### ==================================================================== ### @Awk-file{ ### author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe", ### version = "1.00", ### date = "09 October 1996", ### time = "15:57:06 MDT", ### filename = "journal-toc.awk", ### address = "Center for Scientific Computing ### Department of Mathematics ### University of Utah ### Salt Lake City, UT 84112 ### USA", ### telephone = "+1 801 581 5254", ### FAX = "+1 801 581 4148", ### URL = "http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe", ### checksum = "25092 977 3357 26493", ### email = "beebe@math.utah.edu (Internet)", ### codetable = "ISO/ASCII", ### keywords = "BibTeX, bibliography, HTML, journal table of ### contents", ### supported = "yes", ### docstring = "Create a journal cover table of contents from ### Article{...} entries in a journal BibTeX ### .bib file for checking the bibliography ### database against the actual journal covers. ### The output can be either plain text, or HTML. ### ### Usage: ### bibclean -max-width 0 BibTeX-file(s) | \ ### bibsort -byvolume | \ ### awk -f journal-toc.awk \ ### [-v HTML=nnn] [-v INDENT=nnn] \ ### [-v BIBFILEURL=url] >foo.toc ### ### or if the bibliography is already sorted ### by volume, ### ### bibclean -max-width 0 BibTeX-file(s) | \ ### awk -f journal-toc.awk \ ### [-v HTML=nnn] [-v INDENT=nnn] \ ### [-v BIBFILEURL=url] >foo.toc ### ### A non-zero value of the command-line option, ### HTML=nnn, results in HTML output instead of ### the default plain ASCII text (corresponding ### to HTML=0). The ### ### The INDENT=nnn command-line option specifies ### the number of blanks to indent each logical ### level of HTML. The default is INDENT=4. ### INDENT=0 suppresses indentation. The INDENT ### option has no effect when the default HTML=0 ### (plain text output) option is in effect. ### ### When HTML output is selected, the ### BIBFILEURL=url command-line option provides a ### way to request hypertext links from table of ### contents page numbers to the complete BibTeX ### entry for the article. These links are ### created by appending a sharp (#) and the ### citation label to the BIBFILEURL value, which ### conforms with the practice of ### bibtex-to-html.awk. ### ### The HTML output form may be useful as a more ### compact representation of journal article ### bibliography data than the original BibTeX ### file provides. Of course, the ### table-of-contents format provides less ### information, and is considerably more ### troublesome for a computer program to parse. ### ### When URL key values are provided, they will ### be used to create hypertext links around ### article titles. This supports journals that ### provide article contents on the World-Wide ### Web. ### ### For parsing simplicity, this program requires ### that BibTeX ### ### key = "value" ### ### and ### ### @String{name = "value"} ### ### specifications be entirely contained on ### single lines, which is readily provided by ### the `bibclean -max-width 0' filter. It also ### requires that bibliography entries begin and ### end at the start of a line, and that ### quotation marks, rather than balanced braces, ### delimit string values. This is a ### conventional format that again can be ### guaranteed by bibclean. ### ### This program requires `new' awk, as described ### in the book ### ### Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan, and ### Peter J. Weinberger, ### ``The AWK Programming Language'', ### Addison-Wesley (1988), ISBN ### 0-201-07981-X, ### ### such as provided by programs named (GNU) ### gawk, nawk, and recent AT&T awk. ### ### The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 ### checksum as the first value, followed by the ### equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word ### count) utility output of lines, words, and ### characters. This is produced by Robert ### Solovay's checksum utility.", ### } ### ==================================================================== BEGIN { initialize() } /^ *@ *[Ss][Tt][Rr][Ii][Nn][Gg] *\{/ { do_String(); next } /^ *@ *[Pp][Rr][Ee][Aa][Mm][Bb][Ll][Ee]/ { next } /^ *@ *[Aa][Rr][Tt][Ii][Cc][Ll][Ee]/ { do_Article(); next } /^ *@/ { do_Other(); next } /^ *author *= *\"/ { do_author(); next } /^ *journal *= */ { do_journal(); next } /^ *volume *= *\"/ { do_volume(); next } /^ *number *= *\"/ { do_number(); next } /^ *year *= *\"/ { do_year(); next } /^ *month *= */ { do_month(); next } /^ *title *= *\"/ { do_title(); next } /^ *pages *= *\"/ { do_pages(); next } /^ *URL *= *\"/ { do_URL(); next } /^ *} *$/ { if (In_Article) do_end_entry(); next } END { terminate() } ######################################################################## # NB: The programming conventions for variables in this program are: # # UPPERCASE global constants and user options # # Initialuppercase global variables # # lowercase local variables # # Any deviation is an error! # ######################################################################## function do_Article() { In_Article = 1 Citation_label = $0 sub(/^[^\{]*\{/,"",Citation_label) sub(/ *, *$/,"",Citation_label) Author = "" Title = "" Journal = "" Volume = "" Number = "" Month = "" Year = "" Pages = "" Url = "" } function do_author() { Author = TeX_to_HTML(get_value($0)) } function do_end_entry( k,n,parts) { n = split(Author,parts," and ") if (Last_number != Number) do_new_issue() for (k = 1; k < n; ++k) print_toc_line(parts[k] " and", "", "") Title_prefix = html_begin_title() Title_suffix = html_end_title() if (html_length(Title) <= (MAX_TITLE_CHARS + MIN_LEADERS)) # complete title fits on line print_toc_line(parts[n], Title, html_begin_pages() Pages html_end_pages()) else # need to split long title over multiple lines do_long_title(parts[n], Title, html_begin_pages() Pages html_end_pages()) } function do_journal() { if ($0 ~ /[=] *"/) # have journal = "quoted journal name", Journal = get_value($0) else # have journal = journal-abbreviation, { Journal = get_abbrev($0) if (Journal in String) # replace abbrev by its expansion Journal = String[Journal] } gsub(/\\-/,"",Journal) # remove discretionary hyphens } function do_long_title(author,title,pages, last_title,n) { title = trim(title) # discard leading and trailing space while (length(title) > 0) { n = html_breakpoint(title,MAX_TITLE_CHARS+MIN_LEADERS) last_title = substr(title,1,n) title = substr(title,n+1) sub(/^ +/,"",title) # discard any leading space print_toc_line(author, last_title, (length(title) == 0) ? pages : "") author = "" } } function do_month( k,n,parts) { Month = ($0 ~ /[=] *"/) ? get_value($0) : get_abbrev($0) gsub(/[\"]/,"",Month) gsub(/ *# *\\slash *# */," / ",Month) gsub(/ *# *-+ *# */," / ",Month) n = split(Month,parts," */ *") Month = "" for (k = 1; k <= n; ++k) Month = Month ((k > 1) ? " / " : "") \ ((parts[k] in Month_expansion) ? Month_expansion[parts[k]] : parts[k]) } function do_new_issue() { Last_number = Number if (HTML) { if (Last_volume != Volume) { Last_volume = Volume print_line(prefix(2) "
") } html_end_toc() html_begin_issue() print_line(prefix(2) Journal "
