/* * Copyright (C) 2012 Oracle. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt */ /* * Basically the point of sval is that it can hold both ULLONG_MAX and * LLONG_MIN. If it is an unsigned type then we use sval.uvalue or if it is * signed we use sval.value. * * I considered just using one bit to store whether the value was signed vs * unsigned but I think it might help to have the type information so we know * how to do type promotion. * */ #include "smatch.h" #include "smatch_slist.h" #include "smatch_extra.h" __ALLOCATOR(sval_t, "svals", sval); sval_t *sval_alloc(sval_t sval) { sval_t *ret; ret = __alloc_sval(0); *ret = sval; return ret; } sval_t *sval_alloc_permanent(sval_t sval) { sval_t *ret; ret = malloc(sizeof(*ret)); *ret = sval; return ret; } sval_t sval_blank(struct expression *expr) { sval_t ret; ret.type = get_type(expr); if (!ret.type) ret.type = &int_ctype; ret.value = 123456789; return ret; } sval_t sval_type_val(struct symbol *type, long long val) { sval_t ret; if (!type) type = &llong_ctype; ret.type = type; ret.value = val; return ret; } sval_t sval_from_val(struct expression *expr, long long val) { sval_t ret; ret = sval_blank(expr); ret.value = val; ret = sval_cast(get_type(expr), ret); return ret; } int sval_is_ptr(sval_t sval) { if (!sval.type) return 0; return (sval.type->type == SYM_PTR || sval.type->type == SYM_ARRAY); } int sval_unsigned(sval_t sval) { if (is_ptr_type(sval.type)) return true; return type_unsigned(sval.type); } int sval_signed(sval_t sval) { return !type_unsigned(sval.type); } int sval_bits(sval_t sval) { return type_bits(sval.type); } int sval_bits_used(sval_t sval) { int i; for (i = 64; i >= 1; i--) { if (sval.uvalue & (1ULL << (i - 1))) return i; } return 0; } int sval_is_negative(sval_t sval) { if (type_unsigned(sval.type)) return 0; if (sval.value < 0) return 1; return 0; } int sval_is_positive(sval_t sval) { return !sval_is_negative(sval); } int sval_is_min(sval_t sval) { sval_t min = sval_type_min(sval.type); if (sval_unsigned(sval)) { if (sval.uvalue == 0) return 1; return 0; } /* return true for less than min as well */ return (sval.value <= min.value); } int sval_is_max(sval_t sval) { sval_t max = sval_type_max(sval.type); if (sval_unsigned(sval)) return (sval.uvalue >= max.value); return (sval.value >= max.value); } int sval_is_a_min(sval_t sval) { if (sval_is_min(sval)) return 1; if (sval_signed(sval) && sval.value == SHRT_MIN) return 1; if (sval_signed(sval) && sval.value == INT_MIN) return 1; if (sval_signed(sval) && sval.value == LLONG_MIN) return 1; return 0; } int sval_is_a_max(sval_t sval) { if (sval_is_max(sval)) return 1; if (sval.uvalue == SHRT_MAX) return 1; if (sval.uvalue == INT_MAX) return 1; if (sval.uvalue == LLONG_MAX) return 1; if (sval.uvalue == USHRT_MAX) return 1; if (sval.uvalue == UINT_MAX) return 1; if (sval_unsigned(sval) && sval.uvalue == ULLONG_MAX) return 1; if (sval.value > valid_ptr_max - 1000 && sval.value < valid_ptr_max + 1000) return 1; return 0; } int sval_is_negative_min(sval_t sval) { if (!sval_is_negative(sval)) return 0; return sval_is_min(sval); } int sval_cmp_t(struct symbol *type, sval_t one, sval_t two) { sval_t one_cast, two_cast; one_cast = sval_cast(type, one); two_cast = sval_cast(type, two); return sval_cmp(one_cast, two_cast); } int sval_cmp_val(sval_t one, long long val) { sval_t sval; sval = sval_type_val(&llong_ctype, val); return sval_cmp(one, sval); } sval_t sval_min(sval_t one, sval_t two) { if (sval_cmp(one, two) > 0) return two; return one; } sval_t sval_max(sval_t one, sval_t two) { if (sval_cmp(one, two) < 0) return two; return one; } int sval_too_low(struct symbol *type, sval_t sval) { if (sval_is_negative(sval) && type_unsigned(type)) return 1; if (type_signed(type) && sval_unsigned(sval)) return 0; if (type_signed(sval.type) && sval.value < sval_type_min(type).value) return 1; if (sval_cmp(sval, sval_type_min(type)) < 0) return 1; return 0; } int sval_too_high(struct symbol *type, sval_t sval) { if (sval_is_negative(sval)) return 0; if (sval.uvalue > sval_type_max(type).uvalue) return 1; return 0; } int sval_fits(struct symbol *type, sval_t sval) { if (sval_too_low(type, sval)) return 0; if (sval_too_high(type, sval)) return 0; return 1; } sval_t sval_cast(struct symbol *type, sval_t sval) { sval_t ret; if (!type) type = &int_ctype; ret.type = type; switch (sval_bits(ret)) { case 1: ret.value = !!sval.value; break; case 