/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* Copyright (c) 1988 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" /* * cscope - interactive C symbol cross-reference * * main functions */ #include <curses.h> /* stdscr and TRUE */ #include <fcntl.h> /* O_RDONLY */ #include <sys/types.h> /* needed by stat.h */ #include <unistd.h> /* O_RDONLY */ #include <unistd.h> /* O_RDONLY */ #include <sys/stat.h> /* stat */ #include <libgen.h> /* O_RDONLY */ #include "global.h" #include "version.h" /* FILEVERSION and FIXVERSION */ #include "vp.h" /* vpdirs and vpndirs */ #define OPTSEPS " \t" /* CSCOPEOPTION separators */ #define MINHOURS 4 /* minimum no activity timeout hours */ /* defaults for unset environment variables */ #define EDITOR "vi" #define SHELL "sh" #define TMPDIR "/tmp" /* * note: these digraph character frequencies were calculated from possible * printable digraphs in the cross-reference for the C compiler */ char dichar1[] = " teisaprnl(of)=c"; /* 16 most frequent first chars */ char dichar2[] = " tnerpla"; /* 8 most frequent second chars */ /* using the above as first chars */ char dicode1[256]; /* digraph first character code */ char dicode2[256]; /* digraph second character code */ char *editor, *home, *shell; /* environment variables */ BOOL compress = YES; /* compress the characters in the crossref */ int cscopedepth; /* cscope invocation nesting depth */ char currentdir[PATHLEN + 1]; /* current directory */ BOOL dbtruncated; /* database symbols are truncated to 8 chars */ char **dbvpdirs; /* directories (including current) in */ /* database view path */ int dbvpndirs; /* # of directories in database view path */ int dispcomponents = 1; /* file path components to display */ BOOL editallprompt = YES; /* prompt between editing files */ int fileargc; /* file argument count */ char **fileargv; /* file argument values */ int fileversion; /* cross-reference file version */ BOOL incurses; /* in curses */ INVCONTROL invcontrol; /* inverted file control structure */ BOOL invertedindex; /* the database has an inverted index */ BOOL isuptodate; /* consider the crossref up-to-date */ BOOL linemode; /* use line oriented user interface */ char *namefile; /* file of file names */ char *newinvname; /* new inverted index file name */ char *newinvpost; /* new inverted index postings file name */ char *newreffile; /* new cross-reference file name */ FILE *newrefs; /* new cross-reference */ BOOL noacttimeout; /* no activity timeout occurred */ BOOL ogs; /* display OGS book and subsystem names */ FILE *postings; /* new inverted index postings */ char *prependpath; /* prepend path to file names */ BOOL returnrequired; /* RETURN required after selection number */ int symrefs = -1; /* cross-reference file */ char temp1[PATHLEN + 1]; /* temporary file name */ char temp2[PATHLEN + 1]; /* temporary file name */ long totalterms; /* total inverted index terms */ BOOL truncatesyms; /* truncate symbols to 8 characters */ static BOOL buildonly; /* only build the database */ static BOOL fileschanged; /* assume some files changed */ static char *invname = INVNAME; /* inverted index to the database */ static char *invpost = INVPOST; /* inverted index postings */ static unsigned noacttime; /* no activity timeout in seconds */ static BOOL onesearch; /* one search only in line mode */ static char *reffile = REFFILE; /* cross-reference file path name */ static char *reflines; /* symbol reference lines file */ static char *tmpdir; /* temporary directory */ static long traileroffset; /* file trailer offset */ static BOOL unconditional; /* unconditionally build database */ static void options(int argc, char **argv); static void printusage(void); static void removeindex(void); static void cannotindex(void); static void initcompress(void); static void opendatabase(void); static void closedatabase(void); static void build(void); static int compare(const void *s1, const void *s2); static char *getoldfile(void); static void putheader(char *dir); static void putlist(char **names, int count); static BOOL samelist(FILE *oldrefs, char **names, int count); static void skiplist(FILE *oldrefs); static void copydata(void); static void copyinverted(void); static void putinclude(char *s); static void movefile(char *new, char *old); static void timedout(int sig); int main(int argc, char **argv) { int envc; /* environment argument count */ char **envv; /* environment argument list */ FILE *names; /* name file pointer */ int oldnum; /* number in old cross-ref */ char path[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file path */ FILE *oldrefs; /* old cross-reference file */ char *s; int c, i; pid_t pid; /* save the command name for messages */ argv0 = basename(argv[0]); /* get the current directory for build() and line-oriented P command */ if (mygetwd(currentdir) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: warning: cannot get current