/*********************************************************************** * * * This software is part of the ast package * * Copyright (c) 1985-2007 AT&T Knowledge Ventures * * and is licensed under the * * Common Public License, Version 1.0 * * by AT&T Knowledge Ventures * * * * A copy of the License is available at * * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/cpl1.0.txt * * (with md5 checksum 059e8cd6165cb4c31e351f2b69388fd9) * * * * Information and Software Systems Research * * AT&T Research * * Florham Park NJ * * * * Glenn Fowler * * David Korn * * Phong Vo * * * ***********************************************************************/ #pragma prototyped /* * fmtmsg implementation */ #include #if _lib_fmtmsg NoN(fmtmsg) #else #define MM_TABLES #include #define INIT_VERB 0x1 #define INIT_CONSOLE 0x2 static struct { int console; unsigned int init; unsigned int mask; } mm; const MM_table_t mm_class[] = { "null", 0, 0, "hard", "HARDWARE", MM_HARD, "soft", "SOFTWARE", MM_SOFT, "firm", "FIRMWARE", MM_FIRM, "appl", "APPLICATION", MM_APPL, "util", "UTILITY", MM_UTIL, "opsys", "KERNEL", MM_OPSYS, "print", 0, MM_PRINT, "console", 0, MM_CONSOLE, "recov", "RECOVERABLE", MM_RECOVER, "nrecov", "PANIC", MM_NRECOV, 0, 0, 0 }; static const MM_table_t mm_severity_init[] = { "nosev", 0, MM_NOSEV, "halt", "HALT", MM_HALT, "error", "ERROR", MM_ERROR, "warn", "WARNING", MM_WARNING, "info", "INFO", MM_INFO, 0, 0, 0 }; const MM_table_t mm_verb[] = { "all", 0, MM_all, "action", 0, MM_action, "class", 0, MM_class, "default", 0, MM_default, "label", 0, MM_label, "severity", 0, MM_severity, "source", 0, MM_source, "tag", 0, MM_tag, "text", 0, MM_text, 0, 0, 0 }; const MM_table_t* _mm_severity(void) { static MM_table_t* severity; if (!severity) { register char* s; register MM_table_t* p; register int n; register int c; char* e; MM_table_t* q; n = 0; if ((s = getenv(MM_SEVERITY_ENV)) && *s) { e = s; c = 0; for (;;) { switch (*s++) { case 0: break; case ',': if (++c > 2) { n = 0; break; } continue; case ':': if (c != 2) { n = 0; break; } c = 0; n++; continue; default: continue; } break; } if (c == 2) n++; else n = 0; if (n) { for (p = (MM_table_t*)mm_severity_init; p->name; p++); n += p - (MM_table_t*)mm_severity_init + 1; if (severity = newof(0, MM_table_t, n, s - e)) { s = (char*)severity + n * sizeof(MM_table_t); strcpy(s, e); p = severity; for (q = (MM_table_t*)mm_severity_init; q->name; q++) *p++ = *q; p->name = s; c = 0; for (;;) { switch (*s++) { case 0: break; case ',': switch (c++) { case 0: *(s - 1) = 0; p->value = strtol(s, NiL, 0); break; case 1: p->display = s; break; } continue; case ':': c = 0; *(s - 1) = 0; (++p)->name = s; continue; default: continue; } break; } } } } if (!severity) severity = (MM_table_t*)mm_severity_init; } return (const MM_table_t*)severity; } static char* display(register const MM_table_t* tab, int value, int mask) { while (tab->name) { if (value == tab->value || mask && (value & tab->value)) return (char*)tab->display; tab++; } return 0; } int fmtmsg(long classification, const char* label, int severity, const char* text, const char* action, const char* tag) { register int c; register char* s; register char* t; register MM_table_t* p; int n; int m; int r; int fd; unsigned int mask; Sfio_t* sp; char lab[MM_LABEL_1_MAX + MM_LABEL_2_MAX + 3]; if (!mm.init) { mm.init = INIT_VERB; if (!(s = getenv(MM_VERB_ENV))) mm.mask = MM_default; else for (;;) { if (t = strchr(s, ':')) *t = 0; if (!(p = (MM_table_t*)strlook(mm_verb, sizeof(MM_table_t), s))) { mm.mask = MM_default; if (t) *t = ':'; break; } mm.mask |= p->value; if (!t) break; *t++ = ':'; s = t; } } if (!(classification & (MM_CONSOLE|MM_PRINT))) return 0; if (!(sp = sfstropen())) return MM_NOTOK; r = 0; if (s = (char*)label) { if (t = strchr(s, ':')) { if ((n = t - s) > MM_LABEL_1_MAX) n = MM_LABEL_1_MAX; sfprintf(sp, "%*.*s:", n, n, s); s = ++t; if ((n = strlen(t)) > MM_LABEL_2_MAX) n = MM_LABEL_2_MAX; sfprintf(sp, "%*.*s", n, n, s); } else { if ((n = strlen(t)) > MM_LABEL_1_MAX) n = MM_LABEL_1_MAX; sfprintf(sp, "%*.*s", n, n, s); } if (!(s = sfstruse(sp))) { sfstrclose(sp); return MM_NOTOK; } strcpy(lab, s); } for (;;) { if (classification & MM_CONSOLE) { classification &= ~MM_CONSOLE; if (!(mm.init & INIT_CONSOLE)) mm.console = open("/dev/console", O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_NOCTTY); if (mm.console < 0) { r |= MM_NOCON; continue; } c = MM_NOCON; fd = mm.console; mask = MM_all; } else if (classification & MM_PRINT) { classification &= ~MM_PRINT; c = MM_NOMSG; fd = 2; mask = mm.mask; } else break; if ((mask & MM_label) && label) sfprintf(sp, "%s: ", lab); if ((mask & MM_severity) && (s = display(mm_severity, severity, 0))) sfprintf(sp, "%s: ", s); n = sfstrtell(sp); if ((mask & MM_text) && text) sfprintf(sp, "%s\n", text); else sfputc(sp, '\n'); if ((mask & MM_action) && action || (mask & MM_tag) && (label || tag)) { if (fd != mm.console && (n -= 8) > 0) sfprintf(sp, "%*.*s", n, n, ""); sfprintf(sp, "TO FIX:"); if ((mask & MM_action) && action) sfprintf(sp, " %s", action); if ((mask & MM_tag) && (label || tag)) { sfprintf(sp, " "); if (!tag || label && !strchr(tag, ':')) sfprintf(sp, "%s%s", lab, tag ? ":" : ""); if (tag) sfprintf(sp, "%s", tag); } if (mask & (MM_class|MM_source|MM_status)) { sfputc(sp, ' '); if ((mask & MM_source) && (m = classification & (MM_APPL|MM_UTIL|MM_OPSYS)) && (s = display(mm_class, m, 1))) sfprintf(sp, " %s", s); if ((mask & MM_class) && (m = classification & (MM_HARD|MM_SOFT|MM_FIRM)) && (s = display(mm_class, m, 1))) sfprintf(sp, " %s", s); if ((mask & MM_status) && (m = classification & (MM_RECOVER|MM_NRECOV)) && (s = display(mm_class, m, 1))) sfprintf(sp, " %s", s); } sfputc(sp, '\n'); } n = sfstrtell(sp); if (!(s = sfstruse(sp)) || write(fd, s, n) != n) r |= c; } sfstrclose(sp); return r; } #endif