/* * Copyright 1997 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. * Use is subject to license terms. */ /* Copyright (c) 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T */ /* All Rights Reserved */ /* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley Software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #pragma ident "%Z%%M% %I% %E% SMI" #include "sh.h" #include "sh.tconst.h" /* * C shell */ extern int doalias(); extern int dobg(); extern int dobreak(); extern int dochngd(); extern int docontin(); extern int dodirs(); extern int doecho(); extern int doelse(); extern int doend(); extern int doendif(); extern int doendsw(); extern int doeval(); extern int doexit(); extern int dofg(); extern int doforeach(); extern int doglob(); extern int dogoto(); extern int dohash(); extern int dorehash(); extern int dohist(); extern int doif(); extern int dojobs(); extern int dokill(); extern int dolet(); extern int dolimit(); extern int dologin(); extern int dologout(); #ifdef NEWGRP extern int donewgrp(); #endif extern int donice(); extern int donotify(); extern int donohup(); extern int doonintr(); extern int dopopd(); extern int dopushd(); extern int dorepeat(); extern int doset(); extern int dosetenv(); extern int dosource(); extern int dostop(); extern int dosuspend(); extern int doswbrk(); extern int doswitch(); extern int dotime(); extern int dounlimit(); extern int doumask(); extern int dowait(); extern int dowhile(); extern int dozip(); extern int execash(); extern int goodbye(); #ifdef VFORK extern int hashstat(); #endif extern int shift(); #ifdef OLDMALLOC extern int showall(); #endif extern int unalias(); extern int dounhash(); extern int unset(); extern int dounsetenv(); #define INF 1000 struct biltins bfunc[] = { S_AT, dolet, 0, INF, S_alias, doalias, 0, INF, #ifdef OLDMALLOC S_alloc, showall, 0, 1, #endif S_bg, dobg, 0, INF, S_break, dobreak, 0, 0, S_breaksw, doswbrk, 0, 0, #ifdef IIASA S_bye, goodbye, 0, 0, #endif S_case, dozip, 0, 1, S_cd, dochngd, 0, 1, S_chdir, dochngd, 0, 1, S_continue, docontin, 0, 0, S_default, dozip, 0, 0, S_dirs, dodirs, 0, 1, S_echo, doecho, 0, INF, S_else, doelse, 0, INF, S_end, doend, 0, 0, S_endif, dozip, 0, 0, S_endsw, dozip, 0, 0, S_eval, doeval, 0, INF, S_exec, execash, 1, INF, S_exit, doexit, 0, INF, S_fg, dofg, 0, INF, S_foreach, doforeach, 3, INF, #ifdef IIASA S_gd, dopushd, 0, 1, #endif S_glob, doglob, 0, INF, S_goto, dogoto, 1, 1, #ifdef VFORK S_hashstat, hashstat, 0, 0, #endif S_history, dohist, 0, 2, S_if, doif, 1, INF, S_jobs, dojobs, 0, 1, S_kill, dokill, 1, INF, S_limit, dolimit, 0, 3, S_login, dologin, 0, 1, S_logout, dologout, 0, 0, #ifdef NEWGRP S_newgrp, donewgrp, 1, 1, #endif S_nice, donice, 0, INF, S_nohup, donohup, 0, INF, S_notify, donotify, 0, INF, S_onintr, doonintr, 0, 2, S_popd, dopopd, 0, 1, S_pushd, dopushd, 0, 1, #ifdef IIASA S_rd, dopopd, 0, 1, #endif S_rehash, dorehash, 0, 0, S_repeat, dorepeat, 2, INF, S_set, doset, 0, INF, S_setenv, dosetenv, 0, 2, S_shift, shift, 0, 1, S_source, dosource, 1, 2, S_stop, dostop, 1, INF, S_suspend, dosuspend, 0, 0, S_switch, doswitch, 1, INF, S_time, dotime, 0, INF, S_umask, doumask, 0, 1, S_unalias, unalias, 1, INF, S_unhash, dounhash, 0, 0, S_unlimit, dounlimit, 0, INF, S_unset, unset, 1, INF, S_unsetenv, dounsetenv, 1, INF, S_wait, dowait, 0, 0, S_while, dowhile, 1, INF, }; int nbfunc = sizeof bfunc / sizeof *bfunc; #define ZBREAK 0 #define ZBRKSW 1 #define ZCASE 2 #define ZDEFAULT 3 #define ZELSE 4 #define ZEND 5 #define ZENDIF 6 #define ZENDSW 7 #define ZEXIT 8 #define ZFOREACH 9 #define ZGOTO 10 #define ZIF 11 #define ZLABEL 12 #define ZLET 13 #define ZSET 14 #define ZSWITCH 15 #define ZTEST 16 #define ZTHEN 17 #define ZWHILE 18 struct srch srchn[] = { S_AT, ZLET, S_break, ZBREAK, S_breaksw, ZBRKSW, S_case, ZCASE, S_default, ZDEFAULT, S_else, ZELSE, S_end, ZEND, S_endif, ZENDIF, S_endsw, ZENDSW, S_exit, ZEXIT, S_foreach, ZFOREACH, S_goto, ZGOTO, S_if, ZIF, S_label, ZLABEL, S_set, ZSET, S_switch, ZSWITCH, S_while, ZWHILE }; int nsrchn = sizeof srchn / sizeof *srchn;