directory name\n"); (void) strcpy(currentdir, "<unknown>"); } /* initialize any view path; (saves time since currendir is known) */ vpinit(currentdir); dbvpndirs = vpndirs; /* number of directories in database view path */ /* directories (including current) in database view path */ dbvpdirs = vpdirs; /* the first source directory is the current directory */ sourcedir("."); /* read the environment */ editor = mygetenv("EDITOR", EDITOR); editor = mygetenv("VIEWER", editor); /* use viewer if set */ home = getenv("HOME"); shell = mygetenv("SHELL", SHELL); tmpdir = mygetenv("TMPDIR", TMPDIR); /* increment nesting depth */ cscopedepth = atoi(mygetenv("CSCOPEDEPTH", "0")); (void) sprintf(path, "CSCOPEDEPTH=%d", ++cscopedepth); (void) putenv(stralloc(path)); if ((s = getenv("CSCOPEOPTIONS")) != NULL) { /* parse the environment option string */ envc = 1; envv = mymalloc(sizeof (char *)); s = strtok(stralloc(s), OPTSEPS); while (s != NULL) { envv = myrealloc(envv, ++envc * sizeof (char *)); envv[envc - 1] = stralloc(s); s = strtok((char *)NULL, OPTSEPS); } /* set the environment options */ options(envc, envv); } /* set the command line options */ options(argc, argv); /* create the temporary file names */ pid = getpid(); (void) sprintf(temp1, "%s/cscope%d.1", tmpdir, (int)pid); (void) sprintf(temp2, "%s/cscope%d.2", tmpdir, (int)pid); /* if running in the foreground */ if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) { /* cleanup on the interrupt and quit signals */ (void) signal(SIGINT, myexit); (void) signal(SIGQUIT, myexit); } /* cleanup on the hangup signal */ (void) signal(SIGHUP, myexit); /* if the database path is relative and it can't be created */ if (reffile[0] != '/' && access(".", WRITE) != 0) { /* if the database may not be up-to-date or can't be read */ (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", home, reffile); if (isuptodate == NO || access(reffile, READ) != 0) { /* put it in the home directory */ reffile = stralloc(path); (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", home, invname); invname = stralloc(path); (void) sprintf(path, "%s/%s", home, invpost); invpost = stralloc(path); (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: symbol database will be %s\n", reffile); } } /* if the cross-reference is to be considered up-to-date */ if (isuptodate == YES) { if ((oldrefs = vpfopen(reffile, "r")) == NULL) { cannotopen(reffile); exit(1); } /* * get the crossref file version but skip the current * directory */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "cscope %d %*s", &fileversion) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read file version from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } if (fileversion >= 8) { /* override these command line options */ compress = YES; invertedindex = NO; /* see if there are options in the database */ for (;;) { /* no -q leaves multiple blanks */ while ((c = getc(oldrefs)) == ' ') { ; } if (c != '-') { (void) ungetc(c, oldrefs); break; } switch (c = getc(oldrefs)) { case 'c': /* ASCII characters only */ compress = NO; break; case 'q': /* quick search */ invertedindex = YES; (void) fscanf(oldrefs, "%ld", &totalterms); break; case 'T': /* truncate symbols to 8 characters */ dbtruncated = YES; truncatesyms = YES; break; } } initcompress(); /* seek to the trailer */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%ld", &traileroffset) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read trailer offset from " "file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } if (fseek(oldrefs, traileroffset, 0) != 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot seek to trailer in " "file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } } /* * read the view path for use in converting relative paths to * full paths * * note: don't overwrite vp[n]dirs because this can cause * the wrong database index files to be found in the viewpath */ if (fileversion >= 13) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &dbvpndirs) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read view path size from " "file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } if (dbvpndirs > 0) { dbvpdirs = mymalloc( dbvpndirs * sizeof (char *)); for (i = 0; i < dbvpndirs; ++i) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", path) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read view " "path from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } dbvpdirs[i] = stralloc(path); } } } /* skip the source and include directory lists */ skiplist(oldrefs); skiplist(oldrefs); /* get the number of source files */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &nsrcfiles) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read source file size from " "file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } /* get the source file list */ srcfiles = mymalloc(nsrcfiles * sizeof (char *)); if (fileversion >= 