") } else { print_line("") print_line(Journal) } print_line(strip_html(vol_no_month_year())) if (HTML) { html_end_issue() html_toc_entry() html_begin_toc() } else print_line("") } function do_number() { Number = get_value($0) } function do_Other() { In_Article = 0 } function do_pages() { Pages = get_value($0) sub(/--[?][?]/,"",Pages) } function do_String() { sub(/^[^\{]*\{/,"",$0) # discard up to and including open brace sub(/\} *$/,"",$0) # discard from optional whitespace and trailing brace to end of line String[get_key($0)] = get_value($0) } function do_title() { Title = TeX_to_HTML(get_value($0)) } function do_URL( parts) { Url = get_value($0) split(Url,parts,"[,;]") # in case we have multiple URLs Url = trim(parts[1]) } function do_volume() { Volume = get_value($0) } function do_year() { Year = get_value($0) } function get_abbrev(s) { # return abbrev from ``key = abbrev,'' sub(/^[^=]*= */,"",s) # discard text up to start of non-blank value sub(/ *,? *$/,"",s) # discard trailing optional whitspace, quote, # optional comma, and optional space return (s) } function get_key(s) { # return kay from ``key = "value",'' sub(/^ */,"",s) # discard leading space sub(/ *=.*$/,"",s) # discard everthing after key return (s) } function get_value(s) { # return value from ``key = "value",'' sub(/^[^\"]*\" */,"",s) # discard text up to start of non-blank value sub(/ *\",? *$/,"",s) # discard trailing optional whitspace, quote, # optional comma, and optional space return (s) } function html_accents(s) { if (index(s,"\\") > 0) # important optimization { # Convert common lower-case accented letters according to the # table on p. 169 of in Peter Flynn's ``The World Wide Web # Handbook'', International Thomson Computer Press, 1995, ISBN # 1-85032-205-8. The official table of ISO Latin 1 SGML # entities used in HTML can be found in the file # /usr/local/lib/html-check/lib/ISOlat1.sgml (your path # may differ). gsub(/{\\\a}/, "\\à", s) gsub(/{\\'a}/, "\\á", s) gsub(/{\\[\^]a}/,"\\â", s) gsub(/{\\~a}/, "\\ã", s) gsub(/{\\\"a}/, "\\ä", s) gsub(/{\\aa}/, "\\å", s) gsub(/{\\ae}/, "\\æ", s) gsub(/\{\\c\{c\}\}/,"\\ç", s) gsub(/\{\\\e\}/, "\\è", s) gsub(/\{\\'e\}/, "\\é", s) gsub(/\{\\[\^]e\}/,"\\ê", s) gsub(/\{\\\"e\}/, "\\ë", s) gsub(/\{\\\i\}/, "\\ì", s) gsub(/\{\\'i\}/, "\\í", s) gsub(/\{\\[\^]i\}/,"\\î", s) gsub(/\{\\\"i\}/, "\\ï", s) # ignore eth and thorn gsub(/\{\\~n\}/, "\\ñ", s) gsub(/\{\\\o\}/, "\\ò", s) gsub(/\{\\'o\}/, "\\ó", s) gsub(/\{\\[\^]o\}/, "\\ô", s) gsub(/\{\\~o\}/, "\\õ", s) gsub(/\{\\\"o\}/, "\\ö", s) gsub(/\{\\o\}/, "\\ø", s) gsub(/\{\\\u\}/, "\\ù", s) gsub(/\{\\'u\}/, "\\ú", s) gsub(/\{\\[\^]u\}/,"\\û", s) gsub(/\{\\\"u\}/, "\\ü", s) gsub(/\{\\'y\}/, "\\ý", s) gsub(/\{\\\"y\}/, "\\ÿ", s) # Now do the same for upper-case accents gsub(/\{\\\A\}/, "\\À", s) gsub(/\{\\'A\}/, "\\Á", s) gsub(/\{\\[\^]A\}/, "\\Â", s) gsub(/\{\\~A\}/, "\\Ã", s) gsub(/\{\\\"A\}/, "\\Ä", s) gsub(/\{\\AA\}/, "\\Å", s) gsub(/\{\\AE\}/, "\\Æ", s) gsub(/\{\\c\{C\}\}/,"\\Ç", s) gsub(/\{\\\e\}/, "\\È", s) gsub(/\{\\'E\}/, "\\É", s) gsub(/\{\\[\^]E\}/, "\\Ê", s) gsub(/\{\\\"E\}/, "\\Ë", s) gsub(/\{\\\I\}/, "\\Ì", s) gsub(/\{\\'I\}/, "\\Í", s) gsub(/\{\\[\^]I\}/, "\\Î", s) gsub(/\{\\\"I\}/, "\\Ï", s) # ignore eth and thorn gsub(/\{\\~N\}/, "\\Ñ", s) gsub(/\{\\\O\}/, "\\Ò", s) gsub(/\{\\'O\}/, "\\Ó", s) gsub(/\{\\[\^]O\}/, "\\Ô", s) gsub(/\{\\~O\}/, "\\Õ", s) gsub(/\{\\\"O\}/, "\\Ö", s) gsub(/\{\\O\}/, "\\Ø", s) gsub(/\{\\\U\}/, "\\Ù", s) gsub(/\{\\'U\}/, "\\Ú", s) gsub(/\{\\[\^]U\}/, "\\Û", s) gsub(/\{\\\"U\}/, "\\Ü", s) gsub(/\{\\'Y\}/, "\\Ý", s) gsub(/\{\\ss\}/, "\\ß", s) # Others not mentioned in Flynn's book gsub(/\{\\'\\i\}/,"\\í", s) gsub(/\{\\'\\j\}/,"j", s) } return (s) } function html_begin_issue() { print_line("") print_line(prefix(2) "
") print_line("") print_line(prefix(2) "

") print_line(prefix(3) "") } function html_begin_pages() { return ((HTML && (BIBFILEURL != "")) ? ("") : "") } function html_begin_pre() { In_PRE = 1 print_line("

function html_begin_title()
	return ((HTML && (Url != "")) ? ("") : "")

function html_begin_toc()

function html_body( k)
	for (k = 1; k <= BodyLines; ++k)
		print Body[k]

function html_breakpoint(title,maxlength, break_after,k)
