 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
 * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
 * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
 * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
 * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Use is subject to license terms.

#pragma ident	"%Z%%M%	%I%	%E% SMI"

/*	Copyright (c) 1988 AT&T	*/
/*	  All Rights Reserved  	*/

 * fmtmsg.c
 *  Contains:
 *	fmtmsg()	Writes a message in standard format.
 *	addseverity()	Adds a severity definition to the list of known
 *			severity definitions.
 *	Notes:
 *	  - None of these functions can use strtok().

 * Header Files Referenced:
 *	<stdio.h>		C Standard I/O Definitions
 *	<string.h>		C string handling definitions
 *	<fcntl.h>		UNIX file control definitions
 *	<errno.h>		UNIX error numbers and definitions
 *	<fmtmsg.h>		Global definitions for fmtmsg()
 *	<stdlib.h>		miscellaneous function declarations

#pragma weak fmtmsg = _fmtmsg
#pragma weak addseverity = _addseverity
#include "synonyms.h"
#include "mtlib.h"
#include "libc.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fmtmsg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <thread.h>
#include <synch.h>
#include <alloca.h>

 * External functions referenced:
 *	(Others may be defined in header files above)
 *	getenv		Extracts data from the environment
 *	libc_malloc	Allocates space from main memory
 *	libc_free	Frees space allocated via libc_malloc()
 *	strtol		Convert string to "long"
 *	clearerr	Clears an error on a stream (this is to make "lint"
 *			happy)

 * Local Constant Definitions

 * Boolean constants
 *	TRUE	Boolean value for "true" (any bits on)
 *	FALSE	Boolean value for "false" (all bits off)

#ifndef	FALSE
#define	FALSE		(0)

#ifndef TRUE
#define	TRUE		(1)

#define	MAX_MSG_SIZE	1024

 * Keywords for fields named in the MSGVERB environment variable.

#define	ST_LBL		"label"
#define	ST_SEV		"severity"
#define	ST_TXT		"text"
#define	ST_TAG		"tag"
#define	ST_ACT		"action"

 *	The following constants define the value of the "msgverb"
 *	variable.  This variable tells fmtmsg() which parts of the
 *	standard message it is to display.  If !(msgverb&MV_SET),
 *	fmtmsg() will interrogate the "MSGVERB" environment variable
 *	and set "msgverb" accordingly.
 *	NOTE:  This means that if MSGVERB changes after the first call
 *	       to fmtmsg(), it will be ignored.
 *	Constants:
 *		MV_INV	Check MSGVERB environment variable (invalidates value)
 *		MV_SET	MSGVERB checked, msgverb value valid
 *		MV_LBL	"label" selected
 *		MV_SEV	"severity" selected
 *		MV_TXT	"text" selected
 *		MV_TAG	"messageID" selected
 *		MV_ACT	"action" selected
 *		MV_ALL	All components selected
 *		MV_DFLT	Default value for MSGVERB

#define	MV_INV		0
#define	MV_SET		0x0001
#define	MV_LBL		0x0002
#define	MV_SEV		0x0004
#define	MV_TXT		0x0008
#define	MV_TAG		0x0010
#define	MV_ACT		0x0020


 * Strings defining the different severities of a message.
 * Internationalization may demand that these come from the message database

#define	SV_UNK		"UNKNOWN"
#define	SV_HALT		"HALT"
#define	SV_ERROR	"ERROR"
#define	SV_WARN		"WARNING"
#define	SV_INF		"INFO"

 * Text string if none is provided:

#define	DEFLT_TEXT	"No text provided with this message"

 * Text string introduction for "action".  This may have to come from
 * the message database because of internationalization.

#define	ACTINTRO	"TO FIX: "
#define	ACTINTROLN	8

 * SEPSTR is the string that separates the "label" from what follows it,
 * and the severity from what follows it.