9) { /* allocate the string space */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &oldnum) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read string space size " "from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } s = mymalloc(oldnum); (void) getc(oldrefs); /* skip the newline */ /* read the strings */ if (fread(s, oldnum, 1, oldrefs) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read source file names " "from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } /* change newlines to nulls */ for (i = 0; i < nsrcfiles; ++i) { srcfiles[i] = s; for (++s; *s != '\n'; ++s) { ; } *s = '\0'; ++s; } /* if there is a file of source file names */ if (namefile != NULL && (names = vpfopen(namefile, "r")) != NULL || (names = vpfopen(NAMEFILE, "r")) != NULL) { /* read any -p option from it */ while (fscanf(names, "%s", path) == 1 && *path == '-') { i = path[1]; s = path + 2; /* for "-Ipath" */ if (*s == '\0') { /* if "-I path" */ (void) fscanf(names, "%s", path); s = path; } switch (i) { case 'p': /* file path components */ /* to display */ if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: -p option " "in file %s: " "missing or " "invalid numeric " "value\n", namefile); } dispcomponents = atoi(s); } } (void) fclose(names); } } else { for (i = 0; i < nsrcfiles; ++i) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", path) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read source file " "name from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } srcfiles[i] = stralloc(path); } } (void) fclose(oldrefs); } else { /* get source directories from the environment */ if ((s = getenv("SOURCEDIRS")) != NULL) { sourcedir(s); } /* make the source file list */ srcfiles = mymalloc(msrcfiles * sizeof (char *)); makefilelist(); if (nsrcfiles == 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: no source files found\n"); printusage(); exit(1); } /* get include directories from the environment */ if ((s = getenv("INCLUDEDIRS")) != NULL) { includedir(s); } /* add /usr/include to the #include directory list */ includedir("/usr/include"); /* initialize the C keyword table */ initsymtab(); /* create the file name(s) used for a new cross-reference */ (void) strcpy(path, reffile); s = basename(path); *s = '\0'; (void) strcat(path, "n"); ++s; (void) strcpy(s, basename(reffile)); newreffile = stralloc(path); (void) strcpy(s, basename(invname)); newinvname = stralloc(path); (void) strcpy(s, basename(invpost)); newinvpost = stralloc(path); /* build the cross-reference */ initcompress(); build(); if (buildonly == YES) { exit(0); } } opendatabase(); /* * removing a database will not release the disk space if a cscope * process has the file open, so a project may want unattended cscope * processes to exit overnight, including their subshells and editors */ if (noacttime) { (void) signal(SIGALRM, timedout); (void) alarm(noacttime); } /* * if using the line oriented user interface so cscope can be a * subprocess to emacs or samuel */ if (linemode == YES) { if (*pattern != '\0') { /* do any optional search */ if (search() == YES) { while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { (void) putchar(c); } } } if (onesearch == YES) { myexit(0); } for (;;) { char buf[PATLEN + 2]; if (noacttime) { (void) alarm(noacttime); } (void) printf(">> "); (void) fflush(stdout); if (fgets(buf, sizeof (buf), stdin) == NULL) { myexit(0); } /* remove any trailing newline character */ if (*(s = buf + strlen(buf) - 1) == '\n') { *s = '\0'; } switch (*buf) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': /* samuel only */ field = *buf - '0'; (void) strcpy(pattern, buf + 1); (void) search(); (void) printf("cscope: %d lines\n", totallines); while ((c = getc(refsfound)) != EOF) { (void) putchar(c); } break; case 'c': /* toggle caseless mode */ case ctrl('C'): if (caseless == NO) { caseless = YES; } else { caseless = NO; } egrepcaseless(caseless); break; case 'r': /* rebuild database cscope style */ case ctrl('R'): freefilelist(); makefilelist(); /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'R': /* rebuild database samuel style */ rebuild(); (void) putchar('\n'); break; case 'C': /* clear file names */ freefilelist(); (void) putchar('\n'); break; case 'F': /* add a file name */ (void) strcpy(path, buf + 1); if (infilelist(path) == NO && vpaccess(path, READ) == 0) { addsrcfile(path); } (void) putchar('\n'); break; case 'P': /* print the path to the files */ if (prependpath != NULL) { (void) puts(prependpath); } else { (void) puts(currentdir); } break; case 'q': /* quit */ case ctrl('D'): case ctrl('Z'): myexit(0); default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: unknown command '%s'\n", buf); break; } } /* NOTREACHED */ } /* pause before clearing the screen if there have been error messages */ if (errorsfound == YES) { errorsfound = NO; askforreturn(); } (void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* ignore