#! /usr/bin/python
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# Copyright 2010, Richard Lowe

# Various database lookup classes/methods, i.e.:
#     * monaco
#     * bugs.opensolaris.org (b.o.o.)
#     * redmine (illumos.org)

import htmllib
import re
import urllib
import urllib2

try:				# Python >= 2.5
	from xml.etree import ElementTree
except ImportError:
	from elementtree import ElementTree

class NonExistentBug(Exception):
	def __str__(self):
		return "Bug %s does not exist" % (Exception.__str__(self))

class BugDBException(Exception):
	def __str__(self):
		return "Unknown bug database: %s" % (Exception.__str__(self))

class BugDB(object):
	"""Lookup change requests.

	bdb = BugDB()
	r = bdb.lookup("6455550")
	print r["6455550"]["synopsis"]
	r = bdb.lookup(["6455550", "6505625"])
	print r["6505625"]["synopsis"]

	VALID_DBS = ["illumos"]

	def __init__(self, priority = ["illumos"]):
		"""Create a BugDB object.

		Keyword argument:
		priority: use bug databases in this order
		for database in priority:
			if database not in self.VALID_DBS:
				raise BugDBException, database
		self.__priority = priority

	def __illbug(self, cr):
		url = "http://illumos.org/issues/%s.xml" % cr
		req = urllib2.Request(url)

			data = urllib2.urlopen(req)
		except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
			if e.code == 404:
				raise NonExistentBug(cr)

		bug = ElementTree.parse(data)

		return {'cr_number': bug.find('id').text,
			'synopsis': bug.find('subject').text,
			'status': bug.find('status').attrib['name']

	def lookup(self, crs):
		"""Return all info for requested change reports.

		crs: one change request id (may be integer, string, or list),
		     or multiple change request ids (must be a list)

		Dictionary, mapping CR=>dictionary, where the nested dictionary
		is a mapping of field=>value
		results = {}
		if not isinstance(crs, list):
			crs = [str(crs)]
		for database in self.__priority:
			if database == "illumos":
				for cr in crs:
						results[str(cr)] = self.__illbug(cr)
					except NonExistentBug:

			# the CR has already been found by one bug database
			# so don't bother looking it up in the others
			for cr in crs:
				if cr in results:

		return results