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.TH DDI_ADD_SOFTINTR 9F "Oct 19, 2005"
ddi_add_softintr, ddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie, ddi_remove_softintr,
ddi_trigger_softintr \- software interrupt handling routines
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/conf.h>
#include <sys/ddi.h>
#include <sys/sunddi.h>

\fBint\fR \fBddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie\fR(\fBdev_info_t *\fR\fIdip\fR,
\fBint\fR \fIpreference\fR, \fBddi_iblock_cookie_t *\fR\fIiblock_cookiep\fR);

\fBint\fR \fBddi_add_softintr\fR(\fBdev_info_t *\fR\fIdip\fR, \fBint\fR \fIpreference\fR, \fBddi_softintr_t *\fR\fIidp\fR,
     \fBddi_iblock_cookie_t *\fR\fIiblock_cookiep\fR, \fBddi_idevice_cookie_t *\fR
     \fBuint_t(*\fR\fIint_handler\fR) (caddr_t \fIint_handler_arg\fR), \fBcaddr_t\fR

\fBvoid\fR \fBddi_remove_softintr\fR(\fBddi_softintr_t\fR \fIid\fR);

\fBvoid\fR \fBddi_trigger_softintr\fR(\fBddi_softintr_t\fR \fIid\fR);

illumos DDI specific (illumos DDI). These interfaces are obsolete. Use the new
interrupt interfaces referenced in \fBIntro\fR(9F). Refer to \fIWriting Device
Drivers\fR for more information.
.ne 2
.RS 18n
Pointer to a \fBdev_info\fR structure.

.ne 2
.RS 18n
The type of soft interrupt to retrieve the cookie for.

.ne 2
.RS 18n
Pointer to a location to store the interrupt block cookie.

.ne 2
.RS 19n
Pointer to \fBdev_info\fR structure.

.ne 2
.RS 19n
A hint value describing the type of soft interrupt to generate.

.ne 2
.RS 19n
Pointer to a soft interrupt identifier where a returned soft interrupt
identifier is stored.

.ne 2
.RS 19n
Optional pointer to an interrupt block cookie where a returned interrupt block
cookie is stored.

.ne 2
.RS 19n
Optional pointer to an interrupt device cookie where a returned interrupt
device cookie is stored (not used).

.ne 2
.RS 19n
Pointer to interrupt handler.

.ne 2
.RS 19n
Argument for interrupt handler.

.ne 2
.RS 6n
The identifier specifying which soft interrupt handler to remove.

.ne 2
.RS 6n
The identifier specifying which soft interrupt to trigger and which soft
interrupt handler will be called.

For \fBddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie()\fR:
\fBddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie()\fR retrieves the interrupt block cookie
associated with a particular soft interrupt preference level. This routine
should be called before \fBddi_add_softintr()\fR to retrieve the interrupt
block cookie needed to initialize locks ( \fBmutex\fR(9F), \fBrwlock\fR(9F))
used by the software interrupt routine. \fIpreference\fR determines which type
of soft interrupt to retrieve the cookie for. The possible values for
\fIpreference\fR are:
.ne 2
.RS 20n
Low priority soft interrupt.

.ne 2
.RS 20n
Medium priority soft interrupt.

.ne 2
.RS 20n
High priority soft interrupt.

