 * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
 * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
 * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions
 * and limitations under the License.
 * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
 * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
 * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
 * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
 * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]

 * Copyright 2014 Nexenta Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.

 * Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Use is subject to license terms.

#ifndef	_AUTOMOUNT_H
#define	_AUTOMOUNT_H

#include <fslib.h>		/* needed for mntlist_t declaration */
#include <thread.h>
#include <sys/mntent.h>		/*    "    "  MNTTYPE_* declarations */
#include <synch.h>		/* needed for mutex_t declaration */
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <rpc/rpc.h>
#include <sys/fs/autofs.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>		/* needed for sockaddr_in declaration */
#include <door.h>

#include <debug_alloc.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#ifndef _REENTRANT
#define	fork1			vfork
#define	rpc_control(a, b)	1

#define	DOMOUNT_USER	1

 * Solaris autofs configuration file location
#define	AUTOFSADMIN	"/etc/default/autofs"

#define	MAXNETNAMELEN   255
#define	LINESZ		4096
#define	MAXADDRLEN	128		/* max autofs address length */
#define	MAXOPTSLEN	1024

#define	AUTOFS_MOUNT_TIMEOUT	600	/* default min time mount will */
					/* remain mounted (in seconds) */
#define	AUTOFS_RPC_TIMEOUT	60	/* secs autofs will wait for */
					/* automountd's reply before */
					/* retransmitting */
/* stack ops */
#define	ERASE		0
#define	PUSH		1
#define	POP		2
#define	INIT		3
#define	STACKSIZ	30

#define	DIST_SELF	1
#define	DIST_MYSUB	2
#define	DIST_MYNET	3
#define	DIST_OTHER	4

#define	MAXIFS		32

 * Retry operation related definitions.
#define	RET_OK		0
#define	RET_RETRY	32
#define	RET_ERR		33
#define	INITDELAY	5
#define	MAXDELAY	120
#define	ARGV_MAX	16
#define	VFS_PATH	"/usr/lib/fs"
#define	DELAY(delay) { \
	(void) sleep(delay); \
	delay *= DELAY_BACKOFF; \
	if (delay > MAXDELAY) \
		delay = MAXDELAY; \

struct mapline {
	char linebuf[LINESZ];
	char lineqbuf[LINESZ];

 * Structure describing a host/filesystem/dir tuple in a NIS map entry
struct mapfs {
	struct mapfs *mfs_next;	/* next in entry */
	int 	mfs_ignore;	/* ignore this entry */
	char	*mfs_host;	/* host name */
	char	*mfs_dir;	/* dir to mount */
	int	mfs_penalty;	/* mount penalty for this host */
	int	mfs_distance;	/* distance hint */
	struct nfs_args *mfs_args;	/* nfs_args */
	struct netconfig *mfs_nconf;
	rpcvers_t	mfs_version;	/* NFS version */

#define	MFS_ALLOC_DIR		0x1	/* mfs_dir now points to different */
					/* buffer */

#define	MFS_URL			0x2	/* is NFS url listed in this tuple. */
#define	MFS_FH_VIA_WEBNFS	0x4	/* got file handle during ping phase */

	uint_t	mfs_flags;
	uint_t	mfs_port;	/* port# in NFS url */

 * NIS entry - lookup of name in DIR gets us this
struct mapent {
	char	*map_fstype;	/* file system type e.g. "nfs" */
	char	*map_mounter;	/* base fs e.g. "cachefs" */
	char	*map_root;	/* path to mount root */
	char	*map_mntpnt;	/* path from mount root */
	char	*map_mntopts;	/* mount options */
	char    *map_fsw;	/* mount fs information */
	char    *map_fswq;	/* quoted mountfs information */
	int	map_mntlevel;	/* mapentry hierarchy level */
	bool_t	map_modified;	/* flags modified mapentries */
	bool_t	map_faked;	/* flags faked mapentries */
	int	map_err;	/* flags any bad entries in the map */
	struct mapfs *map_fs;	/* list of replicas for nfs */
	struct mapent *map_next;