#define	SEPSTR		": "
#define	SEPSTRLN	2

 * Miscellaneous constants:
 *	CONNAME		Filesystem entry name for the system console

#define	CONNAME		"/dev/console"

 * Local data type definitions

 * Severity string structure
 *	struct sevstr
 *		sevvalue	Value of the severity-level being defined
 *		sevkywd		Keyword identifying the severity
 *		sevprptr	Pointer to the string associated with the value
 *		sevnext		Pointer to the next value in the list.
 *	Restrictions:
 *		sevvalue	Must be a non-negative integer (>=0)
 *	There are three (possibly null) lists of these structures.
 *	  1)	is the list of standard severities
 *	  2)	is the list of severity-levels defined by SEV_LEVEL
 *	  3)	is the list of severity-levels defined by calls to
 *		addseverity()

struct sevstr {
	int		sevvalue;
	const char	*sevkywd;
	const char	*sevprstr;
	struct sevstr  *sevnext;

 * Local Static Data
 *	msgverb		int
 *			Contains the internal representation or the
 *			MSGVERB environment variable.
 *	sevlook		TRUE if fmtmsg() has to look at SEV_LEVEL the
 *			next time it is called.
 *	paugsevs	struct sevstr *
 *			Head of the linked list of structures that define
 *			severities that augment the standard severities,
 *			as defined by addseverity().
 *	penvsevs	struct sevstrs *
 *			Head of the linked list of structures that define
 *			severities that augment the standard severities,
 *			as defined by SEV_LEVEL.
 *	pstdsevs	struct sevstrs *
 *			Head of the linked list of structures that define
 *			the standard severities.

static mutex_t fmt_lock = DEFAULTMUTEX;

static	int		msgverb		= 0;
static	int		sevlook		= TRUE;

static	struct sevstr  *paugsevs	= (struct sevstr *)NULL;
static	struct sevstr  *penvsevs	= (struct sevstr *)NULL;

static	struct sevstr	sevstrs[]	= {
	{ MM_HALT,	"", SV_HALT,	&sevstrs[1]},
	{ MM_ERROR,    "", SV_ERROR,	&sevstrs[2]},
	{ MM_WARNING,  "", SV_WARN, 	&sevstrs[3]},
	{ MM_INFO,	"", SV_INF,  	(struct sevstr *)NULL},
static	struct sevstr  *pstdsevs	= &sevstrs[0];

 * static char *exttok(str, delims)
 *	const char   *str
 *	const char   *delims
 *	This function examines the string pointed to by "str", looking
 *	for the first occurrence of any of the characters in the string
 *	whose address is "delims".  It returns the address of that
 *	character or (char *)NULL if there was nothing to search.
 * Arguments:
 *	str	Address of the string to search
 *	delims	Address of the string containing delimiters
 * Returns:  char *
 *	Returns the address of the first occurrence of any of the characters
 *	in "delim" in the string "str" (incl '\0').  If there was nothing
 *	to search, the function returns (char *)NULL.
 * Notes:
 *    - This function is needed because strtok() can't be used inside a
 *	function.  Besides, strtok() is destructive in the string, which
 *	is undesirable in many circumstances.
 *    - This function understands escaped delimiters as non-delimiters.
 *	Delimiters are escaped by preceding them with '\' characters.
 *	The '\' character also must be escaped.

static char *
exttok(const char *tok, const char *delims)
	char	*tokend;	/* Ptr to the end of the token */
	char	*p, *q;		/* Temp pointers */

	 * Algorithm:
	 *    1.  Get the starting address(new string or where we
	 *	  left off).  If nothing to search, return(char *)NULL
	 *    2.  Find the end of the string
	 *    3.  Look for the first unescaped delimiter closest to the
	 *	  beginning of the string
	 *    4.  Remember where we left off
	 *    5.  Return a pointer to the delimiter we found

	/* Begin at the beginning, if any */
	if (tok == (char *)NULL) {
		return ((char *)NULL);

	/* Find end of the token string */
	tokend = (char *)tok + (ptrdiff_t)strlen(tok);

	/* Look for the 1st occurrence of any delimiter */
	for (p = (char *)delims; *p != '\0'; p++) {
		for (q = strchr(tok, (int)*p);
		    (q != 0) && (q != tok) && (*(q - (ptrdiff_t)1) == '\\');
		    q = strchr(q + (ptrdiff_t)1, (int)*p))
		if ((q != 0) && (q < tokend))
			tokend = q;

	/* Done */
	return (tokend);

 * char *noesc(str)
 *	This function squeezes out all of the escaped character sequences
 *	from the string <str>.  It returns a pointer to that string.
 *  Arguments:
 *	str	char *
 *		The string that is to have its escaped characters removed.
 *  Returns:  char *
 *	This function returns its argument <str> always.
 *  Notes:
 *	This function potentially modifies the string it is given.

