/* : : generated by proto : : */ /*********************************************************************** * * * This software is part of the ast package * * Copyright (c) 1982-2009 AT&T Intellectual Property * * and is licensed under the * * Common Public License, Version 1.0 * * by AT&T Intellectual Property * * * * A copy of the License is available at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.txt * * (with md5 checksum 059e8cd6165cb4c31e351f2b69388fd9) * * * * Information and Software Systems Research * * AT&T Research * * Florham Park NJ * * * * David Korn <dgk@research.att.com> * * * ***********************************************************************/ #ifndef NV_DEFAULT #if !defined(__PROTO__) #include <prototyped.h> #endif #if !defined(__LINKAGE__) #define __LINKAGE__ /* 2004-08-11 transition */ #endif /* * David Korn * AT&T Labs * * Interface definitions of structures for name-value pairs * These structures are used for named variables, functions and aliases * */ #include <ast.h> #include <cdt.h> #include <option.h> /* for compatibility with old hash library */ #define Hashtab_t Dt_t #define HASH_BUCKET 1 #define HASH_NOSCOPE 2 #define HASH_SCOPE 4 #define hashscope(x) dtvnext(x) typedef struct Namval Namval_t; typedef struct Namfun Namfun_t; typedef struct Namdisc Namdisc_t; typedef struct Nambfun Nambfun_t; typedef struct Namarray Namarr_t; typedef struct Namdecl Namdecl_t; /* * This defines the template for nodes that have their own assignment * and or lookup functions */ struct Namdisc { size_t dsize; void (*putval) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, const char*, int, Namfun_t*)); char *(*getval) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Namfun_t*)); Sfdouble_t (*getnum) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Namfun_t*)); char *(*setdisc) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, const char*, Namval_t*, Namfun_t*)); Namval_t *(*createf) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, const char*, int, Namfun_t*)); Namfun_t *(*clonef) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Namval_t*, int, Namfun_t*)); char *(*namef) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Namfun_t*)); Namval_t *(*nextf) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Dt_t*, Namfun_t*)); Namval_t *(*typef) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Namfun_t*)); int (*readf) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Sfio_t*, int, Namfun_t*)); int (*writef) __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Sfio_t*, int, Namfun_t*)); }; struct Namfun { const Namdisc_t *disc; char nofree; unsigned char subshell; unsigned short dsize; Namfun_t *next; char *last; Namval_t *type; }; struct Nambfun { Namfun_t fun; int num; const char **bnames; Namval_t *bltins[1]; }; /* This is an array template header */ struct Namarray { Namfun_t hdr; long nelem; /* number of elements */ __V_ *(*fun) __PROTO__((Namval_t*,const char*,int)); /* associative arrays */ Namval_t *parent; /* for multi-dimensional */ Dt_t *table; /* for subscripts */ __V_ *scope; /* non-zerp when scoped */ }; /* The context pointer for declaration command */ struct Namdecl { Namval_t *tp; /* point to type */ const char *optstring; __V_ *optinfof; }; /* attributes of name-value node attribute flags */ #define NV_DEFAULT 0 /* This defines the attributes for an attributed name-value pair node */ struct Namval { Dtlink_t nvlink; /* space for cdt links */ char *nvname; /* pointer to name of the node */ unsigned short nvflag; /* attributes */ unsigned short nvsize; /* size or base */ #ifdef _NV_PRIVATE _NV_PRIVATE #else Namfun_t *nvfun; char *nvalue; char *nvprivate; #endif /* _NV_PRIVATE */ }; #define NV_CLASS ".sh.type" #define NV_DATA "_" /* special class or instance variable */ #define NV_MINSZ (sizeof(struct Namval)-sizeof(Dtlink_t)-sizeof(char*)) #define nv_namptr(p,n) ((Namval_t*)((char*)(p)+(n)*NV_MINSZ-sizeof(Dtlink_t))) /* The following attributes are for internal use */ #define NV_NOFREE 0x200 /* don't free the space when releasing value */ #define NV_ARRAY 0x400 /* node is an array */ #define NV_REF 0x4000 /* reference bit */ #define NV_TABLE 0x800 /* node is a dictionary table */ #define NV_IMPORT 0x1000 /* value imported from environment */ #define NV_MINIMAL NV_IMPORT /* node does not contain all fields */ #define NV_INTEGER 