On a successful return, \fIiblock_cookiep\fR contains information needed for
initializing locks associated with this soft interrupt (see
\fBmutex_init\fR(9F) and \fBrw_init\fR(9F)). The driver can then initialize
mutexes acquired by the interrupt routine before calling
\fBddi_add_softintr()\fR which prevents a possible race condition where the
driver's soft interrupt handler is called immediately \fBafter\fR the driver
has called \fBddi_add_softintr()\fR but \fBbefore\fR the driver has initialized
the mutexes. This can happen when a soft interrupt for a different device
occurs on the same soft interrupt priority level. If the soft interrupt routine
acquires the mutex before it has been initialized, undefined behavior may
For \fBddi_add_softintr()\fR:
\fBddi_add_softintr()\fR adds a soft interrupt to the system. The user
specified hint \fIpreference\fR identifies three suggested levels for the
system to attempt to allocate the soft interrupt priority at. The value for
\fIpreference\fR should be the same as that used in the corresponding call to
\fBddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie()\fR. Refer to the description of
\fBddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie()\fR above.
The value returned in the location pointed at by \fIidp\fR is the soft
interrupt identifier. This value is used in later calls to
\fBddi_remove_softintr()\fR and \fBddi_trigger_softintr()\fR to identify the
soft interrupt and the soft interrupt handler.
The value returned in the location pointed at by \fIiblock_cookiep\fR is an
interrupt block cookie which contains information used for initializing mutexes
associated with this soft interrupt (see \fBmutex_init\fR(9F) and
\fBrw_init\fR(9F)). Note that the interrupt block cookie is normally obtained
using \fBddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie()\fR to avoid the race conditions described
above (refer to the description of \fBddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie()\fR above).
For this reason, \fIiblock_cookiep\fR is no longer useful and should be set to
\fIidevice_cookiep\fR is not used and should be set to \fINULL\fR.
The routine \fIint_handler\fR, with its argument \fIint_handler_arg\fR, is
called upon receipt of a software interrupt. Software interrupt handlers must
not assume that they have work to do when they run, since (like hardware
interrupt handlers) they may run because a soft interrupt occurred for some
other reason. For example, another driver may have triggered a soft interrupt
at the same level. For this reason, before triggering the soft interrupt, the
driver must indicate to its soft interrupt handler that it should do work. This
is usually done by setting a flag in the state structure. The routine
\fIint_handler\fR checks this flag, reachable through \fIint_handler_arg\fR, to
determine if it should claim the interrupt and do its work.
The interrupt handler must return \fBDDI_INTR_CLAIMED\fR if the interrupt was
claimed, \fBDDI_INTR_UNCLAIMED\fR otherwise.
If successful, \fBddi_add_softintr()\fR will return \fBDDI_SUCCESS\fR; if the
interrupt information cannot be found, it will return \fBDDI_FAILURE\fR.
For \fBddi_remove_softintr()\fR:
\fBddi_remove_softintr()\fR removes a soft interrupt from the system. The soft
interrupt identifier \fIid\fR, which was returned from a call to
\fBddi_add_softintr()\fR, is used to determine which soft interrupt and which
soft interrupt handler to remove. Drivers must remove any soft interrupt
handlers before allowing the system to unload the driver.
For \fBddi_trigger_softintr()\fR:
\fBddi_trigger_softintr()\fR triggers a soft interrupt. The soft interrupt
identifier \fIid\fR is used to determine which soft interrupt to trigger. This
function is used by device drivers when they wish to trigger a soft interrupt
which has been set up using \fBddi_add_softintr()\fR.
\fBddi_add_softintr()\fR and \fBddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie()\fR return:
.ne 2
.RS 15n
on success

.ne 2
.RS 15n
on failure

These functions can be called from user or kernel context.
\fBddi_trigger_softintr()\fR may be called from high-level interrupt context as
\fBExample 1 \fRdevice using high-level interrupts
In the following example, the device uses high-level interrupts. High-level
interrupts are those that interrupt at the level of the scheduler and above.
High level interrupts must be handled without using system services that
manipulate thread or process states, because these interrupts are not blocked
by the scheduler. In addition, high level interrupt handlers must take care to
do a minimum of work because they are not preemptable. See

In the example, the high-level interrupt routine minimally services the device,
and enqueues the data for later processing by the soft interrupt handler. If
the soft interrupt handler is not currently running, the high-level interrupt
routine triggers a soft interrupt so the soft interrupt handler can process the
data. Once running, the soft interrupt handler processes all the enqueued data
before returning.

The state structure contains two mutexes. The high-level mutex is used to
protect data shared between the high-level interrupt handler and the soft
interrupt handler. The low-level mutex is used to protect the rest of the
driver from the soft interrupt handler.

.in +2
struct xxstate {
      ddi_softintr_t             id;
         ddi_iblock_cookie_t     high_iblock_cookie;
         kmutex_t                      high_mutex;
         ddi_iblock_cookie_t     low_iblock_cookie;
         kmutex_t                      low_mutex;
         int                              softint_running;
struct xxstate *xsp;
static uint_t xxsoftintr(caddr_t);
static uint_t xxhighintr(caddr_t);
.in -2

\fBExample 2 \fRsample \fBattach()\fR routine
The following code fragment would usually appear in the driver's
\fBattach\fR(9E) routine. \fBddi_add_intr\fR(9F) is used to add the high-level
interrupt handler and \fBddi_add_softintr()\fR is used to add the low-level
interrupt routine.