 * Descriptor for each directory served by the automounter
struct autodir {
	char	*dir_name;		/* mount point */
	char	*dir_map;		/* name of map for dir */
	char	*dir_opts;		/* default mount options */
	int 	dir_direct;		/* direct mountpoint ? */
	int 	dir_remount;		/* a remount */
	struct autodir *dir_next;	/* next entry */
	struct autodir *dir_prev;	/* prev entry */

 * This structure is used to build an array of
 * hostnames with associated penalties to be
 * passed to the nfs_cast procedure
struct host_names {
	char *host;
	int  penalty;

 * structure used to build list of contents for a map on
 * a readdir request
struct dir_entry {
	char		*name;		/* name of entry */
	ino_t		nodeid;
	off_t		offset;
	struct dir_entry *next;
	struct dir_entry *left;		/* left element in binary tree */
	struct dir_entry *right;	/* right element in binary tree */

 * offset index table
struct off_tbl {
	off_t			offset;
	struct dir_entry	*first;
	struct off_tbl		*next;

 * directory cache for 'map'
struct autofs_rddir_cache {
	char			*map;
	struct off_tbl		*offtp;
	ulong_t			bucket_size;
	time_t			ttl;
	struct dir_entry	*entp;
	mutex_t			lock;		/* protects 'in_use' field */
	int			in_use;		/* # threads referencing it */
	rwlock_t		rwlock;		/* protects 'full' and 'next' */
	int			full;		/* full == 1 when cache full */
	struct autofs_rddir_cache	*next;

#define	RDDIR_CACHE_TIME	300		/* in seconds */

#endif /* NO_RDDIR_CACHE */

 * structure used to maintain address list for localhost

struct myaddrs {
	struct sockaddr_in sin;
	struct myaddrs *myaddrs_next;

 * structure used to pass commands to the door servers

typedef struct command {
	char file[MAXPATHLEN];
	char key[MAXOPTSLEN];
	int console;
} command_t;

 * globally visible door_server file descriptor
int did_exec_map;
int did_fork_exec;

extern time_t timenow;	/* set at start of processing of each RPC call */
extern char self[];
extern int verbose;
extern int trace;
extern int automountd_nobrowse;
extern struct autodir *dir_head;
extern struct autodir *dir_tail;
extern struct mntlist *current_mounts;
struct mounta;			/* defined in sys/vfs.h */
extern struct myaddrs *myaddrs_head;

extern rwlock_t	cache_lock;
extern rwlock_t portmap_cache_lock;
extern rwlock_t autofs_rddir_cache_lock;

extern mutex_t cleanup_lock;
extern cond_t cleanup_start_cv;
extern cond_t cleanup_done_cv;

 * mnttab handling routines
extern void free_mapent(struct mapent *);
extern struct mntlist *getmntlist(void);
extern dev_t get_devid(struct extmnttab *);

 * utilities
extern struct mapent *parse_entry(char *, char *, char *, struct mapline *,
				char *, uint_t, bool_t);
extern int macro_expand(char *, char *, char *, int);
extern void unquote(char *, char *);
extern void unbracket(char **);
extern void trim(char *);
extern char *get_line(FILE *, char *, char *, int);
extern int getword(char *, char *, char **, char **, char, int);
extern int get_retry(char *);
extern int str_opt(struct mnttab *, char *, char **);
extern void put_automountd_env(void);
extern void dirinit(char *, char *, char *, int, char **, char ***);
extern void pr_msg(const char *, ...);
extern void trace_prt(int, char *, ...);
extern void free_autofs_args(autofs_args *);
extern void free_nfs_args(struct nfs_args *);
extern void free_mounta(struct mounta *);

extern int nopt(struct mnttab *, char *, int *);
extern int set_versrange(rpcvers_t, rpcvers_t *, rpcvers_t *);
extern enum clnt_stat pingnfs(char *, int, rpcvers_t *, rpcvers_t,
	ushort_t, bool_t, char *, char *);

