 * Copyright 2010 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Use is subject to license terms.

 * Copyright 2016 Hans Rosenfeld <rosenfeld@grumpf.hope-2000.org>

 * Copyright (c) 2001 Atsushi Onoe
 * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Sam Leffler, Errno Consulting
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
 *    derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
 * Alternatively, this software may be distributed under the terms of the
 * GNU General Public License ("GPL") version 2 as published by the Free
 * Software Foundation.

#ifndef _SYS_NET80211_H
#define	_SYS_NET80211_H

#include <sys/mac.h>
#include <sys/mac_provider.h>
#include <sys/ethernet.h>
#include <sys/net80211_proto.h>
#include <sys/net80211_crypto.h>
#include <sys/net80211_ht.h>
#include <sys/net80211_amrr.h>
#include <net/wpa.h>

 * IEEE802.11 kernel support module

#ifdef	__cplusplus
extern "C" {

/* ic_caps */
#define	IEEE80211_C_WEP		0x00000001	/* CAPABILITY: WEP available */
#define	IEEE80211_C_TKIP	0x00000002	/* CAPABILITY: TKIP available */
#define	IEEE80211_C_AES		0x00000004	/* CAPABILITY: AES OCB avail */
#define	IEEE80211_C_AES_CCM	0x00000008	/* CAPABILITY: AES CCM avail */
#define	IEEE80211_C_CKIP	0x00000010	/* CAPABILITY: CKIP available */
#define	IEEE80211_C_FF		0x00000040	/* CAPABILITY: ATH FF avail */
#define	IEEE80211_C_TURBOP	0x00000080
				/* CAPABILITY: ATH Turbo available */
#define	IEEE80211_C_IBSS	0x00000100	/* CAPABILITY: IBSS available */
#define	IEEE80211_C_PMGT	0x00000200	/* CAPABILITY: Power mgmt */
#define	IEEE80211_C_HOSTAP	0x00000400	/* CAPABILITY: HOSTAP avail */
#define	IEEE80211_C_AHDEMO	0x00000800	/* CAPABILITY: Old Adhoc Demo */
#define	IEEE80211_C_SWRETRY	0x00001000	/* CAPABILITY: sw tx retry */
#define	IEEE80211_C_TXPMGT	0x00002000	/* CAPABILITY: tx power mgmt */
#define	IEEE80211_C_SHSLOT	0x00004000	/* CAPABILITY: short slottime */
#define	IEEE80211_C_SHPREAMBLE	0x00008000	/* CAPABILITY: short preamble */
#define	IEEE80211_C_MONITOR	0x00010000	/* CAPABILITY: monitor mode */
#define	IEEE80211_C_TKIPMIC	0x00020000	/* CAPABILITY: TKIP MIC avail */
#define	IEEE80211_C_WPA1	0x00800000	/* CAPABILITY: WPA1 avail */
#define	IEEE80211_C_WPA2	0x01000000	/* CAPABILITY: WPA2 avail */
#define	IEEE80211_C_WPA		0x01800000
				/* CAPABILITY: WPA1+WPA2 avail */
#define	IEEE80211_C_BURST	0x02000000	/* CAPABILITY: frame bursting */
#define	IEEE80211_C_WME		0x04000000	/* CAPABILITY: WME avail */
#define	IEEE80211_C_WDS		0x08000000	/* CAPABILITY: 4-addr support */
/* 0x10000000 reserved */
#define	IEEE80211_C_BGSCAN	0x20000000	/* CAPABILITY: bg scanning */
#define	IEEE80211_C_TXFRAG	0x40000000	/* CAPABILITY: tx fragments */
/* XXX protection/barker? */

#define	IEEE80211_C_CRYPTO	0x0000001f	/* CAPABILITY: crypto alg's */

 * ic_htcaps: HT-specific device/driver capabilities
 * NB: the low 16-bits are the 802.11 definitions, the upper
 *     16-bits are used to define s/w/driver capabilities.
#define	IEEE80211_HTC_AMPDU	0x00010000	/* CAPABILITY: A-MPDU tx */
#define	IEEE80211_HTC_AMSDU	0x00020000	/* CAPABILITY: A-MSDU tx */
/* NB: HT40 is implied by IEEE80211_HTCAP_CHWIDTH40 */
#define	IEEE80211_HTC_HT	0x00040000	/* CAPABILITY: HT operation */

