#!/bin/bash if ! test -e kernel.allocation_funcs || ! test -e kernel.gfp_flags ; then echo "We need the kernel.allocation_funcs and the kernel.gfp_flags files" echo "The scripts to generate them are in smatch_data/" exit 1 fi bin_dir=$(dirname $0) remove=$(echo ${bin_dir}/../smatch_data/kernel.allocation_funcs_gfp.remove) tmp=$(mktemp /tmp/smatch.XXXX) echo "// Automatically generated by add_gfp_to_allocations.sh" > kernel.allocation_funcs_gfp for i in $(grep -v "//" kernel.allocation_funcs) ; do if ! grep -w $i kernel.gfp_flags ; then echo $i X fi done >> $tmp cat $tmp $remove $remove 2> /dev/null | sort | uniq -u >> kernel.allocation_funcs_gfp rm $tmp echo "Done. Created kernel.allocation_funcs_gfp"