/* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" static char elsieid[] = "@(#)zic.c 7.124"; /* * #define LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT */ /* * Regardless of the type of time_t, we do our work using this type. */ typedef int zic_t; #include "private.h" #include <tzfile.h> /* this is in system headers at Sun */ #include <sys/stat.h> /* for umask manifest constants */ #include <ctype.h> #include <locale.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* for getopt */ #ifndef ZIC_MAX_ABBR_LEN_WO_WARN #define ZIC_MAX_ABBR_LEN_WO_WARN 6 #endif /* !defined ZIC_MAX_ABBR_LEN_WO_WARN */ #ifdef S_IRUSR #define MKDIR_UMASK (S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR|S_IXUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IXGRP|S_IROTH|S_IXOTH) #else #define MKDIR_UMASK 0755 #endif struct rule { const char *r_filename; int r_linenum; const char *r_name; int r_loyear; /* for example, 1986 */ int r_hiyear; /* for example, 1986 */ const char *r_yrtype; int r_month; /* 0..11 */ int r_dycode; /* see below */ int r_dayofmonth; int r_wday; long r_tod; /* time from midnight */ int r_todisstd; /* above is standard time if TRUE */ /* or wall clock time if FALSE */ int r_todisgmt; /* above is GMT if TRUE */ /* or local time if FALSE */ long r_stdoff; /* offset from standard time */ const char *r_abbrvar; /* variable part of abbreviation */ int r_todo; /* a rule to do (used in outzone) */ zic_t r_temp; /* used in outzone */ }; /* * r_dycode r_dayofmonth r_wday */ #define DC_DOM 0 /* 1..31 */ /* unused */ #define DC_DOWGEQ 1 /* 1..31 */ /* 0..6 (Sun..Sat) */ #define DC_DOWLEQ 2 /* 1..31 */ /* 0..6 (Sun..Sat) */ struct zone { const char *z_filename; int z_linenum; const char *z_name; long z_gmtoff; const char *z_rule; const char *z_format; long z_stdoff; struct rule *z_rules; int z_nrules; struct rule z_untilrule; zic_t z_untiltime; }; static void addtt(zic_t starttime, int type); static int addtype(long gmtoff, const char *abbr, int isdst, int ttisstd, int ttisgmt); #ifdef LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT static void leapadd(zic_t t, int positive, int rolling, int count); static void adjleap(void); #endif static void associate(void); static int ciequal(const char *ap, const char *bp); static void convert(long val, char *buf); static void dolink(const char *fromfile, const char *tofile); static void doabbr(char *abbr, const char *format, const char *letters, int isdst); static void eat(const char *name, int num); static void eats(const char *name, int num, const char *rname, int rnum); static long eitol(int i); static void error(const char *message); static char **getfields(char *buf); static long gethms(const char *string, const char *errstrng, int signable); static void infile(const char *filename); #ifdef LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT static void inleap(char **fields, int nfields); #endif static void inlink(char **fields, int nfields); static void inrule(char **fields, int nfields); static int inzcont(char **fields, int nfields); static int inzone(char **fields, int nfields); static int inzsub(char **fields, int nfields, int iscont); static int itsabbr(const char *abbr, const char *word); static int itsdir(const char *name); static int lowerit(int c); static char *memcheck(char *tocheck); static int mkdirs(char *filename); static void newabbr(const char *abbr); static long oadd(long t1, long t2); static void outzone(const struct zone *zp, int ntzones); static void puttzcode(long code, FILE *fp); static int rcomp(const void *leftp, const void *rightp); static zic_t rpytime(const struct rule *rp, int wantedy); static void rulesub(struct rule *rp, const char *loyearp, const char *hiyearp, const char *typep, const char *monthp, const char *dayp, const char *timep); static void setboundaries(void); static zic_t tadd(zic_t t1, long t2); static void usage(void); static void writezone(const char *name); static int yearistype(int year, const char *type); static int charcnt; static int errors; static const char *filename; static int leapcnt; static int linenum; static zic_t max_time; static int max_year; static int max_year_representable; static zic_t min_time; static int min_year; static int min_year_representable; static int noise; static const char *rfilename; static int rlinenum; static const char *progname; static int timecnt; static int typecnt; /* * Line codes. */ #define LC_RULE 0 #define LC_ZONE 1 #define LC_LINK 2 #define LC_LEAP 3 /* * Which fields are which on a Zone line. */ #define ZF_NAME 1 #define ZF_GMTOFF 2 #define ZF_RULE 3 #define ZF_FORMAT 4 #define ZF_TILYEAR 5 #define ZF_TILMONTH 6 #define ZF_TILDAY 7 #define ZF_TILTIME 8 #define ZONE_MINFIELDS 5 #define ZONE_MAXFIELDS 9 /* * Which fields are which on a Zone continuation line. */ #define ZFC_GMTOFF 0 #define ZFC_RULE 1 #define ZFC_FORMAT 2 #define ZFC_TILYEAR 3 #define ZFC_TILMONTH 4 #define ZFC_TILDAY 5 #define ZFC_TILTIME 6 #define ZONEC_MINFIELDS 3 #define ZONEC_MAXFIELDS 7 /* * Which files are which on a Rule line. */ #define RF_NAME 1 #define RF_LOYEAR 2 #define RF_HIYEAR 3 #define RF_COMMAND 4 #define RF_MONTH 5 #define RF_DAY 6 #define RF_TOD 7 #define RF_STDOFF 8 #define RF_ABBRVAR 9 #define RULE_FIELDS 10 /* * Which fields are which on a Link line. */ #define LF_FROM 1 #define LF_TO 2 #define LINK_FIELDS 3 /* * Which fields are which on a Leap line. */ #define LP_YEAR 1 #define LP_MONTH 2 #define LP_DAY 3 #define LP_TIME 4 #define LP_CORR 5 #define LP_ROLL 6 #define LEAP_FIELDS 7 /* * Year synonyms. */ #define YR_MINIMUM 0 #define YR_MAXIMUM 1 #define YR_ONLY 2 static struct rule *rules; static int nrules; /* number of rules */ static struct zone *zones; static int nzones; /* number of zones */ struct link { const char *l_filename; int l_linenum; const char *l_from; const char *l_to; }; static struct link *links; static int nlinks; struct lookup { const char *l_word; const int l_value; }; static struct lookup const *byword(const char *string, const struct lookup *lp); static struct lookup const line_codes[] = { { "Rule", LC_RULE }, { "Zone", LC_ZONE }, { "Link", LC_LINK }, { "Leap", LC_LEAP }, { NULL, 0} }; static struct lookup const mon_names[] = { { "January", TM_JANUARY }, { "February", TM_FEBRUARY }, { "March", TM_MARCH }, { "April", TM_APRIL }, { "May", TM_MAY }, { "June", TM_JUNE }, { "July", TM_JULY }, { "August", TM_AUGUST }, { "September", TM_SEPTEMBER }, { "October", TM_OCTOBER }, { "November", TM_NOVEMBER }, { "December", TM_DECEMBER }, { NULL, 0 } }; static struct lookup const wday_names[] = { { "Sunday", TM_SUNDAY }, { "Monday", TM_MONDAY }, { "Tuesday", TM_TUESDAY }, { "Wednesday", TM_WEDNESDAY }, { "Thursday", TM_THURSDAY }, { "Friday", TM_FRIDAY }, { "Saturday", TM_SATURDAY }, { NULL, 0 } }; static struct lookup const lasts[] = { { "last-Sunday", TM_SUNDAY }, { "last-Monday", TM_MONDAY }, { "last-Tuesday", TM_TUESDAY }, { "last-Wednesday", TM_WEDNESDAY }, { "last-Thursday", TM_THURSDAY }, { "last-Friday", TM_FRIDAY }, { "last-Saturday", TM_SATURDAY }, { NULL, 0 } }; static struct lookup const begin_years[] = { { "minimum", YR_MINIMUM }, { "maximum", YR_MAXIMUM }, { NULL, 0 } }; static struct lookup const end_years[] = { { "minimum", YR_MINIMUM }, { "maximum", YR_MAXIMUM }, { "only", YR_ONLY }, { NULL, 0 } }; static struct lookup const leap_types[] = { { "Rolling", TRUE }, { "Stationary", FALSE }, { NULL, 0 } }; static const int len_months[2][MONSPERYEAR] = { { 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }, { 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 } }; static const int len_years[2] = { DAYSPERNYEAR, DAYSPERLYEAR }; static struct attype { zic_t at; unsigned char type; } attypes[TZ_MAX_TIMES]; static long gmtoffs[TZ_MAX_TYPES]; static char isdsts[TZ_MAX_TYPES]; static unsigned char abbrinds[TZ_MAX_TYPES]; static char ttisstds[TZ_MAX_TYPES]; static char ttisgmts[TZ_MAX_TYPES]; static char chars[TZ_MAX_CHARS]; static zic_t trans[TZ_MAX_LEAPS]; static long corr[TZ_MAX_LEAPS]; static char roll[TZ_MAX_LEAPS]; /* * Memory allocation. */ static char * memcheck(ptr) char * const ptr; { if (ptr == NULL) { const char *e = strerror(errno); (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: Memory exhausted: %s\n"), progname, e); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return (ptr); } #define emalloc(size) memcheck(imalloc(size)) #define erealloc(ptr, size) memcheck(irealloc((ptr), (size))) #define ecpyalloc(ptr) memcheck(icpyalloc(ptr)) #define ecatalloc(oldp, newp) memcheck(icatalloc((oldp), (newp))) /* * Error handling. */ static void eats(name, num, rname, rnum) const char * const name; const int num; const char * const rname; const int rnum; { filename = name; linenum = num; rfilename = rname; rlinenum = rnum; } static void eat(name, num) const char * const name; const int num; { eats(name, num, (char *)NULL, -1); } static void error(string) const char * const string; { /* * Match the format of "cc" to allow sh users to * zic ... 2>&1 | error -t "*" -v * on BSD systems. */ (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("\"%s\", line %d: %s"), filename, linenum, string); if (rfilename != NULL) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext(" (rule from \"%s\", line %d)"), rfilename, rlinenum); (void) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); ++errors; } static void warning(string) const char * const string; { char *cp; cp = ecpyalloc(gettext("warning: ")); cp = ecatalloc(cp, string); error(cp); ifree(cp); --errors; } static void usage(void) { #ifdef LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: usage is %s " "[ --version ] [ -s ] [ -v ] [ -l localtime ] " "\n\t[ -p posixrules ] [ -d directory ] [ -L leapseconds ] " "[ -y yearistype ] [ filename ... ]\n"), progname, progname); #else /* ! LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT */ (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: usage is %s " "[ --version ] [ -s ] [ -v ] [ -l localtime ]" "\n\t[ -p posixrules ] [ -d directory ] [ -y yearistype ] " "[ filename ... ]\n"), progname, progname); #endif /* LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT */ } static const char *psxrules; static const char *lcltime; static const char *directory; static const char *leapsec; static const char *yitcommand; static int sflag = FALSE; int main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { register int i; register int j; register int c; (void) umask(umask(S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH) | (S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH)); (void) setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #if !defined(TEXT_DOMAIN) #define TEXT_DOMAIN "SYS_TEST" #endif (void) textdomain(TEXT_DOMAIN); progname = argv[0]; for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) if (strcmp(argv[i], "--version") == 0) { (void) printf("%s\n", elsieid); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } #ifdef LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:l:p:L:vsy:")) != EOF) #else while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:l:p:vsy:")) != EOF) #endif switch (c) { default: usage(); case 'd': if (directory == NULL) directory = optarg; else { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s: More than one -d option specified\n"), progname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'l': if (lcltime == NULL) lcltime = optarg; else { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s: More than one -l option specified\n"), progname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'p': if (psxrules == NULL) psxrules = optarg; else { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s: More than one -p option specified\n"), progname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; case 'y': if (yitcommand == NULL) yitcommand = optarg; else { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s: More than one -y option specified\n"), progname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; #ifdef LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT case 'L': if (leapsec == NULL) leapsec = optarg; else { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s: More than one -L option specified\n"), progname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; #endif /* LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT */ case 'v': noise = TRUE; break; case 's': sflag = TRUE; break; } if (optind == argc - 1 && strcmp(argv[optind], "=") == 0) usage(); /* usage message by request */ if (directory == NULL) directory = TZDIR; if (yitcommand == NULL) yitcommand = "yearistype"; setboundaries(); #ifdef LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT if (optind < argc && leapsec != NULL) { infile(leapsec); adjleap(); } #endif /* LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT */ for (i = optind; i < argc; ++i) infile(argv[i]); if (errors) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); associate(); for (i = 0; i < nzones; i = j) { /* * Find the next non-continuation zone entry. */ for (j = i + 1; j < nzones && zones[j].z_name == NULL; ++j) continue; outzone(&zones[i], j - i); } /* * Make links. */ for (i = 0; i < nlinks; ++i) { eat(links[i].l_filename, links[i].l_linenum); dolink(links[i].l_from, links[i].l_to); if (noise) for (j = 0; j < nlinks; ++j) if (strcmp(links[i].l_to, links[j].l_from) == 0) warning(gettext("link to link")); } if (lcltime != NULL) { eat("command line", 1); dolink(lcltime, TZDEFAULT); } if (psxrules != NULL) { eat("command line", 1); dolink(psxrules, TZDEFRULES); } return ((errors == 0) ? EXIT_SUCCESS : EXIT_FAILURE); } static void dolink(fromfile, tofile) const char * const fromfile; const char * const tofile; { register char *fromname; register char *toname; if (fromfile[0] == '/') fromname = ecpyalloc(fromfile); else { fromname = ecpyalloc(directory); fromname = ecatalloc(fromname, "/"); fromname = ecatalloc(fromname, fromfile); } if (tofile[0] == '/') toname = ecpyalloc(tofile); else { toname = ecpyalloc(directory); toname = ecatalloc(toname, "/"); toname = ecatalloc(toname, tofile); } /* * We get to be careful here since * there's a fair chance of root running us. */ if (!itsdir(toname)) (void) remove(toname); if (link(fromname, toname) != 0) { int result; if (mkdirs(toname) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); result = link(fromname, toname); if (result != 0 && access(fromname, F_OK) == 0 && !itsdir(fromname)) { const char *s = tofile; register char *symlinkcontents = NULL; while ((s = strchr(s+1, '/')) != NULL) symlinkcontents = ecatalloc(symlinkcontents, "../"); symlinkcontents = ecatalloc(symlinkcontents, fromfile); result = symlink(symlinkcontents, toname); if (result == 0) warning(gettext( "hard link failed, symbolic link used")); ifree(symlinkcontents); } if (result != 0) { const char *e = strerror(errno); (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s: Can't link from %s to %s: %s\n"), progname, fromname, toname, e); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } ifree(fromname); ifree(toname); } #ifndef INT_MAX #define INT_MAX ((int)(((unsigned)~0)>>1)) #endif /* !defined INT_MAX */ #ifndef INT_MIN #define INT_MIN ((int)~(((unsigned)~0)>>1)) #endif /* !defined INT_MIN */ /* * The tz file format currently allows at most 32-bit quantities. * This restriction should be removed before signed 32-bit values * wrap around in 2038, but unfortunately this will require a * change to the tz file format. */ #define MAX_BITS_IN_FILE 32 /* CSTYLED */ #define TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE ((TYPE_BIT(zic_t) < MAX_BITS_IN_FILE) ? \ TYPE_BIT(zic_t): MAX_BITS_IN_FILE) static void setboundaries(void) { register int i; if (TYPE_SIGNED(zic_t)) { min_time = -1; for (i = 0; i < TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE - 1; ++i) min_time *= 2; max_time = -(min_time + 1); if (sflag) min_time = 0; } else { min_time = 0; max_time = 2 - sflag; for (i = 0; i < TIME_T_BITS_IN_FILE - 1; ++i) max_time *= 2; --max_time; } { time_t t; t = (time_t)min_time; min_year = TM_YEAR_BASE + gmtime(&t)->tm_year; t = (time_t)max_time; max_year = TM_YEAR_BASE + gmtime(&t)->tm_year; } min_year_representable = min_year; max_year_representable = max_year; } static int itsdir(name) const char * const name; { register char *myname; register int accres; myname = ecpyalloc(name); myname = ecatalloc(myname, "/."); accres = access(myname, F_OK); ifree(myname); return (accres == 0); } /* * Associate sets of rules with zones. */ /* * Sort by rule name. */ static int rcomp(cp1, cp2) const void * cp1; const void * cp2; { return (strcmp(((const struct rule *) cp1)->r_name, ((const struct rule *) cp2)->r_name)); } static void associate(void) { register struct zone *zp; register struct rule *rp; register int base, out; register int i, j; if (nrules != 0) { (void) qsort((void *)rules, (size_t)nrules, (size_t)sizeof (*rules), rcomp); for (i = 0; i < nrules - 1; ++i) { if (strcmp(rules[i].r_name, rules[i + 1].r_name) != 0) continue; if (strcmp(rules[i].r_filename, rules[i + 1].r_filename) == 0) continue; eat(rules[i].r_filename, rules[i].r_linenum); warning(gettext("same rule name in multiple files")); eat(rules[i + 1].r_filename, rules[i + 1].r_linenum); warning(gettext("same rule name in multiple files")); for (j = i + 2; j < nrules; ++j) { if (strcmp(rules[i].r_name, rules[j].r_name) != 0) break; if (strcmp(rules[i].r_filename, rules[j].r_filename) == 0) continue; if (strcmp(rules[i + 1].r_filename, rules[j].r_filename) == 0) continue; break; } i = j - 1; } } for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i) { zp = &zones[i]; zp->z_rules = NULL; zp->z_nrules = 0; } for (base = 0; base < nrules; base = out) { rp = &rules[base]; for (out = base + 1; out < nrules; ++out) if (strcmp(rp->r_name, rules[out].r_name) != 0) break; for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i) { zp = &zones[i]; if (strcmp(zp->z_rule, rp->r_name) != 0) continue; zp->z_rules = rp; zp->z_nrules = out - base; } } for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i) { zp = &zones[i]; if (zp->z_nrules == 0) { /* * Maybe we have a local standard time offset. */ eat(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum); zp->z_stdoff = gethms(zp->z_rule, gettext("unruly zone"), TRUE); /* * Note, though, that if there's no rule, * a '%s' in the format is a bad thing. */ if (strchr(zp->z_format, '%') != 0) error(gettext("%s in ruleless zone")); } } if (errors) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static void infile(name) const char *name; { register FILE *fp; register char **fields; register char *cp; register const struct lookup *lp; register int nfields; register int wantcont; register int num; char buf[BUFSIZ]; if (strcmp(name, "-") == 0) { name = gettext("standard input"); fp = stdin; } else if ((fp = fopen(name, "r")) == NULL) { const char *e = strerror(errno); (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: Can't open %s: %s\n"), progname, name, e); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } wantcont = FALSE; for (num = 1; ; ++num) { eat(name, num); if (fgets(buf, (int)sizeof (buf), fp) != buf) break; cp = strchr(buf, '\n'); if (cp == NULL) { error(gettext("line too long")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } *cp = '\0'; fields = getfields(buf); nfields = 0; while (fields[nfields] != NULL) { static char nada; if (strcmp(fields[nfields], "-") == 0) fields[nfields] = &nada; ++nfields; } if (nfields == 0) { /* nothing to do */ } else if (wantcont) { wantcont = inzcont(fields, nfields); } else { lp = byword(fields[0], line_codes); if (lp == NULL) error(gettext("input line of unknown type")); else switch ((int)(lp->l_value)) { case LC_RULE: inrule(fields, nfields); wantcont = FALSE; break; case LC_ZONE: wantcont = inzone(fields, nfields); break; case LC_LINK: inlink(fields, nfields); wantcont = FALSE; break; #ifdef LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT case LC_LEAP: if (name != leapsec) (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s: Leap line in non leap seconds file %s\n"), progname, name); else inleap(fields, nfields); wantcont = FALSE; break; #endif /* LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT */ default: /* "cannot happen" */ (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s: panic: Invalid l_value %d\n"), progname, lp->l_value); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } ifree((char *)fields); } if (ferror(fp)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: Error reading %s\n"), progname, filename); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (fp != stdin && fclose(fp)) { const char *e = strerror(errno); (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: Error closing %s: %s\n"), progname, filename, e); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (wantcont) error(gettext("expected continuation line not found")); } /* * Convert a string of one of the forms * h -h hh:mm -hh:mm hh:mm:ss -hh:mm:ss * into a number of seconds. * A null string maps to zero. * Call error with errstring and return zero on errors. */ static long gethms(string, errstring, signable) const char *string; const char * const errstring; const int signable; { int hh, mm, ss, sign; if (string == NULL || *string == '\0') return (0); if (!signable) sign = 1; else if (*string == '-') { sign = -1; ++string; } else sign = 1; if (sscanf(string, scheck(string, "%d"), &hh) == 1) mm = ss = 0; else if (sscanf(string, scheck(string, "%d:%d"), &hh, &mm) == 2) ss = 0; else if (sscanf(string, scheck(string, "%d:%d:%d"), &hh, &mm, &ss) != 3) { error(errstring); return (0); } if ((hh < 0 || hh >= HOURSPERDAY || mm < 0 || mm >= MINSPERHOUR || ss < 0 || ss > SECSPERMIN) && !(hh == HOURSPERDAY && mm == 0 && ss == 0)) { error(errstring); return (0); } if (noise && hh == HOURSPERDAY) warning( gettext("24:00 not handled by pre-1998 versions of zic")); return (eitol(sign) * (eitol(hh * MINSPERHOUR + mm) * eitol(SECSPERMIN) + eitol(ss))); } static void inrule(fields, nfields) register char ** const fields; const int nfields; { static struct rule r; if (nfields != RULE_FIELDS) { error(gettext("wrong number of fields on Rule line")); return; } if (*fields[RF_NAME] == '\0') { error(gettext("nameless rule")); return; } r.r_filename = filename; r.r_linenum = linenum; r.r_stdoff = gethms(fields[RF_STDOFF], gettext("invalid saved time"), TRUE); rulesub(&r, fields[RF_LOYEAR], fields[RF_HIYEAR], fields[RF_COMMAND], fields[RF_MONTH], fields[RF_DAY], fields[RF_TOD]); r.r_name = ecpyalloc(fields[RF_NAME]); r.r_abbrvar = ecpyalloc(fields[RF_ABBRVAR]); rules = (struct rule *)(void *)erealloc((char *)rules, (int)((nrules + 1) * sizeof (*rules))); rules[nrules++] = r; } static int inzone(fields, nfields) register char ** const fields; const int nfields; { register int i; static char *buf; if (nfields < ZONE_MINFIELDS || nfields > ZONE_MAXFIELDS) { error(gettext("wrong number of fields on Zone line")); return (FALSE); } if (strcmp(fields[ZF_NAME], TZDEFAULT) == 0 && lcltime != NULL) { buf = erealloc(buf, (int)(132 + strlen(TZDEFAULT))); (void) sprintf(buf, gettext("\"Zone %s\" line and -l option are mutually exclusive"), TZDEFAULT); error(buf); return (FALSE); } if (strcmp(fields[ZF_NAME], TZDEFRULES) == 0 && psxrules != NULL) { buf = erealloc(buf, (int)(132 + strlen(TZDEFRULES))); (void) sprintf(buf, gettext("\"Zone %s\" line and -p option are mutually exclusive"), TZDEFRULES); error(buf); return (FALSE); } for (i = 0; i < nzones; ++i) if (zones[i].z_name != NULL && strcmp(zones[i].z_name, fields[ZF_NAME]) == 0) { buf = erealloc(buf, (int)(132 + strlen(fields[ZF_NAME]) + strlen(zones[i].z_filename))); (void) sprintf(buf, gettext("duplicate zone name %s (file \"%s\", line %d)"), fields[ZF_NAME], zones[i].z_filename, zones[i].z_linenum); error(buf); return (FALSE); } return (inzsub(fields, nfields, FALSE)); } static int inzcont(fields, nfields) register char ** const fields; const int nfields; { if (nfields < ZONEC_MINFIELDS || nfields > ZONEC_MAXFIELDS) { error(gettext( "wrong number of fields on Zone continuation line")); return (FALSE); } return (inzsub(fields, nfields, TRUE)); } static int inzsub(fields, nfields, iscont) register char ** const fields; const int nfields; const int iscont; { register char *cp; static struct zone z; register int i_gmtoff, i_rule, i_format; register int i_untilyear, i_untilmonth; register int i_untilday, i_untiltime; register int hasuntil; if (iscont) { i_gmtoff = ZFC_GMTOFF; i_rule = ZFC_RULE; i_format = ZFC_FORMAT; i_untilyear = ZFC_TILYEAR; i_untilmonth = ZFC_TILMONTH; i_untilday = ZFC_TILDAY; i_untiltime = ZFC_TILTIME; z.z_name = NULL; } else { i_gmtoff = ZF_GMTOFF; i_rule = ZF_RULE; i_format = ZF_FORMAT; i_untilyear = ZF_TILYEAR; i_untilmonth = ZF_TILMONTH; i_untilday = ZF_TILDAY; i_untiltime = ZF_TILTIME; z.z_name = ecpyalloc(fields[ZF_NAME]); } z.z_filename = filename; z.z_linenum = linenum; z.z_gmtoff = gethms(fields[i_gmtoff], gettext("invalid UTC offset"), TRUE); if ((cp = strchr(fields[i_format], '%')) != 0) { if (*++cp != 's' || strchr(cp, '%') != 0) { error(gettext("invalid abbreviation format")); return (FALSE); } } z.z_rule = ecpyalloc(fields[i_rule]); z.z_format = ecpyalloc(fields[i_format]); hasuntil = nfields > i_untilyear; if (hasuntil) { z.z_untilrule.r_filename = filename; z.z_untilrule.r_linenum = linenum; rulesub(&z.z_untilrule, fields[i_untilyear], "only", "", (nfields > i_untilmonth) ? fields[i_untilmonth] : "Jan", (nfields > i_untilday) ? fields[i_untilday] : "1", (nfields > i_untiltime) ? fields[i_untiltime] : "0"); z.z_untiltime = rpytime(&z.z_untilrule, z.z_untilrule.r_loyear); if (iscont && nzones > 0 && z.z_untiltime > min_time && z.z_untiltime < max_time && zones[nzones - 1].z_untiltime > min_time && zones[nzones - 1].z_untiltime < max_time && zones[nzones - 1].z_untiltime >= z.z_untiltime) { error(gettext( "Zone continuation line end time is not after end time of previous line")); return (FALSE); } } zones = (struct zone *)(void *)erealloc((char *)zones, (int)((nzones + 1) * sizeof (*zones))); zones[nzones++] = z; /* * If there was an UNTIL field on this line, * there's more information about the zone on the next line. */ return (hasuntil); } #ifdef LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT static void inleap(fields, nfields) register char ** const fields; const int nfields; { register