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.TH SLPREG 3SLP "Jan 16, 2003"
SLPReg \- register an SLP advertisement
cc [ \fIflag\fR... ] \fIfile\fR... \fB-lslp\fR [ \fIlibrary\fR... ]
#include <slp.h>

\fBSLPError\fR \fBSLPReg\fR(\fBSLPHandle\fR \fIhSLP\fR, \fBconst char *\fR\fIpcSrvURL\fR,
     \fBconst unsigned short\fR \fIusLifetime\fR, \fBconst char *\fR\fIpcSrvType\fR,
     \fBconst char *\fR\fIpcAttrs\fR, \fBSLPBoolean\fR \fIfresh\fR,
     \fBSLPRegReport\fR \fIcallback\fR, \fBvoid *\fR\fIpvCookie\fR);

The \fBSLPReg()\fR function registers the  \fBURL\fR  in \fIpcSrvURL\fR  having
the  lifetime  \fIusLifetime\fR with  the attribute  list in  \fIpcAttrs\fR.
The  \fIpcAttrs\fR list is  a comma-separated list of  attribute  assignments
in on-the-wire format (including  escaping  of  reserved  characters).   The
\fIsLifetime\fR  parameter  must  be  nonzero  and less than or equal to
\fBSLP_LIFETIME_MAXIMUM\fR. If the fresh  flag is  \fBSLP_TRUE\fR, then the
registration is  new, the \fBSLP\fR protocol  \fIfresh\fR  flag is set, and the
registration replaces any existing registrations.
The \fIpcSrvType\fR parameter is a service type name and can be included for
service \fBURL\fRs that are not in the service:  scheme.  If the \fBURL\fR is
in the service:  scheme, the \fIpcSrvType\fR parameter is ignored.  If the
fresh flag is \fBSLP_FALSE\fR, then an existing registration is updated. Rules
for new and updated registrations, and the format for \fIpcAttrs\fR and
\fIpcScopeList\fR, can be found in \fIRFC 2608\fR. Registrations and updates
take place in the language locale of the \fIhSLP\fR handle.
The \fBAPI\fR library is required to perform the operation in all scopes
obtained through configuration.
.ne 2
.RS 14n
The language specific  \fBSLPHandle\fR on which to  register the advertisement.
\fIhSLP\fR cannot be \fINULL\fR.

.ne 2
.RS 14n
The \fBURL\fR  to register.  The value of \fIpcSrvURL\fR cannot be \fINULL\fR
or the  empty  string.

.ne 2
.RS 14n
An \fBunsigned short\fR giving the life time of the service advertisement, in
seconds.  The value must be an unsigned integer less than or equal to

.ne 2
.RS 14n
The service type. If \fIpURL\fR is  a service: URL, then this parameter is
ignored. \fIpcSrvType\fR cannot be \fINULL\fR.

.ne 2
.RS 14n
A  comma-separated   list  of  attribute   assignment expressions for the
attributes of the  advertisement. \fIpcAttrs\fR  cannot  be \fINULL\fR.  Use
the empty  string,  \fB""\fR,  to indicate no attributes.

.ne 2
.RS 14n
An \fBSLPBoolean\fR that is \fBSLP_TRUE\fR if the registration is new or
\fBSLP_FALSE\fR if it is a reregistration.

.ne 2
.RS 14n
A callback to report the operation completion  status. \fIcallback\fR cannot be

.ne 2
.RS 14n
Memory passed to the callback code from the client.  \fIpvCookie\fR can be

This function or its callback may return any \fBSLP\fR error code. See the
ERRORS section in \fBslp_api\fR(3SLP).
\fBExample 1 \fRAn Initial Registration
The following example shows an initial registration for the
"\fBservice:video://bldg15\fR" camera service for three hours:

.in +2
SLPError err;
SLPHandle hSLP;
SLPRegReport regreport;
err = SLPReg(hSLP, "service:video://bldg15",
     10800, "", "(location=B15-corridor),
     (scan-rate=100)", SLP_TRUE,
     regRpt, NULL);
.in -2

.ne 2
.RS 17n
When set, use this file for configuration.

\fBslpd\fR(1M), \fBslp_api\fR(3SLP), \fBslp.conf\fR(4), \fBslpd.reg\fR(4),
\fISystem Administration Guide: Network Services\fR
Guttman, E.,  Perkins, C., Veizades, J., and Day, M.,\fIRFC 2608, Service
Location Protocol, Version 2\fR. The Internet Society. June 1999.
Kempf, J. and Guttman, E. \fIRFC 2614, An API for Service Location\fR. The
Internet Society. June 1999.