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PROG= ksh

USRKSH_ALIAS_LIST=ksh ksh93 rksh rksh93

include ../Makefile.cmd


SUBDIRS += builtins

ARCH32_i386= i86
ARCH32_sparc= sparcv7
ARCH32= $(ARCH32_$(MACH))

# Serialise the build to avoid that we run the test suite for 32bit
# and 64bit in parallel

all		:=	TARGET = all
install		:=	TARGET = install
clean		:=	TARGET = clean
clobber 	:=	TARGET = clobber
lint		:=	TARGET = lint
testshell	:=	TARGET = testshell


all clean clobber lint testshell: $(SUBDIRS)

# dummy file since AST/ksh doesn't use *.po files
# (and "ksh" is just a frontend which calls directly into libshell,
# e.g. there are no l10n strings here)
	$(RM) ksh.po ksh93.po ; \
	$(TOUCH) $(PROG).po

install:	$(ISAEXEC) $(SUBDIRS)
	@(set -o xtrace ; \
	builtin ln ; \
	builtin rm ; \
	rm -f  $(ROOTPROG) ; \
	ln $(ISAEXEC) $(ROOTPROG) ; \
	for i in $(USRKSH_ALIAS_LIST) ; do \
		[[ "$$i" == "$(PROG)" ]] && continue ; \
		rm -f "$(ROOTBIN)/$$i" ; \
		ln "$(ROOTBIN)/$(PROG)" "$(ROOTBIN)/$$i" ; \
	done \
	$(RM) $(ROOTSBIN)/sh
	$(SYMLINK) ../usr/bin/$(ARCH32)/ksh93 $(ROOTSBIN)/sh
	$(RM) $(ROOTSBIN)/jsh
	$(SYMLINK) ../usr/bin/ksh93 $(ROOTSBIN)/jsh
	$(RM) $(ROOTBIN)/jsh
	$(SYMLINK) ksh93 $(ROOTBIN)/jsh
	$(RM) $(ROOTBIN)/sh
	$(SYMLINK) $(ARCH32)/ksh93 $(ROOTBIN)/sh
	$(RM) $(ROOTLIB)/rsh
	$(SYMLINK) ../bin/ksh93 $(ROOTLIB)/rsh

	@cd $@; pwd; $(MAKE) $(TARGET)


include ../Makefile.targ