/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" /* * Generic keyboard support: translation * * This module is project private. Please see PSARC/1998/176 and * PSARC/1998/026 for references to the kbtrans module. * * It is believed that it is safe to call these functions within debugger mode * except kbtrans_dprintf. Debugger mode is a single threaded mode where most * kernel services are not available, including memory allocation. Debugger * mode is for kmdb and OBP debugging, where the debugger calls back into the * kernel to obtain console input. * * Please be _very_ careful about what external functions you call. */ #define KEYMAP_SIZE_VARIABLE #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/cred.h> #include <sys/ddi.h> #include <sys/sunddi.h> #include <sys/kmem.h> #include <sys/kbd.h> #include <sys/cmn_err.h> #include <sys/modctl.h> #include <sys/kbio.h> #include <sys/vuid_event.h> #include <sys/consdev.h> #include <sys/kbtrans.h> #include <sys/errno.h> #include <sys/promif.h> #include <sys/varargs.h> #include "kbtrans_lower.h" /* * Internal Function Prototypes */ static boolean_t kbtrans_do_compose(struct kbtrans_lower *, ushort_t, ushort_t, ushort_t *); static void kbtrans_translate(struct kbtrans_lower *, struct keyboard_callback *, kbtrans_key_t, enum keystate); /* * kbtrans_processkey: * * lower - state information used by the calling driver * this parameter is passed back to the callback routines. * key - scancode * state - KEY_PRESSED / KEY_RELEASED * * This routine checks to see if there is a raw callback, and calls it * if it exists. If there is no raw callback, the key is translated. * The raw callback allows the driver that called the translation module * to be passed untranslated scancodes. */ void kbtrans_processkey(struct kbtrans_lower *lower, struct keyboard_callback *cb, kbtrans_key_t key, enum keystate state) { DPRINTF(PRINT_L0, PRINT_MASK_ALL, (lower, "kbtrans_processkey: " "newstate=%d key=%d", state, key)); /* * If there is a raw routine, then call it and return. */ if (cb->kc_keypressed_raw != NULL) { if (state == KEY_PRESSED) { cb->kc_keypressed_raw(lower->kbtrans_upper, key); } else { cb->kc_keyreleased_raw(lower->kbtrans_upper, key); } return; } /* * translate the scancode into a key. */ kbtrans_translate(lower, cb, key, state); } /* * kbtrans_translate: * * lower - state information used by the calling driver * this parameter is passed back to the callback routines. * key - scan code * state - KEY_PRESSED / KEY_RELEASED * * Called to process key events if we are in TR_ASCII or TR_EVENT * (sunview) mode. This routine will call the appropriate translation_callback * for the character when it is done translating it. */ static void kbtrans_translate(struct kbtrans_lower *lower, struct keyboard_callback *cb, kbtrans_key_t key, enum keystate newstate) { unsigned shiftmask; register ushort_t entry; register ushort_t entrytype; ushort_t result_iso; unsigned short *ke; int i; boolean_t good_compose; DPRINTF(PRINT_L0, PRINT_MASK_ALL, (lower, "KEY TRANSLATE " "newstate=0x%x key=0x%x\n", newstate, key)); if (lower->kbtrans_keyboard == NULL) { /* * Nobody has told us about this keyboard yet. */ return; } /* * Get the current state of the shiftmask */ shiftmask = lower->kbtrans_shiftmask; /* * If the key has been released, then or in the UPMASK flag. */ if (newstate == KEY_RELEASED) shiftmask |= UPMASK; /* * Based on the shiftmask, lookup the keymap entry that we should * be using for this scancode. */ ke = kbtrans_find_entry(lower, shiftmask, key); if (ke == NULL) { /* * This is a gross error. Cancel the repeat key and exit, * we can not translate this scancode. */ cb->kc_cancel_repeat(lower->kbtrans_upper); return; } /* * Get the key for this scancode. */ entry = *ke; if (entry == NONL) { /* * NONL appears only in the Num Lock table, and indicates that * this key is not affected by Num Lock. This means we should * ask for the table we would have gotten had Num Lock not