#!/bin/bash print_help() { echo "usage: $0 " exit 1; } set_title() { echo -ne "\033]0;$*\007" echo ======================================== echo $* echo ---------------------------------------- } cmd_help() { echo "n - skips to next message" echo "f - skips to next file" echo "? - print this message again" } save_thoughts() { echo "************" echo $sm_err echo -n "What do you think?: " read ans if echo $ans | grep ^$ > /dev/null ; then return fi #store the result echo $sm_err >> summary echo $ans >> summary echo ========== >> summary } if [ "$1" = "--new" ] ; then shift NEW=Y fi file=$1 if [ "$file" = "" ] ; then if [ -e err-list ] ; then file="err-list" else print_help fi fi TXT=$(cat $file | uniq -f 2) IFS=' ' for sm_err in $TXT ; do file=$(echo $sm_err | cut -d ':' -f 1) line=$(echo $sm_err | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | cut -d ':' -f 2) if [ "$file" = "$skip_file" ] ; then continue fi skip_file="" last=$(echo $sm_err | cut -d ' ' -f 2-) last=$(echo $last | sed -e 's/line .*//') if [ "$NEW" = "Y" ] ; then if grep -F "$last" *summary* > /dev/null ; then echo "skipping $sm_err" continue fi fi set_title $sm_err #grep -A1 "$file $line" *summary* 2> /dev/null grep -A1 -F "$last" *summary* 2> /dev/null ans="?" while echo $ans | grep '?' > /dev/null ; do echo -n "[? for help]: " read ans if echo $ans | grep n > /dev/null ; then continue 2 fi if echo $ans | grep f > /dev/null ; then skip_file=$file continue 2 fi if echo $ans | grep '?' > /dev/null ; then cmd_help fi done # I have this in my .vimrc # map :! echo $sm_err export sm_err vim $file +${line} save_thoughts done IFS=