/*********************************************************************** * * * This software is part of the ast package * * Copyright (c) 1985-2007 AT&T Knowledge Ventures * * and is licensed under the * * Common Public License, Version 1.0 * * by AT&T Knowledge Ventures * * * * A copy of the License is available at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.txt * * (with md5 checksum 059e8cd6165cb4c31e351f2b69388fd9) * * * * Information and Software Systems Research * * AT&T Research * * Florham Park NJ * * * * Glenn Fowler <gsf@research.att.com> * * David Korn <dgk@research.att.com> * * Phong Vo <kpv@research.att.com> * * * ***********************************************************************/ /* * generate <lc.h> implementation tables from lc.tab * this must make it through vanilla cc with no -last * * # comment * :charset: * code name ms-codepage * :language: * code name alt1|alt2... charset|... attr1|attr2|... * ... * :territory: * code name lang1|lang2... * :abbreviation: */ #include <stdio.h> #include <ctype.h> #ifdef __STDC__ #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #endif typedef struct Link_s { struct Link_s* next; char* code; int index; } Link_t; typedef struct Table_s { Link_t* root; int count; } Table_t; typedef struct Abbreviation_s { Link_t link; char* value; } Abbreviation_t; typedef struct Attribute_s { Link_t link; } Attribute_t; typedef struct Attribute_list_s { struct Attribute_list_s*next; Attribute_t* attribute; } Attribute_list_t; typedef struct Charset_s { Link_t link; char* alternates; char* ms; } Charset_t; typedef struct Language_s { Link_t link; char* name; char* alternates; Charset_t* charset; Attribute_list_t* attributes; } Language_t; typedef struct Language_list_s { struct Language_list_s* next; Language_t* language; } Language_list_t; typedef struct Territory_s { Link_t link; char* name; Language_list_t* languages; int primary; int index; } Territory_t; typedef struct Map_s { Link_t link; Language_t* language; Territory_t* territory; Charset_t* charset; Attribute_t* attribute; } Map_t; static struct State_s { Table_t attribute; Table_t charset; Table_t language; Table_t territory; Table_t map; } state; #define INIT 0 #define CHARSET 1 #define LANGUAGE 2 #define TERRITORY 3 #define MAP 4 #define elementsof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(x[0])) #define newof(p,t,n,x) ((t*)malloc(sizeof(t)*(n)+(x))) static Link_t* #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) enter(register Table_t* tab, register Link_t* v) #else enter(tab, v) register Table_t* tab; register Link_t* v; #endif { register Link_t* x; register Link_t* p; for (p = 0, x = tab->root; x; p = x, x = x->next) if (!strcmp(x->code, v->code)) return x; if (p) p->next = v; else tab->root = v; v->next = 0; v->index = tab->count++; return v; } static Link_t* #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) lookup(register Table_t* tab, register char* s) #else lookup(tab, s) register Table_t* tab; register char* s; #endif { register Link_t* x; for (x = tab->root; x; x = x->next) if (!strcmp(x->code, s)) return x; return 0; } static char* #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) copy(char** p, register char* f) #else copy(p, f) char** p; register char* f; #endif { register char* t; char* b; if (!f) return 0; b = t = *p; while (*t++ = *f++); *p = t; return b; } static void #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) macro(FILE* f, char* p1, char* p2, char* p3) #else macro(f, p1, p2, p3) FILE* f; char* p1; char* p2; char* p3; #endif { register int c; register char* s; register char* b; register char* e; int i; int m; int n; char* part[4]; char buf[128]; part[0] = p1; part[1] = p2; part[2] = p3; part[3] = 0; n = 0; fprintf(f, "\n"); do { i = m = 0; b = buf; e = &buf[sizeof(buf)-1]; while (b < e) { if (!