/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* Copyright (c) 1984, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" /* * UNIX shell */ #include "defs.h" #include "sym.h" static struct ionod * inout(); static void chkword(void); static void chksym(int); static struct trenod * term(); static struct trenod * makelist(); static struct trenod * list(); static struct regnod * syncase(); static struct trenod * item(); static int skipnl(); static void prsym(int); static void synbad(void); /* ======== storage allocation for functions ======== */ unsigned char * getstor(asize) int asize; { if (fndef) return((unsigned char *)alloc(asize)); else return(getstak(asize)); } /* ======== command line decoding ========*/ struct trenod * makefork(flgs, i) int flgs; struct trenod *i; { struct forknod *t; t = (struct forknod *)getstor(sizeof(struct forknod)); t->forktyp = flgs|TFORK; t->forktre = i; t->forkio = 0; return((struct trenod *)t); } static struct trenod * makelist(type, i, r) int type; struct trenod *i, *r; { struct lstnod *t; if (i == 0 || r == 0) synbad(); else { t = (struct lstnod *)getstor(sizeof(struct lstnod)); t->lsttyp = type; t->lstlef = i; t->lstrit = r; } return((struct trenod *)t); } /* * cmd * empty * list * list & [ cmd ] * list [ ; cmd ] */ struct trenod * cmd(sym, flg) int sym; int flg; { struct trenod *i, *e; i = list(flg); if (wdval == NL) { if (flg & NLFLG) { wdval = ';'; chkpr(); } } else if (i == 0 && (flg & MTFLG) == 0) synbad(); switch (wdval) { case '&': if (i) i = makefork(FAMP, i); else synbad(); case ';': if (e = cmd(sym, flg | MTFLG)) i = makelist(TLST, i, e); else if (i == 0) synbad(); break; case EOFSYM: if (sym == NL) break; default: if (sym) chksym(sym); } return(i); } /* * list * term * list && term * list || term */ static struct trenod * list(flg) { struct trenod *r; int b; r = term(flg); while (r && ((b = (wdval == ANDFSYM)) || wdval == ORFSYM)) r = makelist((b ? TAND : TORF), r, term(NLFLG)); return(r); } /* * term * item * item |^ term */ static struct trenod * term(flg) { struct trenod *t; reserv++; if (flg & NLFLG) skipnl(); else word(); if ((t = item(TRUE)) && (wdval == '^' || wdval == '|')) { struct trenod *left; struct trenod *right; left = makefork(FPOU, t); right = makefork(FPIN, term(NLFLG)); return(makefork(0, makelist(TFIL, left, right))); } else return(t); } static struct regnod * syncase(esym) int esym; { skipnl(); if (wdval == esym) return(0); else { struct regnod *r = (struct regnod *)getstor(sizeof (struct regnod)); struct argnod *argp; r->regptr = 0; for (;;) { if (fndef) { argp= wdarg; wdarg = (struct argnod *)alloc(length(argp->argval) + BYTESPERWORD); movstr(argp->argval, wdarg->argval); } wdarg->argnxt = r->regptr; r->regptr = wdarg; /* 'in' is not a reserved word in this case */ if (wdval == INSYM){ wdval = 0; } if (wdval || (word() != ')' && wdval != '|')) synbad(); if (wdval == '|') word(); else break; } r->regcom = cmd(0, NLFLG | MTFLG); if (wdval == ECSYM) r->regnxt = syncase(esym); else { chksym(esym); r->regnxt = 0; } return(r); } } /* * item * * ( cmd ) [ < in ] [ > out ] * word word* [ < in ] [ > out ] * if ... then ... else ... fi * for ... while ... do ... done * case ... in ... esac * begin ... end */ static struct trenod * item(flag) BOOL flag; { struct trenod *r; struct ionod *io; if (flag) io = inout((struct ionod *)0); else io = 0; switch (wdval) { case CASYM: { struct swnod *t; t = (struct swnod *)getstor(sizeof(struct swnod)); r = (struct trenod *)t; chkword(); if (fndef) t->swarg = make(wdarg->argval); else t->swarg = wdarg->argval; skipnl(); chksym(INSYM | BRSYM); t->swlst = syncase(wdval == INSYM ? ESSYM : KTSYM); t->swtyp = TSW; break; } case IFSYM: { int w; struct ifnod *t; t = (struct ifnod *)getstor(sizeof(struct ifnod)); r = (struct trenod *)t; t->iftyp = TIF; t->iftre = cmd(THSYM, NLFLG); t->thtre = cmd(ELSYM | FISYM | EFSYM, NLFLG); t->eltre = ((w = wdval) == ELSYM ? cmd(FISYM, NLFLG) : (w == EFSYM ? (wdval = IFSYM, item(0)) : 0)); if (w == EFSYM) return(r); break; } case FORSYM: { struct fornod *t; t = (struct fornod *)getstor(sizeof(struct