#!/usr/bin/ksh93 # # CDDL HEADER START # # The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the # Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). # You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # # You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE # or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions # and limitations under the License. # # When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each # file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. # If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the # fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying # information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] # # CDDL HEADER END # # # Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Use is subject to license terms. # # # rssread - a simple RSS2.0 reader with RSS to XHTML to # plaintext conversion. # # Solaris needs /usr/xpg6/bin:/usr/xpg4/bin because the tools in /usr/bin are not POSIX-conformant export PATH=/usr/xpg6/bin:/usr/xpg4/bin:/bin:/usr/bin function printmsg { print -u2 "$*" } function debugmsg { # printmsg "$*" true } function fatal_error { print -u2 "${progname}: $*" exit 1 } typeset -T urlconnection_t=( # public typeset user_agent="ksh93/urlconnection_t" # private variables typeset protocol typeset path1 typeset host typeset path typeset port compound netfd=( integer in=-1 # incoming traffic integer out=-1 # outgoing traffic ) # only used for https compound ssl=( compound fifo=( typeset dir="" typeset in="" typeset out="" ) integer openssl_client_pid=-1 ) # parse HTTP return code, cookies etc. function parse_http_response { nameref response="$1" typeset h statuscode statusmsg i # we use '\r' as additional IFS to filter the final '\r' IFS=$' \t\r' read -r h statuscode statusmsg # read HTTP/1.[01] <code> [[ "$h" != ~(Eil)HTTP/.* ]] && { print -u2 -f $"%s: HTTP/ header missing\n" "$0" ; return 1 ; } [[ "$statuscode" != ~(Elr)[0-9]* ]] && { print -u2 -f $"%s: invalid status code\n" "$0" ; return 1 ; } response.statuscode="$statuscode" response.statusmsg="$statusmsg" # skip remaining headers while IFS='' read -r i ; do [[ "$i" == $'\r' ]] && break # strip '\r' at the end i="${i/~(Er)$'\r'/}" case "$i" in ~(Eli)Content-Type:.*) response.content_type="${i/~(El).*:[[:blank:]]*/}" ;; ~(Eli)Content-Length:[[:blank:]]*[0-9]*) integer response.content_length="${i/~(El).*:[[:blank:]]*/}" ;; ~(Eli)Transfer-Encoding:.*) response.transfer_encoding="${i/~(El).*:[[:blank:]]*/}" ;; esac done return 0 } function cat_http_body { typeset emode="$1" typeset hexchunksize="0" integer chunksize=0 if [[ "${emode}" == "chunked" ]] ; then while IFS=$'\n' read hexchunksize ; do hexchunksize="${hexchunksize//$'\r'/}" [[ "${hexchunksize}" != "" ]] || continue [[ "${hexchunksize}" == ~(Elri)[0-9abcdef]+ ]] || break (( chunksize=16#${hexchunksize} )) (( chunksize > 0 )) || break dd bs=1 count="${chunksize}" 2>/dev/null done else cat fi return 0 } function init_url { _.protocol="${1%://*}" _.path1="${1#*://}" # "http://foo.bat.net/x/y.html" ----> "foo.bat.net/x/y.html" if [[ "${_.protocol}" == ~(Elr)http(|s) ]] ; then _.host="${_.path1%%/*}" _.path="${_.path1#*/}" _.port="${_.host##*:}" fi return 0 } # close connection function close_connection { integer ret if (( _.netfd.in != -1 )) ; then redirect {_.netfd.in}<&- (( _.netfd.in=-1 )) fi if (( _.netfd.in != _.netfd.out && _.netfd.out != -1 )) ; then redirect {_.netfd.out}<&- (( _.netfd.out=-1 )) fi if [[ "${_.protocol}" == "https" ]] ; then wait ${_.ssl.openssl_client_pid} || { print -u2 -f "%s: openssl failed.