/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only */ /* * Copyright 2023 Red Hat */ #ifndef VDO_STATUS_CODES_H #define VDO_STATUS_CODES_H #include "errors.h" enum { UDS_ERRORS_BLOCK_SIZE = UDS_ERROR_CODE_BLOCK_END - UDS_ERROR_CODE_BASE, VDO_ERRORS_BLOCK_START = UDS_ERROR_CODE_BLOCK_END, VDO_ERRORS_BLOCK_END = VDO_ERRORS_BLOCK_START + UDS_ERRORS_BLOCK_SIZE, }; /* VDO-specific status codes. */ enum vdo_status_codes { /* base of all VDO errors */ VDO_STATUS_CODE_BASE = VDO_ERRORS_BLOCK_START, /* we haven't written this yet */ VDO_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = VDO_STATUS_CODE_BASE, /* input out of range */ VDO_OUT_OF_RANGE, /* an invalid reference count would result */ VDO_REF_COUNT_INVALID, /* a free block could not be allocated */ VDO_NO_SPACE, /* improper or missing configuration option */ VDO_BAD_CONFIGURATION, /* prior operation still in progress */ VDO_COMPONENT_BUSY, /* page contents incorrect or corrupt data */ VDO_BAD_PAGE, /* unsupported version of some component */ VDO_UNSUPPORTED_VERSION, /* component id mismatch in decoder */ VDO_INCORRECT_COMPONENT, /* parameters have conflicting values */ VDO_PARAMETER_MISMATCH, /* no partition exists with a given id */ VDO_UNKNOWN_PARTITION, /* a partition already exists with a given id */ VDO_PARTITION_EXISTS, /* physical block growth of too few blocks */ VDO_INCREMENT_TOO_SMALL, /* incorrect checksum */ VDO_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH, /* a lock is held incorrectly */ VDO_LOCK_ERROR, /* the VDO is in read-only mode */ VDO_READ_ONLY, /* the VDO is shutting down */ VDO_SHUTTING_DOWN, /* the recovery journal has corrupt entries or corrupt metadata */ VDO_CORRUPT_JOURNAL, /* exceeds maximum number of slabs supported */ VDO_TOO_MANY_SLABS, /* a compressed block fragment is invalid */ VDO_INVALID_FRAGMENT, /* action is unsupported while rebuilding */ VDO_RETRY_AFTER_REBUILD, /* a block map entry is invalid */ VDO_BAD_MAPPING, /* bio_add_page failed */ VDO_BIO_CREATION_FAILED, /* bad magic number */ VDO_BAD_MAGIC, /* bad nonce */ VDO_BAD_NONCE, /* sequence number overflow */ VDO_JOURNAL_OVERFLOW, /* the VDO is not in a state to perform an admin operation */ VDO_INVALID_ADMIN_STATE, /* one more than last error code */ VDO_STATUS_CODE_LAST, VDO_STATUS_CODE_BLOCK_END = VDO_ERRORS_BLOCK_END }; extern const struct error_info vdo_status_list[]; int vdo_register_status_codes(void); int vdo_status_to_errno(int error); #endif /* VDO_STATUS_CODES_H */