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#ifndef _ASM
#include <sys/types.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * This file describes the x86 architecture control registers which
 * are part of the privileged architecture.
 * Many of these definitions are shared between IA-32-style and
 * AMD64-style processors.

/* CR0 Register */

#define	CR0_PG	0x80000000		/* paging enabled	*/
#define	CR0_CD	0x40000000		/* cache disable	*/
#define	CR0_NW	0x20000000		/* not writethrough	*/
#define	CR0_AM	0x00040000		/* alignment mask	*/
#define	CR0_WP	0x00010000		/* write protect	*/
#define	CR0_NE	0x00000020		/* numeric error	*/
#define	CR0_ET	0x00000010		/* extension type	*/
#define	CR0_TS	0x00000008		/* task switch		*/
#define	CR0_EM	0x00000004		/* emulation		*/
#define	CR0_MP	0x00000002		/* monitor coprocessor	*/
#define	CR0_PE	0x00000001		/* protection enabled	*/

/* XX64 eliminate these compatibility defines */

#define	CR0_CE	CR0_CD
#define	CR0_WT	CR0_NW

#define	FMT_CR0	\

 * Set the FPU-related control bits to explain to the processor that
 * we're managing FPU state:
 * - set monitor coprocessor (allow TS bit to control FPU)
 * - set numeric exception (disable IGNNE# mechanism)
 * - set task switch (#nm on first fp instruction)
 * - clear emulate math bit (cause we're not emulating!)
#define	CR0_ENABLE_FPU_FLAGS(cr)	\
	(((cr) | CR0_MP | CR0_NE | CR0_TS) & (uint32_t)~CR0_EM)

 * Set the FPU-related control bits to explain to the processor that
 * we're -not- managing FPU state:
 * - set emulate (all fp instructions cause #nm)
 * - clear monitor coprocessor (so fwait/wait doesn't #nm)
#define	CR0_DISABLE_FPU_FLAGS(cr)	\
	(((cr) | CR0_EM) & (uint32_t)~CR0_MP)

/* CR3 Register */

#define	CR3_PCD	0x00000010		/* cache disable		*/
#define	CR3_PWT 0x00000008		/* write through		*/
#if defined(_ASM)
#define	CR3_NOINVL_BIT	0x8000000000000000
#define	CR3_NOINVL_BIT	0x8000000000000000ULL /* no invalidation	*/
#define	PCID_NONE	0x000		/* generic PCID			*/
#define	PCID_KERNEL	0x000		/* kernel's PCID		*/
#define	PCID_USER	0x001		/* user-space PCID		*/

/* CR4 Register */

#define	CR4_VME		0x0001		/* virtual-8086 mode extensions	*/
#define	CR4_PVI		0x0002		/* protected-mode virtual interrupts */
#define	CR4_TSD		0x0004		/* time stamp disable		*/
#define	CR4_DE		0x0008		/* debugging extensions		*/
#define	CR4_PSE		0x0010		/* page size extensions		*/
#define	CR4_PAE		0x0020		/* physical address extension	*/
#define	CR4_MCE		0x0040		/* machine check enable		*/
#define	CR4_PGE		0x0080		/* page global enable		*/
#define	CR4_PCE		0x0100		/* perf-monitoring counter enable */
#define	CR4_OSFXSR	0x0200		/* OS fxsave/fxrstor support	*/
#define	CR4_OSXMMEXCPT	0x0400		/* OS unmasked exception support */
#define	CR4_UMIP	0x0800		/* user-mode instruction prevention */
#define	CR4_LA57	0x1000		/* enable 57 bit Logical addressing */
#define	CR4_VMXE	0x2000		/* VMX enable */
#define	CR4_SMXE	0x4000		/* SMX enable */
					/* 0x8000 reserved */
#define	CR4_FSGSBASE	0x10000		/* FSGSBASE enable */
#define	CR4_PCIDE	0x20000		/* PCID enable */
#define	CR4_OSXSAVE	0x40000		/* OS xsave/xrestore support	*/
#define	CR4_SMEP	0x100000	/* NX for user pages in kernel */
#define	CR4_SMAP	0x200000	/* kernel can't access user pages */
#define	CR4_PKE		0x400000	/* protection key enable */

#define	FMT_CR4						\
	"\20\27pke\26smap\25smep\23osxsav"		\
	"\22pcide\21fsgsbase\17smxe\16vmxe"		\
	"\15la57\14umip\13xmme\12fxsr\11pce\10pge"	\

 * Enable the SSE-related control bits to explain to the processor that
 * we're managing XMM state and exceptions
#define	CR4_ENABLE_SSE_FLAGS(cr)	\

 * Disable the SSE-related control bits to explain to the processor
 * that we're NOT managing XMM state
#define	CR4_DISABLE_SSE_FLAGS(cr)	\
	((cr) & ~(uint32_t)(CR4_OSFXSR | CR4_OSXMMEXCPT))

/* Intel's SYSENTER configuration registers */

#define	MSR_INTC_SEP_CS	0x174		/* kernel code selector MSR */
#define	MSR_INTC_SEP_ESP 0x175		/* kernel esp MSR */
#define	MSR_INTC_SEP_EIP 0x176		/* kernel eip MSR */

