/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <locale.h> #include <kstat.h> #include "dsstat.h" #include "multi_stats.h" /* Globals */ int mode = 0; int interval = 1; int iterations = 1; int zflag = 0; int linesout = 0; short hflags = HEADERS_EXL; short dflags = 0; short rflags = 0; vslist_t *vs_top = NULL; void errout(char *msg) { (void) fprintf(stderr, msg); } void usage() { errout(gettext( "\ndsstat [-m <mode>[,<mode>]] [-f | -F] [-z] [-s <sets>] " "[-r <flags>] \\\n[-d <flags>] [<interval> [<count>]]\n\n")); } void help() { usage(); errout(gettext("\t" "-d <flags> Specifies the statistics to be displayed\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " For 'cache' mode\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " Valid <flags> are 'rwfsdc', default <flags> are 'sf'\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " r=read, w=write, f=flags, s=summary,\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " only available for cache mode, need to combine with '-m'\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " d=destaged, c=write cancellations\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " For 'ii' mode;\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " Valid <flags> are 'rwtfps', default <flags> are 'sf'\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " r=read, w=write, t=timing, f=flags, p=percentages,\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " s=summary\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " For 'sndr' mode;\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " Valid <flags> are'rwtfpsq', default <flags> are 'spf'\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " r=read, w=write, t=timing, f=flags, p=percentages,\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " s=summary\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " only available for sndr mode, need to combine with '-m'\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " q=queue\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" "-f prints field headers once for each iteration\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" "-F prints field headers once, at the start of reporting\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" "-h prints detailed usage message\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" "-m <mode>[,<mode>] where mode is, 'cache', 'ii', or 'sndr'\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " Multiple modes may be specified as a comma separated list,\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " or multiple -m switches may be used.\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" "-r <flags> specifies components to be reported\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " For 'cache' mode, this option is not used.\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " For 'ii' mode;\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " Valid <flags> are 'msbo', default <flags> are 'msbo'\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " m=master, s=shadow, b=bitmap, o=overflow\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " For 'sndr' mode;\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " Valid <flags> are 'nb', default <flags> are 'nb'\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " n=network, b=bitmap\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" "-s <sets> outputs specified sets\n")); errout(gettext("\t" " Where <sets> is a comma delimited list of set names\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" "-z suppress reports with zero value (no activity)\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" "<interval> is the number of seconds between reports\n\n")); errout(gettext("\t" "<count> is the number of reports to be generated\n\n")); } void fail(int err, char *msg) { errout(gettext("\ndsstat: ")); errout(msg); usage(); errout(gettext("For detailed usage run \"dsstat -h\"\n")); exit(err); } int set_mode(char *user_modes) { char *m; int local_mode = 0; for (m = strtok(user_modes, ","); m != NULL; m = strtok(NULL, ",")) { if (local_mode != 0) { local_mode |= MULTI; } if (strncasecmp("sndr", m, strlen(m)) == 0) { local_mode |= SNDR; continue; } if (strncasecmp("ii", m, strlen(m)) == 0) { local_mode |= IIMG; continue; } if (strncasecmp("cache", m, strlen(m)) == 0) { local_mode |= SDBC; continue; } fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid mode specified")); } return (local_mode); } short set_dflags(char *flags) { int index; short user_dflags = 0; for (index = 0; index < strlen(flags); index++) { switch (flags[index]) { case 'r': user_dflags |= READ; break; case 'w': user_dflags |= WRITE; break; case 't': user_dflags |= TIMING; break; case 'f': user_dflags |= FLAGS; break; case 'p': user_dflags |= PCTS; break; case 's': user_dflags |= SUMMARY; break; case 'd': user_dflags |= DESTAGED; break; case 'c': user_dflags |= WRCANCEL; break; case 'h': user_dflags |= RATIO; break; case 'q': user_dflags |= ASYNC_QUEUE; break; default: fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid display-flags set\n")); } } return (user_dflags); } short set_rflags(char *flags) { int index; short user_rflags = 0; for (index = 0; index < strlen(flags); index++) { switch (flags[index]) { case 'm': user_rflags |= IIMG_MST; break; case 's': user_rflags |= IIMG_SHD; break; case 'b': user_rflags |= IIMG_BMP; user_rflags |= SNDR_BMP; break; case 'o': user_rflags |= IIMG_OVR; break; case 