(s = part[i++])) break; if (i > 1) *b++ = '_'; while ((c = *s++) && b < e) { if (c == '|') { part[i-1] = s; m = 1; break; } else if (islower(c)) c = toupper(c); else if (!isalnum(c)) c = '_'; *b++ = c; } } *b = 0; fprintf(f, "#ifdef %s\n%s,\n#else\n", buf, buf); n++; } while (m); fprintf(f, "0,\n"); while (n-- > 0) fprintf(f, "#endif\n"); } #if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) int main(int argc, char** argv) #else int main(argc, argv) int argc; char** argv; #endif { register char* s; register char** vp; register char** ve; Attribute_t* ap; Attribute_list_t* al; Attribute_list_t* az; Charset_t* cp; Territory_t* tp; Language_t* lp; Language_list_t* ll; Language_list_t* lz; Map_t* mp; char* b; char* f; char* command; char* hdr; char* lib; FILE* hf; FILE* lf; int c; int i; int line; int type; int language_attribute_max; int territory_language_max; char* arg[5]; char buf[1024]; command = *argv++; line = 0; if (!(hdr = *argv++) || !(lib = *argv++) || *argv) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: hdr and lib arguments expected\n", command); return 1; } if (!(hf = fopen(hdr, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: cannot write\n", command, hdr); return 1; } if (!(lf = fopen(lib, "w"))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s: cannot write\n", command, lib); return 1; } type = 0; language_attribute_max = 0; territory_language_max = 0; state.language.count = 2; state.territory.count = 2; ve = &arg[elementsof(arg)]; fprintf(hf, "/* : : generated by %s : : */\n", command); fprintf(hf, "#pragma prototyped\n"); fprintf(hf, "\n"); fprintf(hf, "#ifndef _LC_H\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define _LC_H\t\t\t1\n"); fprintf(hf, "\n"); fprintf(hf, "#include <ast.h>\n"); fprintf(hf, "\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_abbreviated\t\t0x00001\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_checked\t\t0x00002\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_default\t\t0x00004\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_defined\t\t0x00008\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_debug\t\t0x00010\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_local\t\t0x00020\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_primary\t\t0x00040\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_qualified\t\t0x00080\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_undefined\t\t0x00100\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_verbose\t\t0x00200\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_user\t\t\t0x10000\n"); fprintf(lf, "/* : : generated by %s : : */\n", command); while (s = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), stdin)) { line++; while (isspace(*s)) s++; if (!*s || *s == '#') continue; b = s; vp = arg; for (;;) { for (*vp++ = s; *s && !isspace(*s); s++); if (!*s) break; for (*s++ = 0; isspace(*s); s++); if (!strcmp(*(vp - 1), "-")) *(vp - 1) = 0; if (!*s || vp >= ve) break; } while (vp < ve) *vp++ = 0; if (*arg[0] == ':') { if (!strcmp(arg[0], ":map:")) { if (type != TERRITORY) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: must be specified after :territory:\n", command, line, arg[0]); return 1; } type = MAP; continue; } else if (!strcmp(arg[0], ":charset:")) { if (type != INIT) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s must be specified first\n", command, line, arg[0]); return 1; } type = CHARSET; continue; } else if (!strcmp(arg[0], ":territory:")) { if (type != LANGUAGE) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: must be specified after :language:\n", command, line, arg[0]); return 1; } type = TERRITORY; continue; } else if (!strcmp(arg[0], ":language:")) { if (type != CHARSET) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s must be specified after :charset:\n", command, line, arg[0]); return 1; } type = LANGUAGE; continue; } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s invalid\n", command, line, arg[0]); return 1; } } if (!arg[1]) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: at least two arguments expected\n", command, line); return 1; } switch (type) { case CHARSET: if (!(cp = newof(0, Charset_t, 1, s - b + 1))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: out of space\n", command, line); return 1; } b = (char*)(cp + 1); cp->link.code = copy(&b, arg[0]); cp->alternates = copy(&b, arg[1]); cp->ms = copy(&b, arg[2]); if (cp != (Charset_t*)enter(&state.charset, (Link_t*)cp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: duplicate charset\n", command, line, cp->link.code); return 1; } break; case TERRITORY: if (!