static char *
noesc(char *str)
	char   *p;		/* Temp string pointer */
	char   *q;		/* Temp string pointer */

	/* Look for an escaped character */
	p = str;
	while (*p && (*p != '\\')) p++;

	 * If there was at least one, squeeze them out
	 * Otherwise, don't touch the argument string

	if (*p) {
		q = p++;
		while (*q++ = *p++) {
			if (*p == '\\')

	/* Finished.  Return our argument */
	return (str);

 * struct sevstr *getauxsevs(ptr)
 *	Parses a string that is in the format of the severity definitions.
 *	Returns a pointer to a (malloc'd) structure that contains the
 *	definition, or (struct sevstr *)NULL if none was parsed.
 * Arguments:
 *	ptr	char *
 *		References the string from which data is to be extracted.
 *		If (char *)NULL, continue where we left off.  Otherwise,
 *		start with the string referenced by ptr.
 * Returns: struct sevstr *
 *	A pointer to a malloc'd structure containing the severity definition
 *	parsed from string, or (struct sevstr *)NULL if none.
 * Notes:
 *    - This function is destructive to the string referenced by its argument.

/* Static data */
static	char		*leftoff = (char *)NULL;

static	struct sevstr *
getauxsevs(char *ptr)
	char		*current;	/* Ptr to current sev def'n */
	char		*tokend;	/* Ptr to end of current sev def'n */
	char		*kywd;		/* Ptr to extracted kywd */
	char		*valstr;		/* Ptr to extracted sev value */
	char		*prstr;		/* Ptr to extracted print str */
	char		*p;		/* Temp pointer */
	int		val;		/* Converted severity value */
	int		done;		/* Flag, sev def'n found and ok? */
	struct sevstr  *rtnval;		/* Value to return */

	/* Start anew or start where we left off? */
	current = (ptr == (char *)NULL) ? leftoff : ptr;

	/* If nothing to parse, return (char *)NULL */
	if (current == (char *)NULL) {
		return ((struct sevstr *)NULL);

	 * Look through the string "current" for a token of the form
	 * <kywd>,<sev>,<printstring> delimited by ':' or '\0'

	/* Loop initializations */
	done = FALSE;
	rtnval = (struct sevstr *)NULL;
	while (!done) {
		/* Eat leading junk */
		while (*(tokend = exttok(current, ":,")) == ':') {
			current = tokend + (ptrdiff_t)1;

		/* If we've found a <kywd>,... */
		if (*tokend == ',') {
			kywd = current;
			*tokend = '\0';

			/* Look for <kywd>,<sev>,... */
			current = tokend + (ptrdiff_t)1;
			if (*(tokend = exttok(current, ":,")) == ',') {
				valstr = current;
				*tokend = '\0';

				current = tokend + (ptrdiff_t)1;
				prstr = current;

				/* Make sure <sev> > 4 */
				val = (int)strtol(noesc(valstr), &p, 0);
				if ((val > 4) && (p == tokend)) {

					 * Found <kywd>,<sev>,<printstring>.
					 * remember where we left off

					if (*(tokend =
						exttok(current, ":")) == ':') {
						*tokend = '\0';
						leftoff = tokend +
					} else {
						leftoff = (char *)NULL;

					 * Alloc structure to contain
					 * severity definition
					rtnval = libc_malloc(
					    sizeof (struct sevstr));
					if (rtnval != NULL) {

						/* Fill in structure */
						rtnval->sevkywd = noesc(kywd);
						rtnval->sevvalue = val;
						rtnval->sevprstr = noesc(prstr);
						rtnval->sevnext =
						    (struct sevstr *)NULL;
					done = TRUE;
				} else {
					 * Invalid severity value,
					 * eat thru end of token
					current = tokend;
					if (*(tokend = exttok(prstr, ":")) ==
					    ':') {
			} else {
				 * Invalid severity definition,
				 * eat thru end of token
				current = tokend;
				if (*tokend == ':')
		} else {
			/* End of string found */
			done = TRUE;
			leftoff = (char *)NULL;
	} /* while (!done) */

	/* Finished */
	return (rtnval);