been * down, and translate using that table. */ ke = kbtrans_find_entry(lower, shiftmask & ~NUMLOCKMASK, key); if (ke == NULL) { /* * This is a gross error. Cancel the repeat key and * exit, we can not translate this scancode. */ cb->kc_cancel_repeat(lower->kbtrans_upper); return; } /* * Get the new key for this scancode. */ entry = *ke; } /* * The entrytype indicates what category of key we are processing. * Categories include shift keys, function keys, and numeric keypad * keys. */ entrytype = (ushort_t)(entry & 0xFF00); if (entrytype == SHIFTKEYS) { /* * Handle the state of toggle shifts specially. * Ups should be ignored, and downs should be mapped to ups if * that shift is currently on. */ if ((1 << (entry & 0x0F)) & lower->kbtrans_keyboard->k_toggleshifts) { if ((1 << (entry & 0x0F)) & lower->kbtrans_togglemask) { newstate = KEY_RELEASED; /* toggling off */ } else { newstate = KEY_PRESSED; /* toggling on */ } } } else { /* * Handle Compose and floating accent key sequences */ switch (lower->kbtrans_state) { case COMPOSE1: if (newstate == KEY_RELEASED) return; if (entry < ASCII_SET_SIZE) { if (lower->kbtrans_compose_map[entry] >= 0) { lower->kbtrans_compose_key = entry; lower->kbtrans_state = COMPOSE2; return; } } lower->kbtrans_state = NORMAL; lower->kbtrans_led_state &= ~LED_COMPOSE; cb->kc_setled(lower->kbtrans_upper); return; case COMPOSE2: if (newstate == KEY_RELEASED) return; /* next state is "normal" */ lower->kbtrans_state = NORMAL; lower->kbtrans_led_state &= ~LED_COMPOSE; cb->kc_setled(lower->kbtrans_upper); good_compose = kbtrans_do_compose(lower, lower->kbtrans_compose_key, entry, &result_iso); if (good_compose) { if (lower->kbtrans_compat) result_iso += ISO_FIRST; else result_iso += EUC_FIRST; cb->kc_keypressed(lower->kbtrans_upper, entrytype, key, result_iso); } return; case FLTACCENT: if (newstate == KEY_RELEASED) return; /* next state is "normal" */ lower->kbtrans_state = NORMAL; for (i = 0; (lower->kbtrans_fltaccent_table[i].fa_entry != lower->kbtrans_fltaccent_entry) || (lower->kbtrans_fltaccent_table[i].ascii != entry); i++) { if (lower->kbtrans_fltaccent_table[i].fa_entry == 0) { /* Invalid second key: ignore key */ return; } } cb->kc_keypressed(lower->kbtrans_upper, entrytype, key, (lower->kbtrans_compat ? ISO_FIRST : EUC_FIRST) + lower->kbtrans_fltaccent_table[i].iso); return; } } /* * If the key is going down, and it's not one of the keys that doesn't * auto-repeat, set up the auto-repeat timeout. * * The keys that don't auto-repeat are the Compose key, * the shift keys, the "bucky bit" keys, the "floating accent" keys, * and the function keys when in TR_EVENT mode. */ if (newstate == KEY_PRESSED && entrytype != SHIFTKEYS && entrytype != BUCKYBITS && entrytype != FUNNY && entrytype != FA_CLASS) { if (lower->kbtrans_repeatkey != key) { cb->kc_cancel_repeat(lower->kbtrans_upper); cb->kc_setup_repeat(lower->kbtrans_upper, entrytype, key); } /* key going up */ } else if (key == lower->kbtrans_repeatkey) { cb->kc_cancel_repeat(lower->kbtrans_upper); } if (newstate == KEY_RELEASED) { cb->kc_keyreleased(lower->kbtrans_upper, key); } /* * We assume here that keys other than shift keys and bucky keys have * entries in the "up" table that cause nothing to be done, and thus we * don't have to check for newstate == KEY_RELEASED. */ switch (entrytype) { case 0x0: /* regular key */ cb->kc_keypressed(lower->kbtrans_upper, entrytype, key, entry | lower->kbtrans_buckybits); break; case SHIFTKEYS: { uint_t shiftbit = 1 << (entry & 0x0F); /* Modify toggle state (see toggle processing above) */ if (shiftbit & lower->kbtrans_keyboard->k_toggleshifts) { if (newstate == KEY_RELEASED) { if (shiftbit == CAPSMASK) { lower->kbtrans_led_state &= ~LED_CAPS_LOCK; cb->kc_setled(lower->kbtrans_upper); } else if (shiftbit == NUMLOCKMASK) { lower->kbtrans_led_state &= ~LED_NUM_LOCK; cb->kc_setled(lower->kbtrans_upper); } lower->kbtrans_togglemask &= ~shiftbit; } else { if (shiftbit == CAPSMASK) { lower->kbtrans_led_state |= LED_CAPS_LOCK; cb->kc_setled(lower->kbtrans_upper); } else if (shiftbit == NUMLOCKMASK) { lower->kbtrans_led_state |= LED_NUM_LOCK; cb->kc_setled(lower->kbtrans_upper); } lower->kbtrans_togglemask |= shiftbit; } } if (newstate == KEY_RELEASED) lower->kbtrans_shiftmask &= ~shiftbit; else lower->kbtrans_shiftmask |= shiftbit; if (newstate == KEY_PRESSED) { cb->kc_keypressed(lower->kbtrans_upper, entrytype, key, entry); } break; } case BUCKYBITS: lower->kbtrans_buckybits ^= 1 << (7 + (entry & 0x0F)); if (newstate == KEY_PRESSED) { cb->kc_keypressed(lower->kbtrans_upper, entrytype, key, entry); } break; case FUNNY: switch (entry) { case NOP: break; case IDLE: /* Fall thru into RESET code */ /* FALLTHRU */ case RESET: case ERROR: lower->kbtrans_shiftmask &= lower->kbtrans_keyboard->k_idleshifts; lower->kbtrans_shiftmask |= lower->kbtrans_togglemask; lower->kbtrans_buckybits &= lower->kbtrans_keyboard->k_idlebuckys; cb->kc_cancel_repeat(lower->kbtrans_upper); cb->kc_keypressed(lower->kbtrans_upper, entrytype, key, entry); break; case COMPOSE: lower->kbtrans_state = COMPOSE1; lower->kbtrans_led_state |= LED_COMPOSE; cb->kc_setled(lower->kbtrans_upper); break; /* * Remember when adding new entries that, * if they should NOT auto-repeat, * they should be put into the IF statement * just above this switch block. */ default: /* Ignore it */ break; } break; case FA_CLASS: if (lower->kbtrans_state == NORMAL) { lower->kbtrans_fltaccent_entry = entry; lower->kbtrans_state = FLTACCENT; } break; case STRING: cb->kc_keypressed(lower->kbtrans_upper, entrytype, key, entry); break; case FUNCKEYS: cb->kc_keypressed(lower->kbtrans_upper, entrytype, key, entry); break; /* * Remember when adding new entries that, * if they should NOT auto-repeat, * they should be put into the IF statement * just above this switch block. */ case PADKEYS: cb->kc_keypressed(lower->kbtrans_upper, entrytype, key, entry); break; } } /* * kbtrans_do_compose: * Given a two key compose sequence, lookup the iso equivalent and put * the result in the result_iso_ptr. */ static boolean_t kbtrans_do_compose(struct kbtrans_lower *lower, ushort_t first_entry, ushort_t second_entry, ushort_t *result_iso_ptr) { struct compose_sequence_t *ptr; ushort_t tmp; /* * Validate the second keystroke. */ if (second_entry >= ASCII_SET_SIZE) return (B_FALSE); if (lower->kbtrans_compose_map[second_entry] < 0) return (B_FALSE); /* * Get them in code order, rather than press order. */ if (first_entry > second_entry) { tmp = first_entry; first_entry = second_entry; second_entry = tmp; } ptr = lower->kbtrans_compose_table + lower->kbtrans_compose_map[first_entry]; while (ptr->first == first_entry) { if (ptr->second == second_entry) { *result_iso_ptr = ptr->iso; return (B_TRUE); } ptr++; } return (B_FALSE); } /* * kbtrans_find_entry: * This routine finds the entry corresponding to the current shift * state and keycode. */ unsigned short * kbtrans_find_entry(struct kbtrans_lower *lower, register uint_t mask, kbtrans_key_t key_station) { register struct keyboard *kp; keymap_entry_t *km; struct exception_map *ex; kp = lower->kbtrans_keyboard; if (kp == NULL) return (NULL); if (key_station < 0 || key_station >= kp->k_keymap_size) return (NULL); ex = kp->k_except; if (ex != NULL) { for (; ex->exc_care != 0; ex++) { if ((mask & ex->exc_care) == ex->exc_mask && key_station == ex->exc_key) return (&ex->exc_entry); } } if (mask & UPMASK) km = kp->k_up; else if (mask & NUMLOCKMASK) km = kp->k_numlock; else if (mask & CTRLMASK) km = kp->k_control; else if (mask & ALTGRAPHMASK) km = kp->k_altgraph; else if (mask & SHIFTMASK) km = kp->k_shifted; else if (mask & CAPSMASK) km = kp->k_caps; else km = kp->k_normal; return (&km[key_station]); } #ifdef DEBUG /*ARGSUSED*/ void kbtrans_dprintf(void *un, const char *fmt, ...) { char buf[256]; va_list ap; va_start(ap, fmt); (void) vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); cmn_err(CE_CONT, "kbtrans: %s", buf); } #endif