\ \ CDDL HEADER START \ \ The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the \ Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). \ You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. \ \ You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE \ or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. \ See the License for the specific language governing permissions \ and limitations under the License. \ \ When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each \ file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. \ If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the \ fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying \ information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] \ \ CDDL HEADER END \ \ \ ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" \ Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. \ Use is subject to license terms. \ id: %Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI purpose: boot block for OBP systems copyright: Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved headerless d# 1024 dup * constant 1meg d# 4 1meg * constant 4meg d# 32 1meg * constant 32meg headers " /" get-package constant root-ph 0 value fs-ih false value nested? 0 value file-sz /buf-len buffer: boot-dev : boot-dev$ ( -- dev$ ) boot-dev cscount ; : loader-base ( -- base ) nested? if h# 5000.0000 else h# 5100.0000 then ; \ \ methods we expect of fs reader packages \ headerless : fs-open ( file$ -- fd true | false ) " open-file" fs-ih $call-method ; : fs-close ( fd -- ) " close-file" fs-ih $call-method ; : fs-size ( fd -- size ) " size-file" fs-ih $call-method ; : fs-read ( adr len fd -- #read ) " read-file" fs-ih $call-method ; : fs-getrd ( adr len -- ) " get-rd" fs-ih $call-method ; : fs-bootprop ( -- propval propname true | false ) " bootprop" fs-ih $call-method ; headers : check-elf ( base -- is-elf? ) l@ h# 7f454c46 ( \x7fELF ) = ; : check-fcode ( base -- is-fcode? ) c@ dup h# f0 h# f3 between swap h# fd = or ; \ zfs bootblks with all headers exceeds 7.5k \ 'bigbootblk' allows us to load the fs reader from elsewhere [ifdef] bigbootblk : load-pkg ( -- ) boot-dev$ ( dev$ ) 2dup dev-open ?dup 0= if open-abort then >r 2drop ( r: ih ) /fs-fcode mem-alloc ( adr r: ih ) dup /fs-fcode fs-offset r@ read-disk dup check-fcode invert if " No fs fcode found" die then dup 1 byte-load /fs-fcode mem-free ( r: ih ) r> dev-close ; [else] : load-pkg ( -- ) ; [then] : get-bootdev ( -- ) \ first try boot archive (nested boot from ramdisk) \ then try boot device (direct boot from disk) " bootarchive" chosen-ph get-package-property if " bootpath" chosen-ph get-string-prop ( bootpath$ ) else ( archiveprop$ ) decode-string 2swap 2drop ( archivepath$ ) true to nested? then ( bootpath$ ) boot-dev swap move ( ) ; : mount-root ( -- ) boot-dev$ fs-pkg$ $open-package to fs-ih fs-ih 0= if " Can't mount root" die then ; \ \ cheap entertainment for those watching \ boot progress \ headerless create spin-data ascii | c, ascii / c, ascii - c, ascii \ c, 0 instance variable spindex : spinner ( -- ) spindex @ 3 and spin-data + ( c-adr ) c@ emit (cr 1 spindex +! ; : spin-on ( -- ) ['] spinner d# 1000 alarm ; : spin-off ( -- ) ['] spinner 0 alarm ; headers \ allocate and return physical allocation size : vmem-alloc-prop ( size virt -- alloc-size virt ) 2dup ['] vmem-alloc catch if ( size virt ??? ??? ) 2drop ( size virt ) 2dup begin ( size virt len adr ) over 32meg min >r ( size virt