/* * Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* * BSD 3 Clause License * * Copyright (c) 2007, The Storage Networking Industry Association. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * - Neither the name of The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) * nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior written * permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* * This file implemets the post-order, pre-order and level-order * traversing of the file system. The related macros and constants * are defined in traverse.h. */ #include <sys/stat.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include <assert.h> #include <cstack.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <errno.h> #include <traverse.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <syslog.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <tlm.h> #include "tlm_proto.h" /* * Check if it's "." or ".." */ boolean_t rootfs_dot_or_dotdot(char *name) { if (*name != '.') return (FALSE); if ((name[1] == 0) || (name[1] == '.' && name[2] == 0)) return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } /* * Macros on fs_traverse flags. */ #define STOP_ONERR(f) ((f)->ft_flags & FST_STOP_ONERR) #define STOP_ONLONG(f) ((f)->ft_flags & FST_STOP_ONLONG) #define VERBOSE(f) ((f)->ft_flags & FST_VERBOSE) #define CALLBACK(pp, ep) \ (*(ftp)->ft_callbk)((ftp)->ft_arg, pp, ep) #define NEGATE(rv) ((rv) = -(rv)) /* * The traversing state that is pushed onto the stack. * This include: * - The end of the path of the current directory. * - The position of the last component on it. * - The read position in the directory. * - The file handle of the directory. * - The stat of the directory. */ typedef struct traverse_state { char *ts_end; char *ts_ent; long ts_dpos; /* position in the directory when reading its entries */ fs_fhandle_t ts_fh; struct stat64 ts_st; } traverse_state_t; /* * Statistics gathering structure. */ typedef struct traverse_statistics { ulong_t fss_newdirs; ulong_t fss_readdir_err; ulong_t fss_longpath_err; ulong_t fss_lookup_err; ulong_t fss_nondir_calls; ulong_t fss_dir_calls; ulong_t fss_nondir_skipped; ulong_t fss_dir_skipped; ulong_t fss_pushes; ulong_t fss_pops; ulong_t fss_stack_residue; } traverse_statistics_t; /* * Global instance of statistics variable. */ traverse_statistics_t traverse_stats; #define MAX_DENT_BUF_SIZE (8 * 1024) typedef struct { struct stat64 fd_attr; fs_fhandle_t fd_fh; short fd_len; char fd_name[1]; } fs_dent_info_t; typedef struct dent_arg { char *da_buf; int da_end; int da_size; } dent_arg_t; static int traverse_level_nondir(struct fs_traverse *ftp, traverse_state_t *tsp, struct fst_node *pnp, dent_arg_t *darg); /* * Gather some directory entry information and return them */ static int fs_populate_dents(void *arg, int namelen, char *name, long *countp, struct stat64 *attr, fs_fhandle_t *fh) { dent_arg_t *darg = (dent_arg_t *)arg; int reclen = sizeof (fs_dent_info_t) + namelen; fs_dent_info_t *dent; if ((darg->da_end + reclen) > darg->da_size) return (-1); /* LINTED improper alignment */ dent = (fs_dent_info_t *)(darg->da_buf + darg->da_end); dent->fd_attr = *attr; dent->fd_fh = *fh; (void) strcpy(dent->fd_name, name); dent->fd_len = reclen; darg->da_end += reclen; if (countp) (*countp)++; return (0); } /* * Creates a new traversing state based on the path passed to it. */ static traverse_state_t * new_tsp(char *path) { traverse_state_t *tsp; tsp = ndmp_malloc(sizeof (traverse_state_t)); if (!tsp) return (NULL); tsp->ts_end = strchr(path, '\0'); if (*(tsp->ts_end-1) == '/') *--tsp->ts_end = '\0'; tsp->ts_ent = NULL; tsp->ts_dpos = 0; return (tsp); } /* * Initialize a list for path names */ path_list_t * fs_init_pathlist() { path_list_t *pl_head; pl_head = ndmp_malloc(sizeof (path_list_t)); return (pl_head); } /* * Free the list of path names */ void fs_free_pathlist(path_list_t *pl_head) { path_list_t *p = pl_head; while (p) { p = pl_head->pl_next; free(pl_head->pl_path); free(pl_head); pl_head = p; } } /* * Add a path in the list of path names */ char * fs_add_pathlist(char *path, path_list_t **pp) { char *tpath; if (*pp) { (*pp)->pl_path = strdup(path); if ((*pp)->pl_path == NULL) return (NULL); tpath = (*pp)->pl_path; (*pp)->pl_next = ndmp_malloc(sizeof (path_list_t)); if ((*pp)->pl_next == NULL) return (NULL); *pp = (*pp)->pl_next; (*pp)->pl_path = NULL; (*pp)->pl_next = NULL; return (tpath); } return (NULL); } /* * Create a file handle and get stats for the given path */ int fs_getstat(char *path, fs_fhandle_t *fh, struct stat64 *st, path_list_t **pl) { if (lstat64(path, st) == -1) return (errno); fh->fh_fid = st->st_ino; if (pl) fh->fh_fpath = fs_add_pathlist(path, pl); else fh->fh_fpath = strdup(path); return (0); } /* * Get directory entries info and return in the buffer. Cookie * will keep the state of each call */ static int fs_getdents(int fildes, struct dirent *buf, size_t *nbyte, char *pn_path, long *dpos, longlong_t *cookie, long *n_entries, dent_arg_t *darg, path_list_t **pl) { struct dirent *ptr; char file_path[PATH_MAX + 1]; fs_fhandle_t fh; struct stat64 st; char *p; int len; int rv; if (*nbyte == 0) { (void) memset((char *)buf, 0, MAX_DENT_BUF_SIZE); *nbyte = rv = getdents(fildes, buf, darg->da_size); *cookie = 0LL; if (rv <= 0) return (rv); } p = (char *)buf + *cookie; len = *nbyte; do { /* LINTED improper alignment */ ptr = (struct dirent *)p; *dpos = ptr->d_off; (void) snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/", pn_path); (void) strlcat(file_path, ptr->d_name, PATH_MAX); (void) memset(&fh, 0, sizeof (fs_fhandle_t)); rv = fs_getstat(file_path, &fh, &st, pl); if (rv != 0) break; rv = fs_populate_dents(darg, strlen(ptr->d_name), (char *)ptr->d_name, n_entries, &st, &fh); if (rv != 0) { rv = 0; break; } p = p + ptr->d_reclen; len -= ptr->d_reclen; } while (len); *cookie = (longlong_t)(p - (char *)buf); *nbyte = len; return (rv); } /* * Read the directory entries and return the information about * each entry */ int fs_readdir(fs_fhandle_t *ts_fh, char *path, long *dpos, char *nm, int *el, fs_fhandle_t *efh, struct stat64 *est, path_list_t **pl) { struct dirent *dp; char file_path[PATH_MAX + 1]; DIR *dirp; int rv; if ((dirp = opendir(ts_fh->fh_fpath)) == NULL) return (errno); seekdir(dirp, *dpos); if ((dp = readdir(dirp)) == NULL) { rv = 0; /* skip this dir */ *el = 0; } else { (void) snprintf(file_path, PATH_MAX, "%s/", path); (void) strlcat(file_path, dp->d_name, PATH_MAX); rv = fs_getstat(file_path, efh, est, pl); if (rv == 0) { *dpos = telldir(dirp); (void) strlcpy(nm, dp->d_name, NAME_MAX); *el = strlen(dp->d_name); } else { *el = 0; } } (void) closedir(dirp); return (rv); } /* * Traverse the file system in the post-order way. The description * and example is in the header file. * * The callback function should return 0, on success and non-zero on * failure. If the callback function returns non-zero return value, * the traversing stops. */ int traverse_post(struct fs_traverse *ftp) { char path[PATH_MAX + 1]; /* full path name of the current dir */ char nm[NAME_MAX + 1]; /* directory entry name */ char *lp; /* last position on the path */ int next_dir, rv; int pl, el; /* path and directory entry length */ cstack_t *sp; fs_fhandle_t pfh, efh; struct stat64 pst, est; traverse_state_t *tsp; struct fst_node pn, en; /* parent and entry nodes */ path_list_t *plhead, *plist; if (!ftp || !ftp->ft_path || !*ftp->ft_path || !ftp->ft_callbk) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Invalid argument"); errno = EINVAL; return (-1); } /* set the default log function if it's not already set */ if (!ftp->ft_logfp) { ftp->ft_logfp = (ft_log_t)syslog; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Log to system log \"%s\"", ftp->ft_path); } /* set the logical path to physical path if it's not already set */ if (!ftp->ft_lpath) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "report the same paths: \"%s\"", ftp->ft_path); ftp->ft_lpath = ftp->ft_path; } pl = strlen(ftp->ft_lpath); if (pl + 1 > PATH_MAX) { /* +1 for the '/' */ NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "lpath too long \"%s\"", ftp->ft_path); errno = ENAMETOOLONG; return (-1); } (void) strcpy(path, ftp->ft_lpath); (void) memset(&pfh, 0, sizeof (pfh)); rv = fs_getstat(ftp->ft_lpath, &pfh, &pst, NULL); if (rv != 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Error %d on fs_getstat(%s)", rv, ftp->ft_path); return (rv); } if (!S_ISDIR(pst.st_mode)) { pn.tn_path = ftp->ft_lpath; pn.tn_fh = &pfh; pn.tn_st = &pst; en.tn_path = NULL; en.tn_fh = NULL; en.tn_st = NULL; rv = CALLBACK(&pn, &en); if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "CALLBACK(%s): %d", pn.tn_path, rv); free(pfh.fh_fpath); return (rv); } sp = cstack_new(); if (!sp) { errno = ENOMEM; free(pfh.fh_fpath); return (-1); } tsp = new_tsp(path); if (!tsp) { cstack_delete(sp); errno = ENOMEM; free(pfh.fh_fpath); return (-1); } tsp->ts_ent = tsp->ts_end; tsp->ts_fh = pfh; tsp->ts_st = pst; pn.tn_path = path; pn.tn_fh = &tsp->ts_fh; pn.tn_st = &tsp->ts_st; if ((plist = fs_init_pathlist()) == NULL) { errno = ENOMEM; free(pfh.fh_fpath); return (-1); } plhead = plist; rv = 0; next_dir = 1; do { if (next_dir) { traverse_stats.fss_newdirs++; *tsp->ts_end = '\0'; if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "pl %d \"%s\"", pl, path); } next_dir = 0; do { el = NAME_MAX; rv = fs_readdir(&tsp->ts_fh, pn.tn_path, &tsp->ts_dpos, nm, &el, &efh, &est, &plist); if (rv != 0) { efh.fh_fpath = NULL; traverse_stats.fss_readdir_err++; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Error %d on readdir(%s) pos %d", rv, path, tsp->ts_dpos); if (STOP_ONERR(ftp)) break; rv = SKIP_ENTRY; continue; } /* done with this directory */ if (el == 0) { if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Done(%s)", pn.tn_path); break; } nm[el] = '\0'; if (rootfs_dot_or_dotdot(nm)) { efh.fh_fpath = NULL; continue; } if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%u dname: \"%s\"", tsp->ts_dpos, nm); if (pl + 1 + el > PATH_MAX) { traverse_stats.fss_longpath_err++; NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Path %s/%s is too long.", path, nm); if (STOP_ONLONG(ftp)) rv = ENAMETOOLONG; efh.fh_fpath = NULL; continue; } /* * Push the current directory on to the stack and * dive into the entry found. */ if (S_ISDIR(est.st_mode)) { assert(tsp != NULL); if (cstack_push(sp, tsp, 0)) { rv = ENOMEM; efh.fh_fpath = NULL; break; } traverse_stats.fss_pushes++; /* * Concatenate the current entry with the * current path. This will be the path of * the new directory to be scanned. * * Note: * sprintf(tsp->ts_end, "/%s", de->d_name); * could be used here, but concatenating * strings like this might be faster. * The length of the new path has been * checked above. So strcpy() can be * safe and should not lead to a buffer * over-run. */ lp = tsp->ts_end; *tsp->ts_end = '/'; (void) strcpy(tsp->ts_end + 1, nm); tsp = new_tsp(path); if (!tsp) { efh.fh_fpath = NULL; rv = ENOMEM; } else { next_dir = 1; pl += el; tsp->ts_fh = efh; tsp->ts_st = est; tsp->ts_ent = lp; pn.tn_fh = &tsp->ts_fh; pn.tn_st = &tsp->ts_st; } break; } else { /* * The entry is not a directory so the * callback function must be called. */ traverse_stats.fss_nondir_calls++; en.tn_path = nm; en.tn_fh = &efh; en.tn_st = &est; rv = CALLBACK(&pn, &en); efh.fh_fpath = NULL; if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "CALLBACK(%s/%s): %d", pn.tn_path, en.tn_path, rv); if (rv != 0) break; } } while (rv == 0); /* * A new directory must be processed, go to the start of * the loop, open it and process it. */ if (next_dir) continue; if (rv == SKIP_ENTRY) rv = 0; /* We should skip the current directory */ if (rv == 0) { /* * Remove the ent from the end of path and send it * as an entry of the path. */ lp = tsp->ts_ent; *lp = '\0'; efh = tsp->ts_fh; est = tsp->ts_st; free(tsp); if (cstack_pop(sp, (void **)&tsp, (int *)NULL)) break; assert(tsp != NULL); pl = tsp->ts_end - path; if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "poped pl %d 0x%p \"%s\"", pl, tsp, path); traverse_stats.fss_pops++; traverse_stats.fss_dir_calls++; pn.tn_fh = &tsp->ts_fh; pn.tn_st = &tsp->ts_st; en.tn_path = lp + 1; en.tn_fh = &efh; en.tn_st = &est; rv = CALLBACK(&pn, &en); efh.fh_fpath = NULL; if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "CALLBACK(%s/%s): %d", pn.tn_path, en.tn_path, rv); /* * Does not need to free tsp here. It will be released * later. */ } if (rv != 0 && tsp) free(tsp); } while (rv == 0); /* * For the 'ftp->ft_path' directory itself. */ if (rv == 0) { traverse_stats.fss_dir_calls++; pn.tn_fh = &efh; pn.tn_st = &est; en.tn_path = NULL; en.tn_fh = NULL; en.tn_st = NULL; rv = CALLBACK(&pn, &en); if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "CALLBACK(%s): %d", pn.tn_path, rv); } /* * Pop and free all the remaining entries on the stack. */ while (!cstack_pop(sp, (void **)&tsp, (int *)NULL)) { traverse_stats.fss_stack_residue++; free(tsp); } fs_free_pathlist(plhead); free(pfh.fh_fpath); cstack_delete(sp); return (rv); } /* * In one pass, read all the directory entries of the specified * directory and call the callback function for non-directory * entries. * * On return: * 0: Lets the directory