interrupts */ (void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); /* | command can cause pipe signal */ /* initialize the curses display package */ (void) initscr(); /* initialize the screen */ setfield(); /* set the initial cursor position */ entercurses(); (void) keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* enable the keypad */ dispinit(); /* initialize display parameters */ putmsg(""); /* clear any build progress message */ display(); /* display the version number and input fields */ /* do any optional search */ if (*pattern != '\0') { atfield(); /* move to the input field */ (void) command(ctrl('A')); /* search */ display(); /* update the display */ } else if (reflines != NULL) { /* read any symbol reference lines file */ (void) readrefs(reflines); display(); /* update the display */ } for (;;) { if (noacttime) { (void) alarm(noacttime); } atfield(); /* move to the input field */ /* exit if the quit command is entered */ if ((c = mygetch()) == EOF || c == ctrl('D') || c == ctrl('Z')) { break; } /* execute the commmand, updating the display if necessary */ if (command(c) == YES) { display(); } } /* cleanup and exit */ myexit(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return (0); } static void options(int argc, char **argv) { char path[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file path */ int c; char *s; while (--argc > 0 && (*++argv)[0] == '-') { for (s = argv[0] + 1; *s != '\0'; s++) { /* look for an input field number */ if (isdigit(*s)) { field = *s - '0'; if (*++s == '\0' && --argc > 0) { s = *++argv; } if (strlen(s) > PATLEN) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: pattern too long, cannot " "be > %d characters\n", PATLEN); exit(1); } (void) strcpy(pattern, s); goto nextarg; } switch (*s) { case '-': /* end of options */ --argc; ++argv; goto lastarg; case 'V': /* print the version number */ (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: version %d%s\n", argv0, FILEVERSION, FIXVERSION); exit(0); /*NOTREACHED*/ case 'b': /* only build the cross-reference */ buildonly = YES; break; case 'c': /* ASCII characters only in crossref */ compress = NO; break; case 'C': /* turn on caseless mode for symbol searches */ caseless = YES; /* simulate egrep -i flag */ egrepcaseless(caseless); break; case 'd': /* consider crossref up-to-date */ isuptodate = YES; break; case 'e': /* suppress ^E prompt between files */ editallprompt = NO; break; case 'L': onesearch = YES; /* FALLTHROUGH */ case 'l': linemode = YES; break; case 'o': /* display OGS book and subsystem names */ ogs = YES; break; case 'q': /* quick search */ invertedindex = YES; break; case 'r': /* display as many lines as possible */ returnrequired = YES; break; case 'T': /* truncate symbols to 8 characters */ truncatesyms = YES; break; case 'u': /* unconditionally build the cross-reference */ unconditional = YES; break; case 'U': /* assume some files have changed */ fileschanged = YES; break; case 'f': /* alternate cross-reference file */ case 'F': /* symbol reference lines file */ case 'i': /* file containing file names */ case 'I': /* #include file directory */ case 'p': /* file path components to display */ case 'P': /* prepend path to file names */ case 's': /* additional source file directory */ case 'S': case 't': /* no activity timeout in hours */ c = *s; if (*++s == '\0' && --argc > 0) { s = *++argv; } if (*s == '\0') { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: -%c option: missing or empty " "value\n", argv0, c); goto usage; } switch (c) { case 'f': /* alternate cross-reference file */ reffile = s; (void) strcpy(path, s); /* System V has a 14 character limit */ s = basename(path); if ((int)strlen(s) > 11) { s[11] = '\0'; } s = path + strlen(path); (void) strcpy(s, ".in"); invname = stralloc(path); (void) strcpy(s, ".po"); invpost = stralloc(path); break; case 'F': /* symbol reference lines file */ reflines = s; break; case 'i': /* file containing file names */ namefile = s; break; case 'I': /* #include file directory */ includedir(s); break; case 'p': /* file path components to display */ if (*s < '0' || *s > '9') { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: -p option: missing " "or invalid numeric " "value\n", argv0); goto usage; } dispcomponents = atoi(s); break; case 'P': /* prepend path to file names */ prependpath = s; break; case 's': case 'S': /* additional source directory */ sourcedir(s); break; case 't': /* no activity timeout in hours */ if (*s < '1' || *s > '9') { (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: -t option: missing or " "invalid numeric value\n", argv0); goto usage; } c = atoi(s); if (c < MINHOURS) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: minimum timeout " "is %d hours\n", MINHOURS); (void) sleep(3); c = MINHOURS; } noacttime = c * 3600; break; } goto nextarg; default: (void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown option: -%c\n", argv0, *s); usage: printusage(); exit(1); } } nextarg: continue; } lastarg: /* save the file arguments */ fileargc = argc; fileargv = argv; } static void printusage(void) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Usage: cscope [-bcdelLoqrtTuUV] [-f file] [-F file] [-i file] " "[-I dir] [-s dir]\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, " [-p number] [-P path] [-[0-8] pattern] " "[source files]\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-b Build the database only.