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.TH onu 1 "28 August 2010"
.I onu
\- OS/Net Update
\fBonu [opts] [-s <beName>] -t <beName>\fP
\fBonu [opts] -r\fP
.IX "OS-Net build tools" "onu" "" "\fBonu\fP"
.I onu 
is a replacement for
.I bfu
used to update a system with the latest set of IPS packages for the ON
(OS/Net) consolidation of Solaris, using beadm(1M) to create a new Boot
Environment (BE) and pkg(1) to update the image.
The following global options are supported:
.TP 4
.B \-c <consolidation>
Specifies the consolidation being installed via 
.IR onu ,
used to locate the publisher from which that consolidation is currently
installed.  This is almost always "osnet".
.TP 4
.B \-d <dir>
Specifies that <dir> contains the repo.redist sub-directory;
.I onu
will run a depot using this packaging repository.
Note that -d ignores -u and -U as well
as the environment variables used by those options.
.TP 4
.B \-u <URI>
Specifies that <URI> should be used as the origin URI for the publisher
packaging repository.  See \fBONURI\fP below for default values.
.TP 4
.B \-U <publisher>
Specifies that <publisher> should be used as the publisher name for
the packaging repository.  See \fBONPUB\fP below for default values.
.TP 4
.B \-v
Verbose mode.
The first form of onu creates a new BE and then updates it, and takes
the following options:
.TP 4
.B \-s <beName>
Specifies that <beName> should be used as the source Boot Environment to
clone.  The default is the active BE.
.TP 4
.B \-t <beName>
Specifies the target BE name.  This argument is required; there
is no default value.
.TP 4
.B \-Z
Do not update any installed zones.
The second form of onu takes the following option:
.TP 4
.B \-r
In the current BE configure the requested publisher appropriately, without
The following exit values are returned:
.TP 4
.B 0
The command completed successfully.
No errors or warnings were reported.
.TP 4
.B 1
Incorrect usage.
.TP 4
.B 2
One of the commands used by the script failed.
Former users of bfu should note the following ways in which onu behaves
differently from bfu.  First, as noted above, onu creates a new BE, rather
than updating an existing BE in-place.  Second, onu will not install packages
that are older than what is already installed in the source BE.  Third,
conflicts in system configuration files are automatically resolved according
to the files' "preserve" attribute, as described in pkg(5).
If the
.B -d
option is given to specify a repository directory, the new
publishers will not be available in the new BE. This can prevent correct
zone installs or cause issues with installing additional packages
sourced from the ON repositories. In both cases, the \fB-r\fR option
can be used in the new BE to re-enable the publishers. See
Use of
.I onu
will prevent use of zone attach for ipkg-brand zones in the new BE,
since the
.B entire
incorporation is removed.
By default,
.I onu
will attempt to update any ipkg-brand installed zones on the system; the
.B -Z
option may be used to disable this behavior.
\fBExample 1\fR Installing latest ON nightly build
.IN +2
# onu -t new-nightly-be
.IN -2
\fBExample 2\fR Installing an ON build from a directory
.IN +2
# onu -d /path/to/my/ws/packages/`uname -p`/nightly -t new-nightly-be
.IN -2
\fBExample 3\fR Installing additional packages in the new BE
.IN +2
# onu -d /path/to/my/ws/packages/`uname -p`/nightly -t new-nightly-be
# reboot
# onu -r -d /path/to/my/ws/packages/`uname -p`/nightly
# pkg install netcat
.IN -2
If the -u option is not provided, and this variable is set, it will be used
as the origin URI for the publisher packaging repository.  If -u is not
provided and this variable is not set, http://ipkg.sfbay/on-nightly will
be used.
If the -U option is not provided, and this variable is set, it will be
used as the publisher name for the packaging repository.  If -U is not
provided and this variable is not set, on-nightly will be used.
.BR beadm "(1M), "
.BR pkg "(1), "
.BR pkg "(5) "