/* * CDDL HEADER START * * The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the * Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE * or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions * and limitations under the License. * * When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each * file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. * If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the * fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying * information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] * * CDDL HEADER END */ /* * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" #include <alloca.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <libintl.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "fru_tag.h" #include "libfrup.h" #include "libfrureg.h" #define NUM_ITER_BYTES 4 #define HEAD_ITER 0 #define TAIL_ITER 1 /* not used */ #define NUM_ITER 2 #define MAX_ITER 3 #define INDENT 3 #define TIMESTRINGLEN 128 #define TEMPERATURE_OFFSET 73 static void (*print_node)(fru_node_t fru_type, const char *path, const char *name, end_node_fp_t *end_node, void **end_args); static char tagname[sizeof ("?_0123456789_0123456789_0123456789")]; static int containers_only = 0, list_only = 0, saved_status = 0, xml = 0; static FILE *errlog; /* * Definition for data elements found in devices but not found in * the system's version of libfrureg */ static fru_regdef_t unknown = { REGDEF_VERSION, tagname, -1, -1, -1, -1, FDTYPE_ByteArray, FDISP_Hex, FRU_WHICH_UNDEFINED, FRU_WHICH_UNDEFINED, 0, NULL, 0, FRU_NOT_ITERATED, NULL }; /* * Write message to standard error and possibly the error log buffer */ static void error(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; /* make relevant output appear before error message */ if (fflush(stdout) == EOF) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error flushing output: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } va_start(args, format); if (vfprintf(stderr, format, args) < 0) exit(1); if (errlog && (vfprintf(errlog, format, args) < 0)) exit(1); } /* * Write message to standard output */ static void output(const char *format, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, format); if (vfprintf(stdout, format, args) < 0) { error(gettext("Error writing output: %s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } /* * Safe wrapper for putchar() */ static void voidputchar(int c) { if (putchar(c) == EOF) { error(gettext("Error writing output: %s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } static void (*safeputchar)(int c) = voidputchar; /* * Safe wrapper for puts() */ static void voidputs(const char *s) { if (fputs(s, stdout) == EOF) { error(gettext("Error writing output: %s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } static void (*safeputs)(const char *s) = voidputs; /* * XML-safe wrapper for putchar(): quotes XML-special characters */ static void xputchar(int c) { switch (c) { case '<': c = fputs("<", stdout); break; case '>': c = fputs(">", stdout); break; case '&': c = fputs("&", stdout); break; case '"': c = fputs(""", stdout); break; default: c = putchar(c); break; } if (c == EOF) { error(gettext("Error writing output: %s\n"), strerror(errno)); exit(1); } } /* * XML-safe analog of puts(): quotes XML-special characters */ static void xputs(const char *s) { char c; for (/* */; ((c = *s) != 0); s++) xputchar(c); } /* * Output the XML DTD derived from the registry provided by libfrureg */ int output_dtd(void) { char **element; unsigned int i, j, num_elements = 0; uint8_t *tagged; const fru_regdef_t *def; if (((element = fru_reg_list_entries(&num_elements)) == NULL) || (num_elements == 0)) { error(gettext("No FRU ID Registry elements")); return (1); } if ((tagged = calloc(num_elements, sizeof (*tagged))) == NULL) { error(gettext("Unable to get memory for tagged element list"), strerror(errno)); return (1); } /* * Output the DTD preamble */ output("<!ELEMENT FRUID_XML_Tree (Parameter*, " "(Fru | Location | Container)*,\n" " Parameter*, ErrorLog?, Parameter*)>\n" "<!ATTLIST FRUID_XML_Tree>\n" "\n" "<!ELEMENT Parameter EMPTY>\n" "<!ATTLIST Parameter type CDATA #REQUIRED>\n" "<!ATTLIST Parameter name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n" "<!ATTLIST Parameter value CDATA #REQUIRED>\n" "\n" "<!ELEMENT Fru (Fru | Location | Container)*>\n" "<!ATTLIST Fru name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n" "\n" "<!ELEMENT Location (Fru | Location | Container)*>\n" "<!ATTLIST Location\n" " name CDATA #IMPLIED\n" " value CDATA #IMPLIED\n" ">\n" "\n" "<!ELEMENT Container (ContainerData?, " "(Fru | Location | Container)*)>\n" "<!ATTLIST Container name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n" "<!ATTLIST Container imagefile CDATA #IMPLIED>\n" "\n" "<!ELEMENT ContainerData (Segment*)>\n" "<!ATTLIST ContainerData>\n" "\n" "<!ATTLIST Segment name CDATA #REQUIRED>\n" "\n" "<!ELEMENT Index EMPTY>\n" "<!ATTLIST Index value CDATA #REQUIRED>\n" "\n" "<!ELEMENT ErrorLog (#PCDATA)>\n" "<!ATTLIST ErrorLog>\n" "\n"); /* * Output the definition for each element */ for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { assert(element[i] != NULL); /* Prevent incompatible duplicate defn. from FRUID Registry. */ if ((strcmp("Location", element[i])) == 0) continue; if ((def = fru_reg_lookup_def_by_name(element[i])) == NULL) { error(gettext("Error looking up registry " "definition for \"%s\"\n"), element[i]); return (1); } if (def->tagType != FRU_X) tagged[i] = 1; if (def->dataType == FDTYPE_Record) { if (def->iterationType == FRU_NOT_ITERATED) output("<!ELEMENT %s (%s", element[i], def->enumTable[0].text); else output("<!ELEMENT %s (Index_%s*)>\n" "<!ATTLIST Index_%s>\n" "<!ELEMENT Index_%s (%s", element[i], element[i], element[i], element[i], def->enumTable[0].text); for (j = 1; j < def->enumCount; j++) output(",\n\t%s", def->enumTable[j].text); output(")>\n"); } else if (def->iterationType == FRU_NOT_ITERATED) { output("<!ELEMENT %s EMPTY>\n" "<!ATTLIST %s value CDATA #REQUIRED>\n", element[i], element[i]); if (def->dataType == FDTYPE_Enumeration) { output("<!-- %s valid enumeration values\n"); for (j = 0; j < def->enumCount; j++) { output("\t\""); xputs(def->enumTable[j].text); output("\"\n"); } output("-->\n"); } } else output("<!ELEMENT %s (Index*)>\n", element[i]); output("\n"); } /* Provide for returning the tag for an "unknown" element */ output("<!ATTLIST UNKNOWN tag CDATA \"UNKNOWN\">\n\n"); /* * List all data elements as possible members of "Segment" */ output("<!ELEMENT Segment ((UNKNOWN"); for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { if (tagged[i]) output("\n\t| %s", element[i]); free(element[i]); } output(")*)>\n"); free(element); free(tagged); return (0); } /* * Safely pretty-print the value of a field */ static void print_field(const uint8_t *field, const fru_regdef_t *def) { char *errmsg = NULL, timestring[TIMESTRINGLEN]; int i; uint64_t value; time_t timefield; switch (def->dataType) { case FDTYPE_Binary: assert(def->payloadLen <= sizeof (value)); switch (def->dispType) { case FDISP_Binary: for (i = 0; i < def->payloadLen; i++) output("%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c", ((field[i] & 0x80) ? '1' : '0'), ((field[i] & 0x40) ? '1' : '0'), ((field[i] & 0x20) ? '1' : '0'), ((field[i] & 0x10) ? '1' : '0'), ((field[i] & 0x08) ? '1' : '0'), ((field[i] & 0x04) ? '1' : '0'), ((field[i] & 0x02) ? '1' : '0'), ((field[i] & 0x01) ? '1' : '0')); return; case FDISP_Octal: case FDISP_Decimal: value = 0; (void) memcpy((((uint8_t *)&value) + sizeof (value) - def->payloadLen), field, def->payloadLen); if ((value != 0) && ((strcmp(def->name, "Lowest") == 0) || (strcmp(def->name, "Highest") == 0) || (strcmp(def->name, "Latest") == 0))) output((def->dispType == FDISP_Octal) ? "%llo" : "%lld (%lld degrees C)", value, (value - TEMPERATURE_OFFSET)); else output((def->dispType == FDISP_Octal) ? "%llo" : "%lld", value); return; case