/* ic_flags */
/* NB: bits 0x4c available */
#define	IEEE80211_F_FF		0x00000001	/* CONF: ATH FF enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_F_TURBOP	0x00000002	/* CONF: ATH Turbo enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_F_BURST	0x00000004	/* CONF: bursting enabled */
/* NB: this is intentionally setup to be IEEE80211_CAPINFO_PRIVACY */
#define	IEEE80211_F_PRIVACY	0x00000010	/* CONF: privacy enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_F_PUREG	0x00000020	/* CONF: 11g w/o 11b sta's */
#define	IEEE80211_F_SCANONLY	0x00000040	/* CONF: scan only */
#define	IEEE80211_F_SCAN	0x00000080	/* STATUS: scanning */
#define	IEEE80211_F_ASCAN	0x00000100	/* STATUS: active scan */
#define	IEEE80211_F_SIBSS	0x00000200	/* STATUS: start IBSS */
/* NB: this is intentionally setup to be IEEE80211_CAPINFO_SHORT_SLOTTIME */
#define	IEEE80211_F_SHSLOT	0x00000400
				/* STATUS: use short slot time */
#define	IEEE80211_F_PMGTON	0x00000800	/* CONF: Power mgmt enable */
#define	IEEE80211_F_DESBSSID	0x00001000	/* CONF: des_bssid is set */
#define	IEEE80211_F_WME		0x00002000	/* CONF: enable WME use */
#define	IEEE80211_F_BGSCAN	0x00004000
				/* CONF: bg scan enabled (???) */
#define	IEEE80211_F_SWRETRY	0x00008000	/* CONF: sw tx retry enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_F_TXPOW_FIXED	0x00010000	/* TX Power: fixed rate */
#define	IEEE80211_F_IBSSON	0x00020000	/* CONF: IBSS creation enable */
#define	IEEE80211_F_SHPREAMBLE	0x00040000	/* STATUS: use short preamble */
#define	IEEE80211_F_DATAPAD	0x00080000	/* CONF: do alignment pad */
#define	IEEE80211_F_USEPROT	0x00100000	/* STATUS: protection enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_F_USEBARKER	0x00200000
				/* STATUS: use barker preamble */
#define	IEEE80211_F_TIMUPDATE	0x00400000	/* STATUS: update beacon tim */
#define	IEEE80211_F_WPA1	0x00800000	/* CONF: WPA enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_F_WPA2	0x01000000	/* CONF: WPA2 enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_F_WPA		0x01800000	/* CONF: WPA/WPA2 enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_F_DROPUNENC	0x02000000	/* CONF: drop unencrypted */
#define	IEEE80211_F_COUNTERM	0x04000000	/* CONF: TKIP countermeasures */
#define	IEEE80211_F_HIDESSID	0x08000000	/* CONF: hide SSID in beacon */
#define	IEEE80211_F_NOBRIDGE	0x10000000	/* CONF: dis. internal bridge */
#define	IEEE80211_F_WMEUPDATE	0x20000000	/* STATUS: update beacon wme */

/* ic_flags_ext */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_NONHT_PR	0x00000001	/* STATUS: non-HT sta present */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_INACT	0x00000002	/* CONF: sta inact handling */
/* 0x00000006 reserved */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_BGSCAN	0x00000008
				/* STATUS: enable full bgscan completion */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_ERPUPDATE 0x00000200	/* STATUS: update ERP element */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_SWBMISS	0x00000400	/* CONF: do bmiss in s/w */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_PROBECHAN 0x00020000	/* CONF: probe passive chan */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_HT	0x00080000	/* CONF: HT supported */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_AMPDU_TX	0x00100000	/* CONF: A-MPDU tx supported */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_AMPDU_RX	0x00200000	/* CONF: A-MPDU tx supported */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_AMSDU_TX	0x00400000	/* CONF: A-MSDU tx supported */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_AMSDU_RX	0x00800000	/* CONF: A-MSDU tx supported */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_USEHT40	0x01000000	/* CONF: 20/40 use enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_PUREN	0x02000000	/* CONF: 11n w/o legacy sta's */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_SHORTGI20 0x04000000	/* CONF: short GI in HT20 */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_SHORTGI40 0x08000000	/* CONF: short GI in HT40 */
#define	IEEE80211_FEXT_HTCOMPAT 0x10000000	/* CONF: HT vendor OUI's */

