 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
 * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
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 * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Use is subject to license terms.

#ifndef	_SYS_CONSDEV_H
#define	_SYS_CONSDEV_H

#include <sys/isa_defs.h>
#include <sys/dditypes.h>

#ifdef	__cplusplus
extern "C" {

#if defined(_KERNEL) || defined(_KMDB)

 * Paths to console devices
#define	CONSKBD_PATH	"/pseudo/conskbd@0:conskbd"
#define	CONSMS_PATH	"/pseudo/consms@0:mouse"
#define	WC_PATH		"/pseudo/wc@0:wscons"
#define	IWSCN_PATH	"/pseudo/iwscn@0:iwscn"
#define	CVC_PATH	"/pseudo/cvc@0:cvc"

 * Console redirection.
extern dev_t	rconsdev;	/* real (underlying) console */
extern struct vnode *rconsvp;	/* pointer to vnode for that device */

 * Virtual Serial Console redirection.
extern struct vnode *vsconsvp;	/* pointer to vnode for virtual console */

 * Mouse, keyboard, and frame buffer configuration information.
 * XXX:	Assumes a single mouse/keyboard/frame buffer triple.
extern dev_t	mousedev;	/* default mouse device */
extern dev_t	kbddev;		/* default (actual) keyboard device */
extern dev_t	stdindev;	/* default standard input device */
extern dev_t	fbdev;		/* default framebuffer device */
extern struct vnode *fbvp;	/* pointer to vnode for that device */
extern dev_info_t *fbdip;	/* pointer to dev_info for fbdev (optional) */

extern int	consmode;	/* CONS_FW or CONS_KFB */
extern int	cons_tem_disable;
#define	CONS_FW		0
#define	CONS_KFB	1

 * Workstation console redirection.
 * The workstation console device is the multiplexor that hooks keyboard and
 * frame buffer together into a single tty-like device.  Access to it is
 * through the redirecting driver, so that frame buffer output can be
 * redirected to other devices.  wsconsvp names the redirecting access point,
 * and rwsconsvp names the workstation console itself.
 * XXX:	Assumes a single workstation console.
extern struct vnode *wsconsvp;	/* vnode for redirecting ws cons access */
extern struct vnode *rwsconsvp;	/* vnode for underlying workstation console */

 * Generic console ioctls.
 * On systems without OBP, all potential console devices should implement these.
 * On systems with OBP, all potential console devices should implement
 * the ABORTENABLE ioctls.  All potential console devices that cannot share
 * their hardware with OBP should implement the POLLEDIO ioctls.
#define	_CONSIOC	(('C'<<24)|('O'<<16)|('N'<<8))

 * Get the structure of function pointers to be used for polled I/O
 *	struct cons_polledio *polledio;
 *	struct strioctl str;
 *	str.ic_cmd = CONS_OPENPOLLEDIO;
 *	str.ic_timout = INFTIM;
 *	str.ic_len = sizeof (polledio);
 *	str.ic_dp = (char *)&polledio;
 *	ioctl(fd, I_STR, &str);

 * Get the current state of abort enable
 * enable = ioctl(fd, CONSGETABORTENABLE, 0)

 * Set the current state of abort enable
 * ioctl(fd, CONSSETABORTENABLE, boolean_t)

 * Undo anything that was done with CONSOPENPOLLEDIO
 * ioctl(fd, CONSCLOSEPOLLEDIO, 0)

 * Set the type simulated by hardwares
 * ioctl(fd, CONSSETKBDTYPE, kbdtype)
 * kbdtype:
 * 	KB_PC or KB_USB

#define	CONSPOLLEDIO_V0		0
#define	CONSPOLLEDIO_V1		1

typedef int kbtrans_key_t;

enum keystate { KEY_PRESSED = 0, KEY_RELEASED = 1 };

 * Opaque state structure for driver state.  Each driver has its own
 * implementation (with different names!), and casts to/from this.
 * This allows better type-checking than "void *", helping to ensure
 * that the structure passed in is the structure used in the callback.
typedef struct __cons_polledio_arg	*cons_polledio_arg_t;

 * This is the structure that is used to handle polled I/O.  It is filled
 * in by a lower driver, passed up, and eventually registered with the
 * debugger that needs to do polled I/O.
typedef struct cons_polledio {

	 * version of this structure
	unsigned	cons_polledio_version;

	 * Argument that is passed to the following routines.
	cons_polledio_arg_t	cons_polledio_argument;

	 * Pointer to the routine and its argument that handles putting
	 * characters out to the polled device.
	void		(*cons_polledio_putchar)(cons_polledio_arg_t,

	 * Pointer to the routine and its argument that handles getting
	 * characters from the polled device.  This routine is blocking.
	int		(*cons_polledio_getchar)(cons_polledio_arg_t);

	 * Pointer to the routine and its argument that checks to see
	 * if a character is pending input.  This routine is non-blocking.
	boolean_t	(*cons_polledio_ischar)(cons_polledio_arg_t);

	 * Initialize the polled subsystem.  This routine is called once
	 * per mode change from non-polled to polled mode.
	void		(*cons_polledio_enter)(cons_polledio_arg_t);

	 * Restore the non-polled subsystem.  This routine is called once
	 * per mode change from non-polled to polled mode.
	void		(*cons_polledio_exit)(cons_polledio_arg_t);

	/* Routine to set the LED's in polled mode */
	void	(*cons_polledio_setled)(cons_polledio_arg_t, int);

	/* Routine to indicate that a scande is available in polled mode */
	boolean_t	(*cons_polledio_keycheck)(
			    kbtrans_key_t *, enum keystate *);
} cons_polledio_t;

extern cons_polledio_t *cons_polledio;

 * Workstation Console
#define	_WCIOC		(('W'<<24)|('C'<<16))
#define	WC_OPEN_FB	(_WCIOC | 0)
#define	WC_CLOSE_FB	(_WCIOC | 1)

#endif	/* _KERNEL || _KMDB */

#ifdef	__cplusplus

#endif	/* _SYS_CONSDEV_H */