to be scanned for directory entries. * < 0: Completely stops traversing. * FST_SKIP: stops further scanning of the directory. Traversing * will continue with the next directory in the hierarchy. * SKIP_ENTRY: Failed to get the directory entries, so the caller * should skip this entry. */ static int traverse_level_nondir(struct fs_traverse *ftp, traverse_state_t *tsp, struct fst_node *pnp, dent_arg_t *darg) { int pl; /* patth length */ int rv; struct fst_node en; /* entry node */ longlong_t cookie_verf; fs_dent_info_t *dent; struct dirent *buf; size_t len = 0; path_list_t *plhead, *plist; int fd; rv = 0; pl = strlen(pnp->tn_path); buf = ndmp_malloc(MAX_DENT_BUF_SIZE); if (buf == NULL) return (errno); fd = open(tsp->ts_fh.fh_fpath, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) { free(buf); return (errno); } if ((plist = fs_init_pathlist()) == NULL) { free(buf); (void) close(fd); return (errno); } plhead = plist; while (rv == 0) { long i, n_entries; darg->da_end = 0; n_entries = 0; rv = fs_getdents(fd, buf, &len, pnp->tn_path, &tsp->ts_dpos, &cookie_verf, &n_entries, darg, &plist); if (n_entries == 0) break; if (rv != 0) { traverse_stats.fss_readdir_err++; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Error %d on readdir(%s) pos %d", rv, pnp->tn_path, tsp->ts_dpos); if (STOP_ONERR(ftp)) { NEGATE(rv); break; } /* * We cannot read the directory entry, we should * skip to the next directory. */ rv = SKIP_ENTRY; continue; } /* LINTED imporper alignment */ dent = (fs_dent_info_t *)darg->da_buf; /* LINTED imporper alignment */ for (i = 0; i < n_entries; i++, dent = (fs_dent_info_t *) ((char *)dent + dent->fd_len)) { if (rootfs_dot_or_dotdot(dent->fd_name)) { dent->fd_fh.fh_fpath = NULL; continue; } if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "i %u dname: \"%s\"", dent->fd_fh.fh_fid, dent->fd_name); if ((pl + strlen(dent->fd_name)) > PATH_MAX) { traverse_stats.fss_longpath_err++; NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Path %s/%s is too long.", pnp->tn_path, dent->fd_name); if (STOP_ONLONG(ftp)) rv = -ENAMETOOLONG; continue; } /* * The entry is not a directory so the callback * function must be called. */ if (!S_ISDIR(dent->fd_attr.st_mode)) { traverse_stats.fss_nondir_calls++; en.tn_path = dent->fd_name; en.tn_fh = &dent->fd_fh; en.tn_st = &dent->fd_attr; rv = CALLBACK(pnp, &en); dent->fd_fh.fh_fpath = NULL; if (rv < 0) break; if (rv == FST_SKIP) { traverse_stats.fss_nondir_skipped++; break; } } else { dent->fd_fh.fh_fpath = NULL; } } } fs_free_pathlist(plhead); free(buf); (void) close(fd); return (rv); } /* * Traverse the file system in the level-order way. The description * and example is in the header file. */ int traverse_level(struct fs_traverse *ftp) { char path[PATH_MAX + 1]; /* full path name of the current dir */ char nm[NAME_MAX + 1]; /* directory entry name */ char *lp; /* last position on the path */ int next_dir, rv; int pl, el; /* path and directory entry length */ cstack_t *sp; fs_fhandle_t pfh, efh; struct stat64 pst, est; traverse_state_t *tsp; struct fst_node pn, en; /* parent and entry nodes */ dent_arg_t darg; path_list_t *plhead, *plist; if (!ftp || !ftp->ft_path || !