/* * Copyright (c) 2001 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * All rights reserved. */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" /* * The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape * Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are * Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All * Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): */ /* * tmplout.c: display template library output routines for LDAP clients * */ #include "ldap-int.h" #include "disptmpl.h" #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(aix) || defined(SCOOS) || defined(OSF1) || defined(SOLARIS) #include <time.h> /* for struct tm and ctime */ #endif /* This is totally lame, since it should be coming from time.h, but isn't. */ #if defined(SOLARIS) char *ctime_r(const time_t *, char *, int); #endif static int do_entry2text( LDAP *ld, char *buf, char *base, LDAPMessage *entry, struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl, char **defattrs, char ***defvals, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, unsigned long opts, char *urlprefix ); static int do_entry2text_search( LDAP *ld, char *dn, char *base, LDAPMessage *entry, struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpllist, char **defattrs, char ***defvals, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, unsigned long opts, char *urlprefix ); static int do_vals2text( LDAP *ld, char *buf, char **vals, char *label, int labelwidth, unsigned long syntaxid, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, char *urlprefix ); static int max_label_len( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl ); static int output_label( char *buf, char *label, int width, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int html ); static int output_dn( char *buf, char *dn, int width, int rdncount, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, char *urlprefix ); static void strcat_escaped( char *s1, char *s2 ); static char *time2text( char *ldtimestr, int dateonly ); static long gtime( struct tm *tm ); static int searchaction( LDAP *ld, char *buf, char *base, LDAPMessage *entry, char *dn, struct ldap_tmplitem *tip, int labelwidth, int rdncount, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, char *urlprefix ); #define DEF_LABEL_WIDTH 15 #define SEARCH_TIMEOUT_SECS 120 #define OCATTRNAME "objectClass" #define NONFATAL_LDAP_ERR( err ) ( err == LDAP_SUCCESS || \ err == LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED || err == LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED ) #define DEF_LDAP_URL_PREFIX "ldap:///" int LDAP_CALL ldap_entry2text( LDAP *ld, char *buf, /* NULL for "use internal" */ LDAPMessage *entry, struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl, char **defattrs, char ***defvals, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, unsigned long opts ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_entry2text\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( do_entry2text( ld, buf, NULL, entry, tmpl, defattrs, defvals, writeproc, writeparm, eol, rdncount, opts, NULL )); } int LDAP_CALL ldap_entry2html( LDAP *ld, char *buf, /* NULL for "use internal" */ LDAPMessage *entry, struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl, char **defattrs, char ***defvals, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, unsigned long opts, char *base, char *urlprefix ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_entry2html\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( urlprefix == NULL ) { urlprefix = DEF_LDAP_URL_PREFIX; } return( do_entry2text( ld, buf, base, entry, tmpl, defattrs, defvals, writeproc, writeparm, eol, rdncount, opts, urlprefix )); } static int do_entry2text( LDAP *ld, char *buf, /* NULL for use-internal */ char *base, /* used for search actions */ LDAPMessage *entry, struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl, char **defattrs, char ***defvals, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, unsigned long opts, char *urlprefix /* if non-NULL, do HTML */ ) { int i, err, html, show, labelwidth; int freebuf, freevals; char *dn, **vals; struct ldap_tmplitem *rowp, *colp; if ( !NSLDAPI_VALID_LDAP_POINTER( ld )) { return( LDAP_PARAM_ERROR ); } if ( writeproc == NULL || !NSLDAPI_VALID_LDAPMESSAGE_ENTRY_POINTER( entry )) { err = LDAP_PARAM_ERROR; LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, err, NULL, NULL ); return( err ); } if (( dn = ldap_get_dn( ld, entry )) == NULL ) { return( LDAP_GET_LDERRNO( ld, NULL, NULL ) ); } if ( buf == NULL ) { if (( buf = NSLDAPI_MALLOC( LDAP_DTMPL_BUFSIZ )) == NULL ) { err = LDAP_NO_MEMORY; LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, err, NULL, NULL ); NSLDAPI_FREE( dn ); return( err ); } freebuf = 1; } else { freebuf = 0; } html = ( urlprefix != NULL ); if ( html ) { /* * add HTML intro. and title */ if (!(( opts & LDAP_DISP_OPT_HTMLBODYONLY ) != 0 )) { sprintf( buf, "<HTML>%s<HEAD>%s<TITLE>%s%s - ", eol, eol, eol, ( tmpl == NULL ) ? "Entry" : tmpl->dt_name ); (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); output_dn( buf, dn, 0, rdncount, writeproc, writeparm, "", NULL ); sprintf( buf, "%s</TITLE>%s</HEAD>%s<BODY>%s<H3>%s - ", eol, eol, eol, eol, ( tmpl == NULL ) ? "Entry" : tmpl->dt_name ); (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); output_dn( buf, dn, 0, rdncount, writeproc, writeparm, "", NULL ); sprintf( buf, "</H3>%s", eol ); (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); } if (( opts & LDAP_DISP_OPT_NONLEAF ) != 0 && ( vals = ldap_explode_dn( dn, 0 )) != NULL ) { char *untagged; /* * add "Move Up" link */ sprintf( buf, "<A HREF=\"%s", urlprefix ); for ( i = 1; vals[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { if ( i > 1 ) { strcat_escaped( buf, ", " ); } strcat_escaped( buf, vals[ i ] ); } if ( vals[ 1 ] != NULL ) { untagged = strchr( vals[ 1 ], '=' ); } else { untagged = "=The World"; } sprintf( buf + strlen( buf ), "%s\">Move Up To <EM>%s</EM></A>%s<BR>", ( vals[ 1 ] == NULL ) ? "??one" : "", ( untagged != NULL ) ? untagged + 1 : vals[ 1 ], eol ); (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); /* * add "Browse" link */ untagged = strchr( vals[ 0 ], '=' ); sprintf( buf, "<A HREF=\"%s", urlprefix ); strcat_escaped( buf, dn ); sprintf( buf + strlen( buf ), "??one?(!(objectClass=dsa))\">Browse Below <EM>%s</EM></A>%s%s", ( untagged != NULL ) ? untagged + 1 : vals[ 0 ], eol, eol ); (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); ldap_value_free( vals ); } (*writeproc)( writeparm, "<HR>", 4 ); /* horizontal rule */ } else { (*writeproc)( writeparm, "\"", 1 ); output_dn( buf, dn, 0, rdncount, writeproc, writeparm, "", NULL ); sprintf( buf, "\"%s", eol ); (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); } if ( tmpl != NULL && ( opts & LDAP_DISP_OPT_AUTOLABELWIDTH ) != 0 ) { labelwidth = max_label_len( tmpl ) + 3; } else { labelwidth = DEF_LABEL_WIDTH;; } err = LDAP_SUCCESS; if ( tmpl == NULL ) { BerElement *ber; char *attr; ber = NULL; for ( attr = ldap_first_attribute( ld, entry, &ber ); NONFATAL_LDAP_ERR( err ) && attr != NULL; attr = ldap_next_attribute( ld, entry, ber )) { if (( vals = ldap_get_values( ld, entry, attr )) == NULL ) { freevals = 0; if ( defattrs != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; defattrs[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { if ( strcasecmp( attr, defattrs[ i ] ) == 0 ) { break; } } if ( defattrs[ i ] != NULL ) { vals = defvals[ i ]; } } } else { freevals = 1; } if ( islower( *attr )) { /* cosmetic -- upcase attr. name */ *attr = toupper( *attr ); } err = do_vals2text( ld, buf, vals, attr, labelwidth, LDAP_SYN_CASEIGNORESTR, writeproc, writeparm, eol, rdncount, urlprefix ); if ( freevals ) { ldap_value_free( vals ); } } if ( ber == NULL ) { ber_free( ber, 0 ); } /* * XXX check for errors in ldap_first_attribute/ldap_next_attribute * here (but what should we do if there was one?) */ } else { for ( rowp = ldap_first_tmplrow( tmpl ); NONFATAL_LDAP_ERR( err ) && rowp != NULLTMPLITEM; rowp = ldap_next_tmplrow( tmpl, rowp )) { for ( colp = ldap_first_tmplcol( tmpl, rowp ); colp != NULLTMPLITEM; colp = ldap_next_tmplcol( tmpl, rowp, colp )) { vals = NULL; if ( colp->ti_attrname == NULL || ( vals = ldap_get_values( ld, entry, colp->ti_attrname )) == NULL ) { freevals = 0; if ( !LDAP_IS_TMPLITEM_OPTION_SET( colp, LDAP_DITEM_OPT_HIDEIFEMPTY ) && defattrs != NULL && colp->ti_attrname != NULL ) { for ( i = 0; defattrs[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { if ( strcasecmp( colp->ti_attrname, defattrs[ i ] ) == 0 ) { break; } } if ( defattrs[ i ] != NULL ) { vals = defvals[ i ]; } } } else { freevals = 1; if ( LDAP_IS_TMPLITEM_OPTION_SET( colp, LDAP_DITEM_OPT_SORTVALUES ) && vals[ 0 ] != NULL && vals[ 1 ] != NULL ) { ldap_sort_values(ld, vals, ldap_sort_strcasecmp); } } /* * don't bother even calling do_vals2text() if no values * or boolean with value false and "hide if false" option set */ show = ( vals != NULL && vals[ 0 ] != NULL ); if ( show && LDAP_GET_SYN_TYPE( colp->ti_syntaxid ) == LDAP_SYN_TYPE_BOOLEAN && LDAP_IS_TMPLITEM_OPTION_SET( colp, LDAP_DITEM_OPT_HIDEIFFALSE ) && toupper( vals[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) != 'T' ) { show = 0; } if ( colp->ti_syntaxid == LDAP_SYN_SEARCHACTION ) { if (( opts & LDAP_DISP_OPT_DOSEARCHACTIONS ) != 0 ) { if ( colp->ti_attrname == NULL || ( show && toupper( vals[ 0 ][ 0 ] ) == 'T' )) { err = searchaction( ld, buf, base, entry, dn, colp, labelwidth, rdncount, writeproc, writeparm, eol, urlprefix ); } } show = 0; } if ( show ) { err = do_vals2text( ld, buf, vals, colp->ti_label, labelwidth, colp->ti_syntaxid, writeproc, writeparm, eol, rdncount, urlprefix ); } if ( freevals ) { ldap_value_free( vals ); } } } } if ( html && !(( opts & LDAP_DISP_OPT_HTMLBODYONLY ) != 0 )) { sprintf( buf, "</BODY>%s</HTML>%s", eol, eol ); (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); } NSLDAPI_FREE( dn ); if ( freebuf ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( buf ); } return( err ); } int LDAP_CALL ldap_entry2text_search( LDAP *ld, char *dn, /* if NULL, use entry */ char *base, /* if NULL, no search actions */ LDAPMessage *entry, /* if NULL, use dn */ struct ldap_disptmpl* tmpllist, /* if NULL, load default file */ char **defattrs, char ***defvals, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, /* if 0, display full DN */ unsigned long opts ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_entry2text_search\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( do_entry2text_search( ld, dn, base, entry, tmpllist, defattrs, defvals, writeproc, writeparm, eol, rdncount, opts, NULL )); } int LDAP_CALL ldap_entry2html_search( LDAP *ld, char *dn, /* if NULL, use entry */ char *base, /* if NULL, no search actions */ LDAPMessage *entry, /* if NULL, use dn */ struct ldap_disptmpl* tmpllist, /* if NULL, load default file */ char **defattrs, char ***defvals, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, /* if 0, display full DN */ unsigned long opts, char *urlprefix ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_entry2html_search\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( do_entry2text_search( ld, dn, base, entry, tmpllist, defattrs, defvals, writeproc, writeparm, eol, rdncount, opts, urlprefix )); } static int do_entry2text_search( LDAP *ld, char *dn, /* if NULL, use entry */ char *base, /* if NULL, no search actions */ LDAPMessage *entry, /* if NULL, use dn */ struct ldap_disptmpl* tmpllist, /* if