FDISP_Time: if (def->payloadLen > sizeof (timefield)) { errmsg = "time value too large for formatting"; break; } (void) memcpy(&timefield, field, sizeof (timefield)); if (strftime(timestring, sizeof (timestring), "%C", localtime(&timefield)) == 0) { errmsg = "formatted time would overflow buffer"; break; } safeputs(timestring); return; } break; case FDTYPE_ASCII: for (i = 0; i < def->payloadLen && field[i]; i++) safeputchar(field[i]); return; case FDTYPE_Enumeration: value = 0; (void) memcpy((((uint8_t *)&value) + sizeof (value) - def->payloadLen), field, def->payloadLen); for (i = 0; i < def->enumCount; i++) if (def->enumTable[i].value == value) { safeputs(def->enumTable[i].text); return; } errmsg = "unrecognized value"; break; } /* If nothing matched above, print the field in hex */ for (i = 0; i < def->payloadLen; i++) output("%2.2X", field[i]); /* Safely print any error message associated with the field */ if (errmsg) { output(" ("); safeputs(errmsg); output(")\n"); } } /* * Recursively print the contents of a data element */ static void print_element(const uint8_t *data, const fru_regdef_t *def, const char *parent_path, int indent) { char *path; size_t len; int bytes = 0, i; indent = (xml) ? (indent + INDENT) : (2*INDENT); /* * Construct the path, or, for XML, the name, for the current * data element */ if ((def->iterationCount == 0) && (def->iterationType != FRU_NOT_ITERATED)) { if (xml) { if (def->dataType == FDTYPE_Record) { len = strlen("Index_") + strlen(def->name) + 1; path = alloca(len); (void) snprintf(path, len, "Index_%s", def->name); } else path = "Index"; } else path = (char *)parent_path; } else { if (xml) path = (char *)def->name; else { len = strlen(parent_path) + sizeof ("/") + strlen(def->name) + (def->iterationCount ? sizeof ("[255]") : 0); path = alloca(len); bytes = snprintf(path, len, "%s/%s", parent_path, def->name); } } /* * Handle the various categories of data elements: iteration, * record, and field */ if (def->iterationCount) { int iterlen = (def->payloadLen - NUM_ITER_BYTES)/ def->iterationCount, n, valid = 1; uint8_t head, num; fru_regdef_t newdef; /* * Make a new element definition to describe the components * of the iteration */ (void) memcpy(&newdef, def, sizeof (newdef)); newdef.iterationCount = 0; newdef.payloadLen = iterlen; /* * Validate the contents of the iteration control bytes */ if (data[HEAD_ITER] >= def->iterationCount) { valid = 0; error(gettext("%s: Invalid iteration head: %d " "(should be less than %d)\n"), path, data[HEAD_ITER], def->iterationCount); } if (data[NUM_ITER] > def->iterationCount) { valid = 0; error(gettext("%s: Invalid iteration count: %d " "(should not be greater than %d)\n"), path, data[NUM_ITER], def->iterationCount); } if (data[MAX_ITER] != def->iterationCount) { valid = 0; error(gettext("%s: Invalid iteration maximum: %d " "(should equal %d)\n"), path, data[MAX_ITER], def->iterationCount); } if (valid) { head = data[HEAD_ITER]; num = data[NUM_ITER]; } else { head = 0; num = def->iterationCount; error(gettext("%s: Showing all iterations\n"), path); } if (xml) output("%*s<%s>\n", indent, "", path); else output("%*s%s (%d iterations)\n", indent, "", path, num); /* * Print each component of the iteration */ for (i = head, n = 0, data += 4; n < num; i = ((i + 1) % def->iterationCount), n++) { if (!xml) (void) sprintf((path + bytes), "[%d]", n); print_element((data + i*iterlen), &newdef, path, indent); } if (xml) output("%*s</%s>\n", indent, "", path); } else if (def->dataType == FDTYPE_Record) { const fru_regdef_t *component; if (xml) output("%*s<%s>\n", indent, "", path); else output("%*s%s\n", indent, "", path); /* * Print each component of the record */ for (i = 0; i < def->enumCount; i++, data += component->payloadLen) { component = fru_reg_lookup_def_by_name( def->enumTable[i].text); assert(component != NULL); print_element(data, component, path, indent); } if (xml) output("%*s</%s>\n", indent, "", path); } else if (xml) { /* * Base