0x2 /* integer attribute */ /* The following attributes are valid only when NV_INTEGER is off */ #define NV_LTOU 0x4 /* convert to uppercase */ #define NV_UTOL 0x8 /* convert to lowercase */ #define NV_ZFILL 0x10 /* right justify and fill with leading zeros */ #define NV_RJUST 0x20 /* right justify and blank fill */ #define NV_LJUST 0x40 /* left justify and blank fill */ #define NV_BINARY 0x100 /* fixed size data buffer */ #define NV_RAW NV_LJUST /* used only with NV_BINARY */ #define NV_HOST (NV_RJUST|NV_LJUST) /* map to host filename */ /* The following attributes do not effect the value */ #define NV_RDONLY 0x1 /* readonly bit */ #define NV_EXPORT 0x2000 /* export bit */ #define NV_TAGGED 0x8000 /* user define tag bit */ /* The following are used with NV_INTEGER */ #define NV_SHORT (NV_RJUST) /* when integers are not long */ #define NV_LONG (NV_UTOL) /* for long long and long double */ #define NV_UNSIGN (NV_LTOU) /* for unsigned quantities */ #define NV_DOUBLE (NV_INTEGER|NV_ZFILL) /* for floating point */ #define NV_EXPNOTE (NV_LJUST) /* for scientific notation */ #define NV_HEXFLOAT (NV_LTOU) /* for C99 base16 float notation */ /* options for nv_open */ #define NV_APPEND 0x10000 /* append value */ #define NV_MOVE 0x8000000 /* for use with nv_clone */ #define NV_ADD 8 /* add node if not found */ #define NV_ASSIGN NV_NOFREE /* assignment is possible */ #define NV_NOASSIGN 0 /* backward compatibility */ #define NV_NOARRAY 0x200000 /* array name not possible */ #define NV_IARRAY 0x400000 /* for indexed array */ #define NV_NOREF NV_REF /* don't follow reference */ #define NV_IDENT 0x80 /* name must be identifier */ #define NV_VARNAME 0x20000 /* name must be ?(.)id*(.id) */ #define NV_NOADD 0x40000 /* do not add node */ #define NV_NOSCOPE 0x80000 /* look only in current scope */ #define NV_NOFAIL 0x100000 /* return 0 on failure, no msg */ #define NV_NODISC NV_IDENT /* ignore disciplines */ #define NV_FUNCT NV_IDENT /* option for nv_create */ #define NV_BLTINOPT NV_ZFILL /* mark builtins in libcmd */ #define NV_PUBLIC (~(NV_NOSCOPE|NV_ASSIGN|NV_IDENT|NV_VARNAME|NV_NOADD)) /* numeric types */ #define NV_INT16P (NV_LJUST|NV_SHORT|NV_INTEGER) #define NV_INT16 (NV_SHORT|NV_INTEGER) #define NV_UINT16 (NV_UNSIGN|NV_SHORT|NV_INTEGER) #define NV_UINT16P (NV_LJUSTNV_UNSIGN|NV_SHORT|NV_INTEGER) #define NV_INT32 (NV_INTEGER) #define NV_UNT32 (NV_UNSIGN|NV_INTEGER) #define NV_INT64 (NV_LONG|NV_INTEGER) #define NV_UINT64 (NV_UNSIGN|NV_LONG|NV_INTEGER) #define NV_FLOAT (NV_SHORT|NV_DOUBLE) #define NV_LDOUBLE (NV_LONG|NV_DOUBLE) /* name-value pair macros */ #define nv_isattr(np,f) ((np)->nvflag & (f)) #define nv_onattr(n,f) ((n)->nvflag |= (f)) #define nv_offattr(n,f) ((n)->nvflag &= ~(f)) #define nv_isarray(np) (nv_isattr((np),NV_ARRAY)) /* The following are operations for associative arrays */ #define NV_AINIT 1 /* initialize */ #define NV_AFREE 2 /* free array */ #define NV_ANEXT 3 /* advance to next subscript */ #define NV_ANAME 4 /* return subscript name */ #define NV_ADELETE 5 /* delete current subscript */ #define NV_AADD 6 /* add subscript if not found */ #define NV_ACURRENT 7 /* return current subscript Namval_t* */ #define NV_ASETSUB 8 /* set current subscript */ /* The following are for nv_disc */ #define NV_FIRST 1 #define NV_LAST 2 #define NV_POP 3 #define NV_CLONE 4 /* The following are operations for nv_putsub() */ #define ARRAY_BITS 22 #define ARRAY_ADD (1L<<ARRAY_BITS) /* add subscript if not found */ #define ARRAY_SCAN (2L<<ARRAY_BITS) /* For ${array[@]} */ #define ARRAY_UNDEF (4L<<ARRAY_BITS) /* For ${array} */ /* These are disciplines provided by the library for use with nv_discfun */ #define NV_DCADD 0 /* used to add named disciplines */ #define NV_DCRESTRICT 1 /* variable that are restricted in rsh */ #if defined(__EXPORT__) && defined(_DLL) # ifdef _BLD_shell #undef __MANGLE__ #define __MANGLE__ __LINKAGE__ __EXPORT__ # else #undef __MANGLE__ #define __MANGLE__ __LINKAGE__ __IMPORT__ # endif /* _BLD_shell */ #endif /* _DLL */ /* prototype for array interface*/ extern __MANGLE__ Namarr_t *nv_arrayptr __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ Namarr_t *nv_setarray __PROTO__((Namval_t*,__V_*(*)(Namval_t*,const char*,int))); extern __MANGLE__ int nv_arraynsub __PROTO__((Namarr_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ __V_ *nv_associative __PROTO__((Namval_t*,const