NULL, no template used */ char **defattrs, char ***defvals, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, /* if 0, display full DN */ unsigned long opts, char *urlprefix ) { int err, freedn, html; char *buf, **fetchattrs, **vals; LDAPMessage *ldmp; struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl; struct timeval timeout; if ( !NSLDAPI_VALID_LDAP_POINTER( ld )) { return( LDAP_PARAM_ERROR ); } if ( dn == NULL && entry == NULLMSG ) { err = LDAP_PARAM_ERROR; LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, err, NULL, NULL ); return( err ); } html = ( urlprefix != NULL ); timeout.tv_sec = SEARCH_TIMEOUT_SECS; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if (( buf = NSLDAPI_MALLOC( LDAP_DTMPL_BUFSIZ )) == NULL ) { err = LDAP_NO_MEMORY; LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, err, NULL, NULL ); return( err ); } freedn = 0; tmpl = NULL; if ( dn == NULL ) { if (( dn = ldap_get_dn( ld, entry )) == NULL ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( buf ); return( LDAP_GET_LDERRNO( ld, NULL, NULL ) ); } freedn = 1; } if ( tmpllist != NULL ) { ldmp = NULLMSG; if ( entry == NULL ) { char *ocattrs[2]; ocattrs[0] = OCATTRNAME; ocattrs[1] = NULL; #ifdef CLDAP if ( LDAP_IS_CLDAP( ld )) err = cldap_search_s( ld, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectClass=*", ocattrs, 0, &ldmp, NULL ); else #endif /* CLDAP */ err = ldap_search_st( ld, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectClass=*", ocattrs, 0, &timeout, &ldmp ); if ( err == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { entry = ldap_first_entry( ld, ldmp ); } } if ( entry != NULL ) { vals = ldap_get_values( ld, entry, OCATTRNAME ); tmpl = ldap_oc2template( vals, tmpllist ); if ( vals != NULL ) { ldap_value_free( vals ); } } if ( ldmp != NULL ) { ldap_msgfree( ldmp ); } } entry = NULL; if ( tmpl == NULL ) { fetchattrs = NULL; } else { fetchattrs = ldap_tmplattrs( tmpl, NULL, 1, LDAP_SYN_OPT_DEFER ); } #ifdef CLDAP if ( LDAP_IS_CLDAP( ld )) err = cldap_search_s( ld, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectClass=*", fetchattrs, 0, &ldmp, NULL ); else #endif /* CLDAP */ err = ldap_search_st( ld, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "objectClass=*", fetchattrs, 0, &timeout, &ldmp ); if ( freedn ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( dn ); } if ( fetchattrs != NULL ) { ldap_value_free( fetchattrs ); } if ( err != LDAP_SUCCESS || ( entry = ldap_first_entry( ld, ldmp )) == NULL ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( buf ); return( LDAP_GET_LDERRNO( ld, NULL, NULL ) ); } err = do_entry2text( ld, buf, base, entry, tmpl, defattrs, defvals, writeproc, writeparm, eol, rdncount, opts, urlprefix ); NSLDAPI_FREE( buf ); ldap_msgfree( ldmp ); return( err ); } int LDAP_CALL ldap_vals2text( LDAP *ld, char *buf, /* NULL for "use internal" */ char **vals, char *label, int labelwidth, /* 0 means use default */ unsigned long syntaxid, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_vals2text\n", 0, 0, 0 ); return( do_vals2text( ld, buf, vals, label, labelwidth, syntaxid, writeproc, writeparm, eol, rdncount, NULL )); } int LDAP_CALL ldap_vals2html( LDAP *ld, char *buf, /* NULL for "use internal" */ char **vals, char *label, int labelwidth, /* 0 means use default */ unsigned long syntaxid, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, char *urlprefix ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "ldap_vals2html\n", 0, 0, 0 ); if ( urlprefix == NULL ) { urlprefix = DEF_LDAP_URL_PREFIX; } return( do_vals2text( ld, buf, vals, label, labelwidth, syntaxid, writeproc, writeparm, eol, rdncount, urlprefix )); } static int do_vals2text( LDAP *ld, char *buf, /* NULL for "use internal" */ char **vals, char *label, int labelwidth, /* 0 means use default */ unsigned long