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-c Use only ASCII characters in the database file, " "that is,\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, " do not compress the data.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-d Do not update the database.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-f \"file\" Use \"file\" as the database file name " "instead of\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, " the default (cscope.out).\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-F \"file\" Read symbol reference lines from file, just\n"); /* BEGIN CSTYLED */ (void) fprintf(stderr, " like the \"<\" command.\n"); /* END CSTYLED */ (void) fprintf(stderr, "-i \"file\" Read any -I, -p, -q, and -T options and the\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, " list of source files from \"file\" instead of the \n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, " default (cscope.files).\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-I \"dir\" Look in \"dir\" for #include files.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-q Build an inverted index for quick symbol seaching.\n"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "-s \"dir\" Look in \"dir\" for additional source files.\n"); } static void removeindex(void) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: removed files %s and %s\n", invname, invpost); (void) unlink(invname); (void) unlink(invpost); } static void cannotindex(void) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot create inverted index; ignoring -q option\n"); invertedindex = NO; errorsfound = YES; (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: removed files %s and %s\n", newinvname, newinvpost); (void) unlink(newinvname); (void) unlink(newinvpost); removeindex(); /* remove any existing index to prevent confusion */ } void cannotopen(char *file) { char msg[MSGLEN + 1]; (void) sprintf(msg, "Cannot open file %s", file); putmsg(msg); } void cannotwrite(char *file) { char msg[MSGLEN + 1]; (void) sprintf(msg, "Removed file %s because write failed", file); myperror(msg); /* display the reason */ (void) unlink(file); myexit(1); /* calls exit(2), which closes files */ } /* set up the digraph character tables for text compression */ static void initcompress(void) { int i; if (compress == YES) { for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { dicode1[(unsigned)(dichar1[i])] = i * 8 + 1; } for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { dicode2[(unsigned)(dichar2[i])] = i + 1; } } } /* open the database */ static void opendatabase(void) { if ((symrefs = vpopen(reffile, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { cannotopen(reffile); myexit(1); } blocknumber = -1; /* force next seek to read the first block */ /* open any inverted index */ if (invertedindex == YES && invopen(&invcontrol, invname, invpost, INVAVAIL) == -1) { askforreturn(); /* so user sees message */ invertedindex = NO; } } /* close the database */ static void closedatabase(void) { (void) close(symrefs); if (invertedindex == YES) { invclose(&invcontrol); nsrcoffset = 0; npostings = 0; } } /* rebuild the database */ void rebuild(void) { closedatabase(); build(); opendatabase(); /* revert to the initial display */ if (refsfound != NULL) { (void) fclose(refsfound); refsfound = NULL; } *lastfilepath = '\0'; /* last file may have new path */ } /* build the cross-reference */ static void build(void) { int i; FILE *oldrefs; /* old cross-reference file */ time_t reftime; /* old crossref modification time */ char *file; /* current file */ char *oldfile; /* file in old cross-reference */ char newdir[PATHLEN + 1]; /* directory in new cross-reference */ char olddir[PATHLEN + 1]; /* directory in old cross-reference */ char oldname[PATHLEN + 1]; /* name in old cross-reference */ int oldnum; /* number in old cross-ref */ struct stat statstruct; /* file status */ int firstfile; /* first source file in pass */ int lastfile; /* last source file in pass */ int built = 0; /* built crossref for these files */ int copied = 0; /* copied crossref for these files */ BOOL interactive = YES; /* output progress messages */ /* * normalize the current directory relative to the home directory so * the cross-reference is not rebuilt when the user's login is moved */ (void) strcpy(newdir, currentdir); if (strcmp(currentdir, home) == 