	# Return the largest character position in title AFTER which we
	# can break the title across lines, without exceeding maxlength
	# visible characters.
	if (html_length(title) > maxlength)	# then need to split title across lines
		# In the presence of HTML markup, the initialization of
		# k here is complicated, because we need to advance it
		# until html_length(title) is at least maxlength,
		# without invoking the expensive html_length() function
		# too frequently.  The need to split the title makes the
		# alternative of delayed insertion of HTML markup much
		# more complicated.
		break_after = 0
		for (k = min(maxlength,length(title)); k < length(title); ++k)
			if (substr(title,k+1,1) == " ")
			{		# could break after position k
				if (html_length(substr(title,1,k)) <= maxlength)
					break_after = k
				else	# advanced too far, retreat back to last break_after
		if (break_after == 0)		# no breakpoint found by forward scan
		{				# so switch to backward scan
			for (k = min(maxlength,length(title)) - 1; \
				(k > 0) && (substr(title,k+1,1) != " "); --k)
				;		# find space at which to break title
			if (k < 1)		# no break point found
				k = length(title) # so must print entire string
			k = break_after
	else					# title fits on one line
		k = length(title)
	return (k)

function html_end_issue()
	print_line(prefix(3) "")
	print_line(prefix(2) "

") } function html_end_pages() { return ((HTML && (BIBFILEURL != "")) ? "" : "") } function html_end_pre() { if (In_PRE) { print_line("") In_PRE = 0 } } function html_end_title() { return ((HTML && (Url != "")) ? "" : "") } function html_end_toc() { html_end_pre() } function html_fonts(s, arg,control_word,k,level,n,open_brace) { open_brace = index(s,"{") if (open_brace > 0) # important optimization { level = 1 for (k = open_brace + 1; (level != 0) && (k <= length(s)); ++k) { if (substr(s,k,1) == "{") level++ else if (substr(s,k,1) == "}") level-- } # {...} is now found at open_brace ... (k-1) for (control_word in Font_decl_map) # look for {\xxx ...} { if (substr(s,open_brace+1,length(control_word)+1) ~ \ ("\\" control_word "[^A-Za-z]")) { n = open_brace + 1 + length(control_word) arg = trim(substr(s,n,k - n)) if (Font_decl_map[control_word] == "toupper") # arg -> ARG arg = toupper(arg) else if (Font_decl_map[control_word] != "") # arg -> arg arg = "<" Font_decl_map[control_word] ">" arg "" return (substr(s,1,open_brace-1) arg html_fonts(substr(s,k))) } } for (control_word in Font_cmd_map) # look for \xxx{...} { if (substr(s,open_brace - length(control_word),length(control_word)) ~ \ ("\\" control_word)) { n = open_brace + 1 arg = trim(substr(s,n,k - n)) if (Font_cmd_map[control_word] == "toupper") # arg -> ARG arg = toupper(arg) else if (Font_cmd_map[control_word] != "") # arg -> arg arg = "<" Font_cmd_map[control_word] ">" arg "" n = open_brace - length(control_word) - 1 return (substr(s,1,n) arg html_fonts(substr(s,k))) } } } return (s) } function html_header() { USER = ENVIRON["USER"] if (USER == "") USER = ENVIRON["LOGNAME"] if (USER == "") USER = "????" "hostname" | getline HOSTNAME "date" | getline DATE ("ypcat passwd | grep '^" USER ":' | awk -F: '{print $5}'") | getline PERSONAL_NAME if (PERSONAL_NAME == "") ("grep '^" USER ":' /etc/passwd | awk -F: '{print $5}'") | getline PERSONAL_NAME print "" print "" print "" print "" print "" print "" print "" print "" print "" print prefix(1) "" print prefix(2) "" print prefix(3) Journal print prefix(2) "" print prefix(2) "" print prefix(1) "" print "" print prefix(1) "" } function html_label( label) { label = Volume "(" Number "):" Month ":" Year # gsub(/[^A-Za-z0-9():,;.\/\-]/,"",label) gsub(/[^[:alnum:]():,;.\/\-]/,"",label) return (label) } function html_length(s) { # Return visible length of s, ignoring any HTML markup if (HTML) { gsub(/<\/?[^>]*>/,"",s) # remove SGML tags # gsub(/&[A-Za-z0-9]+;/,"",s) # remove SGML entities gsub(/&[[:alnum:]]+;/,"",s) # remove SGML entities } return (length(s)) } function html_toc() { print prefix(2) "

