'\" te
.\" Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
.\" Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
.TH lpc 1B "2 Jun 2006" "SunOS 5.11" "SunOS/BSD Compatibility Package Commands"
lpc \- line printer control program
\fB/usr/ucb/lpc\fR [\fIcommand\fR [\fIparameter\fR...]]

The \fBlpc\fR utility controls the operation of local printers.
Use \fBlpc\fR to perform the following functions:
.RS +4
.ie t \(bu
.el o
start or stop a printer,
.RS +4
.ie t \(bu
.el o
disable or enable a printer's spooling queue,
.RS +4
.ie t \(bu
.el o
rearrange the order of jobs in a print queue, or
.RS +4
.ie t \(bu
.el o
display the status of a printer print queue and printer daemon.
\fBlpc\fR can be run from the command line or interactively. Specifying
\fBlpc\fR with the optional \fIcommand\fR and\fIparameter\fR arguments causes
\fBlpc\fR to interpret the first argument as an \fBlpc\fR command, and all
other arguments as parameters to that command. Specifying \fBlpc\fR without
arguments causes it to run interactively, prompting the user for \fBlpc\fR
commands with \fBlpc>\fR. By redirecting the standard input, \fBlpc\fR can read
commands from a file.
\fBlpc\fR commands can be typed in their entirety or abbreviated to an
unambiguous substring. Some \fBlpc\fR commands are available to all users;
others are available only to super-users.
All users can execute the following \fBlpc\fR commands:
.ne 2
\fB\fB?\fR [\fIcommand\fR \|.\|.\|.] | \fBhelp\fR [\fIcommand\fR \|.\|.\|.]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Displays a short description of \fIcommand\fR. \fIcommand\fR is an \fBlpc\fR
command. If \fIcommand\fR is not specified, displays a list of \fBlpc\fR

.ne 2
\fB\fBexit\fR | \fBquit\fR\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Exits from \fBlpc\fR.

.ne 2
\fB\fBstatus\fR [\fBall\fR | \fIprinter\fR\|.\|.\|.]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Displays the status of print daemons and print queues. \fBall\fR specifies that
this command is performed on all locally attached printers. \fIprinter\fR
indicates this command is performed on specific printers. Specify \fIprinter\fR
as an atomic name. See \fBprinters.conf\fR(4) for information regarding naming
conventions for atomic names.

Only a super-user can execute the following \fBlpc\fR commands:
.ne 2
\fB\fBabort\fR [\fBall\fR | \fIprinter\fR\|.\|.\|.]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Terminates an active spooling daemon. Disables printing (by preventing new
daemons from being started by \fBlpr\fR(1B)) for \fIprinter\fR. \fBall\fR
specifies this command is performed on all locally attached printers.
\fIprinter\fR indicates this command is performed on specific printers. Specify
\fIprinter\fR as an atomic name. See \fBprinters.conf\fR(4) for information
regarding naming conventions for atomic names.

.ne 2
\fB\fBclean\fR [\fBall\fR | \fIprinter\fR\|.\|.\|.\|]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Removes files created in the print spool directory by the print daemon from
\fIprinter\fR \fI\&'s\fR print queue. \fBall\fR specifies that this command is
performed on all locally attached printers.\fIprinter\fR indicates this command
is performed on specific printers. Specify \fIprinter\fR as an atomic name. See
\fBprinters.conf\fR(4) for information regarding naming conventions for atomic

.ne 2
\fB\fBdisable\fR [\fBall\fR | \fIprinter\fR \|.\|.\|.]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Turns off the print queue for \fIprinter\fR. Prevents new printer jobs from
being entered into the print queue for \fIprinter\fRby \fBlpr\fR(1B). \fBall\fR
specifies that this command is performed on all locally attached printers.
\fIprinter\fR indicates this command is performed on specific printers. Specify
\fIprinter\fR as an atomic name. See \fBprinters.conf\fR(4) for information
regarding naming conventions for atomic names.

.ne 2
\fB\fBdown\fR [\fBall\fR | \fIprinter\fR \|.\|.\|.\|] [\fImessage\fR]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Turns the queue for \fIprinter\fR off and disables printing on \fIprinter\fR.
Inserts \fImessage\fR in the printer status file. \fImessage\fR does not need
to be quoted; multiple arguments to \fImessage\fR are treated as arguments are
to \fBecho\fR(1). Use \fBdown\fR to take a printer down and inform users.
\fBall\fR specifies that this command is performed on all locally attached
printers. \fIprinter\fR indicates this command is performed on specific
printers. Specify \fIprinter\fR as an atomic name. See \fBprinters.conf\fR(4)
for information regarding naming conventions for atomic names.

