/*********************************************************************** * * * This software is part of the ast package * * Copyright (c) 1982-2008 AT&T Intellectual Property * * and is licensed under the * * Common Public License, Version 1.0 * * by AT&T Intellectual Property * * * * A copy of the License is available at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.txt * * (with md5 checksum 059e8cd6165cb4c31e351f2b69388fd9) * * * * Information and Software Systems Research * * AT&T Research * * Florham Park NJ * * * * David Korn * * * ***********************************************************************/ #pragma prototyped /* * David Korn * AT&T Labs * * shell deparser * */ #include "defs.h" #include "shnodes.h" #include "test.h" #define HUGE_INT (((unsigned)-1)>>1) #define BEGIN 0 #define MIDDLE 1 #define END 2 #define PRE 1 #define POST 2 /* flags that can be specified with p_tree() */ #define NO_NEWLINE 1 #define NEED_BRACE 2 #define NO_BRACKET 4 static void p_comlist(const struct dolnod*,int); static void p_arg(const struct argnod*, int endchar, int opts); static void p_comarg(const struct comnod*); static void p_keyword(const char*,int); static void p_redirect(const struct ionod*); static void p_switch(const struct regnod*); static void here_body(const struct ionod*); static void p_tree(const Shnode_t*,int); static int level; static int begin_line; static int end_line; static char io_op[7]; static char un_op[3] = "-?"; static const struct ionod *here_doc; static Sfio_t *outfile; static const char *forinit = ""; extern void sh_deparse(Sfio_t*, const Shnode_t*,int); void sh_deparse(Sfio_t *out, const Shnode_t *t,int tflags) { outfile = out; p_tree(t,tflags); } /* * print script corresponding to shell tree */ static void p_tree(register const Shnode_t *t,register int tflags) { register char *cp; int save = end_line; int needbrace = (tflags&NEED_BRACE); tflags &= ~NEED_BRACE; if(tflags&NO_NEWLINE) end_line = ' '; else end_line = '\n'; switch(t->tre.tretyp&COMMSK) { case TTIME: if(t->tre.tretyp&COMSCAN) p_keyword("!",BEGIN); else p_keyword("time",BEGIN); if(t->par.partre) p_tree(t->par.partre,tflags); level--; break; case TCOM: if(begin_line && level>0) sfnputc(outfile,'\t',level); begin_line = 0; p_comarg((struct comnod*)t); break; case TSETIO: if(t->tre.tretyp&FPCL) tflags |= NEED_BRACE; else tflags = NO_NEWLINE|NEED_BRACE; p_tree(t->fork.forktre,tflags); p_redirect(t->fork.forkio); break; case TFORK: if(needbrace) tflags |= NEED_BRACE; if(t->tre.tretyp&(FAMP|FCOOP)) { tflags = NEED_BRACE|NO_NEWLINE; end_line = ' '; } else if(t->fork.forkio) tflags = NO_NEWLINE; p_tree(t->fork.forktre,tflags); if(t->fork.forkio) p_redirect(t->fork.forkio); if(t->tre.tretyp&FCOOP) { sfputr(outfile,"|&",'\n'); begin_line = 1; } else if(t->tre.tretyp&FAMP) { sfputr(outfile,"&",'\n'); begin_line = 1; } break; case TIF: p_keyword("if",BEGIN); p_tree(t->if_.iftre,0); p_keyword("then",MIDDLE); p_tree(t->if_.thtre,0); if(t->if_.eltre) { p_keyword("else",MIDDLE); p_tree(t->if_.eltre,0); } p_keyword("fi",END); break; case TWH: if(t->wh.whinc) cp = "for"; else if(t->tre.tretyp&COMSCAN) cp = "until"; else cp = "while"; p_keyword(cp,BEGIN); if(t->wh.whinc) { struct argnod *arg = (t->wh.whtre)->ar.arexpr; sfprintf(outfile,"(( %s; ",forinit); forinit = ""; sfputr(outfile,arg->argval,';'); arg = (t->wh.whinc)->arexpr; sfprintf(outfile," %s))\n",arg->argval); } else p_tree(t->wh.whtre,0); t = t->wh.dotre; goto dolist; case TLST: { Shnode_t *tr = t->lst.lstrit; if(tr->tre.tretyp==TWH && tr->wh.whinc && t->lst.lstlef->tre.tretyp==TARITH) { /* arithmetic for statement */ struct argnod *init = (t->lst.lstlef)->ar.arexpr; forinit= init->argval; p_tree(t->lst.lstrit,tflags); break; } if(needbrace) p_keyword("{",BEGIN); p_tree(t->lst.lstlef,0); if(needbrace) tflags = 0; p_tree(t->lst.lstrit,tflags); if(needbrace) p_keyword("}",END); break; } case TAND: cp = "&&"; goto andor; case TORF: cp = "||"; goto andor; case TFIL: cp = "|"; andor: { int bracket = 0; if(t->tre.tretyp&TTEST) { tflags |= NO_NEWLINE; if(!(tflags&NO_BRACKET)) { p_keyword("[[",BEGIN); tflags |= NO_BRACKET; bracket=1; } } p_tree(t->lst.lstlef,NEED_BRACE|NO_NEWLINE|(tflags&NO_BRACKET)); sfputr(outfile,cp,here_doc?'\n':' '); if(here_doc) { here_body(here_doc); here_doc = 0; } level++; p_tree(t->lst.lstrit,tflags|NEED_BRACE); if(bracket) p_keyword("]]",END); level--; break; } case TPAR: p_keyword("(",BEGIN); p_tree(t->par.partre,0); p_keyword(")",END); break; case TARITH: { register struct argnod *ap = t->ar.arexpr; if(begin_line && level) sfnputc(outfile,'\t',level); sfprintf(outfile,"(( %s ))%c",ap->argval,end_line); if(!(tflags&NO_NEWLINE)) begin_line=1; break; } case TFOR: cp = ((t->tre.tretyp&COMSCAN)?"select":"for"); p_keyword(cp,BEGIN); sfputr(outfile,t->for_.fornam,' '); if(t->for_.forlst) { sfputr(outfile,"in",' '); tflags = end_line; end_line = '\n'; p_comarg(t->for_.forlst); end_line = tflags; } else sfputc(outfile,'\n'); begin_line = 1; t = t->for_.fortre; dolist: p_keyword("do",MIDDLE); p_tree(t,0); p_keyword("done",END); break; case TSW: p_keyword("case",BEGIN); p_arg(t->sw.swarg,' ',0); if(t->sw.swlst) { begin_line = 1; sfputr(outfile,"in",'\n'); tflags = end_line; end_line = '\n'; p_switch(t->sw.swlst); end_line = tflags; } p_keyword("esac",END); break; case TFUN: if(t->tre.tretyp&FPOSIX) { sfprintf(outfile,"%s",t->funct.functnam); p_keyword("()\n",BEGIN); } else { p_keyword("function",BEGIN); tflags = (t->funct.functargs?' ':'\n'); sfputr(outfile,t->funct.functnam,tflags); if(t->funct.functargs) { tflags = end_line; end_line = '\n'; p_comarg(t->funct.functargs); end_line = tflags; } } begin_line = 1; p_keyword("{\n",MIDDLE); begin_line = 1; p_tree(t->funct.functtre,0); p_keyword("}",END); break; /* new test compound command */ case TTST: if(!(tflags&NO_BRACKET)) p_keyword("[[",BEGIN); if((t->tre.tretyp&TPAREN)==TPAREN) { p_keyword("(",BEGIN); p_tree(t->lst.lstlef,NO_BRACKET|NO_NEWLINE); p_keyword(")",END); } else { int flags = (t->tre.tretyp)>>TSHIFT; if(t->tre.tretyp&TNEGATE) sfputr(outfile,"!",' '); if(t->tre.tretyp&TUNARY) { un_op[1] = flags; sfputr(outfile,un_op,' '); } else cp = ((char*)(shtab_testops+(flags&037)-1)->sh_name); p_arg(&(t->lst.lstlef->arg),' ',0); if(t->tre.tretyp&TBINARY) { sfputr(outfile,cp,' '); p_arg(&(t->lst.lstrit->arg),' ',0); } } if(!(tflags&NO_BRACKET)) p_keyword("]]",END); } while(begin_line && here_doc) { here_body(here_doc); here_doc = 0; } end_line = save; return; } /* * print a keyword * increment indent level for flag==BEGIN * decrement indent level for flag==END */ static void p_keyword(const char *word,int flag) { register int sep; if(flag==END) sep = end_line; else if(*word=='[' || *word=='(') sep = ' '; else sep = '\t'; if(flag!=BEGIN) level--; if(begin_line && level) sfnputc(outfile,'\t',level); sfputr(outfile,word,sep); if(sep=='\n') begin_line=1; else begin_line=0; if(flag!