// SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR MIT) /* * Copyright (C) 2024 Amlogic, Inc. All rights reserved * Author: Yiting Deng <yiting.deng@amlogic.com> */ #include <linux/bitfield.h> #include <linux/clk.h> #include <linux/clk-provider.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/regmap.h> #include <linux/rtc.h> #include <linux/time64.h> /* rtc oscillator rate */ #define OSC_32K 32768 #define OSC_24M 24000000 #define RTC_CTRL (0x0 << 2) /* Control RTC */ #define RTC_ALRM0_EN BIT(0) #define RTC_OSC_SEL BIT(8) #define RTC_ENABLE BIT(12) #define RTC_COUNTER_REG (0x1 << 2) /* Program RTC counter initial value */ #define RTC_ALARM0_REG (0x2 << 2) /* Program RTC alarm0 value */ #define RTC_SEC_ADJUST_REG (0x6 << 2) /* Control second-based timing adjustment */ #define RTC_MATCH_COUNTER GENMASK(18, 0) #define RTC_SEC_ADJUST_CTRL GENMASK(20, 19) #define RTC_ADJ_VALID BIT(23) #define RTC_INT_MASK (0x8 << 2) /* RTC interrupt mask */ #define RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_MSK BIT(0) #define RTC_INT_CLR (0x9 << 2) /* Clear RTC interrupt */ #define RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_CLR BIT(0) #define RTC_OSCIN_CTRL0 (0xa << 2) /* Control RTC clk from 24M */ #define RTC_OSCIN_CTRL1 (0xb << 2) /* Control RTC clk from 24M */ #define RTC_OSCIN_IN_EN BIT(31) #define RTC_OSCIN_OUT_CFG GENMASK(29, 28) #define RTC_OSCIN_OUT_N0M0 GENMASK(11, 0) #define RTC_OSCIN_OUT_N1M1 GENMASK(23, 12) #define RTC_INT_STATUS (0xc << 2) /* RTC interrupt status */ #define RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_STATUS BIT(0) #define RTC_REAL_TIME (0xd << 2) /* RTC time value */ #define RTC_OSCIN_OUT_32K_N0 0x2dc #define RTC_OSCIN_OUT_32K_N1 0x2db #define RTC_OSCIN_OUT_32K_M0 0x1 #define RTC_OSCIN_OUT_32K_M1 0x2 #define RTC_SWALLOW_SECOND 0x2 #define RTC_INSERT_SECOND 0x3 struct aml_rtc_config { bool gray_stored; }; struct aml_rtc_data { struct regmap *map; struct rtc_device *rtc_dev; int irq; struct clk *rtc_clk; struct clk *sys_clk; int rtc_enabled; const struct aml_rtc_config *config; }; static const struct regmap_config aml_rtc_regmap_config = { .reg_bits = 32, .val_bits = 32, .reg_stride = 4, .max_register = RTC_REAL_TIME, }; static inline u32 gray_to_binary(u32 gray) { u32 bcd = gray; int size = sizeof(bcd) * 8; int i; for (i = 0; (1 << i) < size; i++) bcd ^= bcd >> (1 << i); return bcd; } static inline u32 binary_to_gray(u32 bcd) { return bcd ^ (bcd >> 1); } static int aml_rtc_read_time(struct device *dev, struct rtc_time *tm) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); u32 time_sec; /* if RTC disabled, read time failed */ if (!rtc->rtc_enabled) return -EINVAL; regmap_read(rtc->map, RTC_REAL_TIME, &time_sec); if (rtc->config->gray_stored) time_sec = gray_to_binary(time_sec); rtc_time64_to_tm(time_sec, tm); dev_dbg(dev, "%s: read time = %us\n", __func__, time_sec); return 0; } static int aml_rtc_set_time(struct device *dev, struct rtc_time *tm) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); u32 time_sec; /* if RTC disabled, first enable it */ if (!rtc->rtc_enabled) { regmap_write_bits(rtc->map, RTC_CTRL, RTC_ENABLE, RTC_ENABLE); usleep_range(100, 200); rtc->rtc_enabled = regmap_test_bits(rtc->map, RTC_CTRL, RTC_ENABLE); if (!rtc->rtc_enabled) return -EINVAL; } time_sec = rtc_tm_to_time64(tm); if (rtc->config->gray_stored) time_sec = binary_to_gray(time_sec); regmap_write(rtc->map, RTC_COUNTER_REG, time_sec); dev_dbg(dev, "%s: set time = %us\n", __func__, time_sec); return 0; } static int aml_rtc_set_alarm(struct device *dev, struct rtc_wkalrm *alarm) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); time64_t alarm_sec; /* if RTC disabled, set alarm failed */ if (!rtc->rtc_enabled) return -EINVAL; regmap_update_bits(rtc->map, RTC_CTRL, RTC_ALRM0_EN, RTC_ALRM0_EN); regmap_update_bits(rtc->map, RTC_INT_MASK, RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_MSK, 0); alarm_sec = rtc_tm_to_time64(&alarm->time); if (rtc->config->gray_stored) alarm_sec = binary_to_gray(alarm_sec); regmap_write(rtc->map, RTC_ALARM0_REG, alarm_sec); dev_dbg(dev, "%s: alarm->enabled=%d alarm_set=%llds\n", __func__, alarm->enabled, alarm_sec); return 0; } static int aml_rtc_read_alarm(struct device *dev, struct rtc_wkalrm *alarm) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); u32 alarm_sec; int alarm_enable; int alarm_mask; /* if RTC disabled, read alarm failed */ if (!rtc->rtc_enabled) return -EINVAL; regmap_read(rtc->map, RTC_ALARM0_REG, &alarm_sec); if (rtc->config->gray_stored) alarm_sec = gray_to_binary(alarm_sec); rtc_time64_to_tm(alarm_sec, &alarm->time); alarm_enable = regmap_test_bits(rtc->map, RTC_CTRL, RTC_ALRM0_EN); alarm_mask = regmap_test_bits(rtc->map, RTC_INT_MASK, RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_MSK); alarm->enabled = (alarm_enable && !alarm_mask) ? 1 : 0; dev_dbg(dev, "%s: alarm->enabled=%d alarm=%us\n", __func__, alarm->enabled, alarm_sec); return 0; } static int aml_rtc_read_offset(struct device *dev, long *offset) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); u32 reg_val; long val; int sign, match_counter, enable; /* if RTC disabled, read offset failed */ if (!rtc->rtc_enabled) return -EINVAL; regmap_read(rtc->map, RTC_SEC_ADJUST_REG, ®_val); enable = FIELD_GET(RTC_ADJ_VALID, reg_val); if (!enable) { val = 0; } else { sign = FIELD_GET(RTC_SEC_ADJUST_CTRL, reg_val); match_counter = FIELD_GET(RTC_MATCH_COUNTER, reg_val); val = 1000000000 / (match_counter + 1); if (sign == RTC_SWALLOW_SECOND) val = -val; } *offset = val; return 0; } static int aml_rtc_set_offset(struct device *dev, long offset) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); int sign = 0; int match_counter = 0; int enable = 0; u32 reg_val; /* if RTC disabled, set offset failed */ if (!rtc->rtc_enabled) return -EINVAL; if (offset) { enable = 1; sign = offset < 0 ? RTC_SWALLOW_SECOND : RTC_INSERT_SECOND; match_counter = 1000000000 / abs(offset) - 1; if (match_counter < 0 || match_counter > RTC_MATCH_COUNTER) return -EINVAL; } reg_val = FIELD_PREP(RTC_ADJ_VALID, enable) | FIELD_PREP(RTC_SEC_ADJUST_CTRL, sign) | FIELD_PREP(RTC_MATCH_COUNTER, match_counter); regmap_write(rtc->map, RTC_SEC_ADJUST_REG, reg_val); return 