 * Channel attributes (ich_flags)
 * bits 0-3 are for private use by drivers
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_TURBO	0x00000010 /* Turbo channel */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_CCK	0x00000020 /* CCK channel */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_OFDM	0x00000040 /* OFDM channel */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_2GHZ	0x00000080 /* 2 GHz spectrum channel. */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_5GHZ	0x00000100 /* 5 GHz spectrum channel */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_PASSIVE	0x00000200 /* Only passive scan allowed */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_DYN	0x00000400 /* Dynamic CCK-OFDM channel */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_GFSK	0x00000800 /* GFSK channel (FHSS PHY) */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_GSM	0x00001000 /* 900 MHz spectrum channel */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_STURBO	0x00002000 /* 11a static turbo channel only */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_HALF	0x00004000 /* Half rate channel */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_QUARTER	0x00008000 /* Quarter rate channel */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_HT20	0x00010000 /* HT 20 channel */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_HT40U	0x00020000 /* HT 40 channel w/ ext above */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_HT40D	0x00040000 /* HT 40 channel w/ ext below */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_DFS	0x00080000 /* DFS required */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_4MSXMIT	0x00100000 /* 4ms limit on frame length */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_NOADHOC	0x00200000 /* adhoc mode not allowed */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_NOHOSTAP	0x00400000 /* hostap mode not allowed */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_11D	0x00800000 /* 802.11d required */

#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_HT40	(IEEE80211_CHAN_HT40U | IEEE80211_CHAN_HT40D)
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_HT	(IEEE80211_CHAN_HT20 | IEEE80211_CHAN_HT40)

#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_MAX	255
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_BYTES	32	/* howmany(IEEE80211_CHAN_MAX, NBBY) */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_ANY	0xffff	/* token for ``any channel'' */
#define	IEEE80211_CHAN_ANYC	\
	((struct ieee80211_channel *)IEEE80211_CHAN_ANY)

#define	IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_2GHZ(_c)	\
	(((_c)->ich_flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_2GHZ) != 0)
#define	IEEE80211_IS_CHAN_5GHZ(_c)	\
	(((_c)->ich_flags & IEEE80211_CHAN_5GHZ) != 0)

#define	IEEE80211_NODE_CHWUPDATE 0x0400		/* 11n channel width change */
#define	IEEE80211_NODE_HASHSIZE	32

#define	IEEE80211_NODE_AUTH	0x0001		/* authorized for data */
#define	IEEE80211_NODE_QOS	0x0002		/* QoS enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_NODE_ERP	0x0004		/* ERP enabled */
/* NB: this must have the same value as IEEE80211_FC1_PWR_MGT */
#define	IEEE80211_NODE_PWR_MGT	0x0010		/* power save mode enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_NODE_AREF	0x0020		/* authentication ref held */
#define	IEEE80211_NODE_HT	0x0040		/* HT enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_NODE_HTCOMPAT	0x0080		/* HT setup w/ vendor OUI's */
#define	IEEE80211_NODE_AMPDU_RX	0x0400		/* AMPDU rx enabled */
#define	IEEE80211_NODE_AMPDU_TX	0x0800		/* AMPDU tx enabled */

#define	IEEE80211_NODE_AMPDU \

#define	IEEE80211_FIXED_RATE_NONE	0

#define	WME_OUI			0xf25000
#define	WME_OUI_TYPE		0x02
#define	WME_VERSION		1

/* WME stream classes */
#define	WME_AC_BE		0	/* best effort */
#define	WME_AC_BK		1	/* background */
#define	WME_AC_VI		2	/* video */
#define	WME_AC_VO		3	/* voice */

#define	MAX_EVENT		16
#define	MAX_IEEE80211STR	256

#define	IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_CFP	0x01
					/* sent/received during CFP */
#define	IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_SHORTPRE	0x02
					/* sent/received with short preamble */
#define	IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_WEP	0x04
					/* sent/received with WEP encryption */
#define	IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_FRAG	0x08
					/* sent/received with fragmentation */
#define	IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_DATAPAD	0x20
					 * frame has padding between 802.11
					 * header and payload (to 32-bit
					 * boundary
#define	IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_FCS	0x10	/* frame includes FCS */
#define	IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_BADFCS	0x40	/* does not pass FCS check */
#define	IEEE80211_RADIOTAP_F_SHORTGI	0x80	/* HT short GI */

 * Authentication mode.
enum ieee80211_authmode {
	IEEE80211_AUTH_NONE	= 0,
	IEEE80211_AUTH_OPEN	= 1,	/* open */
	IEEE80211_AUTH_SHARED	= 2,	/* shared-key */
	IEEE80211_AUTH_8021X	= 3,	/* 802.1x */
	IEEE80211_AUTH_AUTO	= 4,	/* auto-select/accept */
	/* NB: these are used only for ioctls */
	IEEE80211_AUTH_WPA	= 5	/* WPA/RSN w/ 802.1x/PSK */

enum ieee80211_state {
	IEEE80211_S_INIT	= 0,	/* default state */
	IEEE80211_S_SCAN	= 1,	/* scanning */
	IEEE80211_S_AUTH	= 2,	/* try to authenticate */
	IEEE80211_S_ASSOC	= 3,	/* try to assoc */
	IEEE80211_S_RUN		= 4	/* associated */
#define	IEEE80211_S_MAX	(IEEE80211_S_RUN+1)

