/*********************************************************************** * * * This software is part of the ast package * * Copyright (c) 1982-2009 AT&T Intellectual Property * * and is licensed under the * * Common Public License, Version 1.0 * * by AT&T Intellectual Property * * * * A copy of the License is available at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.txt * * (with md5 checksum 059e8cd6165cb4c31e351f2b69388fd9) * * * * Information and Software Systems Research * * AT&T Research * * Florham Park NJ * * * * David Korn <dgk@research.att.com> * * * ***********************************************************************/ #pragma prototyped /* * Shell arithmetic - uses streval library * David Korn * AT&T Labs */ #include "defs.h" #include "lexstates.h" #include "name.h" #include "streval.h" #include "variables.h" #ifndef LLONG_MAX #define LLONG_MAX LONG_MAX #endif static Sfdouble_t NaN, Inf, Fun; static Namval_t Infnod = { { 0 }, "Inf", NV_NOFREE|NV_LDOUBLE,NV_RDONLY }; static Namval_t NaNnod = { { 0 }, "NaN", NV_NOFREE|NV_LDOUBLE,NV_RDONLY }; static Namval_t FunNode = { { 0 }, "?", NV_NOFREE|NV_LDOUBLE,NV_RDONLY }; static Namval_t *scope(Shell_t *shp,register Namval_t *np,register struct lval *lvalue,int assign) { register Namarr_t *ap; register int flag = lvalue->flag; register char *sub=0, *cp=(char*)np; register Namval_t *mp; int flags = HASH_NOSCOPE|HASH_SCOPE|HASH_BUCKET; Dt_t *sdict = (shp->st.real_fun? shp->st.real_fun->sdict:0); Dt_t *root = shp->var_tree; assign = assign?NV_ASSIGN:NV_NOASSIGN; if(cp>=lvalue->expr && cp < lvalue->expr+lvalue->elen) { int offset; /* do binding to node now */ int c = cp[flag]; cp[flag] = 0; if((!(np = nv_open(cp,shp->var_tree,assign|NV_VARNAME|NV_NOADD|NV_NOFAIL)) || nv_isnull(np)) && sh_macfun(shp,cp, offset = staktell())) { Fun = sh_arith(sub=stakptr(offset)); FunNode.nvalue.ldp = &Fun; cp[flag] = c; return(&FunNode); } if(!np && assign) np = nv_open(cp,shp->var_tree,assign|NV_VARNAME); if(!np) return(0); root = shp->last_root; cp[flag] = c; if(cp[flag+1]=='[') flag++; else flag = 0; cp = (char*)np; } if((lvalue->emode&ARITH_COMP) && dtvnext(root) && ((mp=nv_search(cp,root,flags))||(sdict && (mp=nv_search(cp,sdict,flags))))) { while(nv_isref(mp)) { sub = nv_refsub(mp); mp = nv_refnode(mp); } np = mp; } if(flag || sub) { if(!sub) sub = (char*)&lvalue->expr[flag]; nv_endsubscript(np,sub,NV_ADD|NV_SUBQUOTE); } return(np); } static Sfdouble_t arith(const char **ptr, struct lval *lvalue, int type, Sfdouble_t n) { Shell_t *shp = &sh; register Sfdouble_t r= 0; char *str = (char*)*ptr; register char *cp; switch(type) { case ASSIGN: { register Namval_t *np = (Namval_t*)(lvalue->value); np = scope(shp,np,lvalue,1); nv_putval(np, (char*)&n, NV_LDOUBLE); r=nv_getnum(np); break; } case LOOKUP: { register int c = *str; register char *xp=str; lvalue->value = (char*)0; if(c=='.') str++; c = mbchar(str); if(isaletter(c)) { register Namval_t *np; int dot=0; while(1) { while(xp=str, c=mbchar(str), isaname(c)); str = xp; if(c=='[' && dot==NV_NOADD) { str = nv_endsubscript((Namval_t*)0,str,0); c = *str; } if(c!='.') break; dot=NV_NOADD; if((c = *++str) !='[') continue; str = nv_endsubscript((Namval_t*)0,cp=str,NV_SUBQUOTE)-1; if(sh_checkid(cp+1,(char*)0)) str -=2; } if(c=='(') { int fsize = str- (char*)(*ptr); const struct mathtab *tp; c = **ptr; lvalue->fun = 0; if(fsize<=(sizeof(tp->fname)-2)) for(tp=shtab_math; *tp->fname; tp++) { if(*tp->fname > c) break; if(tp->fname[1]==c && tp->fname[fsize+1]==0 && strncmp(&tp->fname[1],*ptr,fsize)==0) { lvalue->fun = tp->fnptr; lvalue->nargs = *tp->fname; break; } } if(lvalue->fun) break; lvalue->value = (char*)ERROR_dictionary(e_function); return(r); } if((lvalue->emode&ARITH_COMP) && dot) { lvalue->value = (char*)*ptr; lvalue->flag = str-lvalue->value; break; } *str = 0; if(sh_isoption(SH_NOEXEC)) np = L_ARGNOD; else { int offset = staktell(); char *saveptr = stakfreeze(0); Dt_t *root = (lvalue->emode&ARITH_COMP)?shp->var_base:shp->var_tree; *str = c; while(c=='[' || c=='.') { if(c=='[') { str = nv_endsubscript(np,cp=str,0); if((c= *str)!