const char *cp; register const struct lookup *lp; register int i, j; int year, month, day; long dayoff, tod; zic_t t; if (nfields != LEAP_FIELDS) { error(gettext("wrong number of fields on Leap line")); return; } dayoff = 0; cp = fields[LP_YEAR]; if (sscanf(cp, scheck(cp, "%d"), &year) != 1) { /* * Leapin' Lizards! */ error(gettext("invalid leaping year")); return; } j = EPOCH_YEAR; while (j != year) { if (year > j) { i = len_years[isleap(j)]; ++j; } else { --j; i = -len_years[isleap(j)]; } dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(i)); } if ((lp = byword(fields[LP_MONTH], mon_names)) == NULL) { error(gettext("invalid month name")); return; } month = lp->l_value; j = TM_JANUARY; while (j != month) { i = len_months[isleap(year)][j]; dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(i)); ++j; } cp = fields[LP_DAY]; if (sscanf(cp, scheck(cp, "%d"), &day) != 1 || day <= 0 || day > len_months[isleap(year)][month]) { error(gettext("invalid day of month")); return; } dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(day - 1)); if (dayoff < 0 && !TYPE_SIGNED(zic_t)) { error(gettext("time before zero")); return; } if (dayoff < min_time / SECSPERDAY) { error(gettext("time too small")); return; } if (dayoff > max_time / SECSPERDAY) { error(gettext("time too large")); return; } t = (zic_t)dayoff * SECSPERDAY; tod = gethms(fields[LP_TIME], gettext("invalid time of day"), FALSE); cp = fields[LP_CORR]; { register int positive; int count; if (strcmp(cp, "") == 0) { /* infile() turns "-" into "" */ positive = FALSE; count = 1; } else if (strcmp(cp, "--") == 0) { positive = FALSE; count = 2; } else if (strcmp(cp, "+") == 0) { positive = TRUE; count = 1; } else if (strcmp(cp, "++") == 0) { positive = TRUE; count = 2; } else { error(gettext("illegal CORRECTION field on Leap line")); return; } if ((lp = byword(fields[LP_ROLL], leap_types)) == NULL) { error(gettext( "illegal Rolling/Stationary field on Leap line")); return; } leapadd(tadd(t, tod), positive, lp->l_value, count); } } #endif /* LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT */ static void inlink(fields, nfields) register char ** const fields; const int nfields; { struct link l; if (nfields != LINK_FIELDS) { error(gettext("wrong number of fields on Link line")); return; } if (*fields[LF_FROM] == '\0') { error(gettext("blank FROM field on Link line")); return; } if (*fields[LF_TO] == '\0') { error(gettext("blank TO field on Link line")); return; } l.l_filename = filename; l.l_linenum = linenum; l.l_from = ecpyalloc(fields[LF_FROM]); l.l_to = ecpyalloc(fields[LF_TO]); links = (struct link *)(void *)erealloc((char *)links, (int)((nlinks + 1) * sizeof (*links))); links[nlinks++] = l; } static void rulesub(rp, loyearp, hiyearp, typep, monthp, dayp, timep) register struct rule * const rp; const char * const loyearp; const char * const hiyearp; const char * const typep; const char * const monthp; const char * const dayp; const char * const timep; { register const struct lookup *lp; register const char *cp; register char *dp; register char *ep; if ((lp = byword(monthp, mon_names)) == NULL) { error(gettext("invalid month name")); return; } rp->r_month = lp->l_value; rp->r_todisstd = FALSE; rp->r_todisgmt = FALSE; dp = ecpyalloc(timep); if (*dp != '\0') { ep = dp + strlen(dp) - 1; switch (lowerit(*ep)) { case 's': /* Standard */ rp->r_todisstd = TRUE; rp->r_todisgmt = FALSE; *ep = '\0'; break; case 'w': /* Wall */ rp->r_todisstd = FALSE; rp->r_todisgmt = FALSE; *ep = '\0'; break; case 'g': /* Greenwich */ case 'u': /* Universal */ case 'z': /* Zulu */ rp->r_todisstd = TRUE; rp->r_todisgmt = TRUE; *ep = '\0'; break; } } rp->r_tod = gethms(dp, gettext("invalid time of day"), FALSE); ifree(dp); /* * Year work. */ cp = loyearp; lp = byword(cp, begin_years); if (lp != NULL) { switch ((int)lp->l_value) { case YR_MINIMUM: rp->r_loyear = INT_MIN; break; case YR_MAXIMUM: rp->r_loyear = INT_MAX; break; default: /* "cannot happen" */ (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: panic: Invalid l_value %d\n"), progname, lp->l_value); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (sscanf(cp, scheck(cp, "%d"), &rp->r_loyear) != 1) { error(gettext("invalid starting year")); return; } else if (noise) { if (rp->r_loyear < min_year_representable) warning(gettext( "starting year too low to be represented")); else if (rp->r_loyear > max_year_representable) warning(gettext( "starting year too high to be represented")); } cp = hiyearp; if ((lp = byword(cp, end_years)) != NULL) { switch ((int)lp->l_value) { case YR_MINIMUM: rp->r_hiyear = INT_MIN; break; case YR_MAXIMUM: rp->r_hiyear = INT_MAX; break; case YR_ONLY: rp->r_hiyear = rp->r_loyear; break; default: /* "cannot happen" */ (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: panic: Invalid l_value %d\n"), progname, lp->l_value); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } else if (sscanf(cp, scheck(cp, "%d"), &rp->r_hiyear) != 1) { error(gettext("invalid ending year")); return; } else if (noise) { if (rp->r_loyear < min_year_representable) warning(gettext( "ending year too low to be represented")); else if (rp->r_loyear > max_year_representable) warning(gettext( "ending year too high to be represented")); } if (rp->r_loyear > rp->r_hiyear) { error(gettext("starting year greater than ending year")); return; } if (*typep == '\0') rp->r_yrtype = NULL; else { if (rp->r_loyear == rp->r_hiyear) { error(gettext("typed single year")); return; } rp->r_yrtype = ecpyalloc(typep); } if (rp->r_loyear < min_year && rp->r_loyear > 0) min_year = rp->r_loyear; /* * Day work. * Accept things such as: * 1 * last-Sunday * Sun<=20 * Sun>=7 */ dp = ecpyalloc(dayp); if ((lp = byword(dp, lasts)) != NULL) { rp->r_dycode = DC_DOWLEQ; rp->r_wday = lp->l_value; rp->r_dayofmonth = len_months[1][rp->r_month]; } else { if ((ep = strchr(dp, '<')) != 0) rp->r_dycode = DC_DOWLEQ; else if ((ep = strchr(dp, '>')) != 0) rp->r_dycode = DC_DOWGEQ; else { ep = dp; rp->r_dycode = DC_DOM; } if (rp->r_dycode != DC_DOM) { *ep++ = 0; if (*ep++ != '=') { error(gettext("invalid day of month")); ifree(dp); return; } if ((lp = byword(dp, wday_names)) == NULL) { error(gettext("invalid weekday name")); ifree(dp); return; } rp->r_wday = lp->l_value; } if (sscanf(ep, scheck(ep, "%d"), &rp->r_dayofmonth) != 1 || rp->r_dayofmonth <= 0 || (rp->r_dayofmonth > len_months[1][rp->r_month])) { error(gettext("invalid day of month")); ifree(dp); return; } } ifree(dp); } static void convert(val, buf) const long val; char * const buf; { register int i; register long shift; for (i = 0, shift = 24; i < 