" print prefix(3) "Table of contents for issues of " Journal print prefix(2) "

" print HTML_TOC } function html_toc_entry() { HTML_TOC = HTML_TOC " " HTML_TOC = HTML_TOC vol_no_month_year() HTML_TOC = HTML_TOC "
" "\n" } function html_trailer() { html_end_pre() print prefix(1) "" print "" } function initialize() { # NB: Update these when the program changes VERSION_DATE = "[09-Oct-1996]" VERSION_NUMBER = "1.00" HTML = (HTML == "") ? 0 : (0 + HTML) if (INDENT == "") INDENT = 4 if (HTML == 0) INDENT = 0 # indentation suppressed in ASCII mode LEADERS = " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ." MAX_TITLE_CHARS = 36 # 36 produces a 79-char output line when there is # just an initial page number. If this is # increased, the LEADERS string may need to be # lengthened. MIN_LEADERS = 4 # Minimum number of characters from LEADERS # required when leaders are used. The total # number of characters that can appear in a # title line is MAX_TITLE_CHARS + MIN_LEADERS. # Leaders are omitted when the title length is # between MAX_TITLE_CHARS and this sum. MIN_LEADERS_SPACE = " " # must be at least MIN_LEADERS characters long Month_expansion["jan"] = "January" Month_expansion["feb"] = "February" Month_expansion["mar"] = "March" Month_expansion["apr"] = "April" Month_expansion["may"] = "May" Month_expansion["jun"] = "June" Month_expansion["jul"] = "July" Month_expansion["aug"] = "August" Month_expansion["sep"] = "September" Month_expansion["oct"] = "October" Month_expansion["nov"] = "November" Month_expansion["dec"] = "December" Font_cmd_map["\\emph"] = "EM" Font_cmd_map["\\textbf"] = "B" Font_cmd_map["\\textit"] = "I" Font_cmd_map["\\textmd"] = "" Font_cmd_map["\\textrm"] = "" Font_cmd_map["\\textsc"] = "toupper" Font_cmd_map["\\textsl"] = "I" Font_cmd_map["\\texttt"] = "t" Font_cmd_map["\\textup"] = "" Font_decl_map["\\bf"] = "B" Font_decl_map["\\em"] = "EM" Font_decl_map["\\it"] = "I" Font_decl_map["\\rm"] = "" Font_decl_map["\\sc"] = "toupper" Font_decl_map["\\sf"] = "" Font_decl_map["\\tt"] = "TT" Font_decl_map["\\itshape"] = "I" Font_decl_map["\\upshape"] = "" Font_decl_map["\\slshape"] = "I" Font_decl_map["\\scshape"] = "toupper" Font_decl_map["\\mdseries"] = "" Font_decl_map["\\bfseries"] = "B" Font_decl_map["\\rmfamily"] = "" Font_decl_map["\\sffamily"] = "" Font_decl_map["\\ttfamily"] = "TT" } function min(a,b) { return (a < b) ? a : b } function prefix(level) { # Return a prefix of up to 60 blanks if (In_PRE) return ("") else return (substr(" ", \ 1, INDENT * level)) } function print_line(line) { if (HTML) # must buffer in memory so that we can accumulate TOC Body[++BodyLines] = line else print line } function print_toc_line(author,title,pages, extra,leaders,n,t) { # When we have a multiline title, the hypertext link goes only # on the first line. A multiline hypertext link looks awful # because of long underlines under the leading indentation. if (pages == "") # then no leaders needed in title lines other than last one t = sprintf("%31s %s%s%s", author, Title_prefix, title, Title_suffix) else # last title