0) { (void) strcpy(newdir, "$HOME"); } else if (strncmp(currentdir, home, strlen(home)) == 0) { (void) sprintf(newdir, "$HOME%s", currentdir + strlen(home)); } /* sort the source file names (needed for rebuilding) */ qsort((char *)srcfiles, (unsigned)nsrcfiles, sizeof (char *), compare); /* * if there is an old cross-reference and its current directory * matches or this is an unconditional build */ if ((oldrefs = vpfopen(reffile, "r")) != NULL && unconditional == NO && fscanf(oldrefs, "cscope %d %s", &fileversion, olddir) == 2 && (strcmp(olddir, currentdir) == 0 || /* remain compatible */ strcmp(olddir, newdir) == 0)) { /* get the cross-reference file's modification time */ (void) fstat(fileno(oldrefs), &statstruct); reftime = statstruct.st_mtime; if (fileversion >= 8) { BOOL oldcompress = YES; BOOL oldinvertedindex = NO; BOOL oldtruncatesyms = NO; int c; /* see if there are options in the database */ for (;;) { while ((c = getc(oldrefs)) == ' ') { } if (c != '-') { (void) ungetc(c, oldrefs); break; } switch (c = getc(oldrefs)) { case 'c': /* ASCII characters only */ oldcompress = NO; break; case 'q': /* quick search */ oldinvertedindex = YES; (void) fscanf(oldrefs, "%ld", &totalterms); break; case 'T': /* truncate symbols to 8 characters */ oldtruncatesyms = YES; break; } } /* check the old and new option settings */ if (oldcompress != compress || oldtruncatesyms != truncatesyms) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: -c or -T option mismatch between " "command line and old symbol database\n"); goto force; } if (oldinvertedindex != invertedindex) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: -q option mismatch between " "command line and old symbol database\n"); if (invertedindex == NO) { removeindex(); } goto outofdate; } /* seek to the trailer */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%ld", &traileroffset) != 1 || fseek(oldrefs, traileroffset, 0) == -1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: incorrect symbol database file " "format\n"); goto force; } } /* if assuming that some files have changed */ if (fileschanged == YES) { goto outofdate; } /* see if the view path is the same */ if (fileversion >= 13 && samelist(oldrefs, vpdirs, vpndirs) == NO) { goto outofdate; } /* see if the directory lists are the same */ if (samelist(oldrefs, srcdirs, nsrcdirs) == NO || samelist(oldrefs, incdirs, nincdirs) == NO || fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &oldnum) != 1 || fileversion >= 9 && fscanf(oldrefs, "%*s") != 0) { /* skip the string space size */ goto outofdate; } /* * see if the list of source files is the same and * none have been changed up to the included files */ for (i = 0; i < nsrcfiles; ++i) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", oldname) != 1 || strnotequal(oldname, srcfiles[i]) || vpstat(srcfiles[i], &statstruct) != 0 || statstruct.st_mtime > reftime) { goto outofdate; } } /* the old cross-reference is up-to-date */ /* so get the list of included files */ while (i++ < oldnum && fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", oldname) == 1) { addsrcfile(oldname); } (void) fclose(oldrefs); return; outofdate: /* if the database format has changed, rebuild it all */ if (fileversion != FILEVERSION) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: converting to new symbol database file " "format\n"); goto force; } /* reopen the old cross-reference file for fast scanning */ if ((symrefs = vpopen(reffile, O_RDONLY)) == -1) { cannotopen(reffile); myexit(1); } /* get the first file name in the old cross-reference */ blocknumber = -1; (void) readblock(); /* read the first cross-ref block */ (void) scanpast('\t'); /* skip the header */ oldfile = getoldfile(); } else { /* force cross-referencing of all the source files */ force: reftime = 0; oldfile = NULL; } /* open the new cross-reference file */ if ((newrefs = fopen(newreffile, "w")) == NULL) { cannotopen(newreffile); myexit(1); } if (invertedindex == YES && (postings = fopen(temp1, "w")) == NULL) { cannotopen(temp1); cannotindex(); } (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: building symbol database\n"); putheader(newdir); fileversion = FILEVERSION; if (buildonly == YES && !isatty(0)) { interactive = NO; } else { initprogress(); } /* output the leading tab expected by crossref() */ dbputc('\t'); /* * make passes through the source file list until the last level of * included files is processed */ firstfile = 0; lastfile = nsrcfiles; if (invertedindex == YES) { srcoffset = mymalloc((nsrcfiles + 1) * sizeof (long)); } for (;;) { /* get the next source file name */ for (fileindex = firstfile; fileindex < lastfile; ++fileindex) { /* display the progress about every three seconds */ if (interactive == YES && fileindex % 10 == 0) { if (copied == 0) { progress("%ld files built", (long)built, 0L); } else { progress("%ld files built, %ld " "files