char*,int)); extern __MANGLE__ int nv_aindex __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ int nv_nextsub __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ char *nv_getsub __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ Namval_t *nv_putsub __PROTO__((Namval_t*, char*, long)); extern __MANGLE__ Namval_t *nv_opensub __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); /* name-value pair function prototypes */ extern __MANGLE__ int nv_adddisc __PROTO__((Namval_t*, const char**, Namval_t**)); extern __MANGLE__ int nv_clone __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Namval_t*, int)); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_close __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ __V_ *nv_context __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ Namval_t *nv_create __PROTO__((const char*, Dt_t*, int,Namfun_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_delete __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Dt_t*, int)); extern __MANGLE__ Dt_t *nv_dict __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ Sfdouble_t nv_getn __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Namfun_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ Sfdouble_t nv_getnum __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ char *nv_getv __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Namfun_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ char *nv_getval __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ Namfun_t *nv_hasdisc __PROTO__((Namval_t*, const Namdisc_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ int nv_isnull __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ Namfun_t *nv_isvtree __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ Namval_t *nv_lastdict __PROTO__((void)); extern __MANGLE__ Namval_t *nv_mkinttype __PROTO__((char*, size_t, int, const char*, Namdisc_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_newattr __PROTO__((Namval_t*,unsigned,int)); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_newtype __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ Namval_t *nv_open __PROTO__((const char*,Dt_t*,int)); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_putval __PROTO__((Namval_t*,const char*,int)); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_putv __PROTO__((Namval_t*,const char*,int,Namfun_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ int nv_rename __PROTO__((Namval_t*,int)); extern __MANGLE__ int nv_scan __PROTO__((Dt_t*,void(*)(Namval_t*,__V_*),__V_*,int,int)); extern __MANGLE__ char *nv_setdisc __PROTO__((Namval_t*,const char*,Namval_t*,Namfun_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_setref __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Dt_t*,int)); extern __MANGLE__ int nv_settype __PROTO__((Namval_t*, Namval_t*, int)); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_setvec __PROTO__((Namval_t*,int,int,char*[])); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_setvtree __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ int nv_setsize __PROTO__((Namval_t*,int)); extern __MANGLE__ Namfun_t *nv_disc __PROTO__((Namval_t*,Namfun_t*,int)); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_unset __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); /*obsolete */ extern __MANGLE__ void _nv_unset __PROTO__((Namval_t*,int)); extern __MANGLE__ Namval_t *nv_search __PROTO__((const char *, Dt_t*, int)); extern __MANGLE__ char *nv_name __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ Namval_t *nv_type __PROTO__((Namval_t*)); extern __MANGLE__ void nv_addtype __PROTO__((Namval_t*,const char*, Optdisc_t*, size_t)); extern __MANGLE__ const Namdisc_t *nv_discfun __PROTO__((int)); #ifdef _DLL #undef __MANGLE__ #define __MANGLE__ __LINKAGE__ #endif /* _DLL */ #define nv_unset(np) _nv_unset(np,0) #define nv_size(np) nv_setsize((np),-1) #define nv_stack(np,nf) nv_disc(np,nf,0) #if 0 /* * The names of many functions were changed in early '95 * Here is a mapping to the old names */ # define nv_istype(np) nv_isattr(np) # define nv_newtype(np) nv_newattr(np) # define nv_namset(np,a,b) nv_open(np,a,b) # define nv_free(np) nv_unset(np,0) # define nv_settype(np,a,b,c) nv_setdisc(np,a,b,c) # define nv_search(np,a,b) nv_open(np,a,((b)?0:NV_NOADD)) # define settype setdisc #endif #endif /* NV_DEFAULT */