line, with page number { n = html_length(title) # potentially expensive extra = n % 2 # extra space for aligned leader dots if (n <= MAX_TITLE_CHARS) # then need leaders leaders = substr(LEADERS, 1, MAX_TITLE_CHARS + MIN_LEADERS - extra - \ min(MAX_TITLE_CHARS,n)) else # title (almost) fills line, so no leaders leaders = substr(MIN_LEADERS_SPACE,1, \ (MAX_TITLE_CHARS + MIN_LEADERS - extra - n)) t = sprintf("%31s %s%s%s%s%s %4s", \ author, Title_prefix, title, Title_suffix, \ (extra ? " " : ""), leaders, pages) } Title_prefix = "" # forget any hypertext Title_suffix = "" # link material # Efficency note: an earlier version accumulated the body in a # single scalar like this: "Body = Body t". Profiling revealed # this statement as the major hot spot, and the change to array # storage made the program more than twice as fast. This # suggests that awk might benefit from an optimization of # "s = s t" that uses realloc() instead of malloc(). if (HTML) Body[++BodyLines] = t else print t } function protect_SGML_characters(s) { gsub(/&/,"\\&",s) # NB: this one MUST be first gsub(//,"\\>",s) gsub(/\"/,"\\"",s) return (s) } function strip_braces(s, k) { # strip non-backslashed braces from s and return the result return (strip_char(strip_char(s,"{"),"}")) } function strip_char(s,c, k) { # strip non-backslashed instances of c from s, and return the result k = index(s,c) if (k > 0) # then found the character { if (substr(s,k-1,1) != "\\") # then not backslashed char s = substr(s,1,k-1) strip_char(substr(s,k+1),c) # so remove it (recursively) else # preserve backslashed char s = substr(s,1,k) strip_char(s,k+1,c) } return (s) } function strip_html(s) { gsub(/<\/?[^>]*>/,"",s) return (s) } function terminate() { if (HTML) { html_end_pre() HTML = 0 # NB: stop line buffering html_header() html_toc() html_body() html_trailer() } } function TeX_to_HTML(s, k,n,parts) { # First convert the four SGML reserved characters to SGML entities if (HTML) { gsub(/>/, "\\>", s) gsub(/ 1) ? "$" : "") \ ((k % 2) ? strip_braces(TeX_to_HTML_nonmath(parts[k])) : \ TeX_to_HTML_math(parts[k])) gsub(/[$][$][$]/,"$$",s) # restore display math return (s) } function TeX_to_HTML_math(s) { # Mostly a dummy for now, but HTML 3 could support some math translation gsub(/\\&/,"\\&",s) # reduce TeX ampersands to SGML entities return (s) } function TeX_to_HTML_nonmath(s) { if (index(s,"\\") > 0) # important optimization { gsub(/\\slash +/,"/",s) # replace TeX slashes with conventional ones gsub(/ *\\emdash +/," --- ",s) # replace BibNet emdashes with conventional ones gsub(/\\%/,"%",s) # reduce TeX percents to conventional ones gsub(/\\[$]/,"$",s) # reduce TeX dollars to conventional ones gsub(/\\#/,"#",s) # reduce TeX sharps to conventional ones if (HTML) # translate TeX markup to HTML { gsub(/\\&/,"\\&",s) # reduce TeX ampersands to SGML entities s = html_accents(s) s = html_fonts(s) } else # plain ASCII text output: discard all TeX markup { gsub(/\\\&/, "\\&", s) # reduce TeX ampersands to conventional ones #gsub(/\\[a-z][a-z] +/,"",s) # remove TeX font changes gsub(/\\[[:lower:]][[:lower:]] +/,"",s) # remove TeX font changes #gsub(/\\[^A-Za-z]/,"",s) # remove remaining TeX control symbols gsub(/\\[^[:alpha:]]/,"",s) # remove remaining TeX control symbols } } return (s) } function trim(s) { gsub(/^[ \t]+/,"",s) gsub(/[ \t]+$/,"",s) return (s) } function vol_no_month_year() { return ("Volume " wrap(Volume) ", Number " wrap(Number) ", " wrap(Month) ", " wrap(Year)) } function wrap(value) { return (HTML ? ("" value "") : value) }