*ftp->ft_path || !ftp->ft_callbk) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Invalid argument"); errno = EINVAL; return (-1); } /* set the default log function if it's not already set */ if (!ftp->ft_logfp) { ftp->ft_logfp = (ft_log_t)syslog; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Log to system log \"%s\"", ftp->ft_path); } if (!ftp->ft_lpath) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "report the same paths \"%s\"", ftp->ft_path); ftp->ft_lpath = ftp->ft_path; } pl = strlen(ftp->ft_lpath); if (pl + 1 > PATH_MAX) { /* +1 for the '/' */ NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "lpath too long \"%s\"", ftp->ft_path); errno = ENAMETOOLONG; return (-1); } (void) strcpy(path, ftp->ft_lpath); (void) memset(&pfh, 0, sizeof (pfh)); rv = fs_getstat(ftp->ft_lpath, &pfh, &pst, NULL); if (rv != 0) { NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Error %d on fs_getstat(%s)", rv, ftp->ft_path); return (-1); } en.tn_path = NULL; en.tn_fh = NULL; en.tn_st = NULL; if (!S_ISDIR(pst.st_mode)) { pn.tn_path = ftp->ft_lpath; pn.tn_fh = &pfh; pn.tn_st = &pst; rv = CALLBACK(&pn, &en); if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "CALLBACK(%s): %d", pn.tn_path, rv); free(pfh.fh_fpath); return (rv); } sp = cstack_new(); if (!sp) { free(pfh.fh_fpath); errno = ENOMEM; return (-1); } tsp = new_tsp(path); if (!tsp) { cstack_delete(sp); free(pfh.fh_fpath); errno = ENOMEM; return (-1); } darg.da_buf = ndmp_malloc(MAX_DENT_BUF_SIZE); if (!darg.da_buf) { cstack_delete(sp); free(pfh.fh_fpath); free(tsp); errno = ENOMEM; return (-1); } darg.da_size = MAX_DENT_BUF_SIZE; tsp->ts_ent = tsp->ts_end; tsp->ts_fh = pfh; tsp->ts_st = pst; pn.tn_path = path; pn.tn_fh = &tsp->ts_fh; pn.tn_st = &tsp->ts_st; if ((plist = fs_init_pathlist()) == NULL) { cstack_delete(sp); free(pfh.fh_fpath); free(tsp); errno = ENOMEM; return (-1); } plhead = plist; /* call the callback function on the path itself */ traverse_stats.fss_dir_calls++; rv = CALLBACK(&pn, &en); if (rv < 0) { free(tsp); goto end; } if (rv == FST_SKIP) { traverse_stats.fss_dir_skipped++; free(tsp); rv = 0; goto end; } rv = 0; next_dir = 1; do { if (next_dir) { traverse_stats.fss_newdirs++; *tsp->ts_end = '\0'; if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "pl %d \"%s\"", pl, path); rv = traverse_level_nondir(ftp, tsp, &pn, &darg); if (rv < 0) { NEGATE(rv); free(tsp); break; } /* * If skipped by the callback function or * error happened reading the information */ if (rv == FST_SKIP || rv == SKIP_ENTRY) { /* * N.B. next_dir should be set to 0 as * well. This prevents the infinite loop. * If it's not set the same directory will * be poped from the stack and will be * scanned again. */ next_dir = 0; rv = 0; goto skip_dir; } /* re-start reading entries of the directory */ tsp->ts_dpos = 0; } next_dir = 0; do { el = NAME_MAX; rv = fs_readdir(&tsp->ts_fh, pn.tn_path, &tsp->ts_dpos, nm, &el, &efh, &est, &plist); if (rv != 0) { traverse_stats.fss_readdir_err++; NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Error %d on readdir(%s) pos %d", rv, path, tsp->ts_dpos); if (STOP_ONERR(ftp)) break; rv = SKIP_ENTRY; continue; } /* done with this directory */ if (el == 0) break; nm[el] = '\0'; if (rootfs_dot_or_dotdot(nm)) { efh.fh_fpath = NULL; continue; } if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%u dname: \"%s\"", tsp->ts_dpos, nm); if (pl + 1 + el > PATH_MAX) { /* * The long paths were already