\n" ; return 1 ; } (( _.ssl.openssl_client_pid=-1 )) rm -r \"${_.ssl.fifo.dir}\" _.ssl.fifo.dir="" fi return 0 } function open_connection { if [[ "${_.protocol}" == "https" ]] ; then _.ssl.fifo.dir="$(mktemp -d)" _.ssl.fifo.in="${_.ssl.fifo.dir}/in" _.ssl.fifo.out="${_.ssl.fifo.dir}/out" # Use "errexit" to leave it at the first error # (this saves lots of if/fi tests for error checking) set -o errexit mkfifo "${_.ssl.fifo.in}" "${_.ssl.fifo.out}" # create async openssl child to handle https openssl s_client -quiet -connect "${_.host}:${_.port}" <"${_.ssl.fifo.in}" >>"${_.ssl.fifo.out}" & _.ssl.openssl_client_pid=$! else redirect {_.netfd.in}<> "/dev/tcp/${_.host}/${_.port}" (( $? != 0 )) && { print -u2 -f "%s: Could not open %s\n" "$0" "${1}" ; return 1 ; } (( _.netfd.out=_.netfd.in )) fi return 0 } function send_request { typeset request="$1" set -o errexit if [[ "${_.protocol}" == "https" ]] ; then print -n -- "${request}\r\n" >> "${_.ssl.fifo.in}" redirect {_.netfd.in}< "${_.ssl.fifo.out}" else print -n -- "${request}\r\n" >&${_.netfd.out} fi return 0 } function cat_url { if [[ "${_.protocol}" == "file" ]] ; then cat "${_.path1}" return $? elif [[ "${_.protocol}" == ~(Elr)http(|s) ]] ; then compound httpresponse # http response # If URL did not contain a port number in the host part then look at the # protocol to get the port number if [[ "${_.port}" == "${_.host}" ]] ; then case "${_.protocol}" in "http") _.port=80 ;; "https") _.port=443 ;; *) _.port="$(getent services "${_.protocol}" | sed 's/[^0-9]*//;s/\/.*//')" ;; esac else _.host="${_.host%:*}" fi printmsg "protocol=${_.protocol} port=${_.port} host=${_.host} path=${_.path}" # prechecks [[ "${_.protocol}" != "" ]] || { print -u2 -f "%s: protocol not set.\n" "$0" ; return 1 ; } [[ "${_.port}" != "" ]] || { print -u2 -f "%s: port not set.\n" "$0" ; return 1 ; } [[ "${_.host}" != "" ]] || { print -u2 -f "%s: host not set.\n" "$0" ; return 1 ; } [[ "${_.path}" != "" ]] || { print -u2 -f "%s: path not set.\n" "$0" ; return 1 ; } _.open_connection # send HTTP request request="GET /${_.path} HTTP/1.1\r\n" request+="Host: ${_.host}\r\n" request+="User-Agent: ${_.user_agent}\r\n" request+="Connection: close\r\n" _.send_request "${request}\r\n" # collect response and send it to stdout { _.parse_http_response httpresponse _.cat_http_body "${httpresponse.transfer_encoding}" } <&${_.netfd.in} _.close_connection return 0 else return 1 fi # notreached } ) function html_entity_to_ascii { typeset buf typeset entity typeset c typeset value # Todo: Add more HTML/MathML entities here # Note we use a static variable (typeset -S) here to make sure we # don't loose the cache data between calls typeset -S -A entity_cache=( # entity to ascii (fixme: add UTF-8 transliterations) ["nbsp"]=' ' ["lt"]='<' ["le"]='<=' ["gt"]='>' ["ge"]='>=' ["amp"]='&' ["quot"]='"' ["apos"]="'" ) buf="" while IFS='' read -r -N 1 c ; do if [[ "$c" != "&" ]] ; then print -n -r -- "${c}" continue fi entity="" while IFS='' read -r -N 1 c ; do case "$c" in ";") break ;; ~(Eilr)[a-z0-9#]) entity+="$c" continue ;; *) # debugmsg "error &${entity}${c}#" print -n -r -- "${entity}${c}" entity="" continue 2 ;; esac done