/dev/rrp3:: /dev/rrp3::&: 17379 mell 17379 mell&l 16693 bwk mee 16693 bwk mee&e 16116 ken him someone elsee 16116 ken him someone elsee&e 15713 srbb 15713 srbb&b 11895 lemm 11895 lemm&m 10409 scjj 10409 scjj&j 10252 rhmm 10252 rhmm&m 9853 shenn 9853 shenn&n 9748 a688 9748 a688&8 9492 siff 9492 siff&f 9190 pjww 9190 pjww&w 8912 nlss 8912 nlss&s 8895 dmrr 8895 dmrr&r 8491 cdaa 8491 cdaa&a 8372 bss 8372 bss&s 8252 llcc 8252 llcc&c 7450 mbb 7450 mbb&b 7360 avaa 7360 avaa&a 7273 jrvv 7273 jrvv&v 7080 binn 7080 binn&n 7063 gregg 7063 gregg&g 6567 dictt 6567 dictt&t 6462 lckk 6462 lckk&k 6291 rjee 6291 rjee&e 6211 lwff 6211 lwff&f 5671 davee 5671 davee&e 5373 jhcc 5373 jhcc&c 5220 agff 5220 agff&f 5167 dougg 5167 dougg&g 5007 valeriee 5007 valeriee&e 3963 jcaa 3963 jcaa&a 3895 bbss 3895 bbss&s 3796 mohh 3796 mohh&h 3481 xcharr 3481 xcharr&r 3200 tbll 3200 tbll&l 2845 ss 2845 ss&s 2774 tgss 2774 tgss&s 2641 mett 2641 mett&t 2566 jckk 2566 jckk&k 2511 portt 2511 portt&t 2479 suee 2479 suee&e 2127 roott 2127 roott&t 1989 bsbb 1989 bsbb&b 1989 jegg 1989 jegg&g 1933 eagg 1933 eagg&g 1801 pdjj 1801 pdjj&j 1590 tpcc 1590 tpcc&c 1385 cvww 1385 cvww&w 1370 rwmm 1370 rwmm&m 1316 avgg 1316 avgg&g 1205 egg 1205 egg&g 1194 jamm 1194 jamm&m 1153 dll 1153 dll&l 1150 lgmm 1150 lgmm&m 1031 cmbb 1031 cmbb&b 1018 jwrr 1018 jwrr&r 950 gdbb 950 gdbb&b 931 marcc 931 marcc&c 898 usgg 898 usgg&g 865 ggrr 865 ggrr&r 822 daemonn 822 daemonn&n 803 mihaliss 803 mihaliss&s 700 honeyy 700 honeyy&y 624 tadd 624 tadd&d 559 acss 559 acss&s 541 uucpp 541 uucpp&p 523 raff 523 raff&f 495 adhh 495 adhh&h 456 kecc 456 kecc&c 414 craigg 414 craigg&g 386 donmacc 386 donmacc&c 375 jjj 375 jjj&j 348 ravii 348 ravii&i 344 drww 344 drww&w 327 starss 327 starss&s 288 mrgg 288 mrgg&g 272 jcbb 272 jcbb&b 263 ralphh 263 ralphh&h 253 tomm 253 tomm&m 251 sjbb 251 sjbb&b 248 haightt 248 haightt&t 224 sharonn 224 sharonn&n 222 chuckk 222 chuckk&k 213 dsjj 213 dsjj&j 201 billl 201 billl&l 184 godd 184 godd&d 176 syss 176 syss&s 166 mehh 166 mehh&h 163 jonn 163 jonn&n 144 dann 144 dann&n 143 foxx 143 foxx&x 123 dalee 123 dalee&e 116 kabb 116 kabb&b 95 buzz 95 buzz&z 80 ascc 80 ascc&c 79 jass 79 jass&s 79 trtt 79 trtt&t 64 wsbb 64 wsbb&b 62 dwhh 62 dwhh&h 56 ktff 56 ktff&f 54 lrr 54 lrr&r 47 dlcc 47 dlcc&c 45 dlss 45 dlss&s 45 jwff 45 jwff&f 44 mashh 44 mashh&h 43 arss 43 arss&s 43 vgll 43 vgll&l 37 jfoo 37 jfoo&o 32 rabb 32 rabb&b 31 pdd 31 pdd&d 29 