.ne 2
\fB\fBenable\fR [\fBall\fR | \fIprinter\fR \|.\|.\|.]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Enables \fBlpr\fR(1B) to add new jobs in the spool queue. \fBall\fR specifies
that this command is performed on all locally attached printers. \fIprinter\fR
indicates this command is performed on specific printers. Specify \fIprinter\fR
as an atomic name. See \fBprinters.conf\fR(4) for information regarding naming
conventions for atomic names.

.ne 2
\fB\fBrestart\fR [\fBall\fR | \fIprinter\fR\|.\|.\|.]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Attempts to start a new printer daemon. \fBrestart\fR is useful when a print
daemon dies unexpectedly and leaves jobs in the print queue. \fBall\fR
specifies that this command is performed on all locally attached printers.
\fIprinter\fR indicates that this command is performed on specific printers.
Specify \fIprinter\fR as an atomic name. See \fBprinters.conf\fR(4) for
information regarding naming conventions for atomic names.

.ne 2
\fB\fBstart\fR [\fBall\fR | \fIprinter\fR\|.\|.\|.]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Enables printing. Starts a spooling daemon for the \fIprinter\fR. \fBall\fR
specifies that this command is performed on all locally attached printers.
\fIprinter\fR indicates the command is performed on specific printers. Specify
\fIprinter\fR as an atomic name. See \fBprinters.conf\fR(4) for information
regarding naming conventions for atomic names.

.ne 2
\fB\fBstop\fR [\fBall\fR | \fIprinter\fR\|.\|.\|.\|]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Stops a spooling daemon after the current job is complete. Disables printing at
that time. \fBall\fR specifies that this command is performed on all locally
attached printers. \fIprinter\fR indicates this command is performed on
specific printers. Specify \fIprinter\fR as an atomic name. See
\fBprinters.conf\fR(4) for information regarding naming conventions for atomic

.ne 2
\fB\fBtopq\fR \fIprinter\fR[\fIrequest-ID\fR\|.\|.\|.] [\fIuser\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Moves \fIrequest-ID\fR or print jobs belonging to \fIuser\fR on \fIprinter\fR
to the beginning of the print queue. Specify \fIuser\fR as a user's login name.
Specify \fIprinter\fR as an atomic name. See \fBprinters.conf\fR(4) for
information regarding naming conventions for atomic names.

.ne 2
\fB\fBup\fR [\fBall\fR | \fIprinter\fR \|.\|.\|.]\fR
.sp .6
.RS 4n
Turns the queue for \fIprinter\fR on and enables printing on \fIprinter\fR.
Deletes the message in the printer status file (inserted by \fBdown\fR). Use
\fBup\fR to undo the effects of \fBdown\fR. \fBall\fR specifies that this
command is performed on all locally attached printers. \fIprinter\fR indicates
this command is performed on specific printers. Specify \fIprinter\fR as an
atomic name. See \fBprinters.conf\fR(4) for information regarding naming
conventions for atomic names.

The following exit values are returned:
.ne 2
.RS 12n
Successful completion.

.ne 2
.RS 12n
An error occurred.

.ne 2
.RS 24n
 System printer configuration database

.ne 2
.RS 24n
User-configurable printer database

.ne 2
.RS 24n
NIS version of \fB/etc/printers.conf\fR

.ne 2
.RS 24n
 NIS+ version of \fB/etc/printers.conf\fR

.ne 2
.RS 24n
LDAP version of \fB/etc/printers.conf\fR

See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes:

tab() box;
cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) 
lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) 
Interface StabilityStandard

\fBlpq\fR(1B), \fBlpr\fR(1B), \fBlprm\fR(1B), \fBlpstat\fR(1),
\fBlpsched\fR(1M), \fBlpshut\fR(1M), \fBsvcadm\fR(1M), \fBprinters.conf\fR(4),
Use the \fBsvcs\fR(1) utility to check if \fBsvc:/application/print/server\fR
is running. If it is not running, use \fBsvcadm enable
svc:/application/print/server\fR to start \fBlpsched\fR. See \fBsvcadm\fR(1M).
When IPP is in use, the user is prompted for a passphrase if the remote print
service is configured to require authentication.