 * void msgverbset()
 *	Parces the argument of the MSGVERB environment variable and places
 *	a representation of the value of that value in "msgverb"
 * Arguments:
 *	None:
 * Returns: void
 * Notes:

static void
	char   *opts;			/* Pointer to MSGVERB's value */
	char   *alloced;		/* Pointer to MSGVERB's value */
	char   *tok;			/* Pointer to current token */
	char   *tokend;			/* Pointer to end of current token */
	char   *nexttok;		/* Pointer to next token */

	/* Rid ourselves of junk in "msgverb" */
	msgverb = 0;

	/* Get the value of MSGVERB.  If none, use default value */
	if ((opts = getenv(MSGVERB)) == (char *)NULL) {
		msgverb = MV_DFLT;
	} else { /* MSGVERB has a value.  Interpret it */
		if ((alloced = libc_malloc(strlen(opts) + 1)) == NULL) {
			msgverb = MV_DFLT;
		} else {
			/* Make a copy of the value of MSGVERB */
			nexttok = strcpy(alloced, opts);

			/* Parse the options given by the user */
			while ((tok = nexttok) != (char *)NULL) {
				 * Find end of the next token and squeeze
				 * out escaped characters
				tokend = exttok(tok, ":");
				tok = noesc(tok);

				/* Delimit token and mark next, if any */
				if (*tokend == ':') {
					nexttok = tokend + (ptrdiff_t)1;
					*tokend = '\0';
				} else {
					nexttok = (char *)NULL;

				/* Check for "text" */
				if (strcmp(tok, ST_TXT) == 0) {
					msgverb |= MV_TXT;

					/* Check for "label" */
				} else if (strcmp(tok, ST_LBL) == 0) {
					msgverb |= MV_LBL;

					/* Check for "action */
				} else if (strcmp(tok, ST_ACT) == 0) {
					msgverb |= MV_ACT;

					/* Check for "severity" */
				} else if (strcmp(tok, ST_SEV) == 0) {
					msgverb |= MV_SEV;

					/* Check for "tag" */
				} else if (strcmp(tok, ST_TAG) == 0) {
					msgverb |= MV_TAG;

					/* Unknown, ignore MSGVERB value */
				} else {
					msgverb = MV_DFLT;
					nexttok = (char *)NULL;
			} /* do while */

			 * Use default if no keywords on MSGVERB
			 * environment variable
			if (msgverb == 0)
				msgverb = MV_DFLT;

			/* Free allocated space */
	/* Finished */
	/* return; */

 * void sevstrset()
 *	This function builds a structure containing auxillary severity
 *	definitions.
 *  Arguments:  None
 *  Returns:  Void

static char *sevspace = (char *)NULL;

static void
	struct sevstr  *plast;
	struct sevstr  *psev;
	char		*value;

	/* Look for SEV_LEVEL definition */
	if ((value = getenv(SEV_LEVEL)) != (char *)NULL) {

		/* Allocate space and make a copy of the value of SEV_LEVEL */
		if ((sevspace = libc_malloc(strlen(value) + 1)) != NULL) {
			(void) strcpy(sevspace, value);

			/* Continue for all severity descriptions */
			psev = getauxsevs(sevspace);
			plast = (struct sevstr *)NULL;
			if (psev != (struct sevstr *)NULL) {
				penvsevs = psev;
				plast = psev;
				while (psev = getauxsevs((char *)NULL)) {
					plast->sevnext = psev;
					plast = psev;
		} /* if sevspace != (char *)NULL */
	} /* if value != (char *)NULL */

 * int addseverity(value, string)
 *	int	value		Value of the severity
 *	const char   *string	Print-string for the severity
 *  Arguments:
 *	value		int
 *			The integer value of the severity being added
 *	string		char *
 *			A pointer to the character-string to be printed
 *			whenever a severity of "value" is printed
 *  Returns:  int
 *	Zero if successful, -1 if failed. The function can fail under
 *	the following circumstances:
 *	  - libc_malloc() fails
 *	  - The "value" is one of the reserved values.
 *	This function permits C applications to define severity-levels
 *	that augment the standard levels and those defined by the
 *	SEV_LEVEL environment variable.

addseverity(int value, const char *string)
	struct sevstr  *p;		/* Temp ptr to severity structs */
	struct sevstr  *q;		/* Temp ptr(follower) to severity */
	int		found;		/* FLAG, element found in the list */
	int		rtnval;		/* Value to return to the caller */