fornod)); r = (struct trenod *)t; t->fortyp = TFOR; t->forlst = 0; chkword(); if (fndef) t->fornam = make(wdarg->argval); else t->fornam = wdarg->argval; if (skipnl() == INSYM) { chkword(); nohash++; t->forlst = (struct comnod *)item(0); nohash--; if (wdval != NL && wdval != ';') synbad(); if (wdval == NL) chkpr(); skipnl(); } chksym(DOSYM | BRSYM); t->fortre = cmd(wdval == DOSYM ? ODSYM : KTSYM, NLFLG); break; } case WHSYM: case UNSYM: { struct whnod *t; t = (struct whnod *)getstor(sizeof(struct whnod)); r = (struct trenod *)t; t->whtyp = (wdval == WHSYM ? TWH : TUN); t->whtre = cmd(DOSYM, NLFLG); t->dotre = cmd(ODSYM, NLFLG); break; } case BRSYM: r = cmd(KTSYM, NLFLG); break; case '(': { struct parnod *p; p = (struct parnod *)getstor(sizeof(struct parnod)); p->partre = cmd(')', NLFLG); p->partyp = TPAR; r = makefork(0, p); break; } default: if (io == 0) return(0); case 0: { struct comnod *t; struct argnod *argp; struct argnod **argtail; struct argnod **argset = 0; int keywd = 1; unsigned char *com; if ((wdval != NL) && ((peekn = skipwc()) == '(')) { struct fndnod *f; struct ionod *saveio; saveio = iotemp; peekn = 0; if (skipwc() != ')') synbad(); f = (struct fndnod *)getstor(sizeof(struct fndnod)); r = (struct trenod *)f; f->fndtyp = TFND; if (fndef) f->fndnam = make(wdarg->argval); else f->fndnam = wdarg->argval; reserv++; fndef++; skipnl(); f->fndval = (struct trenod *)item(0); fndef--; if (iotemp != saveio) { struct ionod *ioptr = iotemp; while (ioptr->iolst != saveio) ioptr = ioptr->iolst; ioptr->iolst = fiotemp; fiotemp = iotemp; iotemp = saveio; } return(r); } else { t = (struct comnod *)getstor(sizeof(struct comnod)); r = (struct trenod *)t; t->comio = io; /*initial io chain*/ argtail = &(t->comarg); while (wdval == 0) { if (fndef) { argp = wdarg; wdarg = (struct argnod *)alloc(length(argp->argval) + BYTESPERWORD); movstr(argp->argval, wdarg->argval); } argp = wdarg; if (wdset && keywd) { argp->argnxt = (struct argnod *)argset; argset = (struct argnod **)argp; } else { *argtail = argp; argtail = &(argp->argnxt); keywd = flags & keyflg; } word(); if (flag) { if (io) { while(io->ionxt) io = io->ionxt; io->ionxt = inout((struct ionod *)0); } else t->comio = io = inout((struct ionod *)0); } } t->comtyp = TCOM; t->comset = (struct argnod *)argset; *argtail = 0; if (nohash == 0 && (fndef == 0 || (flags & hashflg))) { if (t->comarg) { com = t->comarg->argval; if (*com && *com != DOLLAR) pathlook(com, 0, t->comset); } } return(r); } } } reserv++; word(); if (io = inout(io)) { r = makefork(0,r); r->treio = io; } return(r); } static int skipnl() { while ((reserv++, word() == NL)) chkpr(); return(wdval); } static struct ionod * inout(lastio) struct ionod *lastio; { int iof; struct ionod *iop; unsigned int c; iof = wdnum; switch (wdval) { case DOCSYM: /* << */ iof |= IODOC; break; case APPSYM: /* >> */ case '>': if (wdnum == 0) iof |= 1; iof |= IOPUT; if (wdval == APPSYM) { iof |= IOAPP; break; } case '<': if ((c = nextwc()) == '&') iof |= IOMOV; else if (c == '>') iof |= IORDW; else peekn = c | MARK; break; default: return(lastio); } chkword(); iop = (struct ionod *)getstor(sizeof(struct ionod)); if (fndef) iop->ioname = (char *) make(wdarg->argval); else iop->ioname = (char *) (wdarg->argval); iop->iolink = 0; iop->iofile = iof; if (iof & IODOC) { iop->iolst = iopend; iopend = iop; } word(); iop->ionxt = inout(lastio); return(iop); } static void chkword(void) { if (word()) synbad(); } static void chksym(int sym) { int x = sym & wdval; if (((x & SYMFLG) ? x : sym) != wdval) synbad(); } static void prsym(int sym) { if (sym & SYMFLG) { const struct sysnod *sp = reserved; while (sp->sysval && sp->sysval != sym) sp++; prs(sp->sysnam); } else if (sym == EOFSYM) prs(_gettext(endoffile)); else { if (sym & SYMREP) prc(sym); if (sym == NL) prs(_gettext(nlorsemi)); else prc(sym); } } static void synbad(void) { prp(); prs(_gettext(synmsg)); if ((flags & ttyflg) == 0) { prs(_gettext(atline)); prn(standin->flin); } prs(colon); prc(LQ); if (wdval) prsym(wdval); else prs_cntl(wdarg->argval); prc(RQ); prs(_gettext(unexpected)); newline(); exitsh(SYNBAD); }