 * 802.11 rate set.
#define	IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE	15	/* max rates we'll handle */
#define	IEEE80211_RATE_SIZE	8	/* 802.11 standard */
					/* size of extended supported rates */
struct ieee80211_rateset {
	uint8_t			ir_nrates;
	uint8_t			ir_rates[IEEE80211_RATE_MAXSIZE];

 * 802.11n variant of ieee80211_rateset.  Instead
 * legacy rates the entries are MCS rates.  We define
 * the structure such that it can be used interchangeably
 * with an ieee80211_rateset (modulo structure size).
#define	IEEE80211_HTRATE_MAXSIZE 127

struct ieee80211_htrateset {
	uint8_t			rs_nrates;
	uint8_t			rs_rates[IEEE80211_HTRATE_MAXSIZE];

#define	IEEE80211_RATE_MCS	0x80

 * Channels are specified by frequency and attributes.
struct ieee80211_channel {
	uint16_t		ich_freq;	/* setting in Mhz */
	uint32_t		ich_flags;	/* see below */

struct ieee80211_device_stats {
	uint32_t		is_tx_frags;
	uint32_t		is_tx_bytes;
	uint32_t		is_tx_mcast;
	uint32_t		is_tx_failed;
	uint32_t		is_tx_retries;
	uint32_t		is_rts_success;
	uint32_t		is_rts_failure;
	uint32_t		is_ack_failure;
	uint32_t		is_rx_frags;
	uint32_t		is_rx_bytes;
	uint32_t		is_rx_mcast;
	uint32_t		is_rx_dups;
	uint32_t		is_fcs_errors;
	uint32_t		is_wep_errors;
	uint32_t		is_tx_nobuf;
	uint32_t		is_tx_unknownmgt;

struct ieee80211_crypto_state;
typedef struct ieee80211_node_table ieee80211_node_table_t;
typedef struct ieee80211_node ieee80211_node_t;
typedef struct ieee80211com ieee80211com_t;

struct ieee80211_node_table {
	struct ieee80211com	*nt_ic;		/* back reference */

	const char		*nt_name;	/* for debugging */
	/* For node inactivity processing */
	int			nt_inact_timer;	/* inactivity timer */
	int			nt_inact_init;	/* initial node inact setting */
	void			(*nt_timeout)(struct ieee80211_node_table *);
	uint32_t		nt_scangen;	/* gen# for timeout scan */
	kmutex_t		nt_scanlock;    /* on nt_scangen */
	kmutex_t		nt_nodelock;	/* on node table */

	int			nt_keyixmax;	/* keyixmap size */
	struct ieee80211_node	**nt_keyixmap;	/* key ix -> node map */

	list_t			nt_node;	/* information of all nodes */
	list_t			nt_hash[IEEE80211_NODE_HASHSIZE];

#define	IEEE80211_TID_SIZE	(WME_NUM_TID+1)	/* WME TID's +1 for non-QoS */
#define	IEEE80211_NONQOS_TID	WME_NUM_TID	/* index for non-QoS sta */

 * Node specific information.  Note that drivers are expected
 * to derive from this structure to add device-specific per-node
 * state.  This is done by overriding the ic_node_* methods in
 * the ieee80211com structure.
struct ieee80211_node {
	struct ieee80211com		*in_ic;
	struct ieee80211_node_table	*in_table;

	uint8_t			in_authmode;	/* authentication algorithm */
	uint16_t		in_flags;	/* special purpose state */
	uint16_t		in_associd;	/* assoc response */
	uint16_t		in_txpower;	/* current transmit power */
	uint16_t		in_vlan;	/* vlan tag */
	 * Tx/Rx sequence number.
	 * index 0 is used when QoS is not enabled. index 1-16 is used
	 * when QoS is enabled. 1-16 corresponds to TID 0-15.
	uint16_t		in_txseqs[IEEE80211_TID_SIZE];
	uint16_t		in_rxseqs[IEEE80211_TID_SIZE];
	clock_t			in_rxfragstamp;	/* time stamp of last rx frag */
	mblk_t			*in_rxfrag;	/* rx frag reassembly */
	uint32_t		in_scangen;	/* gen# for timeout scan */
	uint32_t		in_refcnt;

	/* hardware */
	uint32_t		in_rstamp;	/* recv timestamp */
	uint8_t			in_rssi;	/* recv ssi */