4; ++i, shift -= 8) buf[i] = val >> shift; } static void puttzcode(val, fp) const long val; FILE * const fp; { char buf[4]; convert(val, buf); (void) fwrite((void *)buf, (size_t)sizeof (buf), (size_t)1, fp); } static int atcomp(avp, bvp) const void *avp; const void *bvp; { if (((struct attype *)avp)->at < ((struct attype *)bvp)->at) return (-1); else if (((struct attype *)avp)->at > ((struct attype *)bvp)->at) return (1); else return (0); } static void writezone(name) const char * const name; { register FILE *fp; register int i, j; static char *fullname; static struct tzhead tzh; zic_t ats[TZ_MAX_TIMES]; unsigned char types[TZ_MAX_TIMES]; /* * Sort. */ if (timecnt > 1) (void) qsort((void *)attypes, (size_t)timecnt, (size_t)sizeof (*attypes), atcomp); /* * Optimize. */ { int fromi; int toi; toi = 0; fromi = 0; while (fromi < timecnt && attypes[fromi].at < min_time) ++fromi; if (isdsts[0] == 0) while (fromi < timecnt && attypes[fromi].type == 0) ++fromi; /* handled by default rule */ for (; fromi < timecnt; ++fromi) { if (toi != 0 && ((attypes[fromi].at + gmtoffs[attypes[toi - 1].type]) <= (attypes[toi - 1].at + gmtoffs[toi == 1 ? 0 : attypes[toi - 2].type]))) { attypes[toi - 1].type = attypes[fromi].type; continue; } if (toi == 0 || attypes[toi - 1].type != attypes[fromi].type) attypes[toi++] = attypes[fromi]; } timecnt = toi; } /* * Transfer. */ for (i = 0; i < timecnt; ++i) { ats[i] = attypes[i].at; types[i] = attypes[i].type; } fullname = erealloc(fullname, (int)(strlen(directory) + 1 + strlen(name) + 1)); (void) sprintf(fullname, "%s/%s", directory, name); /* * Remove old file, if any, to snap links. */ if (!itsdir(fullname) && remove(fullname) != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { const char *e = strerror(errno); (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: Can't remove %s: %s\n"), progname, fullname, e); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ((fp = fopen(fullname, "wb")) == NULL) { if (mkdirs(fullname) != 0) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); if ((fp = fopen(fullname, "wb")) == NULL) { const char *e = strerror(errno); (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s: Can't create %s: %s\n"), progname, fullname, e); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } convert(eitol(typecnt), tzh.tzh_ttisgmtcnt); convert(eitol(typecnt), tzh.tzh_ttisstdcnt); convert(eitol(leapcnt), tzh.tzh_leapcnt); convert(eitol(timecnt), tzh.tzh_timecnt); convert(eitol(typecnt), tzh.tzh_typecnt); convert(eitol(charcnt), tzh.tzh_charcnt); (void) strncpy(tzh.tzh_magic, TZ_MAGIC, sizeof (tzh.tzh_magic)); #define DO(field) (void) fwrite((void *) tzh.field, \ (size_t)sizeof (tzh.field), (size_t)1, fp) DO(tzh_magic); DO(tzh_reserved); DO(tzh_ttisgmtcnt); DO(tzh_ttisstdcnt); DO(tzh_leapcnt); DO(tzh_timecnt); DO(tzh_typecnt); DO(tzh_charcnt); #undef DO for (i = 0; i < timecnt; ++i) { j = leapcnt; while (--j >= 0) if (ats[i] >= trans[j]) { ats[i] = tadd(ats[i], corr[j]); break; } puttzcode((long)ats[i], fp); } if (timecnt > 0) (void) fwrite((void *)types, (size_t)sizeof (types[0]), (size_t)timecnt, fp); for (i = 0; i < typecnt; ++i) { puttzcode((long)gmtoffs[i], fp); (void) putc(isdsts[i], fp); (void) putc(abbrinds[i], fp); } if (charcnt != 0) (void) fwrite((void *)chars, (size_t)sizeof (chars[0]), (size_t)charcnt, fp); for (i = 0; i < leapcnt; ++i) { if (roll[i]) { if (timecnt == 0 || trans[i] < ats[0]) { j = 0; while (isdsts[j]) if (++j >= typecnt) { j = 0; break; } } else { j = 1; while (j < timecnt && trans[i] >= ats[j]) ++j; j = types[j - 1]; } puttzcode((long)tadd(trans[i], -gmtoffs[j]), fp); } else puttzcode((long)trans[i], fp); puttzcode((long)corr[i], fp); } for (i = 0; i < typecnt; ++i) (void) putc(ttisstds[i], fp); for (i = 0; i < typecnt; ++i) (void) putc(ttisgmts[i], fp); if (ferror(fp) || fclose(fp)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: Error writing %s\n"), progname, fullname); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } static void doabbr(abbr, format, letters, isdst) char * const abbr; const char * const format; const char * const letters; const int isdst; { if (strchr(format, '/') == NULL) { if (letters == NULL) (void) strcpy(abbr, format); else (void) sprintf(abbr, format, letters); } else if (isdst) (void) strcpy(abbr, strchr(format, '/') + 1); else { (void) strcpy(abbr, format); *strchr(abbr, '/') = '\0'; } } static void outzone(zpfirst, zonecount) const struct zone * const zpfirst; const int zonecount; { register const struct zone *zp; register struct rule *rp; register int i, j; register int usestart, useuntil; register zic_t starttime, untiltime; register long gmtoff; register long stdoff; register int year; register long startoff; register int startttisstd; register int startttisgmt; register int type; char startbuf[BUFSIZ]; INITIALIZE(untiltime); INITIALIZE(starttime); /* * Now. . .finally. . .generate some useful data! */ timecnt = 0; typecnt = 0; charcnt = 0; /* * Thanks to Earl Chew (earl@dnd.icp.nec.com.au) * for noting the need to unconditionally initialize startttisstd. */ startttisstd = FALSE; startttisgmt = FALSE; for (i = 0; i < zonecount; ++i) { /* * A guess that may well be corrected later. */ stdoff = 0; zp = &zpfirst[i]; usestart = i > 0 && (zp - 1)->z_untiltime > min_time; useuntil = i < (zonecount - 1); if (useuntil && zp->z_untiltime <= min_time) continue; gmtoff = zp->z_gmtoff; eat(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum); *startbuf = '\0'; startoff = zp->z_gmtoff; if (zp->z_nrules == 0) { stdoff = zp->z_stdoff; doabbr(startbuf, zp->z_format, (char *)NULL, stdoff != 0); type = addtype(oadd(zp->z_gmtoff, stdoff), startbuf, stdoff != 0, startttisstd, startttisgmt); if (usestart) { addtt(starttime, type); usestart = FALSE; } else if (stdoff != 0) addtt(min_time, type); } else for (year = min_year; year <= max_year; ++year) { if (useuntil && year > zp->z_untilrule.r_hiyear) break; /* * Mark which rules to do in the current year. * For those to do, calculate rpytime(rp, year); */ for (j = 0; j < zp->z_nrules; ++j) { rp = &zp->z_rules[j]; eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum, rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum); rp->r_todo = year >= rp->r_loyear && year <= rp->r_hiyear && yearistype(year, rp->r_yrtype); if (rp->r_todo) rp->r_temp = rpytime(rp, year); } for (;;) { register int k; register zic_t jtime, ktime; register long offset; char buf[BUFSIZ]; INITIALIZE(ktime); if (useuntil) { /* * Turn untiltime into UTC * assuming * the current gmtoff and stdoff values. */ untiltime = zp->z_untiltime; if (!zp->z_untilrule.r_todisgmt) untiltime = tadd(untiltime, -gmtoff); if (!zp->z_untilrule.r_todisstd) untiltime = tadd(untiltime, -stdoff); } /* * Find the rule (of those to do, if any) * that takes effect earliest in the year. */ k = -1; for (j = 0; j < zp->z_nrules; ++j) { rp = &zp->z_rules[j]; if (!rp->r_todo) continue; eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum, rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum); offset = rp->r_todisgmt ? 