/* Intel's microcode registers */
#define	MSR_INTC_UCODE_WRITE		0x79	/* microcode write */
#define	MSR_INTC_UCODE_REV		0x8b	/* microcode revision */
#define	INTC_UCODE_REV_SHIFT		32	/* Bits 63:32 */

/* Intel's platform identification */
#define	MSR_INTC_PLATFORM_ID		0x17
#define	INTC_PLATFORM_ID_SHIFT		50	/* Bit 52:50 */

/* AMD's EFER register */

#define	MSR_AMD_EFER	0xc0000080	/* extended feature enable MSR */

#define	AMD_EFER_TCE	0x8000		/* translation cache extension */
#define	AMD_EFER_FFXSR	0x4000		/* fast fxsave/fxrstor		*/
#define	AMD_EFER_LMSLE	0x2000		/* long mode segment limit enable */
#define	AMD_EFER_SVME	0x1000		/* svm enable			*/
#define	AMD_EFER_NXE	0x0800		/* no-execute enable		*/
#define	AMD_EFER_LMA	0x0400		/* long mode active (read-only)	*/
#define	AMD_EFER_LME	0x0100		/* long mode enable		*/
#define	AMD_EFER_SCE	0x0001		/* system call extensions	*/

#define	FMT_AMD_EFER \

/* AMD's SYSCFG register */

#define	MSR_AMD_SYSCFG	0xc0000010	/* system configuration MSR */

#define	AMD_SYSCFG_TOM2	0x200000	/* MtrrTom2En */
#define	AMD_SYSCFG_MVDM	0x100000	/* MtrrVarDramEn */
#define	AMD_SYSCFG_MFDM	0x080000	/* MtrrFixDramModEn */
#define	AMD_SYSCFG_MFDE	0x040000	/* MtrrFixDramEn */

#define	FMT_AMD_SYSCFG \

/* AMD's syscall/sysret MSRs */

#define	MSR_AMD_STAR	0xc0000081	/* %cs:%ss:%cs:%ss:%eip for syscall */
#define	MSR_AMD_LSTAR	0xc0000082	/* target %rip of 64-bit syscall */
#define	MSR_AMD_CSTAR	0xc0000083	/* target %rip of 32-bit syscall */
#define	MSR_AMD_SFMASK	0xc0000084	/* syscall flag mask */

/* AMD's FS.base and GS.base MSRs */

#define	MSR_AMD_FSBASE	0xc0000100	/* 64-bit base address for %fs */
#define	MSR_AMD_GSBASE	0xc0000101	/* 64-bit base address for %gs */
#define	MSR_AMD_KGSBASE	0xc0000102	/* swapgs swaps this with gsbase */
#define	MSR_AMD_TSCAUX	0xc0000103	/* %ecx value on rdtscp insn */

/* AMD's SVM MSRs */

#define	MSR_AMD_VM_CR		0xc0010114 /* SVM global control */
#define	MSR_AMD_VM_HSAVE_PA	0xc0010117 /* SVM host save area address */

#define	AMD_VM_CR_DPD		(1 << 0)
#define	AMD_VM_CR_R_INIT	(1 << 1)
#define	AMD_VM_CR_DIS_A20M	(1 << 2)
#define	AMD_VM_CR_LOCK		(1 << 3)
#define	AMD_VM_CR_SVMDIS	(1 << 4)

/* AMD's configuration MSRs, weakly documented in the revision guide */

#define	MSR_AMD_DC_CFG	0xc0011022

#define	AMD_DC_CFG_DIS_CNV_WC_SSO	(UINT64_C(1) << 3)
#define	AMD_DC_CFG_DIS_SMC_CHK_BUF	(UINT64_C(1) << 10)

/* AMD's HWCR MSR */

#define	MSR_AMD_HWCR	0xc0010015

#define	AMD_HWCR_TLBCACHEDIS		(UINT64_C(1) << 3)
#define	AMD_HWCR_FFDIS			0x00040	/* disable TLB Flush Filter */
#define	AMD_HWCR_MCI_STATUS_WREN	0x40000	/* enable write of MCi_STATUS */


#define	MSR_AMD_NB_CFG	0xc001001f

#define	AMD_NB_CFG_SRQ_HEARTBEAT	(UINT64_C(1) << 20)
#define	AMD_NB_CFG_SRQ_SPR		(UINT64_C(1) << 32)

#define	MSR_AMD_BU_CFG	0xc0011023

#define	AMD_BU_CFG_E298			(UINT64_C(1) << 1)

 * This MSR exists on families, 10h, 12h+ for AMD. This controls instruction
 * decoding. Most notably, for the AMD variant of retpolines, we must improve
 * the serializability of lfence for the lfence based method to work.
#define	MSR_AMD_DE_CFG	0xc0011029

#define	AMD_DE_CFG_E721			(1UL << 0)

/* AMD's osvw MSRs */
#define	MSR_AMD_OSVW_ID_LEN		0xc0010140
#define	MSR_AMD_OSVW_STATUS		0xc0010141

#define	OSVW_ID_LEN_MASK		0xffffULL
#define	OSVW_ID_CNT_PER_MSR		64

 * Enable PCI Extended Configuration Space (ECS) on Greyhound
#define	AMD_GH_NB_CFG_EN_ECS		(UINT64_C(1) << 46)

/* AMD microcode patch loader */
#define	MSR_AMD_PATCHLOADER	0xc0010020

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif	/* !_SYS_CONTROLREGS_H */