	/* header */
	uint8_t			in_macaddr[IEEE80211_ADDR_LEN];
	uint8_t			in_bssid[IEEE80211_ADDR_LEN];

	/* beacon, probe response */
	union {
		uint8_t		data[8];
		uint64_t	tsf;
	} in_tstamp;				/* from last rcv'd beacon */
	uint16_t		in_intval;	/* beacon interval */
	uint16_t		in_capinfo;	/* capabilities */
	uint8_t			in_esslen;
	uint8_t			in_essid[IEEE80211_NWID_LEN];
	struct ieee80211_rateset in_rates;	/* negotiated rate set */
	struct ieee80211_channel *in_chan;	/* XXX multiple uses */
	enum ieee80211_phytype	in_phytype;
	uint16_t		in_fhdwell;	/* FH only */
	uint8_t			in_fhindex;	/* FH only */
	uint8_t			in_erp;		/* ERP from beacon/probe resp */
	uint16_t		in_tim_off;	/* byte offset to TIM ie */
	uint8_t			in_dtim_period;	/* DTIM period */
	uint8_t			in_dtim_count;	/* DTIM count for last bcn */

	uint32_t		*in_challenge;	/* shared-key challenge */
	struct ieee80211_key	in_ucastkey;	/* unicast key */
	uint8_t			*in_wpa_ie;	/* captured WPA/RSN ie */
	uint8_t			*in_wme_ie;	/* captured WME ie */

	/* 11n state */
	uint8_t			*in_htcap_ie;	/* captured HTCAP ie */
	uint16_t		in_htcap;	/* HT capabilities */
	uint8_t			in_htparam;	/* HT params */
	uint8_t			in_htctlchan;	/* HT control channel */
	uint8_t			in_ht2ndchan;	/* HT 2nd channel */
	uint8_t			in_htopmode;	/* HT operating mode */
	uint8_t			in_htstbc;	/* HT */
	uint8_t			in_reqcw;	/* requested tx channel width */
	uint8_t			in_chw;		/* negotiated channel width */
	struct ieee80211_htrateset in_htrates;	/* negotiated ht rate set */
	struct ieee80211_tx_ampdu in_tx_ampdu[WME_NUM_AC];
	struct ieee80211_rx_ampdu in_rx_ampdu[WME_NUM_TID];

	/* others */
	int32_t			in_fails;	/* failure count to associate */
	int16_t			in_inact;	/* inactivity mark count */
	int16_t			in_inact_reload; /* inactivity reload value */
	int32_t			in_txrate;	/* index to in_rates[] */

	list_node_t		in_node;	/* element of nt->nt_node */
	list_node_t		in_hash;	/* element of nt->nt_hash */

 * WME/WMM support.
struct wmeParams {
	uint8_t		wmep_acm;
	uint8_t		wmep_aifsn;
	uint8_t		wmep_logcwmin;		/* log2(cwmin) */
	uint8_t		wmep_logcwmax;		/* log2(cwmax) */
	uint8_t		wmep_txopLimit;
	uint8_t		wmep_noackPolicy;	/* 0 (ack), 1 (no ack) */
#define	IEEE80211_TXOP_TO_US(_txop)	((_txop)<<5)
#define	IEEE80211_US_TO_TXOP(_us)	((_us)>>5)

struct chanAccParams {
	uint8_t		cap_info;		/* version of the current set */
	struct wmeParams cap_wmeParams[WME_NUM_AC];

struct ieee80211_wme_state {
	uint_t	wme_flags;
#define	WME_F_AGGRMODE	0x00000001	/* STATUS: WME agressive mode */
	uint_t	wme_hipri_traffic; /* VI/VO frames in beacon interval */
	uint_t	wme_hipri_switch_thresh; /* agressive mode switch thresh */
	uint_t	wme_hipri_switch_hysteresis;
					/* agressive mode switch hysteresis */
	struct wmeParams wme_params[4]; /* from assoc resp for each AC */
	struct chanAccParams wme_wmeChanParams; /* WME params applied to self */
	struct chanAccParams wme_wmeBssChanParams;
					/* WME params bcast to stations */
	struct chanAccParams wme_chanParams; /* params applied to self */
	struct chanAccParams wme_bssChanParams; /* params bcast to stations */
	int (*wme_update)(struct ieee80211com *);

struct ieee80211com {
	mac_handle_t		ic_mach;