value="" if [[ "${entity_cache["${entity}"]}" != "" ]] ; then # debugmsg "match #${entity}# = #${entity_cache["${entity}"]}#" value="${entity_cache["${entity}"]}" else if [[ "${entity:0:1}" == "#" ]] ; then # decimal literal value="${ printf "\u[${ printf "%x" "${entity:1:8}" ; }]" ; }" elif [[ "${entity:0:7}" == ~(Eilr)[0-9a-f]* ]] ; then # hexadecimal literal value="${ printf "\u[${entity:0:7}]" ; }" else # unknown literal - pass-through value="ENT=|${entity}|" fi entity_cache["${entity}"]="${value}" # debugmsg "lookup #${entity}# = #${entity_cache["${entity}"]}#" fi printf "%s" "${value}" done return 0 } # dumb xhtml handler - no CSS, tables, images, iframes or nested # structures are supported (and we assume that the input is correct # xhtml). The code was written in a trial&&error manner and should be # rewritten to parse xhtml correctly. function handle_html { # we can't use global variables here when multiple callbacks use the same # callback function - but we can use the callback associative array for # variable storage instead nameref callbacks=${1} typeset tag_type="$2" typeset tag_value="$3" case "${tag_type}" in tag_begin) case "${tag_value}" in br) printf "\n" ;; hr) printf "\n-------------------------------------\n" ;; pre) callbacks["html_pre"]='true' ;; p) printf "\n" ;; esac ;; tag_end) case "${tag_value}" in pre) callbacks["html_pre"]='false' ;; esac ;; tag_text) if ${callbacks["html_pre"]} ; then printf "%s" "${tag_value}" else # compress spaces/newlines/tabs/etc. printf "%s" "${tag_value//+([\n\r\t\v[:space:][:blank:]])/ }" fi ;; document_start) callbacks["html_pre"]='false' ;; document_end) ;; esac return 0 } function handle_rss { # we can't use global variables here when multiple callbacks use the same # callback function - but we can use the callback associative array for # variable storage instead nameref callbacks=${1} typeset tag_type="$2" typeset tag_value="$3" case "${tag_type}" in tag_begin) case "${tag_value}" in item) item["title"]="" item["link"]="" item["tag"]="" item["description"]="" ;; esac callbacks["textbuf"]="" ;; tag_end) case "${tag_value}" in item) # note that each RSS item needs to be converted seperately from RSS to HTML to plain text # to make sure that the state of one RSS item doesn't affect others ( printf $"<br />#### RSS item: title: %s ####" "${item["title"]}" printf $"<br />## author: %s" "${item["author"]}" printf $"<br />## link: %s" "${item["link"]}" printf $"<br />## date: %s" "${item["pubDate"]}" printf $"<br />## begin description:" printf $"<br />%s<br />" "${item["description"]}" printf $"<br />## end description<br />" print # extra newline to make sure the sed pipeline gets flushed ) | html_entity_to_ascii | # convert XML entities (e.g. decode RSS content to HTML code) xml_tok "xhtmltok_cb" | # convert HTML to plain text html_entity_to_ascii # convert HTML entities ;; title) item["title"]="${callbacks["textbuf"]}" ; callbacks["textbuf"]="" ;; link) item["link"]="${callbacks["textbuf"]}" ; callbacks["textbuf"]="" ;; dc:creator | author) item["author"]="${callbacks["textbuf"]}" ; callbacks["textbuf"]="" ;; dc:date | pubDate) item["pubDate"]="${callbacks["textbuf"]}" ; callbacks["textbuf"]="" ;; description) item["description"]="${callbacks["textbuf"]}" ; callbacks["textbuf"]="" ;; esac callbacks["textbuf"]="" ;; tag_text) callbacks["textbuf"]+="${tag_value}" ;; document_start) ;; document_end) ;; esac