	/* Make sure we're not trying to redefine one of the reserved values */
	if (value <= 4) {
		errno = EINVAL;
		return (-1);


	/* Make sure we've interpreted SEV_LEVEL */

	if (sevlook) {
		sevlook = FALSE;

	 * Leaf through the list.  We may be redefining or removing a
	 * definition
	q = (struct sevstr *)NULL;
	found = FALSE;
	for (p = paugsevs; !found && (p != (struct sevstr *)NULL);
	    p = p->sevnext) {
		if (p->sevvalue == value) {
			/* We've a match.  Remove or modify the entry */
			if (string == (char *)NULL) {
				if (q == (struct sevstr *)NULL) {
					paugsevs = p->sevnext;
				} else {
					q->sevnext = p->sevnext;
			} else {
				p->sevprstr = string;
			found = TRUE;
		q = p;

	/* Adding a definition */
	if (!found && (string != (char *)NULL)) {
		/* Allocate space for the severity structure */
		if ((p = libc_malloc(sizeof (struct sevstr))) == NULL) {
			return (-1);

		 * Fill in the new structure with the data supplied and add to
		 * the head of the augmented severity list.

		p->sevkywd = (char *)NULL;
		p->sevprstr = string;
		p->sevvalue = value;
		p->sevnext = paugsevs;
		paugsevs = p;

		/* Successfully added a new severity */
		rtnval = 0;
	} else if (string == (char *)NULL) {
		/* Attempting to undefined a non-defined severity */
		rtnval = -1;
		errno = EINVAL;
	} else {
		/* Successfully redefined a severity */
		rtnval = 0;
	/* Finished, successful */
	return (rtnval);

 * Utility function for converting an integer to a string, avoiding stdio.
static void
itoa(int n, char *s)
	char buf[12];		/* 32 bits fits in 10 decimal digits */
	char *cp = buf;
	uint_t un = (n < 0)? -n : n;

	do {
		*cp++ = "0123456789"[un % 10];
		un /= 10;
	} while (un);

	if (n < 0)
		*s++ = '-';

	do {
		*s++ = *--cp;
	} while (cp > buf);

	*s = '\0';

 * void writemsg(buf, size, verbosity, label, severity, text, action, tag)
 * Arguments:
 *	char	*buf		The buffer in which to format the message
 *	size_t	size		The size of the buffer
 * 	int	verbosity	A bit-string that indicates which components
 *				are to be written
 * 	const char   *label	The address of the label-component
 * 	int	severity	The severity value of the message
 * 	const char   *text	The address of the text-component
 * 	const char   *action	The address of the action-component
 * 	const char   *tag	The address of the tag-component
 *	This function formats the message consisting of the label-component,
 *	severity-component, text-component, action-component, and tag-
 *	component into the provided buffer.  The "verbosity" argument
 *	tells which components can be selected.  Any or all of the
 *	components can be their null-values.
 * Returns:  void
 * Notes:

static void
writemsg(char *buf, size_t size,
	int verbosity, const char *label, int severity,
	const char *text, const char *action, const char *tag)
	struct sevstr  *psev;		/* Ptr for severity str list */
	char		*p;		/* General purpose pointer */
	char		*sevpstr = NULL;  /* Pointer to severity string */
	int		l1indent;	/* # chars to indent line 1 */
	int		l2indent;	/* # chars to indent line 2 */
	int		textindent;	/* # spaces to indent text */
	int		actindent = 0;	/* # spaces to indent action */
	int		i;		/* General purpose counter */
	int		dolabel;	/* TRUE if label to be written */
	int		dotext;		/* TRUE if text to be written */
	int		dosev;		/* TRUE if severity to be written */
	int		doaction;	/* TRUE if action to be written */
	int		dotag;		/* TRUE if tag to be written */
	char		c;		/* Temp, multiuse character */
	char		sevpstrbuf[15];	/* Space for SV=%d */

	char		lcllbl[MM_MXLABELLN+1];	/* Space for (possibly */
						/* truncated) label */
	char		lcltag[MM_MXTAGLN+1];	/* Space for (possibly */
						/* truncated) tag */
	char		*ebuf = buf + size - 2;

	 * initialize variables.
	sevpstrbuf[0] = (char)0;
	lcllbl[0] = (char)0;
	lcltag[0] = (char)0;