jnss 29 jnss&s 25 spmm 25 spmm&m 22 robb 22 robb&b 15 egbb 15 egbb&b 10 hmm 10 hmm&m 10 mhbb 10 mhbb&b 6 aedd 6 aedd&d 6 cpbb 6 cpbb&b 5 evpp 5 evpp&p 4 berr 4 berr&r 4 menn 4 menn&n 4 mitchh 4 mitchh&h 3 astt 3 astt&t 3 jfrr 3 jfrr&r 3 laxx 3 laxx&x 3 nell 3 nell&l 2 bluee 2 bluee&e 2 jfkk 2 jfkk&k 2 njass 2 njass&s 1 122secc 1 122secc&c 1 ddwarr 1 ddwarr&r 1 gopii 1 gopii&i 1 jkk 1 jkk&k 1 learnn 1 learnn&n 1 loww 1 loww&w 1 nacc 1 nacc&c 1 sidorr 1 sidorr&r 1root:EMpNB8Zp56:0:0:Super-User,,,,,,,:/:/bin/shh 1root:EMpNB8Zp56:0:0:Super-User,,,,,,,:/:/bin/shh&h 2roottcsh:*:0:0:Super-User running tcsh [cbm]:/:/bin/tcshh 2roottcsh:*:0:0:Super-User running tcsh [cbm]:/:/bin/tcshh&h 3sysadm:*:0:0:System V Administration:/usr/admin:/bin/shh 3sysadm:*:0:0:System V Administration:/usr/admin:/bin/shh&h 4diag:*:0:996:Hardware Diagnostics:/usr/diags:/bin/cshh 4diag:*:0:996:Hardware Diagnostics:/usr/diags:/bin/cshh&h 5daemon:*:1:1:daemons:/:/bin/shh 5daemon:*:1:1:daemons:/:/bin/shh&h 6bin:*:2:2:System Tools Owner:/bin:/dev/nulll 6bin:*:2:2:System Tools Owner:/bin:/dev/nulll&l 7nuucp:BJnuQbAo:6:10:UUCP.Admin:/usr/spool/uucppublic:/usr/lib/uucp/uucicoo 7nuucp:BJnuQbAo:6:10:UUCP.Admin:/usr/spool/uucppublic:/usr/lib/uucp/uucicoo&o 8uucp:*:3:5:UUCP.Admin:/usr/lib/uucp:: 8uucp:*:3:5:UUCP.Admin:/usr/lib/uucp::&: 9sys:*:4:0:System Activity Owner:/usr/adm:/bin/shh 9sys:*:4:0:System Activity Owner:/usr/adm:/bin/shh&h 10adm:*:5:3:Accounting Files Owner:/usr/adm:/bin/shh 10adm:*:5:3:Accounting Files Owner:/usr/adm:/bin/shh&h 11lp:*:9:9:Print Spooler Owner:/var/spool/lp:/bin/shh 11lp:*:9:9:Print Spooler Owner:/var/spool/lp:/bin/shh&h 12auditor:*:11:0:Audit Activity Owner:/auditor:/bin/shh 12auditor:*:11:0:Audit Activity Owner:/auditor:/bin/shh&h 13dbadmin:*:12:0:Security Database Owner:/dbadmin:/bin/shh 13dbadmin:*:12:0:Security Database Owner:/dbadmin:/bin/shh&h 14bootes:dcon:50:1:Tom Killian (DO NOT REMOVE):/tmp:: 14bootes:dcon:50:1:Tom Killian (DO NOT REMOVE):/tmp::&: 15cdjuke:dcon:51:1:Tom Killian (DO NOT REMOVE):/tmp:: 15cdjuke:dcon:51:1:Tom Killian (DO NOT REMOVE):/tmp::&: 16rfindd:*:66:1:Rfind Daemon and Fsdump:/var/rfindd:/bin/shh 16rfindd:*:66:1:Rfind Daemon and Fsdump:/var/rfindd:/bin/shh&h 17EZsetup:*:992:998:System Setup:/var/sysadmdesktop/EZsetup:/bin/cshh 17EZsetup:*:992:998:System Setup:/var/sysadmdesktop/EZsetup:/bin/cshh&h 18demos:*:993:997:Demonstration User:/usr/demos:/bin/cshh 18demos:*:993:997:Demonstration