len adr r: alloc-sz ) r@ over vmem-alloc ( size virt len adr adr r: alloc-sz ) nip r@ + ( size virt len adr' r: alloc-sz ) swap r> - ( size virt adr len' ) swap over 0= ( size virt len' adr done? ) until ( size virt len' adr ) 2drop nip 32meg ( virt 32meg ) else ( size virt virt ) nip nip 0 ( virt 0 ) then ( virt alloc-sz ) swap ; \ read in file and return buffer \ if base==0, vmem-alloc will allocate virt \ NB returned size is 8k rounded since the \ memory allocator rounded it for us : get-file ( base fd -- [ alloc-sz virt size ] failed? ) dup >r fs-size ( base size r: fd ) dup rot vmem-alloc-prop ( size alloc-sz virt r: fd ) rot 2dup tuck r> ( alloc-sz virt size size virt size fd ) spin-on fs-read spin-off ( alloc-sz virt size size size-rd ) <> if ( alloc-sz virt size ) 3drop true exit ( failed ) then h# 2000 roundup ( alloc-sz virt size' ) false ( alloc-sz virt size' succeeded ) ; false value is-elf? false value is-archive? : >bootblk ( adr -- adr' ) d# 512 + ; \ figure out what we just loaded : get-type ( adr -- ) dup check-elf to is-elf? \ if not nested, check for boot archive (executable after label) nested? invert if >bootblk dup check-fcode ( adr is-fcode? ) over check-elf ( adr is-fcode? is-elf? ) or to is-archive? then drop ; \ \ file name routines \ \ boot file (-F name or boot archive) false value fflag? /buf-len buffer: boot-file : boot-file$ ( -- file$ ) boot-file cscount ; \ kernel name (final name or unix) false value kern? /buf-len buffer: kern-file : kern-file$ ( -- file$ ) kern-file cscount ; \ platform name /buf-len buffer: plat-name : plat-name$ ( -- plat$ ) plat-name cscount ; \ arch name /buf-len buffer: arch-name : arch-name$ ( -- arch$ ) arch-name cscount ; \ final name after /platform massaging /buf-len buffer: targ-file : targ-file$ ( -- file$ ) targ-file cscount ; : init-targ ( -- ) targ-file /buf-len erase " /platform/" targ-file swap move ; \ remove illegal file name chars (e.g., '/') : munge-name ( name$ -- name$' ) 2dup ( name$ name$ ) begin dup while over c@ ascii / = if over ascii _ swap c! ( name$ name$' ) then str++ repeat 2drop ( name$ ) ; \ does /platform/ exist? : try-platname ( name$ -- name$ true | false ) munge-name ( name$' ) init-targ 2dup targ-file$ $append targ-file$ fs-open if ( name$ fd ) fs-close true ( name$ true ) else ( name$ ) 2drop false ( false ) then ( name$ true | false ) ; \ setup arch-name \ sun4v -or- sun4u : get-def-arch ( -- ) " device_type" root-ph get-package-property if \ some older sunfires don't have device_type set false ( sun4u ) else ( devtype-prop$ ) decode-string 2swap 2drop ( devtype$ ) " sun4v" $= ( sun4v? ) then ( sun4v? ) if " sun4v" else " sun4u" then ( arch$ ) arch-name swap move ; \ setup plat-name \ platform name -or- \ compatible name -or- \ default name : get-arch ( -- ) get-def-arch \ first try "name" in root " name" root-ph get-string-prop ( name$ ) try-platname if plat-name swap move exit ( ) then ( ) \ next try "compatible" " compatible" root-ph ( prop$ ph ) get-package-property invert if ( compat$ ) begin decode-string dup while ( compat$ name$ ) try-platname if plat-name swap move 2drop exit ( ) then ( compat$ ) repeat 2drop 2drop ( ) then ( ) \ else use default name arch-name$ plat-name swap move ; \ make
  into /platform/
: $plat-prepend  ( file$ pre$ -- file$' )
   targ-file$  $append                 ( file$ )
   " /" targ-file$  $append
   targ-file$  $append                 (  )
   targ-file$                          ( new$ )