return 0 } function xml_tok { typeset buf="" typeset namebuf="" typeset attrbuf="" typeset c="" typeset isendtag # bool: true/false typeset issingletag # bool: true/false (used for tags like "<br />") nameref callbacks=${1} [[ ! -z "${callbacks["document_start"]}" ]] && ${callbacks["document_start"]} "${1}" "document_start" while IFS='' read -r -N 1 c ; do isendtag=false if [[ "$c" == "<" ]] ; then # flush any text content if [[ "$buf" != "" ]] ; then [[ ! -z "${callbacks["tag_text"]}" ]] && ${callbacks["tag_text"]} "${1}" "tag_text" "$buf" buf="" fi IFS='' read -r -N 1 c if [[ "$c" == "/" ]] ; then isendtag=true else buf="$c" fi IFS='' read -r -d '>' c buf+="$c" # handle comments if [[ "$buf" == ~(El)!-- ]] ; then # did we read the comment completely ? if [[ "$buf" != ~(Elr)!--.*-- ]] ; then buf+=">" while [[ "$buf" != ~(Elr)!--.*-- ]] ; do IFS='' read -r -N 1 c || break buf+="$c" done fi [[ ! -z "${callbacks["tag_comment"]}" ]] && ${callbacks["tag_comment"]} "${1}" "tag_comment" "${buf:3:${#buf}-5}" buf="" continue fi # check if the tag starts and ends at the same time (like "<br />") if [[ "${buf}" == ~(Er).*/ ]] ; then issingletag=true buf="${buf%*/}" else issingletag=false fi # check if the tag has attributes (e.g. space after name) if [[ "$buf" == ~(E)[[:space:][:blank:]] ]] ; then namebuf="${buf%%~(E)[[:space:][:blank:]].*}" attrbuf="${buf#~(E).*[[:space:][:blank:]]}" else namebuf="$buf" attrbuf="" fi if ${isendtag} ; then [[ ! -z "${callbacks["tag_end"]}" ]] && ${callbacks["tag_end"]} "${1}" "tag_end" "$namebuf" else [[ ! -z "${callbacks["tag_begin"]}" ]] && ${callbacks["tag_begin"]} "${1}" "tag_begin" "$namebuf" "$attrbuf" # handle tags like <br/> (which are start- and end-tag in one piece) if ${issingletag} ; then [[ ! -z "${callbacks["tag_end"]}" ]] && ${callbacks["tag_end"]} "${1}" "tag_end" "$namebuf" fi fi buf="" else buf+="$c" fi done [[ ! -z "${callbacks["document_end"]}" ]] && ${callbacks["document_end"]} "${1}" "document_end" "exit_success" print # final newline to make filters like "sed" happy } # return the value of LC_MESSAGES needed for subprocesses which # want to run in a different locale/encoding function get_lc_messages { [[ "${LC_ALL}" != "" ]] && { print "${LC_ALL}" ; return 0 ; } [[ "${LC_MESSAGES}" != "" ]] && { print "${LC_MESSAGES}" ; return 0 ; } [[ "${LANG}" != "" ]] && { print "${LANG}" ; return 0 ; } print "C" ; return 0 } function do_rssread { # set unicode locale since RSS is encoded in UTF-8 # (and make sure $LC_MESSAGES is set to the parent # process's locale that all error messages are using # the callers locale/encoding) export \ LC_MESSAGES="${ get_lc_messages ; }" \ LC_MONETARY="en_US.UTF-8" \ LC_NUMERIC="en_US.UTF-8" \ LC_COLLATE="en_US.UTF-8" \ LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" \ LC_TIME="en_US.UTF-8" \ LANG="en_US.UTF-8" # return non-zero exit code for this function if the rss processing below fails set -o errexit urlconnection_t hc hc.user_agent="rssread/ksh93(ssl) (2009-08-14; $(uname -s -r -p))" hc.init_url "$1" # need extra newline after cat_url to terminate line with $'\n' # to make "xml_tok" happy data="${ hc.cat_url ; print ; }" print -u2 -f "# Got %d lines of RSS data, processing...