(tp = newof(0, Territory_t, 1, s - b + 1))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: out of space\n", command, line); return 1; } b = (char*)(tp + 1); tp->link.code = copy(&b, arg[0]); tp->name = copy(&b, arg[1]); tp->languages = 0; if (s = copy(&b, arg[2])) { i = 0; while (*(b = s)) { for (; *s && *s != ':' && *s != '|'; s++); if (c = *s) *s++ = 0; if (!(lp = (Language_t*)lookup(&state.language, b))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: unknown language\n", command, line, b); return 1; } if (!(ll = newof(0, Language_list_t, 1, 0))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: out of space\n", command, line); return 1; } if (!tp->languages) tp->languages = ll; else lz->next = ll; lz = ll; ll->language = lp; ll->next = 0; i++; if (c == ':') { for (b = s; *s && *s != '|'; s++); if (*s) *s++ = 0; if (!strcmp(b, "primary")) tp->primary = 1; } } if (territory_language_max < i) territory_language_max = i; } if (tp != (Territory_t*)enter(&state.territory, (Link_t*)tp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: duplicate territory\n", command, line, tp->link.code); return 1; } break; case LANGUAGE: if (!(lp = newof(0, Language_t, 1, s - b + 1))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: out of space\n", command, line); return 1; } b = (char*)(lp + 1); lp->link.code = copy(&b, arg[0]); lp->name = copy(&b, arg[1]); lp->alternates = copy(&b, arg[2]); if (!arg[3]) lp->charset = 0; else if (!(lp->charset = (Charset_t*)lookup(&state.charset, arg[3]))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: unknown charset\n", command, line, arg[3]); return 1; } lp->attributes = 0; if (s = copy(&b, arg[4])) { i = 0; fprintf(lf, "\nstatic Lc_attribute_t attribute_%s[] =\n{\n", lp->link.code); while (*(b = s)) { for (f = 0; *s && *s != '|'; s++) if (*s == ':') { *s++ = 0; f = s; } if (*s) *s++ = 0; fprintf(lf, "{\"%s\",", b); if (f) fprintf(lf, "LC_%s,", f); else fprintf(lf, "0,"); if (!(ap = newof(0, Attribute_t, 1, 0))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: out of space\n", command, line); return 1; } ap->link.code = b; ap->link.index = i++; if (!(al = newof(0, Attribute_list_t, 1, 0))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: out of space\n", command, line); return 1; } if (!lp->attributes) lp->attributes = al; else az->next = al; az = al; al->attribute = ap; al->next = 0; macro(lf, "SUBLANG", lp->name, b); fprintf(lf, "\n},\n"); } if (language_attribute_max < i) language_attribute_max = i; fprintf(lf, "};\n"); } if (lp != (Language_t*)enter(&state.language, (Link_t*)lp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: duplicate language\n", command, line, lp->link.code); return 1; } break; case MAP: if (!(mp = newof(0, Map_t, 1, s - b + 1))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: out of space\n", command, line); return 1; } b = (char*)(mp + 1); mp->link.code = copy(&b, arg[0]); if (!arg[2]) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: territory code expected\n", command, line); return 1; } if (!(mp->language = (Language_t*)lookup(&state.language, arg[1]))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: unknown language\n", command, line, arg[1]); return 1; } if (!(mp->territory = (Territory_t*)lookup(&state.territory, arg[2]))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: unknown territory\n", command, line, arg[2]); return 1; } if (!arg[3]) mp->charset = 0; else if (!