	/* Initialized by driver */
	uint8_t			ic_macaddr[IEEE80211_ADDR_LEN];
	uint32_t		ic_caps;	/* capabilities */
	uint32_t		ic_htcaps;	/* HT capabilities */
	enum ieee80211_phytype	ic_phytype;	/* XXX wrong for multi-mode */
	enum ieee80211_opmode	ic_opmode;	/* current operation mode */
	enum ieee80211_state	ic_state;	/* current 802.11 state */
	struct ieee80211_channel	ic_sup_channels[IEEE80211_CHAN_MAX+1];
	struct ieee80211_rateset	ic_sup_rates[IEEE80211_MODE_MAX];
	enum ieee80211_phymode		ic_curmode;  /* OPT current mode */
	struct ieee80211_channel	*ic_curchan; /* OPT current channel */
	struct ieee80211_channel	*ic_ibss_chan;	/* OPT bss channel */
	uint8_t				ic_maxrssi;  /* maximum hardware RSSI */

	/* INITIALIZED by IEEE80211, used/overridden by driver */
	uint16_t		ic_modecaps;	/* set of mode capabilities */
	uint8_t			ic_chan_active[IEEE80211_CHAN_BYTES];
	enum ieee80211_protmode	ic_protmode;	/* 802.11g protection mode */
	uint16_t		ic_bintval;	/* beacon interval */
	uint16_t		ic_lintval;	/* listen interval */
	uint16_t		ic_txpowlimit;	/* global tx power limit */
	uint8_t			ic_bmissthreshold;
	uint16_t		ic_rtsthreshold;
	uint16_t		ic_fragthreshold;
	uint8_t			ic_fixed_rate;	/* value of fixed rate */
	int32_t			ic_des_esslen;	/* length of desired essid */
	uint8_t			ic_des_essid[IEEE80211_NWID_LEN];
	uint8_t			ic_des_bssid[IEEE80211_ADDR_LEN];
	struct ieee80211_channel	*ic_des_chan;	/* desired channel */
	void			*ic_opt_ie;	/* user-specified IE's */
	uint16_t		ic_opt_ie_len;	/* length of ic_opt_ie */
	uint8_t			ic_nickname[IEEE80211_NWID_LEN];
	uint16_t		ic_tim_len;	/* ic_tim_bitmap size (bytes) */
	uint8_t			*ic_tim_bitmap;	/* powersave stations w/ data */
	timeout_id_t		ic_watchdog_timer;	/* watchdog timer */
	/* Cipher state/configuration. */
	struct ieee80211_crypto_state	ic_crypto;
	const struct ieee80211_cipher *ic_ciphers[IEEE80211_CIPHER_MAX];

	kmutex_t		ic_doorlock;
	char			ic_wpadoor[MAX_IEEE80211STR];

	wpa_event_type		ic_eventq[MAX_EVENT];
	uint32_t		ic_evq_head, ic_evq_tail;

	/* Runtime states */
	uint32_t		ic_flags;	/* state/conf flags */
	uint32_t		ic_flags_ext;	/* extended state flags */
	struct ieee80211_node	*ic_bss;	/* information for this node */
	struct ieee80211_device_stats	ic_stats;
	struct ieee80211_node_table	ic_scan; /* STA: scan candidates */
	struct ieee80211_node_table	ic_sta; /* AP:stations/IBSS:neighbors */

	struct ieee80211_wme_state ic_wme;	/* WME/WMM state */

	int			ic_ampdu_rxmax;	/* A-MPDU rx limit (bytes) */
	int			ic_ampdu_density; /* A-MPDU density */
	int			ic_ampdu_limit;	/* A-MPDU tx limit (bytes) */
	int			ic_amsdu_limit;	/* A-MSDU tx limit (bytes) */

	uint16_t		ic_sta_assoc;	/* stations associated */
	uint16_t		ic_ht_sta_assoc; /* HT stations associated */
	uint16_t		ic_ht40_sta_assoc; /* HT40 station associated */
	uint8_t			ic_curhtprotmode; /* HTINFO bss state */
	enum ieee80211_protmode	ic_htprotmode;	/* HT protection mode */
	int			ic_lastnonerp;	/* last time nonERP sta noted */
	int			ic_lastnonht;	/* last time non-HT sta noted */
	int			ic_beaconmiss;	/* beacon miss counter */