copied", (long)built, (long)copied); } } /* if the old file has been deleted get the next one */ file = srcfiles[fileindex]; while (oldfile != NULL && strcmp(file, oldfile) > 0) { oldfile = getoldfile(); } /* * if there isn't an old database or this is * a new file */ if (oldfile == NULL || strcmp(file, oldfile) < 0) { crossref(file); ++built; } else if (vpstat(file, &statstruct) == 0 && statstruct.st_mtime > reftime) { /* if this file was modified */ crossref(file); ++built; /* * skip its old crossref so modifying the last * source file does not cause all included files * to be built. Unfortunately a new file that * is alphabetically last will cause all * included files to be built, but this is * less likely */ oldfile = getoldfile(); } else { /* copy its cross-reference */ putfilename(file); if (invertedindex == YES) { copyinverted(); } else { copydata(); } ++copied; oldfile = getoldfile(); } } /* see if any included files were found */ if (lastfile == nsrcfiles) { break; } firstfile = lastfile; lastfile = nsrcfiles; if (invertedindex == YES) { srcoffset = myrealloc(srcoffset, (nsrcfiles + 1) * sizeof (long)); } /* sort the included file names */ qsort((char *)&srcfiles[firstfile], (unsigned)(lastfile - firstfile), sizeof (char *), compare); } /* add a null file name to the trailing tab */ putfilename(""); dbputc('\n'); /* get the file trailer offset */ traileroffset = dboffset; /* * output the view path and source and include directory and * file lists */ putlist(vpdirs, vpndirs); putlist(srcdirs, nsrcdirs); putlist(incdirs, nincdirs); putlist(srcfiles, nsrcfiles); if (fflush(newrefs) == EOF) { /* rewind doesn't check for write failure */ cannotwrite(newreffile); /* NOTREACHED */ } /* create the inverted index if requested */ if (invertedindex == YES) { char sortcommand[PATHLEN + 1]; if (fflush(postings) == EOF) { cannotwrite(temp1); /* NOTREACHED */ } (void) fstat(fileno(postings), &statstruct); (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: building symbol index: temporary file size is " "%ld bytes\n", statstruct.st_size); (void) fclose(postings); /* * sort -T is broken until it is fixed we don't have too much choice */ /* * (void) sprintf(sortcommand, "sort -y -T %s %s", tmpdir, temp1); */ (void) sprintf(sortcommand, "LC_ALL=C sort %s", temp1); if ((postings = popen(sortcommand, "r")) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot open pipe to sort command\n"); cannotindex(); } else { if ((totalterms = invmake(newinvname, newinvpost, postings)) > 0) { movefile(newinvname, invname); movefile(newinvpost, invpost); } else { cannotindex(); } (void) pclose(postings); } (void) unlink(temp1); (void) free(srcoffset); (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: index has %ld references to %ld symbols\n", npostings, totalterms); } /* rewrite the header with the trailer offset and final option list */ rewind(newrefs); putheader(newdir); (void) fclose(newrefs); /* close the old database file */ if (symrefs >= 0) { (void) close(symrefs); } if (oldrefs != NULL) { (void) fclose(oldrefs); } /* replace it with the new database file */ movefile(newreffile, reffile); } /* string comparison function for qsort */ static int compare(const void *s1, const void *s2) { return (strcmp((char *)s1, (char *)s2)); } /* get the next file name in the old cross-reference */ static char * getoldfile(void) { static char file[PATHLEN + 1]; /* file name in old crossref */ if (blockp != NULL) { do { if (*blockp == NEWFILE) { skiprefchar(); getstring(file); if (file[0] != '\0') { /* if not end-of-crossref */ return (file); } return (NULL); } } while (scanpast('\t') != NULL); } return (NULL); } /* * output the cscope version, current directory, database format options, and * the database trailer offset */ static void putheader(char *dir) { dboffset = fprintf(newrefs, "cscope %d %s", FILEVERSION, dir); if (compress == NO) { dboffset += fprintf(newrefs, " -c"); } if (invertedindex == YES) { dboffset += fprintf(newrefs, " -q %.10ld", totalterms); } else { /* * leave space so if the header is overwritten without -q * because writing the inverted index failed, the header is * the same length */ dboffset += fprintf(newrefs, " "); } if (truncatesyms == YES) { dboffset += fprintf(newrefs, " -T"); } dbfprintf(newrefs, " %.10ld\n", traileroffset); } /* put the name list into the cross-reference file */ static void putlist(char **names, int count) { int i, size = 0; (void) fprintf(newrefs, "%d\n", count); if (names == srcfiles) { /* calculate the string space needed */ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { size += strlen(names[i]) + 1; } (void) fprintf(newrefs, "%d\n", size); } for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (fputs(names[i], newrefs) == EOF || putc('\n', newrefs) == EOF) { cannotwrite(newreffile); /* NOTREACHED */ } } } /* see if the name list is the same in the cross-reference file */ static BOOL