syntaxid, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int rdncount, char *urlprefix ) { int err, i, html, writeoutval, freebuf, notascii; char *p, *s, *outval; if ( !NSLDAPI_VALID_LDAP_POINTER( ld ) || writeproc == NULL ) { return( LDAP_PARAM_ERROR ); } if ( vals == NULL ) { return( LDAP_SUCCESS ); } html = ( urlprefix != NULL ); switch( LDAP_GET_SYN_TYPE( syntaxid )) { case LDAP_SYN_TYPE_TEXT: case LDAP_SYN_TYPE_BOOLEAN: break; /* we only bother with these two types... */ default: return( LDAP_SUCCESS ); } if ( labelwidth == 0 || labelwidth < 0 ) { labelwidth = DEF_LABEL_WIDTH; } if ( buf == NULL ) { if (( buf = NSLDAPI_MALLOC( LDAP_DTMPL_BUFSIZ )) == NULL ) { err = LDAP_NO_MEMORY; LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, err, NULL, NULL ); return( err ); } freebuf = 1; } else { freebuf = 0; } output_label( buf, label, labelwidth, writeproc, writeparm, eol, html ); for ( i = 0; vals[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { for ( p = vals[ i ]; *p != '\0'; ++p ) { if ( !isascii( *p )) { break; } } notascii = ( *p != '\0' ); outval = notascii ? dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN, "(unable to display non-ASCII text value)") : vals[ i ]; writeoutval = 0; /* if non-zero, write outval after switch */ switch( syntaxid ) { case LDAP_SYN_CASEIGNORESTR: ++writeoutval; break; case LDAP_SYN_RFC822ADDR: if ( html ) { strcpy( buf, "<DD><A HREF=\"mailto:" ); strcat_escaped( buf, outval ); sprintf( buf + strlen( buf ), "\">%s</A><BR>%s", outval, eol ); (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); } else { ++writeoutval; } break; case LDAP_SYN_DN: /* for now */ output_dn( buf, outval, labelwidth, rdncount, writeproc, writeparm, eol, urlprefix ); break; case LDAP_SYN_MULTILINESTR: if ( i > 0 && !html ) { output_label( buf, label, labelwidth, writeproc, writeparm, eol, html ); } p = s = outval; while (( s = strchr( s, '$' )) != NULL ) { *s++ = '\0'; while ( ldap_utf8isspace( s )) { ++s; } if ( html ) { sprintf( buf, "<DD>%s<BR>%s", p, eol ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%-*s%s%s", labelwidth, " ", p, eol ); } (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); p = s; } outval = p; ++writeoutval; break; case LDAP_SYN_BOOLEAN: outval = toupper( outval[ 0 ] ) == 'T' ? dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN, "TRUE") : dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN, "FALSE"); ++writeoutval; break; case LDAP_SYN_TIME: case LDAP_SYN_DATE: outval = time2text( outval, syntaxid == LDAP_SYN_DATE ); ++writeoutval; break; case LDAP_SYN_LABELEDURL: if ( !notascii && ( p = strchr( outval, '$' )) != NULL ) { *p++ = '\0'; while ( ldap_utf8isspace( p )) { ++p; } s = outval; } else if ( !notascii && ( s = strchr( outval, ' ' )) != NULL ) { *s++ = '\0'; while ( ldap_utf8isspace( s )) { ++s; } p = outval; } else { s = "URL"; p = outval; } /* * at this point `s' points to the label & `p' to the URL */ if ( html ) { sprintf( buf, "<DD><A HREF=\"%s\">%s</A><BR>%s", p, s, eol ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%-*s%s%s%-*s%s%s", labelwidth, " ", s, eol, labelwidth + 2, " ",p , eol ); } (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); break; default: sprintf( buf, dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN, " Can't display item type %ld%s"), syntaxid, eol ); (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); } if ( writeoutval ) { if ( html ) { sprintf( buf, "<DD>%s<BR>%s", outval, eol ); } else { sprintf( buf, "%-*s%s%s", labelwidth, " ", outval, eol ); } (*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )); } } if ( freebuf ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( buf ); } return( LDAP_SUCCESS ); } static int max_label_len( struct ldap_disptmpl *tmpl ) { struct ldap_tmplitem *rowp, *colp; int len, maxlen; maxlen = 0; for ( rowp = ldap_first_tmplrow( tmpl ); rowp != NULLTMPLITEM; rowp = ldap_next_tmplrow( tmpl, rowp )) { for ( colp = ldap_first_tmplcol( tmpl, rowp ); colp != NULLTMPLITEM; colp = ldap_next_tmplcol( tmpl, rowp, colp )) { if (( len = strlen( colp->ti_label )) > maxlen ) { maxlen = len; } } } return( maxlen ); } static int output_label( char *buf, char *label, int width, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, int html ) { char *p; if ( html ) { sprintf( buf, "<DT><B>%s</B>", label ); } else { auto size_t w; sprintf( buf, " %s:", label ); p = buf + strlen( buf ); for (w = ldap_utf8characters(buf); w < (size_t)width; ++w) { *p++ = ' '; } *p = '\0'; strcat( buf, eol ); } return ((*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf ))); } static int output_dn( char *buf, char *dn, int width, int rdncount, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, char *urlprefix ) { char **dnrdns; int i; if (( dnrdns = ldap_explode_dn( dn, 1 )) == NULL ) { return( -1 ); } if ( urlprefix != NULL ) { sprintf( buf, "<DD><A HREF=\"%s", urlprefix ); strcat_escaped( buf, dn ); strcat( buf, "\">" ); } else if ( width > 0 ) { sprintf( buf, "%-*s", width, " " ); } else { *buf = '\0'; } for ( i = 0; dnrdns[ i ] != NULL && ( rdncount == 0 || i < rdncount ); ++i ) { if ( i > 0 ) { strcat( buf, ", " ); } strcat( buf, dnrdns[ i ] ); } if ( urlprefix != NULL ) { strcat( buf, "</A><BR>" ); } ldap_value_free( dnrdns ); strcat( buf, eol ); return ((*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf ))); } #define HREF_CHAR_ACCEPTABLE( c ) (( c >= '-' && c <= '9' ) || \ ( c >= '@' && c <= 'Z' ) || \ ( c == '_' ) || \ ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' )) static void strcat_escaped( char *s1, char *s2 ) { char *p, *q; char *hexdig = "0123456789ABCDEF"; p = s1 + strlen( s1 ); for ( q = s2; *q != '\0'; ++q ) { if ( HREF_CHAR_ACCEPTABLE( *q )) { *p++ = *q; } else { *p++ = '%'; *p++ = hexdig[ 0x0F & ((*(unsigned char*)q) >> 4) ]; *p++ = hexdig[ 0x0F & *q ]; } } *p = '\0'; } #define GET2BYTENUM( p ) (( *p - '0' ) * 10 + ( *(p+1) - '0' )) static char * time2text( char *ldtimestr, int dateonly ) { int len; struct tm t; char *p, *timestr, zone, *fmterr = dgettext(TEXT_DOMAIN, "badly formatted time"); time_t gmttime; /* CTIME for this platform doesn't use this. */ #if !defined(SUNOS4) && !defined(BSDI) && !defined(LINUX1_2) && \ !defined(SNI) && !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(macintosh) && !defined(LINUX) char buf[26]; #endif memset( (char *)&t, 0, sizeof( struct tm )); if (( len = (int)strlen( ldtimestr )) < 13 ) { return( fmterr ); } if ( len > 15 ) { /* throw away excess from 4-digit year time string */ len = 15; } else if ( len == 14 ) { len = 13; /* assume we have a time w/2-digit year (len=13) */ } for ( p = ldtimestr; p - ldtimestr + 1 < len; ++p ) { if ( !isdigit( *p )) { return( fmterr ); } } p = ldtimestr; t.tm_year = GET2BYTENUM( p ); p += 2; if ( len == 15 ) { t.tm_year = 100 * (t.tm_year - 19); t.tm_year += GET2BYTENUM( p ); p += 2; } else { /* 2 digit years...assumed to be in the range (19)70 through (20)69 ...less than 70 (for now, 38) means 20xx */ if(t.tm_year < 70) { t.tm_year += 100; } } t.tm_mon = GET2BYTENUM( p ) - 1; p += 2; t.tm_mday = GET2BYTENUM( p ); p += 2; t.tm_hour = GET2BYTENUM( p ); p += 2; t.tm_min = GET2BYTENUM( p ); p += 2; t.tm_sec = GET2BYTENUM( p ); p += 2; if (( zone = *p ) == 'Z' ) { /* GMT */ zone = '\0'; /* no need to indicate on screen, so we make it null */ } gmttime = gtime( &t ); timestr = NSLDAPI_CTIME( &gmttime, buf, sizeof(buf) ); timestr[ strlen( timestr ) - 1 ] = zone; /* replace trailing newline */ if ( dateonly ) { strcpy( timestr + 11, timestr + 20 ); } return( timestr ); } /* gtime.c - inverse gmtime */ #if !defined( macintosh ) && !defined( _WINDOWS ) && !defined( DOS ) && !defined(XP_OS2) #include <sys/time.h> #endif /* !macintosh */ /* gtime(): the inverse of localtime(). This routine was supplied by Mike Accetta at CMU many years ago. */ static int dmsize[] = { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; #define dysize(y) \ (((y) % 4) ? 