'n': user_rflags |= SNDR_NET; break; default: fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid report-flags set\n")); } } return (user_rflags); } void set_vol_list(char *list) { vslist_t *pre; vslist_t *newvol; vslist_t *vslist; char *volume; for (volume = strtok(list, ","); volume != NULL; volume = strtok(NULL, ",")) { int dup = 0; char *vh = NULL; char *vn = NULL; /* get user-specified set information */ if ((vn = strchr(volume, ':')) == NULL) { vn = volume; } else { *vn = '\0'; vn++; vh = volume; } /* check for duplicates */ dup = 0; for (vslist = vs_top; vslist != NULL; vslist = vslist->next) { if (vslist->volhost && vh) { if (strcmp(vslist->volhost, vh) == 0 && strcmp(vslist->volname, vn) == 0) dup = 1; } else { if (strcmp(vslist->volname, vn) == 0) dup = 1; } pre = vslist; } if (dup) continue; /* initialize new vslist record */ newvol = (vslist_t *)calloc(1, sizeof (vslist_t)); newvol->volname = (char *)calloc((strlen(vn) + 1), sizeof (char)); (void) strcpy(newvol->volname, vn); if (vh == NULL) goto save; newvol->volhost = (char *)calloc((strlen(vh) + 1), sizeof (char)); (void) strcpy(newvol->volhost, vh); save: /* save record */ if (vs_top == NULL) { vslist = vs_top = newvol; vslist->next = NULL; continue; } if (vslist == NULL) { vslist = pre->next = newvol; vslist->next = NULL; continue; } } } int main(int argc, char **argv) { extern char *optarg; extern int optind; int c; int error; short user_dflags = 0; short user_rflags = 0; /* Parse command line */ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "d:fFhm:r:s:z")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'd': /* what to display */ user_dflags = set_dflags(optarg); break; case 'f': hflags = HEADERS_ATT; break; case 'F': hflags = HEADERS_BOR; break; case 'h': /* usage */ help(); exit(0); break; case 'm': /* Mode */ mode |= set_mode(optarg); break; case 'r': /* what to report on */ user_rflags = set_rflags(optarg); break; case 's': set_vol_list(optarg); break; case 'z': zflag = 1; break; default: fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, "Invalid argument specified\n"); } } /* Parse additional arguments */ if (optind < argc) { if ((interval = atoi(argv[optind])) <= 0) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid interval specified.\n")); } else { iterations = -1; } optind++; if (optind < argc) { if ((iterations = atoi(argv[optind])) <= 0) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid count specified.\n")); } } optind++; } if (optind < argc) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Too many parameters specified.\n")); } if (mode == 0) mode |= MULTI | IIMG | SNDR | SDBC; /* Select statistics to gather */ if (mode & SNDR) { if (! (mode & MULTI)) { if (user_rflags & IIMG_BMP) user_rflags ^= IIMG_BMP; if ((user_dflags | SNDR_DIS_MASK) != SNDR_DIS_MASK) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid " "display-flags for RemoteMirror\n")); } if ((user_rflags | SNDR_REP_MASK) != SNDR_REP_MASK) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid report-flags for " "Remote Mirror\n")); } } if ((mode & MULTI) && (user_dflags & ASYNC_QUEUE)) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Remote Mirror async. queue" "statistics can not be displayed with mutiple " "modes.")); } if (user_dflags) dflags = user_dflags; else dflags |= (SUMMARY | PCTS | FLAGS | RATIO); if (user_rflags) rflags = user_rflags; else rflags |= (SNDR_NET | SNDR_BMP); } if (mode & IIMG) { if (! (mode & MULTI)) { if (user_rflags & SNDR_BMP) user_rflags ^= SNDR_BMP; if ((user_dflags | IIMG_DIS_MASK) != IIMG_DIS_MASK) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid display-flags for " "Point-in-Time Copy\n")); } if ((user_rflags | IIMG_REP_MASK) != IIMG_REP_MASK) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid report-flags for " "Point-in-Time Copy\n")); } } if (user_dflags) dflags = user_dflags; else dflags |= (SUMMARY | PCTS | FLAGS | RATIO); if (user_rflags) rflags = user_rflags; else rflags |= (IIMG_MST | IIMG_SHD | IIMG_BMP | IIMG_OVR); } if (mode & SDBC) { if (! (mode & MULTI)) { if ((user_dflags | CACHE_DIS_MASK) != CACHE_DIS_MASK) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid " "display-flags for CACHE\n")); } if ((user_rflags | CACHE_REP_MASK) != CACHE_REP_MASK) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid " "report-flags for CACHE\n")); } } else { if ((user_dflags & DESTAGED) || (user_dflags & WRCANCEL)) { if (user_dflags & DESTAGED) fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Cache, destaged " "statistics can not be displayed with mutiple " "modes.")); else fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Cache, write " "cancellations " "statistics can not be displayed with mutiple " "modes.")); } } if (user_dflags) dflags = user_dflags; else if (mode & MULTI) dflags |= (SUMMARY); else dflags |= (SUMMARY | FLAGS); if (user_rflags) rflags = user_rflags; else rflags |= user_rflags; } error = do_stats(); if (error == EAGAIN) { fail(DSSTAT_NOSTAT, gettext("No statistics available for the " "specified mode(s).\n")); } if (error == EINVAL) { fail(DSSTAT_EINVAL, gettext("Invalid kstat format detected.\n")); } if (error == ENOMEM) { fail(DSSTAT_ENOMEM, gettext("Unable to open kstat device for reading.\n")); } if (error == -1) { if (execv("/usr/sbin/dsstat", argv) != 0) { fail(DSSTAT_EMAP, gettext("Kstat is invalid.\n")); } } if (error) { fail(DSSTAT_EUNKNWN, gettext("An unknown error occured.\n")); } return (0); }