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# run the ksh93 minimum set of tests
# Notes:
# - "builtins.sh" may fail in some locales like this:
#   -- snip --
#   ## Running ksh test: LANG='zh_TW.EUC' script='builtins.sh'
#   builtins.sh[274]: printf "%T" now
#   -- snip --
# - "options.sh" may currently fail in some locales with:
#   -- snip --
#   options.sh[145]: -G ** failed -- expected 'bam.c bar bar.c bar/bam.c bar/foo.c foo foo/bam.c', got 'bam.c bar bar/bam.c bar.c bar/foo.c foo foo/bam.c'
#   options.sh[149]: -G **/*.c failed -- expected 'bam.c bar.c bar/bam.c bar/foo.c foo/bam.c', got 'bam.c bar/bam.c bar.c bar/foo.c foo/bam.c'
#   -- snip --
#   This may be simply a different sort order or a bug in the test suite.
#   Currently under investigation.
# - "io.sh" may fail due a subtle bug in ksh93 or the test suite which 
#   only happens when ksh93 is NOT called "ksh"; to work around the
#   problem the test sequence currently uses $(SRC)/cmd/ksh/$(CMDTRANSMACH)/ksh
#   instead of $(SRC)/cmd/ksh/$(CMDTRANSMACH)/$(PROG) until we+upstream figure
#   out what exactly is going wrong in this case.
#   -- snip --
#   ./close0[2]: ./close1: cannot execute [Exec format error]
#	    io.sh[81]: picked up file descriptor zero for opening script file
#   -- snip --
# - These tests need a working system clock, otherwise they'll bite you.
# - The test frontend in this Makefile should be rewritten in ksh93
#   instead of the current /usr/bin/ksh (=ksh88i). This would be far less
#   complicated.
# - More locales should be tested here (via ON_KSH_TEST_LOCALES below).
#   Locales like "ru_RU.KOI8-R","de_DE.UTF-8", "is_IS.ISO8859-1", 
#   "is_IS.UTF-8" and "nl_BE.ISO8859-15" are on our wishlist - but
#   that is getting little bit more compliciated because these locales use
#   ',' as decimal delimter. The best solution may be to wait for ksh93
#   being integrated into OS/Net and then change the test sequence to
#   use ksh93's associate/compound variables (this may require a flag
#   day... ;-( ).
#   The current list was mainly composed to cover various encodings and
#   all important markets based on suggestions by Sun's i18n team.
# - Due to the timing sensitivity of some of the tests, these tests should 
#   be run on a quiet system with no other activity.


# ON_KSH_TEST_LOCALES can be overridden via
# $ export ON_KSH_TEST_LOCALES=<value> # before $ make install #
	C \
	en_US en_US.UTF-8 \
	he_IL.UTF-8 \
	hi_IN.UTF-8 \
	ja_JP.PCK ja_JP.UTF-8 ja_JP.eucJP \
	ko_KR.EUC \
	th_TH.TIS620 \
	zh_CN.EUC zh_CN.GBK zh_CN.GB18030 zh_CN.UTF-8 \
	zh_HK.BIG5HK \
	zh_TW.BIG5 zh_TW.EUC zh_TW.UTF-8

# ON_KSH_TEST_LIST can be overridden via
# $ export ON_KSH_TEST_LIST=<value> # before $ make install #

# Flag to control whether we should make test failures non-fatal

# We must wait for other things in this subdir to finish before running
# the test suite, otherwise we may run into trouble that this activity
# may disturb the test suite run (resulting in weird "heisenbug"-like
# test failures).
testshell: $(PROG)
	@ \
	print '# NOTE: Make sure your binaries in ROOT match your kernel!' ; \
	( \
	    set +o errexit ; \
	    export PATH="$(SRC)/cmd/ksh/$(CMDTRANSMACH):/bin:/usr/bin" ; \
	    printf "# which ksh='%s', ksh93='%s'\n" \
	        "$$(which ksh)" "$$(which ksh93)" ; \
	) ; \
	if [[ "$$(isalist | fgrep "$(CMDTRANSMACH)")" = "" ]] ; then \
	    printf \
	        "# ISA='%s' not available on this system, skipping tests...\n" \
	        "$(CMDTRANSMACH)" ; \
	    exit 0 ; \
	fi ; \
	exec 2>&1 ; \
	(supported_locales="$$(/usr/bin/locale -a)" ; \
	for test_lang in $(ON_KSH_TEST_LOCALES) ; do \
	    if [[ "$$(print "$${supported_locales}" | \
	             egrep "^$${test_lang}\$$")" = "" ]] ; then \
	        printf \
		    "# Locale '%s' not supported, skipping tests...\n" \
		    "$${test_lang}" ; \
	        continue ; \
	    fi ; \
	    (for test_item in $(ON_KSH_TEST_LIST) ; do \
	        [[ "$${test_item}" = "$(TESTSRC)/builtins.sh" || \
	           "$${test_item}" = "$(TESTSRC)/options.sh" ]] || \
		   set +o errexit ; \
	        printf \
		    "## Running %s test: LANG='%s' script='%s'\n" \
		    "$(CMDTRANSMACH)/ksh" \
		    "$${test_lang}" \
		    "$$(basename "$${test_item}")"; \
                ( \
	            test_output="$$( ( \
	        	export \
	        	    SHELL="$(SRC)/cmd/ksh/$(CMDTRANSMACH)/ksh" \
	        	    LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64="$(ROOTLIB64)/" \
	        	    LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32="$(ROOTLIB)/" ; \
	        	    LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$(ROOTLIB64)/:$(ROOTLIB)/" ; \
	        	"$${SHELL}" "$(TESTSRC)/shtests" -t \
	        	    LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64="$${LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64}" \
	        	    LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32="$${LD_LIBRARY_PATH_32}" \
	        	    LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" \
	        	    SHELL="$${SHELL}" \
	        	    LANG="$${test_lang}" \
	        	    LC_ALL="$${test_lang}" \
	        	      "$${test_item}" \
	            ) 2>&1 | while read ; do \
		                 printf "#\t%s\n" "$${REPLY}" ; \
			     done | tee /dev/stderr)" ; \
	            [[ "$$(print "$${test_output}" | \
		          egrep 'passed \[ .* tests 0 errors \]')" != "" ]] || \
			      (print "##> test failed" ; exit 1) \
                ) ; \
	        set -o errexit ; \
	    done) ; \