolarisExecAttr */ (void) snprintf(filter, sizeof (filter), "(&(objectclass=%s)(!(objectclass=SolarisExecAttr)))", tt->objclass); } else if (strcmp(tt->ttype, NS_LDAP_TYPE_TNRHDB) == 0) { /* * tnrhtp entries are ipTnet entries with SolarisAttrKeyValue */ (void) snprintf(filter, sizeof (filter), "(&(objectclass=%s)(SolarisAttrKeyValue=*)))", tt->objclass); } else { (void) snprintf(filter, sizeof (filter), "(objectclass=%s)", tt->objclass); } if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("FILTER = %s\n"), filter); /* Pass cred only if supplied. Cred is not always needed for dump */ if (authority.cred.unix_cred.userID == NULL || authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd == NULL) rc = __ns_ldap_firstEntry(service, filter, tt->sortattr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NS_LDAP_HARD, &cookie, &eres, &err, NULL); else rc = __ns_ldap_firstEntry(service, filter, tt->sortattr, NULL, NULL, &authority, NS_LDAP_HARD, &cookie, &eres, &err, NULL); switch (rc) { case NS_LDAP_SUCCESS: nent_add++; success = 1; if (eres != NULL) { if (strcmp(databasetype, "publickey") == 0) dump_publickey(eres, service); else (*(tt->dump))(eres); } else (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("No entries found.\n")); break; case NS_LDAP_OP_FAILED: exit_val = 2; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("operation failed.\n")); break; case NS_LDAP_INVALID_PARAM: exit_val = 2; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("invalid parameter(s) passed.\n")); break; case NS_LDAP_NOTFOUND: exit_val = 2; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("entry not found.\n")); break; case NS_LDAP_MEMORY: exit_val = 2; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("internal memory allocation error.\n")); break; case NS_LDAP_CONFIG: exit_val = 2; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("LDAP Configuration problem.\n")); perr(err); break; case NS_LDAP_PARTIAL: exit_val = 2; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("partial result returned\n")); perr(err); break; case NS_LDAP_INTERNAL: exit_val = 2; (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("internal LDAP error occured.\n")); perr(err); break; } if (eres != NULL) { (void) __ns_ldap_freeResult(&eres); eres = NULL; } if (success) { while (!done) { rc = __ns_ldap_nextEntry(cookie, &eres, &err); if (rc != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS || eres == NULL) { done = 1; continue; } /* Print the result */ if (eres != NULL) { if (strcmp(databasetype, "publickey") == 0) dump_publickey(eres, service); else (*(tt->dump))(eres); (void) __ns_ldap_freeResult(&eres); eres = NULL; } } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *password; ns_standalone_conf_t standalone_cfg = standaloneDefaults; int c; int rc; int ldaprc; int authstried = 0; int op = OP_ADD; char *ttype, *authmech = 0, *etcfile = 0; /* Temporary password variable */ char ps[LDAP_MAXNAMELEN]; char filter[BUFSIZ]; void **paramVal = NULL; ns_auth_t **app; ns_auth_t **authpp = NULL; ns_auth_t *authp = NULL; ns_ldap_error_t *errorp = NULL; ns_ldap_result_t *resultp; ns_ldap_entry_t *e; int flag = 0; int version1 = 0; (void) setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); (void) textdomain(TEXT_DOMAIN); openlog("ldapaddent", LOG_PID, LOG_USER); inputbasedn = NULL; authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd = NULL; authority.cred.unix_cred.userID = NULL; authority.auth.type = NS_LDAP_AUTH_SIMPLE; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "cdh:N:M:vpf:D:w:j:b:a:P:r:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'd': if (op) usage(gettext( "no other option should be specified")); op = OP_DUMP; break; case 'c': continue_onerror = 1; break; case 'v': flags |= F_VERBOSE; break; case 'p': flags |= F_PASSWD; break; case 'M': standalone_cfg.type = NS_LDAP_SERVER; standalone_cfg.SA_DOMAIN = optarg; break; case 'h': standalone_cfg.type = NS_LDAP_SERVER; if (separatePort(optarg, &standalone_cfg.SA_SERVER, &standalone_cfg.SA_PORT) > 0) { exit(1); } break; case 'P': standalone_cfg.type = NS_LDAP_SERVER; authority.hostcertpath = optarg; break; case 'N': standalone_cfg.type = NS_LDAP_SERVER; standalone_cfg.SA_PROFILE_NAME = optarg; break; case 'f': etcfile = optarg; break; case 'D': authority.cred.unix_cred.userID = strdup(optarg); break; case 'w': if (authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Warning: The -w option is mutually" " exclusive of -j. -w is ignored.\n")); break; } if (optarg != NULL && optarg[0] == '-' && optarg[1] == '\0') { /* Ask for a password later */ break; } authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd = strdup(optarg); break; case 'j': if (authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd != NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("The -w option is mutually " "exclusive of -j. -w is ignored.