User:/usr/demos:/bin/cshh&h 19tutor:*:994:997:Tutorial User:/usr/tutor:/bin/cshh 19tutor:*:994:997:Tutorial User:/usr/tutor:/bin/cshh&h 20tour:*:995:997:IRIS Space Tour:/usr/people/tour:/bin/cshh 20tour:*:995:997:IRIS Space Tour:/usr/people/tour:/bin/cshh&h 21guest:nfP4/Wpvio/Rw:998:998:Guest Account:/usr/people/guest:/bin/cshh 21guest:nfP4/Wpvio/Rw:998:998:Guest Account:/usr/people/guest:/bin/cshh&h 224Dgifts:0nWRTZsOMt.:999:998:4Dgifts Account:/usr/people/4Dgifts:/bin/cshh 224Dgifts:0nWRTZsOMt.:999:998:4Dgifts Account:/usr/people/4Dgifts:/bin/cshh&h 23nobody:*:60001:60001:SVR4 nobody uid:/dev/null:/dev/nulll 23nobody:*:60001:60001:SVR4 nobody uid:/dev/null:/dev/nulll&l 24noaccess:*:60002:60002:uid no access:/dev/null:/dev/nulll 24noaccess:*:60002:60002:uid no access:/dev/null:/dev/nulll&l 25nobody:*:-2:-2:original nobody uid:/dev/null:/dev/nulll 25nobody:*:-2:-2:original nobody uid:/dev/null:/dev/nulll&l 26rje:*:8:8:RJE Owner:/usr/spool/rje:: 26rje:*:8:8:RJE Owner:/usr/spool/rje::&: 27changes:*:11:11:system change log:/:: 27changes:*:11:11:system change log:/::&: 28dist:sorry:9999:4:file distributions:/v/adm/dist:/v/bin/shh 28dist:sorry:9999:4:file distributions:/v/adm/dist:/v/bin/shh&h 29man:*:99:995:On-line Manual Owner:/:: 29man:*:99:995:On-line Manual Owner:/::&: 30phoneca:*:991:991:phone call log [tom]:/v/adm/log:/v/bin/shh 30phoneca:*:991:991:phone call log [tom]:/v/adm/log:/v/bin/shh&h 1r oot EMpNB8Zp56 0 0 Super-User,,,,,,, / /bin/shh 1r oot EMpNB8Zp56 0 0 Super-User,,,,,,, / /bin/shh&h 2r oottcsh * 0 0 Super-User running tcsh [cbm] / /bin/tcshh 2r oottcsh * 0 0 Super-User running tcsh [cbm] / /bin/tcshh&h 3s ysadm * 0 0 System V Administration /usr/admin /bin/shh 3s ysadm * 0 0 System V Administration /usr/admin /bin/shh&h 4d iag * 0 996 Hardware Diagnostics /usr/diags /bin/cshh 4d iag * 0 996 Hardware Diagnostics /usr/diags /bin/cshh&h 5d aemon * 1 1 daemons / /bin/shh 5d aemon * 1 1 daemons / /bin/shh&h 6b in * 2 2 System Tools Owner /bin /dev/nulll 6b in * 2 2 System Tools Owner /bin /dev/nulll&l 7n uucp BJnuQbAo 6 10 UUCP.Admin /usr/spool/uucppublic /usr/lib/uucp/uucicoo 7n uucp BJnuQbAo 6 10 UUCP.Admin /usr/spool/uucppublic /usr/lib/uucp/uucicoo&o 8u ucp * 3 5 UUCP.Admin /usr/lib/uucp 8u ucp * 3 5 UUCP.Admin /usr/lib/uucp & 9s ys * 4 0 System Activity Owner /usr/adm /bin/shh 9s ys * 4 0 System Activity Owner /usr/adm /bin/shh&h 10 adm * 5 3 Accounting Files Owner /usr/adm /bin/shh 10 adm * 5 3 Accounting Files Owner /usr/adm /bin/shh&h 11 lp * 9 9 Print Spooler Owner /var/spool/lp /bin/shh 11 lp * 9 9 Print Spooler Owner /var/spool/lp /bin/shh&h 12 auditor * 11 0 Audit Activity Owner /auditor /bin/shh 12 auditor * 11 0 Audit Activity Owner /auditor /bin/shh&h 13 dbadmin * 12 0 Security Database Owner /dbadmin /bin/shh 13 dbadmin * 12 0 Security Database Owner /dbadmin /bin/shh&h 14 bootes dcon 50 1 Tom Killian (DO NOT REMOVE) /tmp 14 bootes dcon 50 1 Tom Killian (DO NOT REMOVE) /tmp & 15 cdjuke dcon 51 1 Tom Killian (DO NOT REMOVE) /tmp 15 cdjuke dcon 51 1 Tom Killian (DO NOT REMOVE) /tmp & 16 rfindd * 66 1 Rfind Daemon and Fsdump /var/rfindd /bin/shh 16 rfindd * 66 1 Rfind Daemon and Fsdump /var/rfindd /bin/shh&h 17 EZsetup * 992 998 System Setup /var/sysadmdesktop/EZsetup /bin/cshh 17 EZsetup * 992 998 System Setup /var/sysadmdesktop/EZsetup /bin/cshh&h 18 demos * 993 997 Demonstration User /usr/demos /bin/cshh 18 demos * 993 997 Demonstration User /usr/demos /bin/cshh&h 19 tutor * 994 997 Tutorial User /usr/tutor /bin/cshh 19 tutor * 994 997 Tutorial User /usr/tutor /bin/cshh&h 20 tour * 995 997 IRIS Space Tour /usr/people/tour /bin/cshh 20 tour * 995 997 IRIS Space Tour /usr/people/tour /bin/cshh&h 21 guest nfP4/Wpvio/Rw 998 998 Guest Account /usr/people/guest /bin/cshh 21 guest nfP4/Wpvio/Rw 998 998 Guest Account /usr/people/guest /bin/cshh&h 22 4Dgifts 0nWRTZsOMt. 999 998 4Dgifts Account /usr/people/4Dgifts /bin/cshh 22 4Dgifts 0nWRTZsOMt. 999 998 4Dgifts Account /usr/people/4Dgifts /bin/cshh&h 23 nobody * 60001 60001 SVR4 nobody uid /dev/null /dev/nulll 23 nobody * 60001 60001 SVR4 nobody uid /dev/null /dev/nulll&l 24 noaccess * 60002 60002 uid no access /dev/null /dev/nulll 24 noaccess * 60002 60002 uid no access /dev/null /dev/nulll&l 25 nobody * -2 -2 original nobody uid /dev/null /dev/nulll 25 nobody * -2 -2 original nobody uid /dev/null /dev/nulll&l 26 rje * 8 8 RJE Owner /usr/spool/rje 26 rje * 8 8 RJE Owner /usr/spool/rje & 27 changes * 11 11 system change log / 27 changes * 11 11 system change log / & 28 dist sorry 9999 4 file distributions /v/adm/dist /v/bin/shh 28 dist sorry 9999 4 file distributions /v/adm/dist /v/bin/shh&h 29 man * 99 995 On-line Manual Owner / 29 man * 99 995 On-line Manual Owner / & 30 phoneca * 991 991 phone call log [tom] /v/adm/log /v/bin/shh 30 phoneca * 991 991 phone call log [tom] /v/adm/log /v/bin/shh&h