	 * Figure out what fields are to be written (all are optional)

	dolabel  = (verbosity & MV_LBL) && (label != MM_NULLLBL);
	dosev    = (verbosity & MV_SEV) && (severity != MM_NULLSEV);
	dotext   = (verbosity & MV_TXT) && (text != MM_NULLTXT);
	doaction = (verbosity & MV_ACT) && (action != MM_NULLACT);
	dotag    = (verbosity & MV_TAG) && (tag != MM_NULLTAG);

	 * Figure out how much we'll need to indent the text of the message

	/* Count the label of the message, if requested */
	textindent = 0;
	if (dolabel) {
		(void) strncpy(lcllbl, label, (size_t)MM_MXLABELLN);
		lcllbl[MM_MXLABELLN] = '\0';
		textindent = (int)strlen(lcllbl) + SEPSTRLN;

	 * If severity req'd, determine the severity string and factor
	 * into indent count.  Severity string generated by:
	 *	1.  Search the standard list of severities.
	 *	2.  Search the severities added by the application.
	 *	3.  Search the severities added by the environment.
	 *	4.  Use the default (SV=n where n is the value of the severity).

	if (dosev) {
		/* Search the default severity definitions */
		psev = pstdsevs;
		while (psev != (struct sevstr *)NULL) {
			if (psev->sevvalue == severity)
			psev = psev->sevnext;

		if (psev == (struct sevstr *)NULL) {
			 * Search the severity definitions
			 * added by the application
			psev = paugsevs;
			while (psev != (struct sevstr *)NULL) {
				if (psev->sevvalue == severity)
				psev = psev->sevnext;
			if (psev == (struct sevstr *)NULL) {
				 * Search the severity definitions
				 * added by the environment
				psev = penvsevs;
				while (psev != (struct sevstr *)NULL) {
					if (psev->sevvalue == severity)
					psev = psev->sevnext;
				if (psev == (struct sevstr *)NULL) {
					/* Use default string, SV=severity */
					(void) strcpy(sevpstrbuf, "SV=");
					itoa(severity, &sevpstrbuf[3]);
					sevpstr = sevpstrbuf;
				} else {
					sevpstr = (char *)psev->sevprstr;
			} else {
				sevpstr = (char *)psev->sevprstr;
		} else {
			sevpstr = (char *)psev->sevprstr;
		/* Factor into indent counts */
		textindent += (int)strlen(sevpstr) + SEPSTRLN;

	 * Figure out the indents.

	if (doaction && dotext) {
		if (textindent > ACTINTROLN) {
			l1indent = 0;
			l2indent = textindent - ACTINTROLN;
			actindent = textindent;
		} else {
			l2indent = 0;
			actindent = ACTINTROLN;
			if (dosev || dolabel) {
				l1indent = ACTINTROLN - textindent;
				textindent = ACTINTROLN;
			} else {
				textindent = 0;
				l1indent = 0;
	} else {
		l1indent = 0;
		l2indent = 0;
		if (doaction) {
			actindent = textindent + ACTINTROLN;
		} else if (dotext) {
			actindent = 0;

	 * Write the message.

	/* Write the LABEL, if requested */
	if (dolabel) {
		/* Write spaces to align on the ':' char, if needed */
		while (--l1indent >= 0 && buf < ebuf)
			*buf++ = ' ';

		/* Write the label */
		buf += strlcpy(buf, lcllbl, ebuf - buf);

		 * Write the separator string
		 * (if another component is to follow)
		if (dosev || dotext || doaction || dotag)
			buf += strlcpy(buf, SEPSTR, ebuf - buf);

	/* Write the SEVERITY, if requested */
	if (dosev) {
		/* Write spaces to align on the ':' char, if needed */
		while (--l1indent >= 0 && buf < ebuf)
			*buf++ = ' ';

		/* Write the severity print-string */
		buf += strlcpy(buf, sevpstr, ebuf - buf);

		 * Write the separator string
		 * (if another component is to follow)
		if (dotext || doaction || dotag)
			buf += strlcpy(buf, SEPSTR, ebuf - buf);

	/* Write the TEXT, if requested */
	if (dotext) {
		p = (char *)text;
		for (c = *p++; c != NULL && buf < ebuf; c = *p++) {
			*buf++ = c;
			if (c == '\n') {
				for (i = 0; i < textindent && buf < ebuf; i++)
					*buf++ = ' ';

