'\" te .\" Copyright (c) 2004, Sun Microsystems, Inc., .\" All Rights Reserved .\" The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. .\" You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. .\" When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE. If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] .TH usb_register_hotplug_cbs 9F "17 Aug 2004" "SunOS 5.11" "Kernel Functions for Drivers" .SH NAME usb_register_hotplug_cbs, usb_unregister_hotplug_cbs \- Register/unregister for notification of device hotplug events .SH SYNOPSIS .LP .nf #include \fB\fR\fBint\fR \fBusb_register_hotplug_cbs\fR(\fBdev_info_t *\fR\fIdip\fR, \fBint\fR \fI(*disconnection_event_handler)\fR(dev_info_t *\fIdip\fR, \fBint\fR \fI(*reconnection_event_handler)\fR(dev_info_t *\fIdip\fR); .fi .LP .nf \fBvoid\fR \fB\fR\fBusb_unregister_hotplug_cbs\fR(\fBdev_info_t *\fR\fIdip\fR); .fi .SH INTERFACE LEVEL .sp .LP Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI) .SH PARAMETERS .sp .LP For \fBusb_register_hotplug_cbs()\fR .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIdip\fR\fR .ad .sp .6 .RS 4n Pointer to the device's \fBdev_info\fR structure. .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIdisconnection_event_handler\fR\fR .ad .sp .6 .RS 4n Called when device is disconnected. This handler takes a dev_info_t as an argument (representing the device being disconnected) and always returns USB_SUCCESS. .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIreconnection_event_handler\fR\fR .ad .sp .6 .RS 4n Called when device is reconnected. This handler takes a dev_info_t as an argument (representing the device being reconnected) and always returns USB_SUCCESS. .RE .sp .LP For \fBusb_unregister_hotplug_cbs()\fR: .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIdip\fR\fR .ad .RS 7n .rt Pointer to the device's \fBdev_info\fR structure. .RE .SH DESCRIPTION .sp .LP The \fBusb_register_hotplug_cbs()\fR function registers callbacks to be executed when the USB device represented by \fIdip\fR is hotplugged or removed. .sp .LP The \fBusb_unregister_hotplug_cbs()\fR function unregisters or disengages callbacks from executing when the USB device represented by \fIdip\fR is hotplugged or removed. .SH RETURN VALUES .sp .LP For \fBusb_register_hotplug_cbs()\fR: .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fBUSB_SUCCESS\fR .ad .RS 15n .rt Callbacks were successfully registered. .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fBUSB_FAILURE\fR .ad .RS 15n .rt One or more arguments were NULL. .sp Callbacks could not be successfully registered. .RE .sp .LP For \fBusb_unregister_hotplug_cbs()\fR: None .SH CONTEXT .sp .LP The \fBusb_register_hotplug_cbs()\fR function may be called only from \fBattach\fR(9E). .sp .LP The \fBusb_unregister_hotplug_cbs()\fR function may be called only from \fBdetach\fR(9E). .sp .LP Registered callback handlers requiring the use of any DDI (section 9F) function (except ddi_taskq_* functions), should launch a separate thread using ddi_taskq_* routines for processing their event, to avoid deadlocks. The new thread can then safely call any DDI function it needs to handle the event. .sp .LP The registered callback handlers execute in kernel context. .SH EXAMPLES .sp .in +2 .nf int remove_device(dev_info_t *) { ... ... return (USB_SUCCESS); } int accommodate_device(dev_info_t *) { ... ... return (USB_SUCCESS); } if (usb_register_hotplug_cbs( dip, remove_device, accommodate_device) == USB_FAILURE) { cmn_err (CE_WARN, "%s%d: Could not register hotplug handlers.", ddi_driver_name(dip), ddi_get_instance(dip)); } .fi .in -2 .SH ATTRIBUTES .sp .LP See \fBattributes\fR(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: .sp .sp .TS tab() box; cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) . ATTRIBUTE TYPEATTRIBUTE VALUE _ ArchitecturePCI-based systems _ Interface stabilityCommitted .TE .SH SEE ALSO .sp .LP \fBattributes\fR(5), \fBattach\fR(9E), \fBdetach\fR(9E), \fBusb_get_status\fR(9F)