extern void *autofs_get_buffer(size_t);
extern int self_check(char *);
extern int do_mount1(char *, char *, char *, char *, char *, uint_t, uid_t,
	action_list **, int);
extern int do_lookup1(char *, char *, char *, char *, char *, uint_t, uid_t,
	autofs_action_t *, struct linka *);
extern int do_unmount1(umntrequest *);
extern int do_readdir(autofs_rddirargs *, autofs_rddirres *);
extern int nfsunmount(struct mnttab *);
extern int loopbackmount(char *, char *, char *, int);
extern int mount_nfs(struct mapent *, char *, char *, int, uid_t,
	action_list **);
extern int mount_autofs(struct mapent *, char *, action_list *,
	char *rootp, char *subdir, char *key);
extern int mount_generic(char *, char *, char *, char *, int);
extern enum clnt_stat nfs_cast(struct mapfs *, struct mapfs **, int);

extern bool_t hasrestrictopt(char *);

 * readdir handling routines
extern char *auto_rddir_malloc(unsigned);
extern char *auto_rddir_strdup(const char *);
extern struct dir_entry *btree_lookup(struct dir_entry *, char *);
extern void btree_enter(struct dir_entry **, struct dir_entry *);
extern int add_dir_entry(char *, struct dir_entry **, struct dir_entry **);
extern void cache_cleanup(void);
extern int autofs_rddir_cache_lookup(char *, struct autofs_rddir_cache **);
extern struct dir_entry *rddir_entry_lookup(char *, struct dir_entry *);
#endif /* NO_RDDIR_CACHE */

 * generic interface to specific name service functions
extern void ns_setup(char **, char ***);
extern int getmapent(char *, char *, struct mapline *, char **, char ***,
			bool_t *, bool_t);
extern int getmapkeys(char *, struct dir_entry **, int *, int *, char **,
			char ***, uid_t);
extern int loadmaster_map(char *, char *, char **, char ***);
extern int loaddirect_map(char *, char *, char *, char **, char ***);

 * these name service specific functions should not be
 * accessed directly, use the generic functions.
extern void init_files(char **, char ***);
extern int getmapent_files(char *, char *, struct mapline *, char **, char ***,
				bool_t *, bool_t);
extern int loadmaster_files(char *, char *, char **, char ***);
extern int loaddirect_files(char *, char *, char *, char **, char ***);
extern int getmapkeys_files(char *, struct dir_entry **, int *, int *,
	char **, char ***);
extern int stack_op(int, char *, char **, char ***);

extern void init_nis(char **, char ***);
extern int getmapent_nis(char *, char *, struct mapline *, char **, char ***,
				bool_t *, bool_t);
extern int loadmaster_nis(char *, char *, char **, char ***);
extern int loaddirect_nis(char *, char *, char *, char **, char ***);
extern int getmapkeys_nis(char *, struct dir_entry **, int *, int *,
	char **, char ***);

extern void init_ldap(char **, char ***);
extern int getmapent_ldap(char *, char *, struct mapline *, char **, char ***,
				bool_t *, bool_t);
extern int loadmaster_ldap(char *, char *, char **, char ***);
extern int loaddirect_ldap(char *, char *, char *, char **, char ***);
extern int getmapkeys_ldap(char *, struct dir_entry **, int *, int *,
	char **, char ***);

 * end of name service specific functions

 * not defined in any header file
extern int __clnt_bindresvport(CLIENT *);
extern int getnetmaskbynet(const struct in_addr, struct in_addr *);

 * Hidden rpc functions
extern int __nis_reset_state();
extern int __rpc_negotiate_uid(int);

 * door_server functions to handle fork activity within the automounter
void automountd_do_fork_exec(void *, char *, size_t, door_desc_t *, uint_t);
void automountd_do_exec_map(void *, char *, size_t, door_desc_t *, uint_t);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif	/* _AUTOMOUNT_H */