\n")); free(authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd); } authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd = readPwd(optarg); if (authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd == NULL) { exit(1); } break; case 'b': inputbasedn = strdup(optarg); break; case 'a': authmech = strdup(optarg); break; default: usage(gettext("Invalid option")); } } if (standalone_cfg.type == NS_LDAP_SERVER && standalone_cfg.SA_SERVER == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Please specify an LDAP server you want " "to connect to. \n")); exit(1); } if (authmech != NULL) { if (__ns_ldap_initAuth(authmech, &authority.auth, &errorp) != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (errorp) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s", errorp->message); (void) __ns_ldap_freeError(&errorp); } exit(1); } } if (authority.auth.saslmech != NS_LDAP_SASL_GSSAPI && authority.cred.unix_cred.userID == NULL && op != OP_DUMP) { /* This is not an optional parameter. Exit */ (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("DN must be specified unless SASL/GSSAPI is used." " Use option -D.\n")); exit(1); } if (authority.auth.saslmech != NS_LDAP_SASL_GSSAPI && authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd == NULL && (op != OP_DUMP || standalone_cfg.type != NS_CACHEMGR && authority.cred.unix_cred.userID != NULL)) { /* If password is not specified, then prompt user for it. */ password = getpassphrase("Enter password:"); (void) strcpy(ps, password); authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd = strdup(ps); } standalone_cfg.SA_AUTH = authmech == NULL ? NULL : &authority.auth; standalone_cfg.SA_CERT_PATH = authority.hostcertpath; standalone_cfg.SA_BIND_DN = authority.cred.unix_cred.userID; standalone_cfg.SA_BIND_PWD = authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd; if (__ns_ldap_initStandalone(&standalone_cfg, &errorp) != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (errorp) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s", errorp->message); } exit(1); } if (authmech == NULL) { ldaprc = __ns_ldap_getParam(NS_LDAP_AUTH_P, (void ***)&authpp, &errorp); if (ldaprc != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS || (authpp == NULL && op != OP_DUMP)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("No legal authentication method " "configured.\n")); (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Provide a legal authentication method " "using -a option\n")); exit(1); } /* Use the first authentication method which is not none */ for (app = authpp; *app; app++) { authp = *app; if (authp->type != NS_LDAP_AUTH_NONE) { authstried++; authority.auth.type = authp->type; authority.auth.tlstype = authp->tlstype; authority.auth.saslmech = authp->saslmech; authority.auth.saslopt = authp->saslopt; break; } } if (authstried == 0 && op != OP_DUMP) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("No legal authentication method configured." "\nProvide a legal authentication method using " "-a option")); exit(1); } if (authority.auth.saslmech == NS_LDAP_SASL_GSSAPI && authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd != NULL && authority.cred.unix_cred.userID != NULL) { /* * -a is not specified and the auth method sasl/GSSAPI * is defined in the configuration of the ldap profile. * Even -D and -w is provided it's not valid usage. * Drop them on the floor. */ (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("The default authentication is " "sasl/GSSAPI.\n" "The bind DN and password will be ignored.\n")); authority.cred.unix_cred.passwd = NULL; authority.cred.unix_cred.userID = NULL; } } ttype = argv[optind++]; if (ttype == NULL) { usage(gettext("No database type specified")); exit(1); } if (strncasecmp(ttype, "automount", 9) == 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("automount is not a valid service for ldapaddent.\n" "Please use auto_*.\n" "e.g. auto_home, auto_ws etc.\n ")); exit(1); } for (tt = ttypelist; tt->ttype; tt++) { if (strcmp(tt->ttype, ttype) == 0) break; if (strcmp(tt->ttype, NS_LDAP_TYPE_AUTOMOUNT) == 0 && strncmp(ttype, NS_LDAP_TYPE_AUTOMOUNT, sizeof (NS_LDAP_TYPE_AUTOMOUNT) - 1) == 0) break; } if (tt->ttype == 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("database %s not supported;" " supported databases are:\n"), ttype); for (tt = ttypelist; tt->ttype; tt++) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("\t%s\n"), tt->ttype); exit(1); } if (flags & F_VERBOSE) (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("SERVICE = %s\n"), tt->ttype); databasetype = ttype; if (strcmp(tt->ttype, NS_LDAP_TYPE_AUTOMOUNT) == 0) { paramVal = NULL; errorp = NULL; rc = __ns_ldap_getParam(NS_LDAP_FILE_VERSION_P, ¶mVal, &errorp); if (paramVal && *paramVal && strcasecmp(*paramVal, NS_LDAP_VERSION_1) == 