	/* callback functions */
	 * Functions initialized by driver before calling ieee80211_attach()
	 * Those must be initialized are marked with M(andatory)
	 *  ic_xmit		- [M] transmit a management or null data frame
	 *			return 0 on success, non-zero on error
	 *  ic_watchdog		- [O] periodic run function, enabled by
	 *			ieee80211_start_watchdog()
	 *  ic_set_tim		- [O] set/clear traffic indication map
	 *  ic_set_shortslot	- [O] enable/disable short slot timing
	 *  ic_node_newassoc	- [O] driver specific operation on a newly
	 *			associated or re-assoced node
	int			(*ic_xmit)(ieee80211com_t *, mblk_t *, uint8_t);
	void			(*ic_watchdog)(void *);
	void			(*ic_set_tim)(ieee80211com_t *,
					ieee80211_node_t *, int);
	void			(*ic_set_shortslot)(ieee80211com_t *, int);
	void			(*ic_node_newassoc)(ieee80211_node_t *, int);
	 * Functions initialized by ieee80211_attach(), driver could
	 * override these functions after calling ieee80211_attach()
	 *  ic_reset		- reset
	 *  ic_recv_mgmt	- handle received management frames
	 *  ic_send_mgmt	- construct and transmit management frames
	 *  ic_newstate		- handle state transition
	 *  ic_node_alloc	- allocate a new BSS info node
	 *  ic_node_cleanup	- cleanup or free memory spaces of a node
	 *  ic_node_free	- free a node
	 *  ic_node_getrssi	- get node's rssi
	int			(*ic_reset)(ieee80211com_t *);
	void			(*ic_recv_mgmt)(ieee80211com_t *,
					mblk_t *, ieee80211_node_t *,
					int, int, uint32_t);
	int			(*ic_send_mgmt)(ieee80211com_t *,
					ieee80211_node_t *, int, int);
	int			(*ic_newstate)(ieee80211com_t *,
					enum ieee80211_state, int);
	struct ieee80211_node	*(*ic_node_alloc)(ieee80211com_t *);
	void			(*ic_node_cleanup)(ieee80211_node_t *);
	void			(*ic_node_free)(ieee80211_node_t *);
	uint8_t			(*ic_node_getrssi)(const ieee80211_node_t *);
	void			(*ic_set_channel)(ieee80211com_t *);

	 * 802.11n ADDBA support.  A simple/generic implementation
	 * of A-MPDU tx aggregation is provided; the driver may
	 * override these methods to provide their own support.
	 * A-MPDU rx re-ordering happens automatically if the
	 * driver passes out-of-order frames to ieee80211_input
	 * from an assocated HT station.
	void			(*ic_recv_action)(ieee80211_node_t *,
				    const uint8_t *, const uint8_t *);
	int			(*ic_send_action)(ieee80211_node_t *,
				    int, int, uint16_t[4]);
	/* start/stop doing A-MPDU tx aggregation for a station */
	int			(*ic_addba_request)(ieee80211_node_t *,
				    struct ieee80211_tx_ampdu *,
				    int, int, int);
	int			(*ic_addba_response)(ieee80211_node_t *,
				    struct ieee80211_tx_ampdu *,
				    int, int, int);
	void			(*ic_addba_stop)(ieee80211_node_t *,
				    struct ieee80211_tx_ampdu *);

	kmutex_t		ic_genlock;
	void			*ic_private;	/* ieee80211 private data */
#define	ic_nw_keys		ic_crypto.cs_nw_keys
#define	ic_def_txkey		ic_crypto.cs_def_txkey

extern	const char *ieee80211_state_name[IEEE80211_S_MAX];
extern	const char *ieee80211_wme_acnames[];

#define	IEEE80211_RATE(_ix)			\
	(in->in_rates.ir_rates[(_ix)] & IEEE80211_RATE_VAL)

#define	ieee80211_new_state(_ic, _nstate, _arg)	\
	(((_ic)->ic_newstate)((_ic), (_nstate), (_arg)))

#define	ieee80211_macaddr_sprintf(_addr)	\
	ether_sprintf((struct ether_addr *)(_addr))

 * Node reference counting definitions.
 * ieee80211_node_initref	initialize the reference count to 1
 * ieee80211_node_incref	add a reference
 * ieee80211_node_decref	remove a reference
 * ieee80211_node_decref_nv	remove a reference and return new value
 * ieee80211_node_refcnt	reference count for printing (only)
#include <sys/atomic.h>
#define	ieee80211_node_initref(_in)		\
	((_in)->in_refcnt = 1)
#define	ieee80211_node_incref(_in)		\
#define	ieee80211_node_decref(_in)		\
#define	ieee80211_node_decref_nv(_in)		\
#define	ieee80211_node_refcnt(_in)		\

typedef void ieee80211_iter_func(void *, ieee80211_node_t *);

/* Initialization */
void ieee80211_attach(ieee80211com_t *);
void ieee80211_detach(ieee80211com_t *);
void ieee80211_media_init(ieee80211com_t *);
int ieee80211_ioctl(ieee80211com_t *, queue_t *, mblk_t *);
void ieee80211_register_door(ieee80211com_t *, const char *, int);