=END) level++; } static void p_arg(register const struct argnod *arg,register int endchar,int opts) { register const char *cp; register int flag; do { if(!arg->argnxt.ap) flag = endchar; else if(opts&PRE) { /* case alternation lists in reverse order */ p_arg(arg->argnxt.ap,'|',opts); flag = endchar; } else if(opts) flag = ' '; cp = arg->argval; if(*cp==0 && opts==POST && arg->argchn.ap) { /* compound assignment */ struct fornod *fp=(struct fornod*)arg->argchn.ap; sfprintf(outfile,"%s=(\n",fp->fornam); sfnputc(outfile,'\t',++level); p_tree(fp->fortre,0); if(--level) sfnputc(outfile,'\t',level); sfputc(outfile,')'); } else if((arg->argflag&ARG_RAW) && (cp[1] || (*cp!='[' && *cp!=']'))) cp = sh_fmtq(cp); sfputr(outfile,cp,flag); if(flag=='\n') begin_line = 1; arg = arg->argnxt.ap; } while((opts&POST) && arg); return; } static void p_redirect(register const struct ionod *iop) { register char *cp; register int iof,iof2; for(;iop;iop=iop->ionxt) { iof=iop->iofile; cp = io_op; if(iop->iovname) { sfwrite(outfile,"(;",2); sfputr(outfile,iop->iovname,')'); cp++; } else *cp = '0'+(iof&IOUFD); if(iof&IOPUT) { if(*cp == '1' && !iop->iovname) cp++; io_op[1] = '>'; } else { if(*cp == '0' && !iop->iovname) cp++; io_op[1] = '<'; } io_op[2] = 0; io_op[3] = 0; if(iof&IOLSEEK) { io_op[1] = '#'; if(iof&IOARITH) strcpy(&io_op[3]," (("); } else if(iof&IOMOV) io_op[2] = '&'; else if(iof&(IORDW|IOAPP)) io_op[2] = '>'; else if(iof&IOCLOB) io_op[2] = '|'; if(iop->iodelim) { /* here document */ #ifdef xxx iop->iolink = (char*)here_doc; #endif here_doc = iop; io_op[2] = '<'; #ifdef future if(iof&IOSTRIP) io_op[3] = '-'; #endif } sfputr(outfile,cp,' '); if(iop->ionxt) iof = ' '; else { if((iof=end_line)=='\n') begin_line = 1; } if((iof&IOLSEEK) && (iof&IOARITH)) iof2 = iof, iof = ' '; if(iop->iodelim) { if(!(iop->iofile&IODOC)) sfwrite(outfile,"''",2); sfputr(outfile,sh_fmtq(iop->iodelim),iof); } else if(iop->iofile&IORAW) sfputr(outfile,sh_fmtq(iop->ioname),iof); else sfputr(outfile,iop->ioname,iof); if((iof&IOLSEEK) && (iof&IOARITH)) sfputr(outfile, "))", iof2); } return; } static void p_comarg(register const struct comnod *com) { register int flag = end_line; if(com->comarg || com->comio) flag = ' '; if(com->comset) p_arg(com->comset,flag,POST); if(com->comarg) { if(!com->comio) flag = end_line; if(com->comtyp&COMSCAN) p_arg(com->comarg,flag,POST); else p_comlist((struct dolnod*)com->comarg,flag); } if(com->comio) p_redirect(com->comio); return; } static void p_comlist(const struct dolnod *dol,int endchar) { register char *cp, *const*argv; register int flag = ' ', special; argv = dol->dolval+ARG_SPARE; cp = *argv; special = (*cp=='[' && cp[1]==0); do { if(cp) argv++; else cp = ""; if(*argv==0) { if((flag=endchar)=='\n') begin_line = 1; special = (*cp==']' && cp[1]==0); } sfputr(outfile,special?cp:sh_fmtq(cp),flag); special = 0; } while(cp = *argv); return; } static void p_switch(register const struct regnod *reg) { if(level>1) sfnputc(outfile,'\t',level-1); p_arg(reg->regptr,')',PRE); begin_line = 0; sfputc(outfile,'\t'); if(reg->regcom) p_tree(reg->regcom,0); level++; if(reg->regflag) p_keyword(";&",END); else p_keyword(";;",END); if(reg->regnxt) p_switch(reg->regnxt); return; } /* * output here documents */ static void here_body(register const struct ionod *iop) { Sfio_t *infile; #ifdef xxx if(iop->iolink) here_body((struct inode*)iop->iolink); iop->iolink = 0; #endif if(iop->iofile&IOSTRG) infile = sfnew((Sfio_t*)0,iop->ioname,iop->iosize,-1,SF_STRING|SF_READ); else sfseek(infile=sh.heredocs,iop->iooffset,SEEK_SET); sfmove(infile,outfile,iop->iosize,-1); if(iop->iofile&IOSTRG) sfclose(infile); sfputr(outfile,iop->iodelim,'\n'); }