0; } static int aml_rtc_alarm_enable(struct device *dev, unsigned int enabled) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (enabled) { regmap_update_bits(rtc->map, RTC_CTRL, RTC_ALRM0_EN, RTC_ALRM0_EN); regmap_update_bits(rtc->map, RTC_INT_MASK, RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_MSK, 0); } else { regmap_update_bits(rtc->map, RTC_INT_MASK, RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_MSK, RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_MSK); regmap_update_bits(rtc->map, RTC_CTRL, RTC_ALRM0_EN, 0); } return 0; } static const struct rtc_class_ops aml_rtc_ops = { .read_time = aml_rtc_read_time, .set_time = aml_rtc_set_time, .read_alarm = aml_rtc_read_alarm, .set_alarm = aml_rtc_set_alarm, .alarm_irq_enable = aml_rtc_alarm_enable, .read_offset = aml_rtc_read_offset, .set_offset = aml_rtc_set_offset, }; static irqreturn_t aml_rtc_handler(int irq, void *data) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = (struct aml_rtc_data *)data; regmap_write(rtc->map, RTC_ALARM0_REG, 0); regmap_write(rtc->map, RTC_INT_CLR, RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_STATUS); rtc_update_irq(rtc->rtc_dev, 1, RTC_AF | RTC_IRQF); return IRQ_HANDLED; } static void aml_rtc_init(struct aml_rtc_data *rtc) { u32 reg_val = 0; rtc->rtc_enabled = regmap_test_bits(rtc->map, RTC_CTRL, RTC_ENABLE); if (!rtc->rtc_enabled) { if (clk_get_rate(rtc->rtc_clk) == OSC_24M) { /* select 24M oscillator */ regmap_write_bits(rtc->map, RTC_CTRL, RTC_OSC_SEL, RTC_OSC_SEL); /* * Set RTC oscillator to freq_out to freq_in/((N0*M0+N1*M1)/(M0+M1)) * Enable clock_in gate of oscillator 24MHz * Set N0 to 733, N1 to 732 */ reg_val = FIELD_PREP(RTC_OSCIN_IN_EN, 1) | FIELD_PREP(RTC_OSCIN_OUT_CFG, 1) | FIELD_PREP(RTC_OSCIN_OUT_N0M0, RTC_OSCIN_OUT_32K_N0) | FIELD_PREP(RTC_OSCIN_OUT_N1M1, RTC_OSCIN_OUT_32K_N1); regmap_write_bits(rtc->map, RTC_OSCIN_CTRL0, RTC_OSCIN_IN_EN | RTC_OSCIN_OUT_CFG | RTC_OSCIN_OUT_N0M0 | RTC_OSCIN_OUT_N1M1, reg_val); /* Set M0 to 2, M1 to 3, so freq_out = 32768 Hz*/ reg_val = FIELD_PREP(RTC_OSCIN_OUT_N0M0, RTC_OSCIN_OUT_32K_M0) | FIELD_PREP(RTC_OSCIN_OUT_N1M1, RTC_OSCIN_OUT_32K_M1); regmap_write_bits(rtc->map, RTC_OSCIN_CTRL1, RTC_OSCIN_OUT_N0M0 | RTC_OSCIN_OUT_N1M1, reg_val); } else { /* select 32K oscillator */ regmap_write_bits(rtc->map, RTC_CTRL, RTC_OSC_SEL, 0); } } regmap_write_bits(rtc->map, RTC_INT_MASK, RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_MSK, RTC_ALRM0_IRQ_MSK); regmap_write_bits(rtc->map, RTC_CTRL, RTC_ALRM0_EN, 0); } static int aml_rtc_probe(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct device *dev = &pdev->dev; struct aml_rtc_data *rtc; void __iomem *base; int ret = 0; rtc = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*rtc), GFP_KERNEL); if (!rtc) return -ENOMEM; rtc->config = of_device_get_match_data(dev); if (!rtc->config) return -ENODEV; base = devm_platform_ioremap_resource(pdev, 0); if (IS_ERR(base)) return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(base), "resource