case: print the field formatted for XML */ char *format = ((def == &unknown) ? "%*s<UNKNOWN tag=\"%s\" value=\"" : "%*s<%s value=\""); output(format, indent, "", path); print_field(data, def); /*CSTYLED*/ output("\"/>\n"); /* \" confuses cstyle */ } else { /* * Base case: print the field */ output("%*s%s: ", indent, "", path); print_field(data, def); output("\n"); } } /* * Print the contents of a packet (i.e., a tagged data element) */ /* ARGSUSED */ static int print_packet(fru_tag_t *tag, uint8_t *payload, size_t length, void *args) { int tag_type = get_tag_type(tag); size_t payload_length = 0; const fru_regdef_t *def; /* * Build a definition for unrecognized tags (e.g., not in libfrureg) */ if ((tag_type == -1) || ((payload_length = get_payload_length(tag)) != length)) { def = &unknown; unknown.tagType = -1; unknown.tagDense = -1; unknown.payloadLen = length; unknown.dataLength = unknown.payloadLen; if (tag_type == -1) (void) snprintf(tagname, sizeof (tagname), "INVALID"); else (void) snprintf(tagname, sizeof (tagname), "%s_%u_%u_%u", get_tagtype_str(tag_type), get_tag_dense(tag), payload_length, length); } else if ((def = fru_reg_lookup_def_by_tag(*tag)) == NULL) { def = &unknown; unknown.tagType = tag_type; unknown.tagDense = get_tag_dense(tag); unknown.payloadLen = payload_length; unknown.dataLength = unknown.payloadLen; (void) snprintf(tagname, sizeof (tagname), "%s_%u_%u", get_tagtype_str(unknown.tagType), unknown.tagDense, payload_length); } /* * Print the defined element */ print_element(payload, def, "", INDENT); return (FRU_SUCCESS); } /* * Print a segment's name and the contents of each data element in the segment */ static int print_packets_in_segment(fru_seghdl_t segment, void *args) { char *name; int status; if ((status = fru_get_segment_name(segment, &name)) != FRU_SUCCESS) { saved_status = status; name = ""; error(gettext("Error getting segment name: %s\n"), fru_strerror(status)); } if (xml) output("%*s<Segment name=\"%s\">\n", INDENT, "", name); else output("%*sSEGMENT: %s\n", INDENT, "", name); /* Iterate over the packets in the segment, printing the contents */ if ((status = fru_for_each_packet(segment, print_packet, args)) != FRU_SUCCESS) { saved_status = status; error(gettext("Error processing data in segment \"%s\": %s\n"), name, fru_strerror(status)); } if (xml) output("%*s</Segment>\n", INDENT, ""); free(name); return (FRU_SUCCESS); } /* ARGSUSED */ static void print_node_path(fru_node_t fru_type, const char *path, const char *name, end_node_fp_t *end_node, void **end_args) { output("%s%s\n", path, ((fru_type == FRU_NODE_CONTAINER) ? " (container)" : ((fru_type == FRU_NODE_FRU) ? " (fru)" : ""))); } /* * Close the XML element for a "location" node */ /* ARGSUSED */ static void end_location_xml(fru_nodehdl_t node, const char *path, const char *name, void *args) { assert(args != NULL); output("</Location> <!-- %s -->\n", args); } /* * Close the XML element for a "fru" node */ /* ARGSUSED */ static void end_fru_xml(fru_nodehdl_t node, const char *path, const char *name, void *args) { assert(args != NULL); output("</Fru> <!-- %s -->\n", args); } /* * Close the XML element for a "container" node */ /* ARGSUSED */ static void end_container_xml(fru_nodehdl_t node, const char *path, const char *name, void *args) { assert(args != NULL); output("</Container> <!-- %s -->\n", args); } /* * Introduce a node in XML and set the appropriate node-closing function */ /* ARGSUSED */ static void print_node_xml(fru_node_t fru_type, const char *path, const char *name, end_node_fp_t *end_node, void **end_args) { switch (fru_type) { case FRU_NODE_FRU: output("<Fru name=\"%s\">\n", name); *end_node = end_fru_xml; break; case FRU_NODE_CONTAINER: output("<Container name=\"%s\">\n", name); *end_node = end_container_xml; break; default: output("<Location name=\"%s\">\n", name); *end_node = end_location_xml; break; } *end_args = (void *) name; } /* * Print node info and, where appropriate, node contents */ /* ARGSUSED */ static fru_errno_t process_node(fru_nodehdl_t node, const char *path, const char *name, void *args, end_node_fp_t *end_node, void **end_args) { int status; fru_node_t fru_type = FRU_NODE_UNKNOWN; if ((status = fru_get_node_type(node, &fru_type)) != FRU_SUCCESS) { saved_status = status; error(gettext("Error getting node type: %s\n"), fru_strerror(status)); } if (containers_only) { if (fru_type != FRU_NODE_CONTAINER) return (FRU_SUCCESS); name = path; } /* Introduce the node */ assert(print_node != NULL); print_node(fru_type, path, name, end_node, end_args); if (list_only) return (FRU_SUCCESS); /* Print the contents of each packet in each segment of a container */ if (fru_type == FRU_NODE_CONTAINER) { if (xml) output("<ContainerData>\n"); if ((status = fru_for_each_segment(node, print_packets_in_segment, NULL)) != FRU_SUCCESS) { saved_status = status; error(gettext("Error processing node \"%s\": %s\n"), name, fru_strerror(status)); } if (xml) output("</ContainerData>\n"); } return (FRU_SUCCESS); } /* * Process the node if its path matches the search path in "args" */ /* ARGSUSED */ static fru_errno_t process_matching_node(fru_nodehdl_t node, const char *path, const char *name, void *args, end_node_fp_t *end_node, void **end_args) { int status; if (!fru_pathmatch(path, args)) return (FRU_SUCCESS); status = process_node(node, path, path, args, end_node, end_args); return ((status == FRU_SUCCESS) ? FRU_WALK_TERMINATE : status); } /* * Write the trailer required for well-formed DTD-compliant XML */ static void terminate_xml() { errno = 0; if (ftell(errlog) > 0) { char c; output("<ErrorLog>\n"); rewind(errlog); if (!errno) while ((c = getc(errlog)) != EOF) xputchar(c); output("</ErrorLog>\n"); } if (errno) { /*NOTREACHED*/ errlog = NULL; error(gettext("Error copying error messages to \"ErrorLog\""), strerror(errno)); } output("</FRUID_XML_Tree>\n"); } /* * Print available FRU ID information */ int prtfru(const char *searchpath, int containers_only_flag, int list_only_flag, int xml_flag) { fru_errno_t status; fru_nodehdl_t frutree = 0; /* Copy parameter flags to global flags */ containers_only = containers_only_flag; list_only = list_only_flag; xml = xml_flag; /* Help arrange for correct, efficient interleaving of output */ (void) setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); /* Initialize for XML--or not */ if (xml) { safeputchar = xputchar; safeputs = xputs; print_node = print_node_xml; if ((errlog = tmpfile()) == NULL) { (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error creating error log file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return (1); } /* Output the XML preamble */ output("<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n" "<!--\n" " Copyright 2000-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. " "All rights reserved.\n" " Use is subject to license terms.\n" "-->\n\n" "<!DOCTYPE FRUID_XML_Tree SYSTEM \"prtfrureg.dtd\">\n\n" "<FRUID_XML_Tree>\n"); /* Arrange to always properly terminate XML */ if (atexit(terminate_xml)) error(gettext("Warning: XML will not be terminated: " "%s\n"), strerror(errno)); } else print_node = print_node_path; /* Get the root node */ if ((status = fru_get_root(&frutree)) == FRU_NODENOTFOUND) { error(gettext("This system does not provide FRU ID data\n")); return (1); } else if (status != FRU_SUCCESS) { error(gettext("Unable to access FRU ID data: %s\n"), fru_strerror(status)); return (1); } /* Process the tree */ if (searchpath == NULL) { status = fru_walk_tree(frutree, "", process_node, NULL); } else { status = fru_walk_tree(frutree, "", process_matching_node, (void *)searchpath); if (status == FRU_WALK_TERMINATE) { status = FRU_SUCCESS; } else if (status == FRU_SUCCESS) { error(gettext("\"%s\" not found\n"), searchpath); return (1); } } if (status != FRU_SUCCESS) error(gettext("Error processing FRU tree: %s\n"), fru_strerror(status)); return (((status == FRU_SUCCESS) && (saved_status == 0)) ? 0 : 1); }