/* Protocol Processing */
int ieee80211_input(ieee80211com_t *, mblk_t *, ieee80211_node_t *,
	int32_t, uint32_t);
mblk_t *ieee80211_encap(ieee80211com_t *, mblk_t *, ieee80211_node_t *);

mblk_t *ieee80211_beacon_alloc(ieee80211com_t *, ieee80211_node_t *,
	struct ieee80211_beacon_offsets *);
int ieee80211_beacon_update(ieee80211com_t *, ieee80211_node_t *,
	struct ieee80211_beacon_offsets *, mblk_t *, int);
void ieee80211_beacon_miss(ieee80211com_t *);

void ieee80211_begin_scan(ieee80211com_t *, boolean_t);
void ieee80211_next_scan(ieee80211com_t *);
void ieee80211_end_scan(ieee80211com_t *);
void ieee80211_cancel_scan(ieee80211com_t *);

void ieee80211_sta_join(ieee80211com_t *, ieee80211_node_t *);
void ieee80211_sta_leave(ieee80211com_t *, ieee80211_node_t *);
boolean_t ieee80211_ibss_merge(ieee80211_node_t *);

/* Node Operation */
ieee80211_node_t *ieee80211_ref_node(ieee80211_node_t *);
void ieee80211_unref_node(ieee80211_node_t **);
void ieee80211_node_authorize(ieee80211_node_t *);
void ieee80211_node_unauthorize(ieee80211_node_t *);
ieee80211_node_t *ieee80211_alloc_node(ieee80211com_t *,
	ieee80211_node_table_t *, const uint8_t *);
void ieee80211_free_node(ieee80211_node_t *);
void ieee80211_node_table_reset(ieee80211_node_table_t *);
void ieee80211_iterate_nodes(ieee80211_node_table_t *, ieee80211_iter_func *,
	void *);
ieee80211_node_t *ieee80211_find_node(ieee80211_node_table_t *,
	const uint8_t *);
ieee80211_node_t *ieee80211_find_node_with_ssid(ieee80211_node_table_t *,
	const uint8_t *, uint32_t, const uint8_t *);
ieee80211_node_t *ieee80211_find_txnode(ieee80211com_t *,
	const uint8_t *daddr);
ieee80211_node_t *ieee80211_find_rxnode(ieee80211com_t *,
	const struct ieee80211_frame *);

/* Crypto */
extern struct ieee80211_key *ieee80211_crypto_encap(ieee80211com_t *, mblk_t *);
extern struct ieee80211_key *ieee80211_crypto_decap(ieee80211com_t *, mblk_t *,
extern int ieee80211_crypto_newkey(ieee80211com_t *, int, int,
	struct ieee80211_key *);
extern int ieee80211_crypto_delkey(ieee80211com_t *, struct ieee80211_key *);
extern int ieee80211_crypto_setkey(ieee80211com_t *, struct ieee80211_key *,
	const uint8_t *macaddr);

/* Helper Functions */
int ieee80211_stat(ieee80211com_t *ic, uint_t stat, uint64_t *val);
uint32_t ieee80211_chan2ieee(ieee80211com_t *, struct ieee80211_channel *);
enum ieee80211_phymode ieee80211_chan2mode(ieee80211com_t *,
	struct ieee80211_channel *);
uint32_t ieee80211_ieee2mhz(uint32_t, uint32_t);
void ieee80211_reset_chan(ieee80211com_t *);
void ieee80211_dump_pkt(const uint8_t *, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t);
void ieee80211_watchdog(void *);
void ieee80211_start_watchdog(ieee80211com_t *, uint32_t);
void ieee80211_stop_watchdog(ieee80211com_t *);
int ieee80211_classify(struct ieee80211com *, mblk_t *,
    struct ieee80211_node *);
int ieee80211_hdrsize(const void *);
int ieee80211_hdrspace(ieee80211com_t *, const void *);
int ieee80211_anyhdrsize(const void *);
int ieee80211_anyhdrspace(ieee80211com_t *, const void *);

void *ieee80211_malloc(size_t);
void ieee80211_free(void *);
int ieee80211_setprop(void *, const char *, mac_prop_id_t, uint_t,
    const void *);
int ieee80211_getprop(void *, const char *, mac_prop_id_t, uint_t, void *);
void ieee80211_propinfo(void *, const char *, mac_prop_id_t,

struct ieee80211_channel *ieee80211_find_channel(ieee80211com_t *, int, int);
const struct ieee80211_rateset *ieee80211_get_suprates(ieee80211com_t *,
    struct ieee80211_channel *);

/* HT */

#ifdef	__cplusplus

#endif	/* _SYS_NET80211_H */