/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License, Version 1.0 only * (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* Copyright (c) 1981 Regents of the University of California */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" #include "ex.h" #include "ex_re.h" #include "ex_tty.h" #include "ex_vis.h" /* * Entry points to open and visual from command mode processor. * The open/visual code breaks down roughly as follows: * * ex_v.c entry points, checking of terminal characteristics * * ex_vadj.c logical screen control, use of intelligent operations * insert/delete line and coordination with screen image; * updating of screen after changes. * * ex_vget.c input of single keys and reading of input lines * from the echo area, handling of \ escapes on input for * uppercase only terminals, handling of memory for repeated * commands and small saved texts from inserts and partline * deletes, notification of multi line changes in the echo * area. * * ex_vmain.c main command decoding, some command processing. * * ex_voperate.c decoding of operator/operand sequences and * contextual scans, implementation of word motions. * * ex_vops.c major operator interfaces, undos, motions, deletes, * changes, opening new lines, shifts, replacements and yanks * coordinating logical and physical changes. * * ex_vops2.c subroutines for operator interfaces in ex_vops.c, * insert mode, read input line processing at lowest level. * * ex_vops3.c structured motion definitions of ( ) { } and [ ] operators, * indent for lisp routines, () and {} balancing. * * ex_vput.c output routines, clearing, physical mapping of logical cursor * positioning, cursor motions, handling of insert character * and delete character functions of intelligent and unintelligent * terminals, visual mode tracing routines (for debugging), * control of screen image and its updating. * * ex_vwind.c window level control of display, forward and backward rolls, * absolute motions, contextual displays, line depth determination */ void setsize(); void winch(); void vintr(); void ovend(ttymode); wchar_t atube[TUBESIZE]; jmp_buf venv; int windowchg; int sigok; /* reinitialize window size after SIGWINCH */ void windowinit() { windowchg = 0; setsize(); if(value(vi_WINDOW) >= lines || options[vi_WINDOW].odefault == value(vi_WINDOW)) value(vi_WINDOW) = lines -1; options[vi_WINDOW].odefault = lines - 1; if(options[vi_SCROLL].odefault == value(vi_SCROLL)) value(vi_SCROLL) = value(vi_WINDOW)/2; options[vi_SCROLL].odefault = (lines - 1)/2; vsetsiz(value(vi_WINDOW)); setwind(); vok(atube, 1); } void redraw() { vsave(); windowinit(); vclear(); vdirty(0, lines); if(state != VISUAL) { vclean(); vmoveto(dot, cursor, 0); } else { vredraw(WTOP); vrepaint(cursor); vfixcurs(); } } /*ARGSUSED*/ void #ifdef __STDC__ winch(int sig) #else winch(sig) int sig; #endif { struct winsize jwin; int l; if(ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &jwin) != -1) { #ifdef XPG4 oldlines = jwin.ws_row; oldcolumns = jwin.ws_col; #endif /* XPG4 */ if (sigok) { if (columns != jwin.ws_col || lines != jwin.ws_row) redraw(); } } else windowchg++; (void)signal(SIGWINCH, winch); } void setsize() { struct winsize jwin; int l; if(ioctl(0, TIOCGWINSZ, &jwin) != -1) { if (jwin.ws_col > 0) columns = jwin.ws_col; if (jwin.ws_row > 0) lines = jwin.ws_row; } #ifdef XPG4 if (envlines != -1) { lines = envlines; } if (envcolumns != -1) { columns = envcolumns; } if (envlines != -1 || envcolumns != -1) { jwin.ws_row = lines; jwin.ws_col = columns; if (ioctl(0, TIOCSWINSZ, &jwin) == -1) { jwin.ws_row = oldlines; jwin.ws_col = oldcolumns; ioctl(0, TIOCSWINSZ, &jwin); } } #endif /* XPG4 */ if (lines <= 1) lines = 24; l = lines; if (columns <= 4) columns = 1000; value(vi_WINDOW) = options[vi_WINDOW].odefault = l - 1; } /* * Enter open mode */ void oop(void) { unsigned char *ic; ttymode f; /* was register */ int resize; windowchg = 0; (void)signal(SIGWINCH, winch); ovbeg(); if (peekchar() == '/') { (void)vi_compile(getchar(), 1); savere(&scanre); if (execute(0, dot) == 0) error(value(vi_TERSE) ? gettext("Fail") : gettext("Pattern not found on addressed line")); ic = (unsigned char *)loc1; if (ic > linebuf && *ic == 0) ic--; } else { getDOT(); ic = vskipwh(linebuf); } donewline(); /* * If overstrike then have to HARDOPEN * else if can move cursor up off current line can use CRTOPEN (~~vi1) * otherwise have to use ONEOPEN (like adm3) */ if (over_strike && !erase_overstrike) bastate = HARDOPEN; else if (cursor_address || cursor_up) bastate = CRTOPEN; else bastate = ONEOPEN; setwind(); /* * To avoid bombing on glass-crt's when the line is too long * pretend that such terminals are 160 columns wide. * If a line is too wide for display, we will dynamically * switch to hardcopy open mode. */ if (state != CRTOPEN) WCOLS = TUBECOLS; if (!inglobal) savevis(); vok(atube, 0); if (state != CRTOPEN) columns = WCOLS; Outchar = vputchar; f = ostart(); if (state == CRTOPEN) { if (outcol == UKCOL) outcol = 0; vmoveitup(1, 1); } else outline = destline = WBOT; vshow(dot, NOLINE); vnline(ic); vmain(); if (state != CRTOPEN) vclean(); Command = (unsigned char *)"open"; ovend(f); (void)signal(SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL); } void ovbeg(void) { if (inopen) error(gettext("Recursive open/visual not allowed")); Vlines = lineDOL(); fixzero(); setdot(); pastwh(); dot = addr2; } void ovend(ttymode f) { splitw++; vgoto(WECHO, 0); vclreol(); vgoto(WECHO, 0); holdcm = 0; splitw = 0; ostop(f); setoutt(); undvis(); columns = OCOLUMNS; inopen = 0; flusho(); netchHAD(Vlines); } /* * Enter visual mode */ void vop(void) { int c; ttymode f; /* was register */ extern unsigned char termtype[]; if (!cursor_address && !cursor_up) { if (initev) { toopen: if (generic_type) merror(gettext("I don't know what kind of terminal you are on - all I have is '%s'."), termtype); putNFL(); merror(gettext("[Using open mode]")); putNFL(); oop(); return; } error(gettext("Visual needs addressable cursor or upline capability")); } if (over_strike && !erase_overstrike) { if (initev) goto toopen; error(gettext("Can't use visual on a terminal which overstrikes")); } if (!clear_screen) { if (initev) goto toopen; error(gettext("Visual requires clear screen capability")); } if (!scroll_forward) { if (initev) goto toopen; error(gettext("Visual requires scrolling")); } windowchg = 0; (void)signal(SIGWINCH, winch); ovbeg(); bastate = VISUAL; c = 0; if (any(peekchar(), "+-^.")) c = getchar(); pastwh(); vsetsiz(isdigit(peekchar()) ? getnum() : value(vi_WINDOW)); setwind(); donewline(); vok(atube, 0); if (!inglobal) savevis(); Outchar = vputchar; vmoving = 0; f = ostart(); if (initev == 0) { vcontext(dot, c); vnline((unsigned char *)NOSTR); } vmain(); Command = (unsigned char *)"visual"; ovend(f); (void)signal(SIGWINCH, SIG_DFL); } /* * Hack to allow entry to visual with * empty buffer since routines internally * demand at least one line. */ void fixzero(void) { if (dol == zero) { bool ochng = chng; vdoappend((unsigned char *)""); if (!ochng) sync(); addr1 = addr2 = one; } else if (addr2 == zero) addr2 = one; } /* * Save lines before visual between unddol and truedol. * Accomplish this by throwing away current [unddol,truedol] * and then saving all the lines in the buffer and moving * unddol back to dol. Don't do this if in a global. * * If you do * g/xxx/vi. * and then do a * :e xxxx * at some point, and then quit from the visual and undo * you get the old file back. Somewhat weird. */ void savevis(void) { if (inglobal) return; truedol = unddol; saveall(); unddol = dol; undkind = UNDNONE; } /* * Restore a sensible state after a visual/open, moving the saved * stuff back to [unddol,dol], and killing the partial line kill indicators. */ void undvis(void) { if (ruptible) signal(SIGINT, onintr); squish(); pkill[0] = pkill[1] = 0; unddol = truedol; unddel = zero; undap1 = one; undap2 = dol + 1; undkind = UNDALL; if (undadot <= zero || undadot > dol) undadot = zero+1; } /* * Set the window parameters based on the base state bastate * and the available buffer space. */ void setwind(void) { WCOLS = columns; switch (bastate) { case ONEOPEN: if (auto_right_margin) WCOLS--; /* fall into ... */ case HARDOPEN: basWTOP = WTOP = WBOT = WECHO = 0; ZERO = 0; holdcm++; break; case CRTOPEN: basWTOP = lines - 2; /* fall into */ case VISUAL: ZERO = lines - TUBESIZE / WCOLS; if (ZERO < 0) ZERO = 0; if (ZERO > basWTOP) error(gettext("Screen too large for internal buffer")); WTOP = basWTOP; WBOT = lines - 2; WECHO = lines - 1; break; } state = bastate; basWLINES = WLINES = WBOT - WTOP + 1; } /* * Can we hack an open/visual on this terminal? * If so, then divide the screen buffer up into lines, * and initialize a bunch of state variables before we start. */ static unsigned char vlinebuf[LBSIZE]; void vok(wchar_t *atube, int undo) { int i; static int beenhere; if (WCOLS == 1000) serror((unsigned char *) gettext("Don't know enough about your terminal to use %s"), Command); if (WCOLS > TUBECOLS) error(gettext("Terminal too wide")); if (WLINES >= TUBELINES || WCOLS * (WECHO - ZERO + 1) > TUBESIZE) error(gettext("Screen too large")); vtube0 = atube; if(beenhere) vclrbyte(atube, WCOLS * (WECHO - ZERO + 1)); for (i = 0; i < ZERO; i++) vtube[i] = (wchar_t *) 0; for (; i <= WECHO; i++) vtube[i] = atube, atube += WCOLS; if(beenhere++) { for (; i < TUBELINES; i++) vtube[i] = (wchar_t *) 0; } vutmp = vlinebuf; if(!undo) { vundkind = VNONE; vUNDdot = 0; } OCOLUMNS = columns; inopen = 1; #ifdef CBREAK signal(SIGINT, vintr); #endif vmoving = 0; splitw = 0; doomed = 0; holdupd = 0; if(!undo) Peekkey = 0; vcnt = vcline = 0; if (vSCROLL == 0) vSCROLL = value(vi_SCROLL); } #ifdef CBREAK /*ARGSUSED*/ void #ifdef __STDC__ vintr(int sig) #else vintr(sig) int sig; #endif { signal(SIGINT, vintr); if (vcatch) onintr(0); ungetkey(ATTN); draino(); } #endif /* * Set the size of the screen to size lines, to take effect the * next time the screen is redrawn. */ void vsetsiz(int size) { int b; if (bastate != VISUAL) return; b = lines - 1 - size; if (b >= lines - 1) b = lines - 2; if (b < 0) b = 0; basWTOP = b; basWLINES = WBOT - b + 1; }