(mp->charset = (Charset_t*)lookup(&state.charset, arg[3]))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: unknown charset\n", command, line, arg[3]); return 1; } mp->attribute = 0; if (arg[4]) { for (al = mp->language->attributes; al; al = al->next) if (!strcmp(al->attribute->link.code, arg[4])) { mp->attribute = al->attribute; break; } if (!mp->attribute) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: unknown attribute\n", command, line, arg[4]); return 1; } } if (mp != (Map_t*)enter(&state.map, (Link_t*)mp)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d: %s: duplicate map\n", command, line, mp->link.code); return 1; } break; } } fprintf(hf, "#define LC_language_attribute_max\t\t%d\n", language_attribute_max); fprintf(hf, "#define LC_territory_language_max\t\t%d\n", territory_language_max); fprintf(hf, "\nstruct Lc_s;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\ntypedef struct Lc_info_s\n{\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst struct Lc_s*\tlc;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tunsigned long\t\tnumber;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tvoid*\t\t\tdata;\n"); fprintf(hf, "} Lc_info_t;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\ntypedef struct Lc_attribute_s\n{\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tname;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tunsigned long\t\tflags;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tunsigned long\t\tindex;\n"); fprintf(hf, "} Lc_attribute_t;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\ntypedef struct Lc_charset_s\n{\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tcode;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\talternates;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tms;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tunsigned long\t\tindex;\n"); fprintf(hf, "} Lc_charset_t;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\ntypedef struct Lc_language_s\n{\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tcode;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tname;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\talternates;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_charset_t*\tcharset;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tunsigned long\t\tflags;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tunsigned long\t\tindex;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_attribute_t*\tattributes[LC_language_attribute_max];\n"); fprintf(hf, "} Lc_language_t;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\ntypedef struct Lc_territory_s\n{\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tcode;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tname;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tunsigned long\t\tflags;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tunsigned long\t\tindex;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_language_t*\tlanguages[LC_territory_language_max];\n"); fprintf(hf, "#ifdef _LC_TERRITORY_PRIVATE_\n"); fprintf(hf, "\t_LC_TERRITORY_PRIVATE_\n"); fprintf(hf, "#endif\n"); fprintf(hf, "} Lc_territory_t;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\ntypedef struct Lc_map_s\n{\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tcode;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_language_t*\tlanguage;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_territory_t*\tterritory;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_charset_t*\tcharset;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_attribute_t*\tattribute;\n"); fprintf(hf, "} Lc_map_t;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\ntypedef struct Lc_attribute_list_s\n{\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tstruct Lc_attribute_list_s*\tnext;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_attribute_t*\t\tattribute;\n"); fprintf(hf, "} Lc_attribute_list_t;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\ntypedef struct Lc_s\n{\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tname;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tcode;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_language_t*\tlanguage;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_territory_t*\tterritory;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_charset_t*\tcharset;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst Lc_attribute_list_t*\tattributes;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tunsigned long\t\tflags;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tunsigned long\t\tindex;\n"); fprintf(hf, "#ifdef _LC_PRIVATE_\n"); fprintf(hf, "\t_LC_PRIVATE_\n"); fprintf(hf, "#endif\n"); fprintf(hf, "} Lc_t;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\nstruct Lc_category_s;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\ntypedef int (*Lc_category_set_f)(struct Lc_category_s*);\n"); fprintf(hf, "\ntypedef struct Lc_category_s\n{\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tconst char*\t\tname;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tint\t\t\texternal;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tint\t\t\tinternal;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tLc_category_set_f\tsetf;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\tLc_t*\t\t\tprev;\n"); fprintf(hf, "} Lc_category_t;\n"); fprintf(hf, "\n"); fprintf(hf, "#if _BLD_ast && defined(__EXPORT__)\n"); fprintf(hf, "#define extern\t\t__EXPORT__\n"); fprintf(hf, "#endif\n"); fprintf(hf, "\n"); fprintf(hf, "extern size_t\t\tlccanon(Lc_t*, unsigned long flags, char*, size_t);\n"); fprintf(hf, "extern Lc_category_t*\tlccategories(void);\n"); fprintf(hf, "extern int\t\tlcindex(int, int);\n"); fprintf(hf, "extern Lc_info_t*\tlcinfo(int);\n"); fprintf(hf, "extern Lc_t*\t\tlcmake(const char*);\n"); fprintf(hf, "extern Lc_t*\t\tlcscan(Lc_t*);\n"); fprintf(hf, "\n"); fprintf(hf, "#undef\textern\n"); fprintf(lf, "\nstatic const Lc_charset_t charset[] =\n{\n"); for (cp = (Charset_t*)state.charset.root; cp; cp = (Charset_t*)cp->link.next) { fprintf(lf, "{\"%s\",", cp->link.code); if (cp->alternates) fprintf(lf, "\"%s\",", cp->alternates); else fprintf(lf, "0,"); if (cp->ms) fprintf(lf, "\"%s\",", cp->ms); else fprintf(lf, "0"); fprintf(lf, "},\n"); } fprintf(lf, "\t0\n};\n"); fprintf(lf, "\nstatic const Lc_language_t language[] =\n{\n"); fprintf(lf, "{\"C\",\"C\",\"POSIX\",&charset[0],LC_default,0,"); for (i = 0; i < language_attribute_max; i++) fprintf(lf, "0,"); fprintf(lf, "},\n"); fprintf(lf, "{\"debug\",\"debug\",0,&charset[0],LC_debug,0,"); for (i = 0; i < language_attribute_max; i++) fprintf(lf, "0,"); fprintf(lf, "},\n"); for (lp = (Language_t*)state.language.root; lp; lp = (Language_t*)lp->link.next) { fprintf(lf, "{\"%s\",\"%s\",", lp->link.code, lp->name); if (lp->alternates) fprintf(lf, "\"%s\",", lp->alternates); else fprintf(lf, "0,"); fprintf(lf, "&charset[%d],0,", lp->charset ? lp->charset->link.index : 0); macro(lf, "LANG", lp->name, (char*)0); for (i = 0, al = lp->attributes; al; al = al->next, i++) fprintf(lf, "&attribute_%s[%d],", lp->link.code, al->attribute->link.index); for (; i < language_attribute_max; i++) fprintf(lf, "0,"); fprintf(lf, "\n},\n"); } fprintf(lf, "\t0\n};\n"); fprintf(lf, "\nstatic const Lc_territory_t territory[] =\n{\n"); fprintf(lf, "{\"C\",\"C\",LC_default,0,&language[0],"); for (i = 1; i < 2 * territory_language_max; i++) fprintf(lf, "0,"); fprintf(lf, "},\n"); fprintf(lf, "{\"debug\",\"debug\",LC_debug,0,&language[1],"); for (i = 1; i < 2 * territory_language_max; i++) fprintf(lf, "0,"); fprintf(lf, "},\n"); for (tp = (Territory_t*)state.territory.root; tp; tp = (Territory_t*)tp->link.next) { fprintf(lf, "{\"%s\",\"%s\",", tp->link.code, tp->name); if (tp->primary) fprintf(lf, "LC_primary,"); else fprintf(lf, "0,"); macro(lf, "CTRY", tp->name, (char*)0); for (i = 0, ll = tp->languages; ll; ll = ll->next, i++) fprintf(lf, "&language[%d],", ll->language->link.index); for (; i < territory_language_max; i++) fprintf(lf, "0,"); for (i = 0, ll = tp->languages; ll; ll = ll->next, i++) macro(lf, "SUBLANG", ll->language->name, tp->name); for (; i < territory_language_max; i++) fprintf(lf, "0,"); fprintf(lf, "\n},\n"); } fprintf(lf, "\t0\n};\n"); fprintf(lf, "\nstatic const Lc_map_t map[] =\n{\n"); for (mp = (Map_t*)state.map.root; mp; mp = (Map_t*)mp->link.next) { fprintf(lf, "{\"%s\",", mp->link.code); fprintf(lf, "&language[%d],", mp->language->link.index); fprintf(lf, "&territory[%d],", mp->territory->link.index); fprintf(lf, "&charset[%d],", mp->charset ? mp->charset->link.index : 0); if (mp->attribute) fprintf(lf, "&attribute_%s[%d]", mp->language->link.code, mp->attribute->link.index); else fprintf(lf, "0"); fprintf(lf, "},\n"); } fprintf(lf, "\t0\n};\n"); fclose(lf); fprintf(hf, "\n#endif\n"); fclose(hf); return 0; }