\n" "${ wc -l <<< "${data}" ; }" xml_tok "rsstok_cb" <<< "${data}" return 0 } function usage { OPTIND=0 getopts -a "${progname}" "${rssread_usage}" OPT '-?' exit 2 } # make sure we use the ksh93 builtin versions builtin basename builtin cat builtin mkfifo typeset -A rsstok_cb # callbacks for xml_tok rsstok_cb["tag_begin"]="handle_rss" rsstok_cb["tag_end"]="handle_rss" rsstok_cb["tag_text"]="handle_rss" rsstok_cb["textbuf"]="" typeset -A xhtmltok_cb # callbacks for xml_tok xhtmltok_cb["tag_begin"]="handle_html" xhtmltok_cb["tag_end"]="handle_html" xhtmltok_cb["tag_text"]="handle_html" xhtmltok_cb["textbuf"]="" xhtmltok_cb["html_pre"]='false' typeset -A item typeset -A bookmark_urls # "ramdom" urls for testing bookmark_urls=( ["google_blogs_ksh"]="http://blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch_feeds?hl=en&scoring=d&q=(%22ksh93%22%7C%22ksh+93%22+%7C+%22korn93%22+%7C+%22korn+93%22)&ie=utf-8&num=100&output=rss" # OpenSolaris.org sites ["ksh93_integration"]="http://www.opensolaris.org/rss/os/project/ksh93-integration/announcements/rss2.xml" ["ksh93_integration_ssl"]="https://www.opensolaris.org/rss/os/project/ksh93-integration/announcements/rss2.xml" ["shell"]="http://www.opensolaris.org/rss/os/project/shell/announcements/rss2.xml" ["systemz"]="http://www.opensolaris.org/rss/os/project/systemz/announcements/rss2.xml" ["systemz_ssl"]="https://www.opensolaris.org/rss/os/project/systemz/announcements/rss2.xml" # some Sun staff/sites ["blogs_sun_com"]="http://blogs.sun.com/main/feed/entries/rss" ["bigadmin"]="http://www.sun.com/bigadmin/content/rss/motd.xml" ["bigadmin_scripts"]="https://www.sun.com/bigadmin/content/rss/scripts.xml" ["jmcp"]="http://www.jmcp.homeunix.com/roller/jmcp/feed/entries/rss" ["katakai"]="http://blogs.sun.com/katakai/feed/entries/rss" ["alanc"]="http://blogs.sun.com/alanc/feed/entries/rss" ["planetsun"]="http://www.planetsun.org/rss20.xml" ["planetsolaris"]="http://www.planetsolaris.org/rss20.xml" ["planetopensolaris"]="http://planet.opensolaris.org/rss20.xml" ["theregister_uk"]="http://www.theregister.co.uk/headlines.rss" ["heise"]="http://www.heise.de/newsticker/heise.rdf" ["slashdot"]="http://rss.slashdot.org/Slashdot/slashdot" ["wikipedia_command_shells"]="http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Comparison_of_command_shells&feed=rss&action=history" ) typeset progname="${ basename "${0}" ; }" typeset -r rssread_usage=$'+ [-?\n@(#)\$Id: rssread (Roland Mainz) 2009-08-14 \$\n] [-author?Roland Mainz <roland.mainz@sun.com>] [-author?Roland Mainz <roland.mainz@nrubsig.org>] [+NAME?rssread - fetch RSS messages and convert them to plain text] [+DESCRIPTION?\brssread\b RSS to plain text converter which fetches RSS streams via HTTP and converts them from RSS to HTML to plain text in the current locale/encoding.] [I:noiconv?Do not convert data from UTF-8 to current locale/encoding.] [ url ] [+SEE ALSO?\bksh93\b(1), \bshnote\b(1)] ' typeset noiconv=false while getopts -a "${progname}" "${rssread_usage}" OPT ; do # printmsg "## OPT=|${OPT}|, OPTARG=|${OPTARG}|" case ${OPT} in I) noiconv=true ;; +I) noiconv=false ;; *) usage ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND-1)) typeset url="$1" if [[ "${url}" == "" ]] ; then fatal_error $"No url given." fi if [[ "${bookmark_urls[${url}]}" != "" ]] ; then printmsg $"Using bookmark ${url} = ${bookmark_urls[${url}]}" url="${bookmark_urls[${url}]}" fi if ${noiconv} ; then do_rssread "${url}" else do_rssread "${url}" | iconv -f "UTF-8" - - fi exit 0 #EOF.