0 : gmtoff; if (!rp->r_todisstd) offset = oadd(offset, stdoff); jtime = rp->r_temp; if (jtime == min_time || jtime == max_time) continue; jtime = tadd(jtime, -offset); if (k < 0 || jtime < ktime) { k = j; ktime = jtime; } } if (k < 0) break; /* go on to next year */ rp = &zp->z_rules[k]; rp->r_todo = FALSE; if (useuntil && ktime >= untiltime) break; stdoff = rp->r_stdoff; if (usestart && ktime == starttime) usestart = FALSE; if (usestart) { if (ktime < starttime) { startoff = oadd(zp->z_gmtoff, stdoff); doabbr(startbuf, zp->z_format, rp->r_abbrvar, rp->r_stdoff != 0); continue; } if (*startbuf == '\0' && startoff == oadd(zp->z_gmtoff, stdoff)) { doabbr(startbuf, zp->z_format, rp->r_abbrvar, rp->r_stdoff != 0); } } eats(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum, rp->r_filename, rp->r_linenum); doabbr(buf, zp->z_format, rp->r_abbrvar, rp->r_stdoff != 0); offset = oadd(zp->z_gmtoff, rp->r_stdoff); type = addtype(offset, buf, rp->r_stdoff != 0, rp->r_todisstd, rp->r_todisgmt); addtt(ktime, type); } } if (usestart) { if (*startbuf == '\0' && zp->z_format != NULL && strchr(zp->z_format, '%') == NULL && strchr(zp->z_format, '/') == NULL) (void) strcpy(startbuf, zp->z_format); eat(zp->z_filename, zp->z_linenum); if (*startbuf == '\0') error(gettext( "can't determine time zone abbrevation to use just after until time")); else addtt(starttime, addtype(startoff, startbuf, startoff != zp->z_gmtoff, startttisstd, startttisgmt)); } /* * Now we may get to set starttime for the next zone line. */ if (useuntil) { startttisstd = zp->z_untilrule.r_todisstd; startttisgmt = zp->z_untilrule.r_todisgmt; starttime = zp->z_untiltime; if (!startttisstd) starttime = tadd(starttime, -stdoff); if (!startttisgmt) starttime = tadd(starttime, -gmtoff); } } writezone(zpfirst->z_name); } static void addtt(starttime, type) const zic_t starttime; int type; { if (starttime <= min_time || (timecnt == 1 && attypes[0].at < min_time)) { gmtoffs[0] = gmtoffs[type]; isdsts[0] = isdsts[type]; ttisstds[0] = ttisstds[type]; ttisgmts[0] = ttisgmts[type]; if (abbrinds[type] != 0) (void) strcpy(chars, &chars[abbrinds[type]]); abbrinds[0] = 0; charcnt = strlen(chars) + 1; typecnt = 1; timecnt = 0; type = 0; } if (timecnt >= TZ_MAX_TIMES) { error(gettext("too many transitions?!")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } attypes[timecnt].at = starttime; attypes[timecnt].type = type; ++timecnt; } static int addtype(gmtoff, abbr, isdst, ttisstd, ttisgmt) const long gmtoff; const char * const abbr; const int isdst; const int ttisstd; const int ttisgmt; { register int i, j; if (isdst != TRUE && isdst != FALSE) { error(gettext( "internal error - addtype called with bad isdst")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ttisstd != TRUE && ttisstd != FALSE) { error(gettext( "internal error - addtype called with bad ttisstd")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (ttisgmt != TRUE && ttisgmt != FALSE) { error(gettext( "internal error - addtype called with bad ttisgmt")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* * See if there's already an entry for this zone type. * If so, just return its index. */ for (i = 0; i < typecnt; ++i) { if (gmtoff == gmtoffs[i] && isdst == isdsts[i] && strcmp(abbr, &chars[abbrinds[i]]) == 0 && ttisstd == ttisstds[i] && ttisgmt == ttisgmts[i]) return (i); } /* * There isn't one; add a new one, unless there are already too * many. */ if (typecnt >= TZ_MAX_TYPES) { error(gettext("too many local time types")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } gmtoffs[i] = gmtoff; isdsts[i] = isdst; ttisstds[i] = ttisstd; ttisgmts[i] = ttisgmt; for (j = 0; j < charcnt; ++j) if (strcmp(&chars[j], abbr) == 0) break; if (j == charcnt) newabbr(abbr); abbrinds[i] = j; ++typecnt; return (i); } #ifdef LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT static void leapadd(t, positive, rolling, count) const zic_t t; const int positive; const int rolling; int count; { register int i, j; if (leapcnt + (positive ? count : 1) > TZ_MAX_LEAPS) { error(gettext("too many leap seconds")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (i = 0; i < leapcnt; ++i) if (t <= trans[i]) { if (t == trans[i]) { error(gettext("repeated leap second moment")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } break; } do { for (j = leapcnt; j > i; --j) { trans[j] = trans[j - 1]; corr[j] = corr[j - 1]; roll[j] = roll[j - 1]; } trans[i] = t; corr[i] = positive ? 1L : eitol(-count); roll[i] = rolling; ++leapcnt; } while (positive && --count != 0); } #endif /* LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT */ #ifdef LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT static void adjleap(void) { register int i; register long last = 0; /* * propagate leap seconds forward */ for (i = 0; i < leapcnt; ++i) { trans[i] = tadd(trans[i], last); last = corr[i] += last; } } #endif /* LEAPSECOND_SUPPORT */ static int yearistype(year, type) const int year; const char * const type; { static char *buf; int result; if (type == NULL || *type == '\0') return (TRUE); #if defined(sun) if (strcmp(type, "uspres") == 0) return ((year % 4) == 0); if (strcmp(type, "nonpres") == 0) return ((year % 4) != 0); if (strcmp(type, "even") == 0) return ((year % 2) == 0); if (strcmp(type, "odd") == 0) return ((year % 2) != 0); #endif /* defined(sun) */ buf = erealloc(buf, (int)(132 + strlen(yitcommand) + strlen(type))); (void) sprintf(buf, "%s %d %s", yitcommand, year, type); result = system(buf); if (WIFEXITED(result)) { switch (WEXITSTATUS(result)) { case 0: return (TRUE); case 1: return (FALSE); } } error(gettext("Wild result from command execution")); (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: command was '%s', result was %d\n"), progname, buf, result); for (;;) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } static int lowerit(a) int a; { a = (unsigned char) a; return ((isascii(a) && isupper(a)) ? tolower(a) : a); } static int ciequal(ap, bp) /* case-insensitive equality */ register const char *ap; register const char *bp; { while (lowerit(*ap) == lowerit(*bp++)) if (*ap++ == '\0') return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } static int itsabbr(abbr, word) register const char *abbr; register const char *word; { if (lowerit(*abbr) != lowerit(*word)) return (FALSE); ++word; while (*++abbr != '\0') do { if (*word == '\0') return (FALSE); } while (lowerit(*word++) != lowerit(*abbr)); return (TRUE); } static const struct lookup * byword(word, table) register const char * const word; register const struct lookup * const table; { register const struct lookup *foundlp; register const struct lookup *lp; if (word == NULL || table == NULL) return (NULL); /* * Look for exact match. */ for (lp = table; lp->l_word != NULL; ++lp) if (ciequal(word, lp->l_word)) return (lp); /* * Look for inexact match. */ foundlp = NULL; for (lp = table; lp->l_word != NULL; ++lp) if (itsabbr(word, lp->l_word)) { if (foundlp == NULL) foundlp = lp; else return (NULL); /* multiple inexact matches */ } return (foundlp); } static char ** getfields(cp) register char *cp; { register char *dp; register char **array; register int nsubs; if (cp == NULL) return (NULL); array = (char **)(void *) emalloc((int)((strlen(cp) + 1) * sizeof (*array))); nsubs = 0; for (;;) { while (isascii(*cp) && isspace((unsigned char) *cp)) ++cp; if (*cp == '\0' || *cp == '#') break; array[nsubs++] = dp = cp; do { if ((*dp = *cp++) != '"') ++dp; else while ((*dp = *cp++) != '"') if (*dp != '\0') ++dp; else error(gettext( "Odd number of quotation marks")); } while (*cp != '\0' && *cp != '#' && (!isascii(*cp) || !isspace((unsigned char) *cp))); if (isascii(*cp) && isspace((unsigned char) *cp)) ++cp; *dp = '\0'; } array[nsubs] = NULL; return (array); } static long oadd(t1, t2) const long t1; const long t2; { register long t; t = t1 + t2; if ((t2 > 0 && t <= t1) || (t2 < 0 && t >= t1)) { error(gettext("time overflow")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return (t); } static zic_t tadd(t1, t2) const zic_t t1; const long t2; { register zic_t t; if (t1 == max_time && t2 > 0) return (max_time); if (t1 == min_time && t2 < 0) return (min_time); t = t1 + t2; if ((t2 > 0 && t <= t1) || (t2 < 0 && t >= t1)) { error(gettext("time overflow")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return (t); } /* * Given a rule, and a year, compute the date - in seconds since January 1, * 1970, 00:00 LOCAL time - in that year that the rule refers to. */ static zic_t rpytime(rp, wantedy) register const struct rule * const rp; register const int wantedy; { register int y, m, i; register long dayoff; /* with a nod to Margaret O. */ register zic_t t; if (wantedy == INT_MIN) return (min_time); if (wantedy == INT_MAX) return (max_time); dayoff = 0; m = TM_JANUARY; y = EPOCH_YEAR; while (wantedy != y) { if (wantedy > y) { i = len_years[isleap(y)]; ++y; } else { --y; i = -len_years[isleap(y)]; } dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(i)); } while (m != rp->r_month) { i = len_months[isleap(y)][m]; dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(i)); ++m; } i = rp->r_dayofmonth; if (m == TM_FEBRUARY && i == 29 && !isleap(y)) { if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWLEQ) --i; else { error(gettext("use of 2/29 in non leap-year")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } --i; dayoff = oadd(dayoff, eitol(i)); if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWGEQ || rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWLEQ) { register long wday; #define LDAYSPERWEEK ((long)DAYSPERWEEK) wday = eitol(EPOCH_WDAY); /* * Don't trust mod of negative numbers. */ if (dayoff >= 0) wday = (wday + dayoff) % LDAYSPERWEEK; else { wday -= ((-dayoff) % LDAYSPERWEEK); if (wday < 0) wday += LDAYSPERWEEK; } while (wday != eitol(rp->r_wday)) if (rp->r_dycode == DC_DOWGEQ) { dayoff = oadd(dayoff, (long)1); if (++wday >= LDAYSPERWEEK) wday = 0; ++i; } else { dayoff = oadd(dayoff, (long)-1); if (--wday < 0) wday = LDAYSPERWEEK - 1; --i; } if (i < 0 || i >= len_months[isleap(y)][m]) { if (noise) warning(gettext("rule goes past start/end of " "month--will not work with pre-2004 " "versions of zic")); } } if (dayoff < 0 && !TYPE_SIGNED(zic_t)) return (min_time); if (dayoff < min_time / SECSPERDAY) return (min_time); if (dayoff > max_time / SECSPERDAY) return (max_time); t = (zic_t)dayoff * SECSPERDAY; return (tadd(t, rp->r_tod)); } static void newabbr(string) const char * const string; { register int i; if (strcmp(string, GRANDPARENTED) != 0) { register const char *cp; register char *wp; /* * Want one to ZIC_MAX_ABBR_LEN_WO_WARN alphabetics * optionally followed by a + or - and a number from 1 to 14. */ cp = string; wp = NULL; while (isascii(*cp) && isalpha(*cp)) ++cp; if (cp - string == 0) wp = gettext(("time zone abbreviation lacks " "alphabetic at start")); if (noise && cp - string > 3) wp = gettext(("time zone abbreviation has more than 3 " "alphabetics")); if (cp - string > ZIC_MAX_ABBR_LEN_WO_WARN) wp = gettext(("time zone abbreviation has too many " "alphabetics")); if (wp == NULL && (*cp == '+' || *cp == '-')) { ++cp; if (isascii(*cp) && isdigit(*cp)) if (*cp++ == '1' && *cp >= '0' && *cp <= '4') ++cp; } if (*cp != '\0') wp = gettext("time zone abbreviation differs from " "POSIX standard"); if (wp != NULL) { wp = ecpyalloc(wp); wp = ecatalloc(wp, " ("); wp = ecatalloc(wp, string); wp = ecatalloc(wp, ")"); warning(wp); ifree(wp); } } i = strlen(string) + 1; if (charcnt + i > TZ_MAX_CHARS) { error(gettext("too many, or too long, time zone " "abbreviations")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } (void) strcpy(&chars[charcnt], string); charcnt += eitol(i); } static int mkdirs(argname) char * const argname; { register char *name; register char *cp; if (argname == NULL || *argname == '\0') return (0); cp = name = ecpyalloc(argname); while ((cp = strchr(cp + 1, '/')) != 0) { *cp = '\0'; if (!itsdir(name)) { /* * It doesn't seem to exist, so we try to create it. * Creation may fail because of the directory being * created by some other multiprocessor, so we get * to do extra checking. */ if (mkdir(name, MKDIR_UMASK) != 0) { const char *e = strerror(errno); if (errno != EEXIST || !itsdir(name)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext( "%s: Can't create directory %s: %s\n"), progname, name, e); ifree(name); return (-1); } } } *cp = '/'; } ifree(name); return (0); } static long eitol(i) const int i; { long l; l = i; if ((i < 0 && l >= 0) || (i == 0 && l != 0) || (i > 0 && l <= 0)) { (void) fprintf(stderr, gettext("%s: %d did not sign extend correctly\n"), progname, i); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return (l); } /* * UNIX was a registered trademark of The Open Group in 2003. */