365 : (((y) % 100) ? 366 : (((y) % 400) ? 365 : 366))) /* #define YEAR(y) ((y) >= 100 ? (y) : (y) + 1900) */ #define YEAR(y) (((y) < 1900) ? ((y) + 1900) : (y)) /* */ static long gtime ( struct tm *tm ) { register int i, sec, mins, hour, mday, mon, year; register long result; if ((sec = tm -> tm_sec) < 0 || sec > 59 || (mins = tm -> tm_min) < 0 || mins > 59 || (hour = tm -> tm_hour) < 0 || hour > 24 || (mday = tm -> tm_mday) < 1 || mday > 31 || (mon = tm -> tm_mon + 1) < 1 || mon > 12) return ((long) -1); if (hour == 24) { hour = 0; mday++; } year = YEAR (tm -> tm_year); result = 0L; for (i = 1970; i < year; i++) result += dysize (i); if (dysize (year) == 366 && mon >= 3) result++; while (--mon) result += dmsize[mon - 1]; result += mday - 1; result = 24 * result + hour; result = 60 * result + mins; result = 60 * result + sec; return result; } static int searchaction( LDAP *ld, char *buf, char *base, LDAPMessage *entry, char *dn, struct ldap_tmplitem *tip, int labelwidth, int rdncount, writeptype writeproc, void *writeparm, char *eol, char *urlprefix ) { int err = LDAP_SUCCESS, lderr, i, count, html; char **vals, **members; char *value, *filtpattern, *attr, *selectname; char *retattrs[2], filter[ 256 ]; LDAPMessage *ldmp; struct timeval timeout; html = ( urlprefix != NULL ); for ( i = 0; tip->ti_args != NULL && tip->ti_args[ i ] != NULL; ++i ) { ; } if ( i < 3 ) { return( LDAP_PARAM_ERROR ); } attr = tip->ti_args[ 0 ]; filtpattern = tip->ti_args[ 1 ]; retattrs[ 0 ] = tip->ti_args[ 2 ]; retattrs[ 1 ] = NULL; selectname = tip->ti_args[ 3 ]; vals = NULL; if ( attr == NULL ) { value = NULL; } else if ( strcasecmp( attr, "-dnb" ) == 0 ) { return( LDAP_PARAM_ERROR ); } else if ( strcasecmp( attr, "-dnt" ) == 0 ) { value = dn; } else if (( vals = ldap_get_values( ld, entry, attr )) != NULL ) { value = vals[ 0 ]; } else { value = NULL; } ldap_build_filter( filter, sizeof( filter ), filtpattern, NULL, NULL, NULL, value, NULL ); if ( html ) { /* * if we are generating HTML, we add an HREF link that embodies this * search action as an LDAP URL, instead of actually doing the search * now. */ sprintf( buf, "<DT><A HREF=\"%s", urlprefix ); if ( base != NULL ) { strcat_escaped( buf, base ); } strcat( buf, "??sub?" ); strcat_escaped( buf, filter ); sprintf( buf + strlen( buf ), "\"><B>%s</B></A><DD><BR>%s", tip->ti_label, eol ); if ((*writeproc)( writeparm, buf, strlen( buf )) < 0 ) { return( LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR ); } return( LDAP_SUCCESS ); } timeout.tv_sec = SEARCH_TIMEOUT_SECS; timeout.tv_usec = 0; #ifdef CLDAP if ( LDAP_IS_CLDAP( ld )) lderr = cldap_search_s( ld, base, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, retattrs, 0, &ldmp, NULL ); else #endif /* CLDAP */ lderr = ldap_search_st( ld, base, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, retattrs, 0, &timeout, &ldmp ); if ( lderr == LDAP_SUCCESS || NONFATAL_LDAP_ERR( lderr )) { if (( count = ldap_count_entries( ld, ldmp )) > 0 ) { if (( members = (char **)NSLDAPI_MALLOC( (count + 1) * sizeof(char *))) == NULL ) { err = LDAP_NO_MEMORY; } else { for ( i = 0, entry = ldap_first_entry( ld, ldmp ); entry != NULL; entry = ldap_next_entry( ld, entry ), ++i ) { members[ i ] = ldap_get_dn( ld, entry ); } members[ i ] = NULL; ldap_sort_values(ld,members, ldap_sort_strcasecmp); err = do_vals2text( ld, NULL, members, tip->ti_label, html ? -1 : 0, LDAP_SYN_DN, writeproc, writeparm, eol, rdncount, urlprefix ); ldap_value_free( members ); } } ldap_msgfree( ldmp ); } if ( vals != NULL ) { ldap_value_free( vals ); } return(( err == LDAP_SUCCESS ) ? lderr : err ); }