	 * Write ACTION if requested.

	if (doaction) {
		if (dotext && buf < ebuf) {
			*buf++ = '\n';
			while (--l2indent >= 0 && buf < ebuf)
				*buf++ = ' ';

		/* Write the action-string's introduction */
		buf += strlcpy(buf, ACTINTRO, ebuf - buf);

		/* Write the "action" string */
		p = (char *)action;
		for (c = *p++; c != NULL && buf < ebuf; c = *p++) {
			*buf++ = c;
			if (c == '\n') {
				for (i = 0; i < actindent && buf < ebuf; i++)
					*buf++ = ' ';

	 * Write the TAG if requested

	if (dotag) {
		if (doaction)
			buf += strlcpy(buf, "  ", ebuf - buf);
		else if (dotext && buf < ebuf)
			*buf++ = '\n';
		(void) strncpy(lcltag, tag, (size_t)MM_MXTAGLN);
		lcltag[MM_MXTAGLN] = '\0';
		buf += strlcpy(buf, lcltag, ebuf - buf);

	 * Write terminating newline and null byte.
	 * We reserved space for these at the start.
	*buf++ = '\n';
	*buf++ = '\0';

 * int	fmtmsg(class, label, severity, text, action, tag)
 *	long	class
 *	const char   *label
 *	int	severity
 *	const char   *text
 *	const char   *action
 *	const char   *tag
 *	If requested, the fmtmsg() function writes a message to the standard
 *      error stream in the standard message format.  Also if requested, it
 *	will write a message to the system console.
 *	Arguments:
 *	    class	Fields which classify the message for the system
 *			logging facility
 *	    label	A character-string that is printed as the "label"
 *			of the message.  Typically identifies the source
 *			of the message
 *	    severity	Identifies the severity of the message.  Either one
 *			of the standard severities, or possibly one of the
 *			augmented severities
 *	    text	Pointer to the text of the message
 *	    action	Pointer to a char string that describes some type
 *			of corrective action.
 *	    tag		A character-string that is printed as the "tag" or
 *			the message.  Typically a pointer to documentation
 *	Returns:
 *	    -1 if nothing was generated, 0 if everything requested was
 *	    generated, or flags if partially generated.
 *	Needs:
 *	  - Nothing special for 4.0.

fmtmsg(long class, const char *label, int severity,
const char *text, const char *action, const char *tag)
	int	rtnval;		/* Value to return */
	FILE	*console;	/* Ptr to "console" stream */
	char	*message1;
	char	*message2;

	 * Determine the "verbosity" of the message.  If "msgverb" is
	 * already set, don't interrogate the "MSGVERB" environment vbl.
	 * If so, interrogate "MSGVERB" and do initialization stuff also.


	if (!(msgverb & MV_SET)) {
		msgverb |= MV_SET;

	 * Extract the severity definitions from the SEV_LEVEL
	 * environment variable and save away for later.

	if (sevlook) {
		sevlook = FALSE;

	/* Set up the default text component [if text==(char *)NULL] */
	if (text == (char *)NULL)
		text = DEFLT_TEXT;

	/* Prepare the message for stderr if requested */
	if (class & MM_PRINT) {
		message1 = alloca(MAX_MSG_SIZE);
		writemsg(message1, MAX_MSG_SIZE,
		    msgverb, label, severity, text, action, tag);

	/* Prepare the message for the console if requested */
	if (class & MM_CONSOLE) {
		message2 = alloca(MAX_MSG_SIZE);
		writemsg(message2, MAX_MSG_SIZE,
		    MV_ALL, label, severity, text, action, tag);


	rtnval = MM_OK;

	/* Write the message to stderr if requested */
	if (class & MM_PRINT) {
		(void) fputs(message1, stderr);
		if (ferror(stderr))
			rtnval |= MM_NOMSG;

	/* Write the message to the console if requested */
	if (class & MM_CONSOLE) {
		if ((console = fopen(CONNAME, "wF")) != NULL) {
			(void) fputs(message2, console);
			if (ferror(console))
				rtnval |= MM_NOCON;
			(void) fclose(console);
		} else {
			rtnval |= MM_NOCON;

	if ((rtnval & (MM_NOCON | MM_NOMSG)) == (MM_NOCON | MM_NOMSG))
		rtnval = MM_NOTOK;
	return (rtnval);