#!/bin/bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 # # Copyright (c) 2023 Collabora Ltd # # Based on Frank Rowand's dt_stat script. # # This script tests for devices that were declared on the Devicetree and are # expected to bind to a driver, but didn't. # # To achieve this, two lists are used: # * a list of the compatibles that can be matched by a Devicetree node # * a list of compatibles that should be ignored # DIR="$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))" source "${DIR}"/../kselftest/ktap_helpers.sh PDT=/proc/device-tree/ COMPAT_LIST="${DIR}"/compatible_list IGNORE_LIST="${DIR}"/compatible_ignore_list ktap_print_header if [[ ! -d "${PDT}" ]]; then ktap_skip_all "${PDT} doesn't exist." exit "${KSFT_SKIP}" fi nodes_compatible=$( for node_compat in $(find ${PDT} -name compatible); do node=$(dirname "${node_compat}") # Check if node is available if [[ -e "${node}"/status ]]; then status=$(tr -d '\000' < "${node}"/status) [[ "${status}" != "okay" && "${status}" != "ok" ]] && continue fi echo "${node}" | sed -e 's|\/proc\/device-tree||' done | sort ) nodes_dev_bound=$( IFS=$'\n' for uevent in $(find /sys/devices -name uevent); do if [[ -d "$(dirname "${uevent}")"/driver ]]; then grep '^OF_FULLNAME=' "${uevent}" | sed -e 's|OF_FULLNAME=||' fi done ) num_tests=$(echo ${nodes_compatible} | wc -w) ktap_set_plan "${num_tests}" retval="${KSFT_PASS}" for node in ${nodes_compatible}; do if ! echo "${nodes_dev_bound}" | grep -E -q "(^| )${node}( |\$)"; then compatibles=$(tr '\000' '\n' < "${PDT}"/"${node}"/compatible) for compatible in ${compatibles}; do if grep -x -q "${compatible}" "${IGNORE_LIST}"; then continue fi if grep -x -q "${compatible}" "${COMPAT_LIST}"; then ktap_test_fail "${node}" retval="${KSFT_FAIL}" continue 2 fi done ktap_test_skip "${node}" else ktap_test_pass "${node}" fi done ktap_print_totals exit "${retval}"