8: if (sval_unsigned(ret)) ret.value = (long long)(unsigned char)sval.value; else ret.value = (long long)(char)sval.value; break; case 16: if (sval_unsigned(ret)) ret.value = (long long)(unsigned short)sval.value; else ret.value = (long long)(short)sval.value; break; case 32: if (sval_unsigned(ret)) ret.value = (long long)(unsigned int)sval.value; else ret.value = (long long)(int)sval.value; break; default: ret.value = sval.value; } return ret; } sval_t sval_preop(sval_t sval, int op) { switch (op) { case '!': sval.value = !sval.value; break; case '~': sval.value = ~sval.value; sval = sval_cast(sval.type, sval); break; case '-': sval.value = -sval.value; sval = sval_cast(sval.type, sval); break; } return sval; } static sval_t sval_binop_unsigned(struct symbol *type, sval_t left, int op, sval_t right) { sval_t ret; ret.type = type; switch (op) { case '*': ret.uvalue = left.uvalue * right.uvalue; break; case '/': if (right.uvalue == 0) { sm_debug("%s: divide by zero", __func__); ret.uvalue = 123456789; } else { ret.uvalue = left.uvalue / right.uvalue; } break; case '+': ret.uvalue = left.uvalue + right.uvalue; break; case '-': ret.uvalue = left.uvalue - right.uvalue; break; case '%': if (right.uvalue == 0) { sm_perror(" %s: MOD by zero", __func__); ret.uvalue = 123456789; } else { ret.uvalue = left.uvalue % right.uvalue; } break; case '|': ret.uvalue = left.uvalue | right.uvalue; break; case '&': ret.uvalue = left.uvalue & right.uvalue; break; case SPECIAL_RIGHTSHIFT: ret.uvalue = left.uvalue >> right.uvalue; break; case SPECIAL_LEFTSHIFT: ret.uvalue = left.uvalue << right.uvalue; break; case '^': ret.uvalue = left.uvalue ^ right.uvalue; break; default: sm_perror(" %s: unhandled binop %s", __func__, show_special(op)); ret.uvalue = 1234567; } return ret; } static sval_t sval_binop_signed(struct symbol *type, sval_t left, int op, sval_t right) { sval_t ret; ret.type = type; switch (op) { case '*': ret.value = left.value * right.value; break; case '/': if (right.value == 0) { sm_debug("%s: divide by zero", __func__); ret.value = 123456789; } else if (left.value == LLONG_MIN && right.value == -1) { sm_debug("%s: invalid divide LLONG_MIN/-1", __func__); ret.value = 12345678; } else { ret.value = left.value / right.value; } break; case '+': ret.value = left.value + right.value; break; case '-': ret.value = left.value - right.value; break; case '%': if (right.value == 0) { sm_perror(" %s: MOD by zero", __func__); ret.value = 123456789; } else { ret.value = left.value % right.value; } break; case '|': ret.value = left.value | right.value; break; case '&': ret.value = left.value & right.value; break; case SPECIAL_RIGHTSHIFT: ret.value = left.value >> right.value; break; case SPECIAL_LEFTSHIFT: ret.value = left.value << right.value; break; case '^': ret.value = left.value ^ right.value; break; default: sm_perror(" %s: unhandled binop %s", __func__, show_special(op)); ret.value = 1234567; } return ret; } static sval_t ptr_binop(struct symbol *type, sval_t left, int op, sval_t right) { sval_t ret; int align; if (op != '+' && op != '-') return sval_binop_unsigned(type, left, op, right); ret.type = type; if (type->type == SYM_PTR) type = get_real_base_type(type); align = type->ctype.alignment; if (align <= 0) align = 1; if (op == '+') { if (type_is_ptr(left.type)) ret.value = left.value + right.value * align; else ret.value = left.value * align + right.value; } else { if (!type_is_ptr(left.type)) { left.value = -left.value; ret = ptr_binop(type, left, '+', right); } else if (!type_is_ptr(right.type)) { right.value = -right.value; ret = ptr_binop(type, left, '+', right); } else { ret.value = (left.value - right.value) / align; } } if (op == '-') ret.type = ssize_t_ctype; return ret; } sval_t sval_binop(sval_t left, int op, sval_t right) { struct symbol *type; sval_t ret; type = get_promoted_type(left.type, right.type); if (type_is_ptr(type)) ret = ptr_binop(type, left, op, right); else if (type_unsigned(type)) ret = sval_binop_unsigned(type, left, op, right); else ret = sval_binop_signed(type, left, op, right); return sval_cast(type, ret); } int sval_unop_overflows(sval_t sval, int op) { if (op != '-') return 0; if (sval_positive_bits(sval) == 32 && sval.value == INT_MIN) return 1; if (sval_positive_bits(sval) == 64 && sval.value == LLONG_MIN) return 1; if (sval_is_negative(sval)) return 0; if (sval_signed(sval)) return 0; if (sval_bits(sval) == 