.in +2
static uint_t
xxattach(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_attach_cmd_t cmd)
         struct xxstate *xsp;
      /* get high-level iblock cookie */
         if (ddi_get_iblock_cookie(dip, \fIinumber\fR,
                &xsp->high_iblock_cookie) != DDI_SUCCESS)  {
                      /* clean up */
                      return (DDI_FAILURE); /* fail attach */

         /* initialize high-level mutex */
         mutex_init(&xsp->high_mutex, "xx high mutex", MUTEX_DRIVER,
               (void *)xsp->high_iblock_cookie);

         /* add high-level routine - xxhighintr() */
         if (ddi_add_intr(dip, \fIinumber\fR, NULL, NULL,
                xxhighintr, (caddr_t) xsp) != DDI_SUCCESS)  {
                      /* cleanup */
                      return (DDI_FAILURE); /* fail attach */

         /* get soft iblock cookie */
         if (ddi_get_soft_iblock_cookie(dip, DDI_SOFTINT_MED,
                &xsp->low_iblock_cookie) != DDI_SUCCESS)  {
                      /* clean up */
                      return (DDI_FAILURE); /* fail attach */

         /* initialize low-level mutex */
         mutex_init(&xsp->low_mutex, "xx low mutex", MUTEX_DRIVER,
                (void *)xsp->low_iblock_cookie);

         /* add low level routine - xxsoftintr() */
         if ( ddi_add_softintr(dip, DDI_SOFTINT_MED, &xsp->id,
                NULL, NULL, xxsoftintr, (caddr_t) xsp) != DDI_SUCCESS) {
                      /* cleanup */
                      return (DDI_FAILURE);  /* fail attach */

.in -2

\fBExample 3 \fRHigh-level interrupt routine
The next code fragment represents the high-level interrupt routine. The
high-level interrupt routine minimally services the device, and enqueues the
data for later processing by the soft interrupt routine. If the soft interrupt
routine is not already running, \fBddi_trigger_softintr()\fR is called to start
the routine. The soft interrupt routine will run until there is no more data on
the queue.

.in +2
static uint_t
xxhighintr(caddr_t arg)
      struct xxstate *xsp = (struct xxstate *) arg;
         int need_softint;
         * Verify this device generated the interrupt
         * and disable the device interrupt.
         * Enqueue data for xxsoftintr() processing.

         /* is xxsoftintr() already running ? */
         if (xsp->softint_running)
                need_softint = 0;
                need_softint = 1;

          /* read-only access to xsp->id, no mutex needed */
          if (need_softint)
          return (DDI_INTR_CLAIMED);

static uint_t
xxsoftintr(caddr_t arg)
      struct xxstate *xsp = (struct xxstate *) arg;

      /* verify there is work to do */
      if (\fBwork queue empty\fR || xsp->softint_running )  {
                return (DDI_INTR_UNCLAIMED);

      xsp->softint_running = 1;

         while ( \fBdata on queue\fR )  {

                /* de-queue data */


                /* Process data on queue */


          xsp->softint_running = 0;

          return (DDI_INTR_CLAIMED);
.in -2

See \fBattributes\fR(7) for descriptions of the following attributes:

c | c
l | l .
Interface Stability	Obsolete

.BR Intro (9F),
.BR ddi_add_intr (9F),
.BR ddi_in_panic (9F),
.BR ddi_intr_hilevel (9F),
.BR ddi_remove_intr (9F),
.BR mutex_init (9F)
\fIWriting Device Drivers\fR
\fBddi_add_softintr()\fR may not be used to add the same software interrupt
handler more than once. This is true even if a different value is used for
\fIint_handler_arg\fR in each of the calls to \fBddi_add_softintr()\fR.
Instead, the argument passed to the interrupt handler should indicate what
service(s) the interrupt handler should perform. For example, the argument
could be a pointer to the device's soft state structure, which could contain
a 'which_service' field that the handler examines. The driver must set this field
to the appropriate value before calling \fBddi_trigger_softintr()\fR.