: get-boot  ( -- file$ )
   fflag?  if
      " boot_archive"

: get-kern  ( -- file$ )
   kern?  if
      " kernel/sparcv9/unix"

\ if we're nested, load the kernel, else load the bootarchive
: get-targ  ( -- file$ )
   nested?  if

: try-file  ( file$ -- [ fd ] error? )
   diagnostic-mode?  if
      2dup ." Loading: " type cr
   fs-open  invert         ( fd false | true )

\  try "/platform//"  e.g., SUNW,Sun-Blade-1000
\  then "/platform//"  e.g., sun4u
: open-path  ( file$ - fd )
   over c@ ascii /  <>  if
      2dup  plat-name$  $plat-prepend      ( file$ file$' )
      try-file  if                         ( file$ )
         2dup  arch-name$  $plat-prepend   ( file$ file$' )
         try-file  if                      ( file$ )
         then                              ( file$ fd )
      then                                 ( file$ fd )
   else                                    ( file$ )
      \ copy to targ-file for 'whoami' prop
      targ-file /buf-len  erase
      2dup targ-file swap  move
      2dup  try-file  if                   ( file$ )
      then                                 ( file$ fd )
   then                                    ( file$ fd )
   -rot 2drop                              ( fd )

false  value  lflag?

\ ZFS support
\ -Z fsname  opens specified filesystem in disk pool

false     value    zflag?
/buf-len  buffer:  fs-name
: fs-name$  ( -- fs$ )  fs-name cscount  ;

[ifdef] zfs

: open-zfs-fs  ( fs$ -- )
   2dup  " open-fs" fs-ih $call-method  0=  if
   2drop                     (  )


: open-zfs-fs ( fs$ -- )
   \ ignore on -L
   lflag? invert  if
      " -Z not supported on non-zfs root"  die


\	arg parsing

: printable?  ( n -- flag ) \ true if n is a printable ascii character
   dup bl th 7f within  swap  th 80  th ff  between  or
: white-space? ( n -- flag ) \ true is n is non-printable? or a blank
   dup printable? 0=  swap  bl =  or

: skip-blanks  ( adr len -- adr' len' )
   begin  dup  while   ( adr' len' )
      over c@  white-space? 0=  if  exit  then

: skip-non-blanks  ( adr len -- adr' len' )
   begin  dup  while   ( adr' len' )
      over c@  white-space?  if  exit  then

\ left-parse-string w/ any white space as delimeter
: next-str  ( adr len -- adr' len' s-adr s-len )
   2dup  skip-non-blanks       ( s-adr len adr' len' )
   dup >r  2swap  r> -         ( adr' len' s-adr s-len )

: next-c  ( adr len -- adr' len' c )
   over c@ >r  str++  r>

false value halt?

: parse-bootargs  ( -- )
   " bootargs" chosen-ph  get-string-prop  ( arg$ )

   \ check for explicit kernel name
   skip-blanks  dup  if
      over c@  ascii -  <>  if
         next-str                          ( arg$ kern$ )
         \ use default kernel if user specific a debugger
         2dup  " kadb"  $=  >r             ( arg$ kern$  r: kadb? )
         2dup  " kmdb"  $=  r>  or         ( arg$ kern$ debugger? )
         invert  if                        ( arg$ kern$ )
            kern-file swap  move           ( arg$ )
            true to kern?
         else  2drop  then                 ( arg$ )

   \ process args
      skip-blanks  dup                     ( arg$ len )
      next-c  ascii -  =  if
         next-c  case
            ascii D  of
               \ for "boot kadb -D kernel.foo/unix"
               skip-blanks  next-str       ( arg$ file$ )
               kern? invert  if
                  ?dup  if
                     kern-file swap  move  ( arg$ )
                     true to kern?
                  else  drop  then         ( arg$ )
               else  2drop  then           ( arg$ )
            ascii F  of
               skip-blanks  next-str       ( arg$ file$ )
               ?dup  if
                  boot-file swap  move     ( arg$ )
                  true to fflag?
               else  drop  then            ( arg$ )
            ascii H  of
               true to halt?
            ascii L  of
               " /" fs-name swap  move
               true to zflag?
               " bootlst" boot-file swap  move
               true to fflag?
               true to lflag?
            ascii Z  of
               skip-blanks  next-str       ( arg$ fs-name$ )
               ?dup  if
                  fs-name swap  move       ( arg$ )
                  true to zflag?
               else  drop  then            ( arg$ )
   2drop                                   (  )

0 value rd-alloc-sz

: "ramdisk"  ( -- dev$ )  " /ramdisk-root"  ;