samelist(FILE *oldrefs, char **names, int count) { char oldname[PATHLEN + 1]; /* name in old cross-reference */ int oldcount; int i; /* see if the number of names is the same */ if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &oldcount) != 1 || oldcount != count) { return (NO); } /* see if the name list is the same */ for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%s", oldname) != 1 || strnotequal(oldname, names[i])) { return (NO); } } return (YES); } /* skip the list in the cross-reference file */ static void skiplist(FILE *oldrefs) { int i; if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%d", &i) != 1) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read list size from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } while (--i >= 0) { if (fscanf(oldrefs, "%*s") != 0) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot read list name from file %s\n", reffile); exit(1); } } } /* copy this file's symbol data */ static void copydata(void) { char symbol[PATLEN + 1]; char *cp; setmark('\t'); cp = blockp; for (;;) { /* copy up to the next \t */ do { /* innermost loop optimized to only one test */ while (*cp != '\t') { dbputc(*cp++); } } while (*++cp == '\0' && (cp = readblock()) != NULL); dbputc('\t'); /* copy the tab */ /* get the next character */ if (*(cp + 1) == '\0') { cp = readblock(); } /* exit if at the end of this file's data */ if (cp == NULL || *cp == NEWFILE) { break; } /* look for an #included file */ if (*cp == INCLUDE) { blockp = cp; putinclude(symbol); putstring(symbol); setmark('\t'); cp = blockp; } } blockp = cp; } /* copy this file's symbol data and output the inverted index postings */ static void copyinverted(void) { char *cp; int c; int type; /* reference type (mark character) */ char symbol[PATLEN + 1]; /* note: this code was expanded in-line for speed */ /* while (scanpast('\n') != NULL) { */ /* other macros were replaced by code using cp instead of blockp */ cp = blockp; for (;;) { setmark('\n'); do { /* innermost loop optimized to only one test */ while (*cp != '\n') { dbputc(*cp++); } } while (*++cp == '\0' && (cp = readblock()) != NULL); dbputc('\n'); /* copy the newline */ /* get the next character */ if (*(cp + 1) == '\0') { cp = readblock(); } /* exit if at the end of this file's data */ if (cp == NULL) { break; } switch (*cp) { case '\n': lineoffset = dboffset + 1; continue; case '\t': dbputc('\t'); blockp = cp; type = getrefchar(); switch (type) { case NEWFILE: /* file name */ return; case INCLUDE: /* #included file */ putinclude(symbol); goto output; } dbputc(type); skiprefchar(); getstring(symbol); goto output; } c = *cp; if (c & 0200) { /* digraph char? */ c = dichar1[(c & 0177) / 8]; } /* if this is a symbol */ if (isalpha(c) || c == '_') { blockp = cp; getstring(symbol); type = ' '; output: putposting(symbol, type); putstring(symbol); if (blockp == NULL) { return; } cp = blockp; } } blockp = cp; } /* process the #included file in the old database */ static void putinclude(char *s) { dbputc(INCLUDE); skiprefchar(); getstring(s); incfile(s + 1, *s); } /* replace the old file with the new file */ static void movefile(char *new, char *old) { (void) unlink(old); if (link(new, old) == -1) { (void) perror("cscope"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot link file %s to file %s\n", new, old); myexit(1); } if (unlink(new) == -1) { (void) perror("cscope"); (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: cannot unlink file %s\n", new); errorsfound = YES; } } /* enter curses mode */ void entercurses(void) { incurses = YES; (void) nonl(); /* don't translate an output \n to \n\r */ (void) cbreak(); /* single character input */ (void) noecho(); /* don't echo input characters */ (void) clear(); /* clear the screen */ initmouse(); /* initialize any mouse interface */ drawscrollbar(topline, nextline, totallines); atfield(); } /* exit curses mode */ void exitcurses(void) { /* clear the bottom line */ (void) move(LINES - 1, 0); (void) clrtoeol(); (void) refresh(); /* exit curses and restore the terminal modes */ (void) endwin(); incurses = NO; /* restore the mouse */ cleanupmouse(); (void) fflush(stdout); } /* no activity timeout occurred */ static void timedout(int sig) { /* if there is a child process, don't exit until it does */ if (childpid) { closedatabase(); noacttimeout = YES; return; } exitcurses(); (void) fprintf(stderr, "cscope: no activity for %d hours--exiting\n", noacttime / 3600); myexit(sig); } /* cleanup and exit */ void myexit(int sig) { /* deleted layer causes multiple signals */ (void) signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); /* remove any temporary files */ if (temp1[0] != '\0') { (void) unlink(temp1); (void) unlink(temp2); } /* restore the terminal to its original mode */ if (incurses == YES) { exitcurses(); } /* dump core for debugging on the quit signal */ if (sig == SIGQUIT) { (void) abort(); } exit(sig); }