32 && sval.uvalue > INT_MAX) return 1; if (sval_bits(sval) == 64 && sval.uvalue > LLONG_MAX) return 1; return 0; } int sval_binop_overflows(sval_t left, int op, sval_t right) { struct symbol *type; sval_t max, min; type = left.type; if (type_positive_bits(right.type) > type_positive_bits(left.type)) type = right.type; if (type_positive_bits(type) < 31) type = &int_ctype; max = sval_type_max(type); min = sval_type_min(type); switch (op) { case '+': if (sval_is_negative(left) && sval_is_negative(right)) { if (left.value < min.value + right.value) return 1; return 0; } if (sval_is_negative(left) || sval_is_negative(right)) return 0; if (left.uvalue > max.uvalue - right.uvalue) return 1; return 0; case '*': if (type_signed(type)) { if (left.value == 0 || right.value == 0) return 0; if (left.value > max.value / right.value) return 1; if (left.value == -1 || right.value == -1) return 0; return left.value != left.value * right.value / right.value; } return right.uvalue != 0 && left.uvalue > max.uvalue / right.uvalue; case '-': if (type_unsigned(type)) { if (sval_cmp(left, right) < 0) return 1; return 0; } if (sval_is_negative(left) && sval_is_negative(right)) return 0; if (sval_is_negative(left)) { if (left.value < min.value + right.value) return 1; return 0; } if (sval_is_negative(right)) { if (right.value == min.value) return 1; right = sval_preop(right, '-'); if (sval_binop_overflows(left, '+', right)) return 1; return 0; } return 0; case SPECIAL_LEFTSHIFT: if (sval_cmp(left, sval_binop(max, invert_op(op), right)) > 0) return 1; return 0; } return 0; } int sval_binop_overflows_no_sign(sval_t left, int op, sval_t right) { struct symbol *type; type = left.type; if (type_positive_bits(right.type) > type_positive_bits(left.type)) type = right.type; if (type_positive_bits(type) <= 31) type = &uint_ctype; else type = &ullong_ctype; left = sval_cast(type, left); right = sval_cast(type, right); return sval_binop_overflows(left, op, right); } int find_first_zero_bit(unsigned long long uvalue) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) { if (!(uvalue & (1ULL << i))) return i; } return i; } int sm_fls64(unsigned long long uvalue) { int high_bit = 0; while (uvalue) { uvalue >>= 1; high_bit++; } return high_bit; } unsigned long long fls_mask(unsigned long long uvalue) { int high_bit = 0; high_bit = sm_fls64(uvalue); if (high_bit == 0) return 0; return ((unsigned long long)-1) >> (64 - high_bit); } unsigned long long sval_fls_mask(sval_t sval) { return fls_mask(sval.uvalue); } const char *sval_to_str(sval_t sval) { char buf[30]; if (sval_is_ptr(sval) && sval.value == valid_ptr_max) return "ptr_max"; if (sval_unsigned(sval) && sval.value == ULLONG_MAX) return "u64max"; if (sval_unsigned(sval) && sval.value == UINT_MAX) return "u32max"; if (sval.value == USHRT_MAX) return "u16max"; if (sval_signed(sval) && sval.value == LLONG_MAX) return "s64max"; if (sval.value == INT_MAX) return "s32max"; if (sval.value == SHRT_MAX) return "s16max"; if (sval_signed(sval) && sval.value == SHRT_MIN) return "s16min"; if (sval_signed(sval) && sval.value == INT_MIN) return "s32min"; if (sval_signed(sval) && sval.value == LLONG_MIN) return "s64min"; if (sval_unsigned(sval)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%llu", sval.value); else if (sval.value < 0) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "(%lld)", sval.value); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", sval.value); return alloc_sname(buf); } const char *sval_to_str_or_err_ptr(sval_t sval) { char buf[12]; if (option_project != PROJ_KERNEL || !is_ptr_type(sval.type)) return sval_to_str(sval); if (sval.uvalue >= -4905ULL) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "(%lld)", sval.value); return alloc_sname(buf); } return sval_to_str(sval); } const char *sval_to_numstr(sval_t sval) { char buf[30]; if (sval_unsigned(sval)) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%llu", sval.value); else if (sval.value < 0) snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "(%lld)", sval.value); else snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lld", sval.value); return alloc_sname(buf); } sval_t ll_to_sval(long long val) { sval_t ret; ret.type = &llong_ctype; ret.value = val; return ret; } static void free_svals(struct symbol *sym) { if (__inline_fn) return; clear_sval_alloc(); } void register_sval(int my_id) { add_hook(&free_svals, AFTER_FUNC_HOOK); }