: setup-bootprops  ( -- )
   chosen-ph  push-package

   nested? invert  if
      fs-type$ encode-string    " fstype"             property
      fs-ih encode-int          " bootfs"             property
      fs-bootprop  if  property  then
      fs-type$ encode-string    " archive-fstype"     property
      fs-ih encode-int          " archfs"             property

   is-archive?  if
      "ramdisk" encode-string   " bootarchive"        property
      loader-base encode-int    " elfheader-address"  property
      file-sz encode-int        " elfheader-length"   property
      plat-name$ encode-string  " impl-arch-name"     property
      targ-file$ encode-string  " whoami"             property
      fs-pkg$ encode-string     " fs-package"         property


\ load ramdisk fcode and tell the driver where
\ we put the ramdisk data
: setup-ramdisk  ( base size -- )
   /rd-fcode mem-alloc                ( base size adr )
   dup /rd-fcode  fs-getrd

   root-ph  push-package
      "ramdisk" str++  device-name
      dup 1  byte-load
   /rd-fcode mem-free              ( base size )

   "ramdisk"  dev-open  dup 0=  if
      "ramdisk" open-abort
   then  >r                        ( base size  r: ih )
   rd-alloc-sz                     ( base size alloc-sz  r: ih )
   " create"  r@ $call-method      ( r: ih )
   r> dev-close                    (  )

\	ELF parsing

0 value elfhdr
0 value phdr

: +elfhdr	( index -- value )  elfhdr swap ca+ ;
: e_machine     ( -- n )  h# 12 +elfhdr w@ ;
: e_entry	( -- n )  h# 18 +elfhdr x@ ;
: e_phoff	( -- n )  h# 20 +elfhdr x@ ;
: e_phentsize	( -- n )  h# 36 +elfhdr w@ ;
: e_phnum	( -- n )  h# 38 +elfhdr w@ ;

1 constant pt_load
: +phdr		( index -- value )  phdr swap ca+ ;
: p_type	( -- n )  h#  0 +phdr l@ ;
: p_vaddr	( -- n )  h# 10 +phdr x@ ;
: p_memsz	( -- n )  h# 28 +phdr x@ ;

: get-phdr ( filebase index -- phdr )
   e_phentsize *  e_phoff +  +    ( phdr )

\ alloc 4MB pages for kernel text/data
: vmem-alloc-4mb  ( size virt -- base )
   swap  4meg roundup  swap
   4meg (mem-alloc)

\ OBP doesn't allocate memory for elf
\ programs, it assumes they'll fit
\ under the default 10MB limit
: fix-elf-mem  ( base -- )
   dup to elfhdr
   e_machine  d# 43  <>  if  drop exit  then       \ 64b only

   e_phnum 0  ?do
      dup i get-phdr  to phdr
      p_type pt_load =  p_vaddr h# a0.0000 >  and  if
         \ allocate 4MB segs for text & data
         p_vaddr  4meg 1-  and  if
            p_memsz p_vaddr  vmem-alloc  drop
            p_memsz p_vaddr  vmem-alloc-4mb  drop
   loop  drop                   (  )

: load-file  ( -- virt )
   get-targ  open-path              ( fd )
   loader-base over  get-file  if   ( fd alloc-sz virt size )
      " Boot load failed" die
   to file-sz                       ( fd alloc-sz virt )
   swap  to rd-alloc-sz             ( fd virt )
   swap  fs-close                   ( virt )

: setup-props  ( virt -- virt )
   dup get-type
   is-archive?  if
      dup file-sz  setup-ramdisk

: exec-file  ( virt -- )
   is-elf?  if
      dup  fix-elf-mem
   is-archive?  if  >bootblk  then          ( virt' )
   " to load-base init-program"  evaluate

: do-boot ( -- )
   halt?  if
      ." Halted with -H flag. " cr
   zflag?  nested? invert  and  if
      fs-name$  open-zfs-fs
   load-file                        ( virt )
   exec-file                        (  )

\ Tadpole proms don't initialize my-self
0 to my-self