0) version1 = 1; if (paramVal) (void) __ns_ldap_freeParam(¶mVal); if (errorp) (void) __ns_ldap_freeError(&errorp); } /* Check if the container exists in first place */ (void) strcpy(&filter[0], "(objectclass=*)"); rc = __ns_ldap_list(databasetype, filter, NULL, (const char **)NULL, NULL, NS_LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, &resultp, &errorp, NULL, NULL); /* create a container for auto_* if it does not exist already */ if ((rc == NS_LDAP_NOTFOUND) && (op == OP_ADD) && (strcmp(tt->ttype, NS_LDAP_TYPE_AUTOMOUNT) == 0)) { static char *oclist[] = {NULL, "top", NULL}; if (version1) oclist[0] = "nisMap"; else oclist[0] = "automountMap"; e = __s_mk_entry(oclist, 3); if (e == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("internal memory allocation error.\n")); exit(1); } if (__s_add_attr(e, version1 ? "nisMapName" : "automountMapName", databasetype) != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("internal memory allocation error.\n")); ldap_freeEntry(e); exit(1); } if (inputbasedn == NULL) { if (get_basedn(databasetype, &inputbasedn) != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Could not obtain basedn\n")); ldap_freeEntry(e); exit(1); } } if (__ns_ldap_addEntry(databasetype, inputbasedn, e, &authority, flag, &errorp) != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Could not create container for %s\n"), databasetype); ldap_freeEntry(e); } } else if (strcmp(databasetype, "publickey") != 0) { if (rc == NS_LDAP_NOTFOUND) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("Container %s does not exist\n"), databasetype); exit(1); } } if (op == OP_DUMP) { if (strcmp(databasetype, "publickey") == 0) { dumptable("hosts"); dumptable("passwd"); } else { dumptable(databasetype); } exit(exit_val); } if (etcfile) { if ((etcf = fopen(etcfile, "r")) == 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("can't open file %s\n"), etcfile); exit(1); } } else { etcfile = "stdin"; etcf = stdin; } if (op == OP_ADD) { (void) addfile(); (void) fprintf(stdout, gettext("%d entries added\n"), nent_add); } __ns_ldap_cancelStandalone(); /* exit() -> return for make lint */ return (exit_val); } /* * This is called when service == auto_*. * It calls __ns_ldap_getSearchDescriptors * to generate the dn from SSD's base dn. * If there is no SSD available, * default base dn will be used * Only the first baseDN in the SSD is used */ static int get_basedn(char *service, char **basedn) { int rc = NS_LDAP_SUCCESS; char *dn = NULL; ns_ldap_search_desc_t **desc = NULL; ns_ldap_error_t *errp = NULL; void **paramVal = NULL; int prepend_automountmapname = FALSE; /* * Get auto_* SSD first */ if ((rc = __ns_ldap_getSearchDescriptors( (const char *) service, &desc, &errp)) == NS_LDAP_SUCCESS && desc != NULL) { if (desc[0] != NULL && desc[0]->basedn != NULL) { dn = strdup(desc[0]->basedn); if (dn == NULL) { (void) __ns_ldap_freeSearchDescriptors (&desc); return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); } } } /* clean up */ if (desc) (void) __ns_ldap_freeSearchDescriptors(&desc); if (errp) (void) __ns_ldap_freeError(&errp); /* * If no dn is duplicated from auto_* SSD, try automount SSD */ if (dn == NULL) { if ((rc = __ns_ldap_getSearchDescriptors( "automount", &desc, &errp)) == NS_LDAP_SUCCESS && desc != NULL) { if (desc[0] != NULL && desc[0]->basedn != NULL) { dn = strdup(desc[0]->basedn); if (dn == NULL) { (void) __ns_ldap_freeSearchDescriptors (&desc); return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); } prepend_automountmapname = TRUE; } } /* clean up */ if (desc) (void) __ns_ldap_freeSearchDescriptors(&desc); if (errp) (void) __ns_ldap_freeError(&errp); } /* * If no dn is duplicated from auto_* or automount SSD, * use default DN */ if (dn == NULL) { if ((rc = __ns_ldap_getParam(NS_LDAP_SEARCH_BASEDN_P, ¶mVal, &errp)) == NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { dn = strdup((char *)paramVal[0]); if (dn == NULL) { (void) __ns_ldap_freeParam(¶mVal); return (NS_LDAP_MEMORY); } prepend_automountmapname = TRUE; } if (paramVal) (void) __ns_ldap_freeParam(¶mVal); if (errp) (void) __ns_ldap_freeError(&errp); } if (dn == NULL) { return (NS_LDAP_OP_FAILED); } else { /* * If dn is duplicated from * automount SSD basedn or * default base dn * then prepend automountMapName=auto_xxx */ if (prepend_automountmapname) rc = __s_api_prepend_automountmapname_to_dn( service, &dn, &errp); if (rc != NS_LDAP_SUCCESS) { (void) __ns_ldap_freeError(&errp); free(dn); return (rc); } *basedn = dn; return (NS_LDAP_SUCCESS); } } static char * h_errno2str(int h_errno) { switch (h_errno) { case HOST_NOT_FOUND: return ("HOST_NOT_FOUND"); break; case TRY_AGAIN: return ("TRY_AGAIN"); break; case NO_RECOVERY: return ("NO_RECOVERY"); break; case NO_DATA: return ("NO_DATA"); break; default: break; } return ("UNKNOWN_ERROR"); }