encountered * when processing non-dir entries in. * traverse_level_nondir. * We don't increase fss_longpath_err * counter for them again here. */ NDMP_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Path %s/%s is too long.", path, nm); if (STOP_ONLONG(ftp)) rv = ENAMETOOLONG; efh.fh_fpath = NULL; continue; } if (!S_ISDIR(est.st_mode)) { efh.fh_fpath = NULL; continue; } /* * Call the callback function for the new * directory found, then push the current * directory on to the stack. Then dive * into the entry found. */ traverse_stats.fss_dir_calls++; en.tn_path = nm; en.tn_fh = &efh; en.tn_st = &est; rv = CALLBACK(&pn, &en); if (rv < 0) { NEGATE(rv); break; } if (rv == FST_SKIP) { traverse_stats.fss_dir_skipped++; rv = 0; continue; } /* * Push the current directory on to the stack and * dive into the entry found. */ if (cstack_push(sp, tsp, 0)) rv = ENOMEM; else { traverse_stats.fss_pushes++; lp = tsp->ts_end; *tsp->ts_end = '/'; (void) strcpy(tsp->ts_end + 1, nm); tsp = new_tsp(path); if (!tsp) rv = ENOMEM; else { next_dir = 1; pl += el + 1; tsp->ts_fh = efh; tsp->ts_st = est; tsp->ts_ent = lp; pn.tn_fh = &tsp->ts_fh; pn.tn_st = &tsp->ts_st; } } break; } while (rv == 0); /* * A new directory must be processed, go to the start of * the loop, open it and process it. */ if (next_dir) continue; skip_dir: if (tsp) free(tsp); if (rv == SKIP_ENTRY) rv = 0; if (rv == 0) { if (cstack_pop(sp, (void **)&tsp, (int *)NULL)) break; traverse_stats.fss_pops++; if (VERBOSE(ftp)) NDMP_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Poped pl %d \"%s\"", pl, path); *tsp->ts_end = '\0'; pl = tsp->ts_end - path; pn.tn_fh = &tsp->ts_fh; pn.tn_st = &tsp->ts_st; } } while (rv == 0); /* * Pop and free all the remaining entries on the stack. */ while (!cstack_pop(sp, (void **)&tsp, (int *)NULL)) { traverse_stats.fss_stack_residue++; free(tsp); } end: free(darg.da_buf); free(pfh.fh_fpath); fs_free_pathlist(plhead); cstack_delete(sp); return (rv); } /* * filecopy - Copy a file * * Parameters: * char *dest - Destination path * char *src - Source path * * Returns: * 0 - No errors * #0 - Error occured * -4 - read/write error * -5 - source modified during copy * * Simplified version for Solaris */ #define BUFSIZE 32768 int filecopy(char *dest, char *src) { FILE *src_fh = 0; FILE *dst_fh = 0; struct stat64 src_attr; struct stat64 dst_attr; char *buf = 0; u_longlong_t bytes_to_copy; size_t nbytes; int file_copied = 0; buf = ndmp_malloc(BUFSIZE); if (!buf) return (-1); src_fh = fopen(src, "r"); if (src_fh == 0) { free(buf); return (-2); } dst_fh = fopen(dest, "w"); if (dst_fh == NULL) { free(buf); (void) fclose(src_fh); return (-3); } if (stat64(src, &src_attr) < 0) { free(buf); (void) fclose(src_fh); (void) fclose(dst_fh); return (-2); } bytes_to_copy = src_attr.st_size; while (bytes_to_copy) { if (bytes_to_copy > BUFSIZE) nbytes = BUFSIZE; else nbytes = bytes_to_copy; if ((fread(buf, nbytes, 1, src_fh) != 1) || (fwrite(buf, nbytes, 1, dst_fh) != 1)) break; bytes_to_copy -= nbytes; } (void) fclose(src_fh); (void) fclose(dst_fh); if (bytes_to_copy > 0) { free(buf); /* short read/write, remove the partial file */ return (-4); } if (stat64(src, &dst_attr) < 0) { free(buf); return (-2); } free(buf); if (!file_copied) return (-5); /* source modified during copy */ else return (0); }