='[' && c!='.') { str = cp; c = '['; break; } } else { dot = NV_NOADD|NV_NOFAIL; str++; while(xp=str, c=mbchar(str), isaname(c)); str = xp; } } *str = 0; cp = (char*)*ptr; if ((cp[0] == 'i' || cp[0] == 'I') && (cp[1] == 'n' || cp[1] == 'N') && (cp[2] == 'f' || cp[2] == 'F') && cp[3] == 0) { Inf = strtold("Inf", NiL); Infnod.nvalue.ldp = &Inf; np = &Infnod; } else if ((cp[0] == 'n' || cp[0] == 'N') && (cp[1] == 'a' || cp[1] == 'A') && (cp[2] == 'n' || cp[2] == 'N') && cp[3] == 0) { NaN = strtold("NaN", NiL); NaNnod.nvalue.ldp = &NaN; np = &NaNnod; } else if(!(np = nv_open(*ptr,root,NV_NOASSIGN|NV_VARNAME|dot))) { lvalue->value = (char*)*ptr; lvalue->flag = str-lvalue->value; } if(saveptr != stakptr(0)) stakset(saveptr,offset); else stakseek(offset); } *str = c; if(!np && lvalue->value) break; lvalue->value = (char*)np; /* bind subscript later */ if(nv_isattr(np,NV_DOUBLE)==NV_DOUBLE) lvalue->isfloat=1; lvalue->flag = 0; if(c=='[') { lvalue->flag = (str-lvalue->expr); do str = nv_endsubscript(np,str,0); while((c= *str)=='['); break; } } else { char lastbase=0, *val = xp, oerrno = errno; errno = 0; r = strtonll(val,&str, &lastbase,-1); if(*str=='8' || *str=='9') { lastbase=10; errno = 0; r = strtonll(val,&str, &lastbase,-1); } if(lastbase<=1) lastbase=10; if(*val=='0') { while(*val=='0') val++; if(*val==0 || *val=='.' || *val=='x' || *val=='X') val--; } if(r==LLONG_MAX && errno) c='e'; else c = *str; if(c==GETDECIMAL(0) || c=='e' || c == 'E' || lastbase == 16 && (c == 'p' || c == 'P')) { lvalue->isfloat=1; r = strtold(val,&str); } else if(lastbase==10 && val[1]) { if(val[2]=='#') val += 3; if((str-val)>2*sizeof(Sflong_t)) { Sfdouble_t rr; rr = strtold(val,&str); if(rr!=r) { r = rr; lvalue->isfloat=1; } } } errno = oerrno; } break; } case VALUE: { register Namval_t *np = (Namval_t*)(lvalue->value); if(sh_isoption(SH_NOEXEC)) return(0); np = scope(shp,np,lvalue,0); if(!np) { if(sh_isoption(SH_NOUNSET)) { *ptr = lvalue->value; goto skip; } return(0); } if(((lvalue->emode&2) || lvalue->level>1 || sh_isoption(SH_NOUNSET)) && nv_isnull(np) && !nv_isattr(np,NV_INTEGER)) { *ptr = nv_name(np); skip: lvalue->value = (char*)ERROR_dictionary(e_notset); lvalue->emode |= 010; return(0); } r = nv_getnum(np); if(nv_isattr(np,NV_INTEGER|NV_BINARY)==(NV_INTEGER|NV_BINARY)) lvalue->isfloat= (r!=(Sflong_t)r); else if(nv_isattr(np,NV_DOUBLE)==NV_DOUBLE) lvalue->isfloat=1; return(r); } case MESSAGE: sfsync(NIL(Sfio_t*)); #if 0 if(warn) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_warn(0),lvalue->value,*ptr); else #endif errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_exit((lvalue->emode&3)!=0),lvalue->value,*ptr); } *ptr = str; return(r); } /* * convert number defined by string to a Sfdouble_t * ptr is set to the last character processed * if mode>0, an error will be fatal with value <mode> */ Sfdouble_t sh_strnum(register const char *str, char** ptr, int mode) { register Sfdouble_t d; char base=0, *last; if(*str==0) { if(ptr) *ptr = (char*)str; return(0); } errno = 0; d = strtonll(str,&last,&base,-1); if(*last || errno) { if(!last || *last!='.' || last[1]!='.') d = strval(str,&last,arith,mode); if(!ptr && *last && mode>0) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_exit(1),e_lexbadchar,*last,str); } else if (!d && *str=='-') d = -0.0; if(ptr) *ptr = last; return(d); } Sfdouble_t sh_arith(register const char *str) { return(sh_strnum(str, (char**)0, 1)); } void *sh_arithcomp(register char *str) { const char *ptr = str; Arith_t *ep; ep = arith_compile(str,(char**)&ptr,arith,ARITH_COMP|1); if(*ptr) errormsg(SH_DICT,ERROR_exit(1),e_lexbadchar,*ptr,str); return((void*)ep); }