ioremap failed\n"); rtc->map = devm_regmap_init_mmio(dev, base, &aml_rtc_regmap_config); if (IS_ERR(rtc->map)) return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(rtc->map), "regmap init failed\n"); rtc->irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0); if (rtc->irq < 0) return rtc->irq; rtc->rtc_clk = devm_clk_get(dev, "osc"); if (IS_ERR(rtc->rtc_clk)) return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(rtc->rtc_clk), "failed to find rtc clock\n"); if (clk_get_rate(rtc->rtc_clk) != OSC_32K && clk_get_rate(rtc->rtc_clk) != OSC_24M) return dev_err_probe(dev, -EINVAL, "Invalid clock configuration\n"); rtc->sys_clk = devm_clk_get_enabled(dev, "sys"); if (IS_ERR(rtc->sys_clk)) return dev_err_probe(dev, PTR_ERR(rtc->sys_clk), "failed to get_enable rtc sys clk\n"); aml_rtc_init(rtc); device_init_wakeup(dev, true); platform_set_drvdata(pdev, rtc); rtc->rtc_dev = devm_rtc_allocate_device(dev); if (IS_ERR(rtc->rtc_dev)) { ret = PTR_ERR(rtc->rtc_dev); goto err_clk; } ret = devm_request_irq(dev, rtc->irq, aml_rtc_handler, IRQF_ONESHOT, "aml-rtc alarm", rtc); if (ret) { dev_err_probe(dev, ret, "IRQ%d request failed, ret = %d\n", rtc->irq, ret); goto err_clk; } rtc->rtc_dev->ops = &aml_rtc_ops; rtc->rtc_dev->range_min = 0; rtc->rtc_dev->range_max = U32_MAX; ret = devm_rtc_register_device(rtc->rtc_dev); if (ret) { dev_err_probe(&pdev->dev, ret, "Failed to register RTC device: %d\n", ret); goto err_clk; } return 0; err_clk: clk_disable_unprepare(rtc->sys_clk); device_init_wakeup(dev, false); return ret; } #ifdef CONFIG_PM_SLEEP static int aml_rtc_suspend(struct device *dev) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (device_may_wakeup(dev)) enable_irq_wake(rtc->irq); return 0; } static int aml_rtc_resume(struct device *dev) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(dev); if (device_may_wakeup(dev)) disable_irq_wake(rtc->irq); return 0; } #endif static SIMPLE_DEV_PM_OPS(aml_rtc_pm_ops, aml_rtc_suspend, aml_rtc_resume); static void aml_rtc_remove(struct platform_device *pdev) { struct aml_rtc_data *rtc = dev_get_drvdata(&pdev->dev); clk_disable_unprepare(rtc->sys_clk); device_init_wakeup(&pdev->dev, false); } static const struct aml_rtc_config a5_rtc_config = { }; static const struct aml_rtc_config a4_rtc_config = { .gray_stored = true, }; static const struct of_device_id aml_rtc_device_id[] = { { .compatible = "amlogic,a4-rtc", .data = &a4_rtc_config, }, { .compatible = "amlogic,a5-rtc", .data = &a5_rtc_config, }, { } }; MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, aml_rtc_device_id); static struct platform_driver aml_rtc_driver = { .probe = aml_rtc_probe, .remove = aml_rtc_remove, .driver = { .name = "aml-rtc", .pm = &aml_rtc_pm_ops, .of_match_table = aml_rtc_device_id, }, }; module_platform_